vol. lii- xo. legos. - -1 . I I l - - . 1 i ELKS CONTEST FIVE OF NINE POSITIONS Grand Lodge Election Warm But Friendly. KILLS HAS NO OPPOSITION Robinson Wins Secretaryship Ninth Successive Time. ROCHESTER HAS 1913 MEET "Pat" Shields at Home With IH Mother Wins Re-election by Ac clamation Surprise Sprung. 1914 Reunion in Demand. OFFICERS ELECTED BT GRAND LODT.B OV KI.K8 AND NEXT MEETING-PLACE NA.MKD. Orand exalted ruler Thomas B. Mill. Superior. W1. Grand esteemed lead In it knJ-ht James 1 Kins. Topeka. Kan. Grand esteemed loyal knight Charlej P. Ward. Pasadena, Cal. Grand esteemed lecturing knight Lloyd NB. Harwell. Marshalltown. IoWa. Grand secretary Fred C. Robinson. Zmbuque, Iowa. Grand treasurer Edward Leach. New Tork- Grand trustee John J. Faulkner. East St. Louis. 111. Grand Inner guard John Lee Clark. Albuquerque. N. M. Grand tyler Patrick H. Shields. Clarksburg. W. VI Rochester. N- T.. elected by ac clamation for 1913 convention. Five of he nine positions filled by the Elks grand lodge yesterday were contested. The votes In three of them were close, but Fred C. Robinson, of Dubuque. Iowa, was elected grand sec retary for the ninth consecutive time, by a vote of 736 to JOO, over David McAaron. of Port Huron, Mich. John J. Faulkner, of East-SU Louis, IIU was chosen grand trustee over Jerome J. Day, of Moscow, Idaho, by a vote of 880 to 66. John Leo Clarke, of Albuquerque, N. M., defeated L. B. Leveroni, incumbent, for office of in ner guard by vote of (22 to 226. The closest race was for the office of grand esteemed lecturing knight, in which Lloyd R. Maxweu aeisneu xu. ju. Dlckerman. of Tucson, Aria, the vote being 489 to 412. The vote foar grand esteemed lead ing knight also was close. Jamea I King won from George L. Aldington, of New Tork, by vote of SOS to 421. Grand Tyler's Mother I1L Patrick H. Shields, of Clarkesburg. W. Vs., was re-elected grand tyler by acclamation. Shields was not able to be present on account of the illness of his mother and his devotion in remain ing with her caused Harry Hattersley. of Ft. Wayne, Ind., who had announced his candidacy, to withdraw. Thomas B. Mills, of Superior, Wis, was the unanimous choice of the con vention for the office of grand ex alted ruler, the highest gift of Elk dom. The entire Klk world demanded a recognition of his long and faithful services as grand trustee and his elec tion was a foredrawn conclusion. Mills Is undoubterdly one of the most popu lar men In the entire order. Charles H. Ward, of Pasadena, Cal. was chosen grand esteemed loyal knight by acclamation. W. H. Welsher, of Goldfleld. Nov, withdrawing 'at the last moment. Edward Leach, who already " has served five terms as grand treasurer, had no opposition for re-election. Election Outcome Predicted. The election resulted exactly as the politicians of the order predicted, ex cept in one instance, the winning of Maxwell over Dlckerman for grand es teemed lecturing knight. Geography had a lot to do with that. Dlckerman ia from Arixona. New Mexico, the neighbor of Arizona, also had a candi date in the person of John Lee Clarke for grand inner guard. It was con ceded from the start that both South western men could not win. Clarke developed a strong following from the start and his friends gave their sup port to Maxwell and exchanged for votes from Maxwell's friends. Dlckerman was the candidate of the so-called "organization" of the grand lodge and until a week ago he was considered an easy winner. The pecu liar geographical situation. It Is thought, had much to do with his as well as Leveroni's defeat. Contests Warm but Friendly. All contests were conducted In a friendly manner and after the results were announced yesterday afternoon. Ihe unsuccessful candidates Joined with the other Elks In extending congratula tions to the winners. The election was made the first order of business. C. R. Frldley, of Superior, Wis, nominated Mills. King's name was presented by John G. Futrall. of Fayettevllle, Ark.: Charles H. Ward's by Judge Henry A. Melvln, of Oakland, past grand exalted ruler, and that of Maxwell by Harry L. Wilson, of Bill ings. Mont. Wilson brought the convention to an uproar of applause when he said, "A man making a nominating speech either be short or be shot." Ha grew eloquent IConc)? ed on Page la.) POSTMASTER ASKED TO AID DAN CUPID CAROL1SA LASS WRITES FOR HELP IS LOVE QUEST. Federal Official Requested to Find Oregon Husband for Southern Girl Haste . Is Pleaded. rvoTTrsnv CITY. Or.. July 9. (Spe clal.) Postmaster Randall. Dan Cupid's aide in Oregon City. Is in a lair way -a .nnthur ronnle to his long list. 1 to Mr. Randall receives a letter about once .