18 THE MORXIKG OKEGOXlAiV, TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1912. . -j "1 mar WATOD-MAI.K. " I KT.I-P WANTKIMISCKM-AKKOCS. 1 BTTUATIOX WANTED-FEHAUS. I ' i ""V .,,. At! SLlT " Mlscellaneou. P. O. GRANDSTAND LUMBER H PRICE. 61S. SllO. llli!. lxtt- uoruvn, ..... WA XT E D M 1 SC EtXANEOTS. WANTED Second-hand. two-seated hack or : JIht sprln; waon: mm bo " J1 description and nam price. Address a. Z'tti. oreffonian. WE hi L I tLUi n- TOOLS. Hlcheet price paid for T," ladles' cast-off clothing, shoe, furniture. . . . . - . ,. , -IJ V1T7 K tool., mechanic. loa-ain. Call Main uow. 2u let et. 1 ne second-hand piano, X WANT to Duy m Jl ai or rnrtD rive mavav inu ....... , lime payment ." w.n WANTED Light slnfle farm " ' haruees. e-ood condition, and cheap. rlth O WANT party to ehare f urnilure r.J?nV V 1 ly, wicmia or uhwiu ..- r;. Heas. 140 r.at psimmi. WANTED MOV INO-PICTt RE OUTFITS roiainir coiirw, puuvb i.i". - - - nl.nn. film, etc. A ' w .-.v..---. . . .. nrir for aecond ",f.i,;V i, I s,.i Martin. Phone -East 8134. 84 Hawthorne ve. ... . c-. . , i. -m m ar-A with len 'describe fully and glvo lowest cash price. AH t. Oreironlan. WILL tint rooma for $1.50: paint houses a your price. East S23. Reliable painter. FORD Auction Co. Paya most cash for any kind or furniture, aiain pwi. " ...... WANTED Scrap Iron In any Quantity, at , once. J. Bernhardt. mi ix at- 1 FLOOR ahowcase; atate Juat what you have. M wo, uregoniau. HEI.P WATEI MALE. SPECIAL. ,. The amount of extra mechanic require a to handle bulldina; construction worn in . Edmonton. Alberta, la aa followa: 200 carpentera at 43c per nour ana up 100 brtchler at 70c per hoar. S electrlciana at 40c to 0o per hour. . 16 aheet metal workera at 80c to 66c per hour. ABL.E-I10DIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corpa. between the ajes of 19 and S,: muat be native' born or have flrat pa . pern; monthly pay tb to t: additional compensation possible; food. clothing;, quarter and medical attendance free; af ter 80 years' service can retire with .5 per cent of pay and allowancea: service . on board ship and ashore In all parts of ' tha world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Ofrice. Third and WaJhinion st.. or 13"- Third at.. Portland. Or. MAN FOR TALKING-MACHINE SECTION nntf Kv THE MEIER FRANK STORE One thoroufthty experienced In - the handling and selling or TaiKing aia ' chines, i pply at Superintendent'a Ofnce before 10 A. M. HELP WANTED. MILL HELP, complete crew, carriage riders, steam setters, head trlmmerman. graders, mill laborers, etc.. near Spokane, In Idaho; ateady employment; good pay for good men. Clothing Dept. Manager. 1 30 week: also - assistant. 'JO week. BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Spokane. Washington. TOUNO man. IS to 10 yeara of age. living at home, for office poaition In city; roust be neat, good oenman, quick and accur ate In figures: must have good habits and good record; permanent position if satisfactory: wages -K per month to " start. Write your application with pen; confidential. 8 202. Orcronian. WANTED. High-class salesman. Ton can make from (300 to $200 month. See Barnard. 40J Teon Bldg. WANTED Man with family, familiar with - farm work, to take up residence on small place: permanent position, with $2.25 wages to start; S5.V) acquires possession on homo place: balance can be paid for from lart of wages. AN 4!. Oregonian. AGENTS to sell the only official Elks trans parency for auto, mlrrora and ahow win dows; come around, you owners of autos, and get In the swim: have your wind . shields decorated at 70 7th su. next to B. P. O. -E- headquartera. Oak St- WANTED Bend musicians who double or chestra: traveling show: must be sober and rellablr: wrlto or wire lowest salary with expenses. Sunnyside. Wash.. 10-11; ' Mabton, 12-13: Kennewlck, 14-15. Chaa Royal. SALESMEN wanted: real live hustlers to push a good proposition; this Is some thing out of the ordinary and will be a winner. Call at 420 Henry bldg. Phone Main 24. Ask for Mr. Morphew. STOCK SALESMAN Sell stock In eatab . Ilshed concern, aales to be made among ' rural class. Only experienced need apply; estate experience. C. B. Perklne, lVa Morrlron st. SALESMAN A-l SALESMAN. SUCCESS FUL AND EXPERIENCED. CAN SECURE PROFITABLE POSITION WITH PROM .l.VSXT PORTLAND FIRM. ADDRESS AD 190. OREGONIAN. toTRoNO and willing young man to drive -delivery wagon, with some experience: ' grocery business preferred. Address box "214. St. Helens, Or., stating age. salary expected, etc. iiTVE dependable salesmen wanted In sev era I good fields to sell our unsurpassed nursery stock: cash paid weekly; write us - at once. Washington Nursery Co., Top- penlsh. Wash. SALESMAN wanted for Winona Mills aeam - less hosiery; established business; good commission. G. W. Booxcr. Mgr., 417 Ar- cade bldg., 6?att!e. WANTED Canvassers, salesmen and ao llcttors, at SI 3d st. Tear s work. Call in A. M. or after 6 P. M.. ask for sales manager. THERE'8 money In selling our Yakima :. grown, hardy, guaranteed stock: outfit free; cash weekly: ateady work. Taklma Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. CAPABLE man to take atate agency for lat . eat novelty; sella readily: only men of " ability wanted; also have opportunity for man going to Alaska. Call Til Couch bldg. SOLICITORS wanted to sell men's and .. women's clothes on the installment plan; ' first-class proposition to hustlers. Call Tuesday. 9 A M.. Lincoln Outnttlng Co. WANTED Experienced rubber-tire sales man: none other need apply: permanent position to the right man. AP 1S4. Ore . gonian. WANTED A capable bookkeeper with aome - knowledge of alenography. position tem porary, but may be made permanent; state salary and experience. N 206. Oregonian. MEN to represent manufacturing company In Seattle and Tacoma territory; must have bualneaa experience: some Investment necessary, u stun, uregonian. WANTED FIrst-clasa route man for city; also a few openinga outside of town: - must be adapted for the business. Grand Union Tea Co. WANTED Three or four machinists. Stat age, experience, reference, address and phone number. P 108. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED special edition advertising solicitor, religious magaslne, new prop osltlon. commission. 28 Madison. A LIVE real estate salesman wanted; good . proposition. Call 718 Chamber of Com- merce. bet. 10-12 A. M. RELIABLE men and women with selling ability required to Introduce new line; llb- eral commissions. Phone Main S325. WANTED First-class pastry baker for fore man. SOo Morrison st. WANTED Large boy, German preferred, to learn saJrers traae. &w aiorrison. BAKER'S helper wanted. 