POLICE STOP FIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION WHO WON FIGHT YESTERDAY, AND DISPUTANTS FOR LIGHTWEIGHT VICTORY. BLOODY NTH Johnson Toys With White Op ponent Whose Only Defense Is Butting With Head. RING BATTLE POOR EXCUSE Firemau Helpless From First Round lo Last Xegro Gains Plaudits of Crowd Which at First Favor Pueblan. EAST LAS VEGAS, N. M, July 4. The Jack Johnson-Jim Flynn 45-round fight for the heavyweight champion ship was brought to a close in the ninth round today by the state police. Captain Fornoff. of the state force, personal representative of Governor McDonald at the ringside, declared that It was no longer a boxing contest; that It was a brutal exhibition and that Flynn's foul tactics made Its continu ance Inadvisable. He Jumped Into the ring with his deputies and drove the fighters and officials who followed him to the corners. Referee Ed W. Smith then announced that Johnson had won and the fight was over. Fraa Show No Ability. Flynn displayed no ability in the fight. He was cut about the face until blood ran down his breast in a stream. He was utterly helpless from the first round and by the sixth was deliber ately trying to butt the champion's chin with his head. Time after time, as Johnpon held him powerless in the clinches, Flynn Jerked his head up ward. Smith warned him repeatedly but It did no good. In the seventh he began leaping up ward every time he could work his head under Johnson's chin. Flynn's feet were both off the floor time and again and sometimes he seemed to leap two feet into the air. Referee Smith forced Flynn back toward his corner a half dozen times. "Stop that but ting." he would say. shaking his fin Iter in Flynn's face. "Stop tt or I will disqualify you." "The nigger's holding me." Flynn roared back. "He's holding me all the time. He's holding me like this," and he offered to Illustrate on the referee. Smith evaded the blood-smeared arms held toward him and waved the men together again. , Repeated lVaralnara Vseleaa. In a clinch in the eighth round Flynn flung himself upward again and Smith Jumped between them and warned him once more. "Next time you do it I'll disqualify you," he shouted at Flynn: but changed his mind, for it happened again and again In that round and re peatedly In the ninth before the police took a hand. Through it all the champion was smiling. He evaded Flynn's attack with the utmost ease, whether the Pueblo man led with his hands or his head. Only once In the rounds did he show any wish to end the fight and yet ringside opinion was unanimous that he could have put Flynn out a any time he happened to fancy, wheth er in the first or the seventh round. The champion opened up only that once, early in the fight, when Flynn landed his only good blows, right and left hooks to the Jaw, delivered our ing a clinch. Johnson appeared net tled at his own carelessness and smashed a right uppercut through Flynn's guard which rocked the white man on his feet. Then the champion smiled again and went back to the monotonous chopping uppercuts in the clinches, which reduced Flynn's face to a bloody- mess in each round. Jofcnaon Dealt Hit Hard Apparently Johnson did not attempt to hit hard. He contented himself with a slow, coldly scientific chopping, very blow finding its way through the barricade of gloves and elbows be hind which Flynn crouched. It was a perfect exhibition of guarding and hit ting In the clinches, as far as the champion was concerned. Not a blow Flynn started reached him with any steam behind it. They were smothered or tossed aside unless Johnson chose to allow his opponent to batter away at his stomach, smiling the while over Flynn's shoulders. When the fight was over there was not a mark on Johnson's body, beyond a cut Inside his lower lip which bled slight ly for a few minutes. Immediately after the fight Johnson hastened to the betting commissioner to collect his wagers on himself. He drove from the ringside in his auto mobile and was forced to address the crowd before he could leave. Flrn Not Hnrt. Flynn was rushed to his camp from the arena. He was not hurt, cuts and bruises on his face being the only dam age. ' He had nothing to say in defense of the showing he made. The fight was utterly lacking in in terest. It was