Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 11, 1912, Page 20, Image 20

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Pennsylvania Governor Says
: Roosevelt Should Fall in
. Line With Old Party.
Keystone -State Republicans Will
Support Nominee of Regular Con
vention Declares Big Elk
Who Is Visiting City.
Governor Tener. of Pennsylvania, a
big Elk and a big man. Is attending
the grand lodge, and has with him a
committee of his state to select a site
for the Pennsylvania building at the
San Francisco exposition. He pro
phesied the re-election of President
Taft. and speaking of National political
conditions said:
"We have general primaries In Penn
sylvania, with opportunity on the part
of the citizenship for the freest ex
pression of opinion and choice. The
Republican organization Itself was
favorable to the renomlnatlon of Mr.
Taft, but Roosevelt delegates were
chosen by the voters. There was no
constraint exercised by the dominant
political organization and the result
was accepted In good faith and in good
humor as the expression of the will of
the Republican voters. If Mr. Roosevelt
had been nominated at Chicago he
would have received the hearty sup
port of every man in Republican poli
tics who had favored Mr. Taft at the
primaries. Now that President Taft
has been renominated by the Republi
can convention he will, I am confident,
receive the support of the overwhelm
ing majority of Republican voters and
will carry the state by a splendid
Third Party Talk Weak.
"What about a third party movement
In your state?" was asked.
"There was some talk of that kind.
In uncertain tones," replied the Gov
ernor, "Just after the Chicago con
vention, but it never was strong or
definite and even if put into effect. In
the form of a new party, I do not be
lieve that such a third party would
gain any foothold among Republican
voters. Why should it? Pennsylvan
lans are loyal to Republican principles
and to the Republican standard. They
are not likely to desert their party,
with its splendid record for good, with
out some deep reason, some over
mastering facts that appeal to their
intellects. They are a strong, self
controlled body of people and will not
be overcome by impulse.
"Pensylvanla has shared with -all
otber states of the Union In the pros
perity that has marked the whole Na
tion under Republican rule. There al
ways Is something to correct In every
party, Just as there is something to
correct in every family. That seems
to go along with active progressive
human-nature. But the patty in the
past has managed to correct what
needed correction, - without going to
smash or calling In outside help, and
It will do so again. What would you
think of a family that could' not com
pose the differences that might arise
among its members, but would insist
on breaking np the whole household be
cause one strong member wanted to
have his own wayT The Republican
family in the United States is not that
kind of a family, and events will prove
this as the campaign goes on. Mr.
Taft will grow in the esteem of the
country the more his character and
his record are examined. He is a
splendid type of American manhood
sincere. Just, sober-minded. He does
not know how to play to the galleries,
but he does know how to deal with
fairness and Justice among his fellow
citizens. He has not tried and will not
try to set one American citizen
against another, under any pretense
that classes and masses exist in our
country. He knows that there la no
such thing as classes and masses in
the United States, but that we all of as
stand upon the common ground of
American citizenship with fair and
with equal opportunity for advance
ment in honor and wealth.
CUcifO Convention Regular.
"The rich and distinguished men of
our country today were the poor and
struggling of yesterday, and the
wealthy and honored of tomorrow will
be chosen from among those men of
brains and energy and character who
are fighting for their chance today."
"The Chicago convention was the
properly and legally organized rep
resentative assemblage of the Repub
lican party, conducted according to the
established rules of the Republican
party. In all these respects, it was
precisely similar to the convention
which nominated Colonel Roosevelt- If
Colonel Roosevelt had been nominated
by this convention, I would have given
him my hearty support, as I did when
he was put In nomination by a similar
convention, governed by similar rules.
