THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. JUL.T 10, 1912. ELK MYRIADS YET TO GITY I FLOCKING Walla Walla and North Yaki ma Arrive With Imposing Delegations. Mlsa Wllhelmlna. C. Garvin, who i now teaching In the Summer school of the University of Pennsylvania, has been chosen as professor of French and German at Albany College during the coming school year to take the place of Miss Laura Anderson, who has been granted a year's leave of I absence for tudy In France and Germany. Miss Garvin Is a graduate of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania and has taught lor the last six years at Darlington Seminary and the Westchester, Pa., Normal school. v New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses BIG INFLUX YET TO COME Orpheum. " HRILLLVG throughout with . the Belascoan touch, "The Drum of Oude" at the Orpheum held the audience spellbound . yesterday af ternoon. Far-awav sounding tom- ipeclal Trains Will Be lit Portland toras were heard continuously as the From The Dal lee, Hoquiam, Aber- "le military drama progressed; deen, Seattle, and Other Pendleton Cities. about In their bare feet created almost a creepy feeling; gatling guns roared and rifles cracked; most realistic) smoke ascended, and In the melodra matlo finale a woman stamps out a While there wan nnHoM t...u. "nlea IUBe iea"" to powcer inlng In the stream of Elks that poured "KM'ne. This is only some, of the l-ito Portland through the gates of thelcoIor ln the Belasco drama, which is Union Station yesterday, this did not based on the SeDoy rebellion of 1857 indicate any relief for the registration I C. J. Tatcllffe as Captain Hector Mc- oince, nor did it mean the end of the GIRL SAYS SHE TANNER TO LED SLAY Hazel Ervvin Tells How Wallace Was Lured to Room and Hit With Bolt. BLAME IS TAKEN BY HER Despite Fact That Accomplice Re pndlated Her, Prisoner Insists She Conceived Plot for Purpose of Robbery. Deliberate and premeditated murder. planned and urged by Haxel Erwio and executed by W. Tanner, alias W. O. Thonges, wrought the death of Ray W. Wallace, whose body was found ln a 0 v$&& . 1 1 - J J I ; " f f "pS5f,Elk '"n' aro,8Wepg conspiratoes 'implicated in mueder or rat Wallace, by into Portland from all parts of the j -.-m-.--- T ' United States for the convention. . vwiiitiBoiwii vrx uiivjj, A series of specials Is expected to reach Portland today, and the crowds from these probably will eclipse even those of Monday, which was the record day of the convention. ."We're getting a little rest today. said one of the members of the recep tion committee, but that doesn't mean our work a done. No more specials this afternoon, but Wednesday morn ing they will land on us again." RegtatraUaa Oftice Busy. The registration office was kept busy all day long receiving the arrivals of the day and registering the names of those who had come Monday, but who had failed to register on the day of their arrival. Walla Walla and North Yakima sent the greatest special delegation that arrived at the Union Station yesterday, and were escorted to the headquarters by the Baker band. X J. Kauffman and William Metx are prominent ln the party as two of the biggest Elks that nave come with any of the delegations. Walla Walla also has a fife and drum corps of 10. pieces, which will be out on the streets on serenading expedi tions during the week. , Other small delegations that arrived from time to time after 6 o'clock were New Orleans, Brooklyn. Connecticut and at party from Alaska under the leadership of United States Marshal Tanner. Everv local train that arrived brought a party of stray Elks follow- iregor has the Army bearing down pat lng their contingents that had come P nean-grjpping realism into earlier ln the week, or coming as ad- n,s Prt of the love scene. Eleanor vance men for an expected delegation, 1 Scott L'Estelle as Mrs. Jack Clayton and th rprnntton rommitte. wan Vent makes a charming widow and is par- busy all day long receiving these new ticularly effective as she stamps out arrivals. I the biasing coll of fuse leading to the ., r -rm powaer. Jack standing as Lieutenant Aatos Carry Newcomers. I iior, vr.,ti (- r. Tk. Most of the newcomers were carried Hindustani servants steD noiselessly up iu.uusu i"" " .uiuiuuont., about aa real membern of that race. and the administration band, instead W- a Phillips, a Portland boy, shin- or leaning new oeiegauons on a trium- lDg ,n that pantomimic role especially. pnai marcn mrougn ine streets, re- Never before has the Orpheum pre mained down under the umbrella sheds I ntu .,. .r, j.,rr. Mi. at the station, and played welcoming demoiselle Sealby and Monsieur Duclos, uis uio u uu i who appear jn several terpsicnorean train. lAlAnt1nn thji fsLtu-rA nf which is their tout special xrains win arrive over im.k, Jgnr. Th woman is tossed the O.