THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1912. 13 We Have Complete Stocks of Elks' Decorations, Flags, Buntings, Festoons, Pennantif Tissue Paper Decora Hons, Novelties, Pos tcards and Souvenirs Buy Your Foods Ready to Serve In Our Delicatessen Department, Fourth Floor Home-Made Bread, Cakes, Pies, Pastries, Etc., Dept. Fourth Floor TO SAVE TIME SHOP WITH A TRANSFER IT'S THE HANDY ' WAY BRAMAN'S Stomach Powders . A remedy which clean and purifies the stom ach and intestinal tract, benefits all forms of temporary ulceration caused by fermented or putrefied food lying undigested in the stomach, an Invaluable assistant In restoring the stom ach to normal tone following excesses of tf sating or drinking. On sale. 1st floor, 50 and w A Olds9 Wottman &Kung We Ourselves Are Better Served by Serving Others Best I ; , . ' mm Vofthw Corniest Now II- "Shawknit" Hosiery "Shawknlt" Hosiery, standard of the market. We carry 15 different styles, all of which are superior to any similar hose on the market. Cot ton, black with split soles, linen feet and silko llsle In black and colors, all sizes, priced 16 very low; you should see them; 254 and OOC We also carry 11 different lines of Guaranteed Hose for women, men and children. See them. ALL CITY CAES TRANSFER TO THIS STORE Willamette Valley Cars Stop . at the Door Em Progress Twenty-One Cash Prizes to the Most Popular Societies, Churches and Charitable Institutions Men's $1.50 Shirts 95c In Men's Corner, First Floor, Southeast. A great sale of men 's Shirts, the very latest styles and of the best quality French percales, woven Madras and Russian cord; materials white grounds with neat black and colored stripes, plain or pleated bosoms ; Q all sizes; worth regularly $1.50; special price f $1.00 Shirts at 65c Men's soft negligee Shirts, with turnback French cuffs, soft or starched, with plain or pleated bosoms, plain colors and stripes; a splendid assortment to?f ehoose; our regular $1.00 values special at -'-' $6.00 Sweaters at $3.15 Men's Sweaters for the Summer outing, white and maroon colors, in all sizes, full in the body,' well knitted; $5.00 to $6.00 values; special-in fi"?Q 7 this, sale at the low price of, each only PJXJ Men's and Boys9 Bathing Suits on Sale Don't go to the beach without a good II $1,00 UtliOtt SUltS '656 men and boys; colors are Oxford and white, cardinal and black, navy and cardinal, white and black, C!A white and cardinal; $1.25 to J17 Men's "Porosmesh" Union Suits, in a full line of sizes, seasonable weights, nicely finished, form fitting; our regular fZCZf $1.00 values specialized at only vul 25,000 Yards l Price Persian Lawn & In the , domestic section, first floor, north west, a great saje of White Persian Lawns, 45 inches wide; suitable for dresses, waists, aprons, children's wear, etc., at half the regu lar selling prices. Below are some prices: Regular 30c Persian Lawns, per yard, 15 Regular 40c Persian Lawns, per yard, 20 Regular 45c Persian Lawns, per yard, 23 Regular 50c Persian Lawns, per yard, 254 Regular 60c Persian Lawns, per yard, 30c? Motor Veils $1.50 Grades at 98c $4.00 Grades $2.98 At the veiling counter, on first floor, a sale of splendid Auto mobile Veils in every wanted shade and quality; full size hemstitched chiffon cloth, very exceptional values, priced as follows :' . $L50 grade, 98o ; $4.00 grades at flPO QO special price' of PsO 50c Ribbons on Sale, Only 25c In the ribbon aisle, first floor, Tenth-street way, a sale of thousands of yards of all the newest novelties in Silk Ribbons, Dresdens, Plaids, Stripes and Novelty Effects, in every imaginable color' combination; in widths to 5Y2 inches; regular values to 50o aOtf yard; special price for this sale, yard-'' 85c Shell Barrettes, Only 49c Our entire stock of "Best Hold" and "Safety Clasp" hair Barrettes, in shell and amber, in every shape and style, large and AliJg 50c Laces a 1 1 9c $3.50 Laces $1.48 A general clean-up of Laces, odds and ends in short lengths from to 5 yards each, Bands, Edges, Galloons, ' Fes toons, etc., in all wanted pat terns; white, cream, ecru and black; values to 50c for 19c, to $1.25 for 48c, to $2.25 for 89c, to $3.50 for the C 1 A Q 0 pj.rJ special price small ; our regular 65o and 85c values Hand Bags $1.50 Grade at 9Sc. $6.00 Grade $4.98, Extra special values in wom en 's Hand Bags for your Sum mer trip ; all the newest leather effects, with plain ' or fancy