, gQ . ximi' JllJXVa l.al J axuujia.j,it ujliihw-''I - FOR SALE. Moreea. Vehicles, Etc. O-l VTPh 1A aama f rt r- railroad COHatrUC lion work; free transportation. Phone, wire, wrlta Hanley Employment Co.. Port land. Or., 2i 4 .V. 3d. Phone Main 727. - A-rrw. FOR SALE cheap. 2f.--lb. team, wagon. harness. 295 litn at. P. CAMPING outflt. team, wagon, and barneaa. $100. 267 E. tn. Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments. FUR SALE New Leland piano, cheap "for ran. HAT Et. inn, room a. $2.5 TAKES Regina Automatic-Concerto, . m . IT 11 T aaa tttnril ( tT roll yv. n - - n j . . FOR KENT A Bn piano. Phone Main 6100 and A ln-'i. Automobiles, AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a neir rheap car when you an secure one of our high-grade used ears at the same price t We guarantee them. Different makes and models, all " traded In on new White gaa cars. We a!so offer several secondhand trucss. Wrlta Whit Car Agency. 6lh atreet at Madison. ARE you looking for an automobile? If so. don't (all to sea our large stock ol slightly used cars. A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS. 11)10 Bulck. four-pass.. $425. 1O10 Boick. 6-pasa.. $850. 1912 Everett five-pass.. 6-cyL. 46-n. p.. brand new. $1850. 1910 Maxwell, two-pass.. $275. PAni.Hgrifnn1 fl.naUL. ariOtX And many others. Wa are exclusive dealers of used cars. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 4J140.-, Aider St. REAL SNAPS. A snap. Pope-Hartford, newly butd and overhauled, a pick-up for $1000; let us demonstrate this car to yon. Here Is a chance to get a real a;ood bar gain: Thomas roadster, freak body. Gray Davis lighting system. S150 Warner In strument, fullv equipped, thoroughly over hauled and painted, for $1650; owner leav ing city, must sell at once. Whlto steamer runabout for sale at a bargain overhauled and newly painted; at a sacrifice price, 1700. BECKER AUTOMOBILE CO.. X W. corner 14th and Davis Sts. STUDEBAKER-GARFORDr 111 model. 7-passenger. excellent eon diticn. equipped with every accessory that makes a high-clsss private car; also ex tra tires and tubes; over 500 worth of conveniences, making cost of car today over S4600; will absolutely guarantee the reliability and condition; to the party with the money and who means business I will mike a very attractive price. Owner, F 102. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Ona 1911 Bulck runabout; one 1910 Bulck eurrev. rear seat detachable: one 1910 Bulck. 3-passenger: one 1911 Cadillac touring car. 5-psssenger; ona 1910 Oak land runabout : one Columbua electric All of the above in good running order, fully equipped. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO, Tlh and Couch. Main 4055. A 11500. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF USED AUTOMOBILES. 491-496 Alder St. Main 111. A em. MT. TABOR acreage adjoining City Park; highly Improved beautiful view, bung alow, fruit, near hard-surface and car: take part trade. Owner. AS 211. Ore gontait. " MUST SACRIFICE. 1911 Overland 40-H. P.. cost new $1S50. only used about 6 months: all complete for 9n cash. AG 210. Oregonlan. 1912 CARTER CAR roadster, guaranteed in first-class condition. Price $750 cash. Call SIS Board ot Trade bldg. Main 7452, A 44Q1. PRIVATE car for hire, careful driver, well acquainted with city and country. Will carry 4 passengers at .ou per nour. Phone East 6250. IF TOU want a snap buy this single cyl inder Reo. good for delivery or wood-saw machine. $115 cash. B 21. Oregonlan. WANTED Teams or auto trucks to haul about 50 cords of wood. Inquire S31 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED Ton or ton and a half truck. Cll Marshall 2821. Docs. Birds, ret Stock. VACATION REMINDER Before leaving for ywur Summer vacation, don't neglect your dwgs and cats; don't lock them up to suf fer and atarve; all such casea reported will be prosecuted. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY. PEDIGREED Airedale pupa for sale. 409 Est 39th st. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE OR RENT. 40-ton Helsler locomotive. 10x12 Tacoma logging engine. 9xlO Seattle logging engine. 7x9 hoisting engine. 13 H. P. gasoline engine. S H. P. upright stesm engine. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., ' . 74 First St. EWING MACHINES SLAUGHTERED. 10O Singer machines, slightly used. 75 New home machines, slightly used. 100 White machines, slightly used. IO Wheeler and Wilson machines, slight ly used. . 200 machines ot all other makes, slight ly used. Sale on st my thre stores. 420 Wash ington st., 383 Alder st.. 293 Third at. S. 6. SIGEL. MEN'S SUITS REDUCED. Clean-up aale: $27.50 to $3u.00 values now (15.00; $22.80 to $25.00 values now 14: $18.50 to $18.00 values now $10.00. I cut prices and smile, no heavy rent t.angs 6ver my head. Jimmy Dunn, room 315. Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. MOTORBOAT Length 27 ft.. 3-cyllnder 24 H. P. engine, fully equipped, speed IS ml., cost SlJttO; will sell for M)0 cash If taken at once. Apply evenings. 748 Wa- ir sv CPECiAL sal on sewing macmnea; slightly used: Singer. Wheeler W'lson White. E'omestlo and New Home; some other new $40 machines now $27.50 while they las:. 6. a Blgel. 383 Aider at. READING NOTICE. I have Just returned from California, had to take a lot of Ostrich Plumes on deal. Will sell to the ladlea at their own price. E31 Mohawk bldg. FOR SALE 30-ln. pa-per cutter, made by Challenge Machinery Co.. A-l condition, coat $185: sell for $100. Ask for Mr. Flske, Varshall-Wells Hardware Co. Jl FT.. ( H.-P. s-cyllnder motor boat, fully equipped; go 12 mL or better: nearly new; for sale or will trade. Price $375. Mo time to use It- P 303. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP. Hot-air pumping engine, good condition. Inquire or address room 309 Oregonlan Bldg. SATES Special bargain second-hand fire and burglar-proof: safee opened and re paired. Pircel Safe Co.. and Portland Safe Co.. 5 5th at. Phone Main 810. St V4G MACHINES Closing out a fine lit of used machines ot all makes: drop heads $10 and up; bo- tops IS and up. 292 Third at... corner Columbia. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc. bought and avid. The Pacific Store Service Co.. .27 Stark St. Main 7711. FOR SALE: Good rolltop deak and awivel rhalr. M. B. T. Co.. 413 Stark au, cor. 11th. TYPEWRITERS rebulIL all makes, $10 to $85. The Northwest Typewriter Co. 2ri2 Stark st. PAWN ticket on lady'a diamond brooch; out of work and cannot redeem same. M 205. Oregonlan BRAND new 1 i H.-P. gasoline engine, com alee. $.5. 194 Morrison at. SAf'E Good as new. cheap: terms If j'ou :eslre. AP 1 SI. Oregonlan. FURNITURE of 9 rooms, whole or in -art. Marshall 942. - 504 BUSINESS cards. II; a bargain. Rcae City Prlntery. 12 is Id, corner Taylor. P. O. GRANDSTAND LUMBER H PRICE. x. 2x10. 1x12. 