Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 11, 1912, Page 19, Image 19

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Lage Crop and High Freight
Work Against Market.
Small Prospect or Grain Going to
fw Eastern States This Year.
Forty Million Dollars for
Farmers of Northwest.
There l very little prospect of any wheal
going East thl year. In the opinion of T.
B. Wilcox, unless price here descend to a
materially lower level. Should the tonnage
scarcity become more acute and wheat prices
decline to about 60 cents In the country,
and price In the East go much higher,
shipments across the Rockies may be made.
"Ships are getting 40 shillings for Decem
ber cancelling.- said Mr. Wilcox yesterday.
"A steamer has been taken at 42 shillings
and no mora axe to be had. The price of
cargoes in the United Kingdom and on the
Continent now Is IT shillings pence. If
considerable offerings were made the price
would go lower, but on the basis of T
shillings f pence and 48 shilling ships, club
wheat Is worth about 7 or 7 cents track.
The probabilities are. as sailing ships and
tonnage of all kinds are so scarce, though
between now and January they may be a
little more plentiful, that the price Is go
ing to be rather below SO cents than above.
Last year the market opened at 77 cents.
This year It should start at about the same
price. M
Crop prospects In the Northwest are far
the biggest wheat yield we have ever had.
Another week will safely determine the
quality and tonnage of Spring wheat. The
Winter wheat crop ia made. The amount of
crop now promised and at the prices that
are likely to prevail, will give the farmers
more money than they received for their
crop last year. The crop ahould be worth
about $40,000,000 In the country to the farm
ers. ,,
"Freight ratea to the Orient, as well as
to Europe, are going to be high and this
will have a further tendency to bold down
wheat prices. Tonnage Is fully employed
all over the world. Shipowners have had
several bad years, and are now reaping their
Law of Snpply and Demand Is Putting
Prices Higher.
Politics has nothing to do with the pres
ent wool situation. The law of supply and
demand has put prices where they are to
day, says the New York Journal of Com
merce. Consumption is going on at a great
er rate than at any time in five years and
bids fair to continue. According to wool
statisticians, the domestic clip is going to be
short, but how much cannot be stated with
aoy degree of certainty. Some estimates put
the shortage at 20,000.000 pounds, while
others make It over M.000.00O pounds. This
extraordinary condition, coupled with the
fact that the demand for Jow and medium
grade wools promises to be large enough to
quickly absorb all that Is offered, has made
the price of quarter blood and three-eighths
blood wools relatively dearer than fine. The
latter are also firmly held and good author
Hits are of the opinion that the prlcea being
paid will be easily maintained during the
remainder of the year irrespective of th
outcome of the Presidential - election.
The prices paid in the West at the open
ing of the new season were described at the
time as belag extravagant and unwarranted
by conditions. . These views have undergone
revision since the opening of the season.
Dealers are convinced that prlcea will not
reeedo and mill that bought at what were
considered fancy flgurea six weeks ago would
like to repeat those transaction.
Active Demand ea Front Street, but Snpply
la Not Large.
There was an active demand for fruit
yesterday, but the supply on Front street
was not heavy. The congestion of special
trains Is holding back a number of large
shipments of perishable produce. Three
cars of watermelon and one car of canta
loupe are among the delayed shipments.
Deciduous fruit prices were unchanged.
Loganberries and raspberries were more
plentiful and easier, but blackcaps and
blackberries were Arm. Wild blackberries
offered at 12 m cents. There waa a good
demand for good cherries. A large portion
of the offerings were cracked or otherwise
Thompson seedless grapes from the Im
perial Valley sold well at .2.30 a crate.
Bananas were firm under a sharp local
and shipping demand.
Price likely to Ease Off After This Week.
Poultry Strong.
The egg market waa very strong yesterday,
as the . demand for strictly fresh candled
stock exceeded the supply. Current receipts
were quoted at 2 cents and candled eggs
at 2S cents, while extras brought 30 cents.
The retail market la now on a 35-cent basis.
It is probable the egg mafket will ease up
after the Elks" convention crowd leaves th
Poultry of all kinds was in sharp demand.
Hens sold at 13hk cents and Spring at 18
to 18 cents. The dressed meat market was
also strong, fancy veal bringing 14 cents.
, Butter and cheese were Arm and un
Two Thousand Toaa Sold at Seattle Yester
day for October Shipment.
The local grain market was dull, both
spot and future. According to advices from
Seattle. 2000 tons of wheat were sold there
for October shipment to the orient.
Local receipts. In cars, were reported by
the Merchants' Exchange as follows:
IS 1 11 3 8
1 .. 3 4
4 6 .. - 1
4 ' .. 4 8 ..
98 2 M VI 38
S3 6 87 15 30
Wednesday ....
Tear ago
Wheat Yield Will Be Larger Than Last
COLFAX. July 10. 8pecIaD From ev
... Kv the farmers and
grain men and from the average taken from
all reports throughout Whitman voumy. me
,i i. i. th.n last vear. Spring
li vuti vva -..- -
grain waa damaged somewhat by heat with
hot winds during one wee, oui wi
r since has been Ideal, with several show
ers. The estimate, aa an average through
out the county on Fall wheat. Is
given at 30 to S3 bushels. Fail wheat was
Injured by hot weather. Th estimate on
Spring wheat is 15 to 2S bushels per acre.
The 1911 wheat crop In the county was
9.000.000 bushels, and the 1012 crop, from
all indications, will be more.
Oata and barley never looked better. The
crop acreage la about the same as last year.
.Threshing will begin in Western Whitman
County next week.
Some small lots were threshed this week
that tested S9 pound, but no yield per acre
could be given.
. Bank Clearings.
' Bank elesrlngs of the Northwestern cit
ies yesterday were as tonows:
, Clearings. Balances.
