Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 12, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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a tt.p Si. ii.ii in. iiWTf.-r frTFiS?!
E 7 T j
Atlantic Seaboard Better Rep
resented Than Expected
by Portland Lodge.
JTew Tork 3fo. I Carrie Historic
FIf Through Streets States and
Cities Tram Bejond Rocky
Moantalns la March.
Tbe East, the Middle West and tbe
.far West from the most distant part
ef the Atlantic seaboard to the deserts
of Arizona and the sheep ranges of
Montana were represented In the
parade with bands, drill teams, floats
and Ions strings of shouting lodge
members. Hardly a state was without
a reoresentatlon of some kind and sev
era! were on hand with showings that
compared favorably with those made
by the state and cities nearer Port
. From the Atlantic Coast came the
lodges of New Tork, Jersey City, PrOTt.
denca, Brooklyn, N. J.; aiumue. N. J.t
South Orange, N. I. From the Middle
West were practically all of the states
and from the Far West not only ail
tbe states, but most of the cities and
lodges. The showing made by the
Easterners was far better than bad
been expected by members of Portland
New Tark Ha. 1 Represented.
- The first lodge in the parade was
New Tork No. 1 which was repre
sented by 11 delegates all attired in
blue serge coats, white duck pants and
straw hats. Each carried a New York
pennant of blue and gold. .At- the
head of tbe double column was a large
red banner from the archives of tbe
historic New Tork lodge.
She's a pretty good banner rW
the crowd shouted as the New Tork
delegation filed- by with a small sign
reading, "The first banner In Elkdom,"
which referred to the banner of No. 1
lodge carried by one of its members at
the head of the New Tork delegation.
-John F. Shorey, of Portland,
marched with New Tork No. I. He is
a member of that lodge and has been
busy ' all week entertaining his visit
lng brothers.
Twenty-two Jersey City Elks
marched in two columns in close for
mation carrying under their arms
long banner reading "From Coast to
Coast, Jersey City to Portland 1912."
Each lodge member was attired In a
tan - duster and they entertained the
crowds with lively Jersey- City yells.
Prefvtdeaca Delegates Ride. -
A small donkey dragged along a
covered cart In which were the two
delegates from the Providence, R. L,
lodge. The carriage, the mule and the
passengers were a mass of decorations
of purple, white and gold. MlllvlUe,
X. J. was represented by a carriage
In which' were a number of ladles and
a half dozen of the lodge membera
All were loaded down with Elk decora
tions. South Orange. N. J., was "on
hand with one lone delegate, . H. J.
Webber, who -rode In a carriage which
was artistically decorated. ....
Illinois was--represented by 86 dele
gates In a large automobile smothered
In decorations and about 15 mora dele
gates in smaller autos decorated with
white and purple streamers and flags.
The war whoops of the Pendleton
bunch . were not - In It with the Joy
whoops of the Illinois crowd as they
passed through the lines of shouting
crowds. The various lodges of Illinois
were each represented in the big au
tomobile and each member was shout
ing for his respective lodge. The com
motion, rounded off occasionally into a
general shout of "Portland, Portland,
the best of 'amy all." . - ,
. 0. N. Henry, of Steubenville, O., the
much talked of collector of Elk teeth,
marched alone.. He was attired in a
heavy buckskin covered from collar to
tall with fine looking Elk teeth. The
rest matched it. Mr. Henry was. pre
ceded by a large red banner bearing
the name and number of the lodge
and the date of Its organization.
Soata Carollaa Makes Xotse.
'South Carolina followed Ohio In a
tally-ho wagon covered with Elk heads
with gold-tinted horns and all kinds of
floral decorations. A dozen shouting
jwj ..
that -South Carolina Elks are very
much alive. Only one buck Elk from
lodge No. 12 of Indianapolis dared
brave the long march, although many
from that city were in the grand
stands. He waaout with a body guard
of ' valets In- -red r uniform. Other
lodges of Indiana were represented
with merrymakers In large automobiles
profusely decorated in purple and
Fifteen Elks, all In white serge suits,
white shoes, purple neckties and coat
collars and purple hat bands on straw
sailors, formed the Denver contingent.