147 Klllingaworth v-a phnriA Woodlawn 663. BoY about 1$ to help in auto paint ahop. Speedwell bldg.. 14th and Couch. WANTED Boy with wheel. 15 North sin si flRST -CLASS Boilermakers wanted. Call lj commercial tino pma- WANTED Experienced porter at Weinhard Astoria Hotel. Astoria. Oregon. THREE young men to canvass new offer; good wages. 301 Dekum bldg. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered: snap for agents. Cothbert Studio. Dekum bldg. BOYS on motorcycles and bicycles make $.V to $100 a month. S34 Yamhill. PHOTO coupon agents, something new. a snap. Boston ptuuw, mnaw. COLORED porter for barber ahop. 622 Washington st. WANTED A delivery boy: call early. Prompt Tailoring Co.. 432 Stark. BARBER wanted; steady Job. 203 Madlaon street. . WANTED Experienced clothing aaleamai. Howman Bros.. 3d and Bumaide sts. WANTED Experienced wringer man. Ap ply at once. International Laundry Co. WANTED Flrat-claaa coatmakera. United Talors. 2flrtH Stark, room 24. WANTED- gooa an. vu 9r - Trad- . BARBER, wanted, ateady Job. lit Morri- son et. TWO salesmen, easiest and best proposition i town. 601 Rothchlld bldg. in to""- w' it:d High-class salesman. Aak for ii..rton 422 Yeon bldg. INCIDENT. fOne of manr. Office Secretary Employment Department. I. M. c A. Tonne- man. itnutrer. seeklnr employ' ment 20 bis total cash asset) If I pay you 3 for employment membership. I will have only $13 left between ma and starva tion. fiMimtcrv T votl DtT SS for employ ment memberahlo. you will have the T. M. C. A-. with all It resources, between you ana starvation. Rniit- Tniin man tolned association. In less than a wee, he had satisfactory employment. , , ... 11 a M .1. Mnittia nitlnc Jnna SO: Calls for men I'SS Positions filled 83 Employment membership guarantees member will secure employ mini of membership fee: give two month full mAmKANhln miril0-a 10 month SOCtSl privileges and undertakea to keep member employed curing tnc tuii icrra m bership without lurmer cnr. iL'. .A..ni rimind for CLBR' ICAL. TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL See secretary employment department. x. M. c. A. WANTED TODAT. vm 1 1 1 .n,t ..pd m An w I r V. SAW mill lust startln ud: wages $2.25 to $3.30. ems iw;. . , S Fare Paid. . ar Paid r-, , CkU TAitl Loggers for Northern California, Large shipment tonlgnt. Free Fare. Fr Fare. Hundreds of other Jobs. "' New work coming in alt the time. Watcb our Bulletin Board. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222 and 234 Couch 6U bet. lt and 2d. SALESMEN WANTED FOR CANADA The real estate boom is on In wanaaa. it you can make good selling anything any place you can do better selling real estate in Canada: the largest salea organization in Canada want salesmen wttn experience sAlllne real estate. Insurance, booka. pic tures, pianos, etc. Real estate experience not necessary; also men with ability to manage branch office and direct sale force, our salesmen are now maaing irom $30 to $.100 per week, and we have an opening for you. Aaareas riaiea atanagvr, 17-18 Cadogan block, Calgary, Alta.. Can ada. . WANTED Good, reliable salesmen; cash advanced, outfit supplied; gooa money to be made. Carlton Nursery Co.. Carlton. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE: PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EA8T OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST ANEENY STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 230. GOOD PAT TO EXTRA WAITRESSES At the Meier Frank tor' Tth floor restaurant. Wanted for week of July 8. Apply at once at restaurant desk. HOTEL cook. $30: ranch cook. 40: diaraber- maia. xi aay; . waitresses. bbwuu girl. $25 and $30: nurse girl. $-'0; family rook. $40. Hansen Empt. Office, 343 Vi Wash, at., room 7. YOUNG lady bookkeeper and stenographer; must oe experienced; in Keeping xuu set double entry booka. Apply, giving expe rience, references and salary expected. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking room apartment. Apply morning. &0 N. 23d St.. apartment 8. NURSE GIRL, not under 20 years, for three man cnunren; must oe neat ana rau cated; reference required; wages $20. 1327 Cleveland ave. THE COTERIE General and Domestlo Serv ice Bureau, room 806 central oiog.. an oeavora to render the oast of ervloo t. It patron. Main 76T. MILLINERY DESIGNER and trimmer; must be thoroughly capable with recent nigo clasa Eastern city or San Francisco ex perlence. X ln2. Oregonian. - WANTED Girl for general housework for couple with year-old baoy. 1043 vaugnn st.. Willamette Height. Take "W" car to 31st st. Phone Marshall 1713. A 1848. WANTED Woman for general housework. mornings only. 6l j&aai eotn at .norm. Phone Tabor 1208. HOUSEKEEPER, cooks, waitresses, second girls, chambermaids, nurses. BL uouis Agency. 258H Alder. Main 2030. A 4773. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 151 &ast littn, near -jayior. raonci East 1593, B 21 75. WANTED Young lady or gentleman, assist ant bookkeeper; state salary ana experi ence. AV 493, Oregonian. WAIST finishers, experienced only; good wages; apprenticea wantea. uorriaon at. RELIABLE men and women with selling ability required to introduce new line; liberal commUslons. Phone Main 8823. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework. ,0 upstairs worn, ooa ao llnda avenue. Head of Johnson st. N EAT-APPEARING girl, experienced at fountain and candy counter. itusseu St.. near Williams ave. Apply at 10:30. WANTED An experienced second girl. Ap- ply-mornlngs. 3fi3 W. park, corner Mill. Phone Main 4172. WANTED Experienced skirt and coat hand. ladles' department. K. M. uray, 4tn ana Morrison. GIRL for general housework; small family or adults. APPiy 200 xx. iom, cor. Nortn rup. - . WANTED Refined, capable woman for re- Ikt. 1 . 1 ' VUnl .AA Dm.W child bldg.. 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 27014 Washington St., near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 3266. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 34314 Waahlngton St.. corf 7th, upstair. Phone Main 2602. WANTED Girl for general housework, must be competent cook wltn reierences. tra rs. 23d. Apartment 4. WANTED A No. 1 lady presser on ladles' garments. Electric cleaners, cor. 2a ana Mill. Phone M. 7833. GIRL to do general housework in an apart ment. Call mornings. Apt. ei. Trinity Place Apt. BUSINESS firm needs a woman not under 25. who is trustwortny ana capable; pcrlence unnecessary, y aiz. uregonian. COOK, $50; chambermaids, $83; waitress, tA IlAwii'i A r.nav 81. 70U Vuhln. ton st. . WANT salealtdy. with references, to sell novelties and pennant. 92 H 6th. M. Pol llck. GIRL for cooking and general - houaework. 763 Broadway. East 1152. GIRL to assist with housework; no cooking; family of 3. 