15 TIIF MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIIVaW JULY 5, 1912. DOCTORS TO MEET Tri-State Triennial to Open in Portland Today. LARGE TURNOUT EXPECTED Portland Committee Expects 300 to 400 Present Social Features Xot to Be Forgotten by Busy Medical Men. Poctors are comin Into the city From all points to attend tha triennial Trl-Stata Medical Convention, wnicn Ibpens at the Maaonio Temple at s lo'clock this moraine. The convention Include the state associations of Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Every indication Is that the numDer attendance will be between 300 and 400, according to the statements last night of those In charge or the man agement of the convention. At first an estimate of 250 delegates bad been made, but the Interest in the convention Indicates that the original estimate will be exceeded. The first hour this morning will be devoted to a business session, and this fternoon will be taken up with the (discussion of scientific subjects. The Ucientlflc sessions will begin at 10 K. M. and at t P. M. After the--"grind" of the day Is over, he visiting medicos will be the guests hf their Portland fraternity at a kmoker at the Turn Verein Hall. Fourth tnd Yamhill streets. This event prom- ses to be the big social feature of ha convention. The arrangements boramltte has been engaged In pre paring it for weeks. The scientific sessions or the conven lon will be divided' into two sections. s be in session at tne same ume. these will be the medical section and he surgical section. . The first question to be taken up his mornlnr will be "Medical Recl- fcroclty." Under this head the question f abolishing state boards or examiners knd of substituting a system by which nedical licenses will be interchangabie n any state In the Union, will be con- ldered. The subject will be presented by Dr. W. F. Howard, president of the daho society, and by Dr. A. omtner, president of the Oregon so- iety. Preceding this subject, an address or .velcome will be delivered by Dr. W. r. Williamson, of Portland, and the esponse will be made by Dr. u. A. kmlth, of Seattle. The rest of the orenoon session will be taken up witn he discussion of the reciprocity sub set and with the reading of a paper n "Workingmen's Compensation Laws y C A. Pratt, of the Board of Insur nce Commissioners of Washington. lr. Pratt supplies the place of Dr. .ouls'Wllson. of Rochester, Minn., who s unable to attend on account of sick- ess. The forenoon session will be tterided by both the medical and sur- Ical men. Tomorrow the state organizations k'ill bold independent sessions, to ransact the business of their lndlvld- al societies, and elect officers. CHEHALIS DRAWS CROWD parade, Balloon -Ascension and Ball Game Are Features. CHEHALIS, Wash.. July 4. (Spe aD Two thousand people attended he mos,t successful July 4 celebration k-er held In this city. The day was lerfect and every feature of the pro ramme was a success. The parade as the biggest ever seen here, many pautiful floats oeing inown. v-on- ary to precedent, no patriotic pro- ramme was a-iven. the day being do tted to pleasure. A splendid balloon Hcenston by Turner, of centralis; ine kseball game at Mlllett Field and a Sng programme of sports were lea lirea. No serious accidents occurred, but e collapsing of a bench In the eachers at the ball game threw a lumber of .men ten feet. No one was ijured. A small son of B. D. Strick nd was struck by an automobile and igbtly injured. Free street vaudeville Vid a grand ball tonight closed tne tty doings. Friday and- Saturday oauoon aaco li ons will be given, followed by state ague ball games between unenaiis kid Centralis. CTRESS SEEKS DIVORCE Cissy" Ixjftns Establishes Resi dence in "Wisconsin, Goes Abroad. MILWAUKEE. July 4. (Special.) ke!lla I.oftus, known to the vaude- lle and legitimate staga as "Cissy, la seek a divorce. In private life she Mrs. 'Waterman, wife of an Eastern an. within tne last lew uays " gaged an East Elde aristocratic lartmeat under the. name of Mrs. aterman, came here with her maid d established her residence and then, ntlnuingr to pay rent on, the apart- Lnt. she salted for Europe, to appear fore the British mng on juiy is in a ecial programme. Under the "Wisconsin law residence the state for one year is necessary r divorce proceedings. The date ahe came a' resident is not definitely own except to those who aided her oject. 1 . AY0CEAN ROAD TALKED agon and Automobile Way Would Cost $50,000. '.BAYOCEAN. Or, July 4. (Special.) rst steps for the construction of tne tomobile and wagon road from Tllla- rok to Bayoeean along the shore of V? bay were taken this week, when r.itions signed by property owners ling the course of the proposed hlgh- y were posted, according to law, ilng for consideration of the matter gnst 7 at the next meeting of the unty Court. It Is believed that these ps will assure the construction of i road next year. "he highway, according to surveys de by U. G. Jackson, engineer for ;amook County, will extend from the sent Netarts drive, lust west of the Ul bridge over the Tillamook River, the southern limits of Bayoeean, a tance of about rive and one-half eg. Estimates show that the cost I be close to IS0.000. The highest Lde along tha highway will be 2H (- cent. Just east of Dtx Point, and st of the way there will be no grade atever. :onstruction along the high shore will be fills made by a suction dare. Across Flower Fot Bay. a dis cs of 1400 feet, will be a trestle. At X places, near Mimaioos mini and Dix Point, there will be a slight Hot with 4he old railroad survey to Bayoeean, but it Is thought these dlf flcultles can be adjusted easily. Securing rights of way will not be difficult. Many of the property own ers have declared their willingness to donate a right of way and other rights can be secured without difficulty. AI ready about $8009 has been subscribed for construction of the road by private property owners, tha County