19 . - - i MTTF TO EXCHJU.GB. - - T : : : WSTVTE. ' v REAL ESTATE. i 1 W I0OiT ' REAL E6TATE. " REAL ESTATE. ; Zrr. For sFarms. 1 NEW TODAY. fcw TODAY. ia,. I For Sale Houses. tor mh-miw . . EastBurnsideSti Bargains Price $3000 Let n show rod the lots we' are! Belling on East Burnside street for $3000 each. This price includes nara Eurface pavements. Terms $500 down, balance to suit purchaser. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. FINE BEARING Orchard To close out a partnership I have had placed in my hands for sale one of the finest apple orchards in the state, 7 vears old and now beginning tn W Nearlv 100 acres of level 50 land set to commercial apples or a uniform size and age, within a third of a mile of the depot, in the beA twirtion of the state for the produc tion of a high-grade commercial ap ple. Last year's crop brought fancy prices. This orchard under good con 4itinne Trill nn V for itself in two vears. ran ha had on easv Davments and long time. For full particulars com municate with . R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. AGood Corner EJth and Couch Sts: Price $16,500 100x100, situated on the southeast corner of East Seventh and East Couch Streets. MALL & VON BORSTEL Lumber Exchange Bldg. 104 Second Street Income Property Chance to donble your money, in two or three vears. 50x200 on Wash ington, jiear 16tlLi.. Priced .$35,000,. $25,000 cash, balance term ot years at 6 per cent. 1412 Net on investment of $35,000 ; requires $20,000 cash to handle. Ill health re quires owner to make quicK sale. i CALLAN & KASER 722-728 Yeon Bldg. OVER 121 NET fine nurn-eraae new ones . T a-I aDartment-nouse on quaner block in best apartment district in the city. Under long lease to -.1 . . T very responsiDie ienani. rays over 12 per cent net on the total purchase of $125,000 and a much hiehrr Tate On the amount Of I . . j . 1 casn rtrqmrcu no mc iciiua easy. R. F. BRYAN 50.5 Chamber of Commerce E. Ankeny St. Bargains Price $27SO See the lots we are selling on this street for $2750 each. All Ankeny- street cars pass this property. Terms, $tW down, balance to suit purchaser. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. Riverside Peach Orchard Splendid Income now and an lnvest m.snt with a future. Only nine miles Bouth of th CITY HALL,; su acres, riverfront, on fine . drive, buildings'. nK.r rrnri nf fruits and vegetables. All features in excellent condition. Fine to divide in small acreage homes. $12,600. JESSE HOBSON - - 528 Ry. Excanej Fine ouarter block on the best street in the city to lease for a period of 99 vears at a flat rate on a reason- -1.1a Kociu r.f rATifol - fair income. o,,lc "a .v.". , --- Might include purchase clause in the lease. R. F. BRYA1N 505 Chamber ot Commerce Mortgagj Loans ftSOJMIO and Over on - vBn j. Ul.fcl v L'l t PRUPrsTT. LOWEST cIkhEKT RATES. ' m m m a n. w a oTCT WIV1. 1V1 A "wlVlt. J M. -V Tot Corliett HHIT. $385 Per Acre acres, Santa Kosa Station, on Base Line road; all in cultivation j choice garden land. $100 Per Acre 142 acres, adjoining Oregon City. Ideal platting proposition. $80 Per Acre 80 acres, 3 miles S. "W. of Beaverton; about 4000 cords wood. $850 Per Acre 25 acres adjoining Gladstone; about 8 acres beaverdam, balance black loam. Best of onion and celery land. Large resi dence and barn. $1050 Per Acre t7 v , . acres very best beaverdam land in City of Beaverton. $110 Per Acre 11 "acres near Beaverton, 22 acres near Beaverton, Partly cleared, on county road. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A UFETIME A fine tract of land of 1335 acres has-been placed in my hands for sale. It lies about 60 miles from Portland and about two and a half miles from Dal las the thriving county seat or Polk, the banner county of the far-famed Willamette Valley and In the heart of one of the finest fruit belts in the state The transportation facilities are excellent, a railway run ning through the place with a, station at one end of the tract. About 800 acres are cleared and in a high state of cult1"0" the balance is in scattered pan that will pay for the clearing. About half is level and the re mainder is gently rolling, with good air and water drainage. The soil is redshot, deep and mellow. Oregon Agricultural College experts say it has no superior in the state for the production of a high grade of commercial apple of a superior . color and f 1 a v o r. Ad joining . land is selling from $100 to 1150 an acre. To close an es tate, this land will be sold at a much lower figure, on easy terms. Buy this land and cut it into small tracts and you can double your money. Plant It to fruit and it will make yu rich. When opportunity knocks, listen. For full partlculass see R. F. BRYAN B08-gQ7 Chamber of Cemmenf. Clackamas Street Price $1250 Lot 50x100, cement walks, sitnated fnackamas street, between iasi 28th and East 29th streets. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. A1,dTTTi.9'n aiK-sia Falling bldg. Chapin Herlow. 832 Chamber of : Commerc lOOa, t. o- ,00 OAS Orrfilan. Jennings to. si'" inlTnJTins PALMER-JONES CO, H. P. 404-40S-Ot The Oregon Real Estate Co- Grand are, a Multnon-ah st. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. - . .sts . a .. 1- one tt riTT PARK, a -; "V..nt fUi residential ThU ijjn n3M"IwS. latest Improvement.. If you want the I bet lnve.tment In Portland, invei. today. nfvn a lOHNSOX. 