Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 03, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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    thd -ttxKOTXGt OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1912.
.kbme, you
... - . .. . . - ,
' Mahogany or quartered oak Ap
V nun 'i " ibiiiJj rmmm.y.jjml$ n '
i ot-n .m n -I- .
Oregon Forces Approving of
Wilson's Nomination Start
Work Saturday Night.
leaders In Various Factions Accept
Convention's Choice and Declare
Party Will Ride to Victory -'
on Popular Wave.
The following- telegram wil last
nlsht Mat Governor Wilson by the
convention that managed his cam
paign In Oregon;
The Woodrow Wilson commit tea
of Orecon. martins; Ita Identity In
tha area host of your devoted sup
porter sends final contrratalatlona
on an Inspirina- victory von for the
fundamental principles of popular
government by leadership wise and
courageoua untainted with selfish
ness or unworthy concessions. This
day Is rood omen for the Republic
PAXI 8. SKELET, Secretary.
Nomination of Woodrow Wison for
the Presidency meets with the general
approval of Oregon Democrats, who
have arranged a monster ratification
meeting in the Armory, Tenth and
Couch streets, for next Saturday night
The list of speakers and other de
tails for the demonstration have not
been completed but Governor West will
be one of those to make an address.
' The average Democrat here con
fesses his actual first choice for the
nomination was William Jennings
Bryan, his Idol for the last 18 years.
although he willingly accepts the New
Jersey man as the party s standard
bearer. With the large majority of
Oregon Democrats, Wilson always was
lecond choice. The fact that Bryan not
only made possible the nomination of
llson, but will give the nominee his
earnest support, is sufficient for
Bryan's friends here, who are unheal
tatingly pledging their support to the
head of the ticket.
Talrd Party Need Gone."
"The nomination of Wilson makes
the Democratic party the new party,
said Bert E. Haney, chairman of the
Democratic State Central Committee,
yesterday. "It has settled for all time
the question whether the Democratic
party Is the party which represents the
people or the one that represents the
privilege-seeking class. I regard the
nomination of Wilson an ideal one.
"Bryan with bis remarkable strength,
even If he had been nominated, might
have been subject to the criticism from
his enemies that his real purpose was
to secure the nomination. As It Is,
neither he nor the Democratic nominee
. Is subject to that charge.
"The necessity for the third party
coming Into existence is gone. The
- Democratic party Is ready to welcome
to It all who believe In the principles
that are best enunciated by William
Jennings Bryan In his IS years of ac
tive work In behalf of a great cause.
With the progressive movement in Ore
gon as strong as it is, I feel sure Wil
son will carry this state In November.
Victory Is) Expected.
"With Woodrow Wilson as oi-t candi
date." said H. B. Tan Duzer, chairman
of the Democratic County Central Com
" mlttee. "we can fully expect to win a
victory next f ail, his nomination, al
ter a contest, which was surely one of
the 'survival of the fittest.' is, I am
sure, very gratifying to the Democracy
of Oregon. After the Chicago conven-
tton, our party success next Fall cer
tainly lay in the nomination of a pro
" erressive at Baltimore. That the con
' vention finally named Governor Wil
son, a clean and brilliant man, for
President; is extremely gratifying. It
has materially strengthened our state
and county tickets. We are confident
" of carrying Oregon next Fall."
"There's nothing to it but the shout
" Ing." exclaimed Frank Lee, ex-secre
tary of the Democratic county organ!
' xation. "I have yet to meet the first
1 Democrat who will not support Wil
, "Everybody is satisfied with the tick-
et." commented F. S. Myers, vlce-presi-'
dent and active member of the Jack
son Club. "It was the best selection
- that could have been made from the
candidates before the convention.
' Bryan made and won a wonderful fight.
which makes him a bigger man be
' fore the people today than If he had
been nominated."
. Bryasi Gives Credit.
"I was thoroughly Imbued with the
idea that Bryan would finally be nom-
- inated," said D. M. Watson, candidate
for Presidential Elector on the Demo
cratic ticket and long personal friend
of the Nebraskan. "From the begin-
nlng I considered that Bryan was the
strongest candidate that could pos-
. sibly be nominated. But we have a pro
, gressive In Wilson to whom I shall
give my hearty support not only as a
- progressive Democrat, but as a candi
date for Presidential Elector on my
party's ticket."
