Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 02, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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    tg ' . THE BIOBXiyG OBEGOyiAN, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1912.
I t' I I .pir-vr I FOR RENT. I FOR RKXT.
TOOLS. Highest price paid lor men ana
Hdle.' cast-off clothing. hoe. furniturj
roola mechanic logging. Call Main 20SO.
HO 1st at. i ne uiu
.1. KU t . riLc -w. ii. Bn. " Itr - ord
promptly attended. 241 Davis at. Mar
shall 1874
WA NTED Customers in outhea-t part o
city lor pure, clean milk: ""vedwy?
daily. R. A. Weldman. R. 1. box 11.
vleone. ..
- . . ..,-.vTr! DirrirnlE OUTFITS.
Folding chair.. Pnonomphs-elMtric
piano. Alms, etc AN 174. Oregonlan.
WANTED Scrap iron In any quantity, at
once. J. Bernhardt. 86 Oth at. Main 7605.
Fv a half million dollar corporation, a
representative for Portland and surround
ing territory, to sell a-Hne of nigh-grade
advertising novelties and eigne. Our nov-
eltles are appropriate for every business
and a live man can easily maketrom
150O to 20O0 a year. Exclusive territory.
To the proper man a personal interview
will be granted. n
Roenesier. r. i.
WANTED Up-to-date, clever. Intelligent so
licitors. Last month one man made ir.a".
another $138.48. another $U7.4!, "not.1?"
$105.96. They will do twice as well this
month. Nothing to sell: nothing to carry,
no money to collect; city districted; three
months- canvass; well advertised: a clever,
attractive proposition that everyone wants
when properly explained and understood;
. will get better every day. See Mr. rreea
man. 611 Royal blH.g.. 8:30 to 10 dally.
WANTED Salesmen for staple line. ALUM
20 veara Extensive advertisers. liberal
- dealers treatment. Ironclad guarantee, ex-
- cellent opening for strong salesmen wno
can sell high priced, high grade goods to
hardware, furniture and general store
trade. Strictly commission: no advances,
exclusive or side line. Address with refer
ences, particulars and state territory de
sired. L P. A. Company. Lemon t. 111.
High-class salesman. Too can
make fiom 300 to $500 month.
See Barnard.
407 Teon Bldg.
WANTED Toung man to work from P
M. nntll midnight at clerical work: pre
fer young man working at present In bus.-
. ness house or railroad office; must write
good hand and be on Job every minute.
' no cigarette smokers need apply ; "alary
arranged on appointment. AH 20.. ure-
r gonian.
WILL receive applications from young men
residing with parents, guardiana or rela
tlvea. for positions as managers, bus-boys
and counter men; do not apply unless yon
can give ad drees of parents, guardian or
relative with whom you are living; call in
person at 207 Fourth at. Ask for Mr.
Larimore. . .
A WHOLESALE house haa an opening for
an office boy who can make good tor a
bill clerk: must be quick, accurate and a
. hustler; answer In own handwriting, giv
ing age, experience, referencea and phone
number. AO 803. Oregonlan.
WANTED Man with family, familiar with
farm work, to take up residence on mail
place; permanent position.- wltn
wagea to start; $550 acquires possession cn
home place: balance can be paid for from
part of, wages. AN 40. Oregonlan.
WANTED Young man to represent us In
the Northwest with a new line of trans
parent price and display cards, building
directories, etc Call before 0 or even
ings. Mr. Burnslde. room 22, Summit
Hotel. 14T 13th St.
0 ROUGH carpenters or good helpers on R.
R. construction work. $2.-V day up.
Bookkeeper. $60 and board, one familiar
with hotel accounts preferred.
. naJe'C' ot v.-.., ...
ASSISTANT bookkeeper and general office
worker, experienced in lumber office, on
understanding shorthand preferred. Ad
dress, with references and salary required,
AH 203. Oregonlan.
WANTED Experienced sheet metal layer
out and bollermaker foreman; one capable
of handling men; permanent position to
right party. Answer, stating experience
and salary. AT 2P3, Oregonlan.
LIVE, dependable salesmen wanted In sev
eral good fields to sell our unsurpassed
nursery stock; cash paid weekly; write us
at once- Washington Nursery Co.. Top-
penisn. wasn
EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen by whip
manufacturer, to solicit retail dealers on
salary or commission: exceptionally fine
line- references required with application.
A. J. VOOK WHIP - r.ui.iu.
SALESMEN wanted, laces, embroideries.
only men with trade among dry .goods
and general- stores, small towns, need
answer. Merk Co, 416 Broadway, New
WANTED Flrst-claas Journeymen printers
and linotype operators; minimum scale of
$24 and $30. respectively for 48-hour week.
Apply Mr. Starr, manager Printers' Board
of Trade. 2-3-4 Boston blk.. Seattle. Wash.
CAPABLE man to take state agency for
latest novelty: sella readily; only men of
ability wanted; also have opportunity for
man going to Alaska. Call room 711 Couch
bldg. ; .
WE have the beat opening In the city for
wide-awake salesmen who are locking for
advancement, with old-eatab!istred Port
land company. Apply 9 to 13, 418 Mo-
hawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison.
WANTED for uptown hotel. 2 clerks, ele
vator boys. 1 janitor, bellboys. 2 porters.
Apply to mgr.. 247 Davis St.. between
10-13 noon.
WANTED Strong man to do porter work
and other general work In a wholesale
house; fl2 per week. Address The Oregon
News Company. 71 Front st.
fe'TOCK salesmen wanted for a high-grade
Industrial and townstte proposition; good
commission to right party. 304-5-45 Lewis
bidg. .
DEPARTMENT store wants capable manag
er for collection department; give refer
ences, experience and aalary expected. Ad
dress - WANTED Canvassers, salesmen and so
licitors, at 61 3d st. Year-a work. Call In
A. M. or after 6 P. iL. ask for aalea
WOULD you like to make $2S a day for
yourself, easy work, suitable for men and
women it you wuuiu hi w.
THERE'S money In selling our Yaklma
grown hardy, guaranteed atock; outfit
free: eash weekly: steady work. Yakima
Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash.
tit WEEKX.T; salesmen to take orders for
cut rate groceries; outfit free: experience
unnecesearv. Standard Mercantile Co. Inc.
21S4-2458 E. !th St.. Cleveland. O.
. . . .mviMici Wtin T- V TIT
Apply 502 Marquam bldg. between 10
A. M. and 12 A- M. every day except
WANTED First-class dinner cook for the
Orphcum Restaurant, Seaside. Or. Call
at 24 N. 3d St.. 9 A. M.
EXPERIENCED fish, oyster, poultry man;
give references and salary expected. Ad-
dretw AB 2l2. pTCgonlan.
WANTED Fifty men for "Bridge of the
Gods" company. Call 8S5H Alder aU up
stairs, weoneiuay, iv-w .