-..I rnn a man or woman who wish to wed asking hlra to assist in finding the helpmate, and only in one or two Instances has he failed. The following letter was received today by the post "As I read in The Morning Qregonian where there is a man in Oregon who t h. married, although the story does not say where he lives, I am writ ing to ask you If you Know wnero ii.... .ta if there is any other man ... who wants to marry. The Senator's name is George Chamberlain and maybe he can aid you in nnamg . . man. If vou can tell me anything about this I would be glad to hear from you. Will look for answer soon "ROSA MYERS. "18 Chestnut St, Ashevtlle. N. C." lc&ta with Sen .tn. Chamberlain." - said Mr. Randall, ".lthniivh I know he would aid me. shall do my best to find the girl a hus band, however. T. R. MAY LOSE KELLOGG Trust Buster Is Silent Regarding Third Party Movement. CHICAGO. July 9. (Special.) An i.nr!vi leader who was with Colonel Roosevelt during the Repub llcan National convention has Joined the ranks of the "noncommlttants. tie la Frank B. Kellogg, of St. Paul, lor mer Government "trust buster- ana National committeeman of Minnesota until the recent convention. Mr. Kellogg, whose fidelity to the Colonel's cause heretofore has never been questioned, was in Chicago on private business today. "I'm not committed either to Tart or Roosevelt," lie said, when asked how he stood." "But you were one of Colonel Roose velt's chief lieutenants during the convention." was suggested. . That may be true, but I haven't said what course I will take as regards any third-party movement," was the an swer. - Mr. Kellogg refuses to discuss why he hesitated in climbing into the third party band wagon. Regarding the Minnesota situation lift said: "Roose velt was mighty strong in the state,' but he declined to make any predic tion. , RIVAL BLOCKS HILL WORK Albany Crossing Blocked by Engine of Corvallls & Eastern. ALBANY. Or, July 9. (Special.) Placing a 90-ton engine on a switch at the intersection of Water and Thurs ton streets, squarely over a proposed crossing of the Oregon Electric, em ployes of the Corvallls & Eastern Railroad at noon today stopped traok- laylng on the freight line of the Ore gon Electrlo through this city. Corvallls & Eastern officials say that they will not remove the engine until the Oregon Electric signs an agreement regarding the proposed crossing. The tracklayers crew was placed at other work this afternoon while local Oregon Electric officials took the matter up with the legal de partment of the line in Portland. The point where the tracklaylng was topped is within two blocks of the Oregon Electric freight depot, and is where the Oregon Electric freight line through the city crosses a switch leading from the mam line of the Cor vallls & Eastern connecting with the Southern Pacific tracks on Water street. It is believed the difficulty will be adjusted .'so that tracklaylng can pro ceed tomorrow, but the big engine is still blocking the crossing tonight. BIG CHICAGO ELK IS DEAD Edward Dickinson Big Contributor to New $500,000 Lodge Home. CHICAGO. Julr 9. (Special.) Chi cago Lodge No. 4 today ' is mourning the death of Brother Edward Dickin son, one of Its most beloved brothers. whose remains were interred today in Rose Hill Cemetery. The loss or Brother Dickinson is keenly felt by No. 4. Mr. Dickinson, millionaire bank er and Board of Trade man. was the most enthusiastic member in support of the new half-mlllion-dollar Elk home. Not only did he contribute the largest Individual amount. $25,000, to the building fund, but be interested himself in obtaining large subscrip tions from other brother Elks. Mr. Dickinson was associated largely with Harry Fraxee and John Cort, the popular theatrical magnates. TrJAW EXPERT ON STAND Alienist Admits He Owes Professor ship to Family. WHITE PLAINS. N. T, July 9. Dr. Adolph Myer. one of Thaw's alienists, on the stand today In the Thaw insan ity proceedings, denied that the man ner in which Thaw killed White was a "typical paranoiac murder." Under cross-examination by Mr. Jer ome. Dr. Myer admitted he owed his present position in the faculty of Johns Hopkins University to relatives of Thaw. ' Dr. John W. Russell, head of Mattea wan Asylum, said that Thaw could safely be released, in the care of spe cial attendants. . 