- ; . - ;.'-. ' .' ' ; , v "" ' .- - 1 . . ' '. ' . - PORTLAND. OREGON. FRIDAT, JULY 12, 1912. " PRICE. FIVE CENTS. - - : " i " ' f ' 10,000 ELKS PASS Annual Pageant Sets Many New Records. LONGEST EYER IN PORTLAND Five-Mile Route Is Packed With Cheering Throng. MOST BRILLIANT IN HISTORY Under Fairest Skies 800,000 Turn Out as Flttlna; Climax to Close of Lodge Reunion Eastern Members Amazed at Scene. Viewed by 800.000 patient, delighted, bewildered persons. 10,000 purple and white uniformed Elks, with 38 bands, numerous attractive equipages and car riages containing; high dignitaries of the order, passed through the streets of Portland yesterday morning, forming the big spectacular feature of the grand lodge convention, which closed last night. The pageant broke many records. It was the longest ever held In Portland. It was the most brilliant ever held by the Elks. It was participated In by the greatest number of men ever joining in a parade in the Northwest. It was held under the most delightful weather conditions In the experience of the Elks' reunions. It was witnessed by the greatest number of people ever assembled for a similar purpose in this part of the country. For six solid hours men. women and children stood patiently on the curbs. Sidewalks and in the streets, or hung from windows and balconies to watch the procession pass by. For nearly three hours they stood in awe, won der and subdued excitement as they viewed lodge after lodge, each in Its own peculiar makeup and attire, pass ing before them. The crowd was good- i natured and "generous. "There was plenty of room for all and there was plenty of joy for all. Ftve-Mlle Rout Packed. - Almost every available post along the Five-mile route was occupied, yet every one was well able to see the entire procession to advantage. , People who had attended previous conventions had learned not to occupy positions in the congested districts, unless they had grandstand seats. Great numbers of risitors, therefore, took up places in the - residence districts and on the East Side streets. - through which the procession passed, while the business thoroughfares contained almost their capacity of humanity; all who watched ;ould see. Military precision marked the move ment of the pageant. James R. Nich olson, of Springfield, Mass., grand es quire of the Elks, has had many years' experience Jn handling parades of this kind. He had his organizations almost perfect. The formation, the line of march and' the position of the various divisions had been worked out in accu rate detail many weeks in advance. In this he had the able assistance of George I Baker, chairman of the Portland parade committee, and of General W. E. Finser, his chief of staff. His aides and division com manders were men of experience in handling Elks' parades. There were II divisions, each in charge of an assis tant grand esquire. Chiefs Staff Complete. Commanders were assigned to the various numbered divisions in. the fol lowing order: " K. K. Kubll, Portland; Colonel R. B. Harrison, Indianapolis; Captain A. B. Dawson, Columbus, Ohio; Captain V. M. C. Sllva, Portland: Major Sanford Whiting. Portland; Captain J. J. McDonnell. Portland; Major H. I Bethel, Tallahassee. Fla.; Colonel C. C Hammond, Eugene; Captain J. B. Hlb bard. Portland; Major Oscar P. Cole, Portland; Captain H. E. Williams, Ore gon City. Following Captain Moore, who had charge of the police and member's of his mounted squad, rode Grand Esquire Nicholson on a prancing black horse. The grand esquire was attired in a cream-colored uniform with pur ple trimmings and wore a purple sash. Then came General Finser and the fol lowing members of his staff: Major W. W. Wilson, Portland: George Baker, Portland; Charles Ohmles, Bronx; J. D. Brown, Key West. Fla.; William F. Leahy,. Medford. Mass.; J. II. J. Me Nally, Philadelphia: J. W. Mitchell, Portland. Me.; Dr. R. J. Lawler. Niag ara Falls. N. T.; John D. Shea, Hart ford. Conn.; C p. Jordan, Bangor, Me, and James F. Mulligan. Pawtucket. R. I. I'alforasa