Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 09, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Visitors to the City During This Week Are Invited to Make Their Headquarters per?
1 : ! Z I , m ere . srtf ." n..'.. W ..mmI. m RTCTvimi t
Emergency Rest Room in Auditorium on Fourth Floor-Dairy Lunch in Basement
Elk Ties for
Men, 25c-$l
B. P. O. E.
Ofe, Wortwian & King
Pennants '
Postcards i
Views, Etc.
Occupying Entire Block Bounded by Morrison, Alder, Tenth, West Park
Eleven Divisions Will Make Up
Elks' Pageant to March
Thursday Morning.
Illl II
Lodges to Take Place In Numerical
Order Assistant Grand Esquire
to Command Each Section.
Line Moves l 10 A. M.
Start on Wesains-ton suss at
Nineteenth; down Waahlnswn to
Fifth; Fifth to ltoniaon;. KotTlaon
to Eleventhi Eleventh to Hell; Hall
to Thirteenth; Thirteenth to Waah
Inaton. maktB loop down Waahlns--ton
and raturtdn west via Morrt
son. paulns arandetend at Foetoftloe
a second time, aad thanoa to the
Eleven dlvieiona, preceded by Port
land Elke In the first division, will
make up the parade at 10 o'clock
Thursday morning;, according; to orders
issued last night by James R. Nichol
son, errand esquire.
The route of the parade as previous
ly announced la as follows: Formation
on Twelfth street south of Salmon;
east on 6almon to Eleventh, north on
Eleventh to Morrison, east on Morrison
to Tenth, north on Tenth to Alder, east
on Alder to Sixth, south on Sixth to
Morrison, east on Morrison to Fourth,
south on Fourth to Madison, east on
Madison to Grand avenue, north on
Grand avenue to Burnalde. west on
Burnside to Third, south on Third to
Pine, west on Fine to Fifth, south on
Fifth to Oak. west on Oak to Seventh,
south on Seventh to Washington., east
on Washington to Sixth, south on Sixth
to Morrison, east on Morrison to Fifth,
south on Fifth to Yamhill, west on
Yamhill to Seventh, south on Seventh.
Disband from Taylor south.
The errand esquire's orders follow;
General orders No. 3: Headquarters Elks
Parade. Portland. Or.. July 8. Office of the
Chief of Staff 1. The varloue lodas of the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of
the United States of America will form In
numerical order, unless otherwUe .peclfled.
and will be divided Into eleven (11) dlvU
lons. each dlvlalon to ba commended by an
assistant arand esquire.
X The following are designated as assist
ant grand esqulrea and are assigned aa fol-
' p!rt dlvtalon JC K. Kuhll. P. E. R,
Portland Lodge. No. 12. ..
Second dlvlilon Colonel R. B-Herrtson.
P. B. B.. Indianapolis, lnd., Lodge. No. la-
Third dlvlalon Captain A, B. lewson. P.
I. D.. Columbus. O.. Lodge. o 87.
Fourth division Captain V. M. C SUvla,
Portland Lodge. No. Hi ..,.
Fifth dlvUion Major Sanford Whiting.
Portland Lodge. No. 142. .m
Slith division Captain J. J. McDonelB;
Portland Lodge. No. 1X i
Seventh dlvlalon Major H. L. Bethel. P.
E. R- Tallahassee. Fla., Lodge, No. 3T.
Eighth division Colonel C. a Hammond.
E. R.. Eugene Lodge. No. 8ST. h.
Ninth, division Captain J. B-Hlbabrd.
Portland Lodge, No. 13.
Tenth dlvlalon Major Oscar P. Cole, Ber
lin. N. H., Loose; No. eta. .
Eleventh divlelon Captain IT. E. will
lama. Oregon City Lodge, No. llao.
8. Formation wU be aa follows:
Mounted police. .
Chief marshal. Jamas B. MchoUon, grand
""chief of staff. William B. Flnaer. Port
land Lodge. No. 14a. Tti.n
Mounted bugler. B- L. Adams. Portland
..ff-SSajJrW. W. Wilson, fortlsnd
LodM NoTleS; George L. Baker. Portland
tZilZ: N 142 Charles H. Ohmlee, Bronx.
