JULY 19131 14 EACH FLOAT 'BEST' ALBANY LODGE MADE GAT SHOWING IN TOP HATS, LONG AND WON FIRST PRIZE FOR OREGON LODGE HAV . . ... . . ,- ... . . XNG ' GREATEST NUMBER . (392 PERSONS) IN LINE Hi GAY PAGEANT EVOKE ADMIRATION Great Throng of Spectators More Than Regiment of Men. Marvel at Emblems in Mammoth Parade. Representing 14 Cities, March in Parade. PIGS DRAW ONE VEHICLE COSTUMES ARE ORNATE THE ; MORNING OREGON! AN, WASHINGTON ELKS I 'tm " ' l; 1 i liiiii If if ir $ ryV & 'k ' ' ' it Seattle and Tacoma About Equal In Numerical Strength Oljmipla, Spokane, Aberden, Van couver Delegations Large. ! As graceful in Its Informal dignity as the nimble and stylish animal that names the lodge, and as complete in -xJetail and discipline and fascinating to the dizzy edge of captivating. the "Washington lodges in the grand annual 'parade of the Elks yesterday became a iconvinclng panel In the spectacular 'event of the day. i The strength of the various delega tions from 15 lodges of the state rep resented -was imposing. Between 1800 and 2200 Elks from the sister state marched in the various sections, some of the lodges constituting formidable phalanxes of color, bearing and pro fessional rhythm. ' The uniformity of the showing was delicately varied and broken by the many different dress ideas, which ran the gamut of elite haberdasherial art from proper morning dress with Prince Albert coats and silk hats to the most unconventional outing regalies of duck trousers and soft hats, and including ' the easy naval muster costumes of the Bremerton Navy-yard boys. Marchers Are Happy. Ample music had been provided, floats were numerous and the gay abandon of the marching delegations at times added to the witty repartee which passed back and forth among the principals and the enthusiastic ones that thronged the line of march. Clever Thespian art revealed itself at times as the cheering waxed warm and the fes tivity of the occasion broke forth at all angles. Following is the approximate strength of the various Washington lodges represented: Seattle. No. 82 235 Ballard lodge. Seattle - .Tacoma, No. 17 ". iX 'Bellligham. No. 194 and 642 -V 'Olympla, No. 1R 2Z--iii ::::::::: so wan b.: i ' OA 'North Yakima. No. 3X8 Everett. No., 479 'Abereen. No. 593 "V 'Vancouver. No. 3S3 Hoqulam. No. 10SJ ,Si trentralla. No. lt 'Bremerton. No. 1181 w Seattle Loilaemem Cheered. T Earlv in the parade, almost in the Llead of the Second Division, Seattle ilodge No. 9S". led by the McMinnville Band, drilled into the broadly cleared and roped streets, their white flannel 'suits seasoned with a dash of purple .here and there. The lodge, which has been in existence since 1888. brought .' forth cheers all along the right of way, cheers which welcomed familiar faces 'or gave expression to the enthusiasm ' wrought by the gorgeous display. More than six blocks the column of ! fours stretched out. Not an odd civil , Ian uniform broke the entrancing unl- formity of the ranks. From toe to ! crown, white and purpla harmoniously ' predominated. The lodge members had .. chosen costumes complete. Their white I flannel suits were topped off with white - itraw hats with white silk bands, pur- pie ties, white shirt, canvas shoes, an ' there were so many that the lodge ; members themselves didn't know "how many." By actual count, however, they were 226 strong, and hoary heads nalked. pranced and danced side by s.de with the younger generation of the fraternity. Canes, which all carried, swung in recognition of friends among the spectators or in keeping with the music, and the purple and white pen nants floated at nonchalent angles or lded in poking fun at jesting spec i tators. i As the lodgemen from the Puget j Sound city passed in review or tne ' thousands they at once won by their attractive makeup and spectacular ' showing. It was six or eight blocks of . organized beauty and the Seattle spirit , was exemplified in every face. The i lodge came down to make a showing f and an impression, and it did beyond .a doubt t Taeoma Showing Impressive. To the strains of the Caramba march, r played by the Hubbard Band of 24 i-pleces. and preceded by the prtze- winning Montamara Festo float, Ta- coma in its dignified column of men in "'perfect morning dress followed close - upon the rear of the Seattle contingent. : prancing double tandem of eight -steeds drew the float which at the re , cent festival