614 Chamber of Commerce bldg, vwiecxitirmr. l'T.V 1T25. M.h in thl. hean- tlful restricted residential section. It is convenient to tne cnui. " - above gr.de and is $125 cheaper than any- above grade ana is si. ining in uiw ..V......V1 some one. ft JOHNSfW 514 Chamber of Commerce blag. Both high-Class and cheap Prtr. ' . wwiT'a WYfT.ITHTVKT.T 1 ana i nso mo - . T. in want to bur to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to see me. U...1..II HIT BROOKE. A S83. DivpnamB! ADD 5 foil lots 100x100 ft., on Alberta at. ...r roncord: hard-surface pavement. Price 20. p-R.JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg- Phones Main S6fl. A 865A f.. tv TOVTVnTOM. . "?V;-'.,:V" lisoi onlr $200 1VUZJUV VIA - " - , . V-mt I cash required; also an Insldo lot on East 14th for $1675; $100 cash will handle: , iii? J.?.. V Portland. Phone East J798 or Marshall dux. S1""" Suit treea re- atrlcted district, rear car, cement walk and oSrb. Bull Run water ,Provident ' ' .nii floor Belling bldg. iE is"obrl4m. I BEAUTIFUL view lot on sc near Council Crest. $6o0 an Ing cement aldowalks, curbl southern slope and up. tnciua m rrmdad street ".X; ".trlcUon.: soU easy terms. rwrani 2d floor Selling bldg. Main 1800. A-6261. IRVINGTON CORNER. i tf. nth and Slskl- you sta. facing south and east, high and Sightly, p. pxLMER-JONES J'O.j 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 265$. xfTta-p RR SOLD. xn lots. Alberta district, at a price Operative trust compant, 404 Yeon Bldg. i a m KITH 475. ALL CASH. fr ' .1 in met frontage. T.wP.rk overlooking city: worth $700. Fred W German, 436 Chamber of Com- - f.l. AAA ft BEAUTIFUL valley view lots with fruit . A w... cm. sidewalk and watsr paid: 20 minutes from Pto1fflf!i.'Siii,JKr bidz. Phone Main isoo. a-6261. . if yo .wis "; ff" ltlV, J latftct low . a, .60on easy j. J. Cahalln. 14th and Klickitat, . .. ,. .. K ,,,, !,. college duttrict. large shad, trees. Hniir inipran or isur . uimw aj.. txr.it nwnor. P 207. Orefronlan, wt. fiSL,,;.'. i" ""iC,.'!' blocks from carllne: improvemems m, aldewalk paid for; $450 cash. Telephone Main S308. LE NOIR CO. Tv-ire in West Side oroperty. g3i-7- Chamber of Commerce Bldg. hrj and four, block 21. Council Crest Psrk. for sale by owner. at big bar; gain. E lo. sjregpnian. EQUITY In four Laurelhurst Iota, Tit Main t0. lL Tabor 3.-.71 If you want a j.. ' ) hargam in THE IORXIXG OREGONIAy. WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1912- MORE THAN" ONE LOT. II lot for a borne. In beautiful suburban district and right on --- ii . V, - fimithtrn Tnr!flC la elC trlfylnsr : only i minute nae . fare? from these home site, you have fine view of Mt. Hood and Willamette (110 - line w , , , . .u I River; Bull Run water ana nne street: some tracts nave sewer in. im'V-m ratS of j6o per lot; terms are easy. Remember we have I a fine auto road into city ana w. tlons two to four blocks away; elegant neighboring home. - 48 Fourth St. Marshall 3i0. A 3824. VACANT PROPERTY SNAPS. Good terms. 50x90 corner, center St. Johns. $5300. 50x100. Jersey St.. St. Johns. fJ3"0. 50x100. East Ash st. corner. 55no. 71x100, East Salmon orner, M900. 200x200 trackage. St. Johns. lf10!' 200x200 trackage. St. Johns. IS3UU. S3 1-3x100. Portsmouth. $400. V acre. Lents. 1330. . . 50x147. Mt Tabor. S00. BOxllO. Rose City Park. S00. 50x100 Fettygrove St., "SU0-.Q. 100x100, Kllllngsworth ave., I8SOO. 40x100. Market St.. t000 17BX235. Mellnda. ve.. $23 000. icna vriPTHWEST BLDQ. MAIN 44l. CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE. Bungalow sit. $1500. Bungalow site. $2000. Bungalow site. $3000. Bungalow site. 4000. Apartment site, $5000. . . . .... ionno A?l within four' block, of Multnomah Thm canines near. mu in value within two years. 52S Ry. Exchange blag. "Beach Property. FOR BENT. AT SEAV1EW. LONG BEACH. 8-room house, fnmliheJ. Rf. 6-room home, fom'snoo, WHITMES KELLY CO.. 70 Fourth St. For Bale Houses. IN BEAUTIFUL 1RVINGTON. ie-vA 1'a iiiv: beautiful large mi. a." LV .l. Inside nnlsn. ngni miu. shades, electric cooker, tarna.ce and two fireplaces, up and down-stairs 'let- back stairs. billiard room ottce.n TdSr 1 way and a choice loration. - you. Call Mr. Cole. M. P444. My beautiful modern home, in the best part of Irvington. with 10 rMnB1.?,rf large sleeping porch, also finely finished attic, ballroom. -ast front lot with rosea, shrubs snd perfect lawn; my house n --i 1 rnnatructed. and combines every artistic feature of the builder's skill. It Is too large for me and I will sell at ACTUAL COST ' on excep tionally easy terms, or might consider Irvington lot or smaller modern house; do not decide on a place untu you . T 209, Oregonisn. mTnrD CRV OLD. Wom'e for sale: large lot; good -room house; on car; $2250. terms. T A TTT& TT.T.WTTRRT. t .i. m n.ur 7-rnom 1 srxaln be- fore buying: entertain part traae. -nu.. Marshall 1S47. BUILD FOR YOU. $1000 mm.ns s-ROCM HOME. c - K,,ii tn suit vou. on your own selected lot anywhere; loo DeauL.iu. O OT O 1 1.1 . . . , . T I b.ma,Iva nnmtfia in ioojl o ' ui.......B I ....n. talk with Mr. Wilson, terms I as low as 1 per monin. ' ' ft Trust Co.. 723 I'namoer oi wuu... oir.il' . fitmaM Ve- Mm.n. rni r luvm.. . ... . . flr.nla.ce. built-in bUtlet. beam ceilings, 'up to date and modern; value $4750; our price and terms win iur- nrlse you, must ue 1 1 " " uurnwiiB ' . . i 404 Yeon Bldg . Handsome boms, on E. 22d St.. built less than year, modern1 in every way. hardwood floors, hot-water heat, garage, lot 70x11)0 feet, all street Improvements in and paia. Price W11OTP,nsa P(. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8699;A2i?? I WILL sell my new strictly m"", - room house and full lot for $1000 less than actual cost if taken beiore. Juiy w. beautiful home In fine location at your ,!.. m this at once. Owner. L Tf vou have w iuw - I 193. (Woman. : "'l"'ln0ur,v ' ' n.ivtv nanered sna paintea, on corner 'lot. 22 minutes' ride on 3tn street. This house must be sold so Investi gate at once. r-rice u. . . CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY, 404 Yeon Bldg. ' . . . - -A v,nme rnnsifitlne of rnnm nouse ana roi - -J . fruit, on carllne, near schools ana parK. " .111 ivirix the DroDerty nric reasonable; no better reason for selling: title perfect; no agents. Call 331 MohawK oiqg. "$200. -5IVE3 YOU POSSESSI8N $200. A beautiful modern 7-room and bath . 