Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 11, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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    'the morning oregonian, Thursday; jttly 11, 1912.
been a regular deputy attached to the
Sheriff's office. -
"He was sober and Industrious." said
Sheriff Stevens, upon learning of the
shooting, "and rendered my office
valuable assistance on many occasions.
I always regarded him one of my very
best deputies."
TACOMA. July . Otto W. Pince was
released two days ago from the State
Hospital for the Insane. At Stellacoom.
near this city, where he had been con
fined a short time.. He Is the son of
Mrs. A- J. Llttlejohn. of Tacoma, by a
former . husband, now living at Car
thage. Mo. His release from the asy
T Herman Emery, Stage Man
' ager, Victim of Assassin
' (at Pantages.
lum was obtained on tne understand
ins? that he would be sent to his fath
er and It was supposed he had gone
The Purity Of
Otto W. Pinch, Mission Preacher,
Insanely Jealous of Chorus Girl,
Believed to Have Mortally
Wounded Wrong Man.
Tragedy was substituted for musical
comedy at Pantages Theater at 10:30
o'clock Tuesday night, when Otto Ward
Pinch, of 3704 Sixth street. Tacoira.
after gaining entrance to the stage and
b ing denied an Interview with Miss
Carl; Lowe one of the company pre
sents "The Seven Aviator Girls," 'a
musical comedy, with whom he was
enamored, fatally shot Herman P. Em
ery, the stage m; ager. who resides at
547 Fourth street
With revolver clenched In his fist.
Pinch backed out the side door through
which he ente-ed and ran up Alder to
Park and thence north to Stark street,
where he was arrested Ly Patrolmen
Frey and J. J. Murphy, after being
pointed out by George Meyer, property
man at Pantages. Meyer witnessed the
shooting and pursued Emery's assail
ant until he met the policemen.
Crowd Delays Officer.
Murphy and Frey pursued the fleeing
man through the laughing crowd of
revelers on the Seventh-street branch
of the Court of Honor. The crowd,
thinking that Pinch was some reveler
whom the police were trying to catch
for a minor offense, blocked their way
and tried to trip them as they ran.
They caught up with Pinri at Sev
enth and Stark under one of the B. P.
O. E. arches. He submitted without a
struggle, and was walked to the police
"This man came In the side entrance
to the theater and asked to see Miss
Uwe," said Meyer, last night. "I
called Miss Lowe, whose act was about
to be called. She caught sight of the
caller and hurried to her mother. She,
upon seeing the ' man, sought George
6ellinger. manager of the act who, ac
companied by Emery, returned- to find
i what was wanted. AS tney approacnea
; the stranger, he exclaimed:
"I am engaged to this girl and want
to see her. What do you wantr
"Pulling the revolver out of his
pocket, the stranger shot Emery and
- then retreated out the door."
r - "That man butted into my affairs.
- It is a thing that I do not like at all.
So I bought a gun and I shot him. Sure,
' I only shot once. It was a good shot
and I think it did what I wanted to do.
? Lock me up." Pinch took his arrest
) quietly, handed over to the officers who
. searched him his revolver and a hand
' full of cartridges and laughed at the
crowd in the police station.
S Pinch, who says he is a minister, also
told of buying an automatic revolver,
for the avowed purpose of shooting
j Emery. This, he said, he had left in his
room In a rooming-house whose loca
f tlon he could not give, and had taken
. a Colt's revolver with him. when he
I west to the theater.
"She was the girl that I was going
t to marry," persisted Pinch. "When I
saw him on the stage I just stuck out
' the gun," making a movement with ex
" tended finger to Indicate the revolver.
"and the thing was done. One shot
. was enough, nice and business like."
Emery, who was hastened to St. Vin
' cent's hospital in a Red Cross ambu-
- lance, was but half conscious and bled
' a good deal. In reply to questions he
' said that he did not know who the
man was who had shot him.