"It Is surprising to me that Colonel
Roosevelt, who has shown himself here
tofore to be a courageous fighter and a
loyal party man. should now threaten
injury to the party which has so
signally honored him In the past, and
this In spite of the fact that it is Im
possible to show in what manner this
constituted Republican body has done
him any injustice. He made a strong
fight and was fairly defeated for the
nomination. The Colonel has been
badly advised. Whatever he personally
may finally decid'3 to do, I am confident
that those Republicans who freely ex
pressed their preference for him as a
candidate will . refuse to desert their
party. The fact that most of the men
in public life who .were among Colo
nel Roosevelt's most distinguished sup
porters at Chicago have absolutely re
Timed to consider any question of a
third party gives us assurance of what
the rank and file of Republican voters
will do when this matter presents Itself
to their minds on election day. I have
faith In the sober sense of the Ameri
can people and I have no doubt of the
re-elecion of President Taft."
'council elects baker
Maguire Refuses to Make Choice of
President Unanimous.
. "I object to having my vote counted
for Mr. Baker," was the statement of
Councilman Maguire at the meeting of
the City Council yesterday morning,
when the vote was taken for president
of the Council. George L. Baker re
ceived 10 votes, Ralph C Clyde four and
William Schmeer one. Both Council-
men Clyde and Schmeer asked that the
vote be made unanimous, at which
Councilman Maguire made objection.
"I am glad to know where Mr. Ma
gulr stands," commented Mr. Baker.
He then made a short speech, in which
he thanked the members of the Coun
cil, and promised to give them Im
partial treatment.
Hello Bill: "Edlefsen" delivers Best
Fuel. O. E. now or later.
Ask Any Floorman for Free Souvenir Elks' Post Cards-Extra Service in Our'Seventh Floor Tea Room This Week
On Account of Elks' Grand Lodge Parade Store Will Close Bet. 10 andizuioo hock loaay-uamp otoo.1JjL
Bring your Elk Pictures to our
Kodak Department for expert devel
oping and printing in z4 Hours.
Government Weather Report
Our Soda Fountain and Dairy
Luncheon in Big Basement Store. En
trance, Alder or Morrison St. '
Expert Jewelry and Watch Repair
ing in our complete shop. Moderate
i . ' - : : , - - '
1 800 Pieces Sample IMeck wear at Half-price and Less!
" A Sensational Purchase From the Largest r "ID . " ,
Y rvv- 11 Neckwear House in the Country Every W5v fl fOH V6TH611C6S fl
d&&9i. jaAvi OFff.Ai mK"L
Dresses Extraordinary in Style, Quality and Price.
Big Purchase of Girls' $ 1 .50
To $3 Wash Dresses $ 1 .1 8
YOU'D never expect-to secure at so low a price as this the splen
did quality, the unusual styled, the well-made Dresses as
included in this special purchase of over 800 models.
Every garment among them fresh, new. And of styles and materials such as
found only in the better grade of Dresses. Note the illustration; it gives a hint
of the way he Frocks are made. ' ' ' ' '
Of excellent quality percales, ginghams, linenes. With collars of solid color
finished with white pique and trimmed in pique. Others with plain Dutch
necks, finished with plain bands. c t CH 1 ' 1 A
Solid colors and in checks, plaids and dots. For ages 6 to . 1 J
14 years, iteguiar .p-.uu "-" - -j
Second Floor, Mala Bulldlnar
Mall Orders Filled
Lovely New Conceit Goes on Sale Today.
NOT a store in the country but would
consider it a great feat to be able
to secure the samples and overstock of this
famous Neckwear house. It's another of
the wonderful purchases which come , to
Meier & Frank's by reason of our tremen
dous buying-power.
Exactly 1800 pieces of beautiful, dainty
Neckwear, including every new and lovely
conceit brought out for this season's wear.
Included in the lot are Coat Sets, Chem
isette Sets, Stock Sets, Fichus, Jabots
- Bows, Dutch Collars and many others.
Our artist has sketched some of them.
