Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 09, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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imere . icq liwaryoaie w eieomei j
'' NN-Th J $ isll Oregon
' I jBffijg A 2958 -'
Every Visiting Lady Elk From Out of Town Wearing the Official Badge
Will Be Presented With a Box of Glace Fruit at Our Store During the
Convention. Make Our Store Your Headquarters. Every Courtesy Will
Be Extended Waiting Room, Free Phone and Information Bureau at Your Service.
Oregon Distributers
This Famous Beer
The ideal thirst-quencher. Superbly de
licious; as pure and sparkling as the
mountain's air RAINIER BEER
Demand the Best
"Rainier Beer"
Your patronage solicited from the bottle
to the carload. When thinking beer
Delicious Refreshing Invigorating
Standard Brands Wines and
Liquors Carried by 11s.
Absolutely Guaranteed.
First & Alder
M2958 A 2958
Largest Pure Food Liquor
House. All Goods Guaran
teed Under the Pure
Food Act.
Colonel Makes Appeal for
- Votes, Asking All "Progres
- sives" to Join.
In States Where Both Republicans
and Democrats Are "Boss-Rid
den," Ho Says, Straight Xew
Ticket Mast Be Entered.
NFTW TORK. July 8. Roosevelt head
quarters made public here today a long!
telegram which Colonel Roosevelt sent
last night to William Allen White at
Emporia, KanCO ,c
Our appeal Nationally." says the
telegram, "is, of course, to all men of
progressive principles, regardless of
past party differences. The action lo
cally must be guided by the needs of
the local situation. In any state where
there Is no real Republican party I am
entirely content that the local or
ganisation should call itself by the title
of progressive Democratic, if that is
the locals' desire, and If they support
tne national progressive electors.
Entirely New Tickets Wanted.
"Where, as In New York, New Mexico
and Colorado, the local organizations
of bath Republican and Democratic
parties are helplessly boss-ridden and
reactionary, then . we must - have a
' straight progressive ticket from top to
bottom independent , of both the old
"Where, as I understand to be the
case in Kansas, South Dakota,- Cali
fornia and other states, the local Re
publican organizations is progressive!
and represents the principles for which
we stand. I hope that they will be ablet
to make the fight locally for good
government In whatever effective or
ganizations they have. .
Support of Old Party Expected.
"I feel that this year in ' the pro
gressive Republican states we should
have the support of the organization
une ii. Moreover. I feel that every
. where I have a right to exDeet the
support of the entire rank and file of
. tne Republican Dart v. I made a
straight-out primary fight and, in the
siaies wnere the Republican voters
themselves had the chance to express
ineir wisnes. i won by 2,000,000 plu
mmy. ....
r The titular National Republican
Pry today is not the party of the
ntpuoiicm voters and is not the party
of Abraham Lincoln, but purely thel
party of Messrs. Barnes, Penrose, Gug-
genneim ana company, who have stolen I
the door plate with the name, but have
no moral right to the name or any
thing else. Therefore, I hold every
jivnesi nepuDiican, who is true to Lin
coln's memory and principles, must vote I
wun us.
' Support of Electors Crzed.
"Under such conditions the entire
locai nepuoncan organization. In a
state like Kansas, can rightly continue
as sucn and yet is In duty bound loy
ally to support the National progres
sive electors, or course, i reel that in
every such progressive Republican
state, the progressive candidates for
any office should openly support the
National crosrresslve elector arwf ttn
In the same column on the ticket with
Stabbing Affray Has Sequel.
SUlt. Of thm fat.kln. T.ia
. vever&i men are to oe ar
rested, the Sheriff aaa
make a thorough investigation of the
affair and place it before the grand
Jury. The local denutv sheriff at Pa
cific City was badly beaten by the
man who was stabbed and a restaurant
proprietor named Via. Henry Brooten.
the man accused of the stabbing.
claims that he was whittling at the
time the trouble occurred and the
wound was the result of an accident.
He is In the hands of the Sheriff and
will be' held pending the Investigation.
Young Gets Lane Statistics.
' EUGENE. - Or.. July S. (Special.)
E. C. Statzer, representing farmers and
others in the Pleasant Hill neighbor
hood, who are working for an exten
sion of the Oregon Electric line from
Eugene to Dexter, yesterday forwarded
to President Young, of the Oregon Elec
tric, a great mass of statistics of their
portion of Lane County and also large
panoramic photographs that will show
the nature of the territory sought, to
be reached by transportation. Chief
Engineer Wlckersham and Freight
Agent Coman are expected to come
shortly and make a personal inspec
tion of the country and recommend Co
the president the feasibility of the
project. .
