THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TMITBSUAXV JtTLY 11, 1912. PMMINENT sJ'lLLIJTOIS OOLONl POPULAR FI&UEES, GBAND LODGE OFFICERS AND VISITI1TO BAND, MEMBERS WHO COMBINED TO MAKE" LIFE HAPPY IN PORT- THOUSANDS GHEER CROWDS OF ELKS ItAMU XXH3XXinV.X. QVI1 ENTERTAINERS Musicians Parade in Streets of Business Sections Great Throngs Appreciative. ' - Though Amusement Park Is Theirs, Thousands Throng the Streets. POTLATCH EUGS IN LINE COURT OF HON0R PACED MARCHING BANDS Only Tired and Aching Feet Today ' Testify to Many Times 'Paved "Ways Are Circled toy Bands and Happy Revelers. T. tm . n iAjaflrv tn mrnvlde an Of ficial programme covering: every hour f the day and night to be assured that a n aaa civ inrh am Are -Portland's guests, will enjoy themselves. When it comes to proviaing lor meir-uwu rmoi i . -nMav1.t'AH hv the HraltA LftUiUiSUl. uiiivB...v.- tions of a printed order of exercises, the Elks are the original inventors. And they proved it last nigrht. ' The fixed programme for convention i- ,-,.,4 In ailvanpii f amide yesterday for the Oaks. The amusement resort was reserved for the entire day -rrfnsivelT for the Elks and their friends . . n a m n tham nAfl the after noon or night in the enjoyment of the jnany entertaining nuatuuM up Willamette River. But thousands more remained in the city and forgot that the Chutes. Figure Eight and Bump-the-Bumps had ever been Invented for the pleasure of care-free visitors to this city. Instead, they improvised a pro gramme of entertainment that unde niably served the purpose for -which it was composed. Streets Isa TkromfnL . - Beginning early in the evening and continuing long after midnight, the visiting- Elks and -their friends, accom panied by newly-formed acquaintances, thronged the streets embraced by the Court of Honor. How many times the revelers made the circuit of ths bril liantly lighted court, only tired and aching feet will testify this morning. The grouch, and be did not. have to be -of the "perpetual" type, either, waa obliged to abdicate to the light-hearted Tun makers. J.' Elk Takes Role of Clewa. ' 'Good-natured 'jesting was freely In dulged In and nobody was offended. Several bands paraded and played the latest popular numbers. The music transformed sections of the marching pedestrians into animated dancers. One lone Elk became particularly conspicu ous by donning the costume of a clown. It was a uniformly happy assemblage. " Early in the evening the streets sur rounding the Portland Hotel were filled with thousands of the. pleasure-seekers, who gathered to hear the concert by the Idaho band and to witness the antics of the mule mascot which ac companied the delegation from Oregon's sister state on the east. Even the considerate patrolmen were hot exempt, from the jokes that were perpetrated. . One Jovial Elk, weighing probably 300 pounds, meeting a po liceman, less than one-half his size, on Seventh, street near the Iperlal Ho tel, spoke in the following serious vein: ' " ' "I thought I told you fb Keep on the curb . and not again get out in the street where you might be, struck -Guess you did." came back the pa trolman, who stood for the "call down," ,"and I am aware you are big enough to enforce the order. - And so it was, "Everybody waa dotn it." Nobody waa spared and every body got his. - "BABX XODGE CITY IS ACTIVE HcMiwrrUfe Decorates and Teclarea Holiday for Today's Parade.. JTMTNNVrLJJi Or.. July . 10. (Spe cial.) This is Elks week. Even Mo Mlnnvillo, although SO miles distant from ths seat of the great Elks' re union, have honored . Oregon's prom inent visitors. Elks colors are evi dent in many ways, being displayed in windows of most of the leading busi ness houses of this city. ' AU the Elkdom of McMinnville lodge Ko. IMS. known as the baby Elk lodge of the world, are attending the reunion la Portland and tomorrow a general exodus of McMinnvllle's population will take place, ail headed for Port land. - .The- McMinnville lodge will enter in the parade an appropriate float repre senting this new organization and they aspect to be granted their charter at this convention, to which purpose .the Salem and Albany lodges have offered their support. - Business houses in general will close up tomorrow, making it In fact a holi day for this city. The Southern Pa cino are allowing excursion rates and are running extra trains between