called forth first honors. Two life-size elk and three elk heads ' decked the float by which the lodge distinguished Itself. i. Only by seeing can the splendor of ' the lodgemen from the City of Destiny be appreciated. Every man wore his complete afternoon dreas of silk hat, 7 prince Albert coat, gTay gloves, tie i' and trousers and glistening black , shoes. The "Crystal Springs" marcn v was a fitting accompaniment played by -; the Hubbard band and the stately bear ': Ing was wildly appreciated, by-th on- - lookers. ' Olympla Has 75 is Use. I In duck trousers, straw hats, black I - A hi... MUtl th H 0 1 P C.t 1 Oil " ' " . from Olympla. made a prepossessing ' array from the capital city of the Ever- green state. There were 75 in lino marching four abreast. The precision with which step was caught gaye the , j .k. k..,ii. f a rriita.bl, drill team, anda section of the Bellingham - . . .i ii.. Va 1Q1 mnnlriAff Into ueiegaiiua, ivso ' - - ; the division with ideal harmony. 1 ur .mhlem for Bellingham, which Tv, vb color oearcra iiimlcu marched with the Mount Ang inl hand marcnea wiui ' . . , . . a, i - Tt,. marrhtnff fraternity u . i piww - . -. Thlr white duck wa airauBt . . . : fuils ana una v i - onn, ..ill i in 1 1 1 in . a u . u u.. IIICUI mr ww. i . . w.j . fanmh svmnathel.lc . ... h. rrAwds. To this was r added the sea 01 purpm nu -.... I parasols, which mitigated the effect of ' Tw. anrf at the same time . ina buud " j " - ,? added completeness to the uniforms nd attractea ir.e vie . . .a 4?m D.llln cr ham T and no digression from the general ' " ... .. m.rr th. regular j iennw. v. and symetricai owuij. . iik.iui af Draw Plandlta. i- Led by J. N. "Williams, a giant ood ( fellow among BpoKane c-iks ana evTijr- . . ih. Al07atlon from f- the Inland Empire metropolis estab- V llshed themselves in i : spectators eariy. -iaa m Br, .1 ....i. . made to-order detail. i I UI III . ... t cnnv.n lodare. between 125 and laO J strong, became themselves with flt v tinz decorum. The gray hats and suits touched here and there with a purple , tie or ribbon and with canvas shoes Z made an appropriate contrast . ftnnr. ftf mirnlA and '"white that prevailed before and after. There were man) mm...... " (Concluded on Page, 22. BANDS Will CHEERS Musicians Furnish Spirit to Long Line of Marchers. "RAG TIME" FINDS FAVOR Crowds Inspired to Dance and Song by Popular Airs Policemen at Head of Parade Greeted by Continued Applause. Bands big bands, little bands, bands military and bands civilian marched yesterday, heading their lodges, or act ing as the leader qf a section, helping on the flagging steps of the weary, or inspiring the crowds to dance or sing. Nothing added to the gayety of the occasion more than the strains of mu sic - - The waiting thousands forgot their hunger and fatigue as the players struck up popular airs. "Everybody s Doln It found most favor with the crowds, and every band was "doln' It an along tne une. Proud of a position at the head of the long pageant stepped the Portland Po lice Band. Cheers greeted Chief Slover's musicians all along the line. Hardly were the policemen out or earshot ere the band of the Coast Artillery hove In sight. Round they swung in their white duck trousers, blue tunics and red facings to the strains of "Marching Through Georgia." and everybody cheered again. Then the bedecked drum-major " of the California Coast Artillery Band swung his baton In lively fashion at the head of men In blue and red. Followed the pipers of Scotland, In their picturesque plaids and kilties. Sllvertoa Specialises oa "Rag." After the Indianapolis Elks, and im mediately preceding he herd from Denver, came the Silverton Band. Kag- tlme was their specialty. In white and blue at the head of the second division marched the McMinn ville musicians, and then the band of the First Regiment of Oregon Re serves. The crowd tooK up tne re frain "We're here because we're here" mid the shrieks of "Oh, you Bill!" - Following the Los Angeles men came the Perrydale contingent In smart uni forms of blue with white facings. ( Preceding the Tacoma float came Hubbard's Band, and after:the "Watch- Us Grow Brigade" was Sumner Band, playing the Tacoma favorite. In this division also was the band from Lents, to whose strains the Clams of Astoria and the Olympic Gods made merry. The Hlllsboro Band came next. After the aides of division - four came the St. Mary's