THE 9IORXING OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1913. Our Comprehensive Corset Service Includes the Famous La Camillc Front Lace, Mme. Irene, Warner, Redfern, Nemo and Other Makes When in Need of Gloves Ask for "Perrin's," of Real French Kid, Here Only in Portland Portland Headquarters for Butterick Patterns Last Day of Expert Bag- Punching Exhibition, by Marnell Bros., Sporting Goods Store, Fifth Floor. 2 to 5 P. M. Government Weather . Forecast ' FAIR TODAY. Modern Beauty Parlors Balcony. Hairdressing-, Shampooing, Manicuring, Massage and Children's Hair Cutting by Experts. Bring the Kiddies to the Free Punch and Judy Show, Fifth Floor. 10:30, 11 and 11:30 A. M. 20 He Elks Are Amw Preparations T-" Delicious Menu for Our Dollar Dinner Tonight! THE most delicious Table dHote $1.00. Dinner served any place in Portland that's what hundreds of our Saturday night patrons say Dine in our delight ful , 7th-floor Restaurant Orches tra music and singing are special attractions. JIEXC. Fresh Crab Cocktail. . Coaaomme Doboaric. mam of Celery, Prlaeeaae. Ripe Olivea. Radlahea. Salted Almonda. Filet of Sole,' an Vis Blaae. poaames Bra ban. Sweetbread Pattiea. a 1 Epicure. Maraachlao Punch. Frieat Spring; Chicken. Virginia. ' Roast Prime Rlba of Beef an Jos. Bfaahed Potatoes. Cauliflower an Gratia. Spring; Salad. Coffee. Icecream. Cakea. Apple Pie. Roquefort Cheese, Toasted .Crackers. Cafe Kolr. M EIER & FRANK'S expect every one of the thousands of visiting Elks here at the Grand Lodge Reunion next -week to make this their headquarters their' store! Every courtesy and service at ' our ' command will be theirs. Upon application at the Accommodation Station, first floor, guides will be furnished to show visitors the store. ' A special reception room on the 5th floor, for ladies of the Elks, is being provided. Every Portland home and place of business should show the Elks' colors. Elks' Decorations, Souvenirs and novelties of every kind, on 1st, 3d and 5th floors. ON THE FIFTH FLOOR Genuine Elk Heads, from Jackson Hole District, Wyoming $65 to $250 Elks' Banners 25, 35, 50 and 75 Souvenirs, carved from genuine elks' horns, 50 to $2 . Elks' Pennants 25 to $1.25 Elks' Pillows $3 to $10 Elks' Lamps, with stand 35 Official Elk Souvenir Plaques 50 Purple Balloons, with Elk design 10 ELKS' BLANKETS From Oregon City and Pendleton mills. Purple, with Elk head and clock design, $10. MEN'S ELK GOODS Official B. P. O. E. Silk Four-in-Hands 25 and 50 . 1 Elks' Combination Fonr-in-Hand and Silk Handkerchief Sets, $1 Men's Purple Lisle Socks, 25c; Handkerchiefs 25c and 50c; Sus penders, 50c; Belts, 50c and $1. ELKS' SOUVENIB JEWELRY Gold-Pilled Pencils, Cigar Light ers and Cutters, Card Cases, Souv enir Spoons, Desk Ornaments, Jewel Cases, etc.; in Elks' design, prices, 25c to $5. For Summer Comfort, Wear Get a Kodak for Week Kodak dur Elks' week and 'take snap - shots of the grand Elks' pa- 'rade and of other festiv ities; youll prize them as treasures in years to come. A splendid, popular model is this No. 3A Folding Pocket Kodak of the famous Eastman flJQ" f( make. Priced at only PaW.W $2.00 extension metal Tripod $1.69 25c Print Rollers, 6-inch size, 19 $2.50 Leather Albums, 9x14, $1.89 50c Focusing Cloths, special at 39 32c Cramer Banner Plates, Sy2x3yi, at only 26 (1.25 Loose-leaf Albums, 10x12 in., only 94 . Elks' IX-JE 1 SJ v STYLE SOMETHING new ex clusively at Meier. & Frank's! . New collarless, buttonless Pa jamas, for either men or women. No more comfortable Pajamas for Summer wear could possibly be found. Made of fine, soft soisette, plenteously cut, with "V" neck and no buttons. Slips over the head like a shirt. . Equally suitable for men or women. Choice of white, blue, tan or cream. All sizes.. See our big Morrison-street window display remember they're here only, in Portland. Priced $1.50 and $2 a suit. Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Shirts, 68c Over 8000 fresh, crisp new. Shirts out on the tables today. Golf and negligee styles, with plain or pleated fronts. All sizes. Splen did $1 and $1.25 Shirts at f Q -three for $2.00; each at "OC Men's $1 Norfolk and .New Brunswick Summer Underwear shirts and drawers, in blue 7Q 75c French Balbriggan Underwear Shirts and Drawers in long CQ or short sleeves, knee or ankle style; special price for this sale, Oi7C rw-a .11 57, .III U r) C1U a t n . . sal a . i FOR MEN 6s WOMEN "Hello Bill," 50c HERE'S a jolly good Book of stories and toasts that'll prepare you for that after-dinner talk. Then, too, it's an attractive souvenir book, bound in purple and white with Elk's head design. Ask Cfl for the "Hello Bill" book OUC POPULAR FICTION AT 50c "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine." "The Girl of the Limberlost" "The Mountains" White. "Adventures in Contentment." "The Forest" White. "The Long, Straight Road." "Richard Carvel" Churchill "The Courage of Captain Plum." Women's 25c- 35c Vests, 17c FESTE ribbed Lisle and Cotton Vests in ' low neck sleeveless style. Yokes plain and with fancy lace and crochet. Regular and extra sizes 1 "7 25c and 35c Vests today " Women's 75c Union Suits of fine ribbed cotton, low neck, sleeveless style, with plain yokes, tight and umbrella pants. CO Specially priced today at JC j First Floor, Mala Building- Ifsa Great Sale $25-$35 Middy Blouses at $ 1 .28 All Sizes from 4 Yrs. to 44 Bust Measure WHEN" the highest degree of comfort is wanted and at the same time a garment that's jaunty and clever the Middy Blouse is asked for invariably. For outdoor sports they're admirable allowing absolute freedom of shoulders and arms, and there's no need to worry over the possibility of severing of skirt and waist as with the regular style blouse. These we special at $1.28 are well made of galatea all white and with blue collars and cuffs. Finished with wash braid. All sizes 4 years to 44 bust meas- fljl OO nre. Specially priced today at piiO Sale of Sweaters At $1.95 women's and misses' Sweaters in fed, white, gray and tan. Shawl, "V"-6hape or sailor collars. At $2.50 women's and misses' Sweaters in the popular ruff-neck style. Plain weave in red, gray .and white. . At $1.89 Sweaters for children with "V"-shape, high or sailor col lars. In Norfolk, Buster Brown and Middy Blouse styles. Plain and fancy weave. White with red or navy and all red. Second Floor, Mala BnlldlaK Mail Orders Filled Last Day of July Toilet Goods Sale TODAY is the last day of the hundreds of cut-prices on ' Toilet Goods and Drug Specialties that have been in force during the week of our July Sale. Just a hint of the savings possible for those who purchase their sup-' plies today. :t lOe Jap Rose Soap, bar 5 7Se Con t Pa Castile, larre bar, 65. SUM Hot- Wafer Bottle, 3- aaart, 89. BOc Creme Klraya. apt 39 20e Dioxide Cream, special. Jar at 15. . 50c Sempre Glo-rlae, 29. 50c El Perfecto Veda Rooare at 25. 2Se Sanltol Tooth ' Powder two for 25. 15c Sanltol Toot a Paste, two for 25. 23c Graven Tooth Powder two for 25. 25e Lyons' Tooth Powder special at lO. S5e Rnblfoam two bottles at 25. S5e Knthrmol Tooth Paste at lO. 15c Supertar Shampoo Soap at 12. 5c Oatmeal and Bath Soap t 3. 10c 4711 Verdnra Violet Glycerine Soap 5. 25e Cntlenra . Soap special at 12. $1 Danderlme Hair Tonic at 69. 1 Ptnand's Eau de 4alalae at 69. 50c Canthrox Shampoo at 29. 2Se Rose Water and Gly . cerlae at 15. 2Sc Carters' Little Liver Pills two for 25. 