All fresh, new pieces, which you would be
glad to pay full price for. The maker re
stricted the advertising of his name, because
the identical styles are being sold regularly
in thousands of stores even right here in
The entire purchase has been grouped
into these six lots for the sale which begins
at 8 this morning. You can't come too early
many women are bound to choose a dozen
or so pieces. See the big 5th-street window .
display. . . ' '
25c and 35c Neckwear at 16c
50c to 75c Neckwear at 33c
$1 to $1.50 Neckwear at 53c
$2 to $2.50 Neckwear, at 87c
$3 to $4 Neckwear for $1.39
$4.50 to $15 Neckwear, Half
for the Elks
expect every Elk to
make their headquar ters here.
Every service and courtesy of the
store is voiirs.
Special Elks' Best Room and
Writing Room on the Fifth Floor.
Extra service in our beautiful
Seventh Floor Restaurant and Tea
Room. A la Carte Menu. Break
fast, 8 to 10:30; Luncheon, 11:30 to
2, with orchestra music; dainty
SLfternoon Tea Service. Gentlemen
may smoke. Large lobby, with easy
chairs, writing desks, etc. Seating
capacity, 450.
Women's Recption and Rest
Room, 2d Floor, New Building.
Free Checking Station, Basement.
Upon application- at accommoda
tion Station, expert guide will con
duct you through the store. Or a
skilled shopper to accompany those
who wish to buy. .
To those wearing Elks official
badge, free telephone service In
Vf ortiana. ask me uoonmm. . -
Elk Design Jewelry
WE call special attention
to the novel display of
real Coin Jewelry, in Elk designs.
Elk Sliver Foba. S3.B0 S4.BO.
Elk Ribbon Koh at 2, 2 5, S2.75.
Elks' Card Cane, of .liver and old
ftlled at 4 and 5.
Elk.' Souvenir Spoona at 88c, $1.35 and
to 83. 50.
Elk.' Cigar I.tahtera and Cutters, sil
ver. a;old-Plated and mother of pearl.
Elk Souvenirs Trays. Paper Weights,
for 1.7S and S2.25. .
Claarette, Match afea. Pow
der Jar.. Pin Tray., tup.. Book
Mark.. Ink Mands, Bottle Openers.
Bnttonhooka and Jewel Cases, -So to
Redfern Corsets They're
Boned With Whalon
THERE'S a sense of satisfaction for
the woman who knows the Corset
she wears is boned with Whalon. Then it
means for you a degree of flexibility, a relaxed ap
pearance of the figure, a degree of comfort seldom
enjoyed in a Corset that is at the same time figure-building.
All styles, priced from $3 to $10.
AT $8 The superb model as illustrated. No.
9898, for full, tall figures, is unequaled, with its
full hip and bust measurements. Beutifully made
of silk brocade and fine batiste. Attached are six
hose supporters. '
AT $6.50 Model No. 7070, for medium, tall and
average figures. A popular style with unusually
graceful lines, giving slightly defined waist and
long, natural curves. Long skirt and medium low
bust. Of plain batiste. Eight supporters attached.
AT $3 Number 5353, a splendid Redfern for
slender and medium figures. Ideal for Summer,
since it is of lightweight batiste and lightly boned.
Splendid, too, for wear when at golf, tennis and
horseback riding.
Second Floor, New Buiiainn; -nan "i""" ...o
Elks' Pennants, Souvenirs
ON both the First and
Fifth Floors, . you 11
find the largest showing, of Ell):
Pennants, Souvenirs and Novelties
in Portland.
E1K Heads, Horns, Etc .
Natural Elk Heads, from Jack
son Hole, Wyoming. We'll deliver
them to any part of the United
States. . Priced $65, $75, $125, $150,
$175 and $250. .
Souvenirs, carved from elks'
horns. Ash trays, match holders,
toothpick holders, gavels, cork
screws, napkin, rings, etc.
Priced 50c to $2. .