-yXNTED A boy to work around country
store. ' Richard Forbes, Llnneroan Junc-
WANTED Boy 17 or 18. for work about
machine snop -ana yra; rcicrcauw w
quired. Apply toaay. . m u
WANTED Office boy. railroad office ; give
age. referencea and phone.. AK 202. Ore
gonlan. i
EXPERIENCED clothing salesman for short
time. Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co., 3d and
YOUNG man. collection department, real es
tate office; permanent position. AL 198,
FOUR good men to settle on land. Eastern
Oregon; fine offer to men with backbone.
V 175. Oregon lam
iri-RS ExDerienced operators wanted; must
be first-class. Apply H. Llebes & Co.. 2S8
Morrison st.
WANT man to do some calsomining and
painting today. Rice & Cocoa Dairy
bunrn o. o. jot pm a-
. MAN to work few hours daily in restaurant
for board. vouch ei.
WANTED Experienced vulranlser. Apply
311 Main St.. Vancouver, nun.
PHOTO coupon agents; something good.
cu,n.n studio. 351 U Washington at.
PHoTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for
. - ruihwi Hmrt in Dekam bide.
WANTED High-class salesman. Ask tot
Mr. Bunon. etJ itun oi.a-
WANTED Experienced solicitor on dye
wrl:s wagon. Appiy im.
WANTED a good men. Call 604 Board t
BARBER- wanted for Wednesday; wages
Kueranteeo. -wi v.
HoUSE-TO-HOl'SE salesmsn for silks from
piiM to consumer. 445t Weidler.
CLOTHES presser. King's Turkish baths.
Imperial Hotel.
JAPANESE for housework, family of two;
small nous?. t.
BOT wanted In bookbindery. The Elttmar
Peteiaen Co., 63 5th St. ,,
tune oi mauy. f
Office Secretary Employment Department,
V Y. M- C A.
Young man, stranger, out .
his total cash asset) If I pay you B
special ampiufuieni m ... . -.--.. -
L starra-
nave only ten bww
ti on.
I . 1 U I w, vA., will
imptgrmeai nniuucisuiv, fw " ...
the Y. M. C A., with its resources.
iween you ana iiwt.uvu.
Result: Young man Joined aasoclat
In less than a. week he had satUfac
Record for four monthe ending April
Calls for men
positions Illlea
E- 1 . . M.mtiHlll O
memoer win securv riiijf ... - - - -
. . . . i . wa mAnthr
ot meraoersnip tee; 1 " . " , . i i
membership privileges. 10 months wKlai
privileges and undertakes to keep V"y
employed during the full term of. mem
bership without further charge.
We have constant demand tor nlfB
gxade. experienced men. Are you fitted
for a better position .
Bee secretary employment department.
i . an. v.. a
Men wanted to work In brick plant and
World Keepfresh Companya factory, we
guarantee employment the year around
to men who will buy 5 or 10-acre home
adjoining these factories; also guarantee
the sale of all vegetables and fruit you
can produce provided you have from oo
to $100 to pay down In cash, w e give
all the time you want on the balance at
only 6 per cent Interest. This Is a good
country and the best of soil along the
Wlllamlna River. Close to town and close
to railroad. Address L- W. Damon. Wll
lamlna. Or., or call on htm by taking
Southern pacifio train to Sheridan, trana
ferring to Wlllamlna. 4H miles west.
The amount of extra mechanics required
to handle building construction work in
Edmonton. Alberta, is aa follows: '
200 carpenters at 45c per hour and op.
100 bricklayers at 70o per hour.
20 electricians at 40c to 80c per hour.
15 sheet metal workers at 50c to 55c
per hour.
mil crew for large sawmill starting tip
right after the 4th. -
Twenty-five loggers for
Millwright, repair man, 13.50.
Mill blacksmith. 3.50.
Band resawyer. $.1.50.
Marker on rolls. 13.
Ratchet setters. 3 and 13.25.
Three saah and door machine men, S3.
Man and wife on farm. 160.
Hundreds of other jobs. .
rupi nvvVT COMPANY.
222 and 224 Couch at., bet. 1st and 2d.
AT ONCE Thoroughly experienced solicitor:
. annlv OltV of P. T"i. DVft-
ln0 M. PlMnlnr Works. 7 Grand SVC. N.
... "-q - . -
WANTED Experienced Janitor and eiec-
. - . r .n t niflm! moderate
salary. AN 204, Oregonlan.
WANTED A girl to go to beach for gen
eral noueework in private uauii
wagea paid. Apply 735 Irving sU Tele
phone Main 4568.
WANTED Lady to give mother's care to
lovely, neanny ai .
must have good home, refined family. AM
2ti2, oregontan
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and
general pdum.uh . j - .
must be neat and a good cook; wages
135. call morning. oo
WANTED Reliable girl for general house-
Apply 1750 E, Yamhill take Mt. T-
Dor ca-r to tu. wia -
WANTED Lady tacher of Sood apper
amhitifin riomrina- Summer edu
cational work out of cTty. Telephone
tir l.. . 1314 harvMII 3 fl TA 2 tOflftV.
Y WUIBWU w - - -
BOOKKEEPER and -stenographer wanted;
t vionriwHtinr. state salary
K11B wci a A u"u . . . - - , -
expected; none but experience! need ap-
i.. a xt QT o-nn (an
piy. wxos""-
WANTEIAn experienced girl for general
r,n..arrtib- TYiuf-t understand cooking;
good wages; no washing. Apply 770, Mar-
Hnau b
WANTED Refined young lady for physi
cians on ice ; b,ui w ur .
salary expected and your telephone num-
Der. au eCtrTK wfguiin'i.
EXPERIENCED family cooks. $40; second
AAA- n 1 t1 st 6 A f NT T Vill 1 fl
gins, gciirri iio. w-' nn
Agency, 2o Aiaer wain
WANTED Refined, capable woman for r
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 0 Beth-
ENERGETIC WOMAN, over 25. for position
..v. .1 knnsa TTvnArienc. not re-
Willi ftUUICSwIE aawMw -r
WAIST f InUhers. P!enced. wanted ; learn
priB -SUlCUl wV wwje
FURS Operators wanted; must have prac
tical CI pri iciu.1. Aff'J
Morrison si.
FOB Jt004v.ud.vlll. act. 2; for chorus. 8.
Ellers Blag., ouito on.
WANTED Responsible lady to take care of
lo.year-oia emm . ' '' '
room ing-nouse. 200 i n -....
EXPERIENCED hand lroners and mangle
help, raiace oieni xmm.j, ,v
ana mverett "
MANAGER for new hair ahop, must un-
aerstana dihiiwbi. wvw.
Store. H0 6th st!