like a training bout at Johnson's camp outside of the blood Flynn lost, and the crowd accepted, the action of the police with apparent Te lief that the thing was ended. Long before the end did come ring side opinion seemed to favor the view that Flynn was eager to be disquali fied. He tu helpless as a child and certainly made no effort to disguise bis attempt to do with his skull what his gloves could not accomplish. The fight by rounds: First Round. s "Will you shake hands. Jack?" queried Flynn. as he opened the battle by rushing into a clinch. "No," replied the black. Flynn kept In lose. but Johnson easily avoided his attempts, and flung a stiff left to the ear. The champion pushed tils man across the ring and hooked the left to the ear, and a moment later flung a hard short arm Jolt to the Jaw. Johnson smiled constantly and fought with great care. Klynn backed the negro against the ropes, and the champion rewarded him with a right that cut a deep gash un Jer his left eye. Round all Johnson's. Seeoaa Ronad. As Flynn rushed Johnson simply grasped him about .the shoulders and aeld him at bay, all the while grinning like an ape. The champion pecked at :he fireman's face with light lefts and is they clinched, uppercut twice heav ily with rights to the Jaw. The cham pion toyed with Flynn, twice more shooting right uppercuts to the jaw, one of which sent the fireman's head bobbing. The champion early indicated it was to be a battle of words as well as of blows, time and again exchanging his usual repartee with the spectators. Flynn's mouth bled as he took his seat, much worsted during the three minutes of fighting In this round. TSlrrf Round. Flynn cut abort a witty remark of lohnson's by twice hooking his right to the Jaw. This nettled the black and he cut loose with shortarm uppercuts to the Jaw. Johnson bled slightly from the mouth as he emerged from a mid-ring mlxup. but Flynn spat blood In a stream, aa the champion cut his mouth with a volley of rights and lefts. 't. "g f tkS- Xriiisl .; J & v- : test m) Mmmzm .vJSiiii msmsm vK'fK iliiiiiifl w a - Ip'v A m -tk mi JJJ. ifL ,r4A s:rA-: W t I Jae,Bv?-& . iiifiiiiii iiiiiii mmmmmmmmmmmmm sKlllli PiiiPiif ! GHAMPlOfJ WOLGAST DECLARED WINNER Ad Seems to Foul; Rivers Goes to Floor With , Wolverine Whom Referee Lifts. ' UPROAR GREETS DECISION This nerved the black, "and he went to his corner with his -usual golden smile. Fourth Ronad. Flynn rushed in close, and was met with the customary rain of right end left uppercuts. to the face. At that time it seemed as' if the champion was holding himself In check. He indulged Flynn with, a few stomach taps, merely trying to protect his body from Flynn's attacks. Johneon constantly shoved out his stomach and invited him to blaze away at It, which convulsed the spectators. Flynn elicited a great cheer when he rushed the black to the ropes and planted a solid left to the Jaw. The round ended with Flynn's face covered with blood. Johnson's round. - Fifth Round. Johnson came up nonchalantly, turn ing his head to the spectators and hard ly noticing his white antagonist. Flynn banged away at the stomach, but this time Johnson covered up and shot four lefts to the face In quick succession, varying it with a left uppercut to the Jaw. Flynn, at close quarters, landed half a dozen punches on the stomach, but Johnson only smiled and again made no apparent attempt to. protect his "mid-section." Johnson aroused the crowd to merriment by releasing Flynn's hold and clapping his own gloves together like a happy school boy. "I can't fight while he's holding me." shouted Flynn. -protesting to the referee. The roijnd ended then with Johnson holding a running conversa tion with his wife and seconds. John son's round. Sixth Round. Flynn butted with his head three times and complained that Johnson made it justifiable by holding him. Flynn wes severely reprimanded for ' delib erately butting the champion. Johnson landing left and right to the Jaw. Again Flvnn was warned lor Dutung. nis time the champion objected strongly. He's holding me." was Flynn's excuse. Johnson, maddened, landed a volley of straight right and left punches to the face, fairly bewildering t lynn. men he stODDed himself, apparently with a view to prolonging the contest. Flynn's