Each carried a white cane. The wives
and sweethearts of the Denver Elks
formed an attractive picture In a
float . prettily decorated with Elk
heads, streamers of white, purple and
gold and large bouquets of flowers.
Each lady was dressed in pure white
and carried a white umbrella with
purple trimmings.
.. Brooklyn Lodge No. 21 was repre
sented by 25 delegates in- blue suits,
black shoes and straw hats.' They were
led by the big Brooklyn Elks banner.
Salt for "Freak" One.
Salt Lake City and other cities of
Utah were represented by 25 Elks in
gala attire. Each was dressed in white
duck pants, negligee, shirt, a "Saltalr
straw" hat " of Chinese . style, white
shoes and purple necktie. They car
ried small salt cellars in wmcn was
real salt which was scattered along the
line of march and sprinkled on an
occasional member of the crowd who
got "fresh." The salt was brought up
.from the salt fields at Saltalr beach
near Salt Lake City. The hats of the
Utah Elks were patterned after the
rice straw hats of the Chinese. The
tail end of the Utah part of the
parade was brought up by A. J. Davis
for many years president of the City
Council of Salt Lake.
- Phoenix, Aria was represented by
20 delegates in blue serge suits and
straw hats with purple bands. They
marched In double column "Injun" file
and "Jollied" the crowd along the line
In real Western- style. Kalamazoo,
Mich., had six delegates in the parade.
They were headed by a large banner.
Montana lodges were well represented
by bands, drill teams and hilarious
delegates. The first lodge In the .Mon
tana division was Great Falls which
sent 40 Elks nattily attired in white
cut-away coats trimmed in purple.
They wore purple neckties, white shoes
and straw hats. Thirty live wires from
the Butte lodge were led by a band
and . made ' an attractive appearance
with white serge salts, canvas shoes,
straw bats and purple hatbands. Each
carried a bamboo cane with a Mon
tana E3ka pennant attached. Follow
ing Butte were the lodges of Missoula,
Platte, Kingston and Billing. : Each
was represented by ten Elks attrac
tively attired in white serge suits.
XUkAVsW MM VJM -aa - '
Street Railway Presses Every
: One Into Use.
Steam Roads and Interurban litnea
Do Hecord Business Xo Acci
dents Reported Special Trains
Begin to Depart.
The deluge of humanity which burst
upon Portland yesterday nearly flooded
out the streetcar company. Every
car, little and big,; every piece of roll
ing stock the company could find, was
pressed into service to handle by far
tbe biggest crowd in Portland's his
tory. Every motormaa and conductor
In the city, regular men and extra
men, day shifts and night shifts, were
worked without opportunity for rest
or..neals from 6 o'clock- yesterday
morning until late last nignt. Bo Heavy
was the-, rush that it was - impossible
to obtain from the streetcar officials
even an estimate of the number
handled. It is probable, however, that
the number was four of five times
that handled on ordinary days. That
the day should pass without accident
la remarkable.
Nlaa-taaadiwd Car Men Were treed.
Nine hundred streetcar men were on
duty all day yesterday and between
400 and BOO cars were in use.
On an ordinary day 150 cars are in
use, and the day and night shifts over
lap each other, so that both are on
duty between 4:30 and 6:30. But yes
terday it was Impossible even to give
the-men time to eat.
More than that, the cars were
crowded both ways all day. The ruuh
for the center of town to witness the
parade had no longer ceased than the
rush to the ball grounds, Multnomah
field. Council Crest and other points
of interest began.
Every restaurant in the city was
crowded, and until late in the after
noon it was almost impossible to ob
tain a meal without waiting for a long
time in line.
Intervrbaa Lines Buy.
Interurban and street railway lines
also did a record business. At . the
Union Depot three ' or four times the
ordinary business was done. On an
ordinary day 28 trains move each way,
56 in all. All these were loaded to
capacity yesterday, and in addition
specials arrived from Aberdeen,. Pen
dleton, Albany and . two- from Seattle.