K. T.. Lodge. No. 8T1: J. J. Bn. D D..
Key West. Fla,. Lodge. No. S61 ; WlllUm
H. Dougherty. Pendleton Lodge. No. 3M.
William F. Leahy. P. E. B., Medford. Maaa.
Lodge. No. B15; J. H. J. iioNally, P. E R..
Philadelphia Lodge. No. S: J. .W. Mitchell.
I. rx. P. E. R-. Portland. lie Lodse. No.
18S: Dr. R. J. Lawler. P. E. R-.
Falls Lodge. No. 4o; John D. Shea. I. D,
D-, Hartford, Conn.. Lodge, No. 19. C P;
Jordan, D. D.. Bangor, Ma. Lodge Na 44.
James F. Mulligan. D. D.. Pawtucket. R. L.
Lodge. No. S2.
Administration band. . .
Charlee C Bradley, exalted mler. Port
land Lodge, No. 142. commanding escort.
Aides E. A. Marshall. Portland Loe,
No. 142: Dr. J. M. Edwarda. P. E. R-. Man
kaio Lodge. No. S25.
Portland Lodge. No. 143.
-. KUtiea band, float, Q. . A. B. Fife and
Drum Corps. , . .
' John P. Solllvan. grand exalted ruler, and
officers, in carriages.
First TJtvteton-
KV IC. Kublt. P. E. B-. Portland Lodge,
No. -142. commanding. . .
Aides H. E. Wall. P. E. Eureka
Lodge. No. Til; M. M. Warner, E. R.. Salt
Lake Lodge,. No. So.
Fireman's band. New Tork City Lodge.
No 1: band: San Francisco Lodge, No. 8.
. , . . Ledge.
No 5: Sacramento Lodge. No. e; St. Louis
i -j.. -sjn o Rnaton Lodge. No. 10; Pitts
burg Lodge. No. 11; Indianapolis Lodge. No.
IS- SUverton band; Denver Lodge, No. IT;
Newark. N. J., Lodge, No. 21; Kansas City
- Lodge. No. 2ft. ...
All lodges number 1 to 29. Inclusive, will
form in thla dlvlalon.
Second Division.
. Colon! R. B. Harrlaos, P. E. R.. Indian
apolis Lodge, No. 13. commanding.
Aides C. F. J. MeCoe, P. E. R Cam
bridge. Mass.. Lodge. No. 8S; F. H. Stanlo,
n . T v. e
VcMinnvllle band; New Orleans Lodge,
No. 30; TOleoo, v., Ja.
N T.. Lodge, No. 2; Seattle Lodge. No.
m. i) .... K..H- Tm Aneelee
. , vrciu "
Ixidge. No. 90; Perrydale band; San Diego,
CaL. LOOgO, o. IOOi
"aII 'lodges numbered 89 to 173, Inclusive,
will form in wis aivuuou.
Thrnl DtvUlom.
Captain A. B. Dawson, P. D. D, Columbus
Lodge. NO. ST. oommuui"e.
. r. f ... uiniM H Dev. E. H.
Donora Lodge. No. 135; -K. J. PM.guson.
Gloucester Lodge. No. 802.
Hubbard Band; Tacoma Lodge, No, 1T4
. . . . . i- , a ... Kn. 1 band: Olvm
pla Lodge, No. 188; Helena. Mont, Lodge.
No. l3- , , .
All lodges numbered 1T to 198. lncluslvs.
will form in this division.
TMirth TMvieiesl.
Captain V. M. C. Bllvla. Portland Lodge,
No. 142, commanding.
. i . n v v R T? Jamestown
Lodge, No. 263; John J. Nesbitt Atlantic
City Lodge. No. 278.
Mount Anrel Band: Belllnghara Lodge,
No. 194: Jersey City, N. J- Lodge. No. Sll;
drum ana rite corps; ureal rii
214; Arnold's Band; 8pokane Lodge, No.