WANTED Two experienced girls for gen
eral housework, no washing. Main 63SL
501 Harrison st. '
EXPERIENCED salesladies to sell souvenirs
during Elks" Convention. Call TOT Selling
hldf.. E to 8 P. M.
SOLICITORS, ladles only, wages guaranteed;
1.- , - m Ins wnrk A(U TtlriiTn
you can hwmb .w - -
bldg. Sanitary Parlors.
WANTED An experienced cook, wages $40;
Ewedlsn or Norwegian u"1"'
Main 759. Street address 213 Ford St.
WANTED Toung girl to aasist with light
housework; small wages. Phone Wood
lawn 2441.
WANTED Experienced girl waitress in
boarding-house: gooa wagea, 111 nui at.
North, near Marshall at.
GIRL for light housework, lower flat, no
cooking or wasningj iamur mn-; iw
ings aixer o. -
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; referencea required. Apply
mornings or evenings, li. ttcbi. mam
WANTED Woman for general housework
r4 YIAO aT.4 T A. st It
mornings oniy. ,..vo. -
m I V
GIRI for housework, S rooms, two in family,
t-1 ttS na-- -inlllhT .iV nhfl
no wwiim. . " v - .......
number If possible. AH SOI. Oregonlan.
WANTED Cook; good wages. Call morn-
. -mv T , . . V. . XI Tlkrlnvlnn ATI
ings. iva x. "w -
Broadway car.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 888 Park St.
WANTED Good help for dressmaking. Ap
ply 65 Washington.
WANTED Experienced lady presser. il
GIRL wanted to work in email boarding
house. Phone Tabor i80. 1637 E. Gllsan.
GIRL wanted for general housework. In-
veatlgate. Call East fill.
COOK, private family In country. Call
mornings or evenings, r v. urtgomw.
WANTED Experienced lunch waitress.
peerless L'sieipna -v.t m mil.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Pullman
rtestaurani. n n, nr
GIRI for gsneral housework; good home and
gooa WBlTll
WANTED A glrflor general housework; no
children. Apply 881 10th.
WANTED Experienced plain cook'; other
help kept. 836 Lovejoy.
EXPERIENCED girl to do second work. Ap
ply 080 Flanders
HIGHEST wages paid to good cook. Phone
Marshall S4. H40 Thurman st .
WANTED Several chambermaida for up
town hotel. Apply room 238. 247 Davis St.
GIRI, or woman for housework; country
home. Phone Milwaukle Red 462L
APPRENTICES wanted. Hair Store. 120 6th
st. Rare chance to learn free.
WANTED Waitresses for the Portland Res
taurant, 842 Washington; $15 a week.
WANTED Good cook, with references;
wages $35. Telephone Main 9528.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
1 .. CO Yl n f tvlr TrrlnrMn
GIRL for second work: apply In morning.
230 King st. Main 2511.
CAPABLE girl for general housework;
close In. West Side. Phone Main 6388.
WANTED Competent manicurist. AppTy
Miss Hansen. Corbett bldg. barber shop.
WANTED Lady demonstrators; good payj
to 4. Idora HoteK
GIRL for general housework. Call fore
noons. fiVT Lovejoy at.
GIRL for general housework, small family.
1028 Raleigh. Main 8284.
FINISHER wanted on men's coats. 310
Columbia, bids.
Cook for country hotel, $50. H
Camp cook. $40.
Cook and waitress, $70.
Cook, city, $40..
Waitresses, $25, and $8 per week.
Housekeepers, city. $20.
Chambermaids. $20 and $30. .
Kitchen helpers, $20.
General helpers. $20 to $35.
marcher for laundry. $9 per week.
205H Morrison St. Ladles' Dept.
GIRLS to work In factory.
Must be 16 or over.
5th and Davis Sta.
WANTED For city lumber ofTlce, assistant
bookkeeper, accurate and good penman;
one understanding shorthand preferred.
Address with references and salary want
ed. AH 20. Oregonlan.
WANTED Girl to go to beaeh for gen
eral nousewor. in l ....... . -
wages, paia. Appijr oa
pnone Main
WANTED Woman to do chambermaid
work and help with dishes. Riverside
Hotel, St. Johns, Or. . Phone Columbia
THE COTERIE General and Domestic Serv
ice Bureau, room aw wawn
oeavors to render the beat of service, to
Its patrons. Main iobi.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
1 1 r 1 ...k.t-V. now hnillH and
all conveniences. Apply Monday afternoon
ana luesaay. im mjuupwn o.
Apply 602 Marquam bldg. between 10
A. Sf. and 12 A. M. every day except
WANTED Young women to enter nurses'
trsining gcnooi. aaatwi
Hospital, walla walla, rvasn.
S4SVi Washington st.. cor. Tth. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
...... 1 1 1-. . 1 i. T Ai-iTirja' AfitsTMPT.
Washington bldg.. JVOU Washington St..
near 4th. Phone Main 8838 or A 8268.
HELP WANTED Union Laundry Co.. 6eo-
ond and columoii
MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemen
on nearoy raiiroaaa: aw w ' ,,1J " -
promotion. engineer-conductor; experi
ence unnecessary; no strike; age .18-83.
Railroad employing headquarters, thou
sands of men sent to positions on ovor
1000 official calls. State age. Railway
Association, uhiujuiwi.
MEN and women to learn the barber trade
in eight weeas; special inuuuiii., -centaae
paid while learning; tools free;
expert Instructors; IT years In the busi
ness; T schools: a lifetime membership
given to each student. Moler Barber Col
lege, go IN. jourtn St.. ruruaii". v.
RAILWAY mail clerksv prepare now. ex
cellent salaries anu ihuuiuuw
offs. sure pay; free book. Call today, pa
cific Plates acnooi. mctv-ay wma..
MOVING picture operating, full course
taUgni; BCCUIB puBluwM , jm.,,
404 Rothchlld bldg.. 4th and Washington
WANTED Picture play writers; big pay;
we'll teach you. riciure rmj auiwuu
San Francisco.
WANTED Stenographera and typists to
learn the Dictaphone- foaitions securer.
817 Ellers bldg.
MAKE money writing shott stories, or for
papers; Dig payi ireo d"wi -
Unltea xress pynaicate. can nw.wwv
ELITE PRIVATE Business College, 642
Hamilton omg. jnar. .-00. jtu
8HORTHAND. typewriting school. 269 14th
. . eno rr- i.Mwmtlnn C Tfl O.
OoV v orcesicr uiuun.. aim a"'i '
An ww . 1.1 r -v.e.11 or r. 1
, , a . 1 in ora,1aJ
scnoois ana teacn.r.. om ow..u
Bookkeepers sad Clerks.
up books, prepare balances and state
ments, install systems. Gtlllngham, au
di t o r.51 2Lewlsbldg:Marshall
YOUNG man, fresh from school, desires po
sition as stenographer: out of town pre
ferred. AH 200, Oregonlan.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and accountant, is
open to engagement, t it, uregapiim.