court is expected to contribute a large sum and the rest will be obtained from assess ments and private subscriptions, own ers of Bayoeean property have sub scribed (5000. The portion of the road through Bay ocean will cost about $25,000. ThlaJ will be constructed by owners of ad joining property. Specifications call for the construction of a IB-foot road way across the dykes and 30-foot road way elsewhere. People of Tillamook are especially interested In the high way, because they see in it an attrac tion which will create a 'heavy automo bile traffic that must of necessity pass through their city. The road Is es sentially a scenic route, aa It passes along the shore of the bay and com mands an excellent view of all the neighboring country. Tha road has been under contemplation lor some time and the present move to push op erations is meeting with satisfaction on all sides. , . NORTHWEST IS FAVORED INSURANCE COMPANIES INVEST MORE HERE THAV EAST. Of Total Payments of $582,040,000 In United States and Canada Portland Gets $931,750. According to computations by the In surance Press, life Insurance organisa tions of the United States and Canada distributed $52,640,000 in 1911. The payments in the two countries to bene ficiaries for death claims, matured en dowments and other benefits under the policies of level-premium companies and the assessments of. various life insurance organizations amounted to $401,140,000. The geographical distribution of the investments of life insurance companies shows that the Investments are heavily In excess of the amounts of tha policy reserves in every section except New England and the Gulf and Mississippi Valley group of states. The section most attractive to invest ments Is the Northwestern group of states where the Investments equal 204- per cent of the reserve in these states. In New England the investments ap proximate only 62 per cent of the res erves, while In the Qulf and Mississippi Valley the investments are 98 per cent of the reserves. The amount of claims paid by life in surance organisations in Oregon in 1(11 was $2,500,000. in Washington $2,750,000 and in Idaho $600,000. The payments in Portland alone amounted to $931,750. Claims paid in Oregon cities above amounts of $10,000 were as follows: Portland $831,730 Med ford 74.250 balem Astoria Eugene St. Johns . . . . Lone Rock . . Parkdale .... La Fayetta .. Pendleton ... Forest Grove Sylvan Kerby Drain 63.600 37.500 S2.S00 27.000 1A.S00 1S.500 18.240 1S.2.10 15.550 1200 11.SO0 10.600 10.300 Sllverton The towns In which claims less than $10,000 were paid are as follows: Allcel. Ashland. Banks. Benton County, Burn. Central Point, Corvallls. Eddyvllle. Falrview, Forest. Hermiston. mgmana, Hlllsboro. Hood River, Klamath Fails. Lamna. Lawen. Lents. Mapleton. MeMlnn- ville, Moro. Mountain Dal. Oakland, Phoe nix. Vale. Wallowa, Wrentham. The largest claims paid in ' Oregon were: Lone Reck. George E Wright $13,456 Parkdale. Matthew H. Moody 10.000 Portland. George W. McMillan. . .. .. 17.092 Aaron p-reiaenncn ....... S. Frank Gerhard Heitkemper Stewart B. l.tntnlcum. . . Frank F. Hall... Adolph Arfeld Name not aiven.. ....... . Nitint not given. ....... Name not given.......... Salem. F. "W. Benson 14.254 12 004 12 000 1J.0O0 10.504 ....... 10.4i 10,000 10.000 10,000 11,750 DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Jul 4. Maximum temper ature. 72 decrees: minimum. 5A degrees. River reading at 8 A. M . li-5 feet; change in last -4 hours, 0.4 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M ), none; total rainfall alne September 1. 1B11, 34.89 Inchev: normal rainfall since septemoer 1. m.ut incaea; ae ttclency at rainfall since September 1, 1911, B.1S Inches. Total sunshine July 4, 8 hours; possible sunshine. 15 hours. 8a minutes. Ba rometer (reduced to soa-level) at 9 P- M., 30.03 inches. THE WEATHER. Wind 1 etata of Weather STATIONS, -t- Baker Boise Boston ........ Calgary Chicago ....... Colfax Denver Dea Moines,... Eureka Galveston ..... Helena Jacksonville . . . Kansas city . . 73;0.OOI 8'NWtCloudy 7810.00 6!NW Cloudy Clear 84 O.OOIlOiiW 72lO,iK 8SE 88;0.00 g.S 7S 0.00i. . W 66 0.101 4 NK Pi O.OOHO'SW 68'O.OCU 'NW 8tt;O.0OlDS Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy .Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Ft. ClOUOy Pt. cloudy 1i o.uoilti&w S!;0.O0 iNE Clear Clear Klamath Kails.... tiiO.oot 4 NWiClear Laurler Los Angeles.... Marshfield .... Mod ford Montreal New Orleans. . . New York North Head North Taklma. . Phoenix Pocatello Portland ...... Roseburg ...... TBO.ot-S.IN jOloudy ff2O.00jl0W IClear 62i0.00 SlNT.'IPt. cloudy S4!0.0n20NW 'Clear fic A om fi vwlrimr as o.'is 6 SW Pt. cloudy H4:o.UO!:-ll &w uear 6S0.03;l8;NWiCloudy 2 0.00 9O'O,00 74,0.02 72'O.OOj SO 0.00 INW Clear 4SW g'sw 6,NW 8 N 1019 Clear . Clear Cloudy Clear Sacramento .... 80.00 klenr St. Louis fl'J 0.001 9 3 Cloudy St. Paul... S4 0.BO 12 SE uiear Clear Clear Salt Lake San Francisco. . Spokane Taeoma, . . Tatoosh Island, Walla Walla... Washington . . . Welser Wenatchee .... Winnipeg ?2 0.O4 4NW 0 0.00!24 SW 78,0.00 12PW Cloudy 66:0.00 8 SW fCloudy B6O.04 82. 0.00 Cloudy Cloudy SSlO.OOt 4;SE Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy $80. OO 860. 