...... . . - ...-.. T n A . M rt 9Sn
"ah lodgea numbered 194 to' 248, Inclusive.
will form la thla division.
YttO THvlslos-L .
Major Sanford Whiting. Portland Lodge,
U. 1 , , IVIUIUWlUl.f
Aides. J. B. IJndsley. P. E. R-. Spoksne
Lodge; No. 228; George a. T isn.r, uuw.
vine tMige, rio.
This division is reserved for all .odges In
the stats of laano.
' ftivth TMvtelAA.
' Captain J. J. McDonnell. Portland Lodge,
Aides. Olaf Johnson, P. E. R- Superior
Lodge. NO. 40S; r. L. iiayea, x-.
North Portland Band; fife and drum
r,n, -n-,n. t n. . iua 9ATr hand:
The bailee Lodge. No. 30S: North Yakima
IMft. na i; nno, dsiviib
- . . t v. nrttt
ajtS naiju. xmvt uw,., "
. .. k.., act t n a-ia omitting
' No. 288, inclusive will form In this division.
Semitli Division.
Majov H. L. Bethel. P. E R.. Tallahassee
a. .t ? ,
One of the most pretentious emblema of Elkdom. on exhibition in
the window of A. A C. Feldenhelmer in Washingrton street, la an ex
q'utsue deeTg?: oT elk-s head, supportlngr a J?
havlna- the Initials of the order below, worked out In precious stones.
Tnf design contains small diamond, weighing; 11T karats. 140 we trh
lng Tkrals. and 18 largre one. welKhlng- ITkarata. Two njtawj
for eves welirh 6-A karats, a canary diamond, representing; the nostril.
weighTl karats? four large sapphires, two karaU each, and 60 .mall
sapphire, welgrh nine karats. . . - w.-
The clock 1. made of white) diamonds, as ar th horns and head.,
the stonea graduated In .lie to .ult tho pattern. Below Is B, P. O. E. in
deep blue sapphires. The value 1. $4 WOO. s
a, -
. i,.. - a Aiann. V. VL Tt. Ogdett
Lodge. No. T19; H. A. Battersley, P. E. R,
Fort Wayne Lodgs, No. 183,
Cowboy Band; penaieton uoasew c "
Thi ivi.inn Is assigned axoluatvely to
Pendleton Lodge, No. 288.
Eighth Division. '
n n Htmrnand. gL 1L Eugene
Lodge, No. 8S7.' commanding. M
Aides, John E. Foian, t. ju. n J"rw
Lodge. No. 1124; Fred E. Grimmer, Spokane
Lodge. No. 228.
Band; Eugene Lodge.-No. 887 1 Heppner
Lodge. No. 858: band; Albany Lodge. No.
859; band; floats; Carrolton, Mo., Lodge.
No. 415; band; La Grande Lodge. No. 433;
Boseman, Mont.. Lodge. No. 481.
All lodges numbered 85T to 478, Inclu
sive, will form in thla dlvlalon.
Ninth Division,
rantaln John B. Hlbbard. Portland Lodge,
No. 142, commanding.
Aides. James u. Irvine, r. j.
Attleboro Lodge. No. 1011: Dr. W. H.
Thayer, P. E. H., New Bedford Lodge, No.
Tiiimnv nanfl: Everett. Wash.. Lodge,
No. 479: Muskogee. Okie., Lodge, No. MT:
n a t Motvc: Hear tooth Lodge, No.
Ko, . TiAiiinvhmm TnAmm. No. 842; band
. ' , xi- v. i t Ten. Rft3: seve
live elk; Richmond, lnd.. Lodge, No. 649;
Cheyenne. Wyo, Louge, no. oo. . ,
Wla. Lodge, No. 888; Ogden. Utah. Lodge,
No. tisl
Band: KallspelL Mont, Lodge.- Na 728.
El Reno. Okla, Lodge. No. 748; Lead. S.
D.. Lodge. No. t47; Manila, P. L. Lodge.
No. 761. . ,
11 l. mmkirrf 4 TO , to 822. lnelU-
alva, will form In thla division.
Tenth Division,
vatnr fiar-ar t. Cola P. E. R Berlin
Lodge. No, 618, commanding.
