PROGRESSIVES' IRE HITS TOSKER Resolutions' Condemn Dele gates Who Supported Taft Methods in Any Manner. CHICAGO INTERVIEW CITED Ackerson. Coo, Boyd, Carey, Hale and Swift Commended for Voting in Accordance With Oregon's Choice lor President. Resolutions adopted unanimously at the meeting of the National Progres sive Club and dealing with the action of Oregon's delegates to the Kepubll-t-an Rational convention were not as drastic as expected. They dealt large ly in general terms but reviewed the votes of the Individual members of the delegation on questions coming before the convention and forming a part of the Roosevelt "programme" of organi sation and control of that body. The resolutions were signed by San field Macdonald. Lute C. Pease, Olive M. Hickey and Dr. H. R. Biersdorf, four of the five members of tne committee. the fifth member. O. W. Griffin, not affixing his signature. At the outset, the resolutions give the detailed vote for President In this state, showing that Roosevelt received a plurality of " nearly 6500. Reference is made to the pre-election pledges of the different delegates and an interview by Thomas UcCusker. published in a Chicago news paper, in which the Portland man said six of the ten delegates from Oregon would switch from Roosevelt to Taft or t-a Follette at the first opportunity. O piquing, the resolutions were as fol lower iL.-mberlnr the use by Delegate McCus ker of Roosevelt's name, and remembering the tenor of his oath as a delegate, your ?ommlttee believes that no more convincing evidence of Delegate McCusker's Insincerity rould be offered; and in so far as he spoke truly for other Oregon delegates who would witch from Roosevelt to Taft or La Fol ette ... at the llrst opportunity." vj aelieve that the action of such delegates iso should be condemned. Loyalty la Tested. The loyalty of the Oregon Republican delegates was tested In two important mat ters coming before the convention. 'The Srst was the election of a temporary chairman. It was clearly understood by all that, Sllhu Root represented the standpat, snythlng-to-beat Roosevelt element. Oov ;rnor McGovern, of Wisconsin, represented the progressives, tt Is generally conceded lhat the election of McGovern would have meant the nomination of Roosevelt. When Oregon's vote was called. Delegates Camp bell. Bynon and 8mith voted for s'and patlsm, or in direct support of the enemies jf Oregon's choice for President. Delegate McCusker was present, but sided with the enemies of Roosevelt by not vot- r'we are pleased to name Delegates Acker ton. Coe. Boyd. Carey. Hall and Swift as voting on the side of progress Ivlsm vot ing in accordance with their pledge. In sup port of the cause of Oregon's choice for President. . i The second important matter coming be fora the convention was the motion of Gov ernor Had ley. of Missouri, to substitute a minority report for the majority report of the credentials committee, which. In effect, was to take from the temporary rollcall as made up by the credentials committee, the fraudulent Taft delegates and to sub stitute the Roosevelt delegates, in certain contested states. Ex-Congressman Watson, of Indiana, moved to table Governor Had ley"s motion, and we And Delegates Carey, Campbell. Bynon. McCusker and Smith vot ing to table the motion, and Ackerson, Coe, Boyd. Hall and Swift voting against Con-' gressman Watson's motion. In other words, Carey. Campbell, Bynon, Smith and McCus ker assisted the Taft steam roller. Arguments Are Useless. Tour committee has no comment to offer upon the various sophistical arguments of returning delegates1 to the effect that "There was really no steam roller, after all." or that the stesm roller was "Justified," thst anyway not much merit existed in most of the Poosevelt contests," and therefore the convention was "honest enough"; that Roosevelt would have been nominated "If he had not bungled": that La Follette would have been nominated If something hadn't happened; that Roosevelt's loyal supporters "rulnnd his chances" by protesting against fraud; thst there was "trickery" in the naming of McGovern as temporary chairman, but no "trickery" in packing the convention with fraudulent delegates: that care as to "precedent" and "parliamentary practice" is mora Important tha.i smaihlng precedent and practices thst are invoked to support fraud and theft, and that all citizens