Are Attractive. Members of the grand esquire's staff were attired in a uniform consisting of white duck blouse trimmed withy mo hair braid with an Elk's head and the word "Staff" embroidered on each side of the collar in purple letters. Their riding breeches were of the same ma terial and their cap of white duck reg ulation army style with purple band, . flat gilt side button and the word "Staff embroidered on the front in silk letters. They wore black leather puttees and black shoes. Division com manders were distinguished by the use of a purple silk breast cord. R. L. Adams, the mounted bugler. GRAND REVIEW (Concluded oa Fas a.) ' FOREST SMITHS0N TO MARRY AGAIN SECOND BRIDE OF EtRDLER IS SAX RAFAEL GIBX. Wedding Announced Testerday Is Set for September Bridegroom Is World's Record Holder. SAN FRANCISCO. July 11. (Spe cial.) Forest Smithson. who holds the world's record in the 110-meter hurdle. Is to marry again. The formal an nouncement of his engagement to Miss Irene Geary, of Ban Rafael, was made this morning at the home of the bride. Smithson won the championship In the 110-meter hurdle at the Olympic games In London In 1908, when he negotiated the Jumps in lb seconds. He has taken part in many contests of the kind throughout the world. The bride-to-be Is the daughter of Michael J. Geary, who at one time was sporting writer on a San Francisco newspaper and is now editor of the Western Graphic For some years she has lived in San Rafael, and It was there that ' she met Smithson two months ago. The wedding is sched uled for September. fimithsnn ws divorced from his first wife, whom he married, in Portland a year and a half ago. He has been living In Los Angeles, but came to San Francisco three months ago. Though Smithson failed to win the hnTvll. event In the trials held at Stan ford for the American Olympic team. he was included amo xjsaqn were to make the trij '-'Ivsl . for the games now in progress He was suspended from the Amateur As sociation by the officials in. South ern California and the suspension was upheld by Amateur Athletic Union of ficials. Smithson was sent to Stan fnni n poirnifla at the expense of the Los Angeles Athletic Club. He entered as an unattached athlete and tnis brought about his suspension. He gave no reason for his action GNATS PLAGUE WENATCHEE Parts of Valley Visited and Men, Animals and Plants Victims. WENATCHEE. . Wash, July 11. rsr.rl.l Gnats have Infested parts of the Wenatchee Valley, attacking horses and other animals and literally mnrinr all vegetation. Millions of the insects are now lodged in Canyon No. 1. five miles west of here. is without precedent in this section. Farmers Teport attacks on animals, and Jim Flarlty, a miner, today brought to town, a horse badly lacerated by the gnats. BILL! HERE'S THE NEWS FROM Omaha Plans More Arrests. OMAHA, July 11. (Special.) The Anti-Saloon League, employing a de tective agency, has a list of 40 saloon keepers to be arrested for opening on Sunday. Several arrests already have been made and trials by Jury have been demanded. Insurgent Modern Woodmen have named a committee to urge Governor Aldrich to call a special session of the Legislature to act against the arbi trary enforcement of advanced rates. The law would affect all secret so cieties and fraternal organizations In Nebraska. An announcement is given out by President Mohler, of the Union Pa cific that an order for 12.000,000 worth of new rolling stock for the Union Pa cific and Oregon Short Line has been placed and deliveries are to start soon. Nine proposals for 23,000 water meters are Tejected because Commis sioner Howell declares the bidders have formed a combine. He will deal privately with manufacturers. Colonel Jack Rider has given orders to the police for the enforcement of the "golden rule." which means that no arrests will be made hereafter un less absolutely necessary. Burglars got some fine wine, two boxes of cigars and other things when they entered Bishop Scannell's resi dence Wednesday night. Omaha won