THE MOTiNIXG OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 19i3. 15 . 5900 OREGON ACRES GO TD GOVERNMENT Fraudulent Entries by . Utah Syndicate Are Cancelled Following Indictments. CRIMINAL CASE TO FOLLOW Jnrtare BMn'i Dere Declares That Return of Land I Without Prej udice on Either Side Plea of Guilt Are Anticipated. Five thousand nins hundred acres of (.fraudulently patented lands in Baker foand Grant counties were cancelled and Fa w,4m 1 9 n a riven for the approximate value of the timber that had been cut off the property while In the possession of the fraudulent pat entees by a decree of Judge Bean In the United States District Court. This decree Is a partial culmination of the suit of the United States against the Oregon Lumber Company, David Series, Grant Geddes (now dead). Jo- ephJ3arton. Frank 3C 8hurtllff. Fred erick H. Atkinson. James R. Smurth- wnlte. William A. Green and Joseph E. Hyde, in which It was declared these defendants fraudulently secured pat ents to the lands In Question, represent ing a Utah syndicate that brought pat lentees for the purpose, and as a result lot which the above-mentioned defend knta were indicted on charges of con If pi racy to defraud the Government of It he lands, which indictments are still standing, awaiting: the action of the fcourt. These transactions took place during ft 904. 1905 and X90, and when United 1st a tea District Attorney John McCourt (received bis appointment ha fell heir to re he proseoutlon or the suit and the in Idlctments. After a thorough examina It Ion of the facts, collected by special Hgent. Mr. McCourt reached an agree ent with the attorneys of the defend nts that 6900 acres of the 6700 acres n question should be restored to th Government and thait the Bum of 12ft. WOO be paid for the timber cut from th s laima. At was agreed, nuwever, (this should not have any effect on the Criminal proceedings - In progress bgalnst the defendants. Judge Bean made this clear by the kise of he following language: "It I further adjudged that thir decree shall be without prejudice to the rights and Inlalms of the complainant and of the defendants. In that certain criminal rause now pending In the United States District Court to which they are par rles and that this decree shall not oper. kite as an estoppel or as evidence as to ny matter or thing which may be lit! kated therein, but that the force and effect of this decree shall be and it is lereby limited and circumscribed in all -espects In pursuance to and in con formity with the situation 'herelnbe fore entered Into." The tax-collecting officials of Grant and Baker counties were made defend ants to the suit in the decree because pom taxes had been assessed against the properties ln traestton and was tiece&sary to have these cancelled to trlve a fee simple title back to the Gov trnmenf- These Indictments against the de fendants will come-up during the Sep- emner term of court and it is prob kbit they will plead guilty to the 1-barges of conspiracy and ask for clemency. DAILY HXTERO LOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. July 3. Maximum tern erature. 64 degree; minimum. 66 degrees, ftiver nadlnc. 8 A. M.. 15.1 feet: chans a lul 24 hours. -0.4 feet. Total rainfall 6 P. M. to S P. II. . .01 Inches: total rain. all since September 1. 1011. 84.90 Inches; lormal rainfall since September 1. 44.09 ncn: deficiency of rainfall alnc Septem per 1. 1911, 9.19 Inches. Total sunshine. 1 our; possible sunshine. 15 hours M mln tea Barometer (reduced to sea level) at r. ai.. inches. THE WEATHER .3 Wind 3 52. O w.- 3 I ? I State ef Weather STATIONS. 3akr ?ol loeton .......... algery hicago olfax 'enver es Moines ...... )uluth :ureka ' ......... 'alveaton lelena 1 :nsas City - acksonvllle . . . . . ' lam th Falls ... .aurler ......... os Angelee ..... lerehfield led ford ontreal ew Orleans ... ew Tork orth Head 'oith Tskima . .. tndleton ocatello ........ ortland ........ loseburg ....... ipcramento : . . . . It. Louis . It. Paul Islt Lake Ian Francisco . . . tokn lacoma atoosh Island 'alia Walla Washington ..... .'eiser renatche ...... rinnlpeg 70!0.00 6:N iPt. cloudT 76 0.00 10.vw Pt. cloudy U.VU U'SW 61 0.48! 4'N eso.oo'ios 83 0.00 25 SW 76 0.00! 8 E 94 0.00 10 S 86'O.OelOlNE Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear 58 0.01,14 XW S o. 00 JO S efio.omo sw 90'0.00'12S M0. 00.12, XE 72 0.001 4NW 72i0.24i35IW "0.00:10:8W Pt. cloudT Vu cloudy ft- Cloudy t louay Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear 820.041 S!XW SO 0.001 4(N 8S o.oo i; sw 8!'0.28 4INE 80 0.00 24-S Pt. cloudy KIID Cloudv 36-0. On 121XW Pt. cloudy 74 0. 001 12 xw 76 0.00.10IW 78 0.00 12 SW e4'0.02!12iI 70 0.00' 8;.VW SB 0.0O12 SW 90.0.001 4NE 00 0.00,16 S S4 0.00! 4 SE 82 0.00ll8 W 72 0.01,10!N" 0410. 00! 8;SW MO.Ml!MSW 740.00il2'9W 88 0.001 8!SB DO'O.OOi. .). .. 80 0.00'25'X 80 0.9S 18'SW -iear Clear Pt. cloudv t louay Clear Clear Pt. cloudy i.iear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy CloudT Pt cloudy i-iear Clear Pt. cloudv wiear Cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. Moderately high pressure still obtains over Appalachian highland, and a large hlirh b-essure field is advancing Inland over the arm pacific Slope. Over the Interior of -e country the pressure Is relatively low, titers of depression overlying Arlsona and e alley of Red River of the North, re flectively. Within the last 12 hours llsht ains nava fallen in Northwestern Washlng- sn. Saskatchewan. North Dakota. Kentucky. yd Tennessee, moderately heavy rains In lDarta. Montana and Loulalana and heavy Ins In Western Florida. Thunder storms ere reported from Saskatchewan. Montana, fjromlng. Oklahoma and Kentucky. The gather is cooler in the Northwest. South- Lit and Central South portions of th Unl- d States, and it is warmer In most other ttiona The conditions are favorable for generally It weather Saturday In this district. It ill be warmer In Interior Oregon, Interior asnington and Northern Idaho. Westerly inds will obtain. ' FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Saturday fair and nrmsr; northwesterly winds. Oregon Saturday, fair, warmer except ar the coast; northwesterly winda Washington Saturday, fair, warmer ex pt near the coast. Westerly winda Idaho Saturday, fair, warmer north por n. a The annual rise of the Columbia River for Is year Is over, and both the Columbia d Willamette Rivers will continue to Ian radily- Th, Willamette River at Portland 1J have fauen to oeiow tne riood stag of feet by Saturday morning, ana tne mall- V of river bulletins win be discontinued h th eeeson with tomorrow s Issue. y Acting District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally er Bosalasv " Per Line. One time - I Same ad two consecutive times..,. tte Same ad three enoaeeutWe time Me same ad six as him enasecutlve times. .54 The above rates apply te advartlsemsau on dee "New Today" and sit ether classifica tions except the following i git uat Ions Wanted. Male. Situation Wanted, Female. For Bent, Room. Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping; Rooms, Filiate Families. When one advertisement Is Bot ran la eoa eocutive Issues the one-time rate applies. ttbt words count as one line oa oaeb, ad. rertteements and ae ad eoaated foe less taaa two Unas. Oregoaiaa will accept classified advertise ments ever the telephone, providing the ad vertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be ejuoteel ever the phone, bat bill will be .rendered ' the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted ever the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisement, situation Wanted and Per sonal advertisement will act be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Loser tlon only will be accepted for "Houses for Rent." "Furniture for bale." "Business On. port unit lea," Roeming-iiouses" aad "Want ea to sent." On disrit or book adTertlaements charge will be base oa the actual number f lines appearing In the paper. regardless ef the number of wards la each una. In Sew Today au aowerusements are barred br measure only. 14 lines t th men. Remittances mast aeeompany out-of-town Order. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF' FlUE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAT BE HAD BT PRE SENTINO YOUR CHECKS AT THB ORE A 171. 17. 177. 18. 189. 192, 193. 199, 201. 203. 208, 211. 222, 224, 221 817. 414. B 181, 199. 202. 208. S0. 209, 211. 22L 222. 223. O 102. 154. 16. 178, 17T, 178, 185, 187. 189, 191. 201. 202, Z03. 200, IKS, D 162. 175. 176. 20J. E 176, 177, 179, 182. F 188, 103, 196. 201. 207. 209. 210. 224. G 160, 17.".. 178. 1S4. 1M. 202. H 144, 180. 202, 20a, 204. 20, 705. i 176. 177. 184. 183, 186. 187. 208. 881. K 141. 160, 162. 177, 181, 184, 187. 190, 204, 206. 1187. 177, 182. 184. 185. 1T. 188. 200. a- j at i a a tea 4 (an OA1 OA9 -Ti a o, I f-o, irti, Irr, A"" '"-' i . N 101. 175. 176. 177. 189. 18s. 190. O 17 l!i9. 204. P 14. 179. 181, 182. 18S, 19. 191, 279. R 148, ir,0. 170, 181. 182. 1S7. 8 177. 1110. S05. 209. - T 100. 146. 154. 184, 185. V 178. 177, 183, 186, 187, 189. 192. 204. W 167, 179, 182. 185. 189. 203. X 108. 125. 136. 178, 199. 200, 202. V 172 176. 1S7. 203. 204. 206. AB 148. 165, 178. 182, 183. 184, 185. 188, 194, 206. AC 152. 168. 169, 178, 180, 181. 185. 188, 191. AD 149. 177. 180, 183. 191, 195, 20. 205, 2tO. AE 116. 1S9, 194. 195. 200, 208, 315. 222, 226, 228. AF 173. 186. 193, 195. 196, 198. 202, 209, AG 161. 173. 178. 188, 191, 194 105, 204, 205. 206. 212. AH 90. 146, 175, 176, 182, 202, 203, 204. AJ 175. 186. 189. 190. AR 171, 173, 177. 179. 185. 188. 101. 202, AL 181. 172. 181. 186. 195. 196, 197. 198, 1 VP; 1TJ IS? AM 165. 181, 183. 184. 186, 188, 199. 201, 202. 206. A 158. 171. 180. 3S5. 187. 188. 204. AO 171. 172, :79. 187. 100, 205. 206. AP 102. 162. 163. 157. 177, 180. AR 173, 1S4. 141. 201, 202. 204. AS 17S. 180, 181. 18!. 198, 205, 206. AT 177, 191, 198. 208. 'if above answers are not called for within six days, same will be destroyd. . MEETING NOTICE. , PORTLAND LODGE NO. 55. A. F. AND A. M, Special oommunlca. tlon one o'clock P. M. at the lode room for the purpose of conducting funaral aorrlces of lata Brother Fletcher, of New London Lodge NO. 181. A. F. and A. M.. of Wisconsin. Mem ber reoueted to attend. Br order of W. M. C. M. STEApuAN, Secretary. OREOON LODOB. NO. 101. A, F. AND A. M. Stated com munication tills tSaturdey) even ing at 8 o'clock, Masonio Tem ple. Work ill 1L 31. degre. Vis iting brethren cordially Invited. By order W. M. - - - A. J. HANDLAN. Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. . won rLKl NO. 142 Member request. d to meet tn the lodseroom tomorrow Sun- dayi, July 7-9:30 o'clock A. M, for th pur- poa or conaucunx tne iuaaw our late brother, jonn Kueay, aiier wnicn the remains will be convoyed to the Rose City Cemetery. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. By order of the E. R. M. K. srALUilAU, nee SPAULDINO The funeral service of th lata Lucian R. apauiams. woo pu sway at his late residence, 1128 Hawthorn (vi.. July 4. will take place at the above mentioned residence today (Saturday), at 11 o'clock. A- M. Committal ervlces will be had at the Portland Crematorium. Friends ar respectfully invited to attend. RUEDT The funeral ervlces of th lat John Ruedy, wno pasaeu away m una cut July . will take place at the Elks' Tem ple, under the auspices of the B. P. O. E., tomorrow (Sunday), at 10 o'clock A. M. Interment at Rose City Cmetry. Friend are respectfully invited to attend. FLETCHER At 489 Margaret av. Rv. Joha Flotcner, aea is 5. will tak place from the Waverly Heights Church. 33d and Ellsworth streets, today (Saturday). July 6, 1 P. M. Frlenda re speotfully invited. Intermnt Mount Scott Cemetery. MOORE July 4. at th residence. 25 s. ima aievasast l id nini w Br ctairs. S XI V-ll I aa JWsatSTa Funeral will take place from th above residence today (Saturday). July 6. at 8:S0 A. M. Services at 6t. Francis Church, cor. k. ih and Pin ts 9 o'clock. Friends Invited. Interment St. Mary' Cemetery. SWARTS Th funeral services of ths late Edith SwartS. wno paasea away si i city July 4. will tak place at Finley s chapel. Tnira enu 1 1 " 1 v morrow (Sunday), at 9 o'clock A. M. In ferment at Salem, Or. MORGAN The funeral of F. H. Morgan will be held tomorrow iDuna7i, juiy i. -1 -.80 o'clock, at the residence of his daugh ter, Mrs. A. Rollman. i:us eianaena sireat, corner Halght are. Interment at lit. Scott Park Cemetery, mends inviieo- r ivin U&rv Davis, axed 81 years. 