.I... t 551.70 S284.070
a,,i. 2.135.i; 457.0.14
i TI'.7I 71.27
Grain. - Floor. Feed. Eta.
wrT Track prices: Bluestem, 87c
club. 84c;' red Russian, 84c; Valley, 84c;
to-ioia. hc
r t-t-ir y .... ' nmr barrel:
straights. S4.70: export. 14.20; Valley. $S 10;
HAY limotny. io-o; ,
clover. $10; inU and vetch. 112; grain bay.
hit t QTnrrs Ttnn. s2S- oer ton:
shorts. 121; middlings. It.
CORPS W noil saw; cracure, w p
OATS No. 1 white. 334 35 per ton.
Vegetables mo Frnlta.
BERRIES Raspberries. tl.2SAl.S0 Pr
crate; loganberries. fl.Ztr.-ftu per crate,
black caps. IL75; blackberries, 1.75.
TROPICAL FBCITS Oranges, Valencia,
I3.25&3-75; California grapefruit. 14.60;
lemons. S5.504J per box: pineapples. c per
FRESH FRUIT Cherries, J V4 10c per
pound: apples. Ola, 1.60a per oox; do...
$1.7552 per box; peaches. 78Oc per-box:
.urrmnta. 11.S0S1.75 Mr box: plums, $161.40
per box: pears. $1.35 per box; prunes. $1.40
- . ti 9K . VinT amines.
$2 50 per crate.
MELONS Cantaloupes. $2.262.50 per
crate: watermelons, 2ftc per pound.
VEGETABLES Artichokes. OStsTSe '
dosen; asparagus. $1 per dozen; beans. 89
Be; cabhage. leiVic per pound: cauli
flower. $1.25 per dosen; celery. $5 8 per
crate; corn. 80c per dozen; cucumbers.
$1 per box; eggplant. 25o per pound:
head lettuce, 12V4e per dozen; peas, 8fcc
per pound; peppers. 12ttei5c per lb.; rad
ishes. 15tj20c per dozen;, rhubarb, 24e per
pound; spinach. 495c per pound; tomatoes.
$161.50 per box; garlic, 8 10c per pound
POTATOES Jobbing prices: Uurtiank.
old, $l1.2fi per hundred; new. per pound
1 2' 1 $4 C.
ONIONS California red. $1.25 per sack;
u.lln.. 1 RA .a ,'U
SACK VE3ETABLES Carrots. $1.T5 per
ia:k; turnips, $1.25 per sack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
EGGS Case count, 2o; candled, 28c; ex
tras, 30c per dozen.
U"'i ui'tur creamery butter. euoea.
sr solid pack. 28c per pound; prints. 29c per
CHEESE Triplets and daisies. 17o per
PORK Fsncy. lnwiofec per pound.
VEAL Fancy, 13V414o per pound.
POULTRY Hens. 13lV4c; broilers, 180
18 c; ducks, young, 10 11c; geese, low
lie; turkeys, live. 18c; dressed. 24 25c..
Staple Groceries.
SALMON Columbia. Rlvr. one-pound
lalls, $2.25 per dosen; eight-pound tails,
$2.95; one-pound flata. $2.40; Alaska pla
lue-pound tails, $1.85.
COFFEE Roasted, la drums. 26M04O
per pound. .
NUTS Walnuts, HCUKo per pund;
Srasil nuts. 120; filberts. 1415c; al
monds. 17 021a; peanuts, lac; cocoanuts, 00
0X1 per dosen; chestnuts, 12to per pollBa.
nlckory nuts, 6010c per pound.
HONEY Choice, $3.76 per case; strains
honey, luo per pound.
SALT Granulated, $15 per ton; half
ground. lOui. $.S0 per ton; 60s, $9 par ton.
BEANS Small white. 6.40c; large white.
5.20c; Lima. .S0c; pink. 3 fee; Mexicans.
41c; bayou, 40.
KICK No. 1 Japan. Sc; cheaper gradsa
SWi-Vc; Southern head. e7ttc
SUOAR Dry granulated. $5.83; fruit and
berry, $5.85; Honolulu plantation, $5.00;
beet. S5.oi; extra C, $.i.S5; powdered, bar
rels, $tS.15; cubes, barrels, $o.2o.
DHl&D FRUITS Apples, 14o per pound,
apricots, 16018&e; peaches, 12014a;
prunes. Italians, lOfe01uc; silver, 18o:
figs, while and black. eis07o; currants.
7 He; rauins, loose. Muscatel. Sit 07 Ms;
bleached Thompson, llfcc; unbleached sul
tanas. tso; seeded, lxto; dates, Per
sian, i&u per pound; sard. $1.00 par a, .
Hop, Wool and Hide.
HOPS 1912 contract. 200 21c; 1911 crop,
liuhAiK Choice. 82a per pound.
WOOL Eastern Oregon, 14019140 P'
pound, according to shrinkage; Valley, 210
3c per pound.
PELTS Dry. 13c: full wool butcher pelts.
$L251.75; shearings, 10030c.
HIDES Salted miles, lino per pound;
sailed calf, 2oc; salted kip, 110123; green
bides, 11c; dry calf; No. L 25c; No. 2, Sue;
dry bides. lW02oc; salted stags, ?te.M,
green stags, ti7o.
CASCARA Per pound, 65lc; carlota,
a 4j5y,c
GRAIN BAGS In. car lots. 10c
HAMS All sizes. 1X6 1744c; skinned.
164017c; picnics, 12c; bulled. 26fec.
BACON Fancy. 20027c; choice, 20021c.
Day SALT MKAio Hacks, dry salt. 114
6 12ic; backs, smoked. 14V 14c; bellies, dry
alt. llittc; bellies, smoked, 15a.
LARD Tierce basis, choice. cois
pound. 9!c; leaf, three-pound pails. I8.A4
per case.