frames; $1.50 Hand Bags, 98o; our $3.00 Hand Bags, $1.98 ; our $4.00 Hand Bags, . $2.98 and $6.00 Hand 5 QQ for only Women's Suits Price $20 Tailored Suits $10 $85.00 Tailored Suits $42.50 Tn fho fiamient store. Second ' Floor. Southwest. Your best opportunity to secure a new suit for the Elks' convention is offered in this sale of suits selected from our own regular stock and comprising many of our ' best lines. The materials are whipcords, diagonals, cheviots, novelty materials, mixtures, black and white checks, serges and silks, in plain tailored, fancy cut-. ' away and Norfolk styles; many stouts in the lot. All are trimmed and modeled according to the very latest dictates of. fashion; prices range fl J I.tC irom -u.uu up tu tptn.w. - - r $20.00 Suits. for only $10.00 $22.50 Suits for only $11.25 $25.00 Suits for only $12.50 $28.50 Suits for only $14.25 $30.00 Suits for only $15.00 $35.00 Suits for only $17.50 $38.50 Suits for only $19.25 $40.00 Suits for only $20.00 $45.00 Suits for only $22.50 Men's 50c KtuTd Ties 29c 25c-50c Baiand Club Ties 15c Hundreds of dozens of the very -popular knitted silk four-in-hand Ties, which we bought at less than the co6t of produc tion, will be displayed for your choosing today. Various styles of knitting, plain and faney, and every wanted shade and combination of colors. Actual 50c OQi values at the reduced price of-''' price A great sale of men's cut silk Ties,' in a good assortment of patterns and kinds of materials; good values to' 50cOf each specially priced in this sale-'' A mixed lot. of men's Ties in the bat wing and club bow styles; every wanted material and a good assortment of 1 EZg patterns; reg. 25c and 50c values -' 50c Silk Sox 33Vc Pair A sale of seasonable styles and weights in men's pure silk Socks, 18 different styles to tfj J fkfk choose from ; 50c grade, three pairs for ?- " " 25c "Service Sox" 3 Pairs for 50c The famous "Service Sox" in broken lines of grays and blacks, seasonable weights, 25c values, EZflf specially priced in this sale at 3 pairs for-'"1' B. P. O. E. Purple Sox In Cotton, Silk and Lisle 25c, 50c and $1 a Pair $48.50 Suits for only $24.25 $55.00 Suits for only $27.50 $58.50 Suits for only $29.25 $60.00 Suits for only $30.00 $62.50 Suits for only $31.25, $65.00 Suits for only $32.50 $68.50 Suits for only $34.25 $78.50, Suits for only $39.25 $85.00 Suits for only $42.50 Women's Tub Dresses Special at $2.75 Garment Department, Second Floor West, . A special sale of women's Tub Dresses in gingham, per cale, Indian head material and black sateen, all new , models, styled right down to the minute and trimmed with bands of plain material and embroidery; styled with low necks and short sleeves; one especially at tractive model is the "Clara Barton jt 7 frock," a general utility garment; special Pr f $5.50 Sweaters $3.29 In the garment store', second floor, a sale of women's Sweaters, in the plain or fancy weaves, short and three quarter length with roll collars and V necks; colors are red, gray,-tan and white; our regular CJ stock values to $5.50, special at only P&.&Z7 Silk Petticoats $4.49 Second Floor, Southwest. A Special ' sale of women's Silk Petticoats, in messa line, taffeta and jersey tops. The taffetas are trimmed - with tailored bands and tucks with dust ruffles; the. " messalines are plain, changeable and Dresdens, with ; accordion pleated flounces or knife pleating; the jersey tops have accordion pleated messaline flounces with ad justable bands; all sizes and shades in-" ACk eluding black and white, special 'this sale P""a Grocery Spec'ls Purity the Motto Butter 58c 2 -lb. Square Here 's the butter that finds favor with particular people; the Glen wood name is known far and wide ; it's pure, and clean; a 2 pound square special at JOl Hams 16c Pound Good sugar-cured Hams, every one absolutely guaranteed; they are pure and sweet ; special " Zg price, per pound, only " - Bacon 18c Pound Best English style sugar-cured Bacon, streaks of lean and T Qr fat, just right; special, lb. Cottolene 65c medium-size can, special, 55 $1.65 large - size can for , $1.30 50c Olives 35c Large Queen . Olives, in O Eg bulk, reg. 50c; special, qt. J-'' Sausage 25c Pound " Milwaukee Liver Sausage 20c Boraxaid 5c Boraxaid, the popular 10c CZg washing powder, special at Amona Coupons Redeemed Clip out this ad, or bring us the . regular Nulac Co.'s coupon and bring them to us with 5c and we will