1 month. 15 days jrivate services l :ov P. M. today (Saturday), July 6. at t.asi Side- nndertaklns parlors, where remains are prepared to ship to lows. 1 trirwAN In this city. July 4. Gus Wl man. aged 5? years. irunerai semcoa will be held at Holman's funeral parlors St 2 P. M. Sunday, juiy t- rrienos invueu. Interment Klvcrview t emetery. unvrM F.TS Of trt gchnmann Marble Works. Bast 3d aad Fin st. East 748. iir vnu-ARn H01.M4N. the leading fo- Deral director and undertaker, 220 Third st-. cor. Salmon, xauiy aesistant. Dunnlns A McEntee. Fuoeral Directors, 7th and Fine, rnone jiain iv - teadant- Office of Coanty coroner. A. R. SELLER CO.. W-4 Williams ava Phone East luim. C loss. Laoy attenaant. J p. FINLEY SON. Sd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phono Main , A ! FAST SIDE Funeral Directors, snocessers to F. 8. Donning, inc.. t, e. a za-o. LERCH. Indertaker. cor. East Alder aad Sixth. East 781, R 18g. Laoy atienqans. nKEWES COMPANY. Sd and Clay. 1152. A 2321. Lady attendant. CEMETERY j Beautiful I MOUNT SCOTT PARK : LARGE. PERMANENT. " ' MODERN, PORT- LAND'S ONLY MODER5 a CEMETERT WITH PERPETUAL CARS of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a perma nent irreducible M a i n t e n a nca Fund. Location ideal; just out side the olty limits on north and west slopes of Mount Scott, containing J3 acres, equipped with every modern convenience. PRICES TO SLIT ALL. SERVICE THE BEST. ' 0E MILE SOUTH OF LENTS. REGULAR AUTOMOBILE SERV ICE FREE BETW'EE.1 LENTS AID TUB CEMETERY. it i u CITY OFFICE. 820-921 TEON BUILDING. SlAIN 225, A 7088. CEMETERY OFFICE, TABOR 14S8; HOME PHONE RING B till. THN CALL, LOCAL. 4301. AJTCSEMRNTS. "WELCOME B. P. O. E. HEILIG THEATER, 7th dt Taylor This afternoon '2:30 o'clock. This Evening S:S0 o'clock. KINEMACOLOR UEST MOTION PICTURES. "THE DURBAR". Niagara Falls. "Sunset oa th Kile. EXTRA ADDED FLOWER FILM -VARIED SWEET PEAS. Eve. 75c, SOc 23c; Aft. Sue 26c SEASON SEAT SALE NOW OPEN - HEILIO THEATER SPECIAL SUMMER ENGAGEMENT Beginning Sunday. July 14 ' CATHRINE COUNTISS Supported by 8TDNET AYRE8. Evenings Lower floor, 75c. 50e; bal cony. 6c. 36c. 25c; gallery. S5c, 25a. . Wednesday matinee Any seat, 23c. Saturday matinee Lower floor, 50c balcony, 25c; gallery, 23c O A Ir C O THEATER I5J-K. IV !! TV Main 1. A. 5960 OEO. L- BAKER, Mgr. BAKER STOCK COMPART MATINEK TODAY, 25c LAST TIME TONIGHT A Hit That Is a Whirlwind BEVERLY OF GRAC8TARK Drsmatlzed from the noted novel of George Barr McCutcheon. A charming love story, tun or thrills, excitement and comeay. Evenings, 23c 50c. Next week, starting tomorrow matlnei "Are You a Maeon?" MAIN 6. A lOt'J .MATINEE EVtRY DAT MAT 10c tic 60e NTGHTSt 13c. (Sc. BOe. ttr WEEK TtrNR 80, Miss May Tally : Will Brother! The Four Lyric Latins; Mlonl Kaufman t orchestra ; Fictures, Matloe Kvery Iar btuuvea a. tmauina W Mefined VanilovUla. WEEK JTTXT 1 "High life in aU Vcita. 4 -Ii nllvniH Troubadors 4 Mayo i Knight and Volkmanj Harry Cutler i Orchestral Pictures. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES Nights Matinees ! 0 and 20c Any Seat 10c WEEK JTJjne SO. A Jtlxht in the Bdel . .na vmM Raaieb and Zil bauer: Bond Morse, King of the Monoes; Carl Boslne Co.: Romano Brofc ; Paplage cope. Popular prloes. Boxes and First Bal cony Reserved. Box Office Open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones: A 4686.. Curtain 2:80, 7:80 and . BUNGALOW Theater Return Engagement of the World-FamouS Opening Today, It o'clock PENDLETON ROUND-UP MOTION PICTURES txri.i, -mbmw viwi tiavar before shown. The only genuine pictures showing th raal inL taken from Ufa Fascinating, thrllUne. aws-lnsDlrlnr and amusing. Th only ones of their kind. . Performances continuous afternoon, ana vening. . .. ... Admission. 2.1& Children unoer ia, oc BASEBALL . RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vanarbn and Tweaty-fourta St. VANCOUVER VS. v- ,- PORTLAND Jaly 3, 3, 4, 6, S and T. lames Begin TVeekdaya at S P. 9 Sundays. 2i30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY -Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers - Wednesday. Portland's Great Amusement Park All Free Outdoor Acts Today King Pharaoh the horse sensation of America. This afternoon and to night. Skating Bear Lady Livingstons, marvelous bear on roller skates. This afternoon and tonight. Oaks Park Band Concerts that are a musical aeusni toman. . witty, happy, bewildering trou- badors. thla afternoon and tonignt, ,y Punch and Judy show for th chil- dren continuous all day. Jf 44440404wO4e04 COUNCIL CREST PORTLAIVD'S ROOP GARDEJf. 1200 feet above the city. Free scenic amusement park. High class attractions. Open-air rink. Pic nic grounds In old apple orchard. : ADMISSION TO GROUNDS FREE. PIED. BECKMAN In this city. July 4. at th fam IW residence, 1444 Madrona eie., Harry Edmund Beckman. aged 21 year. 8 months. 5 days. Remains at Pearson's fu neral parlor. 889-71 Russell st. Announce ment 01 xunerai services later. COFFIN In this city, t ths residence of nis pa.'Hlta, air. ana sirs, rnni a. i-ui i n, 12ft F.-it 30th street. Robert N. Coffin. aged 15 months. Funeral notice will ap pear In a subsequent issue. . TARBOX June 22. In New Tork City. Cur tls Elbrldge Tarbox. aged 29 year, youn e' en son of Mrs. E. i. Tarbox. of. Portland. Oregon. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 175 MADISON STREET.. Phoaea Main B98. A 7584). Horse Ambulance Phone Marshall O0. Refer All Cases af Craelty to This Office. Opes Day and Night. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS 0 first-class improved city property. 5 to 7 per cent. Farm' Loans. " A. H. BIERELL CO, 202 McKay Bld Third and Stark, Mortgage Loans 50,000 and Over CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPBRTT. LOWEST CURRENT RATES. WM. M ACM ASTER Tl Corbatt Bldg. WILL BUILD K0xl0o. four-storv aD&rtment-house to suit tenant- Splendid location, close in. West Side. B 225, Oregonian. mmms w 1 NEW TODAY. ON THE HEIGHTS ' Magnificent VieTF of city and mountains. Nearly new. well manned, well built. Finish un usually beautiful. Six rooms and sleeping porch. Bight on the carline; three, large lots, fruit and flowers; 200-foot hedge of roses. ' A really comfortable and elegant home, $5000 below the market. Be jure and see this one. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. Second Floor, Chamber of Commerce. To 4-story brick building, 50 xlOO, elevator installed, 4tb and Washington sts. Heart of business district. Long lease to responsible parties. DORR E. KEASEY & GO. 2d Floor Chamber of Com merce. Holiday's Addition Center of Population Th ' IfflfiT DFRIRAELB! LOCATION In th City. Is CERTAIN to ADVANCB IN VALUE from year to year. 1B 1 bellevlngr. Go and sea. - ej . l. Hie Oregon Real Estate Company GRAND ATE. AND MULTNOMAH ST, REAL ESTATE WANTED Single lot or quarter block In Steph ens' Addition; - neither traokage nor streetcar frontage necessary: state fully lowest cash price, size, location and any incumbrances. I am a buyer and not an agent. I want a redhot bargain. AK 204, Oregonian. - Choice Acreage 330 acres on electric line, just out side of Portland. Good land; nice creek and a lot of fine timber.. r ; 85 per acre; good terms. - ' MOODY LAND COl 1016 Chamber of Commerce Building Phone Marshall 3992. MORTGAGES LOANS CCtf JOHN E. CRONAN, HOI J I O 902 Spalding Rldg. f lV LACRELHURST SNAP. ... EQCITV PRICE Far aulck sale I will sacrifice mr $1500 equity In new 7-room home for $750. Look tnis up. uwner, AU 101, uniimiiftii. COLLIS. RERRIDGE at THOMPSON, UBLtC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 824 Worcester Block. Paoss Mala 57 REAL ESTATF DKALERSL BRUBAKER A BENEDICT, 002 MoKaf bids. M. 09. Back. William a.. 813-818 Faillnr bids. Chapln A Herlow. 832 Chamber of Commaree, Cook. B. B. A Co.. S08 Corbett bldg. Jennings ai co. Main IBS. zue ureconiaa. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P. 404-404-40 Wilcox hldr. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand are, at Roltnoaian st, (Holladay Aflamaa.) - REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. A CHICKEN RANCH IN CITT LIMITS. I have a S-room house and S lots, th largest lot 80x307 and the smallest 90x 110,- which I will sell for S3S00. Small payment down and monthly payments to suit- Within four blocks of good car service.. Call A TST Main 7760. Ask for R. M. Riner. I-ADD'S ADDITION. Here Is a choice site having 198 ft fronting on 20th St., near Hawthorne ave. The old price. $4125. holds good until July 1ft, but no longer; street assessment is to be assumed. This Is a large plot in the most sightly part of the trnct and you can make money ny ouying now. STRONO A CO., 605 Concord bldg.. Authorised agents for Ladd's Addltion. handle - PORTLAND HEIOBTB EXCLUSIVELY. Both high-class and chsap property, and I have the bargain in this dlstrlot; if yon want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you. win nave u see Dia. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 11 .TTTRT A 1?EW SNAPS. 100x100 corner at Bertha Station, $400. 2 lots in Irvlngton park. stwu. 1 lot. Summit Addition, 1450. 1 lot Center Addition. $550; terms.. , n. rrre T.A MER. 308 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 888. TWO Bne lots In Rose City Park on Sandy r.i, ail aaaesamenta naio. a. snaD at $1600. Will take $150 down' and $10 per montn... . HIGOINS BOI1K. 808 Northwest Bldg Main 4400, WHIT'S! HOUSE ROAD. TTonr fine building sites on the carline and road; wonderful view of the river and mnnntatns: these cannot be duplicated In this exclusive West Side district; $2650 to $4200. Write owner, B 214, oregonian. $10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near ear, cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Provident Trust Company, second floor Selling bldg. Main isoo, A-qmn. - WORTH INVESTIGATING. A choice lot on East 8 2d and East Davis. Price within any wage earners reach. 3 blocks from Montavllla carline: price $675; will make terms to suit purcnaser. J. F. KINDER. Telephone Main T7BO. 3EAUTIFUL view lot cn southern slope near Council - crest sooo ana up. inciua in oament sidewalks, curbs, graded street ana water; ouimiui raiuuuuiw, 1 " easy terms, rroviaent a rust . mmpiB j. 2d floor Selling bldg. Main 1800. A-8261. BEAUTIFUL valley view- lots, . with fruit trees, on west Bias, siaewaiK ana waier paid; 20 minutes from postofflce: $375 up. Provident Trust Co., second -floor Selling bldg.- Phone Main 1800, A-62S1. LOT on East 52d St., $300, $10 down, $1 week, no, interest or laxaa. u ava, vi- gonlan. - ' - HAWTHORNE ADD. snap, $950 takes this fine lot- act quick It you want oargaau, terms: must sell. S 206, Oregonian. LAURELHURST I have for sal the finest view Jots In Laurelhurst, corners and In side. W. L. Page, 107 Sherlock bldg. LE NOIR A CO. Dealers In- West Side property. 831-7-9 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILL take yon In auto; lot Improved; terms reasonable. Y 206. Oregonian. : WESTMORELAND lot, $150; sacrlfioed; east, front. Phone Matn 351T. Masterson. Lease "5 REAL ESTATE. For Bale Lots. A GOOD INVESTMENT. - We have a piece of around with nearly a I diocjk or rrontage on cast i?tn si., jookiub i flflwn Market. .It. can ba Durchascd at a I low price and on very easy terms. Th present price .is SoSX, but our. principal nKVB nwlAW ua Ol u luttute l van effect July 13. Think of ltl Nearly 200 ft. fronting-on carllns, with an alley ID the rear, for S52S cash, balance in month ly payment. This is clog In property on which the restrictions explrs in less than rive years, ana win prov an vxcetieui iu- vstmnx. Act quioKiy. 