MISCELLANEOUS Plrr feet. kits. $LM:
sliced beet, inside. $28 per ease; dried beat,
Inside, zoo per pound ; bologna caavas"
baca, lOfcc; minced ham. 12a
Unseed Oil aad Turpentine.
L3N8F.ED OIL Raw. barrels, 88c: boiled,
barrels. 90c; raw, cases, 98c; boiled, saasa
TURPENTINE Cases. c; barrels. 44 tel.
Prlcea Quoted at the Bay City for Vege
tables. Fruits. Etc. '
SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. The following
produce prices were current here today:
Fruit Apples, choice, $1.25; common, 50c;
Mexican limes, $6$7; California lemons,
choice, $5; common, $2.50; pineapples, $203,
Cheese 15017c.
Butter" Fsncy creamery, ,2$Hc
Eggs Store, 24c; fancy ranch, 28c.
Vegetables Cucumbers, 40c$L5t; garlic.
203c: green Peas. $2442.50; string beans.
4 07c: asparagus. 75c $1.50; tomatoes, $L60
02; eggplant, oc
potatoes River Burbanks, 75c 0 $1.10;
Oregon Burbanks, nominal; Early Rose,. 75c
Hay Wheat. $1.5002-1: wheat and oats,
S12&10: alfalfa. $13013.50.
RecelDt Flour. 7520 Quarter sacks: wheat.
845 centals; barley, 10,265 centals; oats, 620
centals; potatoes, 4815 sacks; bran, 910
sacks; middlings, 20 sacks; hay, 535 tons;
wool. 96 baiea.
. Metal Market. J
NEW YORK, July 10. Copper easy.
Standard spot and July. 16.501 17.0O; Au
gust. iaS17; September. 1644016; elec
trolytic. Ills 017; lake, 17; castin-,
Tin firm. Spot 44. 4r(r 44.60; July, 44.25
44.62 Vi; August. 43.75044.50.
Lead firm, 4-0i4.70,
Spelter firm, 7.2O&7.40.
Antimony. Cookson's, 8.12.
I.nn r a it tf unrhnnirni
Copper exports this month. 6738 tons. Lon
don copper, easy: spot 174 los: futures, 175
12s 6a. Local sales, nn, to tuns. uihuud
. 1 .. Avm .nnt f ' ' 1 1 ' J 1M' f tl f !' r f 1 fl 7 LOII-
don lead. flS 7s tki. London spelter, 26.
iron, cieveiuna warrants, oos ou "
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK, July 10. Coffee closed
teady at 13 to 17 point net decline; sales.
99.500. July, 13.12C: August. 1.K1BC7 nepiem
ber. 13.26c; October. 13.33c: November,
laTM.: necember. 13.4c: January. 18.50c;
February. 13.45c; March. 13.53c: April,
18.55c; May and June. 13.56c Spot, quiet.
No. 7 Rio. 14c; No. 4 Pantos, It; 40. Mild
coffee, quiet; Cordova, 161j 1814c nominal.
Raw niisr. steadv: Muscovado 89 test.
8.27c: centrifugal 86 test, 3.77c; molasses
.89 test. 3.02c; rennea, steaay.
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH. July' 10. Turpentine, firm.
43H043c; sales. 110: receipts, leou; snip
m.nt, 260: stock. 80.100.
Rosin, firm; sales. 800: receipts. 3100:
shipments, 8600: stocks, 91,400. Quote: B,
Jfifi6.0.): B. 6.4.14 B.5.": E. 8.o-Vj U o.oo; r.
$6.S2H6.85; G. $6.82 6.87 '.i ; -H. $6.85
06-87; I, .8506.u; It. i; at. ai.ausy
7.13; N. $7.80; WG. $7.45; WW. $7.65.
Dried Fruit at, New York.
NEW YORK, July 10. Evaporated ap
ples uuiet and prices nominally unchanged
on spot. Fancy, i to loitc; cnoice, etjuc;
nrime. 7Ufi7c '
Prunes steady. Quotations 31 to 9e for
Calirornlas up to 30-10 and 6 to o for
Peaches dull, steady. Choice, Vi6c;
extra choice. 707KC; fancy, 7uc.
Indoa Wool Sales.
LONDON. July lO. Animated competi
tion between the home trade and the Con
tinent for merinos and good American pur
chases of croes-breds msde prices the firm
est so far realized for the series. Victorian
scoured Merinos especially were sought af
ter. The offering today waa fl2 bales.
Chicago Produce Market.
CHICAGO. July 10. Butter, steady.
Creameries. '23025c: dairies. 21024c
Eggs, steady; receipts. 13.76S cases; at
mark, cases inciuaeu, latf onc; oratnijr
firsts. 16c; firsts. 17 He
Cheese, nrm. Daisies. 15t413e; Twins,
I3134c; Young Americas, 15015c:
Long ri"!11.
Duluth Flax Market.
DULl'TH. July 10. Close: Linseed on
track ana to arrivw, J'ny, i. -i
asked; septemDer, ei.ei; vcroocr, .n.-un
bid. - ' :
Hop at New York.
NEW YORK. July 10. Hops Easy.
Bear Drive in Wall Street Is
Tone Early Is Bullish on the Satis
factory Crop Report -"Trading In
Steel Shares Heavy Bond
Prices Are Irregular.
NEW YORK, July 10. The Government
report, published yesterday, waa used aa a
lever with which to move price upward In
the early part of today' tock market ses
sion. The - returns seemed to convey the
Impreesslon that the more Important cereals
prom.sed exceedingly well. '
There was a brisk rise In Amalgamated
Copper in early trading, based In a meas
ure on improved copper conditions abroad,
but the metal market remains exce'jdiuK y
sensitive, with Indications of widely extend
ed speculation. Sale of copper were re
poriea here today at around 17 cents.
One of tho few Important feature of the
day waa the publication of the United
Elatee Steel Corporation's statement of un
filled tonnage on hand June 30. This showed
an increase of 66,363 tons over the preced
ing motuh, the grand total being 5,807.346
toiis. a figure which only once has been ex
ceeded in almost three years.
