Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 04, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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Chief Slover and Reed Also
Show Little Concern in
Bribery Charge.
Br lief Is Expressed That Cameron
Thinks It ' Impossible to Prove
Criminal Intent Attorney
Asks for Quick Action.
With smiles -on their faces. Mayor
Rushlight. Chief of Police Slover ami
Captain of Detectives Baty yesterday
stepped forward as their names were
called in Presiding Judge Kavanaugh's
private office and entered pleas of not
guilty to an indictment charging them
with offering a 00 bribe to Deputy
District Attorney Collier. Similar pleas
were made by Frank Reed and Clifford
"W. Maddux, discharged policemen and
co-defendants of the three officials.
"Your honor, this is the time set for
receiving the pleas of A. G. Rushlight,
E. A. Slover, C. E. Baty. C. W. Maddux
and Frank Reed." said Deputy District
Attorney Mlchelet.
Attorney Malarkey. representing
Mayor Rushlight. Chief Slover and Cap
tain Baty. stepped forward and said
"Not guilty' for all of them. His cli
ents remained quietly in the back
ground. Official Little Concerned.
We desire personal pleas In this
case." said Michclet, and Judge Kava
naugh motioned the defendants for
ward. Each said "Not guilty" and then
turned and left the room. The expres
sions on their countenances, particu
larly those of the Mayor and Chief, in
dicate that they do not take the charge
against them seriously.
After the three principal defendants
had left. Reed and Maddux were called
forward ' and said "Not guilty." Dan
Powers, their attorney, when asked in
advance of the pleas as to a rumor that
they would admit the offense, said:
"We'll never plead guilty to anything.
Always make them show their hand.-
Mr. Malarkey renewed his demand for
an Immediate trial for his clients, de
claring that the official positions they
hold make It Imperative that they
should rest under a cloud no longer
than possible. In the camp of the de
fendants there seems to he a disposi
tion to believe that District Attorney
Cameron will move for the dismissal of
the Indictment when the date of trial
arrives, the contention being that it
will be Impossible to prove criminal in
tent. Some authorities hold, however,
that the act itself Is sufficient proof of
the Intent. " '
Docket Sow Crowded.
Judge Kavanaugh at first said that
the docket Is now 30 cases behind and
that it would be impossible to set the
trial earlier than the Sebtember term of
court. TCater he agreed to hold a con
ference with the defendants' attorneys
tomorrow morning, the understanding
being that an earlier date will be ar
ranged if possible.
Mr. Malarkey." said Judge Kava
naugh, apparently in all seriousness, in
the corridor before he took up the ses
sion of court. "I have arranged. In view
of your demand for an Immediate trial
when your clients were arraigned yes
terday, to have your case go to trial
"Goodness Bakes!" exclaimed the at
torney. "It will be Impossible for us to
get our case in shape so soon."
Judge Kavanaugh had a good laugh
mt the attorney's expense.
Association and United Church Folk
Recommend Action.
Representatives. including ministers
and laymen, numbering over 100, from
the Evangelical Association and the
United Evangelical churches, unani
mously declared at a banquet Tuesday
night at the First United Evangelical
Church. Ladd's Addition, that the two
branches should unite without further
delay, and this sentiment was embod
ied In strong resolutions, which were
adopted unanimously. These resolu
tions will be sent to Llnnwood. Ohio,
where the subcommissioners of both
general conferences will meet July 30
and 31 to decide on basis of union.
Rev. C. C Poling, pastor of the First
United Evangelical Church, who has
been working for organic union, and
who is a commissioner of the general
assembly, presided and spoke for union.
Rev. H. Hornschuch. presiding elder
for the Evangelical Association, deliv
ered the main address for organ I a
union, and gave eight reasons why the
two branches of the Evangelical fam
ily should unite. He pointed fut that
there is no valid reason why they
' should remain separate.