. You travel by the true scento route if
your . tickets read Canadian Paclfio,
Ticket office. Third and Pine (Mult
nomah Hotel).
out into streets, avenues, and 50x100 lots, and is being put on the market as the finest BEACH RESORT
proposition in the NORTHWEST, and the official name is MANZANITA BEACH: This name is appro
priate, because it is a pretty name, therefore in keeping with this tract of land and its location, and because
of the many thousands of pretty shrubs, known as MANZANITA, growing upon this tract. -
The "Ed Lane Place" is the best-known place between the mouth of the Columbia River, and the Cali
fornia line, because .of the fact that thousands of, people have, on their way south from Seaside, and north
from Coos Bay, stopped at "Ed Lane's" to enjoy the generous hospitality of this excellent family, and enjoy
T?oCellenCe f the surroundings and all these people appreciated the fact that HERE is to be THE BEACH
RESORT, of Oregon in particular, and the Northwest in general, and hundreds of these people said to Mr.
Liane, wnen you get ready to put this place upon the market, do not fail to let me know.'r Jlr. Lane and his
associates wisely deferred placing this "Lane Place" on the market until it was possible to get to it easily,
have acted with rare good judgment, for those desiring to purchase can run over to the place, now with ease
and little expense, and see just what they are getting, and we strongly advise this procedure, as we know that
to see, is to buy. ' - .
Manzanita Beach has one-half mile of ocean front and nine-tenths of the tract is covered with a fine
growth of young shade trees, and that on which there are no trees, is covered with a-fine sod. The shade
trees are being trimmed to a convenient height, and all underbrush will be removed, all street and avenues
surface graded, and water mains laid to and in the tract. Building restrictions, and the prohibiting of the
manufacture and sale of liquors, will be special features entered in each deed. Business houses will be con
fined to certain localities, and, in fact, everything will be done to make this place the REAL HOME BY THE
SEA place along the Oregon Coast. - . -
The elevation on the front, above extreme high tide, is twenty-five feet, and gradually rises to an eleva
tion of one hundred and twenty feet at the back part of the property.' This is ideal, and as the laying out of
the streets was done by contour streets in the low places and the building sites on the high ground gives to
this property a vast number of VIEW LOTS. :. :
The price of lots will be such that no one will have reason to complain, and the terms of payment will be
exceedingly easy. . '
MANZANITA -BEACH will be sold on honor. The owners and management standing back of all repre
sentations. Warranty deed and copy abstract will be the means of conveyance, and all rights will be abso
lutely protected. 4 . . ,
We unhesitatingly say that this is the finest location and the finest and the most appropriate piece of
property for beach purposes that has ever been offered in Oregon, and we are confident that it will be fully
appreciated. Go and see this property if you possibly can, but if you cannot, buy anyway, for there is not a
lot in the tract but what we can sell you and look you square in the face ever afterward.
W. W. Zollars, Manager and Exclusive Salesaerent
Room 601, Board of Trade Building , '
tmJTSr0 HERAfff Is s combined Telephone, Newspaper and En
tertainment Purveyor, "Heralding" Its service over an Independent
?J &i nf777i ne-way rvce according to a time schedule, from early
HJ?-?,nRt,i1 .lat at njht- A'l th important happenings of the day
transmitted to your home, office or place of business manv hours ahead
.JS.. newsPaPe", together with MUSIC, SOJVG, VAl'DEVILLB and
uZHtz B.ASKBAI'l' REPORTS right from the park; lectures, speeches.
I : i"iics ior tne cnnaren, happenings of
tZVL. irt,.S5' te,ePhoi: In clear and melodious tones; the human voice
and mumcnl InMtnimanta na,hfn ...... . . ., , , . ,
, Jtri a BC)jai ftla una aisLinci wire
system, not from records.
We Install without expense to you In your office, your home, anv
room or every room, a pair of Herald Listening; Receivers and commence
OUT" fllll Cnmmrclal aowirlr. XT . . . 1,1 ... "."...tULD
, , . . . . . . ..uLiuug iu AJjr uuiu wo cuuimence our
commercial service. Subscribe now.
COMMERCIAL SERVICE will commence about Oct. 1. The leading
hotels have already subscribed and will have "Heralds" in every rooin
'"uo.uun ui uunies ana omces already signed up.
At CO Rot1 Building- (formerly Tiill Jt Clbbs Bldg.), Tth and Morrison.
. . . - ....... Hvn,Mai, Ait ArauH lie mironj on iviessanine Floor.
Stanley Conneli Amy Baker Alberta Gillam Alice Shafer
Baritone . Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Contralto
Starnor Leonard (. the Great Italian T,nn, win n m--i, u. H
Inc dally at 3i30 and . Evenings '8 nnd 6i30 U i rom flera
Phone your name to Main S045, Home A 3213. We will send you descrip
tive booklet.
OREGON TELEPHONE HERALD CO, 5th floor Royal Building
. Associate company of the United States
Telephone Herald Company of New York i
Portland, Oregon
WANTED Reliable salesmen. -Have interesting proposition for first-class hotelman.
. ". . ' " ' " ' '
HT " ' ' f
dominates" at this beautiful resort. It
is the combination of mountains, sea- L
shore and country that makes Bay
ocean such a charming place for a
Summer vacation.
' Gil 106.2