Trading in Steel was relatively large and
Its undertone was strong at the outset, but
later all leading Issues sold off precipitate
ly, jon'ust price t being registered In the
last nour to the atcorupanimena of consid
erable activity.
London, where money, and discounts were
firmer, was not a factor here.
The bond market was lower and general
ly Irregular. Total sales, par value $3,728,
OOO. United States bonds unchanged on call.
. Closing
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Allls Chsl pf 2H
Amal Copper .. 47.100 82 80 81 ,
Am Agrlcult 5
Am Beet Sugar. 8.000 73 . 71 72
American Can .. 8.000 35 33 34
Am Car Fdy, 1.300 58 57 56
Am Cotton Oil..- 400 33 62 52
do preferred. 24
Am Ice Securl.. 600 26 25 25
Am Linseed ... 1.2-10 14 14 13
Am Locomotive 1.50U 2 42 41
Am Smel A Ref 7.000 83 Sl 81
do preferred.. . 100 107 107 107
Am Steel Fdy 35
Am Sugar Ref.. 1.000 128 127 127
Am Tel A Tel.. 1.100 145 144 144
Am Tobacco pf. .... 100
Am Woolen 27
Anaconda M Co 2,100 40 40 40
Atchison 8.800 108 107 107
do preferred.. 100 102 102 102
Atl Coast Line.. 300 139 1S 138
Bait & Ohio ... 1.20O HW 107 1(T7
Bethlehem Steer i00 36 34 34
Brook R Trad.. 6.60O 92 91 .90
Canadian Pac .. 3.00O 206 263 24
Central Leather 900 23 . 25 24
do preferred ..... 92
Central of N J 35
Ches Ohio ... 1.200 79 78 78
Chicago A Alton . 23
Chi Gt West ... 800 17 1 6 16
do preferred.. 500 : 83 82 82
Chicago As N W 600 137 136 1S6
C. M St Paul 8.70O 104 10 102
C. C; C 4 St L 68
Col Fuel Iron 900 29 ' 28 20
Col & Southern. 41
Consol Gas 4.8O0 144 142 142
Corn Products.. 30O J5 15 15
Del & Hudson.. 400 167 166 167
D A R Grande. . 100 19 19 19
do preferred.. 35
Distillers' 6ecur 1.2O0 82 31 81
Erie 6.0O0 34 83 83
do 1st pf 800 52 61 50
do 2d pf 41
Gen Electric ... 1.400 178 176 176
Gt North pf ... 6,500 136 135 18.1
Gt North Ore .. 1.300 43 42 42
Illinois Central. 10O 128 128 128
Interbor Met ... 6.KOO 20 20 20
do nreferred.. 3.300 59 57 57
Inter Harvester 1.0OO 118 118 117
Inter -Marine pi iuu lot - -i 'v
Int Paper-..-.. - 200 15 15 ' 15
Int Pump . 100 26 26 26
Iowa Central . .. 13
K C Southern.. 700 25 25 25
do preferred.. 58
Laclede Gas ... 100 106 106 105
Louis Nash.. 1,800 159 157 157
Minn St L - 18
M, S P 4b S S M 1.2O0 148 147 146
Mo. Kan Tex. 80O 26 26 2
do preferred.. 100 61 61 59
Mo Pacific 2,800 86 36 36
Nat Biscuit .... 100 150 150 150
National Lead .. 1.100 57 67 56
N Ry Mex 2 pf. 100 80 80 80
J Y Central ... - 700 161 114 114
N Y. Ont Wes 31
Norfolk West 6,600 116 114 115
Nortn American 5O0 83 83 83
Northern Pae .. ROO 81 31 31
Pennsylvania ... 700 124 123 12.1
People's Gas ... 1.000 115 114 114
P. C C St I,. . 100 108 . 108 108
Pittsburg Coal. 20
Pressed S Car.. 200 85 35 34
Pull Pal Car .. 400 162 162 161
Ry 6teel Spring 50O 34 34 S3
Reading 88.300 1 63 161 161
Republic Steel .. 500 26 25 23
do preferred.. 400 84 83 S2
Rock Island Co 3.500 24 23 23
do preferred.. 600 4 48 4S
St L ft S F pf 100 36 . 36 36
St L Southwest 87
do preferred .- - 73
Sloes Sheffield 54
Southern Pac .. 8.00 109 10S 10R
Southern Ry ... 2.000 29 28 S
do preferred.. 2O0 76 76 76
Tenn Copper ... 1.400 44 42 42
Texas ft Pao .. 300 22 21 22
Tol. St L ft We 13
do preferred, i 29
Union Paclflo .. 51.900 167 164 165
do preferred.. 400 90 90 SSJ4
U S Realty .... 2.80O 83 Sl 81
U 8 Rubber ... l.Snrt 53 . 52 52
U S Steel lll.t-00 67 67
do preferred.. 1..100 111 ' 111 111
Utah Copper .V 5.000 61 60 60
Va-Csrtr Chem.. 1,900 . 48 48 48
Wabash - 300 4 4 4
do preferred.. , 500 - 13 13 13
Western Md 57
Westing Elec -. 75
Western Union. 600 82 . 81 81
Wheel ft L E.. 700 . 6 8
Lehigh Valley.. 14.800 167 lr. 16-1
Chlno Copper.. 6.4O0 31 30 30
Ray Consols ... 2.AOO 81 20 20
Am. Tabocco ... 3,400 2l 2S7 27
Sea board Airline 600 23 22 . 22
do preferred.. 600 53 62 . 52
Total sales for the day. 513,000 shares.
Furnished by Overbeck ft Cooke Co., Port
land, 7 v Bid. Asked.
Amor Tel ft Tel conr 4s 114 115
Amn Tob 4s .'