00 BiE 5 N 72.O.00 10(N WEATHER CONDITIONS. A decided Increase of pressure has taken place within the last 1 hours over the en tire country except portions of Colorado, Western South Dakota and the Oregon Coast. A V-haped depression extends from the southern Rockies northeastward to Iowa , K.n nnrihw.iiwr4l ta Alberta. The pres sure Is only moderately'hlgh along the north Pacific coast ana over tne Appaicni Highland, within tha last 13 hours precipi tation has occurred In Western Washington. Utah, the central Plateau and Plains States, Minnesota, the western lakes region and the Southeastern States. Thunder storms oc curred in many state within this rainfall area. Tha weather la warmer in the Basin States. Idaho. Montana and the lower Mis sissippi Valley and Is cooler In Western Washington. Northwestern Oregon. the Plains States, western lakes region and Saskatchewan. , t .nnH 1 1 lnn ars favorable for showers Friday in Washington. Northwestern Oregon and Nortnera taano, ki ur sunuir weather In ether portions of this district. It will be cooler Friday ta Eastern Wash ington and Northern Idaho. FORECASTS. -v Pnrtiinl and vicinity Probably showers- southwesterly winds. Oregon Generally fair- except showers northwest portion: winds mostly westerly. Washington Showers, cooler east portion; southwesterly winds. - , Idaho Fair south, shewers and cooler north portion. nDlr, 1 nr.JL".'inj . ui.nnu. Acting Dlitrlct Forecaiter. DELEGATES' PAY BALKED COE AXD ACKERSON MAY XOT - GET $200 EXPENSES. Assertion Is Made That In Failure to Vote for T. R. and Borah Duo Old Xot Serve State. SALEM. Or, July 4. (Special.) A movement is on foot her to reach a determination as to whether Delegates Ackerson and Coe. who were sent to the Republican National convention pledged to vote for Roosevelt and Borah and sat mute whea the ballots wsra taken, are entitled to the $200 ex pense money which the stale providss for celearates to such conventions. Under the law passed by the people In 1S10. which provides lor tne resi dential preference primary and the pay ment of expense money, delegates are given aa much of $200 aa they may use during their actual attendance on the convention. The law also pro vldes that they shall take an oath that they will to the best or their juog ment and ability carry out the wishes of the voters of their political party as exDressed by such voters at the noils. It ts argued that wnen toe ana Ackerson sat mute and did not vote for Roosevelt for the Presidential nonzl nation and for Borah for the Vice Presidential nomination they violated their oath: that It Is the Intent of the law that these delegates should not re ceive pay from the state for services which they did not render tne state, it Is contended that , the service which the state demands of them in going to the convention is to follow out the wishes jot the people and that Coe and Ackerson nave not none ini s . - . . . . Ice. There Is a move on foot here, which mav materialise, to start Injunction Drooeedinaa to enjoin the Secretary of State from giving these delegates tneir warrants on the grounds tnat- tney have not carried out the Intent or the preference law. Several wireless stations la the West In dies are operated by wlna powtr. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Pally or Sunday. Per Line. One time 12 Same ad two eenseeunve times xse Same ad three consecutive times aae Same ad six or sesea consecutive times.. 66c The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today ana su otuer ciasauica. tions except tlvo following: ettroatiooa vtauicu, sua Hituationa Wanted. Female. l or Rent, Rooms, Private Families. Rooina and Board, Private Families, Mnoaekeeobir Kooms. Private Families. u kn .ma advertisement 1s not run la esa- ecutive Issues tne one-time rate appuea. hi onrrin count aa one line on cat.li ad- Tertlsements and oo ad counted for less than two lines. nr..nnian will acceDt classified advertise. Mit. n.M the telcDltene. oravidina the ad vertiser id a suharrioer to cither phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but hill will he rendered tne foUewiua day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over tne pnane aepentis upon rue promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements, situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted ever the telephone. Orders for one Inser tion only Ran "1 wilt be accepted for "Houses for Rent, "Furniture lor wair. -Business op portunities," "Rooming-Houses" and "Vaut- On charge or hook advertisements the ehartre will be baaed en the actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number or worm u ,eacn uae. In New Today ail advertisements are .barged by measure only. 14 Unea to the inch. Remittances must accompany out-of-town orders. AUCTION SALE TODAY. . At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A- It. ruraiture. 171-8-6 Second street. MEETENO NOTICES." ATTENTION KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITT The first of the series of meet ings will be held In the Moose Hall, Royal building. 7th and Morrison streets, on Fri day evening. July B. All members and their invited friends should "not fail to at tend on aecount of the great membership campaign Just started. .. PORTLAND LODGE NO. S5, A. F. AND A. M. Masonlo Tem pi; stated communication this (Fridayi evening, 7:S0 o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree. Special communication ft o'clock. B. A. degree work. Visitors welcome. By order U. Al. bAIAAA, etc 6ELLWOOD LODGE. NO. 131, A. F. AND A. M Special com munication this (Friday) evening, s o'clock. Sellwood Masonic Hall. Work E. A- degree. Visitors wel come. By order W. M. H. H. SMITH. Sec. HASSALO LODGE. NO. IB. 1. O. O. F.. will meet this Friday evening In Oddfellows' Temple. First and Alder streets, at 8 o'clock. Installation of officers: visitors wel come. F. COZENS. Sec MATtTTTA WASHINGTON SOCIAL CLTJB Tudi and refreshments, evenlntr July 5. Masonic Hall, 8th and Burnsme. Adinissionu 15 cents. rLUHgNUB . aiuii. o . FTJNERAL NOTICES. ' BARTON At Seaside. Or.. July . Mrs. Charlotte A. arton. agea oi years, o months, 27 days. Friends Invited to at tend funeral services, wnicn win do nem at the residence of her oaugnter, jnrs. D. L. Klch. 214 East Thirty-third street. at 10 A, M. today (Frioayi, July . in terment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. O'SUUJTAS July 4, Isadora M. O'Sulll- van. ased lis years, beiovea wu oi v- m. O'Sultivan. Friends can vitw the remains at Dunning ft McEntee's chaps, where they have been prepared for shipment to San Franclsoo, cat. CVRTIX John P. Curtln died yesterday at ft:ao at bis home. 4Z noyt si. runerai o'clock Friday morning from St. Marys Cathedral. Interment Ml. taivary terns tery. WIEMAN In this city. July 4. Ous Wle- jnan. aged 03 years. Funeral services will be held at Holmaa's funeral parlors at 2 P- M. Sunday. July T. rrienaa inviteo. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. mum MKNTS Otlo Schumann Marble Works. East, id and Pine sts. East lis. ubl rnwun HOT.MAN. the leadiua- fu neral director and undertaker, 2M Third st, cor. Salmon. Lady assistant. Dunnlof A M ('Enter. Funeral Directors, 1th and line, rhone Main 4S0. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. A. S. ZELLEB CO.. 5SX-4 WUHams aye. Phone East 1088. C 108. Lady attendant. J. r. FIXLEV SON. Sd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9, A 15tt. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. Donning, Inc.. fc 2. B 252S- 1EBCR, Undertaker, cor. Fast Alder aad Sixth. East 781, B 18H8. Lady attendant. SKEWES COMPANY, Sd, and Clay. Mala (162. A ZS2L Lady attendant. CEMETERY j Beautiful I MOUNT SCOTT PARK : LARGE. PERMANENT, Z 'MODERN. PORT-- LAND'S ONLY MODERN v CEMETERY WITH PERPETUAL CARE . of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a perma- nent irreducible Maintenance Fund. Location Ideal; just out- side the city limits on north and west slopes of Mount Scott, containing; 3SS acres, equipped with every modern convenience. PRICES TO SCTT ALL. SERVICE THE BEST. m O.VB MILE SOUTH OF Z LENTS. REGULAR V Z AUTOMOBILE SEHV- Z ICE FREE BETWEEN ' a LENTS AND THE CEMETERY, ti 11 it CITT OFFICE, 820-921 YEON s BUILDING. MAIN 225, A 708S. a, CEMETERY OFFICE. TABOR 1468; HOME PHONE RING B 6111. THEN CALL, LOCAL 4801. W. Al. A' AMUSEMENTS. ATX THIS WEEK. HEILIG I THEATER, 7th & Taylor Tht afternoon 2:St o'clock. This Eveninj. 8:30 o'clock. KINEMACOLOR? NATURAL COLOR BfOTIOW PICTURES. "THEDUR3AR". Niagara Falls. "Sunset ob the Nile." EXTRA ADDED FLOWER FILM VARIED SWEET PEAS. Eve. 76c 50c. 20c; Aft. 50s SSc. SEASOX 6EAT SALE OPENS TODAY, 10 A. M. HEILIG THEATER SPECIAL SUMMER ENGAGEMENT Beginning Sunday, July 14 CATHRiKE COUNTISS Supported by SYDNEY AYRES. Evenings Lower floor, 75c, 50c; bal cony, SOc. 85c. 25c; gallery, 35c, 23c Wednesday matinee Any seat. 20c Saturday . malinse Lower floor, 60e balcony, 25c; gallery, 25c. - 3 A "CO' THEATER OA JTV U t. Mala 2. A. 53 SO GEO. I- BAKEB. Mgr. rlAKEB STOCK COMPANY TONIGHT ALL THIS WEEK MATINEE SATURDAY. 26c A Hit That Is a Whirlwind BEVERLY OF GBACSTARK Dramatized from the noted novel of George Barr MeCutcheon. A charming love story. run of tnruis. excitement ana comeay. Evft-iinra. 23c SOc. Next 'week, starting Sunday Matinee "Are MAIN , A 109tt k MATINEE EVERY OAT MAX l.re j NIGHTS I ISO. tSC Me, 1 WEEK JTTNE SO. Silas Mav Tally: Will Ropers; Chinko; Bert Terrell: Kaufman Brothers: The Four Lyrio Latins: Minnie Kaufman ; Orchestra : Pict ures. sullivan Csnsidlns. kefinea Vsndevlils. WEEK JULY 1. "High Life to Jail Mcln rTe and Groves: Oltvotrt Treubadors; 4 Mayos 4; Knight and Volkman; Barry Cutlerc Orchestra': Pictures. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES Nights 10 and 20c Matinees Any Seat 10c WEEK JUNE 30. A Night In the Edel weiss; Clarke and Verdi: Boeerh and U- 1 - n a m a 1 A) tha HnhlMI! uauor : ouuu ui oc. ksvirik vi - ' Carl Rorstna & Co.i Romano Bros. ;Pot axe -ftcopc ropaiar price a. Boxes and Firt ttmy Reserved. Box Office Open fjom lO A. M. to IU Jr. iU.. t-Dunvs! a Curtain 2:3, 1)80 eod ft BUNGALOW Theater Beraru Engagement of the World-lemons Opening Today, It o'Clech PENDLETON ROUND-UP MOTION PICTURES With man.. np tIrvm never Before shown. Tne only genuine pictures hwimB real event, taken from life. Fascinating, thrilling, awe-inspiring and amusing. The only ones of fhelr kind. Performances continuous afternoon and evening". - Admission, soc cnuaren unaer m, IASEBALL RECREATION PARK. r. Vaughn and Trrenty.foorth its. VANCOUVER PORTLAND July 8, 3. V B. and T. - Games Bewln Weekdays at 3 P. M. swataays. xvau a-, a. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. one UAiiJj Portland's Great Amusement Park AU Free Outdoor Aots Today Kins; Fharaob the horse sensation of America, This afternoon and to nlaht. . Skating Bear Lady Livingstone. marvelous bear on roller saatea, Tnis afternoon and tonight. Oaks Park Band Concerts that a are a musical delight tonight. jL The Neapolitans Roma Trio; v witty, happy. bewildering trou- hadors. this afternoon and tonigni. Punch and Judy show tor the chil dren continuous all day. COUNCIL CREST PORTLAND'S ROOF GARDEN. . 1200 feet above the. city. Free scenic amusement park. Hish class attractions. Open-air rink. Pic nic grounds In old apple orchard. ADMUfCTON TO GROfXDS FREE. DIED. . 1 SPAULDIJfG m this etty. at his late resi dence, 1128 Hawthorns ave., Luclan R. Spautdlng. husband of Mrs. Alice E. Aiiniilrilixr and father of Miss Minnie L. Rpauldlng, aged 1 years 1 month and 23 days, funeral notice win appenr iu subsequent issue. TAYLOR In this elty. July 4, Charlotte Tavlor, aged 60- years 2 . months and 8 days Remains at the establishment of J. P. Ftnley Bon, Tmro ana jiaaison streets, and will b removed to aharwood. Or., for Interment. - v 8WAHT6 In this city, at the late residence, 1025 East 20th street, Edith Swans, aged 28 years 2 months and 6 days. Remains . t th. establishment of J. F. Flnley & Son. Third and Madison streets. Funeral notice will appeax in a. suastMjuw. u.u. RUEDT In this city, July 4, John Ruedy. aged 40 years. Remains at the establish ment of J. P. Flnley Son, Third and Madison street Funeral notice will appear In a subsequent Issue. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 175 MADISON STREET. ' Phones Main 688. A 7SS0. Horse Ambulance Phone Marshall O0. Refer All Casea of Cruelty to This , Office. Open Day and Nlwht. KEW TODAY. 