give yon a regular lOo can of, A m cf n a , powdered and com pounded of dry ammonia dis solves grease, soften hands, whit ens clothes, etc -A useful article. Men's $15 Suits $11.25 $20-$22.50 Suits $14.50 $25-$27.50 Suits $1 7.50 Men's $30 Suits $22.50 $35-$40 Suits at $26.25 . Men's Store, First Floor,' Southeast. Today we inaugurate our wgular annual July Sale of Clothing. Our entire stock, without reserve, including blacks, blue serges and all Summer novelties for men and young men. Here you may choose from many different makes, as we do not confine our purchasers to one advertised line, but we do pick the good ones from all the best lines and we guarantee perfect satisfaction to every purchaser. Choose any $15.00 Suit in the store for today at only $11.25 Choose any $20.00 or $22.50 Suit in the store for only $14.50 Choose any $25.00 or $27.50 Suit in the store for only $17.50 Choose any $30.00 Sut in the store for today at only $22.50 Choose any $35.00 or $40.00 Suit in the store for only $26.25 $10.00 Go-Carts on Sale at $5.95 On Sale Fourth Floor. A sensational, seasonable sale of high-grade Go-Carts, one motion, folding, with good springs in seat, upholstered seat and back, with storm-shield on front and wirid-ehield on back to keep draft off the baby's head: good steel frame, 10-inch wheels, easy run- IJC QC? ning; $10.00 cart special at PJ.7J $8.50 Go-Cart $4.45 Folding Go-Cart, good steel frame, 10-inch wheels, .V-a-inch rubber tires, wind-shield on back, nickel-plated arm rest, nicely finished in every way; an $8.50 cart at GZS A the special low figure of only P""-J $14.50 Go-Carts on Sale at $8.95 $6.50 Go-Carts for $3.98 Folding Go-Cart, one motion, upholstered seat and back, good spring in seat and back, ball-bearing wheels .with -inch rubber tires, very easy flj O Q running, has extra large hood, well finished; a good $14.50 cart at pO.HJ Folding Go-Cart, with good steel frame, easy running, . 10-inch CP O QO wheels, veryight weight, good spring in seat; a $6.50 cart at .,'-'' . . i . Children's Dresses &z.zt y ames In the children's store, on second floor, a sale of beautiful 'white lawn Dresses, in dainty stripes and dotted patterns, in pale pink and blue, in the new kimono style, Dutch neck and deep hems, with tucking, lace trimmed waist and sleeves ; sizes 6 to 14 years ; our regular $2.25 values 3J T ' O Q specially priced at pJ.wi7 Children's Coats at Half A very special offering of chil- dren's Coats, unlined tailored styles or witjh large collars ; a very attractive . assortment to- choose from; sizes 6 to 14 years; our regular, $7.50 , to U PffSV? $17.50 values at ' r. Women's Waists $2.69 Second Floor West. A great special sale of women's Waists in an-excellent assortment of styles, made up of dainty lin gerie, ' Marquisette .and net ma terials, with high or low necks and short sleeves ; also a number of the very popular Peplum Blouses trimmed in Valenciennes, Cluny, thread and shadow laces, small tucks and crochet buttons; sizes 34 to 44; special for ZJO 7Q this sale at only Pvi7 Gossard Front-Lace Corsets Only Complete Stock in City Factory Representative to Serve You The first and the last thought in front lace Cor seting have been applied to the "Gossard," which ' is positively the . 1 . Original Front-Lace Corset the first in the minds of fashionable women because they meet every requirement for comfort, convenience ' in adjusting and giving proper poise to the body. They are truly health 'ful. No undue pressure is caused in controlling the superfluous flesh they are modeled on graoe-. ful lines to fit women of all sizes. The 6lender, the medium, the stout all enjoy them alike. MANY HAVE DMITATED THE GOSSARD CORSET WITHOUT EFFECT. It was once the only front lace corset ; it is now the peer of all front lace corsets.' The best talent known has been constantly employed to maintain the original standard of quality, comfort and style. Always up to the requirements of the ever-changing trend cf fashion. We have them in all sizes". fBasemenfi m fJiderpncc Store" 'ii 'Getmor' Hose for Men 6 Pr. $1 Remnants Half Price These are, without a doubt, the best Hose ever offered at this price; written guaran tee with every box. Come in black or tan; fine finish, medium weight, seamless feet; all sizes. Special, 6 pairs for. .....