seconds also warned him to cease butting. Johnson s round. Seventh Round. Johnson played with the Pueblan as a kitten wouia wiin a -mouse. landed fully a dozen rapld-nre ngnts and lefts to the face and at the same time placed himself In a position : to withstand Flynn's butting tactics. Walt a minute, cried -the champion to a spectator who had .snouted ror him to end it. Flynn bled profusely from the nose as Johnson beat a healthy . tatoo with left and right to that organ. Flynn failed to land a glove on the champion, the negro's defense proving impregnable. John son made the blood fairly gush as he rained blow after blow on his bewild ered opponent. There was not a drop of perspiration on the champion as he -took his seat. Johnson's round. Eighth Round. Flynn again tried to butt, and was thrice warned. This round was much like its predecessors, with Johnson up- percutting and Flynn butting vicious ly, at the same time losing a world of blood. Flynn was powerless In the champion's hands, and for the tenth time in this round was warned,- the referee adding, "Once more, and I'll disqualify you." . Ninth Round. Johnson held Flynn at arm's length in an attempt to safeguard himself against the -Colorado man's constant butting. Flynn finally got in close, jumped a foot In the air and. landed with the top of his head against the negro's Jaw. Captain Fred Fornoff, of the New Mexican State Police, realiz ing that the referee seemed loath to end the contest on a foul, hurtled Into the ring " and brought the battle to an end. Referee Smith thereupon gave the decision to Johnson. Johnson was given a terrific cheer, while the crowd vented Its wrath on Flynn. The crowd greeted Flynn with Jeers and "boos." AMERICANS AGAIN WIN CHICAGOAX FIRST AT SWEDEN IX TRAP CONTESTS. BERG FIGHTS 10-ROTJXD DRAW Astoria Boxer Puts Up Great Bout Against "Sailor." OAKLAND, July 4. Otto Berg, of Astoria, Or., and Ed ("Sailor") Petros key, of the Yerba Buena Naval Train ing Station, middleweight. - boxed 10 rounds to a draw here today.' Both men were In good form' and the bout was a lively one from the tap of the gong. . There, was a large crowd. The contest was a postponed event. the men having been matched to meet on June 25, but Berg was seized with illness the day . preceding the time fixed. ... A new 90-horsepower rs-e)ectric passen ger coscn. Just placed on the Great Western Rmll-n-ay in England, has fulfilled every ex nectatlon aa reaards nerformanoe. reliability and eaar rldlna. Ionan Takes Olympiad First Prize in Miniature Rifle Shooting - Competition at Games. STOCKHOLM. July 4. J. R. Graham. Chicago A.- A., representing the- United States in the shooting competition at the Olympic games today, won the first prize, a gold Olympic medal, in the Individual contest at clay bird shooting with 96 hits out of a possible 100. Goel den. of Germany, won the second prize, a silver Olympic medal, with 94, and Blau, of Russia, the third prize, a bronze Olympic medal, with 91.. Captain F. N. Hird. of Iowa, repre senting the United States, won first prize, a gold ..Olympic medal, in the Individual competition today for minia ture rifle shooting. The rules provided for the firing of 40 shots in four series of 10 shots each at a target from a dis tance of 50 meters. Captain Hird's score totaled 194. Milne, of England, won second prize, - a silver Olympic medal, with a score of 193, and the third prize, a bronze medal, went to Burt, also of England, who tallied 192. The weapons were any breechloading rifle with a caliber not exceeding six mill meters, using miniature ammunition In tended for competition. est crowd ever at a morning game in the history of the league here witnessed the first contest today which was won bv Philadelphia. Twenty-eight thou stand persons were present, the fans overflowing into the infield and ma King ground rules necessary. The game was hard fought and filled, with good hitting, brilliant fielding and daring base running with Oldrlng, Derrick Strunk. Baker, Speaker and Wood doing the most sensational work. Bos ton won this afternoon's game 6 to 6. Bedient was knocked off the rubber in the first inning. The scores: . ' R. H. E. R. H. E. Boston.... 