1 Lambert's Llsteriae at only 59. BOc Beef, Iron and Wine, special at 29. Society Chocolates for 38c HOFFMAN'S famously-good 50c- So- Boys' $5 to $6 Hercules Suits $3.85 Third Floor, New BuIIdlna- Mall Orders FUled u OTHERS America over, know these fa mous Hercules, all - wool guaranteed Suits ! And the identical grades, which could not be sold regu larly under $5, $6 and $6.50, are in this sale at $3.85, because we secured the maker's surplus. : Double-breasted and Norfolk coats; full cut, pegtop knicker bockers, lined throughout, with seams taped; strictly all-wool sizes 6 to 17 years. Priced for this sale , BUICTIjr till-WOOl $3.85 Boys' $1.50 to $2 Wash Suits 98c ciety Chocolates, Saturday only, both First loor and .Basement Shops; oo j pound box at the special price of Pepermtnt Chews 20. inocoiate cnipa aUO. Opera Chips SO. Peanat Bar 20c. Fancy ... $18.7 Suits The Men's Clothing Store on Third Floor, New Building. TTO the hundreds of men who will want to look their best during the Elks' Grand Lodge Re union next week, as well as those who have put off buying their Summer Suit until now, this great Choice-of-the House Clothing Sale at $18.75 will carry its appeal today! Still a multitude of beautitful new weaves, patterns and colorings here to choose from Suits of which we've established a record for value-giving at $25, $2S, $30 and $35. Only our staple blues and blacks withheld. No Clothing Sale in Portland today for real savings, immensity of stock, high grade makes and a guarantee which is ironclad compares with this notable $13.75 event at The Meier & Frank Store. Natty pin stripes5 pencil stripes and silken woven stripes smart homespuns, cheviots and worsteds in beautiful fancy blues, light and dark grays, tans, browns, purple and plum shades. , " The Adler-llochester Sj'stern, Society Brand Clothes for young men and men who stay young, The Washington Company and' other finest hand tailored, all-wool clothing.; ": Positively not a Fancy Suit withheld our eh- , tire matchless $25, $28, $30 and $35 lines' grouped at the wonderfully low price, $18,75. What a Neckwear Sale! STILL thousands of pieces . of ex quisite Summer Neckwear, today at prices which are well nigh irresistible. . 15c Plain1 Linen Byron Collars,' 7 "25c Embroidered Linen Byron Collars, 12 60c to $1 Neckwear beautiful lace-trimmed, lawn Dutch Collars, Cas cades and Side-Frills, 39 ' 75c to $1 Real Cluny Lace- trimmed. Jabots and Collars, 57 ' $1.25 to $2.50 Large Venise Lace Collars also real lace trimmed Jabots, 98 . $3.50 to f 5.00 Real Lace Jabots trimmed in exquisite Irish and Cluny laces, $1.98 ' ' Immense Sample lot of high grade Neckwear real Irish lace Collars, hand-embroidered Fichus and , real Venise Collars. Eegu larly $12 to $26.50, Vi price. 35c TO 65c BIBBONS, 25c Great Saturday offering of. high-grade plain and fancy Rib bons, 5" and 6 inches wide. Plain taffetas, moires, dresdens, warp prints, stripes, plaids, OC. THIS IS THE KAYSER GLOVE STORE OF PORTLAND We sell more Kayser Silk Gloves than probably all other Portland stores combined. Assort ments, service they're the rea sons. Complete line of 2-clasp style, in tricot arid heavy Milanese silks black, white and any demanded shade. Price 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 ALL PARASOLS REDUCED Plain and fancy pongees, taf fetas, white silks, white embroid ered linens, Dresdens, florals, etc. $1.25 at 98; $2 at $1.63; $2.50 and $3 at $1.98; $3.50 at $2.98; $4-$4.50 at $3.67; $5 at $3.98; $6-$7 at $4.67; $12 to $25 at ya PRICE. checks, etc. 35c -65c grades 50c to $3.50 Hand-Emb'd Irish Linen Kerchiefs Third Floor, Ney Building, jj Sale 50c Black Silk Boot Hose at 35c A NOTHER special in the popular Silk Boot Hose that women are- sure to take advantage of. Excellent quality Hose silk where they show, lisle where the wear comes. Soles and carter . tops extra rein forced. In black only. Regular 50c grade, special today, 3 pairs, $1; pair 35c Women's 50c Hose The lavender top silk lisle Hose with double elastic tops and high spliced ' heels. Spe., 3 prs., $1.25;fCr. pair at low price Women's $3 Italian Silk Hose . The high - grade Kayser brand. Dainty em broidered boots. In-colors