the first game with To peka. 10 to 2, making the fifth straight victory In so many days. Denver Has New Administrator, DENVER. July 11. (Special.) David Plessner was appointed Public Admin istrator today to succeed Ben Wood ward. A final dividend of one and one-te'hth per cent was paid today by the defunct Western Bank. Police Commissioner Creel took steps today for the sanitation of the redlight district. . Auditor Leddy announces his candi dacy for State Treasurer. Brother Fred Goetxman resigned his position today as draughtsman of the Board of Public Works- He will go to Rochester, N. Y." Alderman O. Driscoll of the Sixth Ward, Is formulating plans for metro politanlztng the police force complete ly. ... John W. Keefe was mortally injured in a collision with a tramway car to day while riding, his motorcycle. The supervisors today turned down a bill for autos used to haul voters to the polls election day. . Saints' Exalted Ruler Busy. ST. PAUL, Minn , July 11. (Special.) Frank M- Moore, exalted ruler of 69, Is putting in a strenuous week cam paigning for the $100,000 . guarantee fund for the new electric suburban road to Hastings. Warrants were issued today for six roadhouse keepers at Bass Lake and the remainder at that place have been put out of business for the season. v Health Commissioner Lankester to i i i STATE ARE T BY ELKS Grand Lodge Estab lishes Precedent. RESOLUTION GOES BROADCAST Visitors Say Portland Reunion Is Best Ever. WOMEN ARE REMEMBERED Retiring Ruler SulUvan Given Ova tion at Close of Annual Conven tion $20,000 Is" Approprl- ' ation for Tuberculosis. , For the first time In its history the Grand Lodge of Elks yesterday caused to be spread on its minuties a resolu tion thanking the . people of the city O jo XI ' to whic tn,r contention neia. . In simple but eloquent language. Flneas Moses, a member of New Or leans Lodge, Introduced the following resolution to the grand lodge, which was unanimously adopted: "Whereas the Grand Lodge of the B. P. O. E. of the United States of America has been the recipient of the unbounded hospitality of Portland Lodge. No. 142. of the City of Portland, and the State of Oregon, and "Whereas, such hospitality has made a deep and most favorable impression upon the hearts and minds of the members of this grand lodge, as well as the members of the order and vis iting ladles, therefore, be It """Resolved, That In the name of the Order of Elks, the grand lodge testi fies its appreciation of the many kind nesses and great generosity shown, by tendering its sincere and grateful , .. V. ia Pni-f lnnrf Tii1a- No. 142. to the citizens of Portland! and to the State of Oregon, to the press of Port ion nrA the ladles, relatives of our -brothorev-who have in -this kind and hospitable manner made manifest the loyalty and devotion to the principles (Concluded on Page 2.) day suggested that if owners of dogs do not wish to keep them at home this hot weather,' individual drinking cups CITY AND HANKED BILL Off PARADE. ' '-' I Jr saN wEie , Sons. -vJl W) (10 re 1 f ' 1P . VV J eJ'fi 111 efgoco-Hr oufi So& - Sort e-tHS ijoA?r v. . , vS?V7-i; 1 & jWMsW IS) UHAtCLM "BOCKS" 7 K -NWw J : : wocS AH" y. .... ..... i y COMPLETE LIST OF AWARDS IN ELKS' GRAND LODGE -- ..- PARADE. Best appearan ce Aberdeen. f- first. $350: Oregon City, second. $250, and Pendleton, third. $150. Greatest number (Oregon barred) Tacoma, first, with 234.' $250; Seattle, second, with 326, $150, and Vancouver, third, with 170 persons, $100. Most unique uniforms Pendle ton, first, $300; Astoria, second, $200, and The Dalles, third. $100. Most attractive float Tacoma first, $500; Bremer ton, second, $300, and Hoquiam, third, $200. Oregon lodges, greatest num ber Albany, 392 persons. One prize $300. , Bands in the parade Fifth Na tional Guard Band of California, first, $500; Idaho, second, $300, and Pendleton, third, $200. Drill e o n t e st Denver, first, $500; Oakland, second. $300, and Los-Angeles, third,. $200. ' Greatest number of women reg istered Vancouver, first, with 292, $250; Spokane, second, with 185, $150, and Seattle, third, with 109, $100. The band concert was called off because there were only three bands in the preliminaries, and . two were disqualified because they did not enter the parade. The greatest aggregate mile- age had not been computed last night, but it was thought that the Jersey City coast-to-coast dele gation ' had a good chance for . first.