1 1 a .innrr naved streets, ce- ment'walks. restricted neighborhood good r.r'ervice: terms same as rent: for sale by owner, no commission, to pay; house Sew never occupied. Phone Sellwood 816. ATTW1TT.WTTWST . nin a.nH vim. mule: choice lo cation, riirht size, low price, attractive teT modern to the minute ; Inspect m, nefore selecting, wwiw, - Phone Marshall 1647 innif here. t mnnem new cottage with garage. etc.. close in. value $2600; first mortgage 11460 three years, second mortgage $300. 6 months; psy me $300 quick for deed. AP 182. oregonian. barf. BARGAIN From owner. Elegant - - - . . a sn.im.fi ..- 1 ll-ron irrmiion tiuuic ner E. 10th and Brazee: cost $10,500; sell $7500; terms. No Incumbrance: Im provements In and paid for; no tradea Phone East 6385. tje AUTIFUL little home on th. Wlllam- I -T. - di... nn h bought at a real oar sain and on easy terms; 40 minutes on the I ?. iriAtric: house nearly new, seven rooms: about one acre; fine viewsite; price. $5000. W 201. Oregonian. nnu I fTwS AND GARAGB IN ALBERTA f,iBTHlPT. S ROOMS. r'ULL JJA.-Ci- trrvT 12750. THIS IS A REAL BAR GAIN. TERMS. W 19B, OREGONIAN. .iTiin niTTLDINO COMPANY BUILD AS YOU LIKE. WHERE YOU LIKE7 FURNISH PLANS. AND MONEY AND OUABAiM" inci .i tot LUMBERMENS BLDG. 202 LUMBERME $3200 $3200 Beautiful 2-story residence with garage . -u.inl vara. in XIOW -iur rari. $300 cash and $15 per month. Phone Tabor ayij. ROOM strictly modern house, basement. naJd- good car service, excellent locality, Sn- ior $100; terms to suit. Call Main fireplace, sintivv wi. .m. 77S0. Mr. Petty. saIjb Modern ft-room bungalow. 3 k. from carllne: fine lawn and roses: I 'T.r itum. tino down, balance monthly I nayments. jbko !"" I at 14S8 Rodney ave. A DOWNTOWN sacrifice, 1-3 less than at. bet. Broadway and Steel bridges: go I look It over and maae oner, uwner. - . ' ti.aa V 11A t. an st. r. j ti.. - - a A-TTFTrF:T BY OWNER. U.,hnrn. llifltrlCt. West Of 33d St.. I bungalow: don't fall to ee this. Phone Tabor 1544. - FOR $150 to $250 cash and small monthly payments wo win lurnim . ' -.1 neighborhood and build according to your ..x. faction suaranteed. For oar - tlculars AR 120, Oregonian. uiniia, -" ' " . - tyl CASH and $10 per month, 3-room, lot I vtfT ..a . I...... mi , V4 f . Rfntt -or' 1 - Ri'tl I HIGLEY fc BISHOP. 201 Hamilton Bldg. .....iT TZu new 2-roora house, lot 50orlOO, nice aistniTi, . - . . . . . carllne; $75 cash, $15 month. Including o 1,. XJ-- 1-1, T.-.k Interest. P oregonian. Broadway home: flne; 'yorth nearly VERY CHEAP. double; alio several lots. King up fisst 273. C 1So6- w. a. iieraman. i r rooms and bath: Income S60 a month; will tske lots as part pay. price $ 6000. Phone Woodlawn 1696. find CASH ft-room, lot 100x100; right at Y:-.t aj. A.t Mt. ficotr -at. fliauun. " " . ..iwiii HIGLEY BISHOP. 201 Hamilton Bldg. -. .even-room house In Rose City HAvt crwnt. 428 Mill st. Phone A 3036. HAVE several good houses for sale la Laureinurst ml ' . b - . tyn. 607 Yeon tlflg. "" " FOR FINE HOMES ' See Delahunt. ' NEW 6-room house, built light, targe lot; auto wi"'"i FINE modern bungalow. 1206 E. Taylor; I . .. . ....... . .orii.ii owner. Terms. -room new modern house. Just com pleted built for a home; am tailnl city and will sell at a reduced Pr'). 4 larre bedrooms and sleeping porch; fln- ..i .nnint. Daseroeni. unucc riNT fisv PAYMENTS. 8-room house, new, modern, 200 feet to ear; lot 50x100; close In; excellent neign borhood; $3750.00. Easy terms. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow style; Just completed. All built-in con veniences and strictly up-to-date. East front. 200 feet to car. In Eaurelnurst. $5230.00. Terms to suit. ..,,ia g rooms and sloeplng porch, new. double construction, excellent finish, beamed ana paneled dining-room, nrepiac. and all built-in conveniences. Plastered basement: fruit and vegetable rooms. TWO large rooms can be finished on third floor. $58O0.0U.. small casn psymtuu 5 -room bungalow, modern, all built-in conveniences. furnace. fireplace. in blocks from car, near flreprooi scnoo. , gas. electricity; y vz6 excellent view, corner, a0av caJ hnn.in ' rtioroufirhlv modern; all built-in effects': fireplace, near Klwol; city and mountain view; street Improve- ments paid; restricted district; .un blocks to car. ;nou.uu. icrm.. , 4 rooms In excellent sunuro. ri..'". bullt-ln conveniences; large rooms, fire place, electric fixtures and tinting mclua ed in price $2500.00. . v. .a in, mnxiR.i. W est side. within three mile circle, three blocks to car, 15 minutes from postoffiee: shade trees, fine soil. $1500.00; small cash pay ment down. -AiwiAA. 3 rooms and bath, corner lot 100x100. fine view of Tualatin Valley. West 81de. two blocks to car; to minute. ."" office. Walks, graded streets and water. $2200.00. $200 cash will handle it, oaa- ance .like rent. ' Second Floor Selling Bldg. Main 1800; A-626L $3100 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3100. New house wlfh 5-room and muilc- rooro. Sal E. n st. Hello. Bill. v Owner going back to Seattle. H.lln Willie. Strictly modern, with all improvements. HeilO. William. Paved and sewered and doubly constructed Hello. Billy. - : No sharks or agents. See owner. Very easy terms. STILES THE BUILDER. Owner. A 2230 office. Tabor 3B63 Res. $100 FREE GIFT $100. DURING ELK WEEK. To the purchaser of this cosy new 5 room modern bungalow, located one blocic to Rose City Park car near Country Cluo, beautiful place to live, cement basement. Dutch kitchen, double floors, miseion ana enamel flnteh. bullet, wired, tinted, etc graded lot: at BARGAIN PRICE OF ONLY $2200; $300 down, balance 18 months. Let me tell you why It's the greatest bargain in this district. Must be purchased before Friday evening to se cure the $100. Call on or phone Jas. C. 010 . 