Rev. G. L. Lovel. of Salem, spoke for
the United Evangelical churches, and
declared that the sentiment in .that
branch is overwhelmingly favorable to
union, and he pointed out that It ought
to be brought about at once, in order
to strengthen the church.
Judge Tazwell Settles Diet and Drink
Question by Fining Chinese.
The question of whether a sandwich
constitutes a meal was decided once
and for all by Judge Tazwell In the
Municipal Court yesterday when he
found Chin Hlng. proprietor of the
Pekin Restaurant, guilty of selling
liquor without a meal. A fine of 1100
was Imposed, and sentence was sus
pended. .
Several times in the last year 'the
"Municipal Court has been called on to
determine whether a sandwich was a
meal. In every case the decision was
that a meal was not a sandwich. .In
the first Instance the ruling was not
upheld in the Circuit Court where the
case was carried.
Twice the proprietor of the Pitts
burg Grill was haled into court, and
the ease was decided against him.
When the Pekln Restaurant case came
up Judge Tazwell requested both
Deputy City Attorney Sullivan and
Judge Thomas O'Day Xo submit briefs.
The briefs were submitted several days
ago. and after reviewing them, the
court sustained the contention of the
Preliminary Picnic Will Be Given at
. Dr. Plumnicr's Residence.
. Provisions and equipment for the
Maxama camp near -ioua vp mu .
bo shipped Saturday night to Hood
. r i I
River, from which point they will be
hauled by wagon to the camp site Mon
day. The work of preparing the camp
for the outing commencing July 15,
will be begun Immediately after tne
equipment arrives there. Dorsey B.
Smith returned yesterday from Mount
Hood and reports that the camp site
is clear of snow and is in shape for
the reception of the party. The roads
are all open and Mr. 'Smith says are in
excellent condition.
The life line which extends for a dis
tanee of 1500 feet over the snow fields
near the summit was placed in posi
tion yesterday. The following Is a list
of those who will be members of the
party leaving here July lt for the two
weeks' outing: Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Houeh. Mr. and Mrs. A: U Wylie. Ches
ter Walker. George Riddell. H. H. Rid
del!. Edmund P. Sheldon. R. W. Aver,
Boyd Williams. H. H. Prouty,' Miss
Rockwell. Miss Shrader, Miss Lynn,
James Weston,-Miss Agnes Flummer,
Miss Banfield, Miss Rustic, Miss Dil-
lings. Miss Tost, Miss Chamberlain, E.
- n ... n : - I H' 17- TDK
I I Mann r. . DeDCIiCI. - 1 1 "
As a preliminary to the annual out
Intr a nicnic will be given Saturday
night on the grounds or Dr. u. f. o,
Plummer country place, on the Hills
dale Road, .near Bertha station. The
picnic grounds can be easily reached
rrom tne council t.resi "j
trail from the summit and by road
from Hewitt station, and also from
Harlem station on the Fourth street
hrgni-h of the Southern Pacific. All
persons should be on the grounds by
7 o clock.
At this picnic officers of the Ma
zamas and members of the outing com
mittee will give short talks on the
forthcoming trip to Mount Hood and
will be. prepared to answer questions
as to the equipment necessary for the
outing and all questions relating to It.
Each person participating in me picnit
is expected to bring his or her own
lunch with cup and spoon. Coffee and
tea will be furnished by the Mazama
Club. The picnic is open to those wno
enjoy walking and mountaineering.
Little Difficulty Expected la Fixing
Status of Northwestern Elec
tric Company.
The street committee of the Execu
tive Board tomorrow will hold its reg
ular meeting, and probably will discuss
valuations for streetrar and electric
lighting franchises. These two 'fran
chises are now before this committee,
which Is composed of W. H. Fitzgerald,
R. O. Rector and K. K. Kubll.
It Is believed that the committee win
have little difficulty in fixing a valua
tion for the franchise of the North
western Electric Company, which seeks
the opportunity of selling electric light
and power in Portland. Jt was passeo.
up to the Executive Board by the Coun
cil last week, and, blank spaces were
left for the gross earnings percentage
to be exacted. On' this account and
because representatives of the company
have expressed willingness to pay
whatever the city deems fair, it is be
lieved that the committee will require
little time in reaching a decision. Aside
from the gross earnings tax, it is said
that the company probably will require
no tax on this franchise, as it also con
tains a provision giving the council the
right to regulate rates, regardless of
whether the rates of any competing
company are regulated simultaneously.