$1.00 In the basement "Underprice store, a tre-. mendous sale of Remnants in dress goods, embroidery, wash goods, drapery goods, rib bons, embroideries, laces, etc.; all yU good, useful lengths. Friday at only Women's $5 Trimmed Hats $1 Up to $3 Hat Shapes 39c In the basement 'underprice store," a phe nomenal sale of Trimmed Hats; scores of these pretty : Hats priced to close out on Friday. AU new, seasonable styles ; founda tions are of popular braids, trimmings are good 'and in choice colorings; small and large shapes, Hats .that have CjJ f fl( been selling regularly at $5, V In T the basement -'Underprice store," a final cleanup of all untrimmed shapes ; never have we offered such r an extensive line at - such a sensational price ; all new, seasonable1 styles,.' popular braids, small, medium and large shapes. Regu- QQ larly up to $3, special Friday at' Men's Underwear a t Only 9 5c Union Suits $1.29 Mercerized Summer weight Underwear, with high neck and long sleeves, short sleeves or no sleeves in shirt, ankle or knee length drawers, extra fine silkene and per-OCT sey rib lisle thread, flesh or white Men's Union Suits with high neck and long sleeves and ankle length, in silkene and jer sey ribbed, flesh color and C T OQ white; specialized at, the suit JXwi7 ELK TIES, special at 25 and 50 Boys' $6.50 Suits $2.98 Juvenile Department, First Floor. -Gfet the boys ready for the convention next week. Here's a lot of one' and two pants Suits in the very latest Knickerbocker 6tyles; sizes 8 to 17 years; some wdth one pair, some with two pairs of pants ? all this season's pat terns and shades; regular $5.00 2JO QO and $6.50 values, specialized at P0 Other Suits 14 Off Our entire stock of boys' Suits will go on sale at this liberal reduction. The latest style Knickerbockers and Norfolks in plain blues and fancies, ages 6 to 17 years, are reduced for this sale to the following low figures: All our $7.50 Boys' Suits, special at $5.63 All our $8.50 Boys' Suits, special at $6.25 All our $10.00 Boys' Suits, special at $7.50 All our $12.60 Boys' Suits, special at $9.25 All our $15.00 Boys' Suits, special $11.25 Wash Suits Reduced lfe 250 wash Suits of the finest imported ma terials, broken sizes and odd suits in attrac tive patterns, 6izes 2 to 7 years, reduced half. $4.00 Wash Suits reduced one-half to $2.00 $4.50 Wash Suits reduced one-half to $2.25 $5.00 Wash Suits reduced one-half to $2.50 $6.00 Wash Suits reduced one-half to $3.00 Boys9 and Girls' $2.25 Skates at $1.79 In the sporting goods store, 4th floor, a sale of boys', and girls' Union extension Roller Skates; ball-bearing steel rollers; made to fit any size, shoe; just the thing for sidewalk use; very strong and serv- fi J 7Q iceable; $2.25 values; offered specially at, the. pair, only V :-' Bargain Circle on First Floor Women's Waists $129 House Dresses at $1.29 On the Bargain Circle between the elevators, Women's Lingerie and Marquisette Waists, with high or .low necks, long or short sleeves, neatly trimmed, in . laces, embroideries, etc.; sizes 34 up to 48; J f : 2Q specially priced for this sale at only House Dresses, of good quality gingham and percale, with high or. Dutch necks, long or short sleeves, regu lar styles and two in one styles, plain J T OQ and figured, sizes 34 to 44; special at P China Dinner Sets On Sale on Third Floor An unusual offering of Haviland China Dinner Sets in the open stock lines. Derby No. 4, the new shape, decorated with gold line and conventional border in bla'ck and yellow; priced specially as follows 3d floor: 60-piece Dinner Set, at the special price of $31.20 100-piece Dinner Set, at the special price of $45.25 112-piece Dinner Set, at the special price of $48.25 Derby shape dishes, decorated with gold knobs and gold edge with gold base line ; priced as follows r 60-piece open stock Dinner Set, special price $49.95 100-piece open stock Dinner Set, special price $73.55 112-piece open stock Dinner Set, special price $81.45 Derby shape dishes, decorated with pink flowers and green leaves. These are specially priced as follows: 60-piece open stock Dinner Set, now only $20.50 100-piece open stock Dinner Set, now only $29.95 112-piece open stock Dinner Set, now only $34.75 Derby shape dishes,' very new, decorated with gold knobs and gold line on edge with wide border in old ivory and conventional border in green and yellow: 60-piece Dinner Set, specially priced at $48.75 100-piece Dinner Set, specially priced at $71.75 112-piece Dinner Set, specially priced at $80.00