Band, from Mount Angel, resplendent in bright uniforms. The Fife and Drum Corps then marched past, closely -followed by the KalisDel contingent. The latter marched in silence. In contrast to the cool dark gray of Spokane were the dark blue uniforms Of Arnold's Band. The Elk Band of Idaho was strong numerically and physically, and they never seemed to tire of the latest and old-time popular airs. Before the pa rade started the bands escorted dif ferent lodges to their places in line. Indlaa Beats Tom-Tom. "Oh, Tou Beautiful Doll" waa a favor. Ite with the Fife and Drum Corps at the head of the walla Walla Elks. The Indians from The Dalles were so lively that the Wasco musicians at their head worked overtime, while the lone Individual who followed them with a tom-tom was never - seen to cease beating it. Seven Hungry Boosters" was the title of the comically arrayed minstrels from Roseburg, who made up in enthu slasm what they lacked In numbers. Baker's musicians upheld the reputation of the town for life, and class In their white tunics faced with blue they looked cool and comfortable. Then followed the sensation of the day the band of the "Let . er Buck' brigade. On horseback the Pendleton Band appealed to the popular . fancy. Picturesque "they" were. too. h and" sombreros, with purple handker chiefs around their necks.. They ap peared as much at ease in the saddle as did the marching musicians. Pendleton was followed by the Eu gene Band. In ordinary dress. , These musicians were organized only a day or two ago. but played like veterans. Heppner Band also acted as an escort to Albany Elks. With purple helmets ' and tunics marched The Dalles band. Another band bore the Tillamook label. . North Portland musicians . led the Aberdeen. lodge and the seven live elk. Vancouver, Wash., also had a band in line. One Baad Shuaa "R"." Stately and. dignified the Fifth Regi ment. National Guard of California headed the Berkeley lodge. In their uniforms of dark and pale blue with heavy gold facings they added a vivid touch of color to all the splendor dl" played. The Fifth Regiment musicians have stuck to the heavier music and avoided "ragtime" all week. - Last but one came the Mill Plain and Proebstel Band, membera of which, when asked whether they played any special piece,-proudly replied that they would play everything that anybody else played in the parade. tjneer ajter cneer gxecica ui w" of . little girls from Oregon City and they received an ovation, when the monh,n I.KnnHAll. Thev were tired before the end of the-parade, but kept at work bravely. - Their music waa good. - . .'-f ' - . IDAHO HAS 350 III LINE LODGES -OF EIGHT TOWXS ADD TO PARADE'S BRILLIANCE. ". Boise, Wallace, Lewiston, Pocatello, "Idaho .Falls, Twin" Falls ndy, " Coeur d'Alene March- : Attired in ' coatless . suits ; of . white. with hats to match and - bearing . the colors of the order, J50 uniformed Elks representing the eight lodges in Idaho,, participated in yesterday's monster pa rade. Between 25 and 80 men were in line from each of the lodges, which are at Moscow, Boise. Wallace.. Lewiston, Idaho Falls,-Twin Falls. Pocatello . and Coeur d'Alene." Their appearance 'was distinctly creditable to the "Gem State." The fifth division in the : parade formation was reserved exclusively for the Idaho visitors, who did the rest Wallace furnished the largest repre sentation, having about 80 men in line. Moscow, Boise and Lewiston each con tributed 60, while the other 90 came from the other1 four-cities. F. 8. Ratllff. ex-Sherlff of Nea Perce County and the "big" Elk of -the dele gation, ' handled the baton' and headed the proficient band organisation-which accompanied the Idahoans. The uni formed men An line were followed by two automobiles, beautifully decorated In the colors of the order. "Maude," the trick: mule and mascot of the delegation, was ''also present." There was pothlng about the Idaho Elks that would even suggest a: maverick.-- Even "Maude" was conspicu ously branded with the letters "B. . P. O. E." on -her sides. Besides, she laid aside her programme" of -tricks long enough to. complete the' line of march in reasonably fair -decorum. . Arthur Brlssette, of the Lewiston lodge, was in the parade, but he did not walk. Disguised as a farmer,, he occupied the seat - of ' a small play wagon, such as he owned in his boy hood days, to which were hitched two trained pigs. -Brlssette makes no pre tensions of being a professional- horse man, but had no difficulty In control ling the motive power and caused no stampedes among tne' spectators.