The so-called stuD-ena irancnises ior
the Portland Railway. Light & Power
Company also are before this commit
tee. They have presented a more an
flcult problem, as they do not contain
any fare-regulating clause, other than
the general provision of the city char
ter. It has been rumored for some
time that a majority of the committee
would recommend a high valuation on
this account. Chairman Fitzgerald has
xa.irf that he would favor a nominal
valuation had the Council inserted a
clause reserving the right to regulate
fares, but that, otherwise, he would
favor a high valuation.
Bremerton Xavy Elks Will Present
Historic Replica to City.
tk t.nn mnriel nf the battleshlnt Ore
gon probably will occupy a place of
honor in some portion of the City Hall
In the near future.
It Is to be donated to the city by the
mamhaafai flf RrPTtlPrtOn LiOdgO Of the
Elks, who are bringing It here to be in
the great parade next I nursaay.
During a meeting of the ways and
mAan onmmittM vesterdav afternoon.
Chief Janitor Simmons was asked by
the memoers 11 ne couia proviuc
- h mnrlAl which Is 3S feet long
and quite heavy. He immediately con
ferred with C F. Wiegand, curator of
the museum. They will find room for
the model.
Heppncr to Bnild School.
m..irvrn nr Jniv a. At the spe
cial school election held today to bond
the district for 340.000 to build a new
schoolhouse the proposition carried 188
to 58.
Only Original Existing Filma of Frontier Exhibit Open 10 Days Bun
at Bungalow Theater Negatives Destroyed in Titanic Disaster.
THE famous pictures oi tne rrauw
ton Round-Up which open a. 10
davs' entraeement at the Bungalow
Theater today are the last copies of
that great show which will ever be
shown to the public. William H. Har
beck, who took the pictures at Pendle
ton, was lost on tne lii-iatea lu-nic
Mr. Harbeck was returning from
CnHinA where he had been showing: the
pictures and had the original negatives
with him. The negatives were iobi
along with Harbeck.
The Nelson-Lyle-Co.. the owners of
the Round-Up picture rights in the
Northwest, have securea irom iu
Round-Up Association at Pendleton the
original copy of film taken by Mr. Har
beck and are passing them during this
engagement. They show more than
4000 feet of film including every event
of the entire three, days' show. Many
thrilling features which have never
been shown betore are presemea iur
the first time.
Eastern Oregon is the world's great
heaven and her most remarkable riders
and trainers of the wild horses never
fall to attend the Round-Up and get
Into action to the hair raising delight
of thousands of tenderfeet from the
outside. The Broncho Bunting, dare
devil racing and tricks af all kinds,
roping of wild steers and hog tying
them in a few seconds, the thrilling
bull dogging act, Indians In their wild
state. Pony Express, and In fact the
whole show Is depicted on the screen
at the Bungalow and it affords one
of the most novel and entertaining at
tractions traveling over the circuit to-
dPerformances will start at 12 o'clock
every day and run continuously all af
ternoon and evening and Portland resl-
t. r:s
Carey.Says Roosevelt Did Not
Use Common Sense at
- Convention.
Colonel's Campaign Badly Managed
by Hot-Headed,' Pugnacious and
Unreasonable Advisers, Thinks
One Oregon , Delegate.
"Mr. Roosevelt's cry of fraud and
thievery is political buncombe. His
defeat was not due to fraud, but was
the result of bad campaign manage-
ient, tactical blunders, lacK or com
mon sense and the action of hot
headed nucnarloua and unreasonable
advisers and champions.".