Aides, Samuel H. Cone. Spokane Lodge,
No. 228; John F. Doran, Spokane Lodge, No.
Rtnri ' -VenrMinver. Wash.. Lodge, No. 823;
Ballard. Wash, Lodge. No. 627; Sumpter.
B. C- Looge, wo. eoo; xiivu.hbiu.
j , ... sTi with "TTIk.r." : Ashlsnd,
Or., Lodge. No. 944; San Juan, P. R-. Lodge,
NBand: Berkeley. CaL. Lodge. No. ,100:
Mitchell, a D.. Lodge. No. 1059: Goldfleld.
Nov.. Lodge, No. 1072; Hoqulara, Hull..
Lodge. No. 1082. , .
All lodges numbered 823 to 1083, inclu
sive, will form in this division.
Eleventh TMvlston.
-.. i.. u - p wmiams. Oregon City
... ... .. -
UUUI - ,ao, w " -
Aides. Frank p. Joyce, tr. a.
Lodge. No. 1078: Charles H. Abbobtt. P.
., Providenoe Lodge, no. ie.
Band: Centralla. Wash., Lodge. No. 1088:
Orange, N.. J.. Lodge, No. 1164:. Marshfleld.
Or.. Lodge, No. 1100.
Orchards band: Medford. Or, Lodge. NO.
1188: Bremerton. Wash.. Lodge. No. ljSl;
band: Oregon city, ut, xmae. "
Columbia, a C. Lodge, No. 1190; Frederick,
Okie., Lodge, No. 1217: Klamath Falls. Or,
Lodge, No. . 1247. - .
All lodges above No. 1088 will form rn
this division.
Escort and divisions will rorm aa
, mrtA UMWt will f Ol 111
on Twelfth street, ten panes south of Mar-
aei gireei, xaciag ...
X. Grand exalted ruler and orfloers win
form on Twelfth street In the rear of Port
land Lodge, No. 142. .
8. First division . will form on Market
street, east of and facing Twelfth street.
4. Second dlvlson will form - on Market
street, west of and facing Twelfth street, -
8. Third division will form - on Clay
street east of and facing Twelfth- street -
6. Fourth division will form on - Clay
street, west of and facing Twelfth street. -
T. Fifth CIVlSlon Win Inn vo
street, east of and facing Twelfth street.
8. Sixth division will form on Columbia
street west of and faolng Twelfth street.
. , i i j .1 tl ,An nn Jeff er-
V. eevenia bitikwu w,.
. . . a Twelfth street.
son airev, m ,, , T
10. Klgntn oivision win iwiiu ,---
aon street, west of ana racing
ii division will form on Main
. H m.!, Twelfth street.
. . i'a..!.. Twlfth street.
trwt, W M. v. muu . o . . - .
13. EJeventn civision wui
mon etreet west of and facing Twelfth
street. ... t,
Red Cross doctors witn tneir im.i
... , . .ia, nt nwlfth street.
win i uriii on av w .- . rt
. c i . mtvmmt a.t 9l30
neau resiing uw di"vu - ' .7
o'clock A- M. and will be assigned positions
in tne paraoe py najor j.
the parade passes.
The parade will move promptly at 10
w . . u . ,flniH, will renort
DCIIKR Am a. mu . " " - - - '
their lodges to their respective division
commanders not later than 9:45 oolock A.
M.. proceeding to their point of formation
witnoui usipg ivfiua . ,
t-,1.,-, v " in hHn their dl'
visions into line promptly, aa the rear of
the preceding dlvlalon passes their point
of formation. '
u . twmwA ,w . i . m.a miM and a-rand lodjre
offlcera will review the parade from the
... ... , , , , . A. . I. , Pflit.
omcia f iftuu euuid la
Th. fTtnwin. Mm will escort the grand
1 n.l .... fm. line of TTlBXCh St mmA nn,.nn I 11 1 tn the grand
. I T n.vr John x Shea. R.
J. Lswiar.
The grand esquire and staff will review
K n.rmde on Seventh and Taylor streets.