- Albany and Salem to Play. ALBANY, -Or., July 11 (Special.) Arrangements -xor iour duscdhii gamci between the teams of Salem and nk.. w... . Mmnlated todav. This series of games virtually will settle the champlonsnip-. oi - mo wiua.moi.io Valley. The first game will be played In Salem Sunday. -July Jl and the secr ond game in thia.clty July -8ft The teams again will meet at Salem Au gust , and the fourth . garnet will be played here August tl. If each team wins two games of .this series aflfth contest will be arranged. Albany will play the McMinnville team in this nitv nxf 8unday- ' " ' ' CAMERA CATCHES ELKS ON MORRISON STREET. - - - - --... ' . ........ POLICE BAND LEADS Throngs Cheer as Patrolmen Musicians Pass. MAYOR SETTLES PROBLEM Organisation Is - Ordered to Partici-- pate in Parade at Last Minute. . Music Makes Hit With " . " AH Along Route. . And the Portland Police Band led the procession!.- "",-'. Around that incident for a text, -col umns of . recent municipal history could be written. Few residents' or visitors know how many little journeys to the City Hall,-how much perspiration and persuasion' preceded the relenting of Mayor Rushlight, which came less than 12 hours before the moment set for the parade to move. The one discordant note of a week of good-fellowship was, strangely enough. over the music . question. Distant rumblings began weeks ago when the National council of . union musicians served notice on the National officers of the Elks that if certain bands were brought here to play in the parade, no union . bands would participate. The Portland and National organizations of the Elks took the stand that It was not for them to dictate what music their guests should - bring : with them, and 'In Uhaf position th.e question, was allowed to stand. . ' Ovtslde Bands la Parade. -, The objectionable bands came and were welcomed. The union - bands, bound by the action of -their National organization, stood aloof. -. Hurried ne gotiatlona brought to Portland every village band, drum-corps . and n8lse produclng agency In the Northwest, and made' an! excellent - showing of music ' in yesterday's parade., ' - Early in' the' preparations 'Mayor Rushlight announced that the police men could not" play.: He said the rea son was that -every available man would be needed on the lines.: The policemen say that the refusal was dic tated by the unions. When the police band was- ordered but July 4 to . play In the parks, some of the . members demanded to know whether they were to play in the big parade.. It was quietly given out that they would be aiiowea io xuu the answer been -to the - contrary, the noMcemen would have refused to ap pear July 4..' They had planned to get together In their time on auiy ana serenade the various Elk headquarters. Just to show that they were In the running. . , - order la Srsrlae. Officers ; of ' the Portland" lodge and grand lodge made every ertort to; ttreax h xnhararn. Ttaev offered four Bpe- clal policemen, paid . by themselves, tol replace each roemo-er oi me Dana; m threatened political reprisals; .they hrnlirllt nersonal : influence to bear. Wednesday night the bandsmen went home from their duty under orders to man the ropes the, following day. : It was near midnight when ordera came from the City Hall that tney snouia with their Instruments to head the parade.. It was necessary to send special messengers to the homes ot tne policemen. . to ; notify them ot. the And when the parade" marched yes terday, the first organisation behind the platoon ,: of police was Portland's Police Band, playing rousing airs that had more than the usual swing, because Of the. note of triumpn inai waa an overtone to' their- music - And maybe they Just didn't get the glad hand all along the line of march! SCRIBES VISIT:; BREWERY Writers "Are Entertained at Wein- "' : .- - "l ' hard Plant. ' ,' . " : Open r house ' was kept '. yesterday afr ternopn' by the management of -Weinr hard's brewery.