Such was the assertion of C. H.
delegates to the Republican conven
tion in Chicago, who returned to the
city yeBterday after passing a week
en route at tne xeuowBione auuutu
Mr. Carev. In a statement made soon
after his return, declares that Mr.
t - 1 L DLm I ' V. I- J ai.wnv .
blunders from the first and in conse
quence lost votes which otherwise he
certainly would ha'e received.
"Mr. Roosevelt, I believe, could have
won the nomination if he had gone
about it In the right way." said Mr.
Carey. "Defeat came as the result of
extremely bad management. In the
first place, it did not seem to me that
the first proposal of the Roosevelt
managers had any merit. They moved
to substitute a list of 72 names,
vouched for by Governor Hadley, who
made the motion, in place of a like
number upon the temporary role of
Motion Held Untimely.
Thl mnilnn wan mAfiA hpfore the
convention had effected even a tem
porary organization ana wnue me
chairman of the National committee
was, calling the delegates to order. The
say so of Governor Hadley that these
72 were duly elected and that the'
other 72 were not entitled to seats
nhvinnsiv emilri Tint be accented at that
stage, as others would have had the
privilege of presenting lists and ob
jecting to sitting delegates, and the
process could have been carrieo. on in
"It seemed manifest to me that no
.n.vnnHnn miilH nrrAnlzff in that W3V
and that the proper and only course
would be to wait until tne creaen.a..
committee was appointed, and then if
, ,anftrt nf that Committee WHS UI1-
satlsfactory, bring in a minority re
port. I voted, therefore, against ine
motion and in accordance with what I
believe to be the general ruie oi par
liamentary law.
"It was unfortunate tor voione.
Roosevelt that he made such an issue.
The vote was sure to be against him,
for his position was clearly wrong. In
i : . 1 lAAa . a T-a anl later HTI iTl-
111111"$ v.v ....... -.
defensible proposals, he showed ex
tremely Daa management, iui n mi "-u
out that the moral effect .of successive
failureu was injurious, so that an im-
...Inn nf Kt weflknPSS In t Vl ft CO 11"
vention grew out of votes against him
that should not nave oeen tne rem leoi
of his strength.
MTha nv ml afit I fiTl A TOBA UDOTl tllO
election of a temporary chairman as
between senator kooi ana vtuveruui
McGovern. The latter was a strong aa-
1 A Qanatnr T.ft Vnllette. 1)11 1 Vlfl
supported by Mr. Roosevelt .with the
hope of getting La r oiiette s voie.
La Follette men did not respond to the
Roosevelt idea for tear it mignt give
i PaIaii.i Kiintpnl nf the convention.
making Mr. La FolletteU nomination
i...hi. Sn the La Follette dele
gates as a rule refused to vote for
their man Mcuovern.
Roosevelt Managers Blunder.
"The toft in that it was a tactical
i.i...Ha, nn the nrt of the Roosevelt
managers to oppose' Mr. Root who was
-...llv ennalHered fair And able. I
would have preferred to have voted
for Root, out, lnstrucieo. as i was
support Mr. Roosevelt, I decided tnat
. i .ni.u nf thean 1 tt atrup t ionn renulred
LUC V ...www .. .
me to help Mr. Roosevelt to get a
chairman tnat wouia db nansiaciorj m
him. Governor McGovern was reputed
to be an nonesi ana a itiir iiimi uu
there was no reason why I could not
upport him. I tneretore seconaea nis
nn.lno.Mnn In a nneenh fn which I ex
plained our situation in the Oregon
delegation ana tne isci mai una ouy-
port Was given Decauow ui iujr man mo
tions. I votud for him. but he was
defeated. Here again Mr. Roosevelt
as unfortunate in getting an adverse
"I feel confident that If Mr. Roose
velt had not invited defeat by making
this Issue, he would have been better
off. as here he lost many votes of
ill Mta
Copyrighted, 1911, by W. S. Bowman.