Late last night' his condition was
auch that the hospital authorities
' would give out no optimlstlo state
ments. He was shot through the low
er abdomen by a revolver of 88 cal
iber and It Is thought that the lower
i intestines were cut.
Pinch wore when arrested a deputy
t sheriffs star, with which he bluffed
the doorkeeper at the theater Into al--
lowing him to go behind the stage. It
. is an imitation, although he asserts
that in his room, whose location he
could not point out. be had a warrant
for his commission as deputy sheriff.. '
After examining him. Police Captain
Riley sent Pinch to the County Jail,
: where he was locked up in a protected
I Both Miss Lowe and her mother,
5 Mrs. E. Lowe, who accompanies her,
said last night that they had never
seen Pinch before. Because of the
daughter's nervous condition the
mother did the talking.
t Endearing; Notes Written.
"During last week when we were in
' Tacoma and since arriving In Portland
' Monday, my daughter received many
. postcards and letters from Pinch, each
containing endearing messages," said
Mrs. Lowe. "In these, four of which
, came in today's mail, he repeatedly
asserted that he was engaged to her
'and would marry .her. Becoming
- alarmed before leaving Tacoma, I sum
moned two detectives and asked them
- to keep watch of the man because I
' considered him insane and was afraid
for my daughter's safety. They assured
' me that we would not be troubled any
longer by the writer of the letters, ex
plaining that he had been placed in an
asylum. I never saw the man before
Miss Lowe, has in her possession a
score of letters written by Pinch.
Their contents plainly show an unbal
anced mind and support the state
ment of the young woman that she did
not encourage the author by so much
as replying to any of them. To all of
these missives, the signature of O. w.
' Pence" was affixed. Pence, and not
" Pinch, may be the man's true name, al
though when taken to the police sta
. tlon he wrote out Pinch as his name.
Preaching HIa Profession.
Pinch left Tacoma at 11:30 o'clock
yesterday morning, arriving In Port'
land late In the afternoon. He regis
. tered at the Hotel Minook. on Fourth
street For some time before being
,-. committed to the Washington State In
sane Asylum, from which he was re-
'" leased two months ago. Pinch was a
minister of the Apostolic Faith de-
- nomination.
Pinch, followed Miss Lowe and com
canv to Portland from Tacoma for the
.admitted purpose of settling accounts
with Bellinger whom he charges with
having replaced him In the affections
of the petite, bnt handsome actress.
That he failed In his mission or was
so Insanely mad that be made a mis-
- take in choosing his victim is apparent
from the fact that the bullet intended
for Selllnger lodged -in the abdomen of
-. Emery, who preceded Bellinger In re
snonding to the appeal of Mrs. Lowe
tai- Pinrh had demanded to see her
Mrs. Lowe and dauguter reside In
Chicago while Selllnger gives Louis
ville. Ky., as his restaence.
Victim Is Officer.
Emery for a number of years has
SERVED AT 11 P. 51.
Visiting Members of Antlered Herd
Have .Bohemian Feast With
Writers and Print Extra.
No dinner in the world, from an 18-
course creation at Maxim's in Paris
to the crust of bread that is a taste of
hlls to the starvlnsr tramp, could have
brought greater Joy to its participants
tnan tne ainner - oi oeeisieait. uu
t.lmmlntrt" cHvan tn tha. members of the
press at 11 o'clock Tuesday night by the
committee in charge of the Elks' fes
tivities. In the pressroom or uie fort
land Printing House Company. To J.
t. Wivht tha nrARfrient f the com
pany, and Wiliam Henze are due the
sincere thanks or an present ior en
abling the dinner to be held.
-... ti .)(. It waa avMant that a
spirit of camaraderie and Bohemlanlsm
was to prevail, and wnen tne steaming
steaks, cooked to a turn, and the trim-minD-
nnM ah the waters of the Hell-
gate stream, were served to the 150
guests assembled there, tne floodgates
of enthusiasm were let loose.