Antlers, for hall racks, etc,
from $10 to $20 a pair.:
Elk Printed Pennants, 25c
and 35c. ' ' " ' :
Printed B. P. 0. E. Pennants
with head, 50c.
Sewed Elk Pennants, with
printed head and clock, $1.00.
, Elk Portland Reunion Pen
nants, with sewed head and
clock, 75c, $1 and $1.25.
. Purple and White Elk
Streamers, with elk head print
ed on muslin, $L2o. - Plain
streamers, 80c. .
fr o mvfViinrr TWpfft.TYi ATit in Portland Todav
XICOU VXUVlUUg - ww-yw--
Suit $18.75
EACH day sees this great
sale of all our high-grade
Fancy Suits at $18.75 bring more
and more men to the big Clothing
Store on the Third Floor.
Yesterday we had visiting Elks
from different Darts of the country
tell us they hadn't seen such a re-y
j i 1, -!... Gitmmol
Suits anywhere this season. . .
By Fancy Suits, we mean every
thing except the staple blues and
blacks. And we 've even overstepped
this line by adding to the $18.75
anlf. nnr finest S25 Blue Serees. Ail
sizes for men
of all builds.
$25 Ulue Serges. Ail
Third Floor, New Bulldlaa;
Elks' Reunion WeelLlMng
. , AtMtir TTn-l Men's Mercerized Lislel All Men's .Straw and I 4.50 and $5.00 Sweater CoatS, $3.59
Mens White Pleated Shirts at 95c
Elks' Week has put White Pleated Shirts at a premium at many
stores. And these are grades which would sell ordinarily for $L50.
Of splendid white madras, coat style knife, pin or box QIC
pleats. All sires in the assortment, special today for only
Men's 75c Athletic Un
derwear coat style, sleeve
less shirts and knee draw
ers,: in white, blue, tan or
fancy striped. Mer- CQr
fabrics. Ea. waJ-
Men's Mercerized Lisle
Socks Summer weighty in
tan, black, gray, navy, ma
roon, etc. Just the kind for
wear with low shoes.
Special today, pair -V
Panama Hats reduced also
great spec'l lot of $2.50 and
$3 Sennit Straw Hatsr an
popular dimen- QQ
at Ya.ww
sions. Priced
4.50 and $5.00 Sweater Coats, $3.59
"V" or Ruff-Neck Sweaters for men or women, fine lambswool.
in oxfords, gray, maroon, white,' etc. .Two pockets finished with
i ou can I ininK 01 siarnug iu mo uram Jh-j 37
narl buttons
or mountains without a Sweater
New Styles of Coiffure
THE deft fingers of our expert fiair
dressers can arrange milady's
of the new. becoming coiffures tbatl
fashion now decrees. The predominating, feature of
the new mode is the soft, natural appearance that's
so becoming to the young woman or matron.
Shampooing, hairdressing, manicuring,
etc. all done by experts. Complete is our assort
ment of hair accessories, ' inese specials wu..
$12.50 Switches of fine German
wavy hair, vJ4 inches BJC 1U
long. Special at only PtJ.1"i7
$6.50 Switches of German wavy
hair. 24 inches long. fiJO QQ
On sale today for only P-&'
$4 Switches of German wavy
hair. 22 inches long, fl! QQ
SDecial today for only Jit
$4.00 Puffs large clusters, 30 or
more to a cluster. We t0 AQ
offer them today, only Pfci
$2.50 Puffs of good quality Ger
man wavy hair. Offered special
for .Thursday, Friday C" AQ
and Saturday for only
$12.50 Transformations of fine
French wavy hair.. Today, $7.98
Balcony, New Building. Mall Orders Filled It
Women's $ 1 Long
Silk Gloves at 73c
NO need to pay $1 for your
. Long Silk Gloves when
they can be purchased today at only
73c a pair. Of good quality Tricot
silk all with the double finger tips.
; Popular Monsquetaire Style
In the 16-button Length.