611 Weldler et. HOUSEKEEPER for small family, no ob Jectlon to small child. Phone Marshal 717. COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework, hm .-n. ojq st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 496 .ast 14U1 at- i-.. law inmfronar. SECOND MAID, references. Apply morn ings, xio p.. -ti A GOOD cook, small family. Apply 769 Northrop at., between 23d and 24th. WMTRESS. f.-xperlenced. Thompaon's res taurant. 14 4th st. WANTED Reliable glrL Kt Hood Laundry, 621 1st St. GIRL for second work. Apply in morning. 336 King St. Main 2511. TWO young girls to wait on tables in Ice cream parlor, can a. once at is stn. A GIRL for general housework and cooking. 6S3 Myrtle st WANTED Girl to take care of 3 children. Phone Tabor 13O0. GIRL wanted to make badge; experience not necesry. 26 N. 6th t. WANTED Experienced waitress at the Weinhard Astoria Hotel, Astoria. Oregon. GIRL wanted, general housework. 331 tth St. DISHWASHER. 301 6tark St. WAITRESS wanted. 881 Stark st. HELP WANTKD MALE OR FEMALE. LARGE corporation desires the service of three saieemen ana aaiaawomen. Apply 334 Alder st. HELP W A NTED MTSCKLLANEOT S. WANTED Picture, play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Association. San Francisco. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; blr pay: free booklet tells how. United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. ELITE PRIVATE Buslneps College. - 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 425S. Open all year. INTERESTED In either BUSINESS (book keenlng. real estate, land, conveyance), CIVIL SERVICE (positions, questions. In struction, etc ). INSTRUCTION tianguas-, letter wrttlno-. nractlcal arithmetic). DIFFICULTIES (problema and questions to instruct, not senseless puzzles) ? 25c for copy "usetui Education. - 11 wsmn". your money promptly returnea. x. joui son. 111 w. 7th st.. rueoio. coio. MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemen V. ... M . . - seA .a -An mnnlhlV- promotion. engineer-conductor; experi ence unnecessary; no strike; age 18-83. Railroad employing headquarters, thou sands of men sent to positions on ovdr 1000 official calls. State age. Railway MEN and women to learn the barber trade in eight week; special inducements; it Mnii.i flM i H UarnlnB- toola free expert instructors; 17 years in the busi ness; 7 schools: a lifetime membership given to each student, Moler Baroer -oi lege. S3 N. Fourth St.. Portland. Or. BARBERS' Board of Examiners of Oregon will be in session July in. is. n. at 101 n irtM. at hia riiv fn the miriMii of ex amining' all those holding permits; all permit will bo revoked if the parties noiaing mem ao not appear ior tlon. T. M. Leabo. ' eecretary. WANTED MEN TO TAKE MOVING PIC TURES; WE TEACH YOU HOW AND FURNISH OV CAMERA FOR $300: WE CONTRACT TO BUY PICTURES FROM YOU. THE PAN-AMERICAN CAMERA CO.. 833 OAK ST. - WAVTED At onne. man cabable of hand ling 4-horse team to take interest In young orchard In Hood River district and posi tion at rood wage; must nave gauu caan. D 191, oregonian. YOUNG men and ladle wanted to learn telegraphy, railroad and wireless: big demand: reduced rates. Call or address National Tel. Inst.. 305 Commonweaun biag. RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare now. ex cellent salaries and promotions; no lay off a, sure pay; free book. Call today, Pa- -11. ci.AAf m.itbh kljt. f 1 r w WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE ment. install .iytems. GUllngham. au dltor. 312 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. VATTnir.viT.I.R Arta to order: 1 write any thing for the stage. Ed 6. Allen. Lyric Theater, upstairs, mags oancing iaunm MOVING, picture operating. full course taugnt; secure positions; price Lcrm-. 404 Rothchlld-bldg., 4th and Washington. SHORTHAND, typewriting school. 269 14th St. Main Expert instruction. j mu. F1SK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for schoyls and teachers. 610 swetiana oiag. HELP WANTED Union Laundry Co., Sec ond and columbln. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. WANTED By a man of ability, oppor tunity to serve to tne ena ot eaiituu and profit firm general contractors; pos sess reliability and endurance and. can get action. Address AD 198, Oregonian. COUNTRY merchant Do you want a tore manager? One who is a gooa oookeeper. salesman "and buyer; a man experienced, sober and reliable and a worker? If so, address W 211. Oregonian. OFFICE WORK Experienced In circulation work, mall oraer soliciting, emu ivici v.. monthly publication; can handle mailing out circular matter of any kind. Local referencea. AS la. oregonian. YOUNG married man with 7 yeara' banking experience. vmuii, " l- Itlon In country bank or similar poaition, . . ... Km -,.arnnlan DeBL rcicrrnvts. w r wa, w v... ... COMPETENT and dependable bookkeeper ana ciera bcckb otsjuuu, nuuv - stenoranhv. o 22S. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING service as required; relia- Dle party. . jaain imi. jh-i w. - -nlan. Miscellaneous. GIVE ME A TRYOITT. Juat settled in Portland: would accept any fair offer In first-class company If prospects good; age 35; experience covers manufacturing methods, mechanical and construction engineering, heating, venti lation, buying, selling and credits; cor respondence and supervision; excellent ed ucation; ample energy. AN 205. Orego nian. MUPNICIFAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 215 Second St., Corner Salmon. Women's Department. 24B Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical mala and female help furniahed on short notice; no fee charged. Phone Main 8363. A 8624. TO FARMERS or to whom It may concern. young man or aDiuty. single, me expe rience on farm, irrigator, could furnish best of references, moral and working man, seeks position of charge for few months; none but a trntworthy person need apply. M 204. Oregonian. WOULD like position a managor in apt. house, nave gooa experience ana gooa rei erences. opened up two new apt. houses the last year, one 65-apt., one 24. O 229, Oregonian. APPLLS. aa packer, buyer or saleaman. bright, clean-cut American; can lurnisn A-l reference a to ability and honeaty. J. J. 8., 1107 Fulton ave., Bronx, New York City. ARCHITECTURAL engineer, technical ed ucation, wishes permanent position; steei work, reinforced concrete, terra cotta and foundations a specialty. Phone Roger,. Main S3C4. ONE elderly man handy with tool, accept any kind of position within city. laoor 8378. TRAP drummer want position; has com pressed air and an eixects. .rnona nast 6371. YOUNG machinist wants work; can do In stalling ox macninery. f none wooaiawn 2717. CHEF or flrat-claas cook, atrictly sober, de sires work; best ox reierences. Address w. J. Smith, 848 Clay st. fhone A BSB4. FAITHFUL Japanese boy wishes position .i.i . ...i. iir lai r-k CDUH1US SUU ,1 U U. D WUI AB. . V wt-ew- nlan. HEAD WAITER would like position in ho tel, city or country: experienced In nnest hotels. N zuv. uergonian. JAPANESE boy wants steady work as por ter, chamber or Janitor, well experienced CHAUFFEUR, first-class, would like place driving during weea; rexerencea. wooa iawn 1933. CHAUFFEUR want Job; reliable driver. G 207. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR want position to private family. N 210. Oregon! drive for an. COMPETENT baker and confectioner wants position; highest references, c vzo. GOOD Japanese boy wants any kind of work in forenoon. A u 4uo, irregoni&ii. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, thoroughly experi enced in general on ice work ana casnier lng. desires permanent position; beat of reference. - T 207. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, 4 year' experience, now employed, desires position; good reasons for change. A 228. Oregonian. AN experienced and capable stenographer desire position at once; rexerencea tau Marshall 8734. STENOGRAPHER, four years' experience In sires position. East 8482. ' YOUNG lady, employed, would like position cashier, assistant oooKKeeper or gen eral office clerk. Main 6381. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER 4 yeara' experience tn law nrm. aenires permanent position, will substitute. Home B 1009 STENOGRAPHER, some experience, wishes position. fnone aiaranaii loi, oeu w. M. and 5 P. M. Dressmaker. M'DLLS DB BILLAUT, 633 Washington tltia-Sl BUHIIV.f. . ...... slve French designs In gown, cult, walata, etc DRESSMAKING done In families for $1.50 per day. Phone Beliwooa ioz. call xor Miss M. Bonser. ' LADY wants to do sewing or housework for room, Doara ana use oi piauu. su v,.vre- gonlan. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring by the day, o. xapor ego, uiijbiibuvpm. FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by aay. no nniwim .-.j . COMPETENT nurse would like cares or . . ... . . ' ii iicq in , ia nospltai poaiuon. aiarvua.it no an Oregonian. MATERNITY nurse wants case at once: do housework. Mam x7. EXPERIENCED young christian woman as child nurse, i-none a eui-t. EXPERIENCED woman nurse, children, ln- valld or nouseaeypcr. amin wr, a ino. Housekeepers. SITUATION houekeeper, reliable widow Wltn gill O. WWJUWCl " W..v. . can cook for club of men. Call or. ad dree Willamette Hotel. Room 10, Ore-, gon City. X WIDOW of refinement, with daughter. Wishes nouseaoepili in bvhuduuui ih.ii.o. Mrs- Florence C. Sweet. G. D.. Portland. Or. . ' WANT Job. housekeeper or chambermaid In room:ng-nouse, wnu n.iiucMr,iu mhyi- . a yUha 1 . .. . . '! lege ana gowi wKc. t .muc jih a wi a m 2 svv-vt n w knl K H bi 1 rSk a hnilackn)!.. aitao.. i;-.;o ' I lng. DL UHIH - .iu mvtjv. f YOUNG German girl wants work by day or halt day. housework. AM 303, Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG lady stenographer wishes to care for children part evenings in part pay ment for room and board. A 2a0, Orego nian. . BY A homemaker. an opportunity to make - a nome ior wcneiur, uuu y. -good cook and manager. Addre R 191. oregonian. HIGHLY experienced teacher would like to tutor in puonc kqwii mii"i . - ;, -school mathematics. Phone Marsh. 138a FIRST-CLASS camp or ranch cook wants position at once; references. AB 192, Ore gonian. YOUNG lady pianist wishes position: grad uate of University, school of music, at Lin coin. Neb. .Phone A 3498. LACE curtains washed, 9 years' experience. Mr. Scott, Tabor 2443. - WIDOW wanting work would like care of otxico nuuamg. is zho, umniinm. DAY work by capable woman. Phone Main 494. STRONG woman want work by the day, 26c an hour. East 1944. LADY want laundry or houework by the aay. Main oi'u. WOMAN want work, 25c hour, or day. Main 34J3. " EXPERIENCED woman wants work today and ell week. Main 8353. room 121. EXPERIENCED woman wants washing and ironing by aay. waranau ww. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE have considerable Inquiry for desirable houses, stores, etc.. to rent. In all parts of the city. We make a specialty of col lecting rents and managing all kinds of property. Wra. C. Borchers, financial agent. 207-208 Oregonian bldg. WANT to rent for next 3 or 4 months a furnished house, 4 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms and sleeping-porch; must be in desirable neighborhood. Dorr Hi. n-easey et aw ond floor cnamoer or tommere WA.NICI' aicunru iuiii.biiw .... u-., v .w . rooms, walking distance, adults only; ( months or longer; good care taken of fur niture: city references: give full particu- i . . ... u 9AQ Oroonnian IF YOU wish to rent your house or flat, WATSON THERKELSEN CO-305-6 Spalding blag. Main 7692. Rooms. AUG. 1 Room with exclusive people, meals optional; nothing but exceptionally first clasa places considered. . AM 186, Orego nian. ' Rooms With Board. YOUNG lady stenographer desires board and room, private family. F 226, Oregonian, FOR RENT. t-urnlshed Rooms. THE SARGENT HOTEL. Grand and Hawthorne Ave. For rent, tha nnest corner parlor, bed room and bath suites in tha city: large rooms, beautifully furnished, cine win dows, fine view of all the mountains; also some single room; elevator service, tele phone, hot and oold water, e tec trio light and steam heat; moderate price for de sirable tenants; eight atreatcar lime pass the building. The largest and coolest room In the city. If yon are looking for permanent, home like quarter, be sure and inspect the Sar gent before locating. Excellent restaurant in connection with tha hotel. Phone East 291. J. H. CLARK. Proprietor. NOW OPEN! NOW CPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnished hotels HOTEL - HOTEL HOTEL MI NOOK. PARSONS, ROWLANDS, 2134 4th at. 211H4tht. 207 4th st. On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to Salmon at.; brand-new brtok; elegantly furnished; ateam heat, private hatha, hot and cold water in all rooma; strictly up to data in all respect, and at popular price. If you want something out of the ordinary. In tha heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, a w know you will like it. Room by the day. week or month. Touriat trade solicited ANGELA' HOTEL, 625 Washington St. Under New Management. Largs lobby, finished in mahogany, til and marble: ladles' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone aervlce In rooms all night and day. electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in all room, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guest; rent the moat reaaonablo in the. city; rooms by the day. week or month. Look this over before locating. Take W ct at Depot, get off at 