OMjiaatinr. finartAri that Is AT.ord-
lng to the official programme of Presi
dent PlKe Jjavis ine win iorgive iuc
"Pike" on this occasion), with some
snappy songs by the Majestlo quartet
who gave of their best the evening
through. Then followed speeches by
all the leading men, who were limited
n. tan HnM. ra that their effusions
might be printed In "The Mystic Hour,"
a four-page sneer, tto use a snop ex
pression), which appeared at midnight
c..imp thst aottia of the Drinted
speeches were delivered In a din some
half hour before tne Dinn oi rori-
Ignn'. naVASt naner. it la DOSsible to
ni. an irlan nf the celeritv with which
newspaper men can work, of course
when It Is for tneir own amusement.
In all tha snaechaft of the Visitors
a meed of praise, full to overflowing,
was accorded this Queen of cities.
Even the representative irom intr,
the holder of this proud title yielded
pride of place to Portland. Praise for
the Elks, praise for the beautiful dec-
...Hnna nralflA for thfl DTftSH. WSS aC-
corded without stint and In words that
proved the earnestness or tne speak
ers. . . .
Especially so was the commendation
granted to the press, for the speakers
nnanimnm. (n declaring- that no
convention was better handled from
the publicity point or view., u. i
Leiter, city editor of The Oregonian.
who had the honor of making the
first speech, welcomed the coming of
the Elks, wished tnem an joy ana np
plness and hoped that when the time
thai, n-annrtiirA was at hand they
would be able to say In all sincerity
and truth that tms naa Deen im si
est convention at which they had ever
.v, -,". tno-athar From the llDS Of E.
R. Ingersoll. of Seattle, came a pithy
...... v. -T ,ama on Ka.tnrda.V- I trot
wise on Sunday. Monday I. wired my
Wife. Today she's here." -
It was perfectly clear to everybody
that Admiral Reynolds, one of the
guests of the evening, would have
......, in fa . a nautical foe than
a paper one. He admitted that he had
never said a tning in ms una im"
he could write even less, but that the
k.u.inv nf the famous old 'scion of
the sea' to Portland was one of the
proudest achievements or nis ma.
Genial - Bob Brown, of Louisville,
ra monaHnff editor of the Louis
ville Times and past grand exalted
ruler, hit the nail on me neaa wnen
he remarked, "I am beginning to una
,... -that vnn naonle of Portland are as
great and as good as you Imagine your
selves to be."
That Portland had gone one oetter
...- Dhiiariainhis. was the sorrowful
admission made by Chester Ray, of that
fair city. ,
Both Lieutenants Kline and Riddle,
of the Oregon, did not take long to ex
press their pleasure at being present
Others who spoke inciuaea tne grana
i i Daw .Tnhn DvRart Norman
Vaughan, Donald J. Sterling, of the
Journal; John W. Kelly, of the Tele
gram; Captain Speler, narDor master;
Colonel Russell Harrison, Colonel Tom
Hunter, Cary Applegate, grand trustee.
Colonel David M. Dunne, K. K. Kubli,
John Faulkner, new grand trustee;
Harry C. McAllister. Fred Robinson.
grand secretary, and win Aiiwen, oi
Among those present were:
TT a t-.l 1 TtAllAA. TUI'. John
ar -1 1 .. T T . Ttmhrow. RoRTn, Fawcett
James H. Cassell. Ralph 8taehli. George
Pritchara. Moe Moms, ueorse icv.avriu.
Tacoma Dally News; "TIge" Reynolds; W.
H. Richardson. Jr., Austin. Texas; J. a.
Seed, Fred W. Barker, Dick Mullln. Milton
W. Werschkul. G. P. BlsselL H. a Bibley.
A. Burr, Walker CLoughlln. J. K. Murphy.
C. Id. Bristol, A. K. oiajrLuuacr. "i,"""
rla T f-anln T T. Wrlsht. Phil
Grossmayer. O. C. Leiter, George A. White,
H. M- White. LiaUOB u. oxarr, &. jiwo-
es. E. H. Thles. R. M. Cooleflge, E. W.