A train from Astoria came in oyer the
North Bank with 300 visitors and one
left from the Union Depot for Seaside
at 5:60 loaded to capacity. -
A. special bearing New Jersey dele
gates to the convention left for Cali
fornia at 8 o'clock .last night. San
Francisco train No. 13- went In, two
sections, loaded. The O.-W. R. N.
train for -Chicago also left in two sec
tions and was filled to capacity.- The
same was true 'of train No. 12 for Spo
kane and Northern .Pacific No. -802,
which left for Seattle at 11:16. - O.-W.
R. & N. No. -364 for Seattle also -left
in two sections of 13 cars each heav
ily loaded. The Pullman ooaohes will
average 32 " passengers each and the
regular coaches; about 60 passengers
each. ".' '
In addition 'to these' trains' the Elks'
special for Seattle left over the O.-W.
R. ft N. at 11:45. the Elks' special for
Aberdeen over the same road at mid
night and the Knights of Columbus
special of 12 cars for Yellowstone
Park over- the O.-W. R. & N. at 10
o'clock last night.
Stop-over XUarbts Enjoyed.
All' the regular trains which have
come in since last Sunday have been
loaded with all the cars the engines
oould haul.
Many of the Elks are planning to
make side trips, there being many in
quiries about Seaside, and other points
of interest. Most of the tickets allow
stop-over privileges until September.'
The Oregon Electrlo Bailway Com
pany handled twice as many people
yesterday as on ordinary days. ; It is
estimated that at least 10,000 pas
sengers were moved. On ordinary days
44 trains are run, but 60 were in op
eration yesterday, with four additional
train crews at work. -
N :,. ;,. "
Return, 'Will Be Made Leisurely With
.Stops' at Places of Interest and
Enjoyment Is Looked For.
One of tha.most enthusiastic , Elk
delegations is that composing the Jer
sey City and Bronx lodge, which trav
eled across the continent in a special
train and has been taking an active
part in all the gay functions of "the
The party, consisted of nearly 150,
many of whom are women. Stopawere
made at numerous places of Interest
on the way across the continent, and
no haste will be made on the return
trip. They are out on a pleasure and
sight-seeing expedition and enjoying
every moment of their stay in, Port
land. The delegation is quartered at the
Clyde Hotel, where members have dis
pensed hospitality to visitors during
the week. Dr. Stahl, a Jersey City
physician. ' is one of the most active
of the party and the principal fun-producer."
Seven-Tear Locusts Appear.
ST. JOHNS, Or.. July HWSpeciaL)
The first forerunner- of the seven
year locuBts made its appearance in
St. Johns this week. - J. H. Canrlght
discovered it upon one of his trees
on Kellogg street. It is lusty in shape
and fully equipped to make a noise.
Oakland DrilL brpnization: f$
.. . Awarded Second-"
Los Angeles "Poppy Pickers" Third,
and- San Francisco' Fourth-- Ef
forts of Rival . Teams Are v
Harked by Precision.
"Oh, you Denveryou're there,"
screamed 4000 . persons, who had
witnessed the excellent drilling by
four teams, after the Judges had an
nounced 'that the Colorado city had
won first prize." The competitive tests
were held on Multnomah Field yes
terday afternoon.
Oakland drill team won second prize,
while .the "poppy . pickers", from Los
Angeles took third. First prize was
$500, second. -$300. and: third, $200.
San Francisco entered a team and
made a fine - showing, but failed to
pull down a prize,, .However, the work'
of the team called lortn great applause
from the big crowd. The only thing was
that the critical and trained eyes of
Captain Griffith and Lieutenants Endi
cott and Miller. U. S.. A-, the Judges,
were trained on the teams and senti
ment did not count for anything ' in
the- awards. It was strictly a case
of merit and the decisions were -met
with cheers and the losers were "good
ones." -.
Many . -Women There.
Four-thousand people, many of them
women, assembled in .the. big" grand
stand and waited the arrival of the
Judges, who reached the field an hour
late. Meanwhile,, the teams ' from
Denver, Oakland and San Francisco
kept the crowds cheerful by generous
use of their vocal powers, singing and
giving yells. .