19th and Washington. HOTEL SAVON, 181 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building: team heated private hatha, hot and cold water In room; beautifully furnished, cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde eta Absolutely fireproof; new ana eiegannj furniahed rooms: private baths; steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones in each room; special rates by the month. Phone Marshall 4049. GRAND UNION HOTEL, 867 East Burnslde Street. Live In this hotel and cave money on your room rent. We have 120 modern rooms, single or en suite, rooms with pri vate bath; rates 50c to $2 per day, $2 to $6 ptr week. East 5940. B 1275. RAINIER HOTEL -. One block from Union Dopot: 140 outsld rooms with hot and cold water and ateam heat; offers special rates for permanent guests; rates 60c to $2 a day; $3.60 and up per week, .fnono main oj.. CADILLAC Hotel. Third at., half block south Jefferson; rates $1 to xz-ou. re cently refurnished. Suites, with 2 double beds, $3. Phones, Main 1625. A 2786. Rooms for all. . HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for bual- nesa people; cenu-atiy tocaiea, iu rooms; all modern conveniences r 7th and Taylor sta, 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main 91a. HOTEL CALUMET. 160 Park St., very central, European and American plan; homelike service In dining-room at reasonable price; $1 European, $2 American. Special rate per week. vaw nnnnrR nnTRL 106 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up. THE L1NDELL. Large, pleasant front rooma; easy walk ing distance; all home conveniences; 12. $2.50 to.$4 per weex. go n su jaain 000. BAKER HOTEL 265 6th St.. opposite City nail. iew. mooeru ones Dunuius, hot and cold water, phone and bath; beautifully furnished. Rate reasonable. LARGE, splendid double rooms on first and second floors; eacn suuaoio ior o per sons; corner rooms, facing 10th and Mor rison 165 10th at-; "W" car from depot. ROOMS for rent, $1 day per person; walking dlatancej during convention, qqq ft - side room, 111 cuuinieuM, k.u. .... 60c and up, by week $2.50 and up. 24$ Holladay ave. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished rooms. hot ana coia waiei. i"11' - -$15. Main 5435. 505 Jefferson st. Newly -furnished, strictly modern. 248 Salmon. ...mcr rnonnri 9ftU 11TTT KT New, strictly modern, private baths; room $3.60 Der week up. Main 9472. NEATLY furnlhed rooms, close in. every thing nmar. Au ui ... ..vvu - Washington. DO you want a good room in a good loca- uon at a iow imo . w - , 1 ;r 227 Larrabee t- East Side. East 849. " Rooms at "The Garland," 2S Trinity pi ace, cor, waaningtoii g FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooma in nei brick building, gams rum . DESIRABLE and convenient furnished - - . W. . .nolnAB jt90 HMIIIOI1 rooms 111 I riUMJll U. u . ' ' 11(1. NICELY furnished comfortable rooms, tran- . . i . . l.lrnra. , RS7 Taylor icini luviu. ' . j GAYOSA HOTEL, modern rooms $1 day and up. Grand ave. ana nasr. pmrs.. NEATLY furnished rooms at the Rose, 189 8d st Furnished Room In Private Family. TWO pleasant connecting room; suitable for four people: close In. -- Flret-clasa neignbornooq. zi" HAVE nice rooms: can ee parade irom .- porch. 208 11th st. THREE furnished sleeping rooms for rent. reasonable. T K. mn. ' in" - VISITORS In city will And pleasant rooms at 634 Morrison, cor. 17th. NICELY furnished rooms, all convenience. 807 Market! FOR good clean double beds in a private family can up ocuwuw n-". FRONT room with sleeping Prch: ""US." lng qistance irom x-. vj. ........ ..... FRONT room, strictly modern; suitable for two. 427 ciay. near 1 tin. FURNISHED sleeping apartment. 32 N. 11th. . ... ELKS AND VISITORS. t iAO,ani ,....., rooma run. nlng water, accommodation for 2, 3, 4 In each, beautiful grounds. 4 blocks from P. u. z5 ntn. Mam 3S4. VISITING ELKS One front and back par lor, seoond floor, 2 double beds with bath, also lights, light breakfast If de sired, suitable for party ox lour, join ror ter st. S. Phone Sellwood 1109 W V T . I . furnished, l.r.n alrv rooms. In prl vate family, walking distance; take Rose City Park or East Ankeny car to East 16th and Everett. 80 East 16th N. Phone East 1815. ROOMS for 8 people at 63 and 8 East 9th St.: 60 cents each person: easy walking . distance, between Stark and Oak. Phone East 2312. - TWO rooms for Elks. bath, modern; bne front room; also two light housekeeping rooms; every convenience; 15 minutes' ride S-S car. 723 E. Stark at. ROOMS. Just furnished, modern house, steam heat, one with private bath: good - car service, walking distance, oest 01 mr nisnings. 1394 lath st., or. 01 narneon. VITtf V flriAlv fnrnlahMn larze front rOORt. . every modern convenience, close In, 16 m(n. walk to P. O.; $15 a month. 331 iiarnson. TWO airy rooms, modern conveniences, home privileges, walking distance. East Side. 228 East 17th st- S. - Phone - East 5825. LARGE, light, airy room with i beds suit able for 2 gentlemen: electric lights, bath, phone, etc. olose in; private entrance. By day or week. 228 Tenth st. NICELY furnished room In private horns SIS, Including bath, etc, within easy walk ing distance, to let to responsible gentle man. Call East 4627. LADY or rentleman can have nice room in small private family . reasonable. 146 Glbbs between Corbett and Kelly. Phone A 8507.- TWO nicely furnished rooms, close in on Broadway, walking distance. -1 large room with porch for 2 or 8. Tel. Eaat 4042, C uzi. ri.i.AaAAr room ior rem. eunawiD iwr walklnsr distance. 1 block from several cars: breakfast if desired. Phone East 4440. 229 E. 3d N. NICELY furnished rooms, from $2 weekly, easy walking distance, phone. 633 Wash- mgton. NICE large alcove room with sleeping porch; also single room. Mar. 4872. 162 N. 22d st. ' VERY fine, quiet furnished room with use ox earn. 4BJ cnapman ana v.uli.uu cor. Portland Helghta. . $10 MONTH Pleasant, neatly furnished room, suitable for two. all conveniences. 123 Z3d st. VISITING F.Ika will find well furnished rooma reasonable, 32 East 15th st. Phone East. 6328. FURNISHKD room m fine apartment bouse, private bath, gentlemen only. 189 N. 23d ft. Marshall 2821. COMFORTABLE front bedroom, close In, best car service, reasonable. Phone East 8680. 871 Multnomah St., near Union. NICELY furnished front room for rent dur ing the week, walking distance, 1 block to Morrison-si. car. no 15.. 10m st. $3.00 WEEK Nice furnished room In pri vate family; walking distance; Jefferson car by door. 821 Chapman sr., near Clay. WELL-FURNISHED room for young man, easy walking distance. 