-ia honor. ot the.Pprtr land press, visiting newspapermen and Elk officials. : Entertainment ' and refreshments were provided and the visitors were shown by members of . the management about the bigjtest brewing plant of the state. The cleanliness and the scientific methods of manufacture, as well as the gigantic scale on which everything was done, proved a revela tion to the guests. The reception was held In the German room of the brew house. The room is elegantly fur nished in mahogany and is used as the meeting place of Pacific Coast brew ers. ; " From the German room a balcony opens to the top of the building, from whicn the visitors were able to obtain a magnificent panorama of the city. Ar tistic watch fobs made for the occa sion were presented as souvenirs. Paul Wessinger, manager of the Welnhard estate and of the brewery, was host and delivered a ' speech, which was responded to by several of thnd rrBrit Mr. Wessinger was as sisted by Henry Wagner, of the Weln hard estate; Peter Wagner, naneo Blakley. Emll Glutsch, Louis Damasch, Louis Hannig, William Ashbock and Ernest Miller. . CALIFORNIA GIVES FRUIT VISITORS FROM SOUTH GET LUSTY CHEERS EX ROUTE. Distribution of Oranges From Aato Truck in Parade Makes Big Hit "With Spectators. California Elks, a thousand strong, co-operated in making their part of the parade one of the most attractive, in teresting and novel features. The i of Los Ansreles. San Francisco, Santa Monica, Pasadena. Oakland, Berkeley and other parts or tne ijoiaen State were out in large numbers in gala attire and won a great deal of favorable comment. As columns of the visitors from the soutn waiaea id unique dress to the strains of lively tii..ni. h.nH, the crowds kent us a .illWtUIB " " - - continuous applause, which only termi nated when everyDoay joinea in -viii scramble for large, juicy oranges from r. . i p.Hnrnl, thrown! from a OUULUClH ' . float following the California division. San Francisco was tne iirsi oi me California 'lodges in the procession. A drill team of 27 attired in natty purple cutaway coats and trousers to match with purple caps surmounted by white plumes, preceded the general delega tion of 38 which followed.. The 38 were dressed In blue serge suits with light felt hats and each wore a poppy as a buttonhole decoration. Sacramento was represented. by 60 Elks dressed In white felt suits with blue belts and umbrellas of white, trimmed with purple. On 'the handle of each umbrella Was a purple pennant with the letters in white, "Sacra mento." ' . Los Angeles Elks made a pretty ap pearance with a delegation of 36 all wearing white tailored suits, straw hats with purple bands and white shoes. They were preceded by a drill team in white uniforms. Santa Monica v... ie iaiIita mAmbers in line, all wear ing blue suits, straw hats and white shoes Each carried a bamboo cane. Pasadena Elks in similar attire were mixed in with those from santa raonica, - Three Elks in troubadour costume bore the banner of the lodge from Oak land and led a delegation of about 25, all dressed in natty white uniforms. Berkeley lodge had 40 members in line, with A. J. Sully at the head. All - In Rat-hf lnr'n can and gown, significant of the college spirit of Berkeley, tne nome ui-i.ua univer sity of California. Among those in the line were professors at the university. They made an Interesting showing and won applause all along the line. Lodges of the orange belt "of Cali fornia treated the crowds to Juicy oranges, half a dozen Elks on a huge avto truck loaded with boxes of oranges keeping . busy throwing them to the scrambling crowds. From the time the parade began until It finished there was no lull in the industry of the orange throwers. The crowds shouted-and scrambled for the fruit. Each person successful in getting hold of one of the big oranges gave an extra shout for California. . - t Tne eniir. "- .. ........ - threaten to strike beciuw of an order or Chief J. nysrea ium m " " vests " - - i POLICE LINES FIRM Force Effectively Holds Crowd in Order. Big LITTLE TROUBLE IS HAD Cases of Rowdj-lsm Are Few and Spectators Show Small Dispo sition to Trespass Beyond Set Limits. "Bring the babies to the front!" That was the slogan which dominated the police along the more than five miles of the line of march. And the little fellows were not slow in com ing. With smiles on . their .faces and content In their hearts, they'sat on the curb with their feet hanging over, and munched Ice-cream cones and peanuts. The spirit of "Hello Bill" seemed to dominate the hundreds of thousands of spectators along the line as much as the Jolly Elks In the parade, and the policemen had a "snap." With