- The following won $25 prizes: Tallest man F. C. Raitt, Rose burg, 6 feet 814 Inches. , Shortest man S 1 d n e y . Smith, Seattle, 48 inches. Fattest man E. G. Ratliff, Mos cow, Idaho, 397 pounds. Leanest man W. H. Moore, The' Dalles. Oldest man F. X. Matthleu, 95 years old, the oldest Elk. ELKS CONVENTION PRO GRAMME FOR TODAY. 9 A. M. Concert by Adminis ' tratlon Band, Court of Honor. 11 A. M. Formal awarding of parade, drill contest and decora tion prizes by Harry C. McAllis ter, secretary convention commis sion, from official grandstand In front of Federal building on Mor rison street. 1 P. M. Free excursion on the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Steamers will leave the docks promptly on the hour. All visit ing Elks who wish to avail them selves of this trip are requested to apply at the Reglstrat ion Headquarters for tickets after 9. 3 P. M. Baseball, Portland vs. San Francisco, at Recreation Park. Ladles free. 8:30 P. ML Grand ball at Elks' Temple. 9 P. M. Grand march. Naval vessels, ' which can be readied by launch from the foot of Stark, Morrison and . Salmon -streets, are open to all . visitors from 1 to 6 P. M. daily. should be attached about the canines' necks. Martin Roche of "69" told the boys at CARE-FREE THRONG FILLS ALL STREETS Estimates Put Crowd at 300,000 TOTS GET FRONT-ROW PLACE Childish Voices Add Welcome to Bepurpled Hosts. ROOF SEATS IN DEMAND Thousands Cling to Fire Escapes and Telephone Poles Police Have No Trouble In Handling; Good Xatured Human Mass. Through fives miles of enthusiasm the bepurpled hosts of Elkdom passed yesterday. A mass of humans, such as Portland or Oregon has never before seen gathered forgot that It was tired, that It had stood for nearly five hours In a sun none too gentle, and that It was hungry. It was a crowd care free, made up of eyes and throats. And continuously while - the great parade was passing the turmoil of sound rose in tumultuous greeting. It is estimated there were 300,000 persons on the streets. In all the vocal uproar there was lit tle to mar the day. The crowd was thoughtful and generous. It remem bered the youngsters, and banked close to the curbing In front, 80,000 lit tle bobbing heads and childish voices added their part "to Portland's welcome. They saw it all beneath the protecting wall of grownups massed 10 and 20 deep. Streets Not Big Enona-n.' The crowd was orderly, too. It obeyed commands. In but a few In stances was it necessary for the police and special officers more than to give their Instructions. .. In the more con gested sections along the line of march tho crush was so great that many per sons were forced beyond the ropes, but (Concluded on Page 6.) YOUR HOME TOWN lodge last night that he was locked in the new state prison Wednesday for three hours while Inspecting some of NEW DREADNOUGHT IS FOUND USELESS AUSTRIA'S 12',000,000 WARSHIP PROVES TOPHEAVY. Scaling Down Process Sadly Weak ens Efficiency and Necessitates More Patching. VIENNA. July 11. (Special.) De spite official denials, reports are per sistently circulated that construction of the first Austrian dreadnaught, the $12,000,000 Viribus Unitis, has proved a complete failure. The warship is top heavy and all efforts to lighten her so far have proved unsatisfactory. ' The massive portions of the iron and steel turrets have been scaled down to such a degree that parts have buckled and have had to be re-enforced with iron plates. Steel rollers for raising and lower lng the heavy guns have been drilled out, thereby reducing their weight, but at the same time lessening their power cf resistance to such