W. F. Blaaeett, Riding Hotfoot in the
Pendleton Round-up. t
dents will have an opportunity to in
troduce their visitins Elk friends to a
bit of real frontier life.'
They will perhaps, never get an
other such chance.
Jnlotrwteai -.' h n were Intrlirt((l1 fOT him
and who were willing to vote xor mm.
"When the credentials committee re
nnrted nn the Alabama contest there
wa a a minorltv renort. and a ballot
taken that aa-Rln jolted the
Roosevelt hopes. There was, In my
opinion, little 'or no merit in the
Roosevelt claim in this Alabama con
test and the showing made by the
majority of the committee was so
stronir and so complete that the
mlnnHtv ttre-ument was absolutely
farcical. Here again air. nooaevcu
foolishly invited disaster. The same
i true in nn amall decree in the Ari
zona contest, on which the next vote
was taken. The fact is tnat tne cnarge
of fraud in seating tne aeiegai m
..i....i in these turn n n t p r t a is en
tirely unjustified and no impartial man
could nave arnvea at any oiuer
..!....!.. l.nn , 1. ii . faaelnA hv A. Til H -
wu nf the rrAiipniiiiiR committee and
by a majority of the delegates to the
"In lhaia ra d if nnt. In others, the
cry of fraud was evidently a political
expedient. If the Roosevelt managers
han Bllhrnltran T nplr m nR II lit) II Lilt: .UU
KV nn latnr oTld YltiiA TlOt
L 1 1 ct t V.O v fri- ve
asked delegates to line up with them
here against conscience ana jusutc
they would have been wiser and would
undoubtedly have won in the conven
tion. "
"On the California contest our dele
gation voted solidly with Mr. Roose-
iialt Snme thAtlff ht that technically
the Taft people were right, but on
the general aspect oi tna case mcj
thought It Just to give the decision to
u-t. llnnaavolt eRrtertallv since that
state's vote showed a strong majority
in nis tavor. uui in npue ui vi-svn,
the vnte- of the convention was again
against the Colonel. -There was no
test ballot on tne Texas ana wbsh
Ington - cases, both of which offered
fair ground for contest. Mr. Roose
Aif nniiniihiAriiv would have had
strong support for his contestants in
those states If they had come to a
Finally, before the first ballot on
ti.A DraoisnHiii nominations was
taken. Colonel Roosevelt decided 'not
. i. .... n V. : name nresentpri. And he
LU llAia lw ji.ii... 1 " '
requested delegates favoring him to
abstain irom voting or at wuy -w
answer present, but not voting. Bight
of our ten Oregon delegates decided
that under our Instructions we should
vote for him, anyway, and we did so.
The other two delegates did not vote,
and In this respect followed llterally
the request of Mr. Roosevelt. T I am
not sure that his withdrawal would
have heen miffielent Ground for us to
have voted for other candidates, but
none of the delegation was wuung xo
.!,.. III. reannnxthllltV. although 801116
of tfie number would have been glad
to do so.
"In my Judgment Mr. Roosevelt could
easily have been nominated If he had
a i , .nmmnn Rense. There
UaCU wiuiuaij ww......
was no majority for President Taft in
the early stages, ana tne uri. iwu
three ballots taken show that many
Roosevelt votes were lined up against
Roosevelt proposals. These votes would
have been with him .had he waited
until he had a reasonable issue to be
voted on. The Roosevelt strength at
the outset was solid and It stayea who
htm to the end. It could have been
n heeiiae nf the weakness and
lack of cohesion eff the Taft and in
dependent votes in the convention.
Frand Cry Made Too Soon.