2240 Acres Umatilla County wheat land. 1000 acres of wheat and 1000 acres of good Summer fallow. - Owner would take California or Portland property. MOODY LAND 00, 1016 Chamber of Commerce Building. Phone Marshall 3922. WILL BUILD 69x100, four-story apartment-house to suit tenant. Splendid location, close In, West r:l. B 22S. Orejronian. aWOkltjlA. S&.A atvsWSa rnT.w3V. 1 tern Jt" KEW TODAY. f or Kent Best Location in City for German Gr II In Heart of Theater Distric and Business Center Will lease from 5 to 10 yrs W.-B. STREETER 212 Lewis Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED SInrle lot or' quarter block In Steph ens' Addition; neither trackage nor streetcar frontage neoessary; state fully lowest cash price, aiae, location and any encumbrances. I am a, buyer and not an agent. I want a redhot bargain-.- AC 20i. Oregonlan. Ladd Addition Home Brand new atsrht.room house, fur nace. two firerilaces. hardwood floors, doubly constructed, bookcases, panel dinlngr-roora. buffet, Dutch kitchen, den, breakfast room, four bedrooms and sleeping porcn; lot tuiua. east, iron and on tne highest point in Laaa s aa riirion nn Kast Twentieth, neajr Steoh ens. Price a snap, only $6500; $1,000 cash ana J3q per niontn. see cir. Zadow. with GRrssr BOLDS. 818 Board sf Trade Hlda and Oak MORTGAGE LOANS On first-clasa improved city property. 5 to 7 per cent. , Farm Loans. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 202 McKay Bldg., Tbird and Stark. Mortgage Loans 950,000 and Oyer CEJfTRAL BUSIIVESS PROPEHTf. LOWK1T CL'HKKNT KATS9. WM. M ACM ASTER fl Carbett Blda. MORTGAGES LOANS COf ;QHM E. CRONAN, no COLLIS. BEHR1DGE Jt THOMPSON PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS 334 Worcester Block. Phone Main aSQ7 REAL EST AT F. UKAIJKK. RRUBAKER A BENEDICT, 503" McKay DlOg. At. .D. 1-.1. ti- i 1 11 n Uplift IT.Hln. hlAa Chapln & Herlow, 32 chamber of commerce. Cook, t. e. Si Co., ous corDeit cms I.nnlnn no. uln 1K8. 206 Oreaoslaa. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P. 404-04.40 Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand are., at Multnocuah st. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. A GOOD INVESTMENT. We have a piece of ground with pearly a Mock ef frontage on Gast 13th St., looking. down Market. It can be Durohascd at a low price and on very easy terms. The preseut price is t528U, out our principals nave noiuiea ue or an aavance to win effeot July IS. Think of it! Nearly 200 ft. fronting on earline, with an alley In the rear, for $529 cash, balance in month ly paymenta This is close In property on which the restrictions expire in less than live years ana win prove an excellent iu vestment. Aot quickly. STRONG & CO., 05 Concord bldg. Authorised agents for Ladd's Addition. LADD'S ADDITION. We have a quarter block en Ladd ave. ear Havthorna. whti.h pan B Musht tO' iIhv far S2A n-lth all Im orovementa naid for. Only $525 cash needed; bal. fo2.50 per month and 8 nor cent Interest. We are notified by our principals that this old pries of 5225 will hold good only until .Tulv is. when It will be advanced to 82ou. Act quickly and the Vroftt is yours. STRONG St CO., eOli CONCORD BLDG. Authorized Agents for Ladd's Addition, A CHICKEN RANCH IN CITX LIMITS. I have a B-room house and a lots, the largest lot 50x307 and the smallest 90x 110, which I will sell for .isuii. email navment down and monthly oayments to suit. Within four blocks of good car service. Call A T3T4 Main 7750. Ask for R. M. Rlner. LADD'S ADDITION. Here is a choles site having 193 ft. fronting on 20th St., near Hawthorne ave. Tat old price. S41S3. holds good until Juiy 13. but no longer; strsst assessment la to be assumed. This is a large plot In the most sightly part of the trnct and you can maae money oy curing now. STRONG Sc. CO., 803 Concord bldg.. Authorized agents for Ladd's Addition. I handle POKTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Both high-class and chsap property, and I have tbe bargains in this district; If you want to buy to advantage on Fort land Heights you will have to see me. Marshall 4817, BROOKE. A lit. T.iTTRKT.WI-RST SNAP. A fins lot. A0xl40. on enata. near 3!lth strset. being lot 8. block SO; price for a - few days, $S63. easy terms; owner lives . out of the city and must sell. QRUSS1 St BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. JTJ6T A FEW SNAPS. 100x100 corner at Bertha Station, $400. 2 lots in IrvJngton Park. JtKH). ' 1 lot. Summit Addition, 1450. 1 lot Center Addition. 1550; terms. S. DE LA MER. R08 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 6B8. S10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Fineview lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, nesr car. cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Provident Trust Company, second floor Selling bldg. Main 1800, A-iliWl. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern slope nnsr Council Crest. S0OU ana up, inciua Ins cement sidewalks, curbs, graded strest and water: building restrict!, ns; sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Company, 2d floor Selling bldg. Main 1800. A 21 WORTH INVESTIGATING, s rhniM tot on tfast 52d and East Davis. Pries within any wage earners' reach. 2 blocks from Montavilla carllne; pries J75; will make terms to suit purchaser. J. F. KINDER. Telephone Main 7780. (10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Provident Trust Company, second floor Sailing bldg. Main 1800. A 6:181. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern slope near Council oest stiou ana up. inciua ing cement sidewalks, curbs, graded streei andVwater; hullding restrictions; sold on easy terma Provident Trust Company, 2d floor Soiling bldg. Main 1800. A-62'il. BEAUTIFUL valley view lots, with fruit trees, on west &iaa. siaewsis. uia paid; 20 minutes from Postofflce; s 3TB up. Provident Trust Co.. second floor Selling bldg. Phone Main 1800. A 8361. BEAUTIFUL valley view lots, with fruit trees, on west esiae, siaewm saia mwi paid; 20 minutes from postofflce; $375 up. Provident Trust Co., second floor Selling bldg. Phone Main 1800, A-S8til. IF you wish to boy or sell In tne Irving- ton custrici.'