3 9 ljPhila'phia.. 4 8 Batteries Wood, and Cady; Plank and Lapp. Afternoon game R. H. E. R. H. E. Boston 6 11 3Phila'phla.. 6 9 ' Batteries Bedient, Hall and Carri- gan; Brown, Bender and Lapp. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittshurg 11-3, Cincinnati 5-2. PITTSBURG, July 4. Pittsburg won the morning game easily from Clncln nati after the latter .had taken a good lead in the first two innings. She won ,the afternoon game In the ninth inning, when Hyat. batting for Mc Carthy, hit for two bases, scoring two runs. Score: Morning game R. H. E. R. H. E. Pittsburg. 11 '12 0Cinclnnati; 5 7 4 Batteries Camnitz and Simon: Ben ton, Taylor, Keefe and Clark. Afternoon game R. H. E. Pittsburg.. 3 8 0Cincinnati Batteries Hendricks and Suggs and Clark, McLean. R. H. E. 2 0 0 Simon: Broo llyn 10-5, New York 4-2. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago 2-4, Cleveland 1-9. CHICAGO. July 4. Chicago won and lost a game to Cleveland today, win ning the morning contest, 2 to 1 and losing in the afternoon .4 to 9. Cleve land fell on Mogridge and Jordan for seven hits in the first inning, in the afternoon game, scoring six runs. The scores: ' Morning , game R. H. E-l R.H.E. Chicago... 2 8 lCleveland.. 16 1 Batteries Peters and Kuhn; Bland- lng and Easterly. Afternoon game , R. H. E. . R.JI. E. Chicago... 4 12 0Cleveland.. 9 13 1 Batteries White, Gordon, Mogridge and. Sullivan; Gregg and O'Neill. Detroit' 9-7, St. Louis 0-3. DETROIT, July 4. George Mullin Ditched a no-hit game against St. Louis this afternoon. Six of the visitors reached first base, five of them by bases on balls and the other on an error. Detroit won easily. Detroit easily defeated St. Louis this morning. The home club bunched hits off Baumgardner in the first and third innings. Home runs by Cobb and Austin featured. The scores: Morning game B, H. E.) R. H. B. Detroit.,.. 9 10 lSt. Louis. . . 3 10 1 Batteries Wlllet and Stanage. Onslow; C Brown, Bauner, Alexander and Krichell. Afternoon garner ' R. H. E.i R. H. E. St. Louis.. 0 0 3 Petrol t... . 7 4 1 Batteries Adams, Hamilton. Mitchell and Stephens; Mullin and Stanage. Washington 12-12, New York 5-1. WASHINGTON. July 4. Washington won a double header from New Tork to day, taking the morning game 12 to 5 and the afternoon game 12 to 1. The scores: Morning game . . . . R. H. E.I New Tork.. 5 4 9Waah. , Batteries McConnell and Cashlon and Alnsmlth. - Afternoon game . R.H.E.I New York..l 6 2Wash. . Batteries Quinn and Street; Groom and Henry. R. H. E. .12 11 1 Sweeney; R.H. E. .12 15 1 Boston 6-3, Philadelphia 5-4. ; PHILADELPHIA, July 4 The larg- NEW YORK, July 4. Brooklyn broke New York's winning streak today by taking two games, 10 to 4 and 5 to 2. In the first game Mathewson was knocked out of the box and Crandall finished the game, but was hammered hard. Yingling caved In under the ex cessive heat in the fourth and had to be assisted off the field. Ragon fin ished strong for Brooklyn. Wlltse was hammered hard in the early innings of the second game, whiln Stack was effective In every inning but the fourth, when Ts'ew York bunched three of their hits for their runs. The scores: Afternoon game : R. H. E. Brooklyn.. .5 11 lNew York. Batteries Steck and Miller and Meyers. Morning game . R. H. E. R. H. E. Brooklyn. 10 16 ZNewYork.. 4 8 2 Batteries Yingling. Ragon and Miller; Mathewson. Tesreau, . Crandall and Meyers, Wilson. R.H.E. 2 5 1 Wiltse Chicago 2-3, St. Louis 0-2. ST. LOUIS, - July 4. Chicago took both games of this afternoon's double header from St. Louis. Timely . hitting gave them the first game, 2 to 0. The second was won In the 10th inning, 3 to 2. Scores: - First game R. H. E. R. H. E. Chicago... 2 10 2St Louis... 0 6 1 Batteries Brow-n and Archer; Sallee and Bresnahan. . Second game R.H. E. R.H. E. Chicago 3 9 lSt. Louis... 2 7 3 Batteries Richie. Lelfleld and Need ham; Willis and Bliss, Wingo. Boston 7-4, Philadelphia 3-7. BOSTON, July 4. Philadelphia offset Boston's victory In the morning game by winning the afternoon contest. Brennan held Boston scoreless until the eighth, when, after running around the bases for a home run, he was found for four hits. Eason umpired alone this afternoon, Johnstone having been ov ercome by the heat after the morning game. - Boston won the forenoon game - by hitting Moore for six safeties and five runs In the third inning. Scores: Morning game R. H. E. R. H. E. Boston.... 