Mc Uinnville . and Portland, a feature of (Treat advantage to valley people. . The organizing-of the Elks here an nounces to the -world that McMinnville xtow has a population .of 6000 people, as that number is required in any city before a lodge can be organized. For merly Elks of McMinnville were a part of the Salem lodge and had to Journey to the Capital to attend meet ings. . SEATTLE BRINGS, WEE ELK Sidney Smttxi Gets Tjost on Way to r -, Portland Qrond Iiodfe. ..Omaha has four past exalted rulers, Idaho has a donkey, Los Angeles has a badge collector and Portland, until yesterday afternoon, had. the "long and short" of the convention. Now Seattle has com forward with another celeb rity, the shortest Elk that has yet grown horns, and its name is Sidney Smith, msgaslne writer. Press Club member, a T 1111 cum and booster for the Golden Potlatcb. t. Sidney Smith is so short that he has to use a stepladder to get in bed. When Mr. Smith was registering yesterday a brother Elk held him up to the counter. He Is accompanied by Mrs. -Smith. The "Bugs" from down Pot latch way are telling a new. story on Mr. Smith. . Mr. Smith was with an aggregation of boosters on an excursion, when he got separated from the crowd in his car. A practical Joker got down on all fours and began looking under the seats. Ths Seattle man ' had not searched long before be had a couple of negro porters kneeling near him to help him in the search. Presently on of the porters ventured: "And what 'ah yo' lookin' fob. mis tahT" "We's Just missed Mr. Smith.' re plied th "Bug," soberly. "Look under that paper over mere. The negro looked. Fifteen million rats hare bees sacrificed mine 1904 for the sake of the preventive - mi.i mmA - ftf 1 a mm III Blll j.i . " . .. w - brought forth- by the metropolitan police lilt M rm. v i 'iiiiip - V 1! V 11 ,-, ,W, . " la,." -1 Hmn Mftl..TTi riHr It John K. Tener, . seated "Abran 11am T. La wren c . Pm, and H. B. Fred Harper, ne . I. & : '15, Sam Fran dace's Hlgk-Clasa Band. WAYSIDE THE Denver delegation of the ant lered herd took possession of the Hotel Portland grill last night and Just about turned It upside down and right side out. The main feature of the day -arfeifh almost neces sitated removing some of the walls. A new yell was also sprung. - n. cm something like this: . Come to Denver We ask yon once, we ask yon twice. There we will always treat you nlcej - Are we Elks, wall I should say; Why we were Elks when there was the m. rvnvp . wvrvr. . the Elks' narty f from Los Angeles were two live nntrtrhnt that were obtained from the celebrated ostrich farm at Pasadena. Shortly after arriving in Portland one of the Dims,' m.ea, proDaoiy uruuju fatigue. . His companion, despite his inn.nn,na '.tiiii1'.rM!( and defiant at the California Elks' headquarters, less numbers or visitors. . . BUCK KEITH has always maintained that Nebraska City. Neb. his na tive town, was th only municipality, "on the map."' Keith's friends- have been Just as insistent that his conten tion was not entirely-sound and have chlded him on account of it "Just wait until the Nebraska delegation of Elks gets here and I will show you how Nebraska City stands," assured Keith to his friends several days ago. "They will wear the ' most elaborate badges that will appear in Portland during convention week." The Nebraska City delegation arrived yesterday. It in cluded one- lone delegate, .James Laid law. but he did not wear even a. sign of a badge. Keith is now looking" for other proof that there Is such a place as Nebraska' City. ' ; Ir remained for visiting Elk to- In still some common sense into the "noodles" of . a couple of "smart Alecks," between 22 and 24 years of age, it appearances . may' be trusted, during - the olectric - parade Tuesday night. These would-be clever youths were loitering -on Washington street near Fourteenth and tapping women, without regard to their age, on th cheeks as they passed and ducking back into the shadow of a restaurant entrance. A tall lanky Elk came along with a couple of women under his escort and the "trick" was repeated on one of them. He managed to catch a glimpse of one of . the youths dis appearing into the alcove. Coming back, ho administered to each a half, dozen or so stinging open-handed slapa A roan in the reataurant who had watched the young men'a performance for a quarter of an hour or so came