"The Colonel began to cry fraud be
fore the convention sat and it soon was
i j . tKat hi- nlnn wnfl to avoid a
wVlUwlll. lim ..w I' - -- --
direct vote on his candidacy in tne
convention unless he succeeded in seat
ing the delegates that tie naa on ni
list. That some of these had no pos-
' . v. . i nf nrlnninir 1 Tl anv fair
Biuie uioiivD -
hearing, I have already pointed out.
but if he had gone to tne wuuvni....
with a minority report recommending
the seating of the California. Texas
and Washington delegates and had
asked for a ballot on this at the out
set, before he had shown fatal weak
ness on ballots that ought never to
have been taken, he would Inevitably
have been the nominee of the conven
tion. ,
"He bad hot-headed, pugnacious and
unreasonable advisers and champions
in the convention, like Messrs. Heney
and Johnson, and they not only raised
controversies where it would nave
been wiser to have Deen conuumiui,,
but they antagonized the most reason
able and independent delegates by
their intemperate and abusive talk of
thieves and rogues. These men were
like hired ruffians and the convention
was greatly influenced against Mr.
Roosevelt by their speeches. Mr.
Roosevelt himself was not conciliatory
and he drove away votes that would
have come to him had he used more
reason and fairness in his campaign
for votes. He was determined to matte
fraud' his battlecry and, right or
wrong, to claim tnat n
frauded. some oi mo -i.... " - ---
anid in a speech the
night before the convention that 90
votes had been stolen i
Heney, the next day in the conven
on t the number at 60 and Gov
ernor Hadley claimed 72. The fact
was that nearly every wonvw t
by the Roosevelt people was so flimsy
, j ijaj ntr unanimous VOte
aS lO DC UwwlUww. . w j
against him. not only in the National
committee, dux in me
dentials committee. i
nrtiAioaalA fraud is
i. ne cry v.
merely political buncombe to catch
votes, and, juaging iru.u
In Chicago, those who believe the
fraud cry do so because of the posl
tiveness of the claim and not because
they know the real merits of the con
tests in question."
Power or Granting Right to Pur
chase Will Be In Hands of Chief
of Police If New Bill Passes.
Councilman Jennings will, at the next
session of the Council, introduce an or
dinance of a drastic nature, regulating
the sale and purchase of firearms, dag
gers and bowle knives. , ,
It will require all persons wishing to
purchase a revolver, rifle, knife or
other weapon, especially that can be
concealed on the person, to aPP'y
the Chief of Police for a permit. Two
reputable citizens, taxpayers, known to
the Chief, shall sign the application be
fore the Chief may Issue a permit, A
permit will cost $1.
Anv person, firm or corporation wish
ing to engage in the sale of ""arms
or weapons such as named In the ordi
nance must first take out a permit, or
license, at the office of the City Audi
tor. This annual license will cost Z5.
The location of the store where weap
ons are to be sold must be given, to
gether with such other data as the Au
ditor may require. '
All dealers must make out and sub
mit before 12 o'clock noon dally a com
plete list of weapons sold, giving the
number of the permit in each case:
number of weapon sold: name of pur
chaser, his age. address, description of
the weapon, for what purpose it was
purchased and the price paid.
This license may be revoked at any
time by the Auditor, in case of violation
of any provision of the ordinance.
Violation of the ordinance also car
rles a penalty of from 5 to $200.
There have been so many crimes in
this city and vicinity in the past that
Mr. Jennings believes It is absolutely
necessary that some action bo taken to
stop It.
Democratic Nominee Neither
.Chews Nor Drinks. .
Captain A. M. Wilson Declares Jer
sey Governor Will Not Be Dictated
to by Powers" if Elected and
Is Not Office Seeker.
'"Woodrow Wilson never chews to
bacco nor drinks Intoxicants: he never
gets angry; he has the ability to Bit
down anywhere and under any circum
stances and go to sleep and he Is the
most approachable man I ever met,"
said Captain A. M. Wilson, a cousin of
the nominee and a graduate of West
Point Military Academy, who is new
in business In Portland.
"Of course I speak from my personal
knowledge of the man. I never knew
him to Indulge in any habits of any
kind that swere derogatory to his
health. He was raised by a strict fath
er who was a Presbyterian minister
and when he outgrew this guidance
and went to Princeton, all the good
clean blood of his Scotch-Irish ances
tors revolted at an unclean deed.