-W. R. N. today and tomorrow, about on tne 8tag9 in tine with the bringing additional visitors to the Elks' orchestra, gets on her feet, to be convention. One special train Is from thrown again, and throughout the The Dalles. It will arrive at 6 P. M. dancei r0Ugh as it is, amazing rhythm today. It will bring 600 Elks. A spe- maintained. In their oDening dances ciai rrain irom oeame win arrive ai Sealby and Duclos glide in marvelous :i ociock ramorrew moroins. n unison, their waltzes particularly he will also bring 600 passengers, and in most graceful. . will run ln two sections. , t-w sullv everybody knows Lew The Aberdeen and Hoquiam special o.-iiv in hack again with his 300 win leave tonight, arriving ln Portland pouTJis of weight and a laugh for every tomorrow morning wiui auj passengers. worcL He was appiauaea Dexore n The Pendleton special will bring 250 tnolc off his. hat. and. as of yore, his visitors, and will leave at 8 :0 tonight, burlesque of Alice Lloyd took down arriving at 9 o ciocn tomorrow morn- th house. in. Opening the bill were the four Flori- The Cincinnati and Boston Elks will monds. who did surprising things on leave on a special train of eight iaMer which were free to fall, but coaches at 8:15 P. M. July 11. They were kept balanced by the dexterous will return by way of San Francisco, performers. The Eugene Trio, only There are 1S7 ln the party. two 0 which appeared, did creditable tu .unignts or toiumous rrom nan horizontal bar tumbling. Francisco, who are making a circuit Aour of the Elks' convention. Tellow stone Park and Salt Lrfke City, will make a side trip to Cascade Locks to day, going up by steamer and return Stein, Hume and Thomas, billed, as genuine entertainers, are a tuneful trio and each sings a solo for good measure. Their closing number a grand opera burlesque was most pop ing on the O.-W. R. A N. They swill ( uiar with the audience, which clamored leave Tnursaay nignt ror tne xeiiow- for more entertainment by tne nappy stone Pane thr.o Rdna Lubv was pleasing in several I .l.t.r .tan fr.1V Her HIGHWAYMEN ADMIT GUlLTPmTcry of Anna Held and Alice Lloyd . . I COOK IDA DCSU Two Get Tear In Jail Sentence of Third 19 Postponed. Empress. THE : B RAH AM BEN EUJAMAA TROTTPE of 11 Arabs, in a sensa- fieas 01 guiuy yesieroay were re-i . . . ... . . .M-hniMine- celved by Circuit Judge Kavanaugh . J,. Z from Dan B. Brundrldge, Gail B. Mer- aci. are xue star ntt nl rjnv A. Vauehn. the three I at the Emoress. Theirs is no slow youths who on the morning xf Sun- performance. They proceed to build day. June 30. attempted to hold up an tnemselves into various figures with automobile on the Powell Valley road, wtriwlni speed, only . to disengage hooting Lenora Stanley a member of themaeives with the same rapidity to the automobile party. ' th aecomnaniment of wild shrieks and to one year each ln the County Jail. , Alt0Kether funny is John T. Slurry. Borne uncertainty exists as to Brund-I ,.., nt tork-like ridge s age. nis attorney, w. a. owier . - h d , t of POBtarin m asserting that he is not yet is. ana l . , , ,. n.rirv1 nt 1840. sentence in his case was postponed till w1th a lot of funnT patter and several FriatT. . . Ihrirht mdcl He Is very entertaln- 1. T .j D.Vhl Rmlth ' twn flt- was glv. two year, and a parole; Plea. - 1Si oul by seveTal of not guilty were entered Dy tttwata - "2wna: A. White, charged with shooting WU- handsome gowns. 11am Malloy, and A. F. Walton, alas I card tricks that completely baffled the Picking cards asked for out TX. 11 H a wi a a era I n at whnsn thArai 111 an in ocimep. coarug j.k f"" "i ---hr-Wa, the one that inter- ?hX"'aa l lan m ItTOr r JTtZi most; Afterward he gave the i, w,',i- v- ... t familiar trunk mystery that never gut"to a cTarg. ofTnducTn; BeTnic. to get 41len to become an immoral woman, i "- " - r ,"Z0k, i.u, j a ..n. litr ara aeen in a laughable playlet :nanEcu m, i "" I thi. which 1a1 with a jealous wife and some unac- THEATERS THROWN OPEN jSti?tS th wife. The difficulty is straight- ' rAM 11kesTilT r.i-Aov.n Will TIaI a a ..taatAinv nnH thn rurta.In tUCU V I foeq JUL BttUOiav. "J Admitted Free. Out of courtesy to the officers and the crew of the battleship Oregon, now In the harbor, several of the larger theaters have arranged to grant free admission to the Naval men during their stay here. - The Hellig, Baker, Bungalow, Pantages and Empress thea- v.. .nil tha DnVa rnnuiMiifint narlc have authorized the announcement that o-na ilovn on a tranquil nousenora. Th. vaH Trio of European gym nasts give a series of startling feats. Pantages. SI JENKS, as "Get-Kicn-Viuica vvai llngford," is the feature with the aviator girls at Pantages this week. Among the aviator girls are six of the best voices and