out and helped the visitor by holding the tricksters. : GEORGE Dixon, of Portland, is secre tary of the Oregon State Hotel As sociation. George Dixon, of Oakland, CaL. is manager, of the Argonaut Ho. tel. San Fxanolsoo. a "Hello Bill" and ,rt. tU MiaT Part GrDd Exalted Rnler and Cwr.l r"""'!"' ", . " L " T V . o H i'. m V? Perro'tt. of ludi.n.poH., the tatter a Member o the New Home Comml-lon4. Wll- Carmany. of Alleatowa. i-e-, 'ames jr. -y , oj s w7rher" SuTt 10 Albert UrelnlK, of ChUIieothe Oll, John P. Ka-h, of MlnneapolIsia, Marion B. f Lynchbars. Va, Caairmaa of the Rltnal Committee, VHth His Sonny Weather SniMO. e v"wh ,' jH Addlnon for Grand Ksteemed Leading Knight. Stats Band IS. Roland K. Slason. of Jamestown, I. 1 . i-fc . u ' - , . . With J. B. Harbour. Delegate From TALES ABOUT ELKS one of the delegates to the Elks' grand lodge reunion. For the past three or four days the Portland George Dixon has been receiving the mail of the Cali fornia George Dixon and industriously tramping with it down to the Per kins Hotel, the Oaklahder's headquar ters. Yesterday the two were intro duced by Manager Swetland of - the hotel. "Hello George, said the Portlander. "Glad to meet you. How. are you George T' "Fino and dandy, George," said the San Francisco George Dixon; "Have a drink, George?" "Don't mind if I do, George," said the Portland George Dixon. The two kept on "Georglng" each other ad infinitum much to the amuse ment of Manager Swetland and others who were let In on the faots. INVITATIONS wore yesterday issued to all visiting Elks by the' members of the Tacoma delegation for . next Saturday -night, when the Montamara Festo ' and Fourth- of July - speotaole will be repeated at the High School Stadium in that city.- . The. programmo for the night Includes a complete rep etition of the recent suocessful demonstration,- embracing a military drill by 1800 soldiers,-and a broadsword "battle between members of troop B. Calvary. Tacoma. Numerous other entertaining features have been supplied by-the com mittee in charge. WITH . a want . ad reading, "Lost, , strayed or stolen one -Elk, an swers to" the name "of" Thomas Malra. Any information leading to his capture will bo rewarded at room 620 Carlton Hotel," E. J. Manche. of Tacoma," drift ed into The Oregonlan office yesterday afternoon. Mr. Manche explained that he had "been looking for ' that cuss for two days" and concludes by saying that he felt reeponslble to the people of Tacoma for his fellow townsman's safe ty.. ... - ,;- AFILIPPINO supper, will be served bythe members of . .Soout-.Toung camp, of the Spanish American War veterans tomorrow- evening at Knights of Pythias' Hall, Eleventh and . Alder streets, in honor of visiting' Elks who are members of the Spanish American War veterans. Open house -Will be con ducted throughout the evening. An in; terestlng entertainment programme al so has been prepared." Wtt.t.tam H.'' ATWELL, of , Dallas, - Tex, a delegate to the Elks con. ventlon. and D. O. Lively.j vlce-presi-f dent of the Portland Union Stockyards Company, atarted in life together down in Texas, Atwell as a young attorney and Lively, as he puts it himself, as a "cub" newspaper reporter. The other eight at th Beefsteak dinner given by the . Elks publicity committee to Port land and visiting newspaper men they got together and became reminiscent. "Do you remember, Bill," asked Lively, "when w used to have only a quarter between us for a meal and how sometimes we bucked the faro layout - - - . '.' n.i,i..j n,.t KniiniUnlMi r Oaliud BakM. of Taylorsvflle, 111 who rre- Jfo. S at Extreme Left. In the hope of running it up t a couple of dollars and having a royal feast? Jove, we did have a great time, now that I look back to it." "Yes, and do you remember what a great fix we'd get In when we lost our small changer returned the Texan. Mr. Attell is now a United States District Attorney and a political power In Texas. Lively, in addition to his of ficial position with the Portland Union Stockyards Company, has been appoint ed Livestock Commissioner for the big fair in San Francisco in 1915. , Both have made good. THE O.-W. R. 4 N. has handled at the" Union Depot approximately 10,000 pieces of baggage since the Elks rush, commenced, according to the statement of A. C Martin,- assistant general passenger-agent,' of the 0.