Amn Tob 6s ' 120
AtchUon Gen 4s -. 7 97
Atchlnon conv 4s 107 108
Atchison adl 4a stamped IH) 90
Atchison conv 3s 107 109
Atlantic Coast Line cons 4s.... 94 8.V
Atlantlo Ct Line "LftNcoll" 4s 94 .. 94
Baltimore ft Ohio 3s 00 91
Baltimore ft Ohio 4s 97 98
Brooklvn Rapid Transit 4e 1(2 03
Can Southern first 5s ....101 101
C ft O 4s 100 - 100
C B A Q ren mtg 4s.... 9 96
C B A Q joint 4s
C B Q Ills 4S 99 100
C B'A Q Denver 4s 96 96
Cent Pac first 4s 96 96
Chicago ft East Ills 4s 78 ' ' 81
Chicago R-I A P ref 4s. ...... 68 89
Chi R-I A P Col trust 4s 6 00
Colo A Sou first 4s 94 95
Denver ft Rio Grande 4s 84 85
Del ft Hudson conv 4s i 88 88
Erie first cons P L 4s 8 00
Int Met 4s - 2 . -.83
Japanese 4s 85 87
Japanese first 4s 91 92
Japanese second 4s B0 91
L ft N unl 4s 88 99
Mo Kan A Tex 4 s. .......... . 97 37
Mo Pac 4s 71 73
N Y Cen 3s 87 87
N T fen L S 8 -r.... 81 81
N Y City 4s 92 91
N T City 4 of 1957 106 107
Norfolk ft Western 4s 110
Norfolk ft Western conv 4s 114 116 -
N Y Ont ft W 4S...- 90 93
Nor Pac P L 4s 99 99
Nor Pac 8s 69 69
Oregon Short Line 4s.......... 93 94
Oregon Ry A Nav 4s 94 95
Penna Ry 4a of 1948. 113 114
Philippine Ry 4s 86
Reading gen 4s 7 S
Republio of Cuba 6s..... 103
Sou Pac first ref 4s..... 94 93
Sou Pac col 4s 90 90
Southern Ry 4s 78 79
St L ft S F ref 4s 77 78
Union Pac first 4s .......110 110
Union Pac conv 4s 101 101
Union Pao ref 4s 97 97
United States Steel S F 6a 112 112
United State 2 registered. ,. ,.100 101
United States 2s coupon. ..... ..100 101
United States 3s registered. . .. 102 102
United Statea 3a coupon 102 ' 102
United States 4s registered 114 114
United States 4s coupon 114 114
United Railway S F 4s..-. 66 67
United Ry Bt L 4s...'.......... 76 77
Wabash first 4s 70 71
Western Union 4s 97 97
Weatlnghouse conv 5s 94 95
Western Pac 6s 84 83
West Shore 4S
Stocks at Boston.
alloues ........ 43 IMohawK
. 63
. 20
. 7
. 30
. B
. 85
Amal Copper . . si jievaaa ion ...
Am Zn Ld A Sm 30Klpissing Mines.
Arizona Com .. 6 INorth Butte ...
B ft C C ft S M. 7 North Lake ...
Calumet ft Arts. 7 Old Dominion .
Calu ft Hecia...520 Osceola
Centennial ..... 22 Qulncy S
Cpr Rg Con Co. 57 Shannon ........ 15
E tfUtte LOP ion aupcitur -
Franklin ....... 10 Sup A Bos Min.. 2
Glroux Con .. 4 15-16'Tamarack 38
aranbr Con 63 IU S Sm Rf A Mn 44
Greene Cananea. 1 do pro
Isle RovMle (CD) 38
Utah Con 10
'Utah copper Co. 60
IWInona 52
Kerr Lake 2
Lake Copper ... 34
La Salle Copper. 0
Miami-Copper ..: 26
Wolverine luf
Money Exchange, Etc. .
NEW YORK. July 10. Money on call,
. nS-J..' Man.' .iilin. r . . . 9 TUT
111 111, ,1 11 - - -1 - ...... ' .
cent; eloslng bid, 3 per cent; .offered at
3 per cent.
Time loans, steady; 60 days. 3 per cent;
90 days. 3 per cent; six months. 4p4
per cent.
Prime mercantile paper. 4G4 per cent.
Sterling exchange firm, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at 4.85 for 60-day
bills and at 14.8740 for demand.
Commercial bills, $4.84.
Bar silver, 61c .
Mexican dollars, 48c
Government bonds, easy; railroad bonds.
LONDON, July 10. Bar allver nrm.
28 l-16d per ounce. Money, 22Vl per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three
months' bills. 2 15-164,' 8 per cent.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON, July 10. At the begin
ning of business today the condition of the
United States Treasury was: ,
Working balance in Treasury of
fices 94.071.182
In banks and Philippine treasury 35,501,011
Total of the general fund 160,152.615
Receipts yesterday 2,169,000
Disbursements 5,540,364
Deficit to date this fiscal year, $6,190,127,
as against a deficit of $5,662,825 at this
time last year. '
These figures exclude Panama Canal and
public debt transactions.
' Sterling; In Saa Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. Sterling on
London Sixty days, $4.85; do, sight. $4.87.
Silver bars, 61c; Mexican dollars, nomi
nal. Drafts, sight. 2c; do. telegraph, 5c.
Steel Trust's Unfilled Tonnsxe.
NEW YORK, July 10. The unfilled ton
nage of the United States Steel Corporation
on June 29 lotaHed 5.807,346 tons.
Cattle Prices Are Firm and Calves
Sell at an Advance Trading
Active at the Yards.
There was a good run of stock of all
kinds at the yards and a brisk demand
throughout the day. The general tone of
the market was firm, with hogs and calves
selling at advances. Today will be ob
served as a holiday at the yards.