Jorgensen. S. B. Vincent, James GUosky.
a. .-1 . rM-irfa T. Clmninil ITrAil C ROO-
lnson, Dubuque, Iowa; John Dysart, grand
chaplain. Dubuque; a. jcaiiur, -vey
O'Brien. Addison Bennett, F. P. Stone
rod, David W. Hastln. Stanley Myes. Ward
H. Coble, T. T. Burehfleld, Philadelphia.
T. T. Burehfleld, Philadelphia; H. L. Ku
man. Spokane; Cary la Applegate, Salt
Lake City; A. C Rowder, Jackson. Miss.;
p.-1 u u..i.r f?nlv ? PaiiI R-
L uornn. a. .--,
Kelty. Portland; Gordon Stuart, Vancouver;
Julius Rlesenoerg, uincincui dw nm,
Arthur Bachman, San Francisco; David M.
Dunne. D, Bolls Cohen, W. M. Davis; W. a
.iTT Hnlntlt- rhaatap T. RAV PhllA-
acvuiutiui -
delphla; J. E. Masters, Chaxlerol; E. R.
Ingersoll, Seattle; w. u. van oonuyver. ts.
H. Blumauer, J. P. Blank. St. Louis, Mo.;
B. A. Marshall, J. H. Diets, J. W. Blaney.
George B. Goodwin, R. Duke, W. de L.
GIfford,' Walter W. R. May. Berbert J.
Campbell. W. J. Norris, Eugene; J. H.
it a r.n. H.,..all U.wklnt T
ja.iiii.jL v. a. . -
... , n I IT fit w,vv- nA,,a
rmriDuu, tJ - - - -
H. Kelly. John H. Burgard. J. B. Bpeier
James a. aic-ooi, au hu.. UUiu w. a.
Navy; Tom N. . Monks. Arthur Callan.
Charles Hlllebrmndt. Council Grove, Kan.;
vl sl Blake. Eloeno. "American W. D.
Leveranea, Colin V. Dyment, V. H. Por
ter. Ted Lansing, W. P. Strandborg, Ned
Blythe, C E. Bpurgeon. Everett, Wash.; J.
Jacklo. D. O. Lively. Archer B. Wallace,
Rockvllle Center. New York: J. Huyler El
lison. Freeport. L. I.. N. T. ; Louis Sond
belm. C. W. Myerm, Clark WilUams. A Big
Tiaml, p. D. McNanghton, F. H. Grlnnell.
F. J MeGettlgan, Donald J. Sterling.. Thom
as J. Mnllln. E. E. Brodle, E. R- Brown.
Oregon City; Barold K. Bunt Karl Zollner.
Portsmouth. Ohio; K. K. Kubll. Thos. a
Poole. SIg Werthelmer. T. E. Dowllng. John
.. . u T .Inl. TallahaiBM Flnr.
Ida- Frank King. Providence, R. L; Robert
W. Brown, Louisville; Norman M. Vaughn,
gl Louis; ansa v. umii, -
I Bowman. William R. Boone. Newport,
B. L. 10; R. M. Emerson and H. G. Whipp.
The) Voice of Disparagement.
(Washington Star.)
"You don't credit the sincerity of our
friend's agitation for prohibition."
"No." replied Mr. Growcher. "He Is
one of those people who would suffer
any amount of personal inconvenience
for the sake or spiting tneir neign-
Offers the
Dangers of
Gladstone Chautauqua Folk
Stirred by London' Min
ister's Address.
Though Englishman Voices Self as
Favoring No American Politi
cal Faith He Praises
Work qf Democrat.