1 :'. ' ' . . PnBTT.Avn nnTT.n. WEDNESDAY. JULY 10,, 1913- PRICE FIVE CENTS. WOKN ARE FETED WHILE ELKS WORK Fair Sex at Reunion Royally Received. FEMININE GRACES ARRAYED Punch Bowl Flows and Warm Welcome Is Extended. MALE CHORUSES SERENADE Fam .u.-ibco Dances Are Indulged in as Artillery Band Strikes TTp Medford Peaches Lauded in Song. ' While Elk delegates were busy yes terday with the sessions of the grand lodge the women ' visitors were feted on every side. Thousands of them were given, automobile trlp8 about the city and returning' were left at the Elks' headquarters, where on the fourth floor luncheon and iced drinks , were served, while in all the hotels they were welcome guests at the various headquarters, -throughout the day. Portland hospitality extended far be yond the confines of the city limits, for early In the day It became appar ent that the entire Pacific Coast had constituted Itself host. From the Southern California dele gations to those of Northern Washing ton every visitor, particularly If she came from the East, was made to feel that the West was glad to welcome her. i San Francisco Ia Magnet. One of the most sought out centers of the afternoon was that of San Fran cisco, whose headquarters are In the big assembly room on. the mezzanine floor of the Multnomah Hotel.' At 3 o'clock the Coast Artillery band was summoned from the lobby, where It had been attracting the attention of hundreds by a fine' classical . pro gramme. aid tV worlr went forth that some of the dances for which San Francisco has become more or less fam ous would be demonstrated for the vis itors. In five minutes' time, to the strains of "O, You Great Big Beautiful Doll," "Everybody's Doing It" and other songs of the period, & hundred or more couples had swung out on the canvassed floor and were lost in the mazes of the Texas Tommy, the Tur key Trot, . the Boston and the Bear dance. At Intervals the music would cease and led by the band members (Concluded on Page 15.) HAWAIIAN VISITORS, WOMEN FROM COAST AND EASTERN CITIES 1311 ? I 1 1 1 BMmZ&Mm ' : ; mm p illllliiwr I af i ' ' Mm. S. F. Zeave, H. H. Williams and Mrs. Williams, of Honolnln 3, Mrs. H. W. -Brown. Miss M. Melslng and Mrs. H. L. Hlndaaaa, of Los Angriest In. Camella Koch, of Seattle, and Mlaa Maria Pretsel, of Scappooae 3. Mr. and Mm, Albert Bropay. of Brooklyn, a Pair of - Nevrlyvreds . Miss Dnpaa and Mm. Humphrey, of San Fran cisco, and Mrs. stone, of Superior, Wia. 5, Mrs. Fred A. Dibble and Mrs. XV. (i. Bnschko, of Spokane. ELKS' CONVENTION PROGRAMME FOR TODAY. 9:30 A. M. Massed bands parade' through Court of Honor. ,r 9:80 to 11:30, A. M. Reception on battleship Oregon. 10 A M. Grand lodge sessions at Armory. 10 A M. Sweet pea show, court house. -"" I P. M. until 12 midnight Free salmon tarbecue. band concerts, vaudeville entertainment and con- . Unuous amusement at the Oaks. Special trolley trains and special ' steamers, motorboata and launches v will take visitors frm the city to the park, three miles south, on the Willamette River. - 1 Admission to the park and to every concession within the park will bo free to all Elks and their families wealing the official badge. A vaudeville bill has been pre pared especially for the Elks, and . continuous performances will be g-tv-. en. Admission will be free through out the day and night. A score of bands will be at the park throughout the day and will dispense music almost every minute. 1 P. M. -"-Opening of Industrial Ex position In Public Docks building, St. Johns. Admission free. 1:30 to 5 P. M. Reception on bat tleship Oregon. v , 2 P. M- Auto races. Country Club. Speed marvels of the world will con test. 8 P. M. Baseball, Portland vs. San Francisco, - at . Recreation Park. Through the courtesy of the mana gers of the Portland and San Fran cisco baseball clubs all ladles will be admitted free. . 