dancers which have henn at the Pantages for some time. every afternoon during the week the I Miss Carlle Lowe Is the big star of the bluejackets and their superiors will te I act. possessing a spienaia voice ana a made welcome. I distinctive style which makes the act All that will be necessary is for them a hit- Special scenery for each of the to present themselves in their uniform and they will be admitted. The officers also will be welcome at the night per formances. While some of the play bouse managers wanted to admit- the sailors at all performances, others with mailer capacities felt that they could songs helps the act immensely. , The first scene Is called Owl-land and pre sents the girls hung from the branches of the trees. The beach scene, pre senting the girls in scant bathing suits, also "took." The Texas Tommy dancers, who ap not curtail the space of their regular peared two weeks ago, are there again. natrons for the evening performances. A compromise was reached whereby enlisted men will be admitted free at the afternoon performances and the officers at both afternoon and evening shows. College Gets New Instructor. ALBANY, Or.; July S (Special.) I maid ln cow bow town. As previously, the act failed to take with the house, or at least inose wno were pleased were afraid to applaud. William Morrow is as gooa as any thing on the bill. He is featured ln a little act staged ln a representation of Cut Bank, Mont. It introduces some good characterization. Miss Donna Har ris making a hit as the Quaker school- lodging-house at 503 Alder street, June 19, the skull crushed with a heavy bolt This was the confession made yes terday by Hazel Erwin, after Tanner, her alleged accomplice, captured ln Vancouver, Wash.. Monday., had re fused to make any statement and had assailed the character of the girl who, from the first, has shielded him, and even now makes him appear merely as a complaisant tool ln carrying out a crime conceived by her. Harder la Described. Plans for the murder were" laid 24 hours before its execution, said the girl yesterday; the purpose being to obtain money which Wallace was be lieved to carry about his person. Sleep ing powders were procured, as a pre ferable agent, and the bolt was picked up by Tanner at the site of the new railroad bridge, to be used if the former expedient failed. . - , . Wallace was then lured to the room by Hazel, while Tanner lay concealed, and after he refused to drink beer in which ' the drug was dissolved, was struck down by three blows. Then the slayers went calmly to the Lincoln LHotel, and Tanner, after searching- the murdered man s purse and finding only 17, took the keys and rifled the till at the restaurant. Stubbornly adhering to her story that Tanner killed Wallace from jealousy, arising from finding him with Hazel, the girl, ever since June Si, when she surrendered herself at Salem, has held the authorities at bay, though other evidence convinced them that she was not telling the truth. Even the plead ings -of her honest and grief-stricken father, seeking from her a full con fession, which would shift the blame to ' Tanner, and ' give him back his daughter, were repulsed. I will do my duty as a citizen, even if it does - come hard." faltered the sorrowing father, yesterday, as he faced the fact that his daughter had thrown away her day of mercy. "All my other children are at home, and good, but she is the exception; I can't make any headway with her," he adde'd. The girl was ln a different frame of mind yesterday, when she learned that Tanner had "thrown her down." After few brief minutes of conversation with Deputy Fitzgerald, she announced that she was willing to make -a full confession, and swung directly Into the story. "Wallace had given me the impres sion that he had considerable money and carried it with him," she said, "so -cultivated his . acquaintance. The night 1 before the murder he was ln my room, and Tanner, knowing that ha was to be there, stayed away. I got S3 from him but when Tanner came back he thought- this was not enough, and I said that I would get .more next time. 1 'How will you do itr he asked me." I said I would put him to sleep with drugs." But what If he won't take tne drugr r " 'Then you can KnocK mm out, i replied." Tanner didn t .want to go into any thing like that, but I called him a coward and he finally agreed to my plan. v Tanner Takes Bolt to Room. "That evening Tanner and I strolled about the city, and passed the place where they are putting up the new bridge. I saw a big bolt lying there and pointed It out to him, saying that it might come inv handy. He had a newspaper in his hand, and he wrapped the bolt up in that and carried it back to the room. - "I left him there and went down to the restaurant, where I made another