Democrats do not hesitate to give
Bryan large credit for the nomination
: of Wilson. They feel that the New
Jersey Governor could not have been
nominated but for the fight Bryan
made in the convention. The services
of Bryan on the convention floor, con
rede the friends of both Bryan and
' Wilson, served first to make impos
sible the nomination of a reactionary
and. secondly, paved the way for the
nomination - of the progressive that
Wilson is.
The Democrats argue that the nomi
nation of Wilson is not only a dis
: tinct victory for the progressive forces
bnt wipes out every possible excuse
for the organization of another poltt
, leal party by Roosevelt to be known
as the National Progressive party or
any other political designation. For
these reasons. Democrats do not think
" the proposed third party will be or
ganised. T. R.W ABSSBsnwItioa Blasted."
They base their belief not alone on
the absence of a good excuse for pro-
ducing another party at this time. In
- their opinion, they have stolen Roose
velt's ammunition. This leads them to
conclude that the ex-President will
not want, to undertake the organisa
tion of a party whose membership
necessarily would have to be restricted
to the progressive element within the
Republican party. And even then,
point out the Democrats, Roosevelt
. would have to proceed without the co
operation of such progressive Repub-
lican leaders as Senators La Follette,
. Borah and Cummins and Governors
Had ley and Deneen, who have "an-
. nounced that they will not be parties
to the organization of or affiliate with
the. proposed, new party., ;
only loiew
Any Victor dealer in
any city in the world
will gladly play any
music you wish to hear.
Victor-Victrolas K
$10 to uu
Victors, $10 to $100
Victor Talking Machine Company
Camden. N. J.
ffl You may not be for
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make up a program to suit yourself and hear in one afternoon
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0 There is a Victrola at whatever price you want to pay. dur stock is large
and well-kept, our service quick and efficient. Call today and make your
selection. We have competent and courteous.assistants who will help you-
fl We are in a position to grant you the most liberal terms.
Morrison at Sixth
Morrison at Sixth
and Other
America Takes Gold Medal at
Olympiad With Pistols.
Wearers of Stars and. Stripes
Up Score of 116 to 1849 for
Sweden Track Athletes
Train In Stadium.
STOCKHOLM, July !. In the pistol
shooting competition for teams today,
firing at a distance of 50 meters, the
United States team won. The United
States team was , awarded the gold
medal, its aggregate score being 1916
Sweden was second with 1$49, and Britain third with 1804..
This is another victory for America
In the OlvmDic Karnes.
The tralnincr of the United States
team in the Olympic games was Inter
fered with somewhat today by a drizz
ling; rain which softened the ground.
The Americans had ' their first oppor
tunity of practicing: on the Stadium
racks, and in tne morning; nearly an
the track men turned out in the pres
ence of a large number of spectators.
In the afternoon the runners, weigm
throwers and hammer throwers exer
cised on other athletic grounds.
The Crown Prince or uweaen, ana
Colonel Black, president of the Swedish
Olympic committee, received James E.
Sullivan. United States commissioner.
at the games today ana compumemeu
him . upon the apeparance of the
American team. -
The individual competition in tne ciay
hlrd shooting was begun today.' This
consists of three stages, the first stage
of which was concluded. The conditions
called for 20 targets a man in iwo
rounds. J. R. Graham. Chicago A. A.:
A. F. Gleason, Boston A. a., ana wei-
en and Seidlits, or Germany, eacn naa
19 "breaks." Thirty-six otners are eli
gible for the second round tomorrow,
having scored 15 "breaks" or over. The
second round is at 30 targets a man. -
The individual shoot witn any rtne
nn meters.-120 shots (40 standing.
40 kneeling and 40 prone) -was won by
Coles, of France, with a score or 4.