Denver made an instantaneous hit by
Its - singing of - comical airs and ' its
yells, and was followed by the others,
who did clever stunts until called onto
the field by the arrival of the- Judges.
Every company commander was con
fident ot .winning first prize, The. men
were equally so.
- "Have you a fighting chance to win?"
was asked of Colonel J. K Rltter, in
command of the Oakland team by an
enthusiastic - watcher. ,
"Fighting chances," he replied, "why,
there's nothing to it we will win c the
first prise.". .- .
Teams' Are Confident. : -.
"What Is 'the " secdnd; prize,"- asked
some one- of Captain Osterin,; 'com
manding the San Francisco: company.
"We don't know: anything about the
second prize," he" said. "We only con
sider the first prize."
' And both men meant what they said;
They simply ' went up against better
teams,. 3t 'Vaa 'not thatther".wera
poor. ' ' ' ' ; - ".-'. ' "
The. :-"wtimlng-' team ' Was , commanded
by Captain R. H. Kincaid;', Oakland, by
Colonel' -Ji.-K. Rifter; Los Angeles by
Captain' M. R- Osterin and San Fran-
Cisco by? Captain S. Ww Naur. r
-Each team had Its -' strong'-friendsj
who cheered. Heartily at -every pretty
evolution 'made by -the team.- All four
teamsdid' tine; work a.n& especially are
desfcrvthgrot praise for- being 'promptly
on the '!fieldi': theugh'they--were. In. the)
morning parade -and - had-- but a few
minutes '' to "eat luneheon. ' The .drills
were one of the finest features of
the Elks' convention.
H. C. Bowers, of Mnltnomah Hotel,
Has Arranged for Dinner to John
P; Sullivan -Ball Is Tonight.
Having concluded their business ses
sions, the: members of the Elks' grand
lodge now will be able to devote the
remaning two days' of the convention
period to the enjoyment of. some ot the
pleasures that the Portland people have
prepared for them.- 'While the parade
yesterday probably marked the - climax
of the week's programme, . numerous
forms, ot amusement 'scheduled for to
day I and- tomorrow, will afford ample
pleasure for the thousands who intend
to remain in the oity. ,
Band concerts in the business dis
tricts will constitute the morning pro
gramme. At 11:00 o'clocki Harry A.
McAllister, secretary of the Portland
commission, will present - cash prizes
to the winners of yesterday's parade
contests. This afternoon a fleet of
river boats will leave the several docks
in the city and convey -the visitors on
trips to the Willamette and Columbia
Rivers. This "probably - will be one of
the most entertaining and refreshing
features -of the week's activities.
'.H. C Bowers, of the Multnomah Ho
tel, has arranged for a dinner to be
given this afternoon In honor of John
P. Sullivan, the retiring grand exalted
ruler, grand lodge officials and the
Portland commissioners.
Tonight the principal social function
of the week will take place. It will
consist of a grand ball in the club
rooms of the Elks' temple and in the
refreshment hall adjoining, which has
been leased for tha reunion period. The
lodge rooms on the fourth floor will
be used as reception-rooms for the wo
men and the ball will be conducted In
the large room immediately north of
the clubrooms. It is probable that the
rooms ot the Press .Club on the second
floor of. the building also will be used.
Some of the delegates are planning
to leave the city -today, but tha great
majority' of them will remain, at least
until tonight. . Many planned to be here
until 'tomorrow night. Numerous East
ern and Southern visitors will" Journey
to some nearby mountain, river and
ocean resort to , pass - brief, vacation
periods. Some will go .to the Seattle
Potlatch next week,, while others will
travel to San Francisco' and other Cali
fornia points.
Ito '' I''", ; '
I WW h&WS&iM ' W
For Friday and Saturday
i -: r.Econbinies such as "The Owl" offers never
I tQiiiteres.t those seeking to supply their drug
I and. ottier-needs at a saving. Men and women
alike will find this list both helpful and sugges-
j.,tiv'e..n"--:-.v" ' '
.White fAlraoni Soapj JOo size, at just half K
! price only . . ". , . , t V
1 . 10c Talcum Pads, purse size, ff,
I a only. . . .V, .... .-, J v
I JLOc, size Physicians' and Surgeons Soap, the kind
that lathers, at
I 10c Diamond Dyes, in all colors, H
' at only , l,.t,.:.:....