date with Wallace to come to nty room i-after he closed up for the night. Then I went back to Tanner and we strolled around again, and at Third and Salmon streets I bought the sleeping powders. When we got back to the room again it was nearly time for Wallace to close up, so I went back to the restaurant, leaving Tanner concealed in the rooms. - Girl Give Signal to Strike. "Wallace brought two bottlesof beer with him, and I 'had the powders all ready dissolved ln a glass, intending to pour the beer on top of them. We went in and sat down and talked, and he started to take on his collar and tie. I offered him the beer, but he re fused to drink. Then he said he had o go back to the restaurant, but would be right back. He started up and put his collar and tie in his pocket. Tan ner came out ln the middle of the room and Wallace turned and saw him. " "What are 'you doing here?' he asked. -t "When I'gave Tanner the sign to hit him he did so, "As he fell Tanner hit him twice more. I put a towel over his face and a sheet over his body. s "Earlier ln the day I bad packed our suitcases, so we were all ready to leave. It was I who went through his pockets and took out his money, the keys and his watch. I threw' the watch away ln Salem. . Then we walked downstairs quietly and around to the Lincoln Hotel. "When we found so little money ln the purse I told Tanner that Wallace must have left It in the restaurant, and told him to go and look for It- I said I thought it was hidden under a shelf. He went to the restaurant, but couldn't find the missing money. He got a dime and a few pennies from the till." f The further movements of the pair were . not gone Into, as not tearing upon the crime. ' Several times the girl broke down In the most harrowing parts of her story. She was limp and tearful when the long session ended. Following her statement, she went, under escort of the detectives ln the case, to the variious spots she had mentioned and pointed out each place referred to. Substantial corroboration of her story as to the bolt and the sleeping powders was obtained. By her statement the girl has placed herself beyond immunity, and she real izes the fact. Notwithstanding, she made every effort to shade her story, so as to place the major blame for every detail upon nerseit, even em phasizing the first person in tne mosi damaging parts of her narration. Girl's Attitude Pnmslea. . She is a Duzzle to her Inquisitors, who cannot reconcile her meager 21 years with her criminal daring, her convinc ing manner of making her first and false confession, and her unswerving loyalty to the man who has thrown her aside. . The reDudiation lot Hazel by Tanner came Monday night, when. In the pres ence of her farther, Captain Baty asked him if he did not think it a shameful thing to have gone to the girls home and posed as her husband. Onlv one admission was maae Dy Tanner- yesterday, that Tanner Is his right name, - and that he assumed Thonges when he enlisted in the Army. He says his father is well-to-do. . Gave Him A New Stomach "There are thousands of sufferers from stomach and liver troubles whom I wish I could meet and tell what Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets would do for them." writes H. M Youngpeters, editor of the Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "One bottle of the tablets would end the trouble for most of them. I suffered in tensely after eating and never felt well, and no treatment or medicine I tried ever seemed to do me any good until reading an advertisement for Chamber lain'sTablets in my own paper, I tried a bottle. The first few doses srave me sur prising reEef, and the second bottle seemed to eive me a new stom ach and perfect good health. I didn't think anything would give me such a complete cure. They are wonderful. " w TOWNSEND RETURNS -HERE Special Prosecutor Says Legislation ' May Not Pass Thl9 Session. B. D. Townsend, special attorney of the Department of Justice in the pros ecution of the Oregon land forfeiture suits, has returned, from Washington, where he was called as a witness and advisory counsel before ' the public land committees of the Senate and House. The special matter was with reference to -the Joint bills that have as their object the granting of author ity tocompromise'the 45 suits against Innocent purchasers, who have -been made party defendants In the suit of the - United States against the Oregon & California to forfeit large tracts in this state, which, it IB alleged, were secured through fraudulent means. "The bills before Congress. he said, "are exactly similar and have the ap proval of the Departments of Justice and of the Interior and are backed by the full Oregon delegation. My appear ance was not as an advocate for the bills, but to - give information