9 - ROOM BUNGALOW IN LAURELHURST. inlnifi with Import ed tiling, built-in bookcases, lower apart ments connected' by. a series of French doors, all woodwork finished In 6 coats ot enamel in white deei-n and plan the latest In architecture; no expense has been spared to make this the finest In the city; you be the judge: let me show you the home; price $7000. on terms to suit: will take a good piece of real estate as part payment. Call 414 Spalding bldg. for part I cu 1 are. . MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS TOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY W 11 11 A. HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL r.vivm! it kT k l.nw RATE OF IN TEREST. PLANS FURNISHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU IU LUJici ii TALK THIS OVER. J. S. AlR.i.NS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, . HENRY BLDG. ' ' DO YOU RENT? YOU CAN OWN THIS. A steady employed man can buy tms property without money aown oy total Ot S-A IIlun i (i i y . i mi. . - . . changing your money for nt receipts, S-room and bath, modern bungalow, on 81st st., one block from car. at tlie low price of $2100. A- E. Poulsen, 418 Rail way Kxcnange, nr... r. rs vrir-T? vinvT LOT. .Vii xi i -jw TjTTKnirv INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS. FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW UUbl. w tu va a -SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE TOU MAKE PLANS; IT WILL PAY . L. R BAILEY CO.. CONTRACTING ' ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDG. .TERMS. c..cwC,t.c inn j u.,nCTainw Hon hi constructed s.i voi-v hflnrlmme fireplace, all i it I nr turso nlrA In. snlpnclid nel&h c v " a i i v.inf ir tn par. For Information and appointment call Tabor 3089. Eilrht-Toom, house, 34x40. full -lS. hment. built-in conveniences. ..m in with orivlleeo or ouying su joining 1; two d ocks irom cr.,,,.. DiOCK irorii reuiuou'" " . Oregonian. . . r- . i. .. .. r. n-rnom nlastered house. lot BOxli'o; price mo, j unu Tabor I4su. For Sale Acreage. DANDY LITTLE HOME. 10H seres, all in extra high state of ,..7.i ith a acres fine apple orchard Just coming in bearing; ,all kinds berries and garden; fenced with hog-tight woven wire; this is extra fine soli; fine barn and outbuildings. shingled cottage, 2nne wells; this place is 20 miles from Port land on main county rosd, 60 rods from Oregon Electric station; price $3uO, $i50 iT w.i-n. K vnra a oer cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, - Exchange, 4th and Stark. . ACREAGE tracts of to 5 and 10 acres each, close to Portland, both northwest and west of city, at $150 to $500 per acre upon monthly pay ment plan, siee us. the oldest and largest acreage people in the city. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main S5 102 Fourth SL A 3500 80 ACRES. Within 5 miles of Portland, on county rosd next to Washington County line, near Sky-line boulevard: partially wood ed, plenty of water; price $125 per acre, '"""ii. P. PALMER-JONES CO., . 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 6699, A 2853. AT PLEASANT HOME ON MT. HOOD Forty acres, partly Improved, all good, level land, 800 to 1000 cords wood catt be made; owing to death In family, will be sold at $175 per acre; you haven't heard of any such price, have you? See us at once First State Bank. Gresham. Or. ONLY TEN PER CENT DOWN. One per cent per month, paid monthly. quarterVy. or ..ml-annually. will Purchase Illlhee at Gresham. Close to .chool. close to carllne: two tracts with good .prlngs on high ground: better for you than rent ing First State Bank. Gresham. Or. rulTKEN AND FBUIT ka.-sii, near Portland; a -. . nricea best soil, fine view, wood, water Snd roads; acres. $400 per tract; 10-A-. S0O; 20 A.. HOO; 40 A.. $1200; 80 A.. I'OOO- ISO A.. SO0O; liberal terms. FRANK MFARLAND REALTY CO., F 80 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. T0U WANT a picturesque Summer home "th running water: a imal farm an acre or r p; easy terms, cnuii-v . ,' . , , i . ..tr n canine, nnone. kuovi, store' etc J. W. Hefferlin. $07 Railway Exchange. Main 3248 r-ncs AT GRESHAM. Half under cultivation, close to school and carllne; running water, good spring; can put in five acres of spuds this year. S" "FIRST "STATE BANK. Gresham. Or. ' ' 20 ACRES $1850. Onlv mile from railway now being electrified and good, town; 5 acres in Enltienbergs and Newtowns: running water" all good soil, a little timber; all !!r.lK,- .nd no rocks. See owner. 504 sn.lding bldg- snd make your terms. thv ACRES AT HOGAN STATION. 1 Avmo ji-,-i-. rnnA 1 f achool district, good land. only want $600 down, price $200 per acre You havenft heard of such a price at Ar.hkm in ten years. You will have to hn???. First State Bank. Gresham. Or. ! AT GRESHAM. -.. ,v.r five and ten-acre tracts. long easy 'terms at right prices, carllne. ind alio roads; you won't find any other hrads any other piace. FIKS1 p 1 a 1 I INDEPENDENCE GAP-DENS: good s cleared and" plowed: acres and fractional .rru. three diociv - aSrer,' w from city: low prices and I... i.mi Owner. 