1x8. Gordon, 20 4th at. WAXTEB MISCELLAXEOUS. WK BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOL Highest price paid for men's and I idles' cast-off clothlr.g. shoes, furniture. tols. mechanic, logging. Call Main 20SO. 1st st. The Glooe. WANT ED MOVING-PICTURE OUTFITS. Folding chairs, phonographs, electric llanos, films, etc. AN 174. Oregonlan. B e. pav the highest cash price for aecond 1 and furniture. Beaton Martin. Phone r.at 8134. 348 Hawthorne ave W.-.NTF.D A 6x7 view camera with lena; i:e9cr!t.' fully and give lowest cash price. H 9. Oregonlan. WANTED Teams or suto trucks to haul i bout 500 cords of wood. Inquire 331 Hallway Exchange bldg. Wil.L. tint rooms for 12.50; paint houses at j our price. East az t. tteuaote piumr. FORD Auction Co. Paya most cash for any l lnd of furniture. Main S951. A 2445. W VNTED Scrap Iron In any quantity, at imce. J. Bernhardt, 121 1st at. Main 825. HELP WANTED MAU. BC Y to carry paper route 2 wka. 301 West 1'ark. after jOA-M- WANTED ExP'flenced farm hand, place liear city. 149 8d at. HELP WANTED M ALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 2-3 and 234 Couth St., bet. 1st and 2d, Telephones Main 6570, A 140(1. HELP FURNISHED FREE. Telephone or teles-raph rush orders AT OUR EXPENSE. WANTED FOR MILLS. Gang edgerman. $4. Gang trlmmerman. $3.80. Seller, 1.1.50; carriage rider, $2.30. Ptrwtm mmn eliv la.50. Two lumber truck teamsters, $2.15, city. Rip sawyer. $2.50. Four lumber pliers. $2.50. Twenty-five millhanda. 82.25 to $2,i5. P..v i-aaHmen ." to 12.5(1. Three sash and door machine men, $2.73 to $3.50. uUuu 1 tx. Loggers and teamsters for California. ree are. r rw raio. Tim number of lorrers wanted for campa on-,Columbia River. FARMS AND DAIRIES. Man and wife on dairy farm. $15 up. Man and wife on small farm. $40. Five milkers, $35. $40 and 46. Ten farmhands. ISO. S35 and 840. Man to take care of mllkhouae. $40. Ten hayhands. $L50 to $1.75 and board. Choremen. ijo ana 120. MISCELLANEOUS. Cook, small camp. $80 up. t Two camp flunkeys, same place. $0 Short order cooks, $14 to 20 week. lusnwasners. 10 a 1 - .ca,. Ten men to work on county road, $2 i.ao. . r uciii 1 ' wen, Tie makers. 9c tie. Janitor ana storeroom i"1 boarding-house, city. $30. room and board. rfUI .,-i n a . w a,u. -- Wo ship North. South. East and West every day on FREE FARE. We guarantee to pay fare both ways J there- la not work where we send appll cants Hundreds of new Jobs .every day. . Watch our Bulletin Boards. We do not charge for registering. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and 2d. SALESMEN WANTED FOR CANADA The real estate 000m is in v can make good sealing anything any place you can no better selling reati raiai., Canada: the largest sales organisation In Canada wanta salesmen with experience selling real estate, Inaurance. bonks, pic tures, pianos, etc. Real estate experience not necessary: also men with ability to manage branch offlcea and direct sales force. Our salesmen are now making from SO to- s.500 per ween, ana we n - opening for you. Addreaa Salea Manager. 17-18 Cadogan block. Calgary. Alta., pan ada. . SPECIAL. , . The amount of extra mechanic required to handle building construction work in Edmonton. Alberta, Is aa follows: - 200 carpenters at 45c per hour and up. 100 bricklayers at 70c per hour. 20 electricians at 40c to 60c per hour. IS sheet metal workers at SOc to 5oc per hour. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S- Marine Corps, between the agea 01 J auu 35: must be native born or have first pa pers: monthly pay $13 to $69; additional compensation poaslble: food. clothing, quarters and medical attendance free: af ter 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pav and allowancee; service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, Third and Washington aia.. or 13Vj Third St.. Portland.- Or. HELP WANTED. MILL HELP, complete crew, carriage riders, steam aettera. head trlmmerman, graders, mill laborers, etc.. near Spokane, in Idaho; steady employment; good pay for rood men. Clothing Dept. Manager. $.10 week; also assistant. 120 week. BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Spokane. Washington. - WANTED. High-class salesman. Ton can make from $3O0 to S500 month See Barnard. 407 Yeon Bid. WANTED Man with family, familiar with farm work, to take up residence on smsll place: permanent position, with $2.25 wages to start; $550 acquires possession on homo place: balance can be paid for from yart of wages. AN 49. Oregonlan. WANTED Young man. about 18 years of sge to work from 8 P. M. to 11 P. M.; htgh school or business college .student preferred: no cigarette smoker wanted. Apply In own handwriting: salary, $3 per week. O 221. Oregonlan. AGENTS to sell the only official Elks trans parency for autos, mirrors and ahow win dows; come sround, you owners of autoa. and get In the swim; have your wind shields decorated at 70 7th St.. next to B. P. O. E. headquarters. Oak St. STOCK SALESMAN Sell stock In estab lished concern, sales to be made among rural class. Only experienced need apply; state experience. C. B. Perkins, 221V, Morrison St. STRONG snd willing young man to drive delivery wagon, with some experience; grocery business preferred. Address box 214. St. Helens, Or., stating age, salarj expected, etc. LIVE dependable salesmen wanted In sev eral good fields to sell our unsurpassed nursery stock; cash paid weekly; write us st once. Wsshington Nursery Co., Top penlsh. Wash. WANTED A salesman with executive abil ity to become superintendent for strong financial company. Write AF 225, Ore gonlan. SALESMAN wanted for Winona Mills seam less hosiery; established business: good commission. G. w. Booxer. Mgr., 417 Ar cade bldg.. Seattle. , WANTED Canvassers, salesmen- and so licitors, at 51 r.d st. Tear's work. Call In A. M- or after 8 P. M.. ask for aales manager. . . - THERE'S money In selling our Yaklma grown, hardy, guaranteed atock: outfit free: cash weekly; steady work. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. CAPABLE man to take state agency for lat. est novelty; sella readily; only men of ability wanted; also have opportunity for man going to Alaska. Call 711 Couch bldg. HELLO. BILL If you are a successful life . Inaurance man with a good acquaintance In the Middle West, we iave a anap for you. c oregonlan WANTED Experienced rubber-tire salee man: none other need apply: permanent position to the right man. AP 184, Ore gonlan. RELIABLE salesman able to sell stock, po sition permanent. Address AS 209, Ore gonan. EXPERIENCED specisl edition sdvertislng solicitors, religious magaslne. new prop osltlon.y commission. 