-W. R, N. He said yesterday that in spite of this immense amount of baggage not a complaint has been made of baggage gone astray. "I think the record a re markable one," he commented. , THE Pendleton cowboy. Elks, who will arrive at 5:80 A.-- M. " today, will leave ther special" train at the Country Club and will ride to Portland from there on "horseback. Their wives and children will continue to ,the .Union Depot on the train, after .eating break fast at the Country . Club, where two diners will be stationed by the railroad company. ', A SPECIAL train, carrying at least 650 persons, will leave Astoria at 6:S0 o'clock this morning, arriving here at 8:30. Members of the Astoria lodge In uniform will march from the North Bank station- to the parade lines and will form- immediately for their posi tion. Several hundred Astorians al- Iready are In the city. Others will come on regular trains. Boats ana uuucuu It is estimated that Astoria will con tribute at least , 2000 persons to to day's crowds. . ' ' . ' BALTIMORE has entered the race wrth Louisville: Atlanta and Cin cinnati for the 1914 convention. Ralph Sacks, a live member of -Baltimore Lodge No. 7, la the man behind the Maryland city who is pushing for the big meeting two years from now. -. THOMAS r B.; . MILLS, J-newly-elected -grand exalted ruler, was waited upon : by. the representatives of the Pasadena ostrich farm yesterday and presented with three lovely, white fea thers, picked from the best of the 2000 ostriches under th car of .the com pany. ' The distinguished man expressed hia thanks and referred in a compli mentary manner to the institution. COLONEL FRANK J.' PARKER. . t Portland,": who served asr advance agent for the : Elks' convention in the Southwest and who is responsible for bringing many Elks here from that dis trict, yesterday entertained a group of delegates with a good-luck story. AND THEIR DOINGS "Tears ago," said the-Colonel. "I was prospecting in the Arizona desert and was looking for copper, when l ran out of water. I then met a roan who had run out of food. He showed me Where there was a water hole and I gave him grub. He was broke and he sold me for S35 some rough uncut sapphires. Not long ago I sent them to Tiffany and had them cut. Tiffany pronounced them the equal of any In the world. One Is worth over $600. I have seven in all. red, blue, morganlte pink-and yellow. The yellow sapphire Is held In high esteem as counteracting the influence of an evil eye." With that Colonel Parker dove into his Docket and produced the ' beautiful sapphires before the admiring group. "I am very well pleased with -my 835 investment," concluded Colonel Parker. (7rLL alone from Hudson, Mass., No. f 895," was the reply made by An drew J. Robinson, when asked whether he knew where another Hudson Elk ;was" located. Brother Bob 7 may have been all alone -when he started,, but-it's a certainty that he couldn't have been alone, very-long in Portland with that smile of his and a sort of friendly at mosphere emanating from everything about him. "Yes." sir, I'm the only one to make -the 'trip,-but I promised the bdys that I'd do my best not to disgrace them."' .-- .: - ;" , ,: OIR I am grievously disappointed O In Portland. X am annoyed; I am angry.-in fact" : ."What's the matted, old chap?" "Why.. I tell you. I have traveled for 24 years In different parts of the world, and it is only When I get back to' Portland that I am asked where Klamath Falls is, .Its positively ridic ulous. . Everybody else, - everywhere, i. -a v - i TrinmAth " FaIIr. the one city In' the world. The Egyptians know or it, lor i toojt oou vttiv loii wviu. From the : militant manner In which rk r rmnK.U.. nstiirallv of Klamath Falls, said this, IU is not difficult to imagine any native or. Jisypi venturing to contradict him. . i :v ' C - E." CLARK, who owns' 900 acres e of " land' in Marshalltown, la., has unfnn. an onlv badsre of its' kind at the convention. "Back home" Clark has a full section oi some oi mo nnesi corn grown in the Middle West and he is u sin ir one of the ears as a breast decoration. The yellow of , the large grains and the roa oi me coo, uiouu well with the. bright, glittering colors of the other ornaments." " POLITICAL economy and sociology discussed in- a mixture of the Igor- rbte language and the new Interna tional tongue of Esperanto, la tne spe cialty put on every evening this week and before crowds