595 East Taylor, corner of East 15th. Phone East 2006. THREE furnished rooms during Elk week reasonable, 703 Multnomah. Phone East 4808. FURNISHED front room, all convenlencea 170 Chapman St., between Morrison and Yamhill. DESIRABLE furnished room In ..modern apartment. Apply second floor D, 469 Jefferson. Main 7504. . BRIGHT front room, suitable for two; walking distance. 664 GMsan. FURNISHED rooms on line of parade. 11th st. 211 FURNISHED front rooms; suitable for one. two or three. 850 salmon. NICE pleasant furnished rooms. 10 min utes from P O. 385 4th. A385T. FOR RENT- Furnished front room, private family; suitable for 2 gents. 2S6 13th. FRONT parlor, very reasonable, right down town, suitable for two. 230 lOtri TWO lovely sleeping rooma In private home, close in. Marshall 4012. LARGE pleasant room, use of piano, walk lng distance. 861 10th st. TWO well-furnlhed rooms, private family, near Washington st. 70 Lucretta t. NICELY furnished rooms, t blocks carllne, close in. 708 Everett NICE furnished room, light, bath: gentle- men. $5.50 month. 269 Fargo st. u car. PLEASANT rooms In Irvlngton home, block from Broadway car. Phone East 8226. LARGE front room, price reasonable, prl. vate family. 384 Halaey. Phone East 1371. A FEW transom rooms left in private fam ily. 610 ciay THREE well-furnlshed rooms during Elk week, walking distance. Marshall 4112. NICE clean sleeping rooms for rent- 68 N. 14th. NICELY furnished room. 373 Irving, near ISth. Marshall 3532. ROOMS for" rent by day or week, private family. Tabor 3661. IDEAL rooms In an Ideal home; gentle man. Phono Main 441L TWO or three nicely furniahed rooma In private residence, reasonable. 692 Front. ROOMS in private family; desirable. 107 North 16th. Phone Main 6513. TWO nicely furnished rooms. 131 N. 23d st. CENTERrooms 31 a day. 351 N. 2 2d. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Unfurnished. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, all new and modern, , shades linoleum on kitchen floor. Phone Woodlawn 247$. Rooms With Board. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda: quiet, close In, near car; 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. PORTIJLND WOMEN'S UNION, 23d year. Rooms with board, use 01 sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flandom. Mrs. B. N. Wilson, sup. THE LAMBERSON, 534 Couch t-, very de sirable ouuiae rooms, steam nei, run ning water, with or without board, close. MANITOU. 261 13th t. Attractive, clean rooms, steam n.iat, gooa ooara. close in. THE 1IAZEL, Furnished roms with board. running water, ateam nf 1. 00.1 00 si. Rooms With Board In Private Pinnly. LADY boarder can secure good table board and room in atrictly private family where no other boarders are kept, on East Side,. 20-mlnute car service to town; references exchanged. V 197. Oregonian. VISITING Elks will find nicely furnished large tront room un owm 11 uob.i.u , strictly home cooking, modern conven ience, fine location. 787 Gllsan, near 23d. Phone Marshall 764. ROOMS and board for rent In private fam ily on East Side. 932 E. 6th St. N., near Prescott st. Take Woodlawn or Alberta car Phone Woodlawn 2411. 24 JEFFERSON, room and board; pri vate family; rate very reasonable; com and see. ; VERY pleasant front room with board for one or two pwyn. home cooking. Main 8280. LARGE well furnished rooms; beautiful view, 'with board; strictly modern. 340 Hassalo. NICELY furnished rooms, excellent board. flne Bleeping porcn, oiud, x-none Main 9031. . LARGE room with board, suitable for two gentlemen: (Ingle beds, bath attached; Slose in. 291 West Park. CO6Y corner room, beautiful outlook, ex clusive neighborhood, cheap board. 664 Lovejoy. ' PRIVATE family In new home, will be m lad to taao I .'u ...... uu univ, .tiso care for children quring nay. C 2444. TWO pleasant room, large por-h and grounaa; wn.". ... ...... LARGE front room for two gentlemen; flrat class board. 655 Irving at. . A FRONT parlor room, board. 48 North 15th. with or without BOARD and room; beat of reference re aulred. Main 6979. TWO nice room, good board, nice location and walking dlatance. Main 1969. LARGE room, good board, .walking dla tance, croquet lawn. $6 week. Eaat 4246. Apartment. NEWCASTLE, 402 8d St.; housekeeping and Bleeping room; bath, phone and launaries. HARRISON COURT. BTH AND HARRISON. " rtnfurnllehed 2 nd 4 room apta, 3-room furnished apt.; walking distance. "the DE LAIR APARTMENTS. msv. Williams ave., $ rooma modern In .verv respect. 0 upEast 418. TnI. KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis streets 3 or 4-room furnished or unfur nished. References. mis COR. 3D AND MILL. 4 and 6 large rooms; modern. tRvw MAWR Aria., oo loin near xam hlll. fine 4-room apartment, with porch. tttt TiTlTTE Furniahed and unfurniahed 3 rooma Corner 2d and Montgomery. this COR. SD AND MILL. 4 and 6 large rooms; modern. . OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE. AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN . HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished partmnt from 1 to 6 room, from $20 to sou pe month. If you want one. taiopnone. .. CnHawa Of Main 2013 Evening call A 3019 Mr. Berry, U.ln Did Our automobile will call at any addre with our agent who will be glad to how ineee apartment. We awh nr Minimi the following: Angela. Waahlngton .nd Trinity Place, Cecilia, Zfd and unean ata. 'Claypool, 11th and Clay sts. Fordham. 170 Ford at. Grandests, Grand ave. and East Stark Hanthorn. 261 12th t.. near Main. Hanover, 1S5 King at. near Waahlngton Vlnvihnr, lift Vn, mi - Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 11th. Sheffield, 273 7th st., near jeneraon. 6t. Croix, 170 St. Clair St.. near Wash. 8t. Francis, zlst and Hoyt sta Wellington, 15th and Everett sta MORGAN. FLIEDNER BOYCE. 50 3-506 Ablngton Bldg. -THE ORLANDO. . I0TH AND WASHINGTON STS. UNQUESTIONABLY FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITT. and S-room furnished apartmont. po ... . . n ..n .nniwnlMM: BTl vate telephones, elevator service, excellent cioaei room, launary wun siomu. Moat attractive entrance court In Port . . Select clientele provide precisely tha surroundings aesirea xor your unj. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. JULIANA APARTMENTS, 45 TRINITY PLACE. JUST OFF WASHINGTON STREET. One two, one- three and one four-room apartment, well furnisnea, exclusive, ex cellent service: every modern convenience. REASONABLE KATE.3. NEW MANAGEMENT. TH WHKKLDON, Cor. Park and, Taylor Sta, THE WHEELDON ANNEX Cor. Tenth and Salmon St. Walking TMxtanea. . . Furnished complete. S. S an f"; apartments; building new and ati-loU bo darn; servta. nrst-olaa TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and atone patace ox imyuwu. - - Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington: magnificent, exclusive apartments in near 01 ii iu..