288 Madlaon. BAKER wanted on bread: good bench hand. Call at 508 Washington St., Vancouver. Phone 408 A FIRST-CLASS advertising Solicitor: good Job for right man. Wells A Co.. 88 Vj 7th street. WANTED Several young men. good talkers, age 17-23. neat appearance; good salary. Apply Mr. forter. ou4 c. toncn at. WANTED Bright young man to sell goods on Southern Pacific, cash deposit required. , X - (111 tnh..,n. -, ALL-AROUND man who understand clean ing, dyeing and pressing. AG 208. Ore gon ian. MAN wanted; live young man as helper to photographer; must bring recommenda- , . . I T 1 1 n'hir, V XC C L WANTED Good, reliable aalesmen; cash sdvanced. outfi supplied; good money to K vrtmAm r.rllnT, iirwr Pft. ParllAii fl r A LIVE real estate salesman wsnted; good proposition. Csll 718 Chamber of Com merce, oet as. WANTED Experienced laundry solicitor: sober, industrious Write AG 207, Ore gonlan. ' BAKER'S helper wanted. 147 KiUingswortb ire. Phone Woodlawn CftS. FIRST-CLASS bollermokers wanted. Call 223 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Experienced porter at Welnhard Astoria Hotel. Astoria, Oregon. 4THREE young men to canvass new offer: good wages. 301 Pehum bldg. WANTED Experienced bushelman, Ben Selling. Leading Clothier. PHOTO coupon: best ever offered: snap for agents. Cuthhcrt Studio. Dekum bldg. FIRST-CLASS stlckermsn, married, out of town. 222 Commercial Club bldg. BOYS on motorcycles and bicycles make $50 to slop a montn. lamnitl. PHOTO coupon agents, something new. a ..n Ronton Studio. 842' Washington. WANTED First-clasa coatmakera. United . nm, 1 Coir v(w.m 41 lators. -'' - - WANTED 2 good men. . Call 504 Board ot Traae. WANTED High-class salesman. Mr Burton. 422 Yeon bldg. Ask -for VTVNTED First-class, all-around cook at Estacada Hotel. Estscada. Or. Reference. FOUR good salesmen for city. Apply 50& Merquam bldg.. 10 A. M. to 12 M. WANTED Finish carpenters to do work by contract. 832 Chamber of Commaree, HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. frina nt wnanv I Office Secretary Employment Department, y. M. u. A. Tnnn, man ilranM- seekina CITlDiOy ment (120 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment roemberanip, have only $15 left between me and starva- muni mfemherahin VAU will' have the X. M. C. A., with all Its resources, between you and starvation. ... T9aa.il. Vntine- man Inlned association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. " Record for six months ending June 30. Calls for men WfJ Positions filled , Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term of mem bership without further charge. We have constant demand forCLtyrt ICAL. TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See secretary employment department. I. M C A. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A. TELEGRAPH COM- PANY (EAST OFFICE), COB, 6TH AND EAST ANKENT STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. WANTED TODAY. Conks. nn to S50. Cook and helpers for hotel at beach, $50 and up. -Waitresses, $10 per week, $25 per month. Laundry- girls, kitchen helpers and girls Tor general housework at gooa wages. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 2U5'4 Morrison. noon PAT FOR EXTRA WAITRESSES for this week. Apply at once at The Meier A Frank. Store's 7th Floor Restau rant. YOUNG ladv bookkeeper and stenographer must Da experiencea in Keeping iuu bc. aouDie entry oooks. Appiy. giving cv rlence. references and salary expected. AP 183. Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking ana gcuvrnl iiousewuifv. mum; " - - - room apartment. Apply mornings. 69 N. aaa St.. apartment a, THE COTERIE General and Domestic Serv ice Bureau, room 808 Central bldg.. en aeavora to render the beat of aervlca to lis patrons. Main 788T. TWO first-class waitresses. $30: chamber maids, 833; summer resort neipers, ;u. 125. Howe's Ladies' Agency, 39. 270 Vi Washington. MILLINERY DESIGNER and trimmer; must be thoroughly capable wltn recent nign class Eastern city or San Francisco ex pertence. X 192. Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPER wanted In convenient country home; four in ramny; care or in valid; good cook. Write Mra. W. H. Con- yers, ClatsKanie. or. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 1S1 ,ast ititn, near iaior. rnon East 1K93, B 2175. WANTED Experienced girl for general Housework: .must nave reierences. i.an mornings before 10 o'clock. 830 Marshall. WANTED A middle-aged woman who un derstands cooking for JBeacn Hotel ; gooa home and easy work. wooaiawn uta. WANTED Young lady or gentleman, assist ant Bookkeeper; stare salary ana experi ence. AV 4W3. Oregonlan. ' WANTED An experienced second girl. Ap ply morninga. 3U3 w. rarK, corner sun. Phone Main 4172. waxifd Competent woman for general housework. 4 adults. os waaco su .tel ephone East 1533 WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, visvi t'o.. u notn child bldg.. 4th and Washington. HOUSEKEEPER, cooks, waitresses, second girls, chambermaids, nurses. bt. wu . A-n.. . ,j , , i nnqn . - Agency, aoa a Aiucr. main w t, i q. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Kfasblngton bids.. 270 M Washington St., near 4th. Phone Main 8338 or A 8268. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 345H Washington at., cor.' 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. BUSINESS firm needs a woman not under 25, who Is trustwortny ana capaoie; ;x -perlen-e unnecessary. F 212. Oregonlan. WANTED Girl to assist in general house work In 5-room apartment. Apply mom lngs 691 Northrup. Apartment 6. WANTED Dining-room- girl at 163 12th and Morrison. uail oetween v ana x A. M. WANTED Competent girl for cooking nf general housework; no upstairs wortc. oat Mellnda ave.. head of Johnson St. A GOOD cook, small family. Apply 769 Northrup st., between 2id and Z4th. FIRST-CLASS chambermaid wanted at once. Apply at-rtegent riotei. ioi Kn n. HOUSEKEEPER for small family, no ob- jectlon tO Smsll cnuu. rnune jnnrpnaii ill COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework, aea re. atn -sr. GIRL wanted for-general housework, 2 in family. pnone Ban twie. WAITRESS wanted. 484 Washington. Main 7139. FIVE girls to wait on table at Council Crest restaurant. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 496 East 4tn St. N. USKe irvmgion car. GOOD cook for small family. Apply 8H 7th St. Wells A Co. Main 6307. GIRL wanted to put pennants on canes. Call 2t4 N. 8th st.. room 18. tiUVU coua,, n i , i a 1 1 i.niiij. nvv'i wa - , . . . -1 eBmiw - anl Tco North rup st., between Ja ana .4t. WAITRESS, rxperlenced. Thompson's TeT taurant. 14 4th St. GIRL wanted for general housework. 328 Irving St. . HELP WANTED Union Laundry Co.. Sec ond and coiumnnu GIRL for second work. Apply in morning. 238 King st. Main z.-ii t. EXPERIENCED chsmbermald. 204 Colum bia st.. corner rronu WANTED Manicurist, at 125 8th St., near Washington.- WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. Call East xoui. GIRL to accompany tady and two children to beach. B oregonlan .'ANTED ExDerlenced waitress at the Welnhard Astoria Hotel,. Astoria, Oregon. ELDERLY laay, email family, country home. Mrs. A. ft. netcn. w oon nnra, yjr. CAN use six solicitors In city. Apply 502 Marquam oiqg.. i a. w. to it FINISHER wanted on men's coats. 82V Third St.. rcom o. WANTED Lady cashier. Apply 253 Alder. HELP WANTED MALE OR FKMALE. RELIABLE men and women with selling ability requlrea to introauce new lino; no ernl commissions. Phone Main 8623. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. BARKERS Board of Examiners of Oregon will De in session tui u, u, at, a.t wm First St., this city, for the purpose of ex amining all those holding permits; all permits will be revoked if the parties holding them do not appear for examina tion. T. M. Leabo. secretary. WANTED MEN TO TAKE MOVING PIC- TUKttj; Wis lihAtn iuu ov FURNISH YOU C All ERA FOR $300; WK CONTRACT TO BUY PICTURES FROM YOU. THE PAN-AMERICAN CAMERA CO.. 333 OAK ST. WANTED At once, industrious married man. laminar wnu uuiaoa, " vvm.j place; good wages and opportunity to ac quire home given party with -aome cash. Call 907 Yeon bldg. YOUNG men aad ladles wanted to learn telegrapuy. raliroaa ana wireless; Dig demand; reduced rates. Call or addreaa National Tel. Inst., 503 Commonwealth bldg. EXCELLENT opportunity for responsible man and wife or rancher In boutnern Ore gon; lease for long term or sell. P 211, Oregonlan. RAILWAY mall- clerks, prepare now. ex cellent salaries ana promotions: no lay offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa cific States School, McKay bldg.. city. VAUDEVILLE acta to order: 1 writo any thing for the stage. Ed s. Allen, Lyric Theater, upstairs. Stage dancing taught. SHORTHAIJD. typewriting school. 269 14th st. Main 889a. Expert Instruction, so mo. F1HK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for schools ana teaoners. eui Bweuana oiag. -mm-rivr-vrri nTunnvT w nTPnVPSTl 1 V -TITTV lO. 1912. ' HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads: $80 to 1100 monthly; promotion, engineer-conductor; experi ence unnecessary; no strike; age 18-35. Railroad employing headquarters, thou sands of men sent to positions on ovar 1000 official calls State age. Railway Association. Oregonlan. . MEN and boys to learn automobile repair ing, driving on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical; room and board while learning; position secured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School ol Engi neering. 2110 W. 7th, Los Angeles. WE teach -you a trade In a few months' time; no expense but your work: elec tricity, automobiles, plumbing, bricklay ing: 100 satisfied workmen today; 40 Jobs going; catalogue free. United Trade benool contracting jo.. ios Angoiea. MEN and women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks- special inducements; per centage paid while learning; toola tree: expert lnstructora; 17 years In the busi ness; 7 schools; a lifetime membership given to each student. Moler Barber Col lege. 85 N. Fourth at.. Portland. Or. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. UTOUNG MAN bookkeeper and expert sten ographer, presently empioyea. ewicutcu In .nmm.r.i.l mlntnc railroad and re- Cording, not addicted to tobacco or intoxi cants, thoroughly reliable, accurate and resDOnsible. first-class references; wants position of trust where good work counts. A.I I E. l-i 1 y a man ui J r r tunity to serve to the end of satisfaction ana prorit rirm general coniwtiui., i get . action. Address AD 198. Oregonlan. COUNTRY merchant Do you want a store manager one wno is a gooa u.Mtpt, salesman and buyer; a man experienced, sober and reliable and a worker? If so, address W 211, Oregonlan. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and state ments, install syeterna. niimiBuam. au ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. cTE-vAi-oipRTTR fnmnetent. ten years experience, wants permanent position with Oregonlan. COMPETENT bookkeeper, . 7 years' experi anea lumhar' office, knowledge of StenOg raphy, good local references. Phone Main oc(. ' Miscellaneous. MUPNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 215 Second St., Corner Salmon. Women's Department. 245 Salmon. ' ,. -. ..ncl.lMa allllaH nrrtfa nl! Cla0 Ul uiwnmsu, , sional and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no fee charged. fnone i&in nooo. a TO FARMERS or to whom it may concern um,r a man nf fihllitV. alnirle. life eXDC- rlenr-e nn farm. Irrigator. COUld furnish best of references, moral and working man,- seeks position ot cnarge tor iew months; none but a trustworthy person - need apply. M oregonlan. SITUATION by young American Just back from the orient, experience covers im nnrta. exnorta. shinDina. selling and man ager; excellent references; will accept fair offer from first-class company if- prospects good. AT 205, Oregonlan. APPLLS, as packer, buyer or aalesman. bright, clean-cut American; can furnish A-l reference as to ability and honesty. J. J. 8.. 1157 Fulton ave., Bronx. New York City. - YOUNG man. age 23. would like position handling leads for live real estate firm: ' beat of references as to character and ability. AH 22. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS cutter and designer for ladies and gentlemen wisnes to cnange nis posi tion: Parisian experience. B 218, Orego nlan. ONE elderly man handy with tools, accept any kind of positron witnin city. xaoor OS I 3. FAITHFUL Japanese boy wishes position . 1. , ., V,n,,aa.wnrlc XV 1 0.4 OreKO- lliaii. CHEF, or first-class cook, strictly sober, de sires work; best or reierences. Aaaress w. J. Smith, 3-S Clay st. rnone a Ann. YOUNG man of business ability wants to learn grocery business, city r cuuuuj, wages no object. AT 206. Oregonlan. n ir r f A -v a-irl wants eeneral or second work Miss Rltter, MolbrooK, or., rox in. rtouie No. 1.- ir-TnynRu.si salesman and demonstrator. long experience, wants position, aj? Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS ladlea' cutter and fitter, 1, years' experience in Business, wanta po sition. J iw, crregonian. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay WC 11 LCitCIl w u. i .vluiv a '"J San Francisco. waVTC-.n Rv vouns man. position in arch! tect a OITtce, two years experience; aaiiuj small. 533 Chamber or uommerce MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; bl pay: tree Doosiei tens now. United I'rcss synqicate. gan p-rancisuo. AN experienced woodsman would like a po sition as camp loreman or cuni.itti.-i. i"6 ging. Call 210 St. Charles Hotel. COMPETENT baker and confectioner wants position: hlgnest rererencca. u EXPERIENCED chauffeur and repairman wants position. Main :Ji- SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER. 4 years' experience, now employed, desires position; gooa reasons lor cnange, a -o. -esmuan. AN experienced end capable stenographer iaiMB nnaltlnn at once: references. Call ,r -' , , - -I A .,1 I nunii uiu-s. STENOGRAPHER, four years' experience in stenographic ana general onice wora, ae slres position. East 3482. YOUNG lady, employed, would like position as cashier, assistant nooKKeeper or sen oral office clerk. Main 0381. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER 1 years' experience m law nrm. aesires permanent position: will substitute. Home B 1909. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING done In families for $1.50 per day. Phone eeiiwooa jwo. uaii ior Miss M. Bonser. LADY wanta to do sewing or housework for room, uoara inu uta m piduu, mi ui c- gonlan. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring by Uio uay, eo. muyi nou- ij y1 ,m,-. FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by a ..!,.. .... S-aa OAT Cay. ouo umiauiB a... i - EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $2 per day. Phone A ,vi8. Nurse. A TRAINED nur6e would like a few ma ternity cases. Phono is. vwi. Auoraa-ws Grand ave. COMPETENT nurse would like cases or hospital position, xuarsnan mm. j i, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young cbrUtlan woman as child's nurse, r-none a uh. PP.ACTICAL nurse wishes work. Phone Ta bor 243. Housekeepers. A WIDOW of refinement, with daughter. Wishes nOUSeKeepmg in gentleman noma. Mrs. Florence. C. Sweet. G. D.. Portland. Or. CAPABLE woman, boy 5. desires housekeep- Ing. bt. LiQuls Agency, .uain j.voj. Domestics. :OUNG German girl wants work, by day or halt day. housework. AM 203, Ore gonlan. Mi-cellaneous. YOUNG lady attending business college wants place in gooa tamiiy 10 room nu board; would like to help with work to pay part expenses. Address 223, Ore gonlan. . HIGHLY experienced teacher would like to tutor In PUDilc scnooi uram-nca ui iiish school mathematics. Phone Marsh. 1380. YOUNG lady pianist wishes position; grad uate oz university, scnooi ut muaiw, at Lin coln. Neb. Phone A WOULD you like some one to read to youT c- l n T-aanina- to invalids. the hllnH ami elnbS. Main 9091. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. E. EXPERIENCED laundress wanta work - by the day. Woodlawn ivao. - LADY watts laundry and housework by day. Main 5904. EXPERIENCED girl desires family second work : wages xau. Main --.-. a EXPERIENCED woman wanta day work. 20c per hour. iBiepnooo iauw mm. WOMAN wants work. 25c hour. Tabor 2445. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Women agents to handle pat ented article that every woman neeus, xw ' per cent profit. Sells on sight. Write today. Indicator Agency, Douglas. Arts. W ANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED Modern furnished house, I to 8 rooms, walking aistance. auuits oniy; o months or longer; good care taken of fur niture; city references! give full particu lars, rent, etc AR ZDS, oregonlan. IF YOU wish to rent Tour house or flat, e 30.-8 Spalding blag. Main 7292. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. BETWEEJT now and October 1 I want to rent a thoroughly modern house of 9 to 12 rooms, on Portland Heights ot I.p0 Hill; house MUST BE IN FINE condi tion and not furnished: will lease with privilege of purchase if suited. T 210, Oregonlan. WE have considerable inquiry for desirable houses, stores, etc.. to rent, -In all J'rt of the city. We make a specialty of col lecting rents and managing all kinds ot property. Wm. C, Borchera, financial agent. 207-208 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED House, with 7 or more rooms. In Irvlngton, east of 15tn st. Address 310 selling piqg. Rooms. WANTED Bv young man. small sleeping room In private house, must be modern, walking distance; state price. AS a'OS, oregonlan. . . -v., -a nnutarn ftflt- re& WAi cuupie iu -,.1 - eonable: adults only. A 7S9u. 683 Hoyt- Rooms With Board. TWO glils want vacation board In country; plenty milk ana eggs, unsiuuiua pay $5 week. Dept. Publlo Safety for Women, portiano. ota,.,.-. , .1 -. -.. im, hnnrd an room, private family. F 226. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. burnished Rooms. THE SARGENT HOTEL. ' Grand and Hawthorne Aves. . ha 4tmt .nrnnr tinrlnr tiBd room and bath suites in ths city; large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows, fine view of all ths mountains; also some single rooms; aicvaiur , el pnOnS, HOI aHO. VUIU nam,, a,awv..w .. aht ana steam oeat, mwciata, v - - . " slrable tenanU; eight streetcar lines pass toe DUliuins , Ths largest and coolest rooms In ths city. . . If you are looking for permanent, home- .!.- . . (naaal .Ha Caa. gent before locating. Excellent restaurant T i.i. . t..al .Shnna 'STaal 1U COUllOCtlUU Wltll Uia aiwtoa, a "-- J. H. CLARK, rropnetor. NOW OPENl NOW CPENI NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnlshad hote:s HOTEL HOiEu - UWlSu MInoit PARSONS. ROWLANDS. gnu i,li ,t 4th at 207 ta 4th SL On 'Fourth St.. running from Taylor to - baimou st.; Drana-new uric; nitrua-uj furnlsheo; steam heat, private baths, hot and enlri water in all rooms: Strictly UP to data in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary, in tns Heart oz tne city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will like It. Rooms by the day. week or month. Tourist traaa souciteo. ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington SL. Under New UaDinmtnt Largs lobby, finished In mahogany, tile and marble: ladles' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service in rooms all mgnt ana day, electric elevator, eteam heat, hot and cold water In &:i rooms. many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort is made for thecomrert and convenience oz na guests, rents the moat reasonable in ths city: rooms by the day, week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W cut at Depot, get off at 19th and Washington. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick bulldlnc: steam- heated; private bathe, hot and cold water In rooms; bcautllully rurnlsnea. cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade sollcltea. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sts. Ahanlntelv firenroof: new and elegantly furnished rooms: nrlvate baths; steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones In each room; special rates by zne montu. r-none Marsnau Oil Cttsi Duiuoiug . . ...... your room rent. We have 120 modern rooms, single or en suite, rooms with pri vate bath: rates 50c to $2 per day, $2 to o pr wcta. cttat bbi., u RAINIER HOTEL One block from Union Depot: 140 outaldi rooms with not ana coia water ana steam heat: offers special rates for permanent guests; rates 50c to $2 a day; $3.60 and Up per weeK. rnniiB atam oii CADILLAC Hotel, Third St., half block south Jefferson: rates $1 to $2.50. Re cently refurnished. Suites, with 2 double beds. 43. Phones, Main 1625, A 2786. Rooms for all. HOTP.r. T? EN WICK An ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms: all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Hellig Theater. Phone Main 918. HOTEL CALUMET. 