"Would this man have willingly im
mured himself in Princeton as a pro
fessor and later as Its president if he
had had political ambitions? I ask this
merely in answer to the statement that
he has been secretly planning this coup
since he began to wear pants. I do
not know, but it doesn't seem reason
able that he would have become a col
lege president as a step toward po
litical fame. He has merely proved to
be a man whom the country needs and
it has taken him.
Office Serklna- Not HI Forte.
" 'No man is big enough to refuse
the Presidency of the United States,'
was what he said of his possible can
didacy when he was on the Coast a
year ago and that Is his attitude. He
Is not an office seeker.
"One thing is certain. Woodrow
will Tun his office in his own way.
There will be no power behind the
throne there. When he was professor
of Jurisprudence and political economy
at Princeton, although he was the best-
llked and the most democratic in
structor In the school, yet he main
tained his dignity and authority al
ways. He would go out on the athletic
field and mingle with the fellows, not
as a highbrow professor with a lot of
theories about physical education, but
as a fellow student. He would listen
attentively to anyone on any subject.
Yet when all was said his own opinions
still prevailed and he did things In his
own way. How good and how wise a
way that Is, the people of the United
States will have a chance to Judge
when he is elected President at the
coming election.
"His wonderful command of the
English language he attributes to the
training given him by his father. When
he would be reading anything and
would ask his father the meaning of
the word, the old doctor of divinity
would refer him to the dictionary and
Insist that , he look up the word in
all its different phases of meaning.
Sense of Humor Keen.
"tTe had n Veen dense nf hlimnr that
never deserts him. When we got stuck
... i . L li aiiinmnhna nn Pnnntl frest
when he was here on his visit to the
facinc L-oast. ne consiaerea it, in nis
grave way, as a good joke because
nr. li r. A n .i-T 1 1 a loner sHatanfe- tn
catch a car. He Is always saying witty
tnings. not in an ouirusive way, uui
whenever humor can be used as a sav
ing element.
"The statements that his health will
nn otonH nn imager the strain nf man
aging the Nation for four years are Ill
advised. While he never did anything
In atnietics ana wnne ne is noi
nrtvefltrhter In nhvfllnne. Still he is
mentally and physically what you
would call a good normal man. He
can handle the Job all right.
"But the thing that strikes me as
the most wonderful about the man Is
the absolute control he has over him
self. He never shows any emotion in
his countenance. tie can rest any-
.arhare When he wan tn Portland WA
were returning from a hard day's ex
cursion and before him stretched a re
ception and. public meeting. He lay
his head back on that streetcar seat
and went to sleep with all that noise
about him slept like a baby until It
was time to get on.
T. R.'s Race In desired.
"While I'm not a politician and don't
nHnA. tn ha nnatofl nn ' TinlltlrR T
would say that Woodrow would have a
better chance If Theodore ttooseven
were out of it, Woodrow has made a
hi, nrlth the nannla T aift not think
that Taft deserves his seeming unpop
ularity, altnougn 1 Deiieve iiiai v uuu
win malre the better President
and that he can win from him. Taft
Is a good square judge and a fine mag
netic man.
"When I last talked with Bryan,
n-hen he .w o nn the Cn&st some time
ago, he seemed to think that Clark
and. Wilson were equally good men.
He thought Clark a fine clean poli
tician and Woodrow an educated and
j ni.nKl. flnvernnr It was
Ullllll lwO. 11 W.w . . -- .
Clark's friends who defeated him and
gained him Bryan a ui-iavor.
"Sure. I stand for Woodrow, first,
last and all the time." .
Telegram la Sent.
Tirt-. the new wfla . received that
Wilson had been named Presidential
candidate A. M.. Wilson sent the fol
lowing message to Seagirt:
"Iove and congratulations from
Myth. Elizabeth and myself.