7 9- 3PhlladeI.... 3 8 1 Batteries Donnelly and ' Rarlden; Moore, Seaton and Dooln. . . Afternoon game R. H. E. f R. H. E. Boston 4 10 2Philadel 7 15- 1 Batteries Brown and Kling; Bren nan, Schulz and Killifer. . - ' Boys' Elk Outing; Shoes, $1.50. Sizes from 1 to 5, a shoe that has sold for 12.26. Clearance sale at the Goodyear Shoe Co., 146 4th St. - . Mexican Outfights Opponent Until Final Slelee When He Collapses, Claiming Foul Welch Runs From Ring After Ruling. LOS ANGELES, July 4. For 12 rounds Ad Wolgast and Joe Rivers fought like catamounts in their light weight championship battle at Vernon arena this afternoon. In the 13th there came a blow which landed low. and both boys in an instant were sprawling and writhing upon the floor. Wolgast was declared the winner by Referee Jack Welch, of San Francisco. Then bedlam broke loose a demonstration by 11.000 excited fans, the most re markable feature of which was that it was handled throughout its duration of mnr than half an hour by fewer than a dozen policemen without violence of any sort. Tonight Referee Welch stands dis puted by Rivers and by thousands of spectators In his decision that Wolgast won by a knockout. The Mexican fighter claimed a foul, and as he lay whimpering In' his dressing-room half an hour after the sudden end of the mill, he displayed a dented aluminum protector to prove his claim. Wolgaat Also Claims Foul. Wolgast said he also was fouled, but tonight in a conference with Promoter Tom McCarey, of the Pacific Athletic Club, Tom Jones, his manager, said he did not believe the foul inflicted upon thn chamnion was intentional. Jones said Wolgast stumbled over the feet of Rivers as Rivers lay prostrate upon the floor and fell upon his adversary s Knee. Wolgast fainted and was carried from his corner to his dressing-room. As Wolgast was taken out the spec tators Jeered and booed him. while they struggled in frantic efforts to get into the ring, where Referee Jack Welch stood for a moment In hot altercation with the angered manager and seconds nf Rivers and then disappeared. Welch remained only long enough to reassert that Rivers' claim of foul was unfounded: that he had counted ten sec onds on Rivers before he had declared Wolgast the winner, and that the gong ending the round did not intervene De- fore he had completed tne count, men he went to his hotel. N End Comes Suddenly. MeCarev maintained silence. So did Jones. But Joe Levy, the manager of Rivers, repeated his offer made in the ring to let the little men fight It out at once. The end came so suddenly that few among the thousands who saw it rnul as-ren as to anything that brought it about. Both boys, gory from head to belt their faces puflsd and cut, were fighting near the ropes on the north side of the r ng when rtivers sua Henlv nollansed. Wolgast previously in the same round and in several other rounds had struck Rivers ratner low, and when Rivers went down there was n. sudden shout of foul. Tn an instant Wolgast was down on top of Rivers, both groaning. Wolgast rolled off Rlvers'Doay, nis ieaiurea cu torted and his eves glazed. Welch immediately began counting and was still counting when he reached down and helped Wolgast to his feet. The arena bv this time was in an up roar, and this fact, coupled with the confusion engendered, gave ground for dispute as to whether the gong enaing the round had sounded while Welch was counting and also whether weicn haH rnallv counted off en seconds. While the confusion was at Its height Al Holder, timekeeper of tne Racine Athletic Club, shouted that he had rung the ennfi. At this point. Rivers, with his face disfigured by pain, scrambled weakly to his feet and squared away reaay to i - new the. battle. Welch waved him back and said something that was not heard by more than half a dozen people who had - already scrambled through the ropes Into the ring. "That's -an outrage and It won't go here." they exclaimed angrily to Welch. The referee replied: "It will have to go. It was fair," and slipped out of the arena. Welch said tonight: "Wolgast was clearly the winner. "Just before Rivers went down. Wol gast had landed a heavy left to tho body Just below the pit of the stomach, and followed it with another smash with the right almost to the same place. Referee Defends Decision. Neither blow was low. Rivers went down because they were terrific punches and Wolgast down with nim. i am not see what happened to Wolgast. Rivers did not act as if he had been fouled. "The pictures will show that I was right and that there was not a foul blow struck In that fight." Welch added that he did not declare bets off. although a statement to thai effect was shouted from the ring while the confusion was at Its height. 