620 Lumbermens Bldg. Phones A 1332, Woodlawn 1606. WE HAVE the best acre tract for the leaet v nrt the easiest terms. Just 15 Slnute. out by car that you can nnd. Let u. UU you Babout iU 61T Board of Trade. Main 46iS. BARBER. ... . v,-- ho was looking for acre ' . v.., -nmmunlcate with First rt. Bank at Gresham. Have something of interest to y"- ... . cti c m,nrhw 160x200 In cultiva- tlon? SO mlnutes out- Price $850. Includ ing sidewaia. a m 202 WUCOX pmg. til ko PER ACRE buys well-Improved stock ranch! or will I trade for unincumbered city property, au .vv. u"5" SNAP AT MILWAUKIE. 4.66 acres, all In high state of cultiva tion; lies level, well fenced; 1 .acre straw berries, bearing orchard cherries. aPP1""' ... etc.: arood 5-room house, good barn, Tchlcken-hSutes and other outbuildings, fins well: cultivator, plow,, harrow and other farming implements go with JJJace. this place adjoins city limits Mllwauklei Party buying can get $25 P'-.m.0''nT,fI doing light work oue hour each day n by; price $4000. $1500 cash, assume mort gage $1600. 2 years, balance long time, , CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. ; 520 Railway Exchange. 4th and StsrK. ONION AND POTATO LAND. 10 acres the best soil In Oregon. Black sandy loam second bottom land, on the Tualatin River. 12 miles out. Church, school, store. K- r. D.. fine settled neighborhood. Best of pure water, easily obtained. This i hael land with enjugh timber for wood. Price $150 per acre. 5 years to pay. Easy to see this. ALVORD-CAHR-1TONTEB CO, 219-221 Board of Trade Bldg. 5 ACRES choice fruit and poultry land. nH Tmutdale. 2 acres up land: 2 acres with eastern slope; lji acres onion land; strong living si: reu. . j , r 1 . .nmA fir and cedar tim irirX ises:' 110 down and $10 per month: land adjoining, held at Jo per acre. We own the property and will ac cept a good mortgage as part or --' FIRLANDS- TRUST CO., 716-720 Spalding Bldg. . ELEGANT COUNTRY TRACT. ' 1 acres in Gresham school dlst.. nign schooiaadvSan?sge,. right , station electric line, on main auto road to Mt. Hood. Una has very nice gentle slope - rad- ii acres bearing orchard: can be cut up ana sold at good profit; good house and barn. FIRST Sl ATEi A. rv. m i5XVJ25..B3;l on car. B acres. , 1 ne. ts-room uuuw. i? fii cultivation, fruit and hay: pla"ed rui' lots, sewers paid; inside built-up residence section of Oregon's second city; Immediate cssh. AT 207. oregonian .f-rna ,, RMvcrlon. 15 clearea. . '1 ....inn nrl running water nliiv j a oo ner acre: terms. Owner, James Wilson. Boring. Or., route 1. -r.v- cn.iun. "Wftxlcan Land Colony. A. M. mgnnouse. ni"i bldg. For Kali; Frnlt Lands. ORCHARD BARGAIN, SOUTHERN Choicest ten acres in 1000-acre com , , tA irtatri in Garden Val- S, on North -trinpqua River, oppo.lt Cleveland. 6 miles trom Roseburg. Planted Fall 1008. half Bpltzepberg. balance Yel low Newtown. Will very soon pas -100 per cent or more annually on purchase !, Tnnulra 405 Columbia bldg.. or x 190. oregonian Only . mile from railway now being elecirified and good town; S acres In SPitzenberg. and Newtown.; running -tii.Ki. ...I nn rncKS. bee ownri, water; an suima dij, - ' SDaldine bldg.. and make your term.. HOOD RIVER ORCHABU. zi acre """IT auDlea. part -u years om. v ' T.a.a new 6-room 2-story bungalow on wooded huTtop; magnificent view: electric lights, r.vitv -water system. K torches. Box o. It. D. No. 1, Hood Rlvi-r. Or. wnR SALE 115 acres of choice orcnaru rad neaTLyle. Will sell 40 acre, or mnii.r an exchange of the whole for Portland property. Ad dress owner, C M. McLeod. Lyle. Wash FOR SALE Hood River orchard. 10 ac".; 1- .-A-tno. Kalnnce vou ii IT trees; o miles out; small house, good ba.-n; price reasonable. No exchange, n.. x. as". 1. Hood River. Or. c . t c a-ct-c-o FnBErLOL'RE, Finest orchard on Rogue River Banks .old in 1911 tor o.uuu; iiei ";"'"" -V year $10,000; can sen tor a - 000. half cash. V 202. Or-agonlan. FOR SALE 5-acre apple orchard, 3 years old, 6 acres .partly cleared. 1 mile from 0 0 .,..! ii milea from Portland; 1 horse and wagon, w uo, HAVE 200 acres fruit land at meuioru. ... for sale cheap: 52 acres In young orchard. Robert Martyn. cui teon For Sale Homesteads. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale cheap in 0.r-ma In Kaetern Oregon;. 17 acres in crops, balance of land easily Pj?: -011 hnnxe. team, wagon and all improve- sell house, team, wagon and ments. AT ma. uregumu. For sale Farms. ONIONS 12 V4 TONS PER ACRE. WORTH $30 A TON. You can grow 50,000 onions on an acre ' In "the rich Los MoIinos soli where you get plenty of water your onions " crage a pound each, some of them " Tfatnf. Vuwafent to 12 ton. per acre. One year with another onions In J t al- Ifornla will average better than IVi centa Last year the price reached 3 cenls You can hold your onions for a price the.y. r.1" .5?-, . aminos land will pro duce $S75 worth of onions to the acre 24 times the price of the land. Best alfalfa district In V. S. 10 tons "'Mr'water than yon can use gravity '"cosupplled without cash, to be paid for from cream receiju.. . f,,. Great fruit country crop never falls. Land only one-tenth cash. Eight years to psy out. - Call today on H. G. Terry. C04 Yeon Wfes0MOLINO8 LAND COMPANY. Los Mollnos. California. CANADIAN LAND . r X.T 1 Q C C-l Q an M PTr of wheat and an acre of oats. This one crop pay. for the land and leaves a good pronu 160 acres of lsnd at $11 per acre COSTS $1760. ... .....m.i i. onlv $176. 1G0 acres of oats at $55 an acre make, an . . . -m tocrn Tl'nora Art VOU And 1 in- ent so absolutely .afe and with such splendid prospects? Horses cattle and sheeD are successfully raised. Let tell you of the great lndj'?r1ta in that wonderful ALBERTA Return trip tickets. . ( IDE-M'CARTH Y LAND CO.. Agents Canadian Pacific Railway Lands. No 2 Lumbermens Bldg. Ground Floor. TTrST-CLASS FARMS. 