an extent that event of rapid firing of the guns the rollers will collapse and render the guns useless. NORTH POLE' LODGE HERE Drape and Tanner From Skagway Alaska, March In Parade. H. H. Drape and J. M. Tanner are a couple of Elks deserving of especial mention. They come from farthest north for one thing and they both love Portland for another. Their lodge. Skagway No. 431, Is actually the mos northerly of all the organizations. Each of these men is a character, each -is passionately fond of Alaska, yet each is also passionately fond of traveling around. . When they do go they go together and they always come round homewards by Portland. Every body's glad they're here this week, for they will have a little more to tell about this time. - V . r TWINS C0MET0 AGED PERE Jasper Father, 67 Years Old, Proud of 8-Pound Voungsters. EUGENE, Or., July 11. (Special.) Twin - boys, each weighing eight pounds, were born Tuesday to Mr., and Mrs. John Waring, .who live at Jas per, 12 miles southeast of here. Unusual as this Weight is for twlnst there is a more remarkable feature in the fact that the father Is past $7 years of age. the bricks which his firm sold to the state. L..W. Hill will pass the Summer at Seattle with his family. He returned yesterday from his fishing trip in Quebec. Mike Gibbons, who has put St. Paul on the map, is reputed, today to be worth $30,000, a year ago he was work ing for $2.60 a day in the Great North ern shops. James Manahan today announced his candidacy for Congressman-at-Large on the Republican ticket. Several years ago Mr. Manahan ran for Con gress in Nebraska. The School Board Is planning to erect a new school in the Chester Park district. The board investigated the district today. Against the opposition of Ike Leder- er. of "69," the Water Board has de elded to appoint an expert from New York to plan Improvements. Carrlngton Confers With Colonel. BALTIMORE. Md., July 11. (Spe ciai.) Colonel Carrlngton conferred with "Teddy" Roosevelt at Oyster Bay today planning a strenuous fight here, Joseph Salabes, chairman of the Boad of Trustees No. 7 lodge. Is sporting a fine new automobile today. ' Dr. G. A. Leaking:, 94, the. oldest Protestant Episcopal . clergyman in Maryland, died yesterday. Sergeant at Arms Martin is In town again today and says Wilson is a "sure thing" secretary. Davles Welsland, No. 7 lodge, leaves tomorrow on two months' vacation, At lantic City, of course. "Tom" Boggs, secretary M. M, died today. Health department reports 28 cases of pellagra In Maryland. Walter W. Ledeher, 1602 Mount Royal avenue, was drowned while swimming today. Rochester Plans for 1013. ROCHESTER. N. Y July 11. (Spe cial.) The Hotelmen's Association has already subscribed an amount reaching into four figures toward the entertain ment fund for the Elks' convention of 1913, and as Individuals have sub scribed amounts varying from $100 to $300 dollars. Plans are already In progress of for mation and only await the return of Dr. Richard J. Diecker, exalted ruler of Rochester Lodge, to appoint hie committees and the work will be start ed for the greatest convention In the history of Elkdom. Mayor Edgerton, members of the Common Council and Chamber of Com merce will be enthusiastic workers to ward Its success. Messages received from cities throughout the state promise active co operation. Hartford Has Milk Famine. HARTFORD, Conn.. July 11. (Spe cial.) A milk famine is on, with a shortage of 10,000 quarts a day. The steps of the New Hartford Na- (Concluded on Face. IS.) HAWKINS QUALIFIES FOR HURDLE FINALS American Victories at Oiympiad Many. BELLAH IS BEATEN IN VAULT Yankees Sweep Field in Pole, Sprint and Weights.' CRAIG ONCE MORE WINNER Multnomah Club Athlete Tops Tim ber in Fine Style United States Army Officer. Proves Value of .' West Point Training. STOCKHOLM. July 11. The United States took the lion's share of vic tories in the Olympic games today. The Stars and Strips were again raised on the flagpoles at the conclusion of the pole vaulting In honor