Madsen. Denmark, was second, wun
983; Johannsen, sweoen, mira, wim
959. '
Twilight Baseball .League Prepares
Twelve teams, contending for the
handsome $150 Beeman trophy, will
start the season of the Portland Ama
teur Twilight Baseball League July 9
with three games. . The Honeyman
Hardware will meat Dooley Co.,
Irving-ton stacking up against the Bal
timore Dairy Lunch and tne weonas
playing the Tlmms Cress painters..'
The second section oi tne league win
start play on July 10. The lineups
which the various managers nave col
lected are rather formidable and good
games are expected. Timms Cress will
use practically the same team which is
playing well in amateur baseball among
the Sunday teams. The Weonas will
also have their regular Sunday lineup
for the evening " balL Games, will be
Dlayed. on Columbia Park,. Peninsula
l,Park and the Aaabel. School ground?
on Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday nights. The schedule: -
Section 1 July 8, Irvlngton vs. Baltimore,
Weonas vs. Tlmms Cress, Honeyman vs.
Dooley & Co.; July 11. Weonas vs. Irving
ton. Baltimore vs. Deoley Co., Honeyman
vs. Timms Cress; July 17. Honeyman vs.
Baltimore; Weonas vs. Dooley A Co.. Ir
ving-ton vs. Timms Cress; July 18.' Honey
man vs. Irvlngton. Weonas vs. Baltimore.
Timms Cress vs. Dooley A Co.; July 24,
Weonas vi Irvlngton. Honeyman vs. Tlmms
Cress, Baltimore vs. Dooley Co.: July 26,
Weonas vs. Honeyman, Tlmms Cress vs.
Baltimore: Irvlngton vs. Dooley A Co.: July
80, Tlmms Cress vs. Dooley A Co., Honey
man vs. Irvlngton, Weonas vs. Baltimore;
August 1. Weonas vs-. Timms Cress. Irvlng
ton vs. Baltimore, Honeyman vs. Dooley A
Co.; August , Honeyman vs. Baltimore,
Weonas vs. Dooley A Co.. Irvlngton vs.
Timms Cress; August & Weonas vs. Honey
man. Irvlngton vs. Dooley & Co., Tlmms
Cress vs. Baltimore; August 14, Honeyman
vs: Dooley A Co., Irvlngton vs. Baltimore,
Weonas vs. Tlmms Cress: August 18, We
onas vs. Irvlngton, Honeyman. vs. Timms
Cress. Baltimore vs. Dooley A Co.: August
21, Tlmms Cress vs. . Baltimore, Irvlngton
vs. Dooley A Co., weonas vs. Honeyman
August 23, Honeyman vs. Irvlngton. Weonas
vs. Baltimore. Tlmms Cress vs. Dooley A
Co.; August 29, Weonas vs. Dooley A Co.,
Honeyman vs. Baltimore, . Irvlngton vs
Timms Cress.
Section 2 July 10, Warren Co. vs. Key
stone, Studebaker vs. Winton, Bell Phone
vs. Mall Clerks; July 12. Studebaker vs. Bell
Phone, Mall Clerks vs. Keystone, Warren vs.
Winton Six; July 16, Winton vs. Keystone.
Studebaker vs. Mall Clerks, Warren vs. Bell
Phone; July 18. Bell Phone vs. Winton,
Studebaker vs. Keystone. Warren vs. Mail
Clerks; July 23, Winton vs. Mall Clerk. Bell
Phone vs. Keystone, studebaker vs. Warren
July 25, Warren vs. Winton. Mall Clerks vs.
Keystone, Studebaker vs. Bell Phone: Au
gust 1, Bell Phone vs. Mall Clerks, Warren
vs. Keystone. 8tudebaker vs. Winton Six
July 31, studebaker. vs. Mail Clerks, Warren
Co. vs. Bell Phone, Winton vs. Keystone;
August 7. Warren Co. vs. Mall Clerks, Bell
Phone vs. Mall Clerks, Studebaker vs. Key.
stone: August 9, Studebaker vs. Warren Co.,
Bell Phone vs. Keystone. Winton vs. Mall
Clerks; August 13. Studebaker vs. Winton.
Warren vs. Keystone. Bell Phone vs. Mall
Clerks; August 13, Studebaker vs. Warren
Co., Winton vs. Mall Clerks. Bell Phone vs.