Portland Lodge. No. 142, will halt on
Seventh street, between Yamhill and Tay
lor, for the purpose oi reviewing ioi yanu.
The following distances will be kept dur-
tttm ditiob: hhwmd uitasmvkm,
. i i , ,ii inurM in mpm.
Esquires will direct their lodges to "route
step" in crossing bridges.
The mounted orderlies will report to tno
chief Of Starr at tne miereecnon ui iwi...
and Market sta.. at o ciocg,
No smoking will be allowed in line.
Grand Esquire. Chief Marshal.
W. B. FIN Z BR, Chief of Staff.
San Francisco .Works Hard
for Reunion in 1915.
California Itodgea Stand as One to
Take Elk.' Ocmventlon td 'vVorld '
Fair City Threes Yearn Hence
and '. Promise Much,
' ' B. P. O. B.
Ssn Francisco Number Three.
Nlnoteen-flfteen, that's the data
. Meet us at the Golden Gate.
Bear! Bearl Where T Where T
San Francisco.
Such was the cry of the Golden Gate
boys at all time, and In all place, yes
t.riliv Tlier are working to secure
v. i n dan Ppanplinn In 191K.
V 1 LO i C 1UI . . ......... ...
Not only members of the San Francisoo
lodge, but of every lodge in tsjuornia,
are combining; to secure for the World's
Fair City tne reunion oi tne him.
Vafinv afternoon, in the rOOHl. Of
LOS JUV1.1 OKU ,fcM,.o ... U
enthusiastic meeting; was held at which
one delegate from each of the 44 Cali
fornia lodges wa. present, and each
gave to the movement the heartiest,
support that any brother Bill can grlve.
As a rule the various ioag-es in snr
state have their own city to booat for.
This year the unanimity of the Call-
Gate the highest annual honor In Elk
dom Is little short of remaritaDie.
A resolution from the Panama-Paciflo
Exposition, suitably framed and en
graved, will -be -presented on the floor
at the g-rand lodge session, and that
petition 1. backed ny zouu vjaiiiornta
Elk. In Portland all boosting; for San
J H Rirhsnr. nast - exalted ruler of
No. 8, said yesterday: "We are here to
try . to show to you that our city la the
log-leal place for' the ' convention In
1915. Althougrh we are tne tnira oiaeei
lodge In the order, we have never yet
had the honor of entertaining; the grand
lodge. We are keeping; open house here
at the Multnomah, and we are giving a
hall WailniMiav ntirht to Whioh
every Elk and his wife 1. Invited, and
we are doing mis to snow you mat
San Francisco 1. a city wherein hos
pitality bounds.'
William Martin ADOOtt, alternate
head- of the delegation, and another
paBt" exalted ruler, also took up the
aHo-a1o n. tifa fiV WAIlt tO
show especially what we have done
since 'the unparalleled disaster oi
Our city is the greatest hotel city In
Ballots Given With Purchases Don't Fail to Ask for Them When You Are Trading
Tub Dress $2
Second Floor, Southwest.