410 acres. Yamhill County. 200 acres. Washington County. iu acres. Washington County. 25." acres. Washington County. 140 acres. Linn County. SSO acres. Douglas County. 7300 acres, Douglas County. r . whal.r (""nil n t V. All of the' above -are first -clsss proposl "i in h found as represented; some are Irrigated : prices are from $6 per acre up. run parcuii " man, 810 Board of Trade bldg. TT.en! rnn RALE. ... Jli frm all in cultivation, good rich r bottom soil, all In crop consist lm of oats, wheat, barley and potatoes. 1 "5. oni.hrn. the verv best of prospect, of large crop: this leas. . constat. Sr in head of good milch cow., all farm ing implement.. household furniture, e J$300. takes everytMng, lease crop. vT's lease paid; this lease runs for five vears at only $1000 per year. The cows n". "thin'pay tffe rent. Further in- formation, aoaress nin""- - 320-ACRE SNAP. WASCO COUNTY, 150 acres under' cultivation; very best -e .nil: fine orchard OI 2uw oearins i trees 50 young trees, 9-room house, gooa trees, m J ' .11. .11 fenced and cross- fenced on mnln county road. 1 miles fom Shsnlko. mile from Antelope mile from store and school; this farm Is actually worth $10,000. but I am old and S. 10 work nd must sell: my price ir a QUclT 1 1. $M0O. $2000 to $3000 Jash bilance st 6 per cent. See my agents. GRUSSI ft bul.uk, , . 819 Bowd of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oat. ' 9fi.innH Farm. 2H mile, from electric station and branch of this line to go within half mile of this Slace' V, mile to schoolhouse; 13 acres ?"L"ra..A3" ,;A.th tr. fruit trees. berries, etc.: 150 ft. of greenhouse, gooa barn and well, a 4-room house "d a two AA..a- nrice for abovo only $50fO and you can" buy the stock and implements cheap. OREGON REALTY CO., i3 Fourth St. Mar.hall 379Q, A 8324. A NO. 1 FARM rnn kale CHEAP. 50 acre., all in cultivation, black hjottom land '4 acres In young Italian prunes, ..V.rniini house, hi barn, outbuildings. good water svstem, water In house to barn, garden, etc., all hay and grain and farm tools goes with place near 4 good . ,. 11 miles from Salem. Phone or write H. Graham. Aumsvllle, Or., $180 per acre, some terms. BURTON district. Clark County, miles ."i - v. . .1 . - fmnnh .nin and tncn: 14500. easy "tarms. Route No. 1, Box 144. RANCH 60 acres, with building. 18 miles from foriianu, urai iimiuwi. . " for all Cash. ay owner. in murri-mi ... iTi-AfTlF. dairy ranch, stock, fsrm and dairy implements complete; lower Colum- Owner. 894 N. Grand ave. East 2325. 40-ACRE farm for sale. $3600. J. Washougal. Wash. R. F. D. J. Glesy, """" " T "" i 1 '" " 1 1 1 . BEST FARM BUY. . 17S ACRES FOR $28,000. - Here Is one of the beit farm buys In Oregon. Certain It is that It Is one of the best money-makers to be found anywhere. Read the de- . scrlption carefully, which- Is a true representation of Just what you will find when yon look the prop erty over. There are liS a-res. 10 J acres In cultivation, balance good timber and pasture. The entire tract the very best of land. The soil is as follows; 35 acres of genuine beaverdam. producing the very best of onion crops every year; 60 acres of sandy loam bottom. 20 acres ot which is set to 2-year-old peaches; the balance Is very best of lonni upland. Two living streams ot water: good 8-room plastered house, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc.: .splendid water system through out; large barn and outbuildings; thlJ Is the best value we know of. One man made a fortune farming this place. Price $25,000. Good terms. HARGROVE. SONS, ' . I"" 6th st. N.. cor. 6th and GUsan. " A -7219. Main 81. ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. VERY MODEL FARM. 1024 acres of as fine deep black soil as you will find in Willamette alley 0 acres in extra high state 01 crop of potatoes, wheat, oats, clover and cre fine hooyard. Running stream the year round whloh serves every neia. 1 . Ana nnt 11 r a a.nl tlTTlD?r , good fences. 2 fine springs: land all lies level, with natural drainage; good 8-room plastered houfe. good barn and oftbulld i. n. family orchard, all kinds 01 i.''. -A ...J.n. .1 hnnpt. 6 line Jer- icy cow?. 1 bull. 9 hogs. 8 dosen 'ickens. all harnesses, wsgons. btiggy. hsck, a . 1 InnUmsnl. Ill finft ShSPe. Sll household furniture; this Place is 2S miles from Portland, lies 170 rods wide on main county rosd between Portland and Salem. V4 mile from good town on s. P. R- R-. miles from Oregon Electric station in the finest farming section in Willamette al lev; this farm is certainly us to date ana one big bargain: price. Including eyery fhlng $1W per acre. ".4O0 cash. balsn-e 5 yfari. B per cent. This is guaranteed Just as advertised. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 520 Railway Exchange, 4th and btarn. tk-,t ciT.r a model farm. 78 acres, 70 . iiinhir. fine croos. good build ings 'goDd roads, near Damascus; old age compels me to sell; $100 cash to any man who brings a buyer. For further In formation write to josepn iuuikii, t"- Ing. or. 865-ACRE stock, fruit and grain ranch In Linn County; fenced, with Improvements, for $30,000: one-third down, balance on J to S years. Address Box 214. Albany. Or. Factory Sites. . A.nn v BTTi?a vrvn fiAl.r. OR RENT. on liver and rail, close to Portland; cheap power. flume Main Miscellaneous. inn wottity 2 Rose City Park lots; fine 9-room home. Ladd's Addition; Imp. paid. liui.inn v. mt and Salmon; - 4. . r,a room for flats; 5 cot-1 tage. Tioga, Long Beach. Wash.. Sellwood 907. $600. TO EXCHANGE. o-utc A niMlY. on. a a "i-arnd. fine onion land, I near Barton station and 9 miles from Ore- 1.250.000'ft. saw timber. '75"cords of cord- aH nr nrr on 53 acres, i-rice u v' acre. Trade for Portland property. PORTLAND BUM.Mlso r-.