Keystone; August 20, Studebaker vs. Bell
Phone, Warren Co. va Winton, Mail Clerks
vi Keystone; August 22, Warren Co. vs. Bell
Phone. Studebaker vs. Mall Clerks,-Winton
va Keystone: August . 28. Studebaker va
Keystone, Bell Phone vs. Winton, Warren
Co. vs. Mall Clerks.
Seal Castoff Here to
Beavers Next Week.
Company Comes Back at Eastern
Stockholders for $100,004).
L. E. Crouch returned yesterday from
Cincinnati. Ohio, where, asattorney for
the Almeda , Consolidated Mines Com
pany, of Portland, he Instituted suit
against a number of prominent resi
dents of Dayton and Springfield, of
that state, for ' 100,000 damages for
alleged fraudulent misrepresentations
as to the solvency of the company and
the management of its affairs by the
company's officers. S. C. Spencer, also
of Portland, os associated with Mr.
Crouch as counsel for the complainant
The damage suit is the sequel to a
proceeding that was filed in, the United
States Court in this city June 15 by a
number of Ohloans holding stock ag
gregating about 3100,000 In the defend
ant company. In their complaint, which
was filed by Howard T. Williamson, an
attorney of Dayton, Ohio, the plaintiffs
applied for the appointment of a re
ceiver, alleging fraud and mismanage
ment of the affairs of the company. On
their showing. Judge Bean appointed
Robert Tucker temporary receiver for
the company. Later, upon hearing the
application to make the receivership
permanent. Judge Bean denied the mo
tion and discharged the temporary re
The Almeda Mining Company is an
Oregon corporation, organized in 1905
with a capital stock of 115.000,000. It
owns approximately 800 acres of min
eral lands in the Galice mining district
in Josephine County, Southern Oregon.
The necessary equipment has recently
been installed with which the company
proposes extensively to develop Its
property- - - - - -- -
Little Interest Taken In Johnson
Flynn Bout Ben, Henderson to
Rejoin Team at Sacramento.
Batcher Has Batting Slump.
Southpaw Harry Suter came within
the radius of the McCredie "S. S." radio
graph field yesterday when Jib arrived
in Portland to rejoin, as he thought,
the San Francisco Seals, for be was
not aware that . Portland had pur
chased him from Manager Reldy. Suter
worked a portion of one game for the
Seals, after patching up his salary dif
ferences, and was then called to Kan
sas City by his mother's death.
1 am immensely pleased with my
transfer to Portland," said the port
sider. "My wife Is a Portland girl and
I like this city. I am tired of the San
Francisco ball team and my only wish
is that McCredie lets me, pitch two
games against the Seals when they
show here next week.
"San Francisco put me In a portion
of one game and when I walked two
men in one inning on account of lack
of work they Jerked me. I guess Reldy
figures Im through, hence his applica
tion for waivers."
Xha dispatches telling of the Suter
purchase have been meager, but It de
velops that Mac got him by refusing
to grant his waiver. Four other man
agers agreed with Reldy . thAt Suter
could do them no good and granted
sanction. The waiver price in the
Coast League Is 3600.
This is one of the few Instances
wherein the waiver procedure has ful
filled its purpose. Generally when one
team . in the Coast League desires to
railroad a subject down the ladder the
ratification is unanimous, but In this
case McCredie needed pitchers too bad.
ly to let Suter slide.
Oakland, be it recalled, secured Gus
Hetling from Portland by refusal to
waive A couple of seasons ago and
Wolverton's judgment is receiving
hearty Justification. Now that Hetling
is being played steadily at third he
has improved wonderfully with the
stick. In fact. Is second In the league,
with an average of .336, and Is fielding
on a par with the best.
If the betting Is a criterion, Port
land boxing fans are decidedly apa
thetic of the Johnson-FIynn battle set
for tomorrow at Las Vegas, N. M.
Not a single wager had been placed
at any of the local marts up to last
night, and, furthermore, not one Port
land enthusiast, so far as could be
ascertained, had left to view the fun
from the ringside.