Choice steers were taken at $7. and sales
at $6.65 to $G.S0 were numerous. Cows
ranged In price from $5.50 to $5.65. A
few high grade calves brought $8.25.
There was a 10-cent advance In the. gen
eral hog market, a load being disposed of at
$8.35. A few extra choice hogs brought
Meet of the lambs sold went at $5.73.
Wethers brought $4.15 and $4.50, and ewes
sold at $8 and $3.50.
Receipt yesterday were 434 cattle, 35
calves, 406 hogs and 1864 sheep.
Among tne snippers were uicr dkju
hnimp. rnnrion. 1 car of cattle: Hughes A
Gentry, Heppner, 8 cars of cattle and sheep;
W. ti. Fields, laano rails, cars ui. iiubo,
Hnrh Cummina. McCoy. 1 car of sheep
snd hogs; S. L. Overton, Brownsville, 1 car
of sheep and hogs; E. D. Burdlck, Salem,
1 car of sheep; F. B. Decker. Jefferson. 2
caCff of "Sheep; Sevier A Weed, by boat,-3.
hogs;' B. F. - Norwood, Harrlsburg, 2 cars
of sheep; L. E. West, Oakland. 2 cars of
sheep; T. P. Patton, Halsey, 2 cars of sheep;
C. F. Nichols. Riddles, 1 car of cattle;
Cooper ft Whltsen, Roseburg, 2 ears of cat
tle, and George Kohlhagen, Roseburg. 2
cars of cattle.
The day's sales were as zojiows:
, Weight. Price.
81 steers ; ..-..1206 $6.80
13 steers . . 1016 6.0
20 steers H55 7.00
17 steers . . 1230 6.40
1 stag 1140 5.50
8 stelrs 1176 6.40
1 steer 1320 6.40
1 . . 1200 6.80
1 steer 121)0 6.40
1 calf . 140 8.25
1 calf . . 150 8.00
6 steers 1016 6.30
3 stags H43 i.00
2 bulls 770 8.00
1 bull 1270 3.50
3 steers . . ""S B.30
910 5.50
2 cows 875 5.50
3 cows .. 03 - 3.50
7 cows 941 5.50
1 bull 170 3..0
2 cows - 125 5.50
3 bos 18 10
94 hogs y. 1 5 S-J
46 hogs -. 325 7.25
' 2 hogs . . 7 3.00
23 sheep 7 3.00
88 sheep ! 4.00
1 bull 990 8.25
5 steers 1066 B.80
21 steer 1096 6.40
1 cow s,l 8-i!j
1 calf . T60 8.00
2 steers 1375 ' 6.00
4 calves 260 5.00
5 calve p -50
25 calve 182 8 00
7 steer .12'7 6.S0
IS steer 12 11.80
120 lambs . . 'i
292 wether. 1
207 ewes . . ....... . , oT J.wi
5S lambs 8:. ..i3
10 lambs 73 5.75
12 lambs 80 6-75
7 ewes 10-; -J ?0,
36 wethers
178 lamb, 2 5..5
2 calves - 00
12 calves 2I S.--5
30 lambs . . "
5 lambs .. " S.00
118 lamb. . . W 5.60
109 lamba ,10
119 sheep 1 2 S
15 steers t S i?
1 cows . . lows
32 hosts . . 1 ! "
7 ho lj ' ?P
9't hops 217 e.i-
The range of prices at the yards waa as
Choice''' steers $6.75$7.00
nnrJrl steers .. .... "0r 5
Medium eer - 6.75 6.00
Mhodi,cJ.mco,". .: m
Good COWS J-0 6.7u
&"cZ?Zl ?:Sol
Good Th.avv calve. 6.00W 6.50
Good navy cajve. 3.50-81 5.00
stag". 600
nogs anna s 3x
Light ..
6.25 T.00
Heavy ....
Tearllngtl .
Wethers ..i
Ewes ......
Lambs.- .
8.009 4.50
...... 2.30i 4.50
3.000 8.75
4.50 5.75
Omaha Livestock Market.
SOTJTH OMAHA. July 10. Cattle Re
ceipts. 1800; market, active and Wronger.
Native ateers. $6.2509.15: cow and heif
er 83 50 7 25: Western steers. $5.25 8.25:
Teras "steers. 4. 50 6.80: range cow and
heifers $3 canner. $2.504.25; Blocker,
nd feederl $4 6.50: calves. $4,757.75;
bul' tag. etc.. $3.7$6.00.
Hog--Receipt., 9000; market, 5c higher.
Heavy $7 lOfi 7.30: mixed. $7.2O7.80; light,
$7 15 '7:85; piia, $6 7; bulk, of aaiea, $7.20
Sheip Receipt. 3000: market trong.
Yearlings, $5.506 6: wether,, $450 5; ewes,
$3.75425; lambs, $7.50 8.00.
1 "
Chicasja Livestock Market. . .
CHICAGO, July 10. Receipt. 14.000;
market. teady to 10c up. Beeves, $5.60
970. Texas Steers. $5.30 7.40; Western
steers. $0.2597.75; stockers and feeders. $4
6.75; cows and heifers. $2.658; calves. $6
Hoits Receipts, 33,000; market, strong to
6c wrup. LUU $7.20 7.70; mixed.
$7.157T75: hvy. $7.057.72: rough,
Joslfis; pigs.. $5.35 7.80; bulk of sales,
TSheepr-Reeelpts. 16.000: market, strong to
10c up. Native, $3.255.50; Western. $3.75
5.55; yearlings. $4.756.75; lambs, -native,
$4.75 8.13; Western, $58.25.
' Wool' at St. LouU.
ST. LOUIS, July 10. Wool, steady. Ter
ritory and Western mediums, 2024c; one
mediums, 1820c; fine, 14 170.
Wis Cent 4s
Damage to Crop irr Minnesota
by Storm Feared.