GLADSTONE PARK. July 10. (Spe-
slaL) As a result of the Elks traffic
congestion in Portland, Byron's Troupe
of Troubadours, which was to have
oiianlotnnslT nnanpri the 19th annual
assembly of the Gladstone Chautauqua,
arrived on tne grounos jusi a ou
hour too late for their programme.
Rev. William Spurgeon. of London,
TT" ir n m rl hravalv r-Q m tf thfl rfiSCUO
and the 1600 patrons, who had gath
ered In the main auaitonum to near mo
dusky troubadours, -were given an un-
i-A an an flf n r.torv treat
uoucw auu -
tn- '9nti.nn'i TrMt lecture. 'An
I Englishman's ' Impression of Uncle
Sam and America. ut. opurgeun
a -Yt ftnt(mierlr) TlaW nf Conditions
and faults of our own people, gently
...ui.iaino- mi, lanir nf low Anforcement
and pointing out many, things that could
be unproved in our system, subsobuub
a more strict Immigration . law. His
lecture teemed with a brotherly spirit
that made a decided impression with
the audience. ne lauaea wuuuruw
-nriiaan thnncrh fiiHnlsilmlnfir an al
legiance to any American political
party, and spoke oi mm as a ujb ua.u
who would honor tne nignesi cium
in tna TCatinn Ha snoke and com
mented most favorably of the frledly
relations existing between England
and the united states. m geuu
hintaa aa tha PrnVillff fitrUatelO Of
capital vs. labor in this country, but
throughout his masterly auuress me
friendly attitude of a broad minded
Englishman was uppermost.
Musicians Rare Treat.
An ..(.a larva nrnp-rfl Trim A was the
reward for the patient crowd that wait
ed In vain for the Troubadours in the
afternoon. The dusky musicians proved
a rare treat in the evening entertain
ment, ana berore a Digger crown man
had assembled In the aftornoon, fur an 4anl j-antartalnmnnt and a
high class musical programme, both in-
B.vnmanta 1 and VATfl
Th MTanhonn ouartet and the violin,!
flute and cello trio were most popular
u mbers, and the novi "uyronaoun,
with its 67 tones and four capable
operators, made a big hit.
Tha fnr-mnl nrianlnf? nf the firrounds
occurred at 10:30 with a most interest
ing talk by tne presiaent oi tne asso
ciation, C. H. Dye, tracing the Glad
stone Chautauqua movement from Its
Infancy. 19 years ago. Rev. Charles A.
Phlpps, secretary of the Oregon State
Sunday School Association, responded
on behalf of the patrons. In the ab-
- n n c ni... Tnnaa whn to,' a a Klnolc-
Dcuva ui o. .
aded In Portland on account of the im
mense traffic at that place. Kev. Mr.
Spurgeon, who will conduct daily Bible
niaaaaa inH Trofessor Lee Emerson
Bassett, who will conduct the Shakes
peare department, Dotn oumnea tneir
work, and Miss Gage whetted up the
appetites of the- patrons by telling of
the good things In store for those in
terested in domestic science.
8. Piatt Jonea Arrives.
Tha nlatfnrTYl muTH) tTPT. & Plitt JOneS.
though exhausted from a 16-hour ride
from Eastern Oregon,' stepped into the
main auditorium at the conclusion of
Cnnno-ann's eHnrafifi and made a
-111 wru. o""-
most favorable Impression with the
audience. iur. Jones wta a si.ria.iue,
personality and is a rare entertainer,
-ua haa in at onmnlAted a most success-
ful session as manager of the platform
at La Grande.
The tent . city Jumped in numbers
from 200 to almost 350 during the day,
Mmna fllltflta ArA Still tjOUrln&T
into the park. It is expected that fully
2000 will be in tne auamonum luinui;
row. Miss Leah Slusser was the soloist
for Professor Chapman's orchestra con
cert at 1:15 this afternoon, and hearty
encores greeted her appearance. Pro
fessor Chapman's orchestra Is one of
the year's features, and Is on the pro
gramme for two concerts dally.