A very special offering of women's
Tub Dresses in ginghams, percales, In
dian Head and linen materials, also a
few black sateens j all new, stylish mod
els, with bands of plain materials and
embroidery, styled with low necks and
short sleeves; checks, stripes and plain
materials, also a few of the new "Clara
Barton" styles; sizes 34 0 7
to 44: special thfe sale veW
Women's Undermuslins on Sale
Combinations at $1.29
Women's Combination Corset Cover and
Skirt, or Corset Cover and Drawers, made
of crossbar d"imity, erepo'or longcloth, open
or closed drawers; trimmed in lsce, embroi
dery, beading and wash rib- JJ If 20
bon; special for this sale at pXeaWCSr
Women's Combination Corset Cover and
Drawers. and Skirts, made in the new
Knickerbocker style, closed or open draw
ers, trimmed in embroidery and lace edges
and insertion or medallions. j Q
Special for this sale at only Pa-"
Wnmoti's Waists for $2.49
An attractive line of women's lingerie and marquisette
Waists in all the newest models, with high or Dutch necks,
long or short sleeves, also many styles in the new peplum ef
fects, trimmed with Valenciennes, Cluny, filet and thread
as In - 1 x" A Af VTea afBk tWWt afaTm
laoes and embroidery, iront ana docb. insiea- ftc fiM
stsaw w jm. sw
ings. A big assortment, priced special at only (
I Indies' Gnwns far 98c
Women's Gowns, made in the slipover style
with round or square neck and short sleeves,
trimmed in many styles, with lace and em
broidery. Our regular stock, specialized
for this sale. Buy all you want f Qfis
them at the low price of only, ea.0"
Women 's Gowns in the slipover 6tyle,- made
of crepe and longcloth, with short 6leeves,
empire effects; some have yoke and sleeves
of allover embroidery; others' trimmed in
lace and embroidery, offered 42 1 2Q
special f of this sale at, each pXsaVt
$5.00 Knox Sailors at $3.95
In the millinery salon, second floor, a sale of the smart
est and most exclusive street hats. The Knox Sailors, the
"Shepherdess" style, the newest model this season, has a
broad brim, dipped back and front, comes in black, white,
brown, tan, red, blue, old rose and purple ; J O Q 't.
the regular Knox Sailor which sells at $5 iJJtl !-!
$6.00 Lace Curtains for $3.95
$12 Lace Curtains $7.95
In the big drapery store, third floor.a sale of Brussels Lace Curtains in a
large assortment of beautiful new floral and allover lace patterns; very
best aualmes, eooa wiae curtains, oya mu y ja -b, - r
Our $6.00 Laca Ourtains, 93.95
rvnv B7 nn Lin Onrtalna. S4.65
Our $8.00 Lace OurUms, 95.35
vjux a
nn, 8
Our i
SJS0 Ieacs Curtains. S5.65
:in nn Tca Onrtalns. S6.65
112,00 Lace Curtains, $7.95
$3.50 Irish Point Curtains $2.65
$5.50 Irish Point Lace Curtains $4.15
Irish Point Lace Curtains, attractive patterns on extra good quality net
white, ecru and two-tone effects; all new and attractive designs, 2
and 3 yards long, specialised for this sale at the following low prices:
Our $3.50 Lace Curtains at $2.65 It Our f 3.00 Lace Curtains at 3.75
Our $4.50 Lace Curtains at $3.35 II Our $5.60 Lace Curtains at $4.15
$1.50 Scrim Curtains $1.10
New Scrim Curtains with pretty hemstitched borders and neat laca edges;
very good quality in ivory and white, 36 inches wide and CI f Q
2y7yards long; our regular stock $1.50 values, for this sale P - V
Food for Babies
1n..14 nnnn nWiAll n on i nn T1 Vl Ot7 latlTlftt 5 S ft Tlllft
gest ordinary cow's milk which has not received special
' TV, ittati 4-Vi r mnct rtrtTVITll i a TO1 J1RPSS
Malted Milk
White Shoes
For Women
$3.50 Grades $2.89
The Elks are here, and Portland women
are turning out en masse, dressed in
white shoes and purple ties.- Here's a
line of white sea island duck high button
Boots with Goodyear welt soles, the Com
fort street shoe: the $3,50 CO CO
kind, special price, a pair --'
Barefoot Sandals
$1.75 Grades $1.29
$1.25 Grades 98c
Misses' and children's white Witch Elk
Barefoot Sandals. A big shipment just
received. Will be specialized for Elks
week as follows: The $1.75 grades for
$1.29, and the $1.25 grades, on CJiW
special sale for only, the pairJ
30c to 40c Wash Goods
at 18c a Yard
12V2C Dress Ginghams at 8c
Iiwsi a1 : hmb
Persian Lawns, 45 inches wide,
finest weaves, sheer and dain
ty; our regular 30e, 35o and
40o values, on sale at T Qf
this price, yard, only0"a
Printed Batiste in a great va
riety of patterns, dots, conven
tional designs and floral ef
fects; regular 20e val- 1 fit.