Market Opens Finn on Small Re
serves Reported on Farms Hot
Winds in Kansas Lift Price of
Corn Reaction in Oats.
CHICAGO. July 10. Fear that storm dam
age in Minnesota would prove serious had a
bracing effect today on the price of wheat.
Wheat pursued an erratic course until de
tails of storm injury in Minnesota caught
the attention of the crowd. The market
opened nrm on the Government report,
showing farm reserves the smallest in years.
' Hot winds in Central and Western Kan
sas were held responsible for overturning
henrish sentiment In the corn Pit. Much
of the early depression appeared due to the
Government report confirming estimates of
a yield far in excess of last season s
rta tm rMMnd with wheat and corn. Short
sellers, who had been enthusiastic about the
huge crop promised In the Washington es
timate, were in a stampede to cover before
the upturn in other cereaia naa aiisineo
full humlwsv.
Provisions went tho way of quotations for
grain eagging under free sales ana men
rallying with a vim.
Futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
July 1.03 1.04' 1.02 1.04J4
Sept 09 1-00 .98 1.00
Dec. ; 1.01 L02V 1.005. 1.02 hi
July ...... .71 .72 .70 -72
Sept. .67 . .68 .67 .689
Dec .58 .69 .57 .57
May ...... .59 .60 .69 .59
July 42 .48 -.41 .48
Sept. 35 .36 .85. .35
Dec 36 .37 .36 .36
May 38 .39 .38 .38
Sept. 18.42 18.50 18-1 Jf-?.
Oct. 18.30 1 8.53 18.27 18.55
Sept. .....10.70 10.83 10.60 10.82
Oct. .-. 10.75 10.92 10.67 10.90
July 10.37 10.45 10.30 10.45
Sept. .....10.55 10.62 10.47 10.60
Oct 10.55 . 10.60 10.47 1U60
Cash quotations were a follows:
jye Is o. 2, 75c.
Barley Feed or mixing, 68 70c; fair to
choice malting. 95c(j 11.07.
. Timothy seed $7.009.00.
Clover seed $17.00 l.0O.
Mess pork 118.25 18.87 .
Lard In tierces. $10.65.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 162,000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 267,000 bushels, compared with L211.
000 bushels the corresponding day a year
ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow:
Wheat, 11 cars; corn, 142' cars; oats, 4
cars; hogs, 17,000 head.
European Grain Market.
LONDON, July 10. Cargoes dull. Walla
Walla, September-October shipment, 37s 60.
English country markets firm. French
country marketa quiet.
LIVERPOOL, July 10. Close: Wheat,
July. 7s 6d; October, 7s 2d; December,
7s ld. Weather cloudy.
Grains In San Francisco.
BAN FRANCISCO, July.lO. Spot quota
tions: Walla Walla. $1.6501.67; red Rus
sian. 'fl.01.62; Turkey red. $1.709 1.7o.
bluestem, $1.67 L70; feed barley, $1.40
lJVT white oats, $1.921.95; bran.
$28 5o2fU0; middlings, 33.0034U0;
sno.r-t.' :l2j2' k..,n..mber. '1.54
bid. $159 asked; May, $1.50 bid, $1 o asked.
Barley uecemDer, ti-acn; f" -
Puget Sound Grain Markets.
TACOMA, July 10. Wheat Spot, blue
stem. 95c; club, 91c; September delivery,
bluestem, 86c; club. 82c. Receipts: Wheat,
18 cars; barley, 1: oats. 2; hay. 1L
'SEATTLE, July 10. Wheat Bluestem,
92c- fortyfold. 87c; club. 87c; fife, 87c; red
Russian. 87c. Yesterdsy's car receipts.
Wheat. 8; corn, 2; hay, 16; oats, 4; bar-
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 10. Close: Wheat,
July $1.06; September, $1.01 1.01 ;
S! No"i0hard. $1.00; No. 1 Northern.
$108 1-09: No. 2 Northern, $1.07. o.
i wheat. $1051.05.
Oats No. 3 white, 4747c.
Rye No. 2, 60 70c. .
Bran In 100-pound sacks. $20.50 21.
Xavy Officer Visits City Council and
Is Honor Guest at Banquets
and Functions.
Admiral Reynolds, commanding; the
Pacific Reserve Fleet, an honor guest
of the city, passed a ay j
an a VKTV buSV 0116 SOCiallV
,n with a hrilliant banauet last
night at the Arllngrton Club. This was
attended by many prominent people
and was a notaoie event 01 me wocn.
n.u imirfti la niiartered at the Im
perial Hotel, where each morning- a
committee of trie. HiiKB, ranjauus
t-u ti OnrinirH Rsorra H. Kelly. Tom
N. Monks and Russell Hawkins, meets
and plans the activities of the day. The
Admiral has not suincieni aumoiuj iu
overrule the? orders issued to him by
the committee, but he has found their
plans for his visit daily of such pleas
urable nature thai ne wouia out, u u
could, change them.
They have shown the Admiral the
city by automobile; have made him the
honor guest at several banquets and
dinners and have taken delight in
showing- him every possible courtesy.
They are representing not only the
Elks, but the entire city's population
and, in a sense, the state. The people
of all Oregon are grateful to him for
having used his influence in getting toe
fighting ship here and the people are
showing their gratitude In every man
Admiral Reynolds, Lieutenant Joseph
Little and Lieutenant J. H. Klein vis
ited the City Council yesterday morn
ing They were accompanied by Har
bor Master Speler. Mayor Rushlight
introduced the officers, and Council
man Baker, who was In the chair, made
an address of welcome. After a unani
mous vote of thank to Admiral
Reynolds for bringing the battleship
Oregon to Portland, and passage of a
formal resolution to that effect, a ro
cess of five minutes was taken. The
Councllmfn greeted'the officers heart
Committee Urges Another Contest
and Permanent Features. . "
There is to be another school garden
contest next year. This decision was
reached Tuesday at a meeting of the
school garden contest committee.