6TROHO A CO.. 803 Concord bids. Authorized agents for Ladd'a Addition. EXCELLENT inducement to homebullder I wno want to nulla in sn attractive , lo cality on the West Side, sufficiently close . to walk to town: the distinctive feature of this dlsrrlet Is the unsurpassed beaut;! of the trees and the winding roads, con structed' in conformity with the contour of the property. A site her at this tim can be had from 11250 lo (17S0. with terms that will enable one to build with a small amount of cash; near City Park. It will pay those Intending to- build . to investigate. u 3X1, oregonian LADD'S ADDITION. ' Wa have a Quarter block on Lad d ave.; near Hawthorn, which can be bought to day for 5225. with Ml Improvements paid for. - Only J525 cash needed; bal. 52.50 per month and 8 per cent Interest. W ar notified by our principal that this old ptic of S225 will hold good only until July '13, when It will be advanced to $6230. Act quickly and the' profit 1 your. feTBOSIfl A CO.. MS CONCORD BLDG. Authorised Agents for Lafld's Addition. IF you wish to buv or sail in the Irving- ton district, see us. We hav lot In this district a low as $750 on easy terms. j, uanaun, zttn ana iLiicKiiat. Beach Property. NEW cosy 5-room bunaalow at Ocean Lake. Garibaldi Beach, cheap, terms, . Address Dr. Swain. Rockaway. Or. For Sale Houses. HOMES ON East payments. S-room house, new, modern. f4 car; lot SOxioo; olose in; excellent neign borbood: 13750. 00. Easy terms. . 6 rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow style: lust comnleted. All built-in con veniences snd strictly - up-to-date. East front, 200 feet to car.. In Laurelhursl. I 15250.00. Terms to suit. I 8 rooms and sleeping porch, new. double construction, excellent finisn, oeamea ana paneled dining-room, fireplace, furnacj and sll built-in conveniences. Plastered basement: fruit and vegetable rooms. Two large rooms can be finished on tnira, iioor. $ROO.0O. Small cash payment. 5-room bungalow, modern, all built In convenlenoea. furnace. fireplace, three blocks from car. near flrenroof school aaa. eleetrlcltv: afreet itntirovementa rjaid! excellent view, corner, . $3350.00; $200 cash. 5-room bungalow, thoroughly modern! all bullt-ln effects; fireplace, near school; city and mountain view; street improve ments paid: restricted district; three blnnka tn . SX1AO.A0. Terms. . 4 rooms in excellent suburb, restrictions; built-in conveniences; large rooms, fire place, electric fixtures ana tinting inciua erl in nrlce J2.M'(l.O0. S-room house, lot' 100x185, West Side. " . '"l:..:". ,r' rw.. trees, fin soil. IlSOO.Oof small cash pay- merit doan. 8 rooms and bath, corner lot 100x100; fin view of Tualatin Valley, west siae, two blocks to car: 15 minute to post- offlc. Walks, graded streets and water. i-.'-uu.uu. S20U cash win nanaie it; una- aacB iiM.e rem. PROVIDENT TRUST CO. Second Floor Selling Bldg. Mam isoo: A-6261. wA.ra fiwowm flrAirK We have bouses in Irvlngton. Beaumont! and Irvlngwood, finished, ready to move in and If these bouses srs not to your M, n. ota w Hll fnr vnil In anV Haft of the olty after your own idea; we don't reouir any down payment and aell our house on the basis of $1 per $100. or, in other words, a S30OO house would cost you $80 per month, which would include interest at 7 per oent. Why not have an equity in your own home at the end of another year instead of a Dunaie oi rem receipts, come in ana let us explain. NEIL DURFLINGER, . PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 709-10 Rothchlld Bldg. Marshall 8825. $3000. $800 CASH. VVi i iraa to T.hnrn. ... n h .r-anrf C. Street. It has a nice, wid veranaa, large recep. tlon halL with Miit closet, bullt-ln book. hardwood floors, larae white enameled Dutch kitchen with ail built-in conven- lences, full basement with cement floor and laundry trays. If you are looking for an attractive, wcu-construciea noxne, m good residence district and at right price ana terms, aon't ran to see mis on T. A. SUTHERLAND, 1084 Hawthorne Ave. Phone Tabor 2017 or Tabor 63. . LOVELY NEW HOME IN IRVIXGTON. Lot 50x100. on Eat 17tb t. rortn. $1000 down, balance semi-annual pay ment of $500. Price, $10,000. Cannot de scribe the beauty of this home In this ad. Has reception hall, extra large living rooji. beautiful decoration on walls and celling, finest dining room in Irvlng'on, extra fine modern kltchan, cement base ment, furnace. fixtures and shades in, hardwood floor throughout. Three fin deoorated bedrooms and bath on second floor, also one llvlna room with fireplace. Toilet and bath in finished attic. All street Improvements uaid.. Including side walk, curb and aspnalt pavement. O 220, Oregonian. TTOMfn BATtriAIN. A client has gone i East, leaving his beautiful home in Irvlngton for sals at a bargain. It Is large and well lighted, has eight rooms, sleeping-balcony and fin ished attic. Hardwood floors throughout, oak finish balow and white enamel above thoroughly modern In all respects, two flrenlaces and furnace heat: garage; on block of car. This 1 one of the best home buys in the city. a V T!T!V1V - 'Main 1963. 605 Cham, of Cora. A 122T. TTRRIS li VOIIR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. 8. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLM. BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN 1HE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. BHDW niTR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE TOU MAKE PLANS; IT WILL PAY. L. R. BAILEY CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 824 ABljN-jTUJH BiLni. BUILD FOR YOU. siooo BUILDS 5-ROOM HOME. B or 8 rooms, built to suit you, on yourl own seleoted lot anywhere; 100 beautiful attractive homes to look at: olanning. financing, talk -with Mr. Willson. terms as low at $15 per month. -National Realty A Trust Co., 723 cnamoer ox uommerce. I.AITRELHITRST bungalow. Financial difficulties force me to sell mv beautiful home at actual cot; house haa aeven rooma and sleeping porch, Is I beautifully finished and complete in every detail; also large garage. The price for quick sale 1 $4950; terms, owner, AK lui, uregonian. KEW a-room bungalow, modern: garage; good car service; nne neighborhood; $800 below value for cash and 8 per cent mort gage; quick sale, see james j. Hears, 693 East 68th St. North. Tabor 4098. FOR $160 to (250 cash and small monthly payments w will furnish lot in desirable ' neighborhood and build according to your plans; satisfaction guaxamcau. a or ar ticular. AR lao. oregonian. $1400, total cost, near East 28th and An keny; good 6-room house, on high, level grouna; drid ana km, auu uwaiaoni, rented 12 per cent above price tells the rest. Owner, A 2a ia, oregonian. NEW, six-room California bungalow. In the beautiful waverieign. . xieigat. aisrnct; easy terma 1034 Tlbbltta su. oor, 85th. W-K car. - - - A,,en , n C T rT STRICTLY MODERN. BUILT RIGHT. 