150 Park St.. very central, European and American plan; homelike service In din ing-room at reasonaoie price; si ..uropeaui, $2 American. Special rates per week. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105H Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. Tn heart of husiness district: stesm heat, hot and cold water, free phone In every room; $1 day ana up: week una up. THE UNDELL. Large, pleasant front rooms; easy walk, ing distance; all home conveniences; 2, $2.60 to $4 per week. 828 4th st. Main 5581. BAKER HOTEL 265 V4 5th St, opposite City HalL New, modern brick building. not ana COia water, puunaa anu uavui, beautifully furnished. Ratea reasonable. HOTEL CLARNO: nice, large, airy, out side rooms, all ' conveniences, transients Sue and. up. by week sz.au ana up. 2U Holladay ave. . t i-i l- nivNPnRT Xewlv furnished rooms, hot and cold water, phone, bath, $12 to - $15. Main 5433. QUO Jgnenon at. Newly furnished, strictly modern. 248 Salmon;. FUNRNISHED and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, t ano.ti.tiu a ww-a. uy. a-i -n Glbbs st- ; nn unn aunt a aood room In a good loca tion at a low rii ij - - - - 227 Vz Larrabee St. isast piqe. g.aat FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms in new brick building. SQWii 'f ront su stent rooms tor cny vaiwia - - street GAYOSA HOTEL, modern rooms $1 day and s, a a.., IT.. ! fitarlr Up. Vjrttliti a.. a. a. a.. w . NEATLY furnished rooms at the Rose, 189 $4 da st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. VISITING ELKS One front and back par lor, secona Iloor, aouoie ueus witu bath, also lights, light breakfast if de sired, suitable lor party oi tour. iois rr ter St. 8. Phone Sellwood 1109. ROOMS. Just furnished, modern house. steam neat, one witn priy.to unm, ai car service, walking distance, best of fur nishings. :i4Kiilist::crJmria 1, rn,i,h. lar.e front room every modern convenience, co in, iv mm. walk to tr. o.; i m"t". Harrison. LARGE, light, airy room with 3 beds "ult- able for 2 gentlemen: eiectrio nima, phone, etc.-close In: ..private entrance. i-.- j ..i, " Tenth at. - JT v uimy ui ri a-v mrnfiMT rooms In Portland, running wa ter, 7 blocks irom r. kj. . sun-uiw m a 3: beautiful grounds. 265 6th st. NICELY furnished rooms, from 12 weekly, easy walking distance, phone. 635 Wash- ington WELL-FURNISHED rooms for young man, easy walking aisiance. um. iitiai layiwi, . . . . . . . t, i. T7-. , . nfint corner w. awt au.... - . COOL, furnished rooms, $2 per week, walk ing distance, 287 C harry and Williams ara. Comer Oi i-ast lOtn. j-imna a,w. THREE furnished rooms during EPk week reasonable, lua aiuiniomtiii. ruuuo 4808. THREE pleasant rooms with all conven iences, to Visiting r,li, I" at. Main 7870. COSY corner room, beautiful -outlook, ex clusive neigUOOrnotiu, tuuibo uuoi m- wi Lovejoy. NICE plessant furnished rooms. 10 min utes irom f. u. oe 72 1 - NICELY furnished rooms. 2 blocks carl in e. Close In. 7U -.verett. PLEASANT rooms In Irvington home, block from jjroaqway car, rnuua aBi oaaT. THREE well-furnlshed rooms during Elk week, wanting aisiancr. mHmiBii axi. NICE clean sleeping rooms for rent. 68 N. 14tn. 850 SALMON ST. Modern furnished rooms, 3 blocks trom j-p-miu.-c TW 'O neatly furnished bedrooms, . walking distance. 431 fith FRONT room with sleeping porch; walk- distance Trom r. J. i-iujiic ina.ni aX4. LARGE front room, reasonable; fine loca tion: waiKing QiBiaBL-e. a. tn. ROOMS for rent by day or week, privats a . T,na IDEAL rooms in an Ideal home; gentle man. Phone -gain wiju THREE furnished sleeping rooms for rent. reasonaoie. 01 J., p-m. mae c-a. ,ai . FRONT room, strictly modern; suitable for two. 4 27 Clay, near iitn. FURNISHED sleeping apartments. 32 N. 11th. NEATLY-FURNISHED sleeping rooms, suit able for -' people. 4Jtf lamnm. VERY fine room In artistic new bungalow. Laurelhurst car, one black, e baa. ROOM for a gentleman In a strictly private Jewish family. Marsnau 11a.. 2-ROOM SUITE, best location, reasonable. 60!) Everett. . Unfurniahed Rooms. TWO rooms, with use of kitchen, modern flat, reasonable, ess rloyi. a tivo. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. DOES a homa appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, oor. 6th and Madison: large rooms, bath, broad veranda: quiet, closo In, near 'car; 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. "PORTI.AND WOMEN'S UNION, 23d year. Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. Lam LAJlDCnOU, Ot l-UUll a I-, .v.j - sirabte outside rooms, steam heat, run ning water, with or without board, close. MANITOU. 261 13th st. Attractive, clean rooms, eteam lv?at, good board, close in. THE HAZEL Furnished roms with board, running water. Bteam heat. 385 3d et. Rooms Wltll Board In Private V-.tuily. LADY boarder can secure good table board and room In strictly private family where no other boarders are kept, on East Side, 20-mlnute car service to town; references exchanged. V 197. Oregonlan. VISITING Elks will find nicely furnished large front room and board If desired: stiictly home cooking, modern conven ience, fine location. V87 Glisan. near 23d. Phone Marshall 764. BEAUTIFUL home, all newly furnished, rooms extra large, suitable for two or more, with separate beds, hot and cold water, good board, home pilvlleges. rate $22.80 up. Main 8381. 501 Harrison. ROOMS and board for rent In private fam ily on East Side. 932 E. 6th st. N.. near Prescott st. Take Woodlawn or Alberta car. Phone woodlawn 4ii. LARGE, well furnished room, with board, suitable for 2 or 3 people; modern conven iences, close In. A 8752. LARGE, well furnished rooms: beautiful view, with board; strictly modern. 340 Hassalo. DANDY PLACE for 2 -gentlemen: furnished front room and board; living-room, piano, home prllvleges. 475 Clay. VERY pleasant front room with board for one or two people, walking distance, best home cooking. Main 3280. NICELY fiirnlshed rooms, excellent board, fine sleeping porch, West Side. Phone Main 9VS1. YOUNG refined girl can have room board, nice location. Call 32 16th st, and near Washington St. $o.50 per week. LARGE room with board, suitable for two gentlemen; single oeas. oatna attacnea close tn. -si w est rurs. TWO pleasant rooms, large por-h grounds; excellent board. Main 20T1 SAd LARGE front room for two gentlemen; first class board, oao Irving st. BOARD and room; best of references re quired. Main 6979. Apartments. THE GARDNER. East 13th and East Ash Sts. Five-room modern apartment, all light rooms, built-in conveniences, gooa neign- uorhood; 50 j. THE PORTNOMAH, E 13th and E. Taylor Sts. 2. 