Resolutions were adopted urging the
School Board to adopt changes and ad
ditions to the present system which
embrace the employment of an agri
cultural expert to visit the schools and
National Bank
We sell travelers' checks payable
anywhere, and issue drafts on all
available points throughout the
Capital - -
Established 1869.
Capital Stock
Surplus and Undivided Profits. .......
Commercial and Savings Accounts
Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' check issued, avail
tble in all parts of tie world.
W. IH. Ladd, fvealdent. Robert . Howard, Asst. CaaMra
Edward Cooking; am, Vlce-Presv J. W. Ladd, Cashier,
XV. H. DaneUey. Cashier. ' WtJtex M. Csk, JUt. CaadtU.
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 900,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
New York Plymouth Cherbourr
8rat ham p ton.
Atlantic Transport Line
New York London Direct.
Jiew York Dover Antwerp I'arls
New York Queenetown Uverpool
New York Plymouth Cherbourg
Southampton. -Boston
Qiieenstown Liverpool
Boston Mediterranean 1 " . . ,. H b.i. or
Contpanx'. 0c BooB'BaHe, Bn.ldln,. and. Cherrr St.., 8et.e, or
..t.ntlftf. nerrlculture.
It Is also suggested that the School
Board secure plots oi s"
munlty gardens. . ,
mUJl- fnn the Inclusion
of a department of agriculture in the
course or stuay m mo
and the establishment, ultimately, or
an agricultural high school
Marshall . JJana, lu - --
E J. Jaeger were re-elected respect, vo
ly", chairman, secretary and treasurer.
Pasco Postofflce's Business Big.
PASCO, Wash., July 10. (Special.)
According to the report of Postmaster
Schutt the receipts of the Pasco post
office for the year ending June 30
amounted to S10.867.10. which is nearly
stands the test of
time, weather and
hard traffic insist
on Bitulithic.
Ohio Copper Company
COrfK ctMiJr ais i :
Notice Is hereby given that the time for
depositing the stock of the Ohio Copper
Company and subscribing for the stock of
the new company, auuvtu ' -''l
por Mlnlne Company, expires July 25th, 191Z
The first Installment of fifty cents (dOc)
per share In New York exchange with signed
subscription agreement accompanied by cer
tificates of stock of the Ohio Copper Com
pany (duly indorsed In blank or to the
Ohio Copper Mining Company) must be for
warded on or before July 25th, 191J. to the
Empire- Trust Company, 42 Broadway, New
York City or to the International Trust
Company. 45 Ml"k St.. Boston. Mass.. to eith
er of which checks may be payable. The
second Installment of fifty cents (80c) per
share Is due on or before September loth,
1912. Negotiable subscription receipts will
nsvment of the first Install
ment, which upon final payment will be ex
changed lor stoca oi m cuiutwur.
As heretofore afivised. stockholders who
do not so participate will receive dividends
of twenty-five cents (25c) per share on the
stock of the Ohio Copper Company on final
liquidation of that company's affairs.
You are earnestly recommended to avail
yourselves of the benefits which the proposed
plan affords by subscribing to the stock of
the new company.
Subscription blanks to be had upon appli
cation to this office or to either of th
above-mentioned trust companies.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Frederick Kcksteln, Secretary,
July 9. 1818. T Broadway. New York.
Main Floor Lumbennens Bank Eldg.
Fifth and Stark.
Phonea Marshall 4120, A 4187.
.... 800,000.00
Aug. 1 7 Sept. 7
Sent. 28 Oct. 19
Montreal Quebec Liverpool
Largest and Finest ft earners
on St. Lawrence Route
Only Four Days at Sea
Twin Screw S. S. "Canada" and Teutonic'.
BsKgsge checked through to bteamer
In Bond. Embark night before sailing.
No hotel o.r iransier
$1000 more than the amount required
to secure a free mail delivery within
the city limits. More than 6000 of thli
amount was profit for Uncle Sam, at
the expenses of the office were only
13620 The receipts represent postage
sales'and box rent, 49871.10 being cred
ited to the former and J996 to the lat
ter. e
SO Pine 8treet NawYbrk
Canadian Pacific ,
1000 MILES
First Cabin !!5?SSn5
Becond Cabin 43.78 and na
ote-Class Cabin (2d-class) 60.00 and n.
Third-Class Lowest rate on request.
Canadian racltto office, corner Tblrd and
Pins (Multnomah Hotel bld.. Portland,
and all local agents
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Diego Direct
S. & Roanoke and S. S. Eldez
Sail Every Wednesday Alternately t P. iL
11 A Third St. Phones Main 1314. A 181
Sails from Ainsworth Dock, Portlanfl, at
9 A. M., July 2. 8, 14, 19. 24. 29; August
3 8, 13, 18, 23, 28. Freight received at
Ainsworth Dock daily up to S P. M.
Passenger fare first-class, $10; second
class $7, Including berth and meala,
Ticket office Ainsworth Dock. Phone
Main 3600. A 2332.
Railroad or any steamer to San Fran
cisco, the Expo City. Largeat. fastest
and th ONLY strictly flrst-clas pas
senger ahlp on the Coast. Average, speed
28 miles pr hour; cost $2,000,000 eaoh.
S. S. CO, '
Main 62S. Frank Ilollaia, A cent. A 459.
12S Third t treat.
San Francisco and Lo Angele
8. S. BEAVER sail A. M., July 1L '
Ticket Office 142 Third Street,
Phone Main 2605. A 1402.
Union Line of N. Z.)
Direct through -steamers, sailing from Sn
Francisco July 24, Aug. 21 and every 28
days to Tahiti. Rarotonga, Wellington and
Sydney. The line to Isle of tbe South Seas.
For reservstlons see Coupon Rsllrosd Agents
or address Hind, Rolph A Co., San Francisco.