;-15csize "Owl" Kennel Soap, best for your dog, Q
. at only ,'. . . . , , i ... . 57 U
I 15o size Parowax, for sealing fruit bottles, - (p
: full poundj at only Js
25c Hand lilirrors, very good value, 1 f r
at only lUt
I Rock Candy, 25c full pound package, 1 Cn
for ...... Xtll
" 25c Seidlitz Powders, 12 double powders 15 C
' 25csize Precipitated Chalk, for dry cleaning, the -J C
,1 full pound -LOls
25o size Castor Oil, B-oa. Dotue, aosomieiy pure, i Cp
at only J.i '.. '. Iwt
25c size Glycerine, 8-oz. bottle, chemically pure, -J J
at only Xeii
Calomel and Soda Tablets, -grain; 25o original IPp
bottles of 100 AUt
25o size Tiz,,for tired feet, - X5C
25osize"6wl" Corn Pain guaranteed or money 1P
back, at 'f-Oi
ORa mva TftAtTl PflHtfl in tunes. Tl W
at XfJC
25c size "Owl" Foot Comfort; shake it in your 1
shoes XUC
25o size Calocide Compound, foot powder,
at only
25c size Lustrite Powder, for the nails,
special at
Pray's Diamond Enamel, for the nails, 25o - re
size at X I v
25c Pray's Rosaline, for the nails, 17 C
at ...... - tr . 3 .Um 1 n n . n M
isoc size L,esiey Aimona luau, gvuu am wciuu- I '
er, at X I
25c size Nova Shoe Polish, for white shoes and "I
and slippers, at X I C
25c size "Owl" Rose Talcum, as odorous as the -rj rj
flowers, at X. I C
25o size Jetum, brown only, for dyeing straw 1 rj
hats, etc X I C
"Owl" Extract of Lemon, full strength and pure, - Q
25c size J-iv
"Owl" Extract of Vanilla, also full strength and Q
pure, 25c size . .' ; . . X7 v
25c size Energeine, a dry cleaner,
Graves' Tooth Powder, the large 50o size,
at -
ora 47a Pnoldtn entemn remedv. tha kind vou see 4s f
AWU U w if 111
advertised, at dJKs
35c size Hospital Cotton, a full pound roll O Q
at tlUK,
Quinine Pills, 3-grain, 35c original bottles of OQ
100 at ; ...aCOU
35c size Silicate of Soda, for egg preserving, O C
quart UfJK,
Effervescent Soda Phosphate, pleasant to take, nr7-,
35c size at X'
CA. tntn.f Sirnni to crnnrl Train P Cf -
at :
50o size Herpicide, hair tonic and dressing, 21)c
50c size Canthrox, the advertised shampoo,
50c size Clayton's Vermifuge, dog remedy,
at . ..
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, tonic laxative, 50c
: size at ... . j
California Port or Sherry, 50c size,
at -
Welch's Grape Juice, the 50c quart size
at . . . . ;
Sheffler's Hair Colorine, in all shades, 75c
size, at
$1.00 size De Miracle, for removing superfluous Op
hair, at... ..UOC
$1.00 size Ayer's Hair Vigor, tonic and dressing,
Wampoie's Cod Liver Oil, tonic, the $1.66 size ,
$1.66 size Wine of Cardui, female remedy, :
$1.66 size Hpstetter's Bitters, for the stomach, yg
Vaucaire Galega Tablets, flesh builder, $1.00 size JTg
85c ' Owl ' ' Olive Oil, imported direct by us, . TQ - '
Old Crow Whisky, the $1.50 .. . flK
size at 4XaUt)
Henderson Bourbon, the $1.50 size, full (T - "I Q
quart,at... .. tIX.XO
$25 Arnold Vibrators, in case, with 6 appli- (J - rj pT A
cators, at ........ tiX I tjJ
29 c
'' Eatabllshed 1892.
Eighteen Stores on the Pacific Coast