Just settled in Portland: would Accept
any fair offer in first-class company If
prospects good; age 85: experience covers
manufacturing methods, mechanical and
construction engineering, heating, venti
lation, buying, selling and credits; cor
respondence and supervision: excellent ed
ucation; ample energy. AN 205, Orego
215 Second 6t.. Corner Salmon.
Women's Department, 245 Salmon.
All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical male and female help
furnished on short notice; no fee charged.
Phone Main 8555. A 5624.
COMPETENT engineer desires steady em
ployment In city, uan xurnisn mcohbih
references as to oharacter and ability and
machine shop service. Can repair all kinds
of machinery. Employed at present In
machine shop, but wish to make change.
AC 191. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE wants position as gardaner.
nouaewor aim www ..j...
understood; will start at $40 up. AJ
204, oregoman.
CHEF or chef steward, practical, reliable
. 1 ..t.. .1 man panthU nf laktnc en
tire charge of fim-class hotel, cafe, club
or resort. . xio, vregumaii
MAN and wife would like to take charge
of hotel or apartment-house; experienced
hotel people: can furnish the best of ref
erences. V 186. Oregonlan.
FOREIGNERS desiring to learn English
aulckly, correctly, phone Main 2040, ad
ress 374 Park street. Have taught for
eigners In Europe, Asia, America.
JAPANESE married man who has experience
sitlon In Jewelry store. Y 186. Oregonlan
MALE nurse wishes position; best of ref
erences; massage treatment given. J. B.
Evans, 508 Yeon hldg. r-none jaain wua.
EXPERIENCED business man wants my
kind or worn evwiiiu.o, u .u
Marshall 4647. '
WANTED Position as reporter on country
or near-city dally by sober young man of
e xpe rlence. L 181, Oregonlan.
POSITION wanted by young man as assist
ant bookkeeper; has soma experience.- AJ
203, Oi-egonlan. .
ALL-ROUND country printer and newspaper
man wants a steady Job. AT 202. Ore
ALL kinds of house-cleaning; we use Dunt
ley pneumatic cleaners. Call A 2202, Orl
ental House Cleaning Co.
RELIABLE, energetic married man wants
steady employment; knows the city. 862
Falling st.
MOVING-PICTURE operator wants situa
tion, 6 years' experience. T64H Missouri
ave.. or Woodlawn 686. -
JAPANESE who haa experience wants posi
tion aa bartender In club or hotel, serve
bar or waiter In buffet. Sato, 12 12th No.
RELIABLE young man wants Job driving
a delivery wagon. .Phone Marshall 2SB.
COLLEGE student wants work until Sept.
1. AS 182. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE wants any kind Job, I or 2
hours after 6 P. M. X 187, Oregonlan.
SOBER man. handy with tools, good team
ster,. wishes . position, am zw. urrgumau.
JAPANESE boy wants any kind position
y after 5 P. M. AL 200. Oregonlan.
CLEAN-CUT young man. 19. wishes a good
position. AM la. urgyuniaii.
Bookkeepers said Stenographers.
four vears exnerlence
- In stenograpnic
desires position.
and general office work.
Phone Kant B4.
tlon exDerlenced
desires permanent posl
references. Phone morn-
Ings only. Wood!
awn 1475.
Phone Marshall
P. at.
beginner, wishes position.
2731 bat. S A, M. and 6
HnnUHHMMI HDU niranuuBrai I as---. -, I i 1 1 s---bsss-ssbss-
DOES anyone require services of a woman
who has had good stenographic and cler
ical experience, has a knowledge of book
keeping and is trustworthy: willing to
work and accept responsibility? AR 205,
Oregonlan. ' ,
LADIES' and children's plain sewing, rates
reasonable. 474 Gantenbeln ave. Phone
East 5128."
FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or b
day. 503 Williams ave. East S7.
WANTED Sewing by day: middle-aged
lady; charges reasonable. Main 5581.
DRESSMAKING wanted: Bewing by the day,
$1.78; experienced. Main 5226.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes engage
ments, best references. Main 7747.
COMPETENT dressmaker wishes few more
. engagements day or week. Marshall 4857.
MATERNITY nurse wants cases Immediate
ly; will do light housework. Main 147.
POSITION wanted as companion and house
keeper by young woman; excellent house
keeper; elderly woman or couple pre
ferred; no objection to leaving city. AS
205. Oregonlan.
WANTED By woman, position as houiie
keeper for widower, corner 4th and Jeffer
son, middle door on Jefferson..
POSITION as housekeeper In hotel; experi
ence; references. Main 1&70.
JAPANESE girl wants position, housework
and cooking. In small family. AG 202,
EXPERIENCED teacher desires pupils In
higher English, history or grammar sub
jects: prices very reasonable; references.
AO 204, Oregonlan.
REFINED young lady wishes position as
traveling odmpanlon to an elderly lady
or children en route to California. AP
178, Oregonlan.
GOOD girl wants cooking and general house
work for a small family, prefer going
down to Seaside; wages JSS. Call forenoon.
Woodlawn 2631 or 838 Missouri ave. ,
CAPABLE . Swedish girl desires situation,
family cook, where second is kept. Main
STRONG German girl wants day work
washing. Ironing preferred. Phone Main
REFINED young lady wishes position on
private telephone exchange: experienced.
AO 205. Oregonlan.
A MUTE girl wants a place to learn fancy
cooking; a good home Is needed above
all others. M. Davis, 104 Nebraska St.
YOUNG lady wants place as telephone op
erator... In first-class hotel: two years' ex-
perlence. E 1S2, oregonlan.
LACE curtains laundered. 25c up: first-
-1... 1. ,...11. B-rvii TiLhnr 817..
GOOD woman wants day work. Phone Main
COMPETENT lady wants washing by day.
Call Woodlawn 1935.
COMPETENT woman wants work today and
all week. C 1214. room 23.
RELIABLE woman wants day work. Phone
A 1548. ' '
WOMAN wants work, 2 to 5 hours. Phone
B 2487.
COLORED girl wants day work of any kind.
Phone -Woodlawn 1049J
YOUNG woman wants day work; references.
A 1654. 2 hells.
DAY work wanted by experienced laundress;
whole dayB preferred. Marshall 4667.
WO M AN war7 ta day's work. Call Woodlawn
FAST selling "Great Leaders and Na
tional Issues of 1912," discussed by Roose
velt. Wilson. Taft, Clark and other lead
ers of all parties. Lives of all candidates.
100 colored and other Illustrations; only
$1: very best terms; outfit free. Universal
House. 1010 Arch St., Philadelphia.
WE have considerable inquiry for desirable
houses, stores, etc.. to rent, in all parts
of the city. We make a specialty of col-
. lectlng rents and managing all kinds of
property. Wm. C. Borchers, financial
agent, 207-zuo uregonian mug.