who dare to criticise a disloyal delegate are "narrow minded." "simple minded," "little dogs" or "liars." In conclusion, your committee desires to emphasize the fact that this matter has nothing to do with partisanship for any leader; we believe It to be simply a ques tion of principle: The faithfulness of an elected official to the letter and spirit of his platform and oath of office. The original motion, adopted at a former meeting, calling for the ap pointment of the committee submitting the resolutions, provided for the con demnation not only of McCusker. but of Coe and Ackerson for the reason that the latter two not only remained in the convention and failed to vote for Roosevelt, according to their instruc tions, but also neglected to give their votes to Senator Borah, who received the popular vote in this state as the party's choice for Vice-President. "FRISCO" NOT RECOGNIZED HOME NEWS FOR ELKS (Continued From First Page.) Treasury Department Refuses Permit Nickname for City. to SAN FRANCISCO. July 10. "Frisco" as an abbreviation of the name of this city baa been placed officially under the ban of the Treasury Department of the United States, and an attempt to use it has put several transcontinental rail roads to considerable expense and more nconvenience. Customs regulations provide that goods shipped by rail in bond must be sealed in the cars, and July 1 a new regulation provided that n automatic tin seal bearing the print ed destination of the car be used. All but one of the transcontinental railroads permitted the manufacturers to abbreviate the name of this port, and. when the customs authorities re fused to pass cars so sealed, were forced to borrow from their more near ly correct rival. Judge Butler, of The Dalles, Happy. Among the out-of-town visitors to Portland yesterday was R. R. Butler, of The Dalles. ex-Clrcult Judge of the district embracing Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler, and Republican nominee for State Senator from Wasco County to succeed N. J. Slnnott, who received the nomination in the last primary election for Representative in Congress from the Second Congressional District. The amlle Judge Butler wears, he con fided to bis friends. Is not due entirely to his approval of the elaborate decor ations for the Elks' convention. Ten dsys ago a nine-pound daughter ar rived at the Butler home. "She is a genuine suffragist of the Progressive Ropubllcsn persuasion," snld Judge Butler yesterdny. "and if she were a week older she would be in the Elks' poinds tomorrow." . manager of the Western Pacific, for bis work in obtaining horoeseekers' rates from Eastern points to - Sacra mento Valley. . The grand Jury is reported to be in vestigating the personal conduct and habits of Supervisor Jenkins. The Northern Electric Railroad is likely to have Its big repair shops lo cated here instead of at Unlco. Rev. William Rader, of San Fran Cisco, addressed a big mass meeting here tonight on the suppression . of vice in the restricted district of the citv. H. G. May, acting secretary of Lodge No. 6 of Elks, is weary of the job De- cause the members are all out of town. Hartford Minister Called West. HARTFORD. Connl. July 10. (Spe cial.) Rev. Hugh Elmer Brown, of Windsor Avenue Congregational Church, has been called to Pilgrim Church, of Seattle. Wash. The stat rivers, harbors and bridge commission has authorised the expend iture of a million dollars for the im provement of New London harbor. Dr. Nathan Mayer died toaay at narc. ford HosDital. Mrs. Harry P. Fowler, grievea over the 111 health of her son, ended her life bv Inhaling illuminating gas. Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew suuivan. victims of the Maromas wreck, nave sued the railroad for 130.000. Detective Sergeant John M. Henry, member of Hartford lodge, today re covered a large quantity of plunder stolen by the notorious "Y. M. C gang" of thieves. Pittsburg Suffers From Storm. PITTSBURG. July 10. (Special.) The hot spell was broken today by a terrific electrical storm. W..J. Rees, a nainter. and H. P. Atkins, a driver, were killed by lightning. Many build' ina-s were struck. Mrs. Earl Fellabom was refused tne custody of her baby daughter by Judge Swearslng today. Criminal charges are Den ding against her and J. R. McClin- tock. The Larimer-avenue bridge was onened with a big celebration today. The bodv of