surpris ingly little friction the 600 regular and special officers along the line of march kept the enormous crowd back of the ropes, with merely a show of author ity. There were no arrests to speak of, little rowdyism and almost none of the odious crowding which has de lighted the hoodlums In the night crowds. Careful Preparation Made. For weeks Captain Moore, put in gen eral charge of the city for the occa sion, has been studying maps and mak ing his preparations, and his foresight was well rewarded by the showing made yesterday. Ropes had been stretched along the march prior to yes terday, and all the officers had to do was to place the ropes shutting off the side streets. Then their work was done, for the great crowds showed lit tle disposition to trespass. Captain Riley and the sergeants maintained command of the sections assigned to them, while Captain Keller led a well-groomed and well-drilled company at the head of the parade. Captain Baty and his detectives were everywhere, with an eye to the slink ing and predatory criminal, whose handiwork was surprisingly small in view of the circumstances. Just as the Pendleton bunch swung down the west approach of the Burn side bridge, a citizen with the same reason as the traditional hen started to cross the road. Patrolman McCul loch started in pursuit. "Never mind, I'll get him for you," yelled a buckaroo on a prancing cay use. Rope Haifa Clrlmen. As be spoke, a hair lariat slithered through the air, some 20 feet, and the loop settled neatly around the shoul ders of the errant cltlxen. The cayuse set his feet according to his early train ing, and then at a touch of the bridle, backed cleverly into the crowd, tow a very 'much pop-eyed citizen. And the crowd Just yelled. Patrolman Fones, one of the oldest members of the force, had his back the other way, when a band of rag time Elks marching In the parade, came up behind - him, and before the officer knew it he was the center of a "ring around the rosy." In fact, policemen were the special butt of the paraders, who seemed to know that they could go as far as they liked. Commendations for the police end of the big undertaking already are pour ing in upon Captain Moore and his as sistants, who by a consensus of reports have placed the city in the best pos sible light with the visitors. Examina tion of the blotter at the police 'Sta tion will be the poorest evidence in the world, in future ages, to establish the date of the big Elks' convention. To accomplish the result, every po liceman ' worked almost unceastnKly through the climax perfbd of., the big affair, and without complaint Heavy eyed, they still were almost uniformly courteous and forbearing and the body of citizenry met them in the same spirit... . . . . - - - Live Elks and Pretty Girls Add to Skillful" Conceptions of Cities and Towns Sfany Realistic Ideas Woven Into Designs." Many were the magnificent floats that evoked cheers from the hundreds of thousands massed along the route of the Elks' grand lodge parade yester day. The various lodges combined novel and beautiful features In such a way as to attain a result that met and even outdid the expectations ot those who saw the glorious pageant. Elks there were In all their regalia on the floats and there were also pretty girls. As each, float passed before the mul titude it was at once pronounced the best in the parade, only to have the same persons break into renewed cheers and make the same assertion for the next in order. The first float it would be unfair to take them In other than the order In which they appeared In the parade was a large auto truck carrying thore Elks who were too aged to endure the hardships of the long march. It was prettily decorated and the old timers were heartily cheered all along the line. With them was the "Veterans' Band" with-their fife, drum and brass pieces. While their own cheers mlglit have been piping they played bravely from start to finish,. Next came Illinois with a gaily dec orated automobile and then the Indiana contingent with three well filled truck loads of lodge members and the wo men members ot their families, all the floats being nicely arranged for the occasion. Rhode Island Wins Laugh. Then, while it was not exactly a float, came a vehicle which brought the crowd to its feet. It was labelled "Two Rhole Island Clams." 