ues, special, the yard--
White Linaire, the fabric of
quality, in plain stripes, checks
and crossbar effects; our regu
lar 30o and 35c values, 00
consisting of pure, rich, creamy milk and selected
cereals will be found a satisfying, non-irritating, eas
Uy digested food; finely powdered, and ready for im
mediate use by the addition of water. Our prices:
Regular $3.75 hospital size, sale price only S2.98
Regular $1.00 large size, special sale price, at 80i
Regular .60c small size, special sale price, at 40c
$10 Corsets $6.49
Royal Worcesters
Royal Worcester Corsets, made of ba
tiste, styled with long hip and low bust
with lace-trimmed tOD and fitted with
six hose supporters; ill CI 1Q
sizes; special price, a pair P--
A broken line of Bon Ton Corsets in ha
tiste, coutil and silk, in pink, blue and
white, medium or low bust, long hips,
giving long, graceful lines;
to $10.00 values, for only P vyeraraX
Another lot of Bon Ton Corsets, of fine
HI mnr)plpH nn lnntr. straiellt line's.
medium bust, long hips, tPO Sfh
lace and satin-trimmed, at r,-',r "
Closing out discontinued models of th?
famous Marquise Corsets, in brocades,
fancy 'batiste, coutils and silks. These
.nrcoic nr! v arlarited to slender
figures, mostly in small CJO QC
sizes: values to o.ou, ror f'--'
Dainty Tissue Ginghams ior
Summer street dresses; a very
popular fabrio, worth 25o a
yard, offered special 1 Q
for this sale, the yard
Press Ginghams in plaid ef
fects, for beach and school
dresses; our regular lOo and
12c values, special for Qf
this sale at only, a yard
Voiles and Marquisettes in all
over designs, hard to distin-
l. fieni9 wnrV.- TAantl-
ful designs and regu-" T
lar $1.25 grades, only 9
sDeciai sale pnee, yd.
i - onH va c&n en
tertaln you, we .think, aa royally aa
you PorUanaera areeooins u, " n.v-u .
g-olna- some. Wa feel espeoiaUy that,
. 77 iL u.i. I h-fiiflr invited
wane ma wuu,e -
to the Panama-Pa eiflc Bxpoeitlon. we
should be derelict aia we noi open
ouiv doors and Invite the world ot BUc
dom to our bomex" ;
t.i..a .nnalrantlAn rOKf SSSSd VefT I11S
terlally during 1W1 en the SO lines under
.n.,ruetlon for the 'Chilean government.
ooverlnc 1580 mllea, to cost S5S.SS0.8S1
United States goia wnen '' "- -rJ.T
eiose of the year rails were laid on about
e-half or tnese new nne.
Elk r Sale
Phone East 491
Address -120 Grand Ave.
For the automobile, motorcycle and
aviation meet take train at yni,n pa
pot Leaves 1 o'clock. Bound trip 15c
General admission 60c
For Grandpa
"Blue Ribbon Bread"
"Broad Sense for Tea Cents."
Log Cabin Baking Co.
Vancouver Ave. and Frenaent St.
Grandpa likes BLtTE RIB
BON BREAD. At his w
muat be careful ot what he
eata, especially bread. It
must be made of the best
flour and purest ingredients
to give It the nourlahlng
qualltiea necessary to one ;
health. And above all. It
must be clean. That's why
Grandpa eata BLUB RIBBON
BREAD. It'a not only whole
aome, but eomea in a duat
proof, germ-proof wrapper! ...
raflav Is BLUE RIBBON Souvenir Day. A Dancln p; Ball
FRfiB with every loaf of-BLUE RIBBON BREAD!
Chew it Smoke it
Get the real tobacco taste
Enjoy the old reliable
V,. -
Just pure, longcut tobacco with
body to make it Dum ireciy anu
slowly -a satisfying cnew acooi
lasting smoke.
A 5c package of old reliable Peerless has more
good chews and more comforting smokes
than any other tobacco fbr the money.
The man who loves a
lasting chew, or a smoke
of real tobacco, al
ways enjoys old
reliable Peerless.
Buy a package
Sold everywhere.
Lodge No. H7, eommanoing.