"I have heard of only one boxing
bet," said Ed Dietrich, of Schiller's.
That was placed on tne iigntweignt
struggle, with Wolgast 10 to 6 favor
ite. I expect to see considerable spec
ulation - on this battle, but. on the
heavyweight event none. Everybody
knows that Johnson should lick Flynn
easily,, and this strange 'dope' from the
training" camps giving Flynn a good
chance . doesn't look Just right."
e -
If the Coast League Beavers are to I
equal their last road-trip record they
will have to munch off five games of
the seven at Sacramento this week.
They lit hard upon the poor Senators
yesterday. ' On the previous foretgn
trip McCredie won four of six at Sac
ramento, two of seven at Vernon and
three of five at San Francisco, giving
him two of the three series and nine
wins and nine losses. Thus far on this
trip he has won six of 14 games, two
of seven at Vernon, three of six at
Los Angeles and one in one at Sao
ramento. Four of the remaining six at Van
Burentown will give ua the required
JO wins and 10 losses to equal the last
Invasion- mark. The July 4 double
header makes the extra game at the
California capital.- Ordinarily six com
plete the series.
Benny Henderson wrote local base
ball officials several days ago to have
his blue uniform forwarded to him at
Sacramento. He confided to a friend
in another epistle that McCredie had
ordered him to report at Sacramento.
If Ben can once get off on a winning
Btreak there Is every reason to believe
that he will keep himself in condition.
In which event he will prove one of
the greatest fllngers In the circuit.
Tommy Murray, former . Portland
backstop traded to St. Paul for "Lefty"
'Stelger, is still 'with the Saints despite
a report in the Sporting News that
he would soon depart to Join the Den
ver Grizzlies. Murray is doing the
bulk of the receiving.
Hank Butcher was batting only .181
with Cleveland when the Naps ordered
him back to class A or class A A.
Saya a Cleveland writer:
"Butcher is a wonder in a class AA
league and should bolster up the Port
land 'team immensely. He Is a splen
did example of ' the 'Spring beauty
class of ballplayers. He looked much
better on the training trip than any
Nap outfielder, even 'Joe Jackson. He
was beating out bunts, slashing out
triples and homers with frequency.
stealing a lot of bases and neiaing
sensationally. Then the season began j
and he started to weaken with his
batting until Davis stopped him at the
.181 mark. His fielding, however, re
mained excellent. He Is a wonder In
the sun field. And they don't make
better fellows than Hank."
Excellent Prices Also Prevail
Wool and Cattle.
George Summers, of Prineville, who
is collecting exhibits in Crook County,
including grains, grasses, vegetables
and fruits to bo sent from Oregon for
the big land shows in the East next
Fall, vilted the Portland Commercial
Club yesterday and announced a sea
son of unusual promise In the section
from which he came.
"Crook County will have the biggest
crop in its history this year," he said.
"Conditions were never before so pros
perous. Good prices have prevailed
for wool and cattle and the grain
is now in excellent condition.
"We .have many openings In our
county for settlers, as much of our
best land still remains In the publiq
"Central Oregon is very much In
terested in the coming convention iu
Lakevlew and we probably shall send
from Prineville and vicinity at least
50 delegates to take part in the Cen
tral Orepron Development League meet
ing in that city August 20-22." .
Cricketers to Moot Saturday '
The married and single exponents of
cricket will meet for the title on the
Portland Cricket Club's wicket-on East
Sixty-seventh street, the game to start
at 11 o'clock Saturday. The women of
the club will serve lunch in the club
house at 1 P. M.
THE quickest, surest way of accumulating money is
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What you will have a year from today depends on
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on savings accounts.
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To Points Within
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Tickets July 2, 3, 4.
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Return July 7.
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Return July 15. ,
Return Through Se
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Carnival of Pleasure,
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Return July 22.
Tickets, Berth Reservations, Full Information
CITY TICKET OFFICE, 255 Morrison St., cor. 3d St., Portland
Main 244 Phones A 1244 -
Summer Eastbound Excursion Tickets On sale for numerous
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A. D. Charlton, Assistant Gen'l Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
: , - "