Mount Angel and the Portland Colts
officially opened the Chautauqua se
ries and almost the whole attendance
watched the first game. The score was:
Mount Angel 8. Colts 11. Batteries:
Mount Angel. Sharback and White;
Colts. Tucker and Scott. Umpire, Wil
liam Burnslde, of Portland.
The game fas a good exhibition, the
pitching of Tucker and the circus
catches of B. Mascot, for the Colts,
being features. A batting rally in the
ninth netteds five runs and the game
for the Colts. .
Programme for Tomorrow. ...
8 to 11 Bummer school. a .
11 Chautauqua Forum. "A Chau
tauqua Morning." Discussion led by &
Piatt Jones. ' -
1:15 Concert. Chapman s Orchestra.
Soloist, Perry Barton Arant, pianist.
Best Security against the
ordinary drinking waters
o-nn An attamnnn with MeCorfhock
and Bronte, the dog . with, the logical
3:30 Baseball, Gladstone vs. ciacK-
amas. . . - - -
7:15 Concert, Chapman's Orchestra.
Soloist Edson Dwlnell Clapp, violinist
fl-nft Ranriinir Professor Lee Emer
son Bassett Judge Frank P. Sadler,
of Chicago, .xne uriminai in ue
Ing. '
Atlantic Seaboard and Middle West
Under Broillnjr Sun.
x-TTTir vrtPtr .Tnlv lft -Sflorp.a of deaths
by heat prostration were reported from
tile Dig Cities OL 11IC uuuuuj jcoiiua,
aii ani iinmn thA Atlantic sea
board the heat was intense and suffer
ing great. Prostrations by the hun
dred were reported. In New York
there were seven deaths, two were
driven insane and the thermometer
reached 93 degrees.
There were two aeains ana scores m
nwotno tlnna at f nntrpal fiHf fat&litV
jl VJ" 1,1 fc. vtta . . - - - - i .
at Cincinnati, six deaths from heat at
Philadelphia, nine deaths and 21 pros
trations at VJUlaeU. till CO UDLlOLlUll"
at Milwaukee and hundreds of pros-
--., tfj-tna T-annr-tail frnrn nthar Tnl D t f
Hartford, Conn., had a temperature of
101). .Baltimore naa tne nonesi msui
of the year. Boston had two deaths
from heat and the mercury climbed to
100. The heat wave extended through
out tne soutnern states, out no oeuuin
were reported from that section.
Xatlve of Virginia. Has Had . Varied
Career In Navy and Is Now In
. Fleet Command.
ilfil DavnaUa admiral nf th Pa-
cific Coast reserve fleet, la the hon
ored guest of Fortlano ana occupies a
suite at the Imperial Hotel, with Mrs.
I J U. anj4 hla .raff T.I ATltAllftlltS
Klein and Lytle, U. 8. N. Because he
shouldered the responsibility of send
ing the battleship Oregon to Portland's
harbor this week, he won the everlast
ing gratitude of the whole state and
is being shown every courtesy.
Admiral Reynolds was met at Van
couver, Wash., by Mayor Rushlight,
Councilman iturgaro ana w. j.
Schuyver, of the Elks' committee, and
was officially welcomed Just as the
train was crossing the Columbia River.
He was brought here in the private
car of D. W. Campbell, superintendent
of the O.-W. R. & N. Company. ' He
-araa a nnrtmno n 1 a hv Harbormaster
Speler, Councilmen Menefee'and Monks,
George H. Kelly ana Russell Hawkins,
who were tne representatives . mo
Mayor on the trip. ,
Admiral Reynolds was thanked by
Mayor Rushlight for giving consent to
the dispatch of the Oregon to Port
land and was told that he could com
mand anything or anyone in Portland
at his pleasure while the city's guest
He said he was glad that he had a
part In the affair and was happy that
he had been able to send the ship Into
her own state.