WANTED To rent 5 to 6-room furnished
house from $15 to $18 per month. Mr.
Rex Smith, care shipping dept. Ellers
Music House.
WANTED New, modern bungalow with
.. I .. , 1 1 .. mi. hilfihM' must
be reasonable rent; also would like shade
. . . . nrt HAannlon
IF YOU want to rent vour house or flat, see
305-6 BDaldlnsr bldg. Main To92.
WANTED Unfurnished room In good loca
tion. West Side, in walking distance of
Postoffice. Phone Marshall 2751.
Rooms With Board.
GENTLEMAN desires room and board, two
meals. West Side; state terms, number of
boarders, etc. A J 20''. oregonlan.
GOOD room and board desired by young man
In refined family, close In on East Side.
At zvt, yjrcsomiw.
YOUNG lady wants room and board in pri
vate family. AG 206. Oregonlan
Furnished Rooms.
Grand and Hawthorne Aves.
For rent, the finest corner parlor, bed
room and bath suites In the city; large
rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win
dows, fine view of all the mountains; also
some single rooms; elevator service, tele
phone, hot and cold water, electrlo light
and steam heat; moderate prices for de
sirable tenants; sight streetcar lines pass
the building.
The largest and coolest rooms In the
city. -
If you are looking for permanent, nome
like quarters, be sure and inspect the Sar
gent before locating. Excellent restaurant,
in oonnection with the hotel. Phone East
J. H. CLARK. Proprietor
Those three beautifully furnished hotels
218H 4th st. 21H4 4th st. 207 H 4th st
On Fourth St., running from Taylor to
Salmon st.; brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water in all rooms; strictly up
to date In all respects, and at popular
' prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will like it. Rooms by the day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
625 Washington St.
Under New Management. '
Largs lobby, finished In mahogany, tile
and marble; ladles' parlor, with elegant
fireplace; free telephone service in rooms
all night and day. electrlo elevatoty steam
heat, hot and oold water In all rooms,
many with bath. A residential hotel above
reproach, where every effort is made for
the comfort and convenience of Its guests;
rents the most reasonable In the city:
rooms by the day. week or month. Look
this, over before locating. Take W car
at Depot, get off at 19th and Washington.
131 Eleventh Street
New, modern brlqk building; steam
heated; private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see ua
Regular and transient trade solicited.
887 14 East Burnslde 6treet.
Live in this hotel and save monev on
your room rent. We have 120 modern
rooms, single or en suite, rooms with pri
vate bath; rates oOc to $2 per day, $2 to
$6 per week. East 5940. B 1275.
One block from Union Depot: 140 ouUld-
rooms with hot and cold water and steam
heat; offers special rates for permanent
guests; rates 50c to' $2 a day; $3.50 and
up per weea. j-nvuq m
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sta
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantlj
furnlBhed rooms; private baths; steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room: special rates by the, month.
V.nv.m UaMhall 4040.
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for- busi
ness people: centrally located; elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel,
opposite Helllg Tlieater. Phone Main 016.
150 Park St., very central, European and
American plan; homelike service In dln-
, lng-room at reasonable price; $1 European,
$2 American. Special rates per week.
106 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790.
In. heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone in every
room; $1 day and up: $4 week and up.
Large, pleasant front rooms; easy walk
' ins distance; all home conveniences; 12.
$2750 to $4 per week. 828 4th sL. Main 5561.
NICELY furnished rooms by day or week;
bit location In city. 145 V, Tth. Calumet
' Annex.
LEWISTON HOTEL. 271tt Morrison., cor.
transient; permanent rates very reasonable.
vnnrTi ninlerl arl mnml. h fit Uld COld WE'
T.r. nhone. bath. $12 to $15. Main 6135.
t if.Vt. t-v --ts-i-r- with 2 beds Suit
i.abie ror gentlemen; eiecinc usulo,
none, etc.. cioso in ; pnvnio
y day or week, zag renin si.
GENTLEMEN Large, nicely furnished bed
room In refined private home: porches,
large lawn, shade trees. 549 Belmont st.
. Phone East 2055.
NICELY fnrnlshesd front room: modern con
veniences; central, reasonable. 404 Clay,
- near 10th.
NICELY furnished rooms, from $2 weekly:
easy walking distance; phone. 655 Wash
ington. WANTED Congenial couple to share cosy
furnished bungalow, very reasonable rent,
60 E. 30th st. SS car.
HAVE beautiful front room In private fam
ily, corner East 2d and Halsey. No. 834.
Phone E. 1371.
BEAUTIFUL rooms. Just off Washington.
modern conveniences. $3 and $4 per week.
. 29 N. 17th St.
MODERN well furnished rooms, walking
- distance, good car service. E. 4007. 195
Union ave. N., near Holladay.
NICELY furnished rooms, , private family,
electric light, phone, bath, walking dis
tance. 201 16th.
DOUBLE Bleeping room and tents; phone
and bath. 221 lain st.
TWO large front rooms, furnished; one
porch room; all very reasonable. 211 12th.
COSY, well furnished front room, reasonable.
30 N. 3 6th St., near Washington.
LOVELY bay window rooms, reasonable,
breakfast ir oesirea. ov marnet.
NICE outside furnished room, private fam
ily. 592 2d St.
IDEAL rooms In an Ideal home; gentle
man. Phone Main 441L
LARGE, llsht, well furnished roorus with
board: strictly modern. . 34Q Hassalo.
NICE furnished suite of rooms; also single
rooms. 402 E. Mill St. Phone E. 3432.
FURNISHED rooms for rent; bath, phone,
hot and cold water, heat. S50 Salmon.
NICE furnished room, lights, bath, gentle
man, $5.50 month. 260 Fargo St., U Car.
CUPOLA sleeping room, suitable for young
man; very reasonable. 181 34th st.
$1.50 to $5; free phone, bath. 2 14th st.
North, near Washington
FINELY furnished rooms, all conveniences.
307 Market.
NICELY furnished front room; also good
attic; $1.50. 186 14th st.
Rooms With Board.
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE
HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms,
bath, broad veranda auiet. close in. near
car; 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
AtJUDll Wltn DI1U, U.O Ul o.niUB i".'".
brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup.
THE LAMBERSON, 554 Couch St., very de
sirable outside rooms, steam heat, run
ning water, with -or without board, close.
MAN ITOU. 2"61 18th st- Attractive, clean
rooms, steam heat, good board, close In.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
LARGE front room with best of table
board, suitable for 3 single beds, 2 clos
ets, in strictly modern home within walk
ing distance West Side; no objection to
man apd wife. Marshall 807.
BEAUTIFUL home, all newly furnished,
rooms extra large, suitable for two or
more, with separate beds, hot and cold
water, good board, home privileges; rate
$L'2.50 up. M B3S1. 501 Harrison.