the beautiful gin wno mvsteriously met death in the Alle gheny River1 Monday was identified todav as that of Anna Connors, of Newell. W. Va. Mrs. Mabel Stahl received a divorce today. She alleged that be husband was "looney on diamonds and dogs." Chicago Elk Opposes Innovation CHICAGO. July 10. (Special.) A prominent member of Chicago lodge No. 4 of Elks was interviewed today with reference to the recommendation of the grand exalted ruler for dispensa tions for charters when requested in towns of 3000 inhabitants. He is of the opinion that this would be unwise for the reason that it would tend to cneap en the order, as in a town of 3000 in habitants only about 600 of them are male voters and eligible to membership in a fraternal order, and in the South ern states some towns of this size are composed of from one-third to two. fifths negroes. Then there are "mushroom mining towns." which exist for a while and f in- allv become deserted and forgotten,-he argues. Atlantic City Elects All Elks. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. July 10. (Special.) Dr. Jesse B. .Thompson Mayor Bachrach, City Treasurer Peyer, William A. Bartlett and William tuaaie were elected to the Commission. May or Bachrach. newly-elected Commis sioner, is exalted ruler of No. 276. serv ing his second term, and was reecntly presented with a diamond ring by his lodge In recognition of his services to the lodge. All the others elected are members of the order. Daniel H. V. Bell, the only Deino at running, was beaten by only 140 votes in 4000 for the Commlssionershlp. Bell is a former lecturing knight of No 276. - The grand jury today considered the Burns graft charges and also looked up beach front cafe violations. San Francisco Committee Lonesome. SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. (Spe cial.) A meeting of the Portland com mittee was called to order at the club this afternoon by Vice-Chairman Lynch. The only business transacted was the reading of the resignation of Secretary Brown from the committee. The com mittee was then forced to adjourn, as Lynch was the only member present, the others being in Portland. Trustee Ahearn was compelled to olav the game of 13 by himself tonight. as Trustee White was in Portland. Herman Kohn has announced that he will spend bis afternoons henceforth n Golden Gate Park taxicab riding. This followed the announcement that taxicab' rates had been cut one-half. George M. Hill, a member of the Board of Harbor Commissioners, died this morning at St. Mary's Hospital from complications following protract ed illness. San Francisco bank clearings for June were $216,444,066, an Increase of nearly $30,000,000 over the same month of 1911. The Board of Health has Issued an ultimatum requiring dairies to- meet health and sanitary requirements rigid ly or be condemned. A shattered romance said to have been hinted at by Miss Augusta Selfke, beauty doctor, to her brother, Herman Selfke, is believed to have been re sponsible for the woman's suicide TueS day in her office in the Union Square building. An ordinance Intended to provide for municipal participation in the city beautifying plan' has been introduced before the Board of Supervisors and referred to the publlo welfare committee. ' Day's Doings at Butte. BUTTE. -Mont-, July .10. (Special.) Lewis P. Smith was appointed today by the County Commissioners to suc ceed the late Coroner John Qulnn. The scheduled ordinance, which has for its purpose the Installation , of or namental lamp posts throughout a large portion of the city, including the business district, is causing consider able discussion in Butte. Henry Jonas, prominent merchant and father of Julius Jonas, well-known member of the Butte Lodge of Elks, Is recovering from a serious illness. Butte is to have automobile-propelled fire apparatus. Postmaster Glllis. prominent in the local Lodge of Elks, took an important part in the Good Roads convention at Anaconda. Spokane to Adopt pity Flag. SPOKANE. Wash., July 10. (Special.) Miss S. Parmenter, entrapped by flames In her bedroom on Boone ave nue this morning, tied two sheets to gether and'slid to the ground from the second story. Roy Robinson, brakeman for the Spo kane & Inland, was knocked off the top of a motor engine this morning and received injuries from which he prob ably -will die. Spokane is to have a municipal flag, with colors