that might guide the committees ln their actum. . From what I could learn, in a general way, the committees were favorable to the passage of some bill of the character asked, but there was a question whether the compromise should be on a basis of a flat payment of $2.50 per acre or give authority to compromise the suits at a figure which each piece of land was reasonably worth. Since leaving Washington I hear that the Senate committee has reported the bill favorably, but the business of Congress is much congested and It may not be passed this session. "While it was hoped that theso In nocent purchaser suits would have been settled before continuing with the main suit against the Oregon & California the taking of testimony in the latter will proceed at once and should be completed by October. 1." Embankment Buries Two. H. K. Beam and E, F. Mlkel were nearly smothered to death Monday, when the 26-foot embankment or an excavation on which they were work ing gave way and buried them. Sev- eral- timbers ln the path of the falling dirt is all that saved them. They were entirely covered with the ground, and only their heads were visible. One of the men had his shoulder crushed, and both were bruised. They were worli ing for. the Hurley-Mason Company at Fifteenth and Hoyt streets. The Red Cross ambulance removed them to the Good, Samaritan. Hospital. This May Appeal to You (especially if you're a coffee drinker) The New Food Drink Instant ' i . i r. Postmni t- IMSTAIIT POSIOtf a- ttaiiyinc aaaaa o.a, mr -i tT . itr, tnouim w 41MT ,.- illilSi UUIkci M Onuu Po&tiim Cereal Co., UmW- BatU. Cfafc. "-"- it' A -al "A t 4 a beverage with a flavour much like those mellow Javas which years ago came from the Dutch Plantations of the South ern Seas. This new drink is said by many who have be come acquainted with its delicate Java taste to be superior to much of the Brazil coffee inarketed nowa days. But Instant Postum possesses additional merits. It is made in the cup requires no boiling, and is absolutely free from the coffee-drug, "caffeine." Tins containing sufficient quantity for about 100 cups of Instant Postum are sold at 50 cts., by grocers. Smaller tins at 30 ctsl, make about 50 cups. Coffee Averages About Double That Cost If your grocer does not have Instant Postum, send his name and address and a 2-cent stamp to cover postage, and we will mail you' a 5-cup sample tin. Made by Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Pure Food Factories, Battle Creek, Mich. BANFF H0T SPRINGS. The attraction of the Canadian Na tlonal Park. All Elks should see Banff. Round-trip rate 35. Ticket office Third and Pine, Multnomah Hotel. Logging Camp Work Resumes. CATHLAMET, Wash., July 9. (Spe cial.) The J. B. Miller logging camp resumed work today. New roads have been surveyed and work on them will be pushed, making it one of the largest camps on the-river. YouNg No young woman. In the Joy of coming; motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system for the physi cal ordeal she Is to undergo. The health of both herself and the coming child depends largely upon the care she bestows upon herself during the waiting months. Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's sys tem for the coming event, and Its uso makes her comfortable during all the term. The baby, too, Is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has thus prepared herself for nature's supreme function. No better advice could be given a young expectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend; it Is a medicine that has proven . Its value In thousands of cases. ' Mother's Friend Is sold at drug stores. Write for free book for expect ant mothers. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ca. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Belmont School FOB BOYS Belmont, CtU. (Twenty-five miles south of San Franelioo.) Is trying, and we believe successfully try Ins, to do for the morel, the Intellectual and the physical welfara of Its boys what thoughtful parents most wish to have done. Contributive to- this end are the location of the-school, removed from the temptations and distractions of town or city, the fine ness of its climate, the excellence of Its buildings and other equipment, and the beauty and extent of Its (rounds, with the wide range of foothills surrounding- them. We are glad to have our patrons and grad uates consulted. For catalogue and other specific Information address the Head Master. , The Head Master or the Assistant Head Master will later be ln Portland, and will be glad to see anyone who mar care to know more about the school. Due notice of the time when and the place where he may be seen will later accompany this notice. W. T. RKfD. (Harvard) Head Slum. GILBERT N. BRINK. (Pomona) Aula taut Head Muter. G0NZAGA UNIVERSITY (Established as Gonzaga College, 1887) Spokane, Wash. CONDUCTED AS A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL By the Jesuit Fathers FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN Embraces the following departments: 1st The Preparatory or Grammar School. ' 2d The Academic or High School 3d The College of Arts and Sci ences, i 4th The Law School. 