BEAUTIFUL home, all newly furnished,
rooms extra large, suitable for two or
more, with separate beds, hot and cold
water, good board, home privileges; rate
$22.50 up. M 63S1. 501 Harrison.
LARGE, clean, airy room suitable for one
or two; all conveniences free, with or
without board; easy walking distance.
M. 8613. 353 12th. j
ROOM" Every convenience: suitable for
two; breakfast and dinner. 130 East. 19th
st., near Morrison; walking distance. .East
eo3s. '
CLEAN young man with good habits wishes
room mate, all home comforts and good
board. $5.50 per week. Main 63SQ 501
Harrleon at. '
LARGE furnlBhed beautiful front rooms,
running water, every convenience, with
first-class board. Marshall 3056.- 275 N.
24th st.
LOVELY front room, with board; walking
distance; pleasant surroundings; best home
cooking; modern conveniences; reasonable
terms. Phone Main 3280.
PLEASANT furnished rooms with or with
out board, reasonable. 880 E. YamhllL
Tabor 4186.
GOOD room and board, strictly modern,
only people of reference need apply. 88
10th St., phone Main 6979.
LARGE room with board for 3 young men,
$65 per month; one room, with board for
at $W. 600 rj-earney. j-nune jmoj. m,
LARGE room with board, suitable tor two
gentlemen; single beds, baths attached;
close in. 29! West Park
WANTED Two young men who would room
together, all modern conveniences; use of
piano, all home privileges. Phone E 4129.
$6 PER WEEK; home cooking. 291 11th St.,
near Jefferson. Marshall 2693.
ROOM and board In a private family: home
-r.1 , ec, IrtT X. Iii.l,
cooaing. ruyuo iti. uuio. . . ...
GOOD room and board, $20: walking dls-
. . ,1 ,71 TRlk U.nnA 13 17QI
BITCC. Ill J-J. I.HH. J H..1I -J
THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board.
running water, steam heat. 885 3d st.
PARLOR room; beautiful outlook; exclusive
neighborhood ;. choice board. 654 Lovejoy.
ROOMS, with or without board. 712 Flan
ders. M 1547.
TWO pleasant rooms, large porch and
grounds: excellent board. Main 20T1.
ROOMS with board. 889 Taylor St. Pri
vate boarding nouse.
NOB HILL nice light room with or without
board. Main 8898.
j22 NICE room with board. Call 32 16th
st. North.
NICELY furnished rooms, close In. 215 13th.
Cor. Park and Taylor 8ta
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete. 2. 8 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new and atriotly
modern; service llrst-clasa
Modern unfurnished and furnished
apartments In alK parts of the city.
City Department.
Main 6860. 69 Washington St. A 6267.
GRACE APTS.. 797 Northrup st.. corner
24th. 5 large rooms, hardwood floors,
front versnda, large sleeping porch, pri
vate telephone, water, heat and hot water,
new and strictly modem, vacuum cleaner.
the WESVFAI. 410 5TH ST.
and up; close In, nicely furnished 3-room
apartments, with private bath and phone,
elevator. A jiam vi q.
841 14th st..- at Market, new corner
brick, 2-room suites, completely furnished
for housekeeping: walking distance; prices
MBinnnhlii. For Information call Main 1739.
Lincoln apts.. cor. 4th and Lincoln
All outside, 2-room apartments; Holmes
w.x. hnut-ln writing desks, vacuum clean
er Janitor service, $22.50 to 130. Including
lights, private phones. A 8472. Main 1377.
t tt ATTTT1TTTT.T.V furnished 2-room apart
menf bath, dressing-room; new, modern.
REASONABLE. Fine Summer location.
Burcb Apartments, 110 21st St. North.
rniNDESTA furnished apartments. Grand
ave. and East Stark. New brick building,
elevator, modern conveniences; close-in
location; punt m - - -
- THE. WAIVKDWnwuun.
6-room apartment, choice residence dls-Hi-t
walking distance, every convenlenca
oV.t and Flanders sts. Main 7516.
11th and Hall, 2. 8. 4 rooms, furnished
r unfurnished, modern, hardwood floora
private balconlea; Summer rates.
THE MEREDITH, T12 Washington St.. 2,
, ..j 4-room apta, hardwood floors, with
every convenience, newly furnished; cheap-
.t rent In the city.
Park and Madison Sts.
For rent, 8 and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartments, strictly modern.
fTTS FLORENCE 8-room furnished apts.,
roof garden. walklng distance. 388 lUh st.
' -cah Turr. unMEV
tjtuoi ' - - .- - .
2 and 3 rooma modern, housekeeping,
$15 to $25. 514 Jefferson, corner of 16th.
TrVt-- WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 rooms, new,
clean and homelike; price reasonable. Cor.
. . . a m hill..
E.. 1-itH Mi'
the- KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis
streets? 3 or 4-room furnished or unfur
nlshed. References.
Tatr-tTTIFUL 4-room apartment, all conven
iences partly furnished. $20; unfurnished.
jentea. K ru.frlnt- Woodlawn !Ji4
sia; x-icni"""- - .
' tsa Harrison St. Phone Marshall S070.
t X-A -- -
STELWYN APTS., St. Clair and Washington
sta, 5-room unfurnished apt., beautiful
view, all wutslde rooms, top floor, tiled
bath, private phone and large hall, sleep-
.' lng porch. 5 closets, mirror doors, wood
work all white enamel ; most select house
In the city; references required.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just
off Washington; magnificent, exclusive
apartments In heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable; every modern
convenience; sleeping porches, high-class
service; refined clientele; references re
quired in all cases; two beautifully fur
nished apartments available May 1. Mrs.
A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone Mar
shall 1301. .
Most up-to-date management In the
Northwest: every convenience; 4 and o
rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new;
walking distance, 21st and Johnson sta:
choice residence district: attendant on
premtsea Marshall 3360.
THE-BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta;
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished in 2. 8 and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electrlo automatic
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrona If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A 1744. Marshall 2961.
NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and
Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments,
$15. $18, $20 and up. This Includes steam
heat, hot and cold water in every apart
ment, private phones, public bsth. electric
lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free;
also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with
private bath. $18; 4 rooms. $20. Take 8.
23d or W cars north. Phone Main 859.
NOKOMIS Marshal, near 17th sU New
building, never been occupied rates
$20 and up. One unfurnished. $18.
ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison
sta Largest 2-room apartments In
ALTON! A, Mars hall and 19th sts. Lsrge,
airy. -. 3 ana -room apRri.iut-iii.0,
quiet and exclusive neighborhood.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fur
nished apartments In the Northwest; locs
tlon perfect; rentsls reasonable; every
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phones in all
apartments; high-class service; references
required. Main 2270 and A 7057.