that will represent this city for all time. Miss Hazel Coates. daughter of Com missioner Coates, was married tonight to Oscar M. Borg. of Denver. Mayor Hindley, performing the ceremony. Mrs. Elizabeth D. Christian probably will file on the Democratic ticket for the nomination for the Legislature, and Mrs. A. P. Fassett on the Republican ticket. William R. Roy and James A. Brown have been brought out by the Demo crats for nomination for .the Legis Iature. John Arnelius, aged 76 years. Spo kane pioneer and veteran of the Civil War. died this morning. Stanley Hallett. of Medical Lake, will be a candidate for County Commissioner to succeed Fred McBroom. Oakland Opposes Annexation. OAKLAND, Cat. July 10. (Special.) W. E. Gibson heads the committee of 100 to oppose annexation to San Fran Cisco. A fund of S200.000 will be col lected. ' " The Havens interests are purchasing 12,000 acres of the Moraga ranch o for subdivision and colonization. Ernest Porter, a wealthy Alameda lumberman, and his wife have agreed to -separate. A divorce is expected. Nlta and Lyda Sheffield, famous ath letic sisters of the university at Berke ley, tramped 60 miles through the high Sierras in a big storm. The same girls swam the Golden Gate. Mayor Wilson, of Berkeley. Issued statement today indorsing the project for a municipal market. The Oakland City Counoil is to ex pend 3o.000 for a new bridge over Eighth street across Lake Herri tt at ebb tide. J. C. Hall, of Oakland, wife and two children, .were- painfully hurt when their automobile rolled off the em bankment on the Port Costa road. John Allen Partington, of East Oak land, brother of the famous artist, mar ried tonight Miss Inger Aune, of San Francisco. . . Indianapolis Talks Politics. INDIANAPOLIS, July 10. (Special.) Auditor of State O'Brien is most prominently 'mentioned as Taggart's successor on the Democratic National Committee. Another heavy storm came this morn ing, with an inch of rainfall. The state tax board has refused a re duction in telegraph and telephone com pany assessments. The damage to the state house roof by lightning will be more than $1000. President Stone, of Purdue Univer sity, at Lafayette, today-married Mrs. Mary Winter, whom he reared from childhood. .- R. H. Losey, of the Buick Motor Com pany, has become sales manager of the new Republic Motor Company, with headquarters In New York. , Howard Smock died suddenly today at his home in North New - Jersey street. Governor Marshall and Tom Taggar. took lunch . together today. - Marshall thanked Taggart for work in f Is be half at Baltimore. The decision of Judge Leathers that motion-picture shows using vaudeville must pay a theater license may cause many theaters to close. Cleveland Prepares for Eagles. CLEVELAND. July 10. Carpenters today began receiling . the mammoth arch on the public square in front at the Chamber of Commerce for the Eagles' convention here next month. A Rocky River man and a Dover girl were married here . today by Mayor Baker. D. Z. Norton, president of the Citi zens savings. & Trust company, is critically 111 with pneumonia. The "Black Hand" in a letter threat ens to kidnap the 7-year-old daughter of Mrs.Newhauser, o'f East Twenty fifth street, unless $500 is paid. Another hot day without rain and the temperature at 90 kept Cleveland uncomfortable. The Council committee agrees to ap propriate $2000 for the Board of Health for child hygiene work, to save babies in hot weather. Abolishment of the street crossing at which BUlenstein and daughter were killed this week is being considered by the Mayor and representatives of the railways. Early action is expected. Twenty-six have been . killed there since 1900. CHILD BADLY BURNED ON LEG Between Knee and Ankle. Skin Loose. Leg Dark Red. Cuticura Ointment Entirely Cured Her. ZOO Fuller St, Redwood. Cal. "My two-year-old daughter tipped a basin of hot water on her leg between knee and ankle. She was burned so badly. In places as large as a man's hand, that the skin was loose. The appearance of the leg was dark red. I applied the Cuticura Ointment at once and put on a bandage. I removed the bandage twenty-four hours later,, opened the water blisters, applied more Cuticura Ointment and bandaged again.. The skin did not come off and I did this until she was completely cured. I did not let ber walk much until it was healed. She did nob complain after the first day. and after the Cuticura Ointment was put on. slept as usual. The scars are gone; Cuticura Ointment entirely cured her." (Signed) Mrs. E. O. Chapman. Mar. 12. 