of Harrr B. Babcock. Columbia University. New York: Mark S. Wright, Dartmouth, and Frank T. Nelson.' Yale. The Columbia man beat the holder of the world's record, but was unable to reach the record. Wright and Nelson were tied for second place and each will receive a silver medal. In the shot-putting contest ivltli right and left hand, Ralph Rose, Olym pic Athletic Club, and Patrick J. Mc Donald, Irish-American Athletic Club, won first and second respectively. Craig Ulia 20O Meter. Although the hopes of a new record were again dispelled, the final heat of the 200-meter dash was the most ex citing performance of the day. Ralph C Craig, of the Detroit Young Men's Christian Association, defeated F. Lip plncott. University f Pennsylvania. The two Americans took the honors with the Briton, W. R. Applegarth. pushing them .hard. The German. Rau, who runs all distances, was fourth. The Americans had counted on these points, but they had expected to lose the 10,000-meter walk, which they did, to George Goulding, of Canada. Collid ing gave a fine exhibition, outpacing the English crack, E. J. Webb, and beating him 80 yards at the end. The only American In the final of this event was Frederick K. Kelser, New York AthloHn ?1uh. hut thn nace nrovpd too fast and he dropped out after two miles. Goulding's time was 46 minutes 28.1 seconds. Hawkins Wins In Both Trials. VarfmiA nations were Interested In the 11 trial heats and six semi-finals In the 110-meter hurdles. Americans took eight firsts and one second in the trials and five firsts in the semi finals. Thus Martin Hawkins, the Multnomah Club, Portland, crack hurdler; John P. Nicholson, James Wendell. Fred W. Kelley and John U. Case will run with the British repre sentative, Powell, In the final. Lieutenant George S. Patton con tinues to reflect credit on West Point training. Today, by his riding in the cross-country event at 5000 meters, he gained his fourth place in the modern pentathlon. The Swedish officers led, but the Swedes had a month a prac tice and had studied the difficulties of the course, which Included 73 Jumps of various kinds. Patton had a fall at the second of the double ditch. To morrow this contest will conclude witn nrnnH-country foot race of 4000 me ters, in which the American officer is considered to have an excellent chance. Healey Smashes Record. The swimming this evening furnished now world's record for the 400 meters free style. Healey, the Australian, In his trial heat eovj-ea ine .hibiu jh 34. He Is the popular favorite lor the final. The wrestling continues slowly. The assemblage of picked giants of Europe ho threw each other about on ine platforms all day furnishes a pictur esque side show. The swimming draws fashionable array to me watersiae nightly, the most popular feature be ing the women, who do nign aiving ana Pi lay polo In tightly fitting garments. The score as officially announced to. day Is: United States. 88; Sweden, 62; Great Britain, 61; Germany, 23; Fin land. 20: France. 19; Africa, 11; Den mark, 11; Norway, 10; Italy. 9; Canada, Australia, 4; Russia, Greece. Hel ium and Austria, 3 each; Holland, i.. Small Turk Trlea With Shot. Among the shotput competitors, othci than the Amerlcass. E. Nlklander, Fin land, and a small Turkish athlete wer most noted. The Turk, who looked like child in size beside the Americans, was soon out of the competition, but Finn with a put of 14 meters 82 centimeters was left In with Rose and McDonald. In the second round where left hand was used Rose put 12 meters 47 centimeters (40 feet 10 Inches). McDonald 12 meters 45 centi meters (40 feet 9 inches), and Nik-' lander 12 meters 42 centimeters (40 8 Inches), and Immediately two American flags and one Russian with the word "Finland" below the design were raised on the staffs in tho stadium. The result of the competition was ar rived at by adding the best two throws. Rose's aggregate was 27 meters hi centimeters (90 rect incnes), .Mc Donald's 27 meters 53 centimeters (0 (Concluded on Fe 5. 0 s Jl 13 m 108.2