730 Hoyt St.
Large, cool, airy 8-room comer apart
ment, elegantly furnished; porch com
manding fine view; Ideal for the Summer;
reefrences required.
TO LEASE, for 6 months or more, an ele
gantly furnished 5-room apt.; large, airy
rooms, large front porch and sleeping
porch. Oriental rugs, velvet and silk drap
ery linen, bedding, silver, everything com
plete: reference required. Phone Mar
shall 1076. Addreiis AD 178. Oregonlaj.
Lucretla St.. Near 23d and Wash.
Unfurnished ' apartments, from two to
five rooms, all large, light and outside;
large closets, hardwood floora; under new
management. Marshall 1613. Janitor. Mar
shall 1500.
790 East Ankeny.
All newly furnished outside apartments
III brand-new building; strictly modem;
within walking distance. Take East An
keny ' and Montavllla car at Third and
Morrison, get off at 24th st. Phone E. 1808.
Cor. Sd nnd Montgomery, 2-room apart
ments, furnished complete, building new
and strictly modern; elevator, five min
utes' walk P. O.; no children; $25 up. Main
l NICELY furnished 3-room apt., $22.50; all
outside, large, light, airy rooms; prlvste
phone snd bath, gas range, refrigerator,
water heater, laundry trays, large closets,
on carline. Tabor 2293, B 3041.
"TUP WTi-'VtP.nSfTT AM "
18th and Flanders sts.
Beautiful apartments,
5 and 6 rooms.
Call and see them.
12tlr and Harrison; 2, 3 and 5 rooma
furnished or unfurnished; latest Improve
ment s ; lestservlceApplyonprernlsea
Two and three-room apartments: large
rooms, large closets; strictly modern, cool
and airy for Summer; reduced ratea
Phone Main 7755. 695 Lovejoy st. Take
W car.
CUMBERLAND Aota. W. Park and Co
lumbia sta; very choice 2 and 8-room
furnished and unfurnished apta, all mod.
ern convenlencea beautiful location, fac-
. . i 1. . k ...,, wall, fpnm bust-
lug lag i, v ...... -- " " - T,
ness center, best service, prices reaaonabla
3 OR 4-room apartment with bath, fur
nished or unfurnished. Pacific phone In
each, $82.50 up; outside rooms; splendid
view; convenient arransement; superb lo
cation; close to Postoffice; best of serv
ice . The Sheffield. 272 7th, cor. Jefferson.
570 Couch, one block from Washington,
walking distance. 3 and 4-room modem
unfurnished apartments; all modern con
veniences, best of service; under new nrnn
agement; references required. Main 1192.
Jefferson and 13th Streets.
4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnished
apartments, exceptionally well arranged.
. Rates Reasonabla
Modem. Referencea New.
CUMBERLAND Apts., W. Park and Colum
bia sta.; very choice 2 and 8-room fur
nished and unfurnished apts., all modern
conveniences, beautiful location, facing the
park; 5 minutes' walk from business cen
ter, Desi airrrit-g. yi in , ocmn.m.
Everett 2, .8 and 4 rooma unfurnished,
private baths; $20 up; completely reno
vated, under new management; walking
distance; convenient and best service.
A LTAMONT Apartments, corner Fifth and
College 3 and 4-room apartmenta all
modem conveniences, cheapest rent In
city: must be seen to be appreciated; 7
i . ..-' i. in. t o
1 u r. i . i ... r. i I-.,
Corner 3d and Hall, newly furnished 2
room apartments, building new and strict
ly modern, large outside kltchena service
first-class, easy walking distance.
21st and Hoyt sts. Beautiful "furnished
4-room apartment with porch. Apply Jan
the; m.i.i. t a i .' .j.. . . ..
E. 7th and Morrison sts.; very central,
s and 3-room apartmenta furnished com-
. . .nit ... .a.'t K.i
plete. private nam., num .aw .u .u.w
THE LEONCE. 186 N. 22d. near Johnson.
New. modern, brick, 2 and 3-room, bsau
tlfully furnished apartments, all outside
rooms, private bath and phone; $22.60 up.
THE ALAMO. 494 Market St., furnished and
unfurnished 8-room apta. also single
rooms, strictly modem, prises 320 to $3l.
THE DRICKSTON, 448 11th. nicely furni
2 and 3-room modern outside apta,
' furnished
2 and 3-room modern outsiae apta, near
Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCuno. Marshall 67.
ONE furnished 4-room apartment and one
6room furnished apartment to rent. Car-
thf CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders 2. 3
and 4-room modern apartments, furnished
or iinlurmenei . m.vvj ..
THW DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and
""room apta; private bath and phone.
Summer ratea Main 543o. 50o Jefferson.
BJELLAND. 16th and Lovejoy Unfurnlsh.d
iri-ontl- modem, new brick, must be seen
io t.e appreciated. Main 1867, A 1867.
thk DAYTON Beautiful location, 6 fine
large rooms, apartment, porches and eVery
j"venlence. 662 Flanders. Reduced rent.
2 ll 4-room apartments. new. brick furniture. Marshall 8658.
14th and Columbia sts 2. $ and 4 rooma
,.rnlshed and unfurnished; modern.
ROSE-FRIEND., cor. 7th and Jefferson,
very desirable unfurnished apartmenta all
outside rooma hardwood floorsrefa
i t r T.IAN. 6th and Montgomery, 8-room fur
nished apartments: private bath and
pnone: walking distance. Marshal! 1378.
KENTUCKY Apartmenta Furnished and
unfurnished, steam heat, modern. East
VMh anu v"""
'tuv L.AURETTE 1 furnished 8-room apart
mlint: private bath and phone. 22 11 th st.
BRYN MAWR APTS.. ins E. 15th near Yam
hill, fine 4-robm apartment, with porch.
4299. 2-room. elegantly f ui nished. - $20 up.
JULIAETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2
rooma Comer 2d and Montgomery.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments
, from 2 to 5 rooma from $20 to $60 pet
month. If you want one, telephone
MAIN 2015.
A 2015
(On Sunday call Mr. Berry. Main
Our automobile will call at any address
with our agent who will be glad to snow
these spartmenta
We own o control the following:
Angela Washington and Trinity Piac
Cecilia 22d and Gllsan sts.
Claypool. 11th and Clay sta,
Fordhsm. 170 Ford street.
Grnndests, Grand ave. and East Stare:
Hsnthorn. 251 12th at. near Msln.
Hanover. 165 King st.. near Washington.
Kingsbury, J8 Ford St.
Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near lltn.
Sheffield. 272 7th St., near Jefferson.
St. Croix. 1T0 St Clatr st.. near Wasli.
St. Franrla 21st and Hoyt sta
Wellington. 16th and Everett sta
503-50' Ablngton Bldg.
2 and 8-room furnished spartments, pos .
sesslng every modern convenience; pri
vate telephones, elevator service, excellent
closet room, laundry with steam dryer.