1912. ITCHING AND BURNING SPOTS' : Spreading AO Over Face. Sometimes Sores. Gaston, Ore. "I had itching and burning spots all over my face. It came out in rough places and itched and burned all the time. It was spreading all over my face. ' Sometimes there were sores, and they were red and inflamed. I washed the affected parts off with the Cuticura Soap, then applied Cuticura Ointment. I only put it on three times and the sores were all gone." (Signed) Ofaas. Wahl. Dec 27. 1911. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are sold throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura. Dept.T. Boston." 49Tender-faced men should use Cuticura Soap Shaving Stick. 25c Sample free. chlnist for Longest Bros.; was held to answer on a manslaughter charge to day. Finn ran down and killed Mrs. Mary E. Alford, of 977 South Second street, June 27.' - . New Orleans Elks Jubilant. NEW ORLEANS, July 10. (Special.) The legislative act providing for probing of city official machinery was defeated today at Baton touge. Elks are Jubilant over the news that Colonel John P. Sullivan will run for Governor. Joseph is generally being groomed for District Attorney. The St, John Parish Democratic ex ecutive committee is standing by brother Fred Middleton in his fight for the District Attorneyship against Brother "Babe" Marero. The Senate has concurred in the Burke amendment to the assistance clause in the primary, law by a vote of 91 to S. Slg Faranta announces that ne win build a theater in Canal street. Louisville Men Open Restaurant. " LOUISVILLE, Kr July 10. (Spe cial.) Smith T. Bailey and U. G. Baum gardner, the latter formerly Jim Camps' "right bower, will open a restaurant in the old citizens- uie building, September 1. W. C. Nones has resigned as presr- dent of the Kentucky Wagon Manu facturing Company. The Kentucky JJar Association met here today with nearly 700 present. Jake ttreenberg is seemng a aovuv manager for the Gait House. William E. Morrow, secretary of tne Commercial Club, left for French Lick Springs and Chicago - today lor a vacation. John P. Stark's big building at Fourth and Walnut streets will be completed by April 1 and will cost $600,000. Bids will be opened at Chicago Friday. Edward M. Finn. 19 years oia, m Receiver Has VVlWiita Company. WICHITA. Kan.. July 10. (Special.) The Monarch Portland Cement Com pany, with a capital stock of $4,000,000, was placed in the hands of a receiver by Judge Thomas C. Wilson today. Mis management is charged by A. C. Kreit zer and G. Roll, stockholders, who asked for the receiver. The company is solvent and able to meet obliga tions. Many Wichita Elks are stock holders. 1 The City Commission has served no tice on the water company that the charge for service connection will be tolerated no longer. Ten new manual training teachers will be added to Wichita's teaching Watch Oregon City Lodge 1189 and- The Dalles Lodge 303 In the Parade Today See Them in the Famous Elk Blankets and Jackets In the official colors purple and white woven in Oregon City from pure ' Oregon wool. Take a Blanket home with you or send one to a friend. A useful and artistic souvenir. Long, staple wool and fast colors, assuring a lifetime of service. For sale at the leading dry goods and clothing stores $10 delivered to any part of the United States. None genuine without this black and gold silk label. Come to Oregon City; see us weave. A beautiful hour's ride by trolley or boat. Oregon City Woolen Mills Largest Makers in the U. S. of Pure Wool Indian Robes and Novelty Blankets OREGON CITY, OREGON , Since 1864 assss!!!cjss"s"s,,",,""ssssfsssi force this Fall, according to plans out lined by -Superintendent Mayberry. Joe, 13-year-old son or Bruce vm flth. was hurt by the elevator in the Beacon building. The Orient strike conference nas Deen postponed until July 19. An addition wm oe omit w lus tamrhfln freight station. The Woodland Methodist Church has installed a moving picture machine. Walter Innes will establish a Board of Trade of his own, with a special wire to Chicago and connections wim all Kansas mills. t ' Election Pleases Cincinnati. OTVCTNNATI. O.. July 10. (Special.) Cincinnati Elks express themselves as being much pleased over