of Elks anywhere, by P. J. Kelly. When Kelly gets up to speak the crowd be gins to yell before he has said a word and although they do not understand a single line of the speaker's talk, they give the lecturer th "glad hand" until he is through. The finale to Kelly' speech is always the best. The police thought at first that he was crazy, but when thev found out the facts they made no more attempts to arrest the entertainer. Kelly Is one of a number of young fellows who are putting up a Duriesque on street sneakers. He does tne plat form work and the others lead in the cheerlnar over his nonsensical chatter. He- is a Portland Doy. FS. RATLIFF, of Idaho, who is e going to compete for the prize for the heaviest, or biggest Elk present at the-convention.' is on a strike, and last night he said that he was not going to march In any more parades until today, because. If he did, he would perspire so freely that his weight would be reduced -ana this would oe tract from his chances of winning the coveted honor of being "the biggest Elk" In the convention. His friends wanted him to take a walk around the block later, but he absolutely refused and said he was going to conserve his weight and win the prize. THERE is one delegate here who 1 has a grievance. He is a Cincin nati man, and .he registered his com plaint with Drr Harry F. McKay, chair man of the reception committee, yes terday morning. He declares that the Portland com mittee has been derelict In its duty in one respect. They neglected to pro vide barbers to shave the visitors while they sleep. No one has time to get shaved after once they awake. JUST a touch of pathoB was added to the general festivity at Seventh and Stark streets laBt night, , when, as the big bell In one of the court of honor arches was ringing its 11 strokes, a wagon of an undertaking firm passed. . Somebody In the crowd re marked, with levity, that the bell was tolling for the dead; but a number of Elks, standing near and overhearing the remark, rebuked the speaker by silently removing their hats and stand ing bareheaded .while the conveyance passed with its still burden. POSTMASTER MERRICK desires th visiting Elks to understand that the mail received at the Elks' head quarters Is arranged alphabetically, and It should be inquired tor in that way. and, also, it is not deemed best that an Individual shall call for the mall or all of his lodge members. When mail Is addressed In care of a hotel It is de livered there instead of at the Elks' postoffloe. WHEN S. B. Irvln stepped up to George H. Lewis, the Salem hop buyer and visiting Elk. and tried to take away a unique badge that was suspended to his lapel by a silk thread, he pulled the tall off a live lizard. There was great mourning on the part of , Irvin when he saw his favorite decoration thus decimated AH Hats Raised to National Air. Crowd Parades With Slarchers. Strains of Stirring Harmony Fill Streets Two Hours. "Veni, vldl, vicl" wrote the great Caesar, after one of his famous vic tories. Change It a trifle to "We. came, you heard, we conquered" and the story of the massed band parade yesterday Is summed up in a few words. For two hours yesterday morning thousands listened enraptured to the strains of the "Star-Spangled Banner." "Marching Through Georgia" and "Auld Lang Syno" played by a massed band of 200 performers recruited from the ranks of the Band of the Fifth Regi ment. National Guard of California, the Idaho band, the -musical corps from SUverton and the Oregon CoaBt Artil lery. But for the fact that the Instru ments were tuned to a lower pitch, the fine Coast Artillery band from San Francisco would also have been there. The players lined up at 9 o'clock. At the signal from Charles E. York. Instructor, the men swung smartly off to the Imperial Hotel. There the play ing of the National Anthem was the signal for the removal of every hat. It was at" this point that the Idaho band, 35 strong, marched up to take their positions behind the others. Very cool they looked In their white silk shirts and their duck trousers, and their music was not one whit behtnd their appearance In point of excel lence. ' Seattle Makes Sbowlaer. A diversion occurred at this Juncture. Everybody moved to one side to allow the passage of white uniformed Pot latch Bugs, Just arrived, who were whirled through to the accompaniment of Wagner's band. Then the