5 P. M. Barbecue will be served at the Oaks. Special and extensive preparations have been made to ac commodate and satisfy every guest. Three tons of salmon. 100 bushels of clams. 100 dozen crabs and a pro portionate amount of other choice edibles are required. 8 P. M. Spectacular performance ' of "The Bridge of the Gods" at Mult nomah Field. 9 P. M. Grand electrical and pyro technical display at the Oaks. - Naval vessels, which can be reached by launch from the toot of 8tark, Morrison and Salmon streets, , are open to all visitors from 1 to 5 P. M. dally. . WOMAN SPEAKER FALLS Accident Mars Session of National Municipal League. LOS ANGELES, July 9. Marred by a slight acid en t, the second day's ses sion of the convention of the National Municipal League was held here today. The accident occurred in the parallel meeting of the women this afternoon when Mrs. Carolina Bartlett Crane, of Kalamazoo, Mich, who was scheduled to speak on "Municipal Housekeeping." fell from the platform from which she started to talk..- While) prevented . from making her speech, she was not seri ously injured. William Dudley Foulke was re-elect ed . president. Miss Jane Addams, of Chicago; Camlllus G. Kidder, Orange. N. J.; President Lowell, of Harvard Uni versity; George McAnenny, New York, and Charles Richardson, Philadelphia, were re-elected vice-presidents. New vice-presidents chosen were Chester H. Rowe-11. of Fresno, Cal., J. Horace Mc Farland, o.f Harrisburg, Pa, James H. Thompson, New Orleans, and Dudley T. Tibbits, Troy, N. Y. ATTENDING ELKS' OOKVilN'IXUJN. 250,000 WITNESS T Elks' Electrical En raptures Throngs. SPLENDOR IS UNEXCELLED 18 Illuminated Floats Cover Five-Mile Course. LODGE EMBLEM BEAUTIFUL Purplo and White Vehicle Radiates Brilliant Pomp of Festive Event. Famous Silverton Ba,nd and Others Add to Fete. Pronounced by 250,000 people, the great majority of whom were visitors, as the most . imposing and elaborate electrical pageant they -had ever wit nessed, the Elks' electrical parade last night moved over its five-mile course accompanied by the unstinted applause of an enraptured multitude. The streets covered In the parade were congesed for their entire length with a solid mass of bustling, good natured humanity that entered fully Into the festival spirit of the occa sion. It was an occasion on which Port land people in their r.ole of hosts made way for their guests who, being un able- to secure seats in any of the spa cious grandstands, were permitted to occupy all of the desirable vantage points from which to enjoy the mag nificence of the pageant which was de signed exclusively for their entertain ment r Eighteen Floats In Line. Included in the parade, which was headed by Police Captain . Moore and a squad of mounted patrolmen, were 18 gorgeously decorated' floats and nine bands, automobiles carrying the grand lodge officers and the commissioners of Portland Lodge No. 143. The parade moved shortly before 9 o'clock and completed its second" circuit of Fifth from Washington to Morrison streets an hour and a half later. The grand lodge officers and promi nent members of the order who rode In automobiles preceded by ' the mounted squad of patrolmen included: John P. Sullivan, grand exalted ruler; John K. Tener, past grand exalted ruler; Thomas B. Mlllsji chairman board grand trustees and grand exalted ruler-elect; Fred C. Robinson, grand (Concluded on Page 18.) AND NEWLY-WEDDED COUPLE - y IT PAGEAN REBELS DETAIN AMERICAN CONSUL ARMED GUARD POSTED AT CON FEREXCE IX JUAREZ. Dispute Arises Over Smelting Coin' pany's Repudiation of Check ' Given to Pay Duty. JUAREZ, July 9. Twenty-five Amerl cans. Including American Consul Ed wards, were held In the office of th Mexican Northwestern Railway here for nearly two hours tonight while an armed guard of rebels prevented the from leaving the building. ' Rebel officials had become angered at the officers of the Mexican North western over a $5000 check payable to the rebels as export duty on a con slgnment of gold ore by the American Smelting & Refining Company In Chi huahua. The shipment had arrived In El Paso, but when the rebels at tempted to cash the $5000 check, the banks in El Paso refused payment. After the check was given,' the Fed erals had entered Chihuahua City and It is believed that the