-. I 709-10 Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall o.. EXCHANGE$000 equity In a splendid I farm five miles from Sheridan for clear n i v.v ir it r1nf-in ACTeSKQ', nothing but correct valuei considered. CHAPLV.ERLOW MTG. TRUST CO., Bd r loor -tnamoer uiuuimi... E.vr.niMcr ao f-rpM of choice irri gated ana jn umiiii i"""". - incumbrance and all cleared and seeded Price $00; want Portland vacant lots a.k. a- Ainu. in enultv. Inaulre i of owner at tent. E." 42d st. near Sher- t. Phone evening" Xau. .-. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland real- dence or income f'T'riiV. tVm un mprovea iniii - r-,il...l. Wash.. C ose to school, on rural route and telephone line; a good matting proposition. Photo, of property can he seen. Address R 196. Oregonian. - r- ...... , , FOR EXCHANGE Beautiful home In For 5E Beautiful home In For- h ) lots, nicely located, fruit all kinds, besides shade and .-j k.hA.. win ex- est Grove, wn AAA k.rrlf of aa.aI .aa and hushes: will ex change tor other property, either Improved - .mlmnroved. Address owner. K. I. Ptaehr, Forest Grove. Or. P-CC-IV FALLS IDAHO. Improved and unimproved Irrigated al falfa land, with good water right, at $-0 an acre and up: good terms; for sale or tei4a fni Korr ina uiuun u . -m nr lai 1110 auu - - . . ... What hVfs VOU? CIy JSViV tmVci vrss EXCHANGE, Kfiti-ift Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall 885. - ch: a t tt i t rr t . A X U en o Krtur Af. &cres under dlt house, barn, granary, etc.. on couti y milk route and dally mail, price ' fUTrade Bldg. : T sxnno. 11000 cash, or will . j .. a. plailit VK 'r'siS Bard of Trade Bldg. . S-ROOM colonial mpdere hOMe. BSxiw. ?'..Be '.,. acres lrrl- n tncAA for ftrmi: t.t'.rt fruit land at Herml.ton. Or., to trti Sellwood 874. A M. till 10 ana evenings. WILL trade an 60-acre tract of fine rich .. ... n.n.AA. fli.trtrt worth Si5 per SOU in rtemniitiA u.a..-, ------- - acre, for foruana proyoii.. . " merchandise: 15 acres cleared: no lm orovements. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Rallay Exchange. $2800. Large B-room bungalow, good location itr 40th and Hawthorne district: will nenr 40th and take good lot as part pay Trade. Main pwi. $275,000 WORTH of real estate sonai proper., - wh.t have you 7 Evans. 14 Chamber of Com tor promrij , "'j-:-;-., ;- merce bldg., Portland. nTrvrffn chipa-n Vorth Side real estate. vacant or Improved, as Part payment or psyment in tun lor ut.'i ii RT well located. AL 180, Oregonian. tiAmA th iwu-ilui y. I,,"..-" , WANT small farm within .iu miiee, " smaller place nearer Portland; give $3000 equity Laurelhurst residence, assume dlf . , . taa!aa t i 1 1 i n nlna". Terence. uwncr. inn. ,. - n i U.Mh.ll 1R47 . ' -a 1 20 ACRES near Forest orove; , id A., ...i to exchange for reel- -I-A. k.r. T F. Hadley. 810 Spalding bldg. CALIFORNIANS Do you want a home In Portland? I will sell you a beauty or i-orf for one. or vacant property men situated In California. Benwooa. oio. unTKT. MEV. LOOK1 in .a. mv Aonltv In a hotel In center of Portland 'or city property. See owner, no agent-. a TO EXCHANGE Good business Property In ments for good house, acreage or farm Mar Portland. P 202.. Oregonian. .Vr-n--T""h"7p. 2-cvltnder motor boat, fully equipped; go 12 ml. r better; nearly Z1tr le or will trade. Price $275. Ko time to use It. P 205. Oregonian. a . r c a- ...linn, business proporty in W?lnui park, stores and furnished flats above, for residence In Portland or acreaje X '-UP. tjrqsvi"". Ml IH I 11 VI . ' " ' FOR SALE or exchange ror gooa tarm, iur- i : r : . I ni.nr and lease of a good hotel, av Oregonisn. ' z . .. . : WILL exchange my old estaDiisneogru- eery for a lot: no "r "' berg ft Co.. 212 Railway Exchange. . '. . - . , . . .aa Wre.tau?antwTth 'ail' fixture, and furniture for Portland property or acreage. 230 lit. ..a.a i a mnA int. one hour's ride south of San Francisco. Cal. AF 222. Ore- KUIl mil. . ,. ril lt. n irnmadiately. Swank, 317 - . ,-.-it OAt-n with tnn. fullv aaulDDed. fin. conditio". Whst have you? M-. 502 Main st.. Oregon City WILL, trade 14-room rooming-house for $901) lot or equity in iui. . . . - - A.tnnt house. 2 lots; want farm or acre Owner. 602 Buchanan bldg. CANNON-B-eTch lot. to trade. What have oul "inquire iw u ... - ' rcsinencw or oucaw v a . ilu V-M,. "1 Z1Z tn riiv Yeon bldr tivation, mU fo", prjtty "erm . t-,t.- i.hin th 10-cent carfare limit ana we-ha, ty nt nni. At ureBciu . i i w A NT & wf ii-i'"-"" " . . . FOR TRADE. WELL-IMPROVED. FARM. AT WOODBURN. This is a choiee farm, well lm- ? roved and located Jim - -rom the city limits of woodourn. a nice town Just 32 miles south 01 Portland, and with excellent schools and splendid car service. There ars 324 acre. In the tract, all In a hlgn state of cultivation: lies perfect ly; nice loam soil, free of rock or gravel; good 7-room plastered house, barn and outbuildings: prlcu $50O: it is a splendid buy at that figure: will accept house and lot In Portland to value of $3500; good terms on the balance, HARGROVE SONS, 122 Sth st. North, cor. 6th ana OH.an. Main 4381. A 7259. THE FINEST 200-acre dairy farm In Tilla mook County, all stocked and equlppe-i: 155 acres uneer -cultivation 00 C ,i Bay. 5 miles from Tillamook, one-halt 11. f,nn. mnrxA sum road. tlCh JI11IO HI ""111 ........ e . loam soil and the biggest .nap on 1 tM market; will traae t"r cuy iirF' . cloee-ln acreage; must have some cash. . First-class roomlng-hou.e. telephone, not and cold water In all room., for acreage or grocery .tore. ti-1i. Splendid coniecnonory .nMn y,. .. -.... ington st. for acreage or rooming-house, or will sell cheap for cash. 5-room house ana 101. 