'There is a state law against gam bling," he said, "and officially I took no cognizance of betting." Betting commissioners, nowever. stated that payment of bets would be made aocording to the decision of the referee. Majiv contradicted tne statement or Tom Jones that Wolgast had stumbled over Rivers' feet. Rivers said Wolgast went down under a terrific blow to the jaw and in this he was backed up by several ringside spectators, although Welch declared that no such blow was struck. McCarey preserved a silence even with regard to the disposition of the diamond championship belt, which was displayed in the ring Just previous to the battle, with the statement that it would go to the winner of the mill. Every seat in tne nig arena was oc- cup'ed and the gate receipts were 141,465. Rivers Has Clear Advantage. In footwork, blocking and Judgment of distance the Mexican clearly out classed the champion today. in tne second round Rivers put a hard right to, the back of Wolgast s neck, cutting a deep gash. Rivers landed ten blows to one for Wolgast in the third, and each time got away without a return. In the fourth a right swing to tne Jaw rocked Wolgast's head and he swung wildly. The pace had been ter rific, and in the middle of. the fifth both boys seemed very tired. The first knockdown came m tne sixth. Rivers caught the champion on the Jaw with a left and he went down, but was up in an instant From the sixth on to the 13th it was slam-bang. head to head fighting, but in most ot the rounds Rivers had a clear advan tage. Three times Rivers complained that .Wolgast was hitting low. ' In the 11th both went down from swings to the Jaw, and nearly rolled out of the ring. The fight by rounds: i Rivers led and they clinched. Rivers KJMm C-o-m-b-i-n-e-d with the inimitable service which this store ren ders you, is your &tJKr Fn-rnviTr tfpnrilior 5 apparel, tow On Washington,. Near Fifth $20 I to ' J $35 STEIN -BLOCH smart clothes designed es pecially for men with a taste for correct dress, at landed three lefts to the face in quick succession and Wolgast covered. Rivers was much faster and his blocking was better than the champion. In a clinch Rivers sent in three stiff rights. Jarring Wolgast. It was Rivers' round. Hound 2. Rivers opened a deep gash in Wol gast's neck. The blood spurted in a stream. "Rivers "pecked" Wolgast 10 times without return, and then put a stiff left to the stomach. Rivers put a stiff right to Wolgast's nose, start ing a new flow of blood. Wolgast fell short, while Rivers never missed once. It was Rivers' round. " Hound 3. Wolgast took a stiff left in the stom ach and, head to head, they exchanged fearful rights and lefts. Wolgast missed a right swing and Wolgast slipped in another left to the wind. They fought like two tigers. Wolgast broke from the clinch and covered. Both were covered with blood. In a clinch Rivers opened the wound In Wolgast's neck. Round was even. Round 4. They clinched, and Rivers sent Wol gast's head back with a right. Wol gast clinched, but could not land at close work. Again Rivers rocked Wol gast, but the champion bored in. Wol grast found much difficulty in hitting Rivers. Wolgast was wild. Again he missed, and the Mexican put in left and right to the "wind." It was Riv ers' round. Round 5. They went into a clinch and both held on. Wolgast put a light left to Jaw and missed a rigrht. In a neutral corner-Rivers put left and right to the "wind" and received but a light right to the Jaw. Then they stood in the middle of the ring, looking at each other. They clinched and Rivers near ly upset Wolgast with a right to the Jaw. The round was even. Round 6. They clinched, Wolgast missed and was nearly upset again. Then Rivers put a stiff left to the "wind.' Another right to