only. Today, J- Cf the pair, only Piv Children's Lisle Hose Fine ribbed style with linen heels and toes. Spe cial, 3 pairs, 60c; OO. pair at low price 1 Ajax Guaranteed Hose for All the Family Men's Ajax Socks of Maco cotton, silk lisle and pure thread silk, in black, tan and beautiful Summer tluidps. Box of six pairs, guaranteed 6 months, $1.50, $2 and $3. Women's and Children's Ajax Hose in black and tan. Various styles and. weights; six pairs, guaranteed six months, $1.50, $2 and $3. First Floor, Mnln Bulldlngr Mnll Orders Filled Women's Lisle 50c Hose In colors only, to match the Summer frocks. In dainty lace and embroid ered boots. 2 pairs OQ 55c; the pair tlOC Onr No. 953 Series Of women 's imported si I k lisle Hose the best the foreign market can pro duce, at this price. Black and in colors.. The CfJ,, pair at this sale, OvrC Infants' 25c Hose Of fine lisle in black, white and colors. Special today, a pair, Gold Filled Toric Glasses for $4.98 WE feel we can safely say that no better Optical service is to .be found in Portland onr ' graduate Optician will examine your eyes in a thorough, ' expert- manner and there's no., charge whether you need glasses or not' . Special for today are our regular $8 Glasses with the new comfort bridge, combination frame. ' Gold filled frame with solid gold nose pad. Fitted to your eyes QQ with toric lenses. Today P"'Q ' $5 Glasses same frame as above with best plain lenses. tiQ AQ Today, special price of pOmtO It's a maker's loss, your gain. Backward weatneri has hurt the Wash Suit business. We secured 400 of these splendid $1.50 to $250 Suits "at a price." Beautifully made, of fine white ducks, bine and tan cham- bravs and pure linens, striped madrases, galateas, Indian beads. Russian and sailor blouse styles aires 2 toQO. 10. Yonr choice today of these $1.50 to $250 Suits at iO. The Big Hat Store for Boys Portland's largest variety of Straw Hats for boys and children, so many mothers have told us! JSverv style iue to Hoys' x elt .Hats, $1 to $3.50. Boiled Ham, Lb., 32c THAT delicious Boiled Ham ; for which our big Delicatessen is fast becoming famous I Ask for it to- day ; youll not ' be disappointed. j f5 opeujai price Jur ottnirua.,y uiuj, iu. Imported Swiss Cheese, lb, 32 . Tillamook Cheese, lb. at only 18 Fancy Walnuts, lb, 17 Sliced ' Lambs Tongues, in glass, at 15 and ' 25 ' Sliced Beef, in glass, 2 i jars 25 Eastern nigh-grade Lard, medium pails 68 Wheat Eats, pkg. 10 Eungsford's Gloss Starch in wood boxes 50 Eoyal Banquet Olive Oil, large bottle 75 " Yeloban Milk, four cans for 25 Fancy Prunes, . 2 lbs for 22 . Lima Beans, 3 lbs. 23 Roundup Cleaner, 6 pkgs. . for 25 Sapolio, four 10c cakes for 30 Complete Grafonola Outfit at dr-o a a Superb Columbia Favorite Machine, With 24 Selections. Special Record Album and 1000 Needles. Sole Portland Agents for John S. Brown IJa HffatiHlntf' Underwear Willamette so wine ' Machine ' Acorn 8 t r and Bansea Fulton Whitney Oo-Carts Gastave Bttckley Org- Inal Cmftaman Far- nlture PHONES Pacific, Marshall 4600; Home, A-6101. - Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue. QNE of these beautiful Grafonola Outfits should be in every home! Join our Special Summer Club today it means we will deliver the entire outfit on a $7 payment, balance $1 a week. This '"Favorite" Grafonola was the first hornless instrument to be sold under $100. It may be supplied in mahogany, or quartered oak, elegantly finished in every detail. Plays any make of 10 or 12-inch record, reproducing them as faithfully as any madiine made. You may select any 12 double-disc records, 24 selec tions, from the regular Columbia list. And we include a 10 or 12-inch record album and lOOOflJCO qa best steel needles, all for the low price of POOoJ U Special Phonograph Concerts in our new parlors on the 5th Floor this afternoon and tonight. , Hear the new records for July.