8ee this one. Phon. will call for you I with auto. - Tabor am . VERY CHEAP. : Broadway- boms:" fine; worth nearly doublo; also several lots. Ring up East X i O, tS Aeon, Y. . 5-ROOM bungalow. 44th St.. 1 block south fRose City car; una itKawuu, lurnaca, are place, fixtures,' shades, bookcases, oak floors, etc; terms. Owner. East 27o8- A NICE little cottage, lot 100x100 for $2000; $100 OOWn, per mouu, uu lUWUL - AA snap if taken at once.. , AM 184, Orego nian. - - i.nnnM bungalow, 3 lots, corner; grapes. fruit trees, Demon, rosea, ei., eoouu, eowu cash, balance . terms, owner, wooaiawn 948. ' V - ' ' $3750 STRICTLY modern, S room, large. trio fixtures; east of Irvlngton; easy terms. - Owner,- 826 Yeon Bldg.- Main 113. IRVINOTON SNAPS. FINE HOUSES, CHOICE LOTS. SEE NEUHAUSEN. A CO., 70S LEWIS BLDO. MAIN 8078. T ROOMS, with sleeping porch, at a great bargain; Knott ana sota si.; very modern terms. Call Marshall 2745. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow; easy terma; will take vacant iol. a, zw. oregonian. FINE modern bungalow, 1208 E. Taylor; rrult, lawns, garaen. owner. Aerms. FOR SALE Quarter of an acre, 2-room house. 50 Tare, soid. aiarsnaii av; . REAL ESTATE. Por Sale Houses. SPECIAL PRICES TODAY AND SUNDAY CHOICE OP FOUR BUNGALOWS ... ROSE CITY PARK.. ! $215 down, 5 rooms. $'-'150. ..... c 290 down, 6 rooms, 1J900, : s . 1300 down. 6 rooms,' .1000. i:i20 down. 6 rooms, f20d. '.' This is 10 per cnt . down, ' balance monthly payments to suit; each 'new and modern, and on block to car no assess ments. Come out Saturday or Sunflay and see some real bar trains Saturday. Phone Mr. Logan, SIR Spalding bldg., evenln&s and Sunday, owner. Tabor 3040.'' BEAUTIFUL NEW IRVING TON HOME ON 21H ST. JJOKTH. PRICE 67SO. LOT - 50x100. J1000 DOWN, TERMS ARRANGED. White paneled walls In reception hall and living room. Fireplace, bookcase, built In buffet, beautifully papered dining room. Very complete kitchen. Inclutling water cooler and. built-in flreless cooker. large cement basement, furnace anA. laundry trava. . Flreolaca In unatalra . Uvimr room. three fine bedrooms and bath, attl all plastered,, large closet. V 203. Ores man. ' SS0O CASH . " 16 PER MONTH PRICE S2B50. ' " ' - ' New modern 5-room huniealow with fire place built In; book cases, buffet, Dutch Kitonen, attic run, cement -basement.; -a blocks from Belmont car line In fine res idence district. This price Includes, all Improvements such as- sewer, cement eld walks and naved streets. This Is posl tively the best buy you can find. Call 140S Hawthorne av. Phone Tabor 62. $1200 CASH. See me about Ui beautiful Irvlngton room home for 6600-, term arranged, hardwood floors, sleeping- porch, two fire places, beamed celling In ninlng room. saneled walls, hullt-ln Buffet, wails lint ed. Dutch kitchen and oxntrv. Lot 60100, room for garage. Thla 'name 1 on East 34th st. North. W S02, Origonlan-. ' 17000. moditrn s-room house, close In. walk Ing distance, mor than full lot. hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, panned uinms room and den. lare sleeping porch, gar age, beautiful roses; very easy terms can - b arranged. IT P. PALMER-JONES CO.. - 404 Wilcox bldn. Phones Main 8699, A 2H53 $1250 CASH Beautiful 8-room house, bath. etc.. nice corner lot; this is a sacritlce, look It up. ISM E. 6th St., corner Tacoma ave.. Sell- wood. Will sell on total monthly payments of x-25. whtrti win cover interest and .prln cipal, a nic 5-room bungalow with bath, for 12100: no rsvment down required from dependable mar. .with steady Job; location 81st St.. near Stark St. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Railway Exchange! A beautv: lot 50x100. restrloted district, lmDrovementa paid, oak floors, large bevel plate ourtet ana DOOKcases. r rencn nui rora sleerjlne-norch. etc. terms: 14 mln utes' to city. Phone owner. Main 4144, mornings. - TREMONT A etory-and-a-half house, sma but In good condition; chicken nouses an yards: one or more lots adjoining; also . four lots on 58th ave. and three lots on 00th ave. Inqulr of Mrs. Moxley, 6il0 89:n ave. 8. e.-, Tremonr EXTRA FINE BARGAIN. Beautiful home, ail modern conveniences, ..tftrf i.trir. flti'r he heat for price and construction: elegant hardwood floors. 7-foot buffet. Call up Main 4144. FURNISHED house In Rossmere R rooms, cement Basement, sanitary wasn A,.nt.,l ha.liwMIrl floors. PriC S.lrfOO. Ill I ' . '. ' . , . . 1B1 rronian. I T3 Tl ii. . .w. BEAUTIFUL residence at a crl f Ice . S)la5ejcg I . CTOUna IVUKiUV IVBl, x iwwiuo, ... for $10,000; value $15,000;. Irvlngton vl clnity. Call Marshall 8745. 5-ROOM bungalow, lot 50x100, on paved street: sewer, gas. water an in, oniy block from Lower Albina car; very rea sonable. O 224, Oregonian. IF vou are lookina for a genuine bargal In a mnrtnrn h-room no use wnn sleep, iik porch, close In. paved street, don't fail to call Marshall Z743. FOR FINE HOMES See DelahunL I FOR a genuine bargain in a swell Laurel- hOUSO St Al3 E. US. BARGAIN $1500 cash: good lot. 4-room house, good car service. r-itn r. For Sale Business Property. BARGAIN $3400 Business corner. new modern store, 5-room modern .-apartment, owner. ltn avid Kiningsworin. For Sale Acreage. A GENTLEMAN'S - ' ' ' COirNTRY HOMESITE. ' ' I have the most beautiful homeslt for a country home In the vicinity of Port land. It covers about 1H acres, directly nn a anlendid atreetcar line. lut outsld the city limits on Sandy blvd., all cleared ana in ciover, sou tne very oaA,. wmci nined to the rround. electric Ughtj, phones, cement walks, free deliveries from - tne city stores, in iaci, every comiui that can be wished for and to a reaponsl hi T Hll mmII thla on any terrfli ha mav deaira. The nrlce Is right and If vnn ara inraraatAd I will be glad to take you out In my macnine. snow you ine nroDerty and let It speau ior hsbia. ji 185, Oregonian. mllSTST HOME. 10 acres, near Grays Crossing, nine mllea fmm Pniirthoiiae. with new modern bunga low, new barn, also small-two-room house. plenty of poultry ana pouitry-noue, ni.nM .ati iviimh new easnline en alne. fine bearlna- orchard, arape arbor and all kinds of berries, small trout stream runs through It; this Is a lovely spot for a bom and will pay lor itsen in a. iaun time; let me show you this place, S. DE LA MER. 808 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 60S, A 7281. 