'This con sisted of a donkey, much berlbboned, dragging a small cart In which sat one enormous Elk. The lodge member and bis vehicle were resplendent with the colors of the organization. Denver's float and it was a real float came next Gilded elk heads, sweetpeas and green, and a bevy of pretty girls carrying white parasols With purple streamers. The children probably would vote the Orange Belt float the prize piece of the parade. A gaily decorated au tomobile truck, bravely arrayed with festoons of white and orange, and loaded with boxes of oranges, was the entry of the five lodges of the orange belt of California. ' These were the lodges of Riverside, Redlands, San Bernardino. Pomona and Whittler, CaL A continual shower of oranges was kept up and from the seemingly lnexhaustable supply the attendant Elk kept throwing the luscious fruit to those in the crowd. Not one or two oranges at a time did he throw but handfuls and the scramble by the chil dren was not tfce smallest feature of the parade. Tacoma Takes Prise. Tacoma's prize winning float was ot an entirely different order, but none the less beautiful. Two large stuffed elk occupied the forepart of the piece. They stood on evergreen drawing a magnificent chariot built of purple and white sweet peas over a roadway of ferns. The chariot was driven by two charming little girls. The fine horses drawing the float were resplendent in the lodge colors. Then came South Carolina in a coach and four, decorated with elk heads and filled with men In natty white hats and dark suits. A trumpeter announced the advent of the equipage. Next wasn't a float either. It was the Moscow, Idaho, entry, consisting of a small go cart dragged by two grunt ing brown pigs. In the cart was one Elk, leading the Idaho contingent which followed with band and. a large force in -uniform. . Eleven o'clock was the time. of day all along the route for the novel North Yakima float, which received honor able mention. A huge clock, with the dial at least 15 feet across, was mounted on a large truck and beauti fully decorated with masses of sweet peas and foliage. But the feature was not the clock as much as the 24 pretty girls, 13 on each- side, who peered through the apertures where the num bers are on the ordinary clock. Just the charming faces were seen on the dial, but that Just was enough to make the float bring forth cheer upon cheer all along the way. Ores' Towns fthow Well. Salem had two decorated automo biles filled with pretty girls and dis playing the cherry emblem. Pendleton's six stage coaches were the next equipages, each with six horses and each driven by the true Western stage driver of early days. Then followed a canvas-covered prairie schooner drawn by four mules. Eugene's three floats made the crowd forget everything that had gone before. First came an elk mounted on a float bearing the emblem. "To Our Absent Brothers." Next was a mag nificent hunting scene. The large platform was made into- a veritable camp, with the little campfire burn ing in the middle, two bear cubs snorting at the top of a tree and bear dogs barking wildly at the bottom. Another bear cub, to which the dogs paid no attention, played alone in a corner. Stuffed cougars and the brawny hunters armed with rifles com pleted the scene. Eugene's third float was a fish boat, on which was af fixed two big strings of real fish trout. Three fishers in the boat kept casting their lines into the crowd as the parade moved along its course. Shepherds Float Attractive. A mountain scene with shepherds guarding their flock was the Hep pner float. A magnificent mountain sheep, alive, was at the top of the mountain with the shepherds with their crooked staves guarding him. And well they had to guard the big fellow, who didn't like the parade a bit, but tussled every foot of the way. Two pretty children, also with the crooked staves, completed the party on the float. Albany's chariot in purple and white, a solid festooned mass, was artistic and charming. A large harp in front acted as a shield, behind which were hidden two beatftiful girls. Albany also had a large float, -on which were SO resplendent Elks, all gaily . an nouncing their Joy at being alive, each wearing the white plug hat and pur ple and white uniform which were such a feature of the Albany con tingent of the parade. . . Alaska Well Represented. Ska g way, with two decorated au tomobiles, and Juneau, with, one car. .Concluded on Pae 22.) -