-eee us. vve uav uis u una district as low aa $"i0 on easy terms. J. J. Cahalin. 24th and Klickitat, SPEND the beautiful Oregon Summer in a tent and save your rent, i nav a snwitfl lot In Country Club Addition for $10 down and $10 a month. AL 184. Oregonlan, LOT on East B2d St., $300. $10 down $1 week, no interest or taxes- ur- ton tan. HAWTHORNE ADD. snap, $850 takes this fine lot; act quiCK it you want Bargain; terms: must sell. S 206, Oregonlan. LAURELHURST I havo for sale the finest view lots in Jaureiaursc, corners ana tu slde. W. L. page, 10T Sherlock bldg. WILL take -you in auto; lot improved; T 206. Oregonlan. terms reasnnani. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. wtrsTMomcLAvn snap. Must bs sold at once, lot $1. block It. Just two blocks off carllne, one of the choice lots in this fins addition: full price 1475: 'some terms; rial snap; in vestigate. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. - 1005.10 Wiles; Bldg. ' Beach Property. NEW cozv 5-room bungalow at Ocean Lake. Garibaldi Beach, cheap, terms. Address Dr. Swam, Rocksway, Or. - For Sale Houses. . . HOMES ON EAST PAYMENTS. 6,-room house, new, modern, 20o feet to car; lot eOxlOO; close in; excellent neign borhood: S37&Q.00. Easv terms. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, bungalow style; just completed. All built-in con veniences and strictly up-to-date. East front, 200 feet to car. In Laurelhurst. $990.00. Terms to suit. ft rooms And sleenlnv tiArch. new. doubl construction, excellent finish, beamed and paneled dining-room, fireplace, furnace and all built-in conveniences. Plastered basement; fruit and vegetable rooms. Two large rooms can be finished on third floor, $.1800.00. Small cash payment. 6-room bunralow. modern, all built in eenveniences, furnace, fireplace, three blocks from car, near fireproof school 4ras. elertridtv: street imnrovements nald excellent view, corner. $3350.00; $200 cash. 5-room bungalow, thoroughly modern all built-in effects;. fireplace, near school city and mountain view: strest improve ments paid; restricted district; three blocks to car. t.1130.00. Terms. 4 rooms in excellent sufcurb, restrictions bunt-in conveniences: large rooms, tire place, elect rlo fixtures and tinting inelud ed in nrlce S2.100.O0. a-room house lot 100x185, West Side within three mile circle, three blocks te car, 15 minutes from postofflce: shade trees, fine sou. $lsuo.uu; small casn pay .ment down. 3 rooms and bath.-corner lot 100x100 ne view of Tualatin Valley. .West Side, two blocks to oar: 15 minutes to post- office. Walks, graded streets and water. :uu.oii. szuu oasn win nenaie u. uai' anco tiKa rent. PROVIDENT TRUST CO. Secorfd Floor Selling Bldg. Main 1S0O; A-fltei. Hflim BWfRT HOME. We have houses in Irvlngton. Beaumont and Irvingwood, finished, ready to meve in and If these houses art not to your liking we will build for you in any par of the citv after your own ideas: we don' require any down payment and sell our nouses en tne basts or st per siuu, or, m Other words, a $3000 house would cost you $30 per month, which would Include Interest at T ntr cent. Whv not have an equity in your own home at the end of anetner year instead or a ounnie ot reui receipts, come in ana let us explain. NEIL, DURFLINOER, PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 709.10 Rothchild Bldg. Marshall 3825. A LOVELY NEW HOME IN IRVINOTON t.ot euxiuo. on east Kin s, jorui. S1O0O. down, balance. semi-annual nay a tz,. . t A All A ' . .. n A t jM scribe the beauty of this home in this ad. nam reception nan, extra isrs iivin roo.n. beautiful decoration en walis ani celling, finest dining room in Irvlng'on, extra fine .modern kitchen, cement base ment, furnace. fixtures and shades 111, hardwood floors throughout. Three fine decorated bedrooms and bath on second floor, also one living room with fireplace. Toilet and hath in finished attic All streAt-lmnrAVMmenta liaki. ln-luilins liUle, walk, curb and aspnalt pavainent. O 3-0, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL NEW IRVINOTON HOME ON ilSTH ST. NOKTH. PRICE f730. LOT BPxlOO. 1 1 Ann nnwv tfbws AP.RAXGEU. White paneled walls In reeepluw hall and living room. Fireplace, bookcase, built in buffet, beautifully papered dining room. Very complete kitchen. Including wator cooler and built-in tireless cooker, large cement basement, furnace and laundry trays. Fireplace In upstairs living room, three fine bedrooms and bath, aula all plastered, large closets. V 203. Orego man. HOME! RARfJAIN. A client haB gone Eaat, leaving his beautiful home In Irvlngton for sals at a bargain. It la large and well lighted, has etgnt rooms, sieeping-oaicuny ana ished attic Hardwood floors throughout, .ilr finish helnw and white ensmsi above; thoroughly modern In all respeuts, two fireplaces and furnace heat: garage! ons block of car. This Is one of the best home buys in the city. t 1? RBVAtI Main loea. 605 Cham, of Com. A 12ST. MR. LOT OWNER, jess ta vnttR chance TO IM PBtlvc -V017W PROPERTY WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT- WILL fINANCE IT AT A LOW Kl !TJKSTr PLANS FURNISHED FREE: IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN iHR BURDEN INTO INCOME, WE FURNISH PLANS. FINANCE AND BUILD APARTMENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND, SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. t'EE US BEFORE TOU MAKE PLANS: IT WILL PAY, L. R. BAILEY CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, X24 ABINOTON BLPti. " " BUILD FOR YOU. $1000 BUILDS l-ROOM HOME. 6 or 8 rooms, built to suit you, en yeur own selected lot anywhere; 100 beautiful attractive homes to look at: planning, financing, talk with Mr. Willson, terms as low at $15 per month. National Realty St Trust Co., 723 cnamoer ot ommaros. SUBURBAN HOME; OWNER MUST SAC- itif icn,;. nu rui'Aeu.'NAifijis grrm -FUSED; ABOUT ONE ACRE: 7 ROOMS, NEW, MODERN, ON BANK OF WIL LAMETTE RIVER. TEN MILES FROM CITY: RUNNING WATER. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. 40 MINUTES ON OREGON CITY ELECTRIC. L 1S.V OREGON I AN. I WILL sell my new. strictly modern 8 room house ana iuii iot tor tiuou tess than actual cost ir taken oerore juiy otn. If vou have S22A0 to Invest and want a beautiful home in fine location at your own price, see tnis at once, uwner, v 187. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. A beautiful modern house, full cement basement, best of plumbing, double con structed; has 8 rooms; will sell for lees than you can buy 5 rooms tor; easy terms, would taka lot or confectionery. 183 E. list st. N. ROOMS and bath, modern, lot 100x100, i,Aa,ttiriii view of valley and mountains. West Bide. SO minutes from Postofflce: $2200. easy terma provident Trust com. cany, second floor Selling bldg. Main IsOO. A 626L 13000 TOTAL cost for two houses, high. level grouno. oi.'ow. cwi oi, .m ,.. ii... a nnri K rooms: rented: bath, gas, full basement; might take grocery for one-half If right kina. owner, ar u9, Oregonlan. NEW 5-room California bungalow; doublo constructea, imi;u imvi.au, hd.-j ." .i.m riininK-room: full basement and 14 ft. alley; just the place that suits; easy terms; win taas in iuu vhb nlan. NICE 6-room bungalow. 1127 Franklin st.. near E. otitn; streets graaea ana scmeni walks and curbs in; south face; $1650; terma WATSON & THERKEL8EN CO.. S05-9 Spalding Bldg; Main 7592. oka nnwM and S20 Mr month will buy a new up-io-unio duhbuw . Park; price only saojv ana sure to in crease in vaiua. H1GGINS A BOYER. 506 Northwest Bldg. Msln 4400. opnthn-rtrp: f.t home. Nice, modern S-ronin house, on Benton st.. near Dixon: nrloe $4200. $2OO0 cash: a nice nome. waiKing uii"-v. GRUSSI i BOLPS. SI 8 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR $150 to $350 cash and small monthly payments we win iu ...... "-'--- nelehborhood and build accordingto your plans; satisfaction guaranteed. Tor par ticulars, AR 120. Oregonlan. NEW, slx-ronm California bungalow. In the DeaUllIUI navenw.u easy terma 1084 Tlbbltts St., oor. ft&th. W-R car. NEW HOUSE, LARGE LOT, STRICTLY MODERN, BUILT RIGHT. See this one. Phone, will call for you with auto. Tabor 3372. ' - VERY CHEAP. Broadway home: fine; worth nearly double; also ssveral lota Ring up East 273 C 18X). W. H. Herdman. 5-ROOM bungalow, 44th St., 1 block south rtose ciiy "'" m place, fixtures, shades, bookcases, oak floors, etc; terma Owner, East 2758. VICETllttle cottage, lot 100x100 for $2000; $100 down. $20 per month, no interest, A snap if taken at once. AM 184, Orego nlan. ROOM bungalow, 2 lots, corner; grapes, fruit trees, berries, roses, etc. $3600, $sou cash, balance terms. Owner, Woodlawa 648. 1RVINGTON SNAPS. FINE HOUSES. CHOICE LOTS. SEE NEUBAUSEN A CO., 708 LEWIS BLDG. MAIN 8078. 1650. ALL CASH $6o0. ALL CASH. Splendid yiew 4 -room bouse. South Portland; a good buy. Fred W. German. 43S Cham, of Com. Main 6445. SdOM furnished bungalow; easy erms; will take vacant lot. L 200. Oregcnisn. FOR FINE HOMES See Delahunt. FINE modern bungalow. 1206 E. Taylor; fruit, lawns, garuen. uwbw, erma FOR SALE Quarter of an acre. 2-room hn C rare. '... ?ipr,mn N REAL ESTATE. I'or Sale Houses. $120 CASH. See me about the beautiful Irring'on $ room home for $6500. terms arranged, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, two fire places, beamed celling In dining room, paneled walls, built-in bufjet. wails unf ed. Dutch kltohen and pantry. Lot 60x100.' room for garage. This noroo Is on East 24th St. North. W 202. Oregonlan. SEE THIS . AT ONCE. Will sell my beautiful, new, modern. 8 room residence in "Laurelhurst" on easy payments to responsible party; sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, beamed calling and all conveniences; $500 cash. AJ 185, Oregonlan. ' I WILL sell my new, strictly modern 8 room house and full lot lor $1000 less than actual cost If taken before July 5. If you have $2250 to Invest and want a beautiful home In fins location at yout own price, see this at once. Owner, V '187. Oregonlan. $7000. MODERN 8-room house, close In. walk tng distance, more than full lot, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, paneled dining room and den, large sleeping porch, gar ago, beautiful ro, very easy terms can be arranged. H. P. PALMER-JONES "0., 4"4 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8880. A 269$ FOR a genuine bargain In a swell Laurel hurst house see 11S5 B. Osk. For Sale Business Property. t) STORES and 48 rooms, must be sold at sacrifice to satisfy creditors and liens; building is new and on carllne; will pay big Interest on Investment, $18,000, half cash, balance terms, or trade, cash value. A 225, Oregonlsn. I'or Sale--Acreage. 5 ACRES OF LOGGED OFF LAND, $250. $10 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH. This land Is situated 11 miles from As toria. 1 mile from railroad atatlon, tow a of Knsppa and tha Columbia River. Some of these tracts have running streams on thsm. Is close to a good school and there Is plenty of work in that locality The ioll ts free from rock and does not overflow. Come Into our office and see sample of the soli and photographs ot the land. CLATSOP COUNTY LAND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 213 Railway Exchange bldg.. Id floor, between Sd and 4th on Stark. A GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOMESITE. I have the most beautiful homeslte tw a country home In the vicinity of Port land. It covers about Ity acres, directly on a splendid streetcar line. Just outside the city limits on Sandy blvd., all cleared and In clover, soli the very best, water piped to the ground, electric light, phones, cement walks, free deliveries from the city stores. In fact, every comfoit that can be wished for and to a responsi ble party I will sell this en any terms he may desire. The price is right and If you are