1 ACRES choice fruit and poultry land, near Gresham and Troutdaie. 3 acres nest fruit land: S acres with eastern slope acres onion land: shade trees and strong living stream; Ideal for poultry; fir and cedar timber; price $1060; $10 down and $10. per montn; lana adjoining inis nem at J350 per acre. We own the property ourselves and will accept a well secured mortgage as part or whole payment on tnis property. FIRLANDS TRUST CO., 71-720 Spalding Bldg. A BARGAIN rw Torm own terms. Tin vou want 'a dandv acre or half acre. tin. KanHv hlvd within a short distance of. a splendid carline, with -water piped to the place, electric lights, phones, free deliveries from city, etc.; in iact, an im- nrnvamenta In and naid for. SOU the best and in a fast growing community 7 If you do, write me and I will show It to you and If satisfied, yon can buy it at tne rignt price ano. ou juur www id, At, ISO. oregonian. - n - E. have aome view tracts on the West Side of the Willamette. Klver, nve acres and up, onerlng tne same inaucemenis as did properties on the Oregon Electric a short time past, by reason of published electrlo and steam railway route. Drop us a card or use the phone. Main 1410. Oregon Iron Steel uo.. oJo . onerioca uiug., Portland. Or. CHIC-KEN AND FRUIT RANCH. near Portland: a NbW outSDlviOil.-. hdi nrleea best soiL fin view, wood, water and roada; 8 acres, $400 per tract; 10-A-, $500- 20 A.. $800; 40 A.. $1200: .80 A., $2000; 160 A.. $3000; liberal terma FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 809 Yeon Bldg-. Portland. Or. . fiU ACRES. JtHOOO. On Reams Road, near Base Line and Mt. Riwui atatlon: could be platted to advan tage or would pay to hold as an invest ment. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8899. A 2653, YOU WANT a picturesque Summer horns With running water; a email wa, a... wn for chickens. 1200 and up. easy terms, choice acreage, close to Port land, on eieotno canm. uuuua, ... u ., store, etc J. W. Hefferlin. 807 Railway Exchange. Main 2248. ; PTVKRFRONT ACRES. One acre or thre acres, right on the Willamette. 8 ml es rrom Mawtnorne bridge; fine view, clean beach, native trees ana some iruii-, p j Riverfront is an invaatment. Write owner. W 196, Oregonian FINE fruit farm of 10 acrea, 1H miles from Oregon ouy; au aiuua w nu,., wuiuj ,u full bearing: five-room house, some good furniture, good horse and buggy, Jersey COW, cniCKena; veryimiiB in una wiiui- tlon. Address AV 435. Oregonian. K-ACRE In fruit with unfinished 1H -story house, DiOCKS AO tai. av, laima. owner, J. Nordberg, irais crossing, ai Scott car. ' " " IT ACRES near Beaverton. 13 cleared, z blocks xrom car station anu ruumna , only $300 per acre; terma Owner, James Wilson, Boring. Or., route 1. WE HAVE -a few acreage tract that will make you gooa money uy reason oi steam and electric route passing the property. Address Y 192. Oregonian. - $10 CASH, $5 monthly, 100x200 In cultiva tion: OU minutes vuu rnca wv, iuuiuu - Ing sidewalk. Ask for Marstsa.or Stsarna 202 Wilcox bldg. $675 FOR 2hi acre, near Portland, on car- line; ZIVV miUULQI, WW l,v,m eiauuu, Jjrai of soil; some orchard; $12 a month will handle it. AG-193. Oregonian. - - -v PLACE FOR SWELL HOME. 2 beautiful acres, cleared, on carline, near city, west biae; . running water; $1800 terms. Fj Dubois, 1203 Yeon bldg. ONE acre -all cleared, no gravel, red shot soli, a oiockb xrom car, excellent view; price $475; terms, $9.50 per month. AM, 183, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. Por Sale Acreag. S ACRES CP LOGGED OFF LAND, 250. $10 DOWN, 1 PER MONTH. This lsnd Is sltus-ted 12 miles from As toria, 1 mil from railroad station, town I of Knappa snd the Columbia Klver. Some 1 of thesa tracts hav running streams on ' them. Is close to a good school and there is plenty of work in that locality. Th soil is free from rock and does not overflow. Com Into our offlc and see i sample of the soil and photographs of ; the land. ' CLATSOP COUNTT LAND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1 212 Railway Exchange bldg., : 2d floor, between Sd and 4th on Stark. ONE acre tract at Woodstock; must he io.d. ; Owner. 78 Selling bldg For Sale Homesteads. FREE LAND to be had in Eastern Oregon, if Interested call at noon. 317 Railway Ex change bldg. M. H. Caief. RELINQUISHMENT cheap; Tillamook Co., H74 E. Morrison. Room 33. For Sale Fruit Lands. E3TACADA. Send for Illustrated booklet of the Ef tncada fruit section, where the Oregon Agricultural College maintain ils experi mental orchards. 20 miles from the City of Portland. ESTACADA COMMERCIAL CLUB. Estacada, Oregon. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD, 20 acres. 12 acrs apples, part 20 years old: 16 acres cloared ; new 6-room 2-story bungalow on wooded hilltop; magnificent view; electric lights; - gravity water system. 8 porches. Box 5o. i R. D. No. 1, Hood River. Or. FOR PAI.E Choice cherry, pear and applo orchards. Willamette Valley: one. two and three-year-old trees: bearing straw berries between trees; less than mile from town and railroad; terms. Address Joe E. " Beasley, Creewell. Or. FOR SALE 116 acres of choice orchard land naar Lyle. Will sell 40 acres or mor and will consider an exohangs of : ths whole for Portland property. Ad dress owner. C. M. McLtod. Lyl. Win. FOR SALE -Hood River orchard, 10 aero; 1 part In bearing, balanco young tress, 1 : miles out; small house, good b"n; price i reasonable. No exchange. E. I. Apgar, K ' 1. Hood River, Or. SALE AFTER FORECI.OUKS. Finest orchard on Rogue River Bank: sold in 1911 for $7.1.000: net Income thin year $10,000: can sell for a few days $5.. 00'. half cash. V 202. Or gonlan. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE A model farm, 7$ acres. 