Yesterday Admiral Reynolds and his
staff returned the calls made upon
them by various officials of clubs and
were entertained by Edgar B. Piper,
president of the Commercial Club, at
luncheon. John H. Burgard and F. A.
Freeman were the reception commit
tee. After luncheon they were taken
to the automobile races at the Coun
try Club . by J. - Fred Larson. John
S. Beall and Russell Hawkins hav
been active in the entertainment of
the visiting--of fleers.
Admiral Reynolds, in speaking of his
visit said:
"I am here unofficially and have no
Intention of going on board the Ore
gon and raising my flag. It Is entirely
a pleasure trip and I am in the hands
of my friends the Elks and Mayor
Rushlight and already my enjoyment
of the outing has commenced, as we
had a delightful ride over under per
fect conditions, and I can assure you
it Is going to give me great pleasure
toonake my first visit to this section,
of which I have heard so much and
In less time and at less cost than
any other Water Heater made. Always
ready for Immediate use. There's never
any hot water troubles when you de
pend on the ,
Water Heater
if you want the oest ior tne
Plumber to show It ana compare
the Pmrnrhmm with any sold at any
price. It won't take long to find
one that It Is the only heater that
furnishes all the pure, fresh, clean,
hot water you need and for half
the cost of other beaters. No
colls or dead arms to clog or get
out of order.
Rlmnie. lnexnenilve. complete
in Itself. Guaranteed permanent
as good alter 10 years use as
.vhen Installed. Write for Free
PeerUt Book.
Peerless Heater Company,
.. -- Chicago -
which I have never before visited. I
have made no plans nor have any of
my party, but look forwardwith pleas
ure to the -entertainment that has been
promised." ' .
Admiral Reynolds Is a native of Vir
ginia and at the age of 16 entered, the
naval academy and graduated in 187S
and his first service as a midshipman
was on the old historic ship Narragan
sett, under the command of George
Dewey. He remained in continuous
active service in different departments
and In different stations until the
Spanish-American War, when he was
promoted to be a Lieutenant-Commander.
Being transferred to the Nashville,
he participated In the Luzon campaign
in the clean-up of that province and
later was one At the effective forces
In putting down the Boxer uprising in
China. Returning to the United
States, he was placed in command of
the new monitor Nevada and then was
assigned to the Naval War Colege. On
July 13, 1911, he was promoted to the
rank of Rear-Admiral and on March
25 of the present year was placed in
command of the Pacific reserve fleet
Admiral Reynolds wears the medals
of the Spanish-American Wr, Philip
pine insurrection, Boxer rebellion, the
hereditary medal of the Loyal Legion
and of the Order of the Dragon.
Pioneer Dies at Astoria.
ASTORIA, Or., July 10. (Special.)
Thomas Benton Morrison, an- Oregon
pioneer of 1844, died at his home in
this city about 12 o'clock last night,
aged 71 years. Mr. Morrison was born
In Wynn County, Missouri, jp-eDruary m,
1841. He was brought across the
olalns to Oregon in 1844 by his par
ents, the late R. W. .and Mercy Irvin
Morrison, who settled on a donation
land claim on Clatsop Plains shortly
after their arrival in the state. He
had lived In Clatsop County and Asto
ria ever since.
Mr. Morrison married Mary Elizabeth
Lattle. daughter of the late Captain
Alexander Lattie, May 1, 1872. He is
survived by his widow and three chil
dren. Mrs. James Gnbrath, James H.
Morrison and Irwin F. Morrison, and
one grandchild, Harriet E. Morrison.
Two sisters and one brother also sur
vive him. These are Mrs. Mary Ellen
Carnahan. Mrs. Hannah Marguerite
Hamlin and William I. Morrison.
etween now and the time
JUU leave
ortland you should arrange
regon ' most scenic
qual of the
Steamer Bailey CVtucrt Leaves Alder,
street dock dally at 7 A. M. Phones
Main 914, A S112.
Her Dearest Hopes Realized
Health, Happiness
and Baby.