6th The Commercial Department. French, German, Music, Physical Culture and Athletics. Fall season opens September 4th. Law School, October 1st. Catalogue sent free ot applica tion. For further information, ad dress The President PORTLAND ACADEMY Corner of Montgomery and Thirteenth. Office hours 9 A. M. to 12 M. Fits boys and girls for college. Graduates enter on examination Harvard, Princeton, Yale. Bryn Mawr, Massac hugtetts Inatl tute of Technology; on certificate Am herst Cornell. Smith. Vassar. Wellesley. Goucher, Reed and other colleges and universities of the Pacific Coast. Well-eauinned laboratories In Chem istry and Physics. Field practice in surveying. Departments In charge of college men and woman. Classical, Scientific, Modern Language and Com mercial Courses. Gymnasium under skilled director. Track and field athlet ics. The school includes a thorougn Primary and Grammar School. Easy of access from all parts of the city. Cata logue on application. Mfl TMI7T1C 'jM. iu.nj RIEND 111 TVieCamparuIe Ssbsrbc ef OaUsad, California. The only Woman! Collate on the Pacific Cout. Chartered 1885. Ideal climate. Entrance and r red nation req a 1 re m e n 1 1 equivalent to tboie of Stanford UnlTcmtrsnd Unirertltyof Cal iforais. nearby. Laboratories lor science with modern equipment. Excellent opportunities for borne economics, library study, mnsic. art. Modern rymnasiom. Special care for health of students t out door life. Christian Influences; undenominational. President Luella Clay Carton. A. M., LI- D. For catalofur address Rertstrar. I Mills Cohere P. O.. Calif I Home and Liy acAool fur Girli. Accredited to Co ,.frt Eut and Weit Grammar and Primary Department,. Pont He buildlnji. Ettenr!r ground!. Out-of-door rtiid. recitation,, ph.ilcal trainlnr. lleeplnf porch Domettic adence. Fall term open, September 2. Uluttrated Onr.lcnM-fom.atio". P i"Hol. MARY 1. 1 OCKFY. A. B. B. jM B. P. VP. . Ej. New Eif e eer The , good, whole some beverage that finds favor with all Elks and Portland's discriminating public. Cooling, Refreshing, . Nourishing ; Order a Case Sent Home B MT. HOOD BREWERY Telephones: Sellwood 1645 SelIwoodl646 ' Home, B 3173 m Portland, Oregon S mmm RAmt snd Dar School for Glrlnnndcrt f core of tiisternof fctt. John Bsptut Episcopal ) CoUeg-Lete, Academic ana elementary i JLepl. jural a, vvrt, mwuuub, ujiuumiuui, (Resident pupils mast be orer 14 ye of awe end I well recommended. The number is limited to I fifty. Application inoua do nsas eariy.i aaaresa The Sister Supsrior.OHice 18, St.Hslene Hall, Porllsnd.Or. For Girl,. Conducted br tne SISTtRS OF THE HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY. Grt,. MtdmU mmj CtlUgimU CturtM. Maaie. Art, Elocution and Commer cial Depta. JtWaaat a a" Dy SmtUiU. Rrfinnl Moral and Intellectual Traialnr- Write forAnnoaacemenLAddrea, tISTEK tUFERIOR. U. Marj'i Atlm, Tmli Merreraburjr AraVmy On of th foremoit freparatory choola In America, developing n boy thots qualities that make men of character and action. Prepare for all col leges, technical schools and business. Send for catalogue Wm. Mann Irvine. UU D.. Headmaster, Mercersburg, Pa. MISS HARKER'S SCHOOL i Palo Alto. Cal. Rome and day school fer girls. Accredited, out-of-door life. 11th year begins August 20th. 1912. Catalogue on application. MANZAXITA HALL." Palo Alto, California. Makes a specialty OI preparing ooy, aim young men for the universities and techni cal schools. Twentieth Tear opens Aug. Ji. 1912. For oatalogue and specific Informa tion address W. A. Shadd. Headmaster. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION Aslstanca ln Gradov High-School and normal tsrancnes. Practical Helps for the Employed. IRVING K. DAMON, 218 Til ford Bldgr. Hours 3 to S P. M. HOTEL STEIVART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up New steel and brick structure. Every modern convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theater and retail district. On carlines transferring all over city. .Electric omnibus meets trains and steamers. ' NEW HOTEL PERKINS PORTIAND, MTrlEHFAfttW THF tUROfUN BATH SIMPER DAY UP wmiouTBArni;up European Hotels ENGLAND I niMnnN grosvenor house HOTEL. 17a Pembrldre SO.. Bayswater, W.. near Paddlngton Stn. Most accessible. Healthiest location. Lofty bed rooms, lounges, etc. Recommended for short or long visits. En pension $8.60 week up. Folder 889 Fifth venue, New York.