70 : clear, rest timber, fine crops, good butld :: lngs. good roads, near Damascus; old as , compels me to aell; $100 cash to any - man who brings a buyr. For further In i- formation writ to Joseph Krotsoh, Bor Ing. Or. RICH man's suburban home with 10 acres walnuts, one-half actual cost, SO acres, crop, stock, Implements. $3J0i. i KiO a., improved; Klickitat County; $M. f 1,'iS acres on Oregon ICIectrle, $s. H. N. SWANK. 308 AMngtOn Bidif. 665-ACRE stock, fruit and grain ranch In Linn County; fenced, with Improvements, for $30,000. one-third down, balance on 8 to 6 yeara. Address Box $44, Albany, -Or. BURTON district. Clarke County. 6 miles Vancouver, Wash.; 25-acre ranch, crop and stook, $4500. easy terma Rout No. I. Box 144. LOOK LOOK LOOK. 40 acres fine land, all tillable. In Wash ington Co.; $1000. $2JO cash, bal. to suit. 1203 Yeon bdlg. RANCH 60 acrea. with building. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain ' for all cash. By owner. 182 Morrison st. Fai-fory Sites. .FACTORY SITES FOR SALE OR RENT, - on ilver and rail, cloae to Portland; cheap ' power. Phone Main 1410. TO EXCHANOS. EXCHANGE SAN FRANCISCO PROPERTY FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 3 lota on ueary-st. extension. Richmond district, near the Pan-American Expo, cir cle, New Municipal R. R., new cement street snd sidewalk, fine business site, er for small hotel or apartment-house; will trade for Portland business or residence property; will give or tak difference. FRED T. MERRILU 504 Selling bldg., Portland, Or. FOR SALE or trade, all or part of 2",J-a. re HntB, near Oregon tjl'y; o irrca cii-aK-n, 50 In spuds, large hodv of timber bring-In- In Income of $200 to $22.r pr month: good house, barn and outbuildings, ima I orcharl; $130 per acre. . WATSON THE RK ELSE N CO., 305-6 Spalding bMg. Main 7.M12. BEAUTIFUL new residence, modern, in Ros-burg, Or., value fSHOO; will trade rnr Portland property worth $000. The house la splendidly built, pretty as a picture inside and out; full half acre; magnificent view of city. A chance wortlt taking. Frank McFarland Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. EXCHANGE 10 acres strictly commer cial orchard. ttpttzenberg ana itllow .Newtown apples nearly 4 years old and In splendid condition. Would tak vacant lots, house end lot, late model auto, or . diamonds as part payment. I am owner. Main 3451. evenings, or J 136, Oregonian. 80-ACRE tract In Redlands district of Clack.- arnas County, at $i,1 per acre; 15 acres ' rleared, rich soil, for exchange for Port land property; wili give time or assume .any difference in price. A. E. . Poulsen, - 418 Railway Exchange. EXCHANGE for good horses, wagons, bug- , gies and harness. equity in l acres. 14 mile3 from Portland, near steam and electric; balance, $1900 due oue year; mov- ' lng away, must be sold by July 10. East 4766. IRVLNGTON SNAP. . New, modern 8-room house; attic, 4 bedrooms, lot 50x100, hard-surface street, worth $7500; will trade for lot, acreage, a-uo or small house. East 25th at., near Thompson. Phone owner. East 5948. 12-ROOM house in Alblns, near railroad shops, suitable for rooming or boarding or for 8 families: price $."o00; will trade for lots or land or smaller house. A. E. Poulsen. 418 Railway Exchange. MT. TABOR acreage adjoining city park. beautiful view, bungalow, all conveniences. ..near hard surface and car, all kinds fruit. highly Improved; ell or part ror city res!--denca property. Owner. W 189. Oregonian. WILL, take a aood small housa as prt . payment for 27 acres on Oregon Electiia 8 miles out. balance easy terma i leave for the East soon. If you want a bargain. - call 331 Mohawk bldg. MODERN 8-room and sleeping porch house, furnished or unfurnished. Bullt-ln conven iences, Dutch kitchen; also extra lot Mix xlOO; one block from park. L 199, Ore gonian. WANTED Chicago North Side real estate. vacant or improvea, as part payment or Eayment In full for beautiful Portland ome. full two-story, modern, clot In. well located. AL 180, Oregonian. TO EXCHANOE. A well-improved S0-acr farm In Cen tral Missouri for part improved land noar Portland or Hood River. WD 194. Ore gonian. VARIETY STORE invoicing about J450O, no incumbrance, in Southern Idaho town: will trade for farm or city property, preferably near Port land Address The Fair, Emmett Idaho. FOUR fine lots at Tillamook Beach, ad- Joining railroad, value suuu, win traao tor auto or city lots. Phone B 3157. or address K 190. Orogonian. HOTEL MEN, LOOK! I will trade my equity in a hotol In center of Portland for city property. See owner, no agents. P 204, Oregonian. WILL trade fine modern 8-room house, St. Johns: some tine acreage ior nnuse in. . Piedmont or Irvlngton. Box 108, St. Johns, Or. WANT unincumbered vacant or Improved ob county road for my $iuuo equity in modern 2-flat house with 2 lots, excellent location. Tabor 1523. TO EXCHANGE Good business property In Walnut Park, atores ana iurnisnea apt., for good house, acreage or farm near Portland. P 202. Oregonian. FURNISHINGS and lease of 21 b. k. rooms. clearing $o0 per mo., ior nouse ana lot without Incumbrance. Apply at 409 East Salmon. 20-ACRE commercial orchard near Hood River. 2 years old; will take good notiae in city. Portland, Los Angeles or San Diego. Owner, 131 Mohawk, bldg. !2 FT.. 6 H.-P. 2-cyllnder motor boat, fully equipped; go 12 ml. or better; nearly new; for sal or will trade, as have not th time to use it. f guo. oregonian. WILL exchange eight furnished rooms and restaurant wltn an fixtures ana furniture for Portland property or acreage. 230 1st. 120 ACRES Improved farm, Oregon Electric, S125 acre, some casn ana souuu r'ortianu residence. Hall. SOS Ablngton bldg. WILL, take up good 1911 or 1912 auto up to 91000 es first payment on new nouse in Rose City Park. Phone Tabor 8881. COMPLETE stock of shoes to exchange for valley farm or income property, owners only. AH 192, Oregonian. ' WILL exchange a furnished room and res taurant with an fixtures and furniture for Portland property or acreage. 210 1st. LAUNCH. 24x5 with top, fully equipped. fine condiiion. wnat nave you? m., out Main st., Oregon City . CANNON Beach lots to trade. What have you 7 Inquire lblf ia St. SPOKANE property for Portland property. vacant preierrea. a. sua, oregonian.