A. .11. iviuau.i.
a -hjf wnnnn. whose father is a full
cousin of the noted Governor and Pres
idential candidate, graauatea irom
Princeton and then went to West Point
lll.r .nhnnl He left West Point
after four years and entered the Army
as a Second Lieuienani. -no i-ewwivw
a promotion to First Lieutenant soon
and when he was about to take the
examination for Captain, drew an hon
orable discharge. The Captain, as he
is called by courtesy, Is already a
member of many Portland clubs. He
has taken up his residence at 691 Mar
shall street and is engaged in business.
A.i ...IJ.-la nf Pn.Mflnrl wh fk feel
yf L 1 I icamcuia w. ... . -
a personal interest in Governor Wilson's
new tionors are n v. wiuuiiu, ii
merly with the publicity department
of the Commercial Club, and now rep
resentative for a powder manufactur
ing concern; W. A. Montgomery and
Mark W. Gill, of the J. K. Gill Company.-
These men were students at
Wesleyan University, Middletown,
Conn., when Governor Wilson was a
professor there in the years from 1888
ionn -.rlnr tn Vi i r crnlne- to Princeton.
L U 1.01TV, c -
All three men expressed their gratifi
cation over tne resun ui me rauuuii
. n.iil .mat while t h P V ATA all
m DoVlLllllUlCi ...
Republicans they signified their Inten
tion of voting ior meir toruier in
structor in November.
. r - navmnnj MontFomprv and
lwwlw. . - "
Gill sent the following telegram to Dr.
Wilson last night: "Your iormer stu
dents in old Wesleyan send greetings j
and congratulations from Portland, Or.
In Honor
of the
'Glorious Fourth
The Store Will
Be Closed All
Day Today !
. .i .in '
It is our pleasure and honor to pledge
Our hearty support."
Cruiser Marblehead to Bring Naval
Guards for Elks' Week.
The naval militia of California will
be the guests of Portland on July 9
and 10 of the Elks' convention week.
Advices from Captain George W.
Bauer, in command of the California
organization, received at the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, announces that
it will reach the city on board the
cruiser Marblehead on Tuesday, July 9.
The last visit of the Marblehead to
Portland was In 1910. As the naval
militia appropriations do not provide
for the piloting of vessels, the pilotage
charges from the mouth of the Colum
bia and return will be attended to by
the-Port of Portland and the Pilots'
Association, In response to a Tiuest
The Children
Just Love
as This
For where's the chUd's heart
Dr any grown-up's heart these hot
Nothing satisfies that universal
longing for something cool, re
freshing and nourishing like
Order from any of 500 dealers.
Phone us for the name of one
near you
Crystal Ice it-Storage Co.
East 244
Buy Your Piano
This Week
Spend Your Money
We are placing on sale this week a num
ber of high-grade Pianos, which have
been out on rent and now returned and
ijone through our workshop, and put in
first-class condition by our expert
workmen and are as good as new, sell
ing them at a saving to you of from $75
to $150 on each. instrument.
It is safe to buy a used Piano when
there is a reliable concern back of the
Cash or Payments.
355 Washington, Cor. Park St
of the Chamber. Similar courtesy was
extended the cruiser on its previous
The cruiser will arrive off the river
at 4 o'clock Tuesday and will leave
down the river on Thursday morni'isf
at 4 o'clock.
While in this city the visiting mil
itiamen will be guests of the Oregon
Naval Militia and an extensive pro
gramme has been provided for their
entertainment. Receptions will b"
held on both the Marblehead and
the Oregon Militia's cruiser, Boston.
Ilqiior-Sales fnuso ArrpsU.
ASTORIA, Or., July 3. (Special.)
John Loiacowo, proprietor of the Sea-,
side Hotel at llolladay, and Joseph
W Thompson, an employe at the hotel,
wore arrested by Sheriff Burns to
day on Indictments returned by the Clr-.
cult Court grand Jury and charglna
them with selling liquor without a
license. The defendants were released
on $260 bail each to appear before th
ocurt on Friday.
erly Girl