American Smelt Ing & Refining Company stopped pay ment on It. knowing that the rebels. because of their retreat, would be un able'to trouble them further. Consul Edwards went to the North western offices to confer with H. Ferris, general manager of the road Thomas Ryan, traffic manager, and C. T. Carson, general auditor. The off! clals were in conference' at 6 o'clock when they suddenly found the doors of the building surrounded by armed men CoVsul Edwards telephoned for Colo nel Pascula Orozco, Sr., head of the garrison,' who arrived In a few minutes and ordered the guards to release all minor employes. The officers of th road were held. After a brief con ference the American Consul left. but the railroad officials were closeted with Orozco until 7 o'clock, when they were released and crossed to me American side. It was said, they had agreed to make the check good. FRENCH AIR MAN KILLED Bedel's Plane Crashes Into Wires . He Falls to His Death. CHALONS-SUR-MARNE, France, July 9J Rene Bedel, one of the most expert enced of air men. and holder of the Pommery cup cross country iiigiit. whlr-h hn won from Jules Vearienes, met death today before the eyes of several thousands of French troops who were assembled on the reviewing srround at Mourmelon-le-Grand-Nar, Bedel. WHO naa come ii. juo iiiunu- plane from Vlllacoublay,- near Paris, to partlclpato 1. tne maneuvers, arriveu above the camp after a fine flight. He was about to descend when ms mono nlane struck the telegrapn wires, which prevailing haze had evidently nrevented him rrom seeing. Jtiia ma chine capsized and Bedel Was thrown to the ground. The motor oi nis aero plane fell on his body and he was crushed. . PLAGUE UNDER CONTROL Work of Killing Rats Progresses on Eastern Seaboard. - WASHINGTON, July 9. No new cases of bubonic plague were reported today from Cuba or Porto Rico to the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. Three steerage passengers who had come from the plague zone in Havana wero taken off ' the steamer Chalmette today at the New Orleans quarantine station. They will be detained until there is absolute assurance that they are not infected. Surgeon Stoner, chief medical officer at Ellis Island, telegraphed here tha the work of destroying rats along the New York waterfront was well under way. Similar word came from Galves ton, Tex., and other ports. MILLIONS ERECT HOMES Building and Loan Associations Have Assets Over $1,000,000,000 , '-as ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. July 9. PtulWine and loan associations have niRpd the tl. 000.000,000 mark In tota assets, according: to a report of H. F. Cellarius, secretary of the United States League of Local Building & Loan As sociations, made to the convention of that organization at Its opening ses sion today. Their growth for the year was in excess of 598.000.000. estaDiisn lng a record. The Increase was gen era!, not a state reporting a loss. The total number of associations now is 6099. an Increase of 230 lor last year. The membership went up from 2.169.893 in 1910 to 2,832.829 In lsil. xne aver age amount due each member for 1911 is 1441.81, a gain of $12.36 for the year. MEMORIAL IS PLANNED Denver Women Would Pay Tribute to Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker. DENVER. July 9. Denver women have launched Informally a plan to erect a memorial to the late Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker, who died . in San Fran cisco Sunday night. ' , The proposal has the support of worn ens organizations in coioraao. me form of the memorial Is to be decided later. . SENATE ALLOWS SALARIES House Plan to Abolish Land Office Receivers May Be Blocked. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, July 9. The Senate appropriations- committee today adopted the amendment to the sundry civil bill ap propriating 1280.000 for salaries of re ceivers of local land offices. This, if finally adopted, will block the. House scheme of abolishing the office of receiver. v AUTO PLUNGES OVER BANK: DRIVER LIVES Car Leaves Track at . Mile a Minute Clip. PORTLAND BOY IS VICTIM Chris Dundee Hurled 25 Feet from "Whistling Billy." BODY IS BADLY MANGLED Throng of 6000 at Country Club See Daring Racer Thrown Through Space to Rocky Berth, Slur ring First Day of Meet. A small stone, tossed with criminal carelessness upon the ' Country Club track, or dislodged from an abutting hillock by the foot of a spectator, re sulted In the marring of the Portland Automobile Club's race meet yesterday afternoon with an accident which may bring death to Chris Dundee, a Portland automobile driver. Rounding the east turn of the mile dirt track at the daring clip of nearly a mile a minute, determined to take second place in the first lap of the five mile free-for-all race, Dundee's nerve and the power of his racing car, "Whistling Billy," fell victim to the stone, the car careened sharply, failed to right Itself, and then crashed through the board fence, casting its driver 25 feet into the air and upon a mass of grass-hidden rock at the foot of a 40-foot grade. Body Badly Mangled. A fracture of the skull over the right eye, a badly Injured left leg. broken nose, broken middle finger on left hand and contusions of the face, with an automobile shattered beyond repair. were the results of the hazardous ef fort of the Portland man successfully to pit his skill against that of the best racing drivers In the world. Dr. S. C. Slocuroy who, with Dr. Wil liam KUlingworth, was the first physi cian at the side of the injured man, reported last night that his patient has an even chance tor lire. ine skuii wound was operated upon last night. and unless complications set In Dundee will recover. The accident came as the climax to a splendid afternoon ot racing wit nessed by a holiday crowd of over 6000 people. When six cars lined up across the narrow track for the start of the free-for-all. and "Whistling Billy," the White Steamer piloted by Dundee- as signed to the outside position, the throng waxed enthusiastic over the prospects of a thrilling contest in tho banner event of the afternoon. Cheers Change to Horror. Falling to equal the marks of tha other contestants In the previous events, Dundee waited for the pistol with a determination to pilot his car in the van of the speed kings. Hugging the outer rail with no efTort to cut In for a better position, "Whistling Billy" was In third place at the half-mile post. A shout of encouragement went up when the white ghost crept up on tne Cinco, and this cnangea to one oi amazement when Dundee s car was seen to forge ahead of the moat sensaiional racer of the day. But the shout of Joyful encourage ment gave way to one of terrified fore boding when the car was seen to leave the track, and sections of rail hurtling nto the air 60 feet In its wake. At the point where the car left tho track, the course is embanked 40 feet above a ravine. The machine hurtled from tlio track, turned over several times, and alighted upside down at the bottom. Driver Koond Unconscious. When the nearest spectators reached the spot they looked In vain for the hodv of the driver In the wreckage. discovering Dundee unconscious where he had been tossed to the ground a few feet from his car. A crowd of more than 1000 spectators quickly gathered around the body, it re quiring the efforts of halt a aozen police, assisted by a squad of 20 civil ians, to keep them away from the body. Drs. Slocum and Kll'ingsworth were quickly on the scene, and found Dundee covered with blood from numerous cuts. As ho regained consciousness lie cried for someone to "clean the- dirt out of my eyes." The automobile of A. J. Roy was placed at the disposal of the surgeons and willing hands assisted In pulling the machine up the steep grade, from where It carrier Dundee several blocks. Dr. Slocum made an examination of his patient and pronounced the Injuries is superficial, and within 30 minutes an ambulance was at hand to hurry him to the Good Samaritan Hospital. Trip First In "Billy." Chris Dundee has been in several race meets, but had his first race trip Whistling Billy" yesterday. He In sisted on driving the car a.. . Fred Dundee, his brother, who usually pilots tho car, consented. The Injured man 13 24 years old and 1 employed at the Dundee Auto Shop, 575 ' Jefferson street. , Car Has Bad Record. The most pitiful sight at the scene of the accident was the hysterical ef- ; forts of - -ss Henrietta Dundee, a sister : f the driver, to reach tha side of her brother. It took several spectators to (.Concluded oa Fasa 8 ) L