-.. - district: rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, hlgh-eiaas service; refined clientele; reference re quired In all cae; two beautifully fur nlshed apartment available May 1. Mr. A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone star shall 110L THE AMERICAN. Most np-to-data management In the Northwest; every convenience: 4 ana j rooma all outside sunny room: . walking distance. 21st and Johnson t.. -choice residence district; attendant on preroisea. aiarsnaii THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta: this new 4-story brick now open; fur - nlshed and unfurnished In 2. 8 and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, -ee box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nloe, come to the Barker. l-none a in-, .ranu .toj. NEWLY furniahed Tha Upshur. 26th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments, $15. $18, $20 and up. This includes steam neat, not ana .cam wiioi . - - --- j --.-ment. private phones, public bath, electric . . . . , ..h v-M.nm all tTM . lignia. ui . ... ( - also 3-room unfurnished apartments, wltn private bath. $18: 4 rooms. $20 Take S. 23d or W car north. Phone Main NOKOMIS Marahal, near 17th t. New building, never been occupied; rate $20 and up. One unfurniahed. $16. ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison sts. Largest 2-room apartments in " the city. ALTONIA, Marshall and 19th sts. Lsrge. a , .n. n tmuiri. airy. 2, o nu -ivwa quiet and exclualve neighborhood GRANDESTA GRAND AVE. AND EAST s 1 Attn. r 1. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. New brick building, newly furnished, private phone and bath In each apartment, elevator service; walking dlatance. Sum mer rates $22.30 and up. Pbone Eaat 308. THE n TTTTT.. 790 Eaat Ankeny. v All newlv furnished outside apartment In brand-new building: strictly modem; within walking distance. Take East An keny and Montavllla car at third and ii. nir nt 24th st. Phone E. 1808. THE SHEFFIELD 8-room apartments with w-.w o , . . , v. .MipMlml tieda and Pa cific phonea In each; outside rooma splen did arrangement, superb location, near V. O. Best ot service. 272 Tth, cor. Jeffer son Jefferson and ISth Streets. 4 and 6-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Rate Reasonable, unam References. New. CUMBERLAND Apts.. W. Park and Colum- , . . . . . a-aAiAA O avlai 31 F ft a"4TTl I 1 J I nlshed and unfurnished apts.. all yoaern conveniences, beautiful location, facing the park: 5 minutes' walk from business cen ter best service, prices reaaonablo. BUENA VISTA. 12th and'Harrtson: 3. 8 and S rooma, furnished or unfurnished : latest Improve, ments; best service. Apply on premises. ALTAMONT Apartmente, corner Fifth and Con-3 and 4-room apartment. - all modern conveniences, cheapest rent In city; must be seen to bo appreciated; T minutes' walk to P. O. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS. irveritt 2. and 4 rooma. unfurnished, priv". biths; $20 up: completely reno vated, under new management; walking distance: convenient and best serv.ee. wtio- T T--TT T? "VTA Corner 8d and Hall, newly furnished. room apartments, building new and strlct fy modern, large outside kitchens, service first-class, easy walking distance. THE LILLIAN. 6th and Montgomery. Guests to the Elks convention can get 8-room furnished apt, wltn pnone ana oatn oy tne w day; walking distance. Mar- shall 1878. 17-t trs attention: have home comfort; the Ava'lon apartmente. 2, 4 or 6 adults; steam heat nrlvate phone, bath, new 8-atory brick, walking Slstancc -y car. Clack amaa and Ross sts. phone Eaat 8172. THE WINDSOR Ar.o. SSU St. Corn.", E7l4th d Yam- hill. . . nn0 pnt-BT TRVINOTOM. Past 9th and Schuyler; 1 unfurnished frtmantT averythln, modern. East 647. apartment; averythlng c loo. nDiunrRTA furnished apartments. Grand vcnd B Suirk- New brick building. Jl-rVatorT modern convenience: close-in location; best of servie: very low rent .,r.T,r-r,rTU 712 Washington su. a. 8 and 4-room apt., hardwood floors with "very convenience, newly furnished; cheap- eat rent In the city. "MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madlaon Sta. . at -...a i.vAAm fnrntahawf .T,1.hed apartment, strictly modern. THE LEONCE. 186 N. 22d, near Johnson. New modern, brick. 3 and 8-room. beau tifully furnished apartment, all outsids room, private bath and phone; $22.60 up. tiiu MARLBOROUGH. R and 6-room apartment, choice real Aenee district, walking dlatance. every con !nf'nce 21st and Flanders .t. Main T5ia HADDON HALL. 11th and Hall, 2, 8, 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, modern, hardwood floor. private pawtm" - ,uir. U'lCWLlII APARTMENTS. n. 7th and Morrison t.: very central. and 8-room apartment, furnished com- fite. privatsr baths; from no to i BO. THE ALAMO. 494 Market at., furniahed and unfurniahed 3-room apt, alio single rooma trlctly modern, price $20 to $30. tjttst iron THE MONEY. a uid 8 rooms, modern, housekeeping, jjj to $26. 614 Jefferson, corner of 16th. n J ELL AND. 18th and Lovejoy Unfurnished front) modern, new brick, must be asn "0 appreciated. Main 186T. A 1867. THE DAYTON Beautiful location. fla lVr-s room, apartment, porches and every Convenience. 662 Flandera Reduced rent. TtKINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia sta. 2. 3 and 4 room. . - a ... I . k. I . fornlsnea ....to, wwmia, THE DRICKbTON, 448 11th. nicely furnished 9 and 8-room modern outside apta, near Heignx. " Brtcir.rRlEN'D. cor. 7th and Jefferson. very desirable unfurnished apartmenta all outside rooma hardwood floors; refa THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and 3-room apt.: private bath and phone. Summer rate. Main 6435. 605 Jefferson. THE PARK APARTMENTS 858 Harrlaon t- Pbone Marshall 3070. LARGE beautiful S-room apartment. Vper day. Phone Woodlawn 616. . $1 THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, moat magnificently for. nlshed apartment In the Northwest; loca tion perfect: rental reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phone In all apartment: hlgh-cls service; reference required. Main 2276 and A 7067 THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St., Near Taylor. Hapdsomely furnished or unfurnished 5 room apartments: also single furnished rooms; telephones In every apartment; pleaaant surroundings, conveniently lo cated to cars. Phone or call personally. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucretla St.. Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets, hardwood floors; under new management. Marshall 1613. Janitor, Mar shall 1600. WINSTON APARTMENTS. 841 14th st.. at Market, new corner . brick, 2-roooa suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance: prices reasonable. For Information call Main 1739. LINCOLN APTS.. COR 4TH AND LINCOLN All outaide. 