Most attractive entrance court In Port
land. Select clientele provides precisely the
surroundings desired for your family
One two. onn three snd one four-room
apartment, well furnished, exclusive, ex
cellent service: everv modem convenience.
4 and 5 large rooms; modern.
SNAP 4-room. modem flat, extra well fur
nished; walking distance. East Side, be
tween two carllnes. Phone C 22i9. 1 9
Cherry su, flat 2.
NEW 6-room flat. 782 Gllsan su. fireplace,
hardwood floors, gas range, etc; very
desirable. Call Main Z015. A 2015. Our
agent with auto will call and show flat.
5-ROOM flat at 549 Washington sL, near
Main 1633. 722-728 Teon Bldg.
FOR RENT 1 5-room flat, furnished and
1 8-room flat , unfurnished, corner 26th
and Powell sts. Phone Sellwood 617 or
Sellwood 253. Take WW car.
FOR RENT Five-room flat In large, new
brick building, for $20 per month; located
Mllkaukle and Bismarck. Inquire 4t)5
Vashlngton St.
VERY desirable 6-room corner flats: fur
naca nreplaca hot-water coll, etc. S.s
them at 22d and Kearney sta i
IF TOU are looking for a 6-room, nicely
furnished flat, call 4034 6th St.. corner of
Jackson, on ltitn-st. car.
ELEGANT, modern lower 7-room flat, 171 h
and Yamhill: references required. Phone
Marshall 8478.
FOR RENT 3-room flat. 29V4 East 6th.
near Burnslde; walking distance; rent $20.
Keys at D. G. Woodward, 204 Second st.
IF YOU can't leave the city for the Sum
mer, rent thla 4-room lurni.neu uai
$20; Portland Helghta 661 Davenport st.
MODERN 6-room flat, on West Side, cheap
rent. Apply biv wiiiiikci v. .
Marshall 15W.
4-ROOM flats, one furnished. Phone East
1719. or call 664 Williams ave.
MODERN 6-room upper flat. Inquire 35 E.
16th North.
$16 5 ROOMS, :tS7! North 21st., modern
conveniences. Main 2yi. Key 20 Alder.
UPPER six-room flat, all light extra large
rooms. 782 Johnson. Main 7820.
FOR RENT 6-room flat, furnished. Call
689 Powell st.
FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat. 174 East
2d North.
FOR RENT Strictly modern lower flat, Nob
Hill. Apply p,a isormrup .i.
MODERN 3-room unfurnished flats. $16. In.
quire 22.1 Market st. Phone Main 516.
5- ROOM FLAT, new. 616 Powell st. and
1 5 th. Phone Sellwood 66.
6- ROOM upper flat, new. modern, walking
8 dl.-tam e Inquire 529 Everett.
MODERN four-room flat, near Steel bridge.
Phone woiHjiw-" '
5-ROOM flat, large attic, good neighbor-
hooa. ten in'"" " -
jl6 i-nOOM flat, new and modern, close
in. rnuuo .,", "
MODERN "5-room flat, 5th near Jackson.
West Side: 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1223.
ri osE-IN. steam-heated flat, good location;
reasonable; adults. 564 Couch.
4"-ROOM lower flat, sleeping porch, good
condition. 825 Northrup st. Main 82-.-.1.
FIVE-ROOM lower flat, furnace, linoleum.
nrepiare. cnnnn
NEW 6-room flat, 10114 E. 18th. cor. Wash
ington; i-v'
MODERN 4-room furnished flat; bath; rent
reasonabla: walking distance. Last 4M1.
27 Modern 4-room" flat, all conveniences,
fine location. Phone E. 161.
FLAT, 7 rooms, 221 N. 17th.
Housekeeping Rooma
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free.
$12 per month up; a clean place, best In
the city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take S pr lth-street
cars north, get off at Marshall St. Nodoga
THE UPSHUR. 26th and Upshur sta Fur
nished 2-room apartments. $15 up, Includ
ing steam heat, hot and cold wa"r.
every apartment. publio bath, electrlo
liglita gas range. laundry-room " "
Take "S." "23d" or "W" cars north. Phone
$1.50 to $3.00 week, clean furnished house
keeping rooma Suitable for two or four,
free heat, laundry, bath, phone, yard, gaa
. . .. ...... n,a ftlantofl.
eue Vancouver ..... - -
THE MILNER. 60 Morrison, cor. Park
Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
apartments; all conveniences; best loca
tion, summer rates.
IF you are looking for a nloely furnished
5-ro.m upper flat, call 463 V4 th. comer
OI .laCKHPII. vu fun-.. -
CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished. unfur
nished housekeeping rooma cheap. Room
BOs nn ana ump
housekeeping and single rooms, reasonable
Tate., inn ram -"
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $L50 ts
. . . .. 1 .lnl "11 1 91 at.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete
Dunning. rnonB wwuianii -'"
THE ELMS. 2 and 8-room housekeeping and
single rooms: transients solicited, ll'l 14tn.
THE GENEVIEVE, 445 Columbia St., nicely
furnished housekeeping apartments. -
Housekeeping lKwrns In Private rs.mllr.
TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms,
hot and cold running water day and night.
Call 778 Gllsan.
2-ROOM suite, furnished new and clean,
fine location, water In room, bath phonea
62 Hi. Anaeny. c- -J"
TWO clean front rooms for housekeeping.
bath, phone gas range, electricity; $4.50
per week. 450 Park st.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; fine
for Summer. 49S Nehalem ava Sellwood
ir. .
THREE large, newly furnlshsd ukeep-
lng rooma; " "S"", "
rent sin. i
TWO well-furnished housekeeping rooms,
gas cookstove, electric lights, phones.
bath. (iiLo
l A rug airy rooms In a beautiful private
home.' with or .without housekeeping. 63
ri. juin.
31S 34TH. cor. Clay, large 1 and 2-room
furn is nea nuugrncrru-B
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooma 141
N. 18th. .
2 NICE front rooms, modern. 654 E. Mor
rison. Phone E. 5.V7A
DOWNSTAIRS finely furnished front suite,
all convenlencea 307 Market.
$12 Threo furnished housekeeping-rooms;
fine view, lawn, roses, 614 7th. Main 4529.
TWO front housekeeping rooms, $10 per
month, no children. 270 Market.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, front;
phone, sink, gas. 269 College.
TWO and 8 nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, gaa bath, reasonable. 692 Front.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma
with piano. 515 Clay. i
TWO furnished housekeeping rooma close ln,i
$14. 411 4th. Main 729.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms and single rooma
07 N. 14th, between Davis and Everett.
2-ROOM housekeeping suite, $4 weekly, close
In. 181 14th st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 35S
Lincoln St. Main tinn.
CLEAN, light, well-furnlshed housekeeping!
room, aua ettt si.