Interested I will be glad to take you out in my machine, show you tit; property and let It speak for ltoif. AM 1K5, Oregonlan. ' COUNTRY HOME. 10 acres, near Grays Crossing, nine mil'" from Courthouse, with new modern bunga low, new barn, also small two-room house, plenty of poultry snd poultry-houses, spiendld water system, new gasoline en gine, fine bearing orchard, grape arbor and. all kinds of berries, small trout stream runs through it; this Is a lovely spot for a home and will pay for Itself In a short time; let me show you this place. S. DE LA MER. 808 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 68. A 721. , A BARGAIN ON YOUR OWN TERMS. Do you want a dandy acre or half sere, nesr Sandy blvd., within a short dlstsn-e of a splendid earline. with water piped to the place, elootrlc lights, phones, froe deliveries from city, etc.; in fact, all im provement In and paid for, soil ths best and In a fast growing community T ir you do. write me and I will show it to you and If satisfied, you csn buy It at tha right price and on your own terms. AL 18.V Oregonlsn. 85 ACRES. On the new railroad from Hlllsbore te the coast; chelcest red shot soil la Wash ington County; one-half easily clsared. bal ance heavily timbered with yellow and red fir; good roads; good schools; new rail road town within two mllea 100 cash, balance your terma " e are the ownera KIRLANDS TRU8T COMPANT. 718-720 Spalding Bldg. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH., near Portland", a IN w Butu"iw"' - -prlcea best soil, fine view, wood, water and roads; acres, $400 per tract; 10-A.. $500; 20 A., $300; 40 A.. $1200: $0 A.. $200d; 160 A $3000: liberal terms. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 80S Yeen Bids . Portland. Or. , - 8'i ACRES, $M00 On Reams Road, near Base Line and Mt. Hood station; could be platted to sdvanr tage or would pay to hold as an invest- """" h. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8d09. A 8853. YOU WANT a picturesque Bummer horns with running waier, ..A. . acre er two for chickens, $200 aad up. easy terms, choice acreage, close te Pert land, en eleotrie carllne. phone, school, store, ete. J. W. Hefferiln. 307 Railway Exchange. Main 2248- FINE, sightly U acra at Ryan station, on urffon r,ieciriu ....... Portlsnd. 5c-fare, for less than you csn buy citv lot; lovely location for family home With garden, fruit, etc; your own terma. Box 33tt P. P.. Portland. FINE fruit farm of 10 acres. 1 miles trom full bearing; five-room house, some good furniture, good horse and huggy, Jersey cow. chickens; everything In tine condi tion! Address AV 485, Oregonlan. - YOUR CHANCE For small home; acres, cleared. West Side, on carllne, near city, running wa ter only $100; terms. F. DUBOIS, 1208 Yeon Bldg. uIacrE In fruit with unfinished 1 fa-story . 1. , 1 - - n 1 1 1 1 1 1 .m I KA owner, J. Nordberg. Grays Crossing, ML Scott ear. 17 ACRES asar Beaverton. 15 cleared, DlOCkS troiq ci 1 ' " " ' - only 1300 per acre; terma Owaar, James Wilson. Boring, Or., route L rt onn Tn CARI.INfiL Cultivated acreage. 80x201. Price $410: for sale $10 down and 15 per month. Beach or Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. $10 CASH, $5 monthly. 180x200 ia cultlva n i.iiih out. Price ISKO. inelud tng sidewalk, Ask for Marsten or Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg. 1875 FOR 3 sores, near Portland, on car- . . , ...... . 1 , - I,,.,.. aiaHnn Ho.t line; live mumiM. - ' - , 7 of soil; some orchard; $12 a month will handle It. AO 103, Oregonlan. ONE acre all cleared, no gravel, red shot price $473; tsrras, $8.50 por moQut. AM. 183. Oregonlan. ONE acre tract ot Woodstock; must be sold. Owner, ruo pwnin mm. For Kale Homesteads. TWO eholee relinquishments for sals; c- lns ana improBmwiu i. T ' ' : -- $.-00 for the other. C 103. Oregonlsn, FREE LAND to be had In Eastern Oregon, 1 tntereaieo can . nuv.. ---- -Change bldg. M. H. Calef. For Hale fruit Lands. EST ACAD A. Send for Illustrated booklet ef the Et tacsda fruit section, whsrs tha Oregon Agricultural College maintains Its experi mental orchards, 80 miles trom the CH of Portland- ESTACADA COMMERCIAL CLUB, Esta-ada. Oregon. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 20 acres. 12 acres spples, part u years oiia, iv i:va kii, new 6-room 2-story bungalow on wooded hilltop; magnificent view; eleotrie lights; gravity water system, 8 porches. Box o5. R. D. No. 1. Hood River. Or, FOR SALE Cholca cherry, pear and api! orenaras, wiiwraflui . " and three-year-old trees; bearing straw berries betweam trees; less than mile from town and railroad; terms. Address Joe E. Beasley. Creswell. Or. 'UK SALE 115 acres of choice orchard lana near i-yia- v. m svi i more and will consider an exchange ot the whole for Portland property. Ad dress owner. C. M. McLeod. Lyls. Wash. FOR SALE Hood River orchard, 10 acrct; part in bearing, Daisnct? juimi n, a miles out; small house, good barn; price reasonable. No exchange. E. I. Apgar, It 1. Hood River, Or. SALE AFTER FORECLOURE. Finest orchard on Rogue River Banks; sold In inn for $78,000; net Income this year $10,000: can sell for a few days $irt. 000. half cash. V 202, Oregonlan. For Sale Farms. "SNAP ON THE SECTION LINE ROAD. 4 mile from electrlo carllne; 10 acres all cleared and fenced; 30 bearing fruit trees; good house and barn: 5 chicken houses; good well; reasonable price. T WATSON A THERKELSEN CO.) 80- Spalding Bldg. Main T582. MILES from Courthouse, ens 35-acre farm. 2 nice orchards of pears and apples; 12 acres under plow, S acres in timber: good pasture; $240 per acre; terms. WATSON St THERKEL8EN CO.. 805-8 Spalding Bldg. phone Main 7sn?. US-ACRE stock, fruit and grain ranch IB Linn county; xencea, witn improvsmsnts. for $30,000, one-third down, oa;ance oa 8 te S years. Address Box 144. Albany, Or. BURTON district. Clarke Ceunty. 6 miles Vancouver, wain.; z.vaore ranen, crop ai;a stock. $4500, easy terma Routs No. 1, Box 144. rjn 109.2P 1 1 1