8 and 4-room apartments, hardwood floors, free phone, sleeping porcnes. etc ; new building, excellent neighborhood; rent sii to xd. THE ST. CLAIR, 715 Wavne St. (near King) - 6-room apartment (3 bedrooms), all modern conveniences, view oz city, waiK ing distance. West Side. $50. THE HARRI1IAN. 184 24th North. 4-room new apartment, modern convenl ences, free telephone, sleeping porch, ex cellent neighborhood. S45. Rent your apartment from us now and your summer rate is good all winter. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 2i9 Washington Ft. Main 6S9, A 6267. WINSTON APARTMENTS. 841 14th St.. st Market, new corner brick, 2-roon. suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance; prices "THE WICKERSHAM," 18th and Flanders sts. Beautiful apartments, 6 and 6 rooms. Call and see them. GRACE APTS.. 79T Northrup" St.. corner 24th: five large rooms, hardwood floors, front veranda, larsre sleeping porch, pri vate telephone, water, heat and hot water. new ana strictly moaern, vacuum cicuhci THE BERYL. Two end three-room apartments: large rooms, lat-ge closets: strictly moaern, cooi and airv for Summer: reduced rates. Phone Main 7755. 695 Lovejoy st. Takef W car. IONIAN COURT. KTO Couch, one block from Washington, walking distance. 3 and 4-room modern unfurnished apartments; alt modern con veniences, best of service: under new man agement; references required. Main 112. LINCOLN APTS.. COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside, 2-room apartments; Holmes beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er, Janitor service, $22,50 to 3o, including tlgnts, private pnonea. a o-i. jihiu -i WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 3 5th ant Everett 2, 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished private, pains; e-v up, uum,icksij ,uv vated, under new management: walking uiaittiicn; cuuvciutui auu po. " - ....a. THTELU2IERNE. Corner 3d and Hall, newly furnished. 2 .room apttltniciiua. uu.i-.iuB a " a-..- y modern, large outside kitchens, service tirSt-CiaSS. easy Wa.lllll maio-.n-o. THE LILLIAN, 6th and Montgomery. Guests to the iSlks convention can get o-room furnished apts. with phone and bath by the wt-ek or day; walking aistance. mar shall 1378. mi. vs. attention: have home comfort; th Avalon .apartments. 2. 4 or 6 adults; steam heat, private phone, bath, new 3-story brick, walking aistance. u car. v-itti; am as and Rosa sts. Phone East 3172. THE SHEFFIELD 8-room apartments with bath. 3 Murpny conceaiea oeas ana r-.- clnc phones in eacn; oumiae ruum-, apieii did arrangement, superb location, near P. O. Best service. 272 7th. cor. Jefferson. the- WHSTFAl,. 410 5TH ST. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND, $27.50 and up; close in, niceiy -iurni&neu o-ruum apartments, Willi privaio uain ami yiminr, MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. far. ana asuiBua olb. For rent, 8 and 4-room furnished and Unfurnished apartmcntH. atm-ny mvuara. THE MARLBOROUGH. B-'and 6-room apartment, choice resi dence district, walking distance, every con venience. 2lstandFlamtersjssMan7M8. HADDON HALL. 11th and Hall, 2. 3, 4 rooms, furnished Or unturnisneu, mourm. nsruwoou lioors, private balconies; Summer rates. THE M'KINLEY . APARTMENTS. E. 7th and Morrison sts; very central. 2 and 3-room apartments, rurnlsnea com plete, private baths: from 820 to td2.60. THE WINDSOR APTS. Very desirable front corner; o ruuuia, a.iu rooms, iur nlshed or not. Corner E. 14th and Yam hllL - roll.nilRP COURT. IRVINGTON. East 9th and Schuyler: 1 unfurnished apartment;- everytning moaern. dsbi o i, c leeSj GRANDESTA furnished apartments. Grand ave. and r;ast omra. i-w uum buiiuui, elevator, modern conveniences; close -In location; best of service: very low rent THE MEREDITH, 712 Washington St., 2, 8 and 4-room apts.. hardwood floors, with every convenience, newly furnished; cheap est rent In the city. THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19TH. 2 l, 4-room spartments, new brick bulidlng.new furniture, Marshall 3658. FURNISHED apartment fresh cli j rooms io, i-.-" - Sandy bOUievara. jrmjuc marpua.ii 100. NEWCASTLE. 402 d St.; housekeeping -, . i a, aa a-a-ta-am at ala-Tri t Fl AH h Sa-a. ana sieem - launaries. HARRISON COURT, 5TH AND HARRISON. a TTnfurnilshed 2 and 4 room apts., 3-room fnrnlBhed apt.; walking distance. "the DE LAIR APARTM ENTS. K19V. Williams ave., S rooms, modern In airv respect. 20 up. East 4188. iC 1- . h-(-lr 2 and 9.-nnm 1. .. 'eV, mOUCI", - - ' I vaa.u- Jlfuliy furnished apartments. $.2.S0 up. ir u p KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis ala ' A -vnnrrt flimiaha.l dr I,,,,., streets, o m ' -'- nlahed. neieii"-" thf ALAMO, 494 Market St.. furnished and - . , I Qannm tnll alan alaa,. unfurnisneu. -, ------ a rooms, gtljm -. ... aj THK ON EON T A Nicely furnished 2, 8 and TlalK U' nnlir tin 1K an jr.. 4-roomP-.. -s -zr-- Single riWaia a.. -" oi-jit FOR THE MONEY. t and 3 rooms, modern, housekeeping. 116 to $25. 514 Jefferson, corner of loth. ti i it i LrAND. 16th and Lovejoy Unfurnished BJELIJA"'- brick, must h .a.. he appreciated. Main 1867, A 1887. "mSlNZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia sts.. 2. 3 and 4 rooms. e..mlanea the DRICKSTON. 448 11th, nicely furnished nB . a . modern Outairla anta n a ".. air v w ..rin. 117,::, Heig ' JjOSB-FRIEND, cor. 7th and Jefferson. outside rooms. hardwood floors: refa -the DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and itltv ""',. nrlvate hath anrl Haa anmrner rates. Main 5435. 505 Jefferson! IRIS. COR. 3D AND MILL. 4 and 5 large rooms; modern. BRYN MAWR Ai-ic, 100 c lotn near lam- hll ;, une vm... a-y-. "im pwca. JULIAETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2 rooms. a artlO, " a- aaauu. 4 and 5 large rooms: modern. Z.T. Tl . H, I.' 1D1 T3Ti rVTC ...... -f-i j nn ivn un i I MS I .in. ' ........ 853 Harrison st. Phone Marshall 3070. LA RGE beautiful 3-room apartments, $1 ler day. Phoue Woodlawn 616. per FOR RENT. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE. AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments trom 3 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $61) pet month. It you want one, telephone. On Sundays or Main 2015 Evenings call A 201. Mr. Berry, Main 2181. Our automobile will call at any addrest with our agent who will be glad to show these apartments We own or control the following: Angela. Washington and Trinity Place Cecilia. 2-d and GUsan sts. Claypool, 11th and Clay sts. Fordham. 170 Ford st, Grandesta. Grand ave. and East Stark Hanthorn. 21 12th St.. near Main. Hanover. 165 King at., near Washington Kingsbury, 186 Ford st. Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near 11th. Sheffield, 272 7th St.. near Jefferson. St, Croix, 170 St. Clair St.. near Wash. SL Francis. 21st and Hoyt sts Wellington, loth and Everett sts. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYCE. 50J-606 Ablngton Bid THE ORLANDO, S0TH AND WASHINGTON STS. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITT. 2 and 8-room furnished apartments, pos sessing every modern convenience; pri vate telephones, elevator service, excellent closet room, laundry with steam dryer. Most attractive entrance court In Port land. Select clientele provides precisely th surroundings desired for your family. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. JULIANA ' APARTMENTS, 45 TRINITY PLACE. JUST OFF WASHINGTON STREET. One two, one three and one four-room apartment, well furnished, exclusive, ex cellent aervice: every modem convenience. REASONABLE RATES. NEW MANAGEMENT. THB WHEELDOrt. Cor. Park and Taylor 8ta THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. Walking Distance. Furnished complete. 1. S and 4-rooni apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service nrit-clasa TR1NITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick snd stone oala.e of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between 19th snd 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent, exclusive apartments In heart of - apartment-h-iuse district: rentals reasonable: every modern convenience; sleeping porches, hlgh-ciass service; refined clientele; references re quired In all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments available May 1 A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone Mar shall 1101. . THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date management In the Northwest; every convenience: 4 and 3 rooms, all outside sunny rooms: new; walking distance. 21st and Johnson sts. choice residence district; attendsnt on premises. Marshall 3360. THEBARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts; this new 4-storv brick now open: fur nished and unfurrl-hed In 2. and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric sutomatlo elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, .ce box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 296L NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 2flth and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments, $16. $18. $20 and up. This Includes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phones, public sath. eiectrio lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free, also 8-room unfurnished apartments, wltn private bath. $18; 4 rooms, $20. Take a. 23d or TV cars north. Phone Main . NOK0MIS Marshal, near 17th st. New building, never been occupied; rates $20 and up. One unfurnished. $1H. ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison sts. Largest 2-room apartments In the city. ALTONIA. Marshall and 19th sts. Large, airy. 2, 8 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, mont magnificently fur. Alshed apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones in all apartments: high-class service; references required. Main 227tl and A 70o7. THE DEZENDORF. 208 10th St., Near Taylor. Handsomely furnished or unfurnished 3 room apartments: also single furnished rooms; telephones In every apartment: pleasant surroundings, conveniently lo cated to cars. Phone or call personally. LUCRETI A COURT. Lucretla St.. Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outline. large closets, hsrdwood floors: undfr new management. Marshall 1513. Janitor. Mar- shall 1500. GRANDESTA GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK ST. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New brick building, newly furnished, private phone and bath In each apartment, elevator service; walking distance. Sum hier rates $22.50 and up. phone East f . .) , C-T T-P A Jefferson and 13th Streets. 4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnlsnta apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Ratea Reasonable. MaAe-n References. New. CUMBERLAND Apts.. W. Park and Colum- . , . . aaalaa 4 mnA "..-.urn ,i I f- Dia aim. , v ci y -"' ' a - -- a . ... - - nlshed and unfurnished apts.a- all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing tne park; 5 minutes' wslk from business cen ter, beat service, prices reasonable. BUENA VTSTA. 12th and Harrison: 2. 3 snd 5 rooms, furnished or unfurnished: latest Improve ments; best service. Apply on premises. ALTAMONT Apartments, corner Fifth and College 3 ana 4-room -.i-a. - modern conveniences, cheapest rent in city must be seen to be appreciated; a minutes' walk to P. O. , Flute. FIVE-ROOM flat. In new brick building. Mllwaukle anu niam.ii a. v - - month: good opportunity to rent rooms, rent free for July to good tenant. Apply 40,". Washington. '6TH AND Upshur 10-room unfurnished flat, suitable for rooming-house. .I'M N 20th. fr-room unfurnished flat. $157 Inquire H. Welnhard Brewery, 13th and Burnslde sts. NEW 6-room flat. 782 qjlsan St., flrSplace, hardwood rioors. gas range, cw., . desirable. Call Main 2015. A tOlS. pur agent with auto will can ana snow nat. r.1 x uesii aoi B-ruu wma .- -- nsce. fireplace, hot-water coll. etc s tnem at u bbo awmiuf a-a. ROOM modern flats, largs porches, 110: choice, central location. M. S. Bentety, Stearna bldg. FOR RENT A 4-room furnished flat; bath. gas ana eiectrio ubiui - - L car. SIX-ROOM strictly modern fist, close In. on the East Sloe, witnin -.a- -.-.,.. distance. Only 825. Phone Marshall -2. NEATLY furnished modern 6-room fiat, 2 rooms rented; close in. ni cma. shall 674. ' 4-ROOM fiats, one furnished. Phone East 1719 or call 4 Wllliama - 6-ROOM upper flat. new. modern, walking distance, inquire o-i n'nni. FLAT of rooms and bath. 71 Hoyt st. Inquire 13" atn au mam a-ta. MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jackson, West Side: 1 mm. waia. aaia ui -. ia-a. ft-ROOM flat, large front porch, gaa range. reasonaoie. again aiw. 6-ROOM flat, all modern Improvements 698 Salmon. Key 0"V paimon. MODERN 4-room flat, near 23d and Wash- In g to n stsjireasonapjMainiiHiidit 132.50 DESIItAHI.E flat, 6 rooms, attic, yard, porches. West Side. M 4220. 854 CORBETT ST. 6-room modern flat. $12.50. L. E. Thompson s co.. 5-ROOM furnished flat. 288 Grand ave. Housekeeping Rooms. THE MILNER. 350i Morrison, cor. Park- Furnished or unrurnisnea housekeeping apartments; all conveniences; best loca tion. Summer rates. TWO housekeeping rooms, gas, electricity. piano, pnone, wanting aistance. rnont -a. 6520. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished, unfur nished housekeeping rooms, cheap, siooni 86. 8d and Morrison. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, also 1 new modern unfurnished apartmeut. 11T 18th st. North. Phone A 6022. FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms. 91 ana si.uo a week up. n Glbbs st. THE ELMS. 2 and 3-room housekeeping and rlngle rooms: transients solicited, li'i I4tn. FURNISHED housekeeping. $1.60 to II week; also Sleeping rooms, zsi za st. NICE large furnished housekeeolng rooms, vtry cheap, vl Vi Flru su. near btars-