2-room apartmenta: Holme beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er. Janitor service, $22.60 to $80, Including lights, private phonea A 842. Main 1371. -THE WICKERSHAM," 18th and Flanders sts. Beautiful apartments, 5 and 6 rooma. Call and see them. GRACE APTS.. 707 Northrop st.. corner 24th ; five large rooms, hardwood floor, front veranda, large sleeping porch, pri vate telephone, water, hear and hot water, new and strictly modern, vacuum cleaner THE BERYL. Two and three-room apartments: larg rooms, large oloseta; strictly modern, cool and airy for Summer: reduced rates. Pbone Main 7756. 695 Lovejoy at. Take W car. IONIAN COURT. 670 Couch, one block from Washington, walking distance. 8 and 4-room modern unfurnished apartment; all modern con veniences, best of service; under new man agement; referencea required. Main 1192. THE ' CHELTENHAM. 256 N. 19TH. 2, 8. 4-room apartments. new brick building, new furniture. Marshall 8638. Flats. FIVE-ROOM flat In new brick building. Mllwaukie nd Blamrck treets; $20 a month: good opportunity to rent rooms; rent free tor July to good tenant. Apply 405 Washington. NEW 6-room flat, 782 Gllsan su, fireplace, hardwood floor, ga range, etc.; very desirable. Call Main 2015, A 201$. Our agent with auto win can ana snow nsi. vr-fti uci.iaui. vw w..-. . - nace, fireplace, hot-water coll. eto. Se tnem at 7u aim A NEW, comortable 6-room flat, cloe In rent reasonable. 490 East. 12th near Dlvl slon. , 6-ROOM modern flats, large porches, $t; choice, central location. M. S. Rantery, Steam bldg. SIX-ROOM strictly modern flat, close In, on the East Side, within easy walking distance. -Only $3S. ynon aiarsnan MODERN 6-room lower flat, corner East 15th and East Burnslde at. Phone fcait 235 or a zdsa. NEATLY furniahed modern 6-room flat, 2 room rented; close In, West Side. Mar shall 674. 4-ROOM fiats, one furnished. Phone Eaat 1719 or call 664 Wllllama ave. FURNISHED 6-room flat, modern, rent for three months. 601 Everett. MODERN 5-room flat, 22 Margin, near Steel bridge, fronting river, $23.60. 6-ROQM upper flat. new. modern, walking distance, inquire o.u cveign. . . . . m ,a .., lngton sta.: reasonable. Main 3833, A 7829. FLAT of $ room and bath. 731 Hoyt at. Inquire lap stn au jaain tut. NEWLY furniahed 8-room flat, $20. 885 E. Main it. 6-ROOM modern flat on beat carllne; $14. Phone B 1503 MODERN 6-room flat. 6th near Jackson, West Bide: 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1323. LOVELY 4-room lower flat, furnace, rent $18. pnone gast o. d iw. 5-ROOM flat, all modern Improvement. 8S Salmon, key 600 Salmon. Housekeeping Room. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marahall Fur nished for housekeeping; ga range, eleo trio lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; 112 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money; hort distance from Union Depot Tak 8 or 16th-atreet cara north, get og at Marshall at. No dog. THE UPSHUR. 2th and Upahur at. Fur niahed 2-room apartments. $16 up. Includ ing steam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, publio bath, eleotrlo light, ga range, laundry-room, all free. Tak "S," "28d" or "W" cara north. Pnone Main $6. $1.50 to $3.00 week, clean furnished house keeping rooma Suitable for two or four; free heat, laundry, bath, phone, yard, gaa 406 Vancouver avenue and 203 8tanton. THE MILNER. 360 Morrison, cor. Park Furnished or unfurniahed housekeeping apartments; all conveniences; bet loca lion, omimmr CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished. unfur nished housekeeping room, cheap. Boo tion, bummer raiea. BO, HQ anil mwiiwuu. FURNISHED housekeeping room. alo t n ... mnrfarn i,n f urn isheit anartmeXlt. Ill AM HA and Morrison. 18th st. North. Phone A 602'.'. THE ELMS, 2 and 8-room housekeeping and single rooms; transieni aoncii-am. FURNISHED housekeeping, $L50 to $1 weea; aieq aiecyin ,ww. - - - - - Honaekeeotna Boom In Private Family. 3-ROOM suites, also single rooms, newly xurmenea it nou au'8 venlence. excellent location, close in; beautiful Summer home; price reaaonablo by montn or ween, two j .an".. FURNISHED and unfurnished half-base ment room, lovely location. venlence; Summer prices; Brooklyn car, walking dlatance. 664 East Sixth. Phone sellwood now. NICE front room with kitchenette; alectrlo ngnts, i uii ii m s wttim. a . - , . easy walking distance; $4.25. 66 N. 21st, 1 14 PIOCK irom wainiiigimi. i COSY rooms, pantry, alcove, bath, piano, water and light Included, nicely fur niahed. 630 E. Madison, near 16th, Call evenings, onice piioiib c. .to ONE pleasant suite of 2 rooms, West Side. 10 m'nuto' walk from Postofice. 6l Market. TWO nicely furnished rooma ga -ranee. running wi-r. um. " tane. 327 7th St. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooma . . ... ... . n. rm t jtntra.ni-e: $16 DC T momn. oco v.. TWO furnished houekoplng room, run- i .. i. ifi,nhn. mram K.f h m.nA Ll X) 111 wa-i m . . . SA pnn. ItJV mm. WANT coud! to har mjr 6-room fur- Tabor 335- TWO pleaaant houak6plnc rooma, cioat. gUM, W.lt.U.1 aillftOVO. W w3-m. m 2h FURNISHED rooma In private family, front. reaaonaoje, ciow i K: ,. ' r m i i naA C r Mara at LARGE front room, nicely furniahed 1r light houacKeepiDg, xw; w, v 211 tnermao . TWO lovely furnished boupekeeplnf room wltn batn. van ooq rcuniv"' NEWLY and beautifully .'"J?.16 TJjI 63 nisnea, wun or w.n. TWO nicely furniahed housekeeping rooma; only eiu. 010 7 NICELT furniehed front beueekeeplng-roora. $12. Light, bath, phone. 8.0 3 2tb. ttrkisheD H K- rooma, cheap ana gooa. 5 tninntM from Morrleon. 7i n ex. k ewlt furniahed houankeeping rooma In 3 7,&". ... a wo ath t nn room buj 1 " .A..,.r-irtTiroia rrvimii on third floor. S3 ween: gt " TWO furniahed light housekeeping rooma reasonaoie. no . o.u. -v. CBNI6HED H- K. rooma. Running water, 340 College, corner 7th. PLEASANT housekeeping autte. modern ; close in; p- p-i t aRiGK front room, reaaonablo; fine loca- tion; waitviin """""'' -v a...a. S FURNISHED h. k. rooms, residence dis trict. rfm.iqna.ui-. WTt-' juhihj-. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 410 Salmon. ItMionmiP, temiai iwtntn. . . OIK 1ttti AAfnM Bftlmnf) TWO nice housekeeping rooms, bath, phone, va m -o-347 Mall, corner '7th. t2.i 9-ROOM house, on paved street. 477 FOR RENT Good eight-room house In best location. no. wltww, nwr iBigniu. FOR RENT Modern 4-room cottage, 2&th, KaSt UOucn; fit iimum. mmiu iVAO. NEW. modern. 5-room house. $15; gas and ircirKi'j. vntiiiiwii - FOR RENT ft-room house. 642 East li st., near g-acon bx- , tio. NEW, modern 5-room house, $15; gas and electricity. iiho bb. onrmn mi. MODERN 7-room house, nrst-class condition, rent 120. 431 E. 10th it.