the elec tion of Thomas B. Mills as grand ex .It.i4 .iiIaf Rnhrt Moore's home at Grand and TTichinnii avenues was struck by, llght- onri rnnslderablv damaged. Both he and his wife were slightly shocked. H.r.o Khlnlev and Professor A. M. Wilson were appointed by the school InvostiB-attner committee to in (c fc NATURE'S 8 The very great majority of persona need a tonio In the Spring or early Summer. The system undergoes a change at this season and the entire physical machinery is disturbed. The general bodily weakness, a tired, worn-out feeling, fickle appetite, poor digestion, a half sick feeling and a general run-down condition of the system, show that the blood is weak or anaemic, and a blood purifying tonio is needed to build up the deranged system and enrich the blood. The use of S. S. 8. at this time may save you from a long spell of sickness, and it will certainly prepare you for the long, hot Summer. - Many people have put off using a tonio until the system became so weakened and depleted it could not successfully throw off disease germs, and have paid for the neglect with a spell of fever, malaria or soma other debilitating sickness. S. S. S. is Nature's ideal tonic. It is a composition of the extracts and juices of roots, herbs and barks which Bcience and experience have proven are best fitted for a tonic to the humaa system. It contains no minerals of any kind and is therefore perfectly safe for persons of any age. S. S. S. tones np the stomach and digestion, rids the system of that tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and strength to every part of the body. It purines and enriches the blood, stimulates the secreting and excreting members to better action, quiets the over strained nerves, and makes one feel better in every way. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. est Pacific Ocean Excursion 120 SCENIC A WONDERFUL TO ASTORIA MILES SHORT TRIP COLUMBIA RIVER COAST RANGE MOUNTAINS BOUNDLESS FORESTS THE OLDEST PACIFIC CITY WITH GREAT SALMON AND LUMBER INDUSTRIES AND GEARHART AND SEASIDE, OREGON SEA SHORE LIMITED Observation Parlor Cars and Large, Coaches. LEAVE 9:10 A. M. DALLY ARRIVE BEACH POINTS FOR LUNCHEON SPEND ALL AFTERNOON AT THE OCEAN, RETURN TO PORTLAND 10:30 P. M. Other Trains Leave 6:30 P. M. Daily; 2 P. M. Saturday. PERFECT RESORT FOR WEEK OR SEASON o ia n..Airt iii.n first-class all-year hotels, surf bathing, fishing; motoring, golf, tennis, etc.. The lXZn?tl gat Pacific Ocean impel pleasure, rest and recreation. ROUND TRIP FARES S4 DAILY, SEASON LIMIT $3 SATURDAY and bUlNUAi RETURN UNTIL MONDAY Snecial folders, parlor car seats and details at " U11I J. 11XkJCl X UHiVIi Fifth and Stark Streets. All Trains Leave NORTH BANK STATION Eleventh and Hoyt Streets. vestlgate the work and material put into all recently-constructed school buildings. Mayor Hunt is said to be back of the movement and scandal Is scented. G. V. Henry Frelzer, secretary to Judge William Llttlefield, died shortly after being overcome by the heat today. The Australian gum height of 41 ft- trees (row to a -SAY, BILL- Let's go to BAY CITY, the place we hear so much about I A capital idea, old man. I believe it is a good place to buy a few lots, as it is bound to be Ore gon's second metropolis. The new jetty and the deep channel direct to BAY CITY will make it a big seaport By securing a few lots now they will be very valuable by the time the improve ments and the Panama Canal are completed. We can leave Portland Saturday morning at 8:45 and return'Sunday or Monday before 11 O'CLOCK WE'RE OFF TO BAY CITY The deep-water seaport and railroad terminus on Tillamook Bay. LOTS $65 to $1500 On Easy Monthly Payments Call or write for full particulars, -BAY CITY LAND CO H 701-2 Spalding Building 0-7-11-13 PALACE LAUNDRY ALACE LAUNDRY LACE LAUNDRY ACE LAUNDRY CE LAUNDRY E LAUNDRY LAUNDRY AUNDRY UNDRY NDRY DRY RY SHOES REPAIRED Y while you wait at our dpwntown shop, 131 11th street, between Washington and "Alder. We call for and deliver shoes to any part of city. 1 P PA PAL PALA PALAC PALACE PALACE L PALACE LA PALACE LAU PALACE LAUN PALACE LAUND PALACE LAUND R EAST TENTH at EVERETT Why he' satisfied with anything but the BESTf We charge no more than other laundries for our SUPERIOR work in every department. Socks and shirts mended f KKrj. 1'none lor a PALACE LAUNDRYwagon. East 1030, B 2113. o-T-it-ia X H. J. ft