111 v. .- town, free from debt, for auto. $.100 cash snd ten lots In good small . town for house and lot. . $13,000 worth of South Portlsnd prop erty, .plendldly located, good warehoue, . factory or business property for acresge. 617 Board of Trade. Main 47. TO EXCHANGE for farm, a .2-story store with general stock of $2j00. T-f00'" flat above and two nice o-room coiie. sdtolning. total value (iw. i""1" ""' " $4u00. eQulty $11,000. This Is Trnminrni corner in Tacoma. Wa.h.; I. priced right. and Is a splcnam irsae mr -.ou..., this kind of property In exchsnge for farm land. We want improved farm readv to occupy, practically c'c' cumbrance. We have photographs of tne Tacoma property at our "").-. 2 Lumbermens bldg.. Ground floor. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. ONLY $.0 CASH REQt I R h,D. -20 cres of fine orchard: land beauti fully sltusted on the east side district 01 Hood River Valley; over half planted In commercial orchard, part bearing: fine; building site; easily worth $zu.utni in i" . than a year, "nir u- strawberrlee; will tsae Dminiuinm - - land residence in gooa nmn" ,. ' payment; only $500 cash required. D 194. Ureconian. Portland: might nsiJ . JlT,mhr.n."e" loggea-on: lana u v. but no psdded values conslderod. Addies AN 20S. tjregonian. WE HAVE FOR TRADE. r 6-room new house. $2750. for scresge. Farms, improved, for city property. City proptrty for paying business. Acreage for auto. Rooming hour-ese for land or lots. We have anything you want. GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th st. HOP RANCH. 05 seres rich bottom land near JJaP"; dence; 20 acres In cultivation. 13 ecSJ-i , In hops: good house, barn, hophou.e and outbuUdlnls: hops will net shout th.. vtar; price $125 :r sm: m cx-. ch.nge OKfPgSLVrOPCT,,-fc ' 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. g ArRES. ermf to Tillamook City, all l J r,,wivtlnn: home, gooa osrn: wni "" - Portland dwelling or ot her Proper jty. PHOV1U1S.M m ' " Soiling Bldg. . la.ROOM house near railroad ,h"p' .iT-w oi blna at s.iutiu to iran nn , . tB goods or small hou.e. A. E. Poulsen, 418, Railway F.xchange. wanted real f.state. " Twill pay cash tar a or S-room home on est Pine. iTthhi 1 mile, trom P. O. Call at once.. Owners only. .u. Mr. Kocker. 213 Selling bldg. Main ISOO. A 6261. an immediate buyer for a 5-rooni house with good yarn at .-y -..rj:- I .oft er month: not to excrra .u..v. I - per . bater r.n vnRTKWEST BLDG. MAir -" G0OD Rossmere. Rose City or Elrohur.t 1- ..un ftrat payment on a nne .wi tanen Ua.- hA. ritv car- snsp fr bungalow near Rose City ej r. snap someone wanting nice home. Oregonian. Eir.HTl Y APT. SITE WANTED. r PaVtv Trim Bali will be here In about 3 weeks; submit your propositions Fred W German. 430 Cham, of Com. M. 644.V WILL pay 50 down and not more tlin $15 per month for or 5-roora ,modoror house, inside of 30 mtn. out and frequent car service. AT 200. Oregonian. L home forP myself;' must be on Hawthorns, or Roie City carllne. n """" ' hTavf. buvers for good houses on East Sldst west of 39th St.; want lists from owners. S!a.-. u.nvn . 607 Yeon bldg. Marshall 165. o? vicing S3S! 3500. V.nduyn ft Walton. 615 Chamber' rr.mTnrce. - ' m bu s.room modern: will pay! (50 cash: also 5-room moaern. -. ? mon.n. H.-,ii,n Bids' H IGLB I at Pl.-nvi . -f. --- -j. y WANTED A lot on Williams ave. or union, within 1 blocks of Russell st. or thereon.. AS 210. oregonian. t192OO0 TO LOAN Un impruvTO . ii-.ouu iu ",AA .Art n lowest rstea tarm properi.. .at n..nl.n hldr. Wm. C. t50rngr. " -- -- ...i.,i -T a nlnno. unincumbered, sd.Mi "!';'" "1"""Va, Ah.n lot or equity .VwTa nref erred: AD 20". Oregonian. WANT at once, tracts oi v.a ... age. nil ApB.lum8 , FOR ALL TIM Ur.K t'Tmm ft of nr on the Nenaism, ' ""r - r, ::v.-m -iiv logged. If inter-; . ted make appointment. J. E. Gelger.. Oswego, K. f . V- i- TiuntR LANDS r BOUGHT AND SOLD. . J. M-CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg I HAVE 3 quarter sections of yellow Pl"e 1 timber in Klamath County; will sacrificed Address AK uregoni-.n. - WANTED TIMBER LANDS. 1 i a .-a. A.,A.rterft of timber. WE wii purcnu . .nd at a low cash price; give price ano u acrlptlon. Address au ii, FARMS WANTED. 20 acres, partly Improved, wA.vtliJJ clise to river, near town and road: stats exact location, improvement, terms. AO 12, Oregonisn. f FOB 8LK. Horses. Vehicles, f tp. FOR SALE The entire barn ?"1Jment.n0i the Portland Gas Coke Co horse, and J'F. t.. i i h. di.nosed of at emir. We(ln.dny morning. July 10. at 10 o ciock. at in. titF...i-.. .tables. 2d and Flanderj i .treets. fortland to the highest bidder; 25 cent of pur chase nrice at the drop of the hammer,' bafu"ce on delivery of the Property.r which must not be later than S o'clock of the same day, as we need the room. . i I . . . . one (iiv . .i.. 1300 pounds: one cneap irm um Ing 1150. 226 Russell st. FOR SALE Horses, wsgons and harness.- Appiy ur. Boody. Roberts Bros., sa Morrison. i I I j , .... ' Bi.ke.-;McFal. CompanyO I warehouse or itables. 24th and HolladayM $ia5 BUTS good team, weigh. 2600. with XI O. I II cos mikA taiiii o -r - a II wood car. FOR 6ALE Team of young horsej. weight, S200 lb! s. ; also heavy harness and wagon. Phone Esst 4009. CAR mules and horses. Goo.eneca delivery wagon., .addles. Hubert ft Hail, 11 Water .t., West Side. ' - I pasture lor rent near Portland. Pbose I Main 14io. WANTED- mS uVBeec t ... EXCHANGE. . Equity of $imo In 155 acres ne.r Sher idan, half cleared, fair buildings. fruit soli, some timber, live springs; wlllt fnr cleur lols or screage Cli;,c len tn trHilfl IOr i..H. nm rrt1fn 1 Will DU1I" '