Plattsbure, Miss. "Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound has proved
very beneficial to me, for now I am well
and have a sweet, healthy baby, and our
home is happy.
" I was an invalid from nervous pros
tration, indigestion and female troubles.
" I think I suffered every pain a woman
could before I began taking Lydia E,
Pickham's Vegetable Compound, and I
think it saved this baby's life, as I lost
my first one. .
"My health has been very good ever
since, and I praise your medicine to all
my friends. "Mrs. VEBNA WILKES, it
F. D. No. 1. Plattsburg, Miss.
The darkest days of husband and wife
are when they come to look forward to
a childless and lonely old age.
Many a wife has found herself incapa
ble of motherhood owing to. some de
rangement of the feminine system, often
curable by the proper remedies.
In many homes once childless there
are now children because of the fact
that Lydia E-Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
' pound makes women normal, healthy
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
aronuui and held in strict confidence.
Miss Portland's Second Reception 1912
In 1905, just prior to the opening of our great Exposition, I published the
above cut in one of my advertisements. What that reception did for Portland
most of us know. We had a general housecleaning, mud streets gave way to
hard-surface pavement, wooden sidewalks were replaced with cement, wooden
shacks were torn down and skyscrapers took their place, our population dou
bled in five years, until today, when Miss Portland holds her second grand
reception of National importance it is acknowledged by visitors from all
parts of the country that Portland is the most beautiful city on the American
Continent, and one of the most progressive, wide-awake business centers in
the United States, caused by her matchless railroad and water facilities. Oui
deep channel to the sea has been fully demonstrated by Jhe presence of that
famous battleship, Oregon, now in our port. The Oregon draws 28 feet of
water. I will now make a statement from my viewpoint, that no city or state
has a brighter present or more brilliant prospective future than has Portland
and Oregon. .
Five years ago I advised people to buy real estate anywhere in 1 ortlann
and assured them that they could make no mistake. That my advice was right
you have the overwhelming evidence before you. Today I give you the same
advice : Buy Portland property, and before purchasing be sure to see alnut
Park, the best located residence section in a city of beautiful homes. A re
stricted district, no shacks or stores permitted, streets parked and hard-surfaced,
alleys, located on the highest ground between-the rivers; five carluu-s
insure best car service in the city; Jefferson High School finished, largest
in the United States; also a public library to cost $35,000, under construction,
both located in Walnut Park. Any U car going north will take you to my
office on the property. Agent always in .attendance. A limited number ; of
lots, 50 feet by 100, at $40 a front foot on favorable terms to homcbuild
ers only.
Speculators Attention
I have 50 acres of the most sightly land on the west side of the river, over
looking the city and mountains, a panoramic view of unsurpassed grandeur,
within ten minutes from the business center of the city. I can offer this mag
nificent tract of land at a price that will positively insure the purchaser
handsome returns on his investment. You can't afford to overlook this offer,
as it is one of the gilt-edge buys that only knock at your door once in a
W. M.; Killings worth
Phone Main 7974.
Walnut Park Office, Killingsworth
First Sacker
' a
Xjo you suppose iui
Va !o. ,nn haH-ar. a
UK. to,
keep in the pink of conditionr . ne
because it helps one glass
tatigue oi Dram ana uuuj,
has no come back.
DeUcIous Refreshing
Our new
Demand the Genuine
ellinf of Coca-
Cola vinaicatioa
at CbmttanoogaV- for
tbe Biking.
Wbeoerer yon tee an Arrow
Ihink of Coca-Col.
'Twqre well that the clock-hand, which points
to the hour of eleven, should point
the quality beer. Phone your
and WilUams Ave. Woodlawn S259.
a,!fint ti-Mtin t Heclercr diver
. j.,
leading 1st baseman if he didn t
" y
quenches the thirst, relieve
iuhjuh .
Refuse Substitutes
mm mmm
dealer, or Portland Brewing Co