In black, white, pongee, navy and
gray. Sizes 5Vfe to 7. Hundreds of
pairs of long Silk Gloves the sort
that you pay $1 for regular-TTQ
ly. Today, the pair, for only
First Floor, Main Bnlldlair
Mall Orders Filled
- Have you your copy of the
"Hello Bill'.' Book of After Din
ner Stories and Toasts? In the
Book Store, basement, at 50.
$1.35 Dress Form $1.14
For the Home Dressmaker
NOE vou've used a Dress
Form in httinsr your own
garments, no home-sewer will be with
out one. ' '
Here's a saving today on regular $1.3o
Forms as illustrated. Designed especial
ly for home use where a Form is needed
for draping waists and dresses. Any
size bust measurement, of- g 1 1 A
fered at special price of only r A
Adjustable Stand, which may be at
tached to the Dress Forms. Price $2
" is t.h most comDlete adjustable Dress
X Li V iiivuu -
-n r AcciAnoi Jvoccmtibpr 9 use. Mav be reeru-
lated to any shape or size. Made by Hall. & Borchert,
whose line of Dress Forms are sold only at CI f 50
.Meier Frank's, in PortlandPrice at ;
The "Princess'
Eastern Sugar Cured
Hams Today 17c
ONLY 17c a pound is the
sale price today of these
Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams. Smoked over
alow hiekorv lire inev nave a aeu-
ciousness that's wonderfully ap- 1 H
petizing. Special today, a pound
New Mackerel at 15. 25 and 40
Codfish in bricks, pound at only 18
Small Prunes, 4 pounds at only 25
Shredded Cocoanut, special, a lb., 15
Ivory Soap, four 10c cakes at only 30
Cream of Wheat, package, only 15
Walter Baker's Chocolate, pound, 30tf
Imported Camembert Cheese for 40$
Macaroni, large packages, at only 20
Lima Beans, three pounds at only 22
Gold Dust, large packages, at only 20
Bulk Peanut Butter, pound, only 20
Round-Up Cleanser, 6 packages at 25
Maine Corn, six cans, special, only 55
Fels Naptha Soap, ten bars, only 42
mrr r iwn -
All the Stirring Homefurnishing Specials Are Continued in Full Force Today
Sale of Grass Furniture, Linoleums, Screens, Lawn mowers, vjaraen nu,
FREE --50c Jar
Palmolive Gr m
-1- -aba. at VaalmO.lVA SOftD &t 49.
Willi Bl-A. a -0 wa. - "
Palmolive Soap la composed or natural
palm and olive oils from the Far East,
which glvea It the delicate green hue and
delightful odor.
With every six cakee of Palmolive Soap
at 494 full-euse 50c Jar of Palmolive
Cream absolutely free today.
Spaldlns; Plasters Free Special offer
for lat week of demonstration. Jt worth
with a 15 purchase of plasters, 12.50 wprth
with $10 purchase. -
Sole Portland
Agents for
. Conatn's Shoes
Perrln's Gloves
AJ. Guaranteed .
Gotham Shirts ' aad
Underwear .
Madame Irene Corsets
Eppe Petticoats -Smnpeek
Clothes for
A I IS. t J k Vi II
Sole Portland
Agents for
John S. . Brown IJn
ens Monslnc Tjaderwear "
Willamette 8wll
Arorn Stores and
Fulton at Whitney
Gustare Btlckley Orlc-
Inal Craftsman Fur
PHONES-Pacific Marshall 4600; Home, A-6101. Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue
SEEN the attractive Steins in the
Basement Store! Every Elk should
have one. Of good size with handsome
design of Elk's Head, B. P. 0. E. and
clock, and Portland, Oregon, inscribed in
raised work on purple background. Fin
ished with pewter top. A splen-Q
did decoration for den. Special JC
Elk Mugs -Another attractive souvc
.nir. Special at 29S "
I u
If ' 1