ranks closed again, the band took up the march and moved on along the path way of the Court of Honor. All along the route men and women cheered to the echo. Time and time again as different National airs were played the vast throng cheered. Crowds marched betore and followed after, keeping step, humming, whistling or singing the airs and all combined to make the parade around the Court of Honor a big success. A halt was called at each corner. At the corner of Seventh and Alder streets members of the bands closed up their ranks, but later on they deployed again, taking up the entire width, of the street. Down Yamhill the procession wended Its way, making a stately sweep around, halting before the Portland Hotel, where visitors crowded at the windows, on the balconies and in the court attracted by the music. It was- when a halt was called out side the home of the. Portland Elks that the enthusiasm was .the greatest, and th band had to play each air more than once before separating Inte com panies and departing to their own headquarters. . First to step smartly off was tn Fifth Regiment,- playing one of their favorite marches. "Celebrity." They were followed by the SUverton or ganization, then by the Idaho band. Circling Into the Portland Hotel court, they played for some time, thundering out the "Legend of the Stars" and receiving a shower of carnations from the crowd above. ' Last to go were the members or tn Coast Artillery Corps, which swuns down Seventh street, to the cheers ot the crowd gathered about the Elks headquarters. Bands Go te Onks. During the afternoon every band was at the Oaks, either serenading the gathering or participating in the pre liminary contest for the large prizes offered by the Elks. The Coast Artil lery Band, from California, gave a con cert in the Multnomah Hotel from 1:S till 3 o'clock. While the other bands were resting last night preparatory to the big parade today the Coast Ar tlllery boys were working overtime a I the grand ball given by the San Fran cisco lodge. - They furnished music un til a late hour, because, as one of them put it, "we knew they wanted us." Last evening the bands again "tuned up" and "ragtime," which had no place in the massed parade of the morning, captivated the throngs in the streets. At the Portland. Hotel there was a musical festival. T he Idaho and Kal (spel Bands, playing in the court, vied with the Fifth Regiment musicians within the hotel. At the Multnomah, La Grande musicians kept every one In a good humor. A band from Los Angeles regaled visitors at the Oregon Hotel during the evening. One of the newest arrival, was the Sherman County Band, which arrived toward evening, playing before the Elks lodge immediately atter leav ing the station. Many others are due inr.iudinr the Pendleton "Let er Bucks," on horseback. Later in the evening ins duiub b every popular air. from "Oh. You Beau- ... . . . .. . i.t . v To 11, In Vnnr tirui j.ou to ii u ,,v -- Sleep, Don't Mention My Name. Central Oregon Advertised. -n j D,.n.tfn In Its issue of July 3 contains 44 pages of reading r. t.j tn the Industrial devel- opment of Bend and Crook County. The number shows that many big en terprises are projectea in ten u rtmmlll nlants. lrrlara- gon, miniums, " ' , . , . tion systems and other industries of an Important nature. The edition Is Illustrated with typical views of scenes and enterprises of the Central Oregon country. ' How to Keep Face Young and Attractive (National Hygienic Review.) The way to ward oft old age is not to fear it. not to allow one's self to be op pressed by the dread of advancing years. Use only legitimate preventives and avoid trying experiments with preparations not inaorseo. ny pnysi- clans. An entirely saie ana very.ei fectlve way to keep the complexion young-looking and beautiful Is to. ap ply ordinary mercollzed wax at bed time, using It like cold cream, washing i. in fha mornlnar. This s-raduallv absorbs the withered, faded cuticle, which Is replaced by the more youthful, pink-tinted underskln. One ounce of this wax, to be had at any drug store. Is enough to completely rejuvenate a worn-out complexion. Wrinkles and flabblness of cheek and chin, the first signs of advancing an, may be lessened by a simple, harmless preparation made by dissolving an ounce of powdered eaxollte In a half lnt witch hazeL It la used as a face ath. Adv. ...