the Jaw rocked Wolgast, but he bored In. His Judgment of distance was poor. In a clinch Rivers put a right to the Jaw and Wolgast went down. He was up in an Instant and they fought like tigers head to head. It was Rivers' round by a big lead. Round 7. Both were cautious. In a clinch Rivers backed the. champion to the ropes. Wolgast then sent in loft and rights to the "wind," Rivers covering. In the break both landed light lefts. Rivers then Jarred Wolgast, and the champion was wild, hitting low. Both seemed tired and clinched. Wolgast hit low. It was Rivers' round. Round 8. Wolgast tried with right and left and missed both. Wolgast suddenly rushed and put lefts and rights to the wind, chasing Riyers around the ring. J Both seemed content to go It at long range. Both were very tired anil slowed down considerably. The round was slightly Wolgast's. Round 0. After a clinch Rivers got in a light left to the stomach. Wolgast began to crouch to protect his stomach. Rivers seemed to be resting, as he kept away. It was the tamest round of the fight. Wolgast rushed suddenly and put a stiff left to the stomach, making Rivers wince. Wolgast hud a shade the better of the round. Round 10. Wolgast rushed and Rivers blocked, making- the champion miss a left. Rivers kept away. In a clinch Wolgast made Rivers cover with swings .to the Jaw. Rivers suddenly Jumped in and put a hard right over Wolgast's kid neys and clinched, taking nothing In return. Head to head, they exchanged fearful body smashes and were clinched at the bell. Wolgast's round by a shade. Round 11. Wolgast missed a left to the ribs and Rivers hit him three times without re turn. Then Rivers put a hard left to the jaw. ( Both slipped and nearly rolled out of the ring. Rivers seemed to fo-ce the fighting. Wolgast could not hit him hard and clinched. Rivers then stood still and took four or five hard lefts and rights to the jaw. but never winced. He then sent in a hard left, staggering the champion. Wol gast's smile had disappeared and he seemed very tired. Round even. Round 13. Wolgast got In a right to the "wind." rushing Rivers to the ropes. Wolgast then tried hard to land on the "wind, but could not get through Rivers' blocking. Tini-ei and again the cham pion missed. Rivers not attempting to follow up his advantage. Both rushed and, head to head, It was an exhibition of fearful blows. Rivers having the better of the exchanges. It was Rivera' round. Round 13. Rivers rushed. They clinched, both holding on. Wolgast nearly went over from a right to the Jaw. but bored right in, putting left to the "wind. "Take your time. Joe." shouted Man ager Levy to Rivers. "You've got him." Twice Wolgast missed. Rivers putting in lefts to the face. Wolgast was get ting wilder than ever, birt Rivers kept away. Wolgast claimed a foul. Wolgast left the ring, seemingly in great pain. Rivers was suffering agony from tho blow struck over his groin. It was a palpable foul on Wolgast's part. Gotoh Wins in Straight Falls. CHICAGO. July 4. Champion Frank Gotch defeated Joe Smej-kal In straight falls in a wrestling match today. The first fall came after 7:20 as a result of a hammerlork hold and the second In 4:55. a crotch hold doing the work. PEMBROKE CMBRrJKgP CHATHAM 2 In. High, I j 2 In. High - wv'"""7rl'gsgat tl. i i 0r AxiuuwmJ LINOCORD OPEN BUTTONHOLE root u4 back The Improved- Collar Buttonhole BUTTONHOLE It's The Newest Buttonhole The strongest.and the most practicable This'latest closedrdritihapela the UNOCORDli'SNAP-ON" BUTTONHOLE -which ; ir worked intoitheband to that.it will ineitherTstretch nor.break in.the laundering processTand no matter how moint the collar becomes during the hot days it will not spread , or pull apart, and when placed onuthe'CoIIar button it cannot slip' off. It is simple to adjust to the collar. button as it snaps'on and (off with ease. It holds the collar; toge therein front and gives it that . Imuchjoughtjorjtraight, closed-front effectevei7-tune.it.U. wonu Has Ample 'ScarfSpace Ide Silver Collars 2 for 25 Cents Iniunctredsof impartial tests have proved they3at longest fin the laundry. " ceo; r: ide ca, makers, troy. n. r. MOTORCYCLE RACES! Sunday, July 7, 2:30 P. M. , Twelve Events. Music by Campbell's American Band ADMISSION 50c. Take Rose City Car