19 THE MORXIXG OREUOMAN, SATUKDA. J UXE 29, 1912. 6 SPOT IPS LOWER Large Block of 1911s Is Sold at 281-2 Cents. WILL BE SHIPPED ABROAD Dealers Cnable to Interest Eastern Trade In Old Hops or Futures at prevailing Prices Iillienthal Disputes Ashby's Statement. Th miirkt for 1911 hop has bwom-a-utHr weak aa a reeult of th prweure of offering- where no adequate demand exists. The Gore I- Ro lot of about rr.o balea at Salem waa sold yvterdar at -fci cent. Tha purchaser wa E. C Ktrk patrfck. The hops will probably o to En x land. The lateneaa of the season Is bringing the price of spots in line with tha value of futures. Holders have given up hope of Kastern brewers coming Into the market for the small remnant of the old" crop left. Less than 800 balea remain In Oregon and about 4000 bales In California. With slack demand, this very small stock Is a burden on the market. The demand for new-crop contracts ! also limited. So far as could be learned, only one or two dealers were in the mar ket yesterday. They offered 20 centa. but did not aeem Industrious in trying to find neller. Statements concerning the present and probable future condition of the hop market recently made In this paper by Ernest E. xr. Ashby, a representative of Strauss A Co.. of London, are disputed by LUienthal A Company.of New Tork. who in a letter say: "We will not attempt here to say what the 1911 English crop may be. but we do know the acreage under cultivation for that rrop Is not very much larger than In 1911; 2o0 acres more will probably eover It. Taking the ten-year average of annual yield por acre In England as approximately nine hundredweight, and assuming 33.000 acres to be in bearing, we cannot hope for, a larger crop in 1913 than was harvested In 1911. t'nder the most favorable conditions Eng land cannot hope to raise any quantity equivalent to lta consumption, aa even a yield of 14 hundredweight per acre (con sidered Impossible, except through a freak of nature) would only mean 490,000 hun dredweight, against an annual consumption of 570,000 hundredweight. Such a result, however, would be a difference between pro duction and consumption that could be made up by importation from the Continent or the United States, but any more than that could not be spared, as our expected crop In the coming season on today's estimates would not permit the usual export, without very rapidly advancing prices, as it Is not expected this country will raise much more than lta own requirements. "Without attempting to take issue tn de tail with all tha figures given In the article you published we need only to say It is known reserves were more deeply cut into th Is year than ever before, and therefore. It is not thought Ukely brewers are carry ing as large stocks as usual: that dealers are not. we can state with assurance, de termined by the pulse of the market, which responds with an upward movement to any buying demand, no matter how limited. "Hop prices were not forced to an 'arti ficial level' in 1911, nor was the character of the market at any time 'fictitious.' Hops advanced from 30 to 45 cents per pound for. Pacifies, because there waa a legitimate demand, taking all supplies off j the market. This Is shown by a crop har vest In the United States m 1911 of about 205.000 bales and not more than 7000 bales remaining in growers hands today. This shows a crop movement of nearly 200,000 bales within six months, but which was actually effected In three months, as the bulk of the business had been done by January 1 of this year. "A famine of hops is never to be feared unless brought about by two successive crop failures, and that of course la not looked for thla year. "Our only purpose In bringing these facta to the notice of the brewers la not 'that our Interest In the market is exactly the re verse of the supposed position of the firm, whose article appears Jn your paper, but that we do not wish the brewers to be mis led by a picture that does not show the true situation, .and In consequence of which they might delay the purchases of their hop re quirements too long, and -therefor suffer the penalty later by paying higher prices. The evil of thla attitude waa shown In 1911. during the early Summer of which brewers paid no attention to hop offerings, and later on. when prices started to advance, they anxiously bought them, helping the up ward movement along considerably. At the present moment the market la quiet, aa a result of no buying demand. Thla may mean , 'the calm before the storm, Should the, slightest damage occur to any growing crop In any one section, a most unusual sltua- tton will present itself, and force prices to , an unusually 'high level. There will be no ; reserve stock of oldnrarMnauta fall back on. other than the nominal amount we men- tloned before remaining of the 1911 crop." I KM A IX INQUIRY IX WHEAT MARKET No Freeh Trading In the New Crop Is Re ported. There was a little Inquiry In the wheat market yesterday, but not much business tvaa put through. No trading in the new I crop waa reported. Weeklv forelrn wheat shlsmenta wera am follows: This week. Last week. Last year. Argentina . .2.;tS8.too i.S32.0M l.oosooo Australia . . . Ms.oxi tt.Vi.ooo 1.072.W0 ludia ........ l.l"o.000 2.504.000 1. 922.0OO Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour OaU Hay Monday 22 15 2 12 Tuesday 14 1 S 3 11 Wednesday .... 6 1 I Thursday.... 8 .. S Friday 2 . . 3 1 7 Vesr ago 15 2 11 4 12 Sea n to data.18.4SS 301 2M1 161 3 2S'7 Year ago 11.019 714 2544 9u3 3020 MIXED CAR OF CALIFORNIA FRUITS Apple Fears, Plum, and Apricot. Received From the South. Th. ftrat cmr of mixed deciduous fruits of the season arrived yesterday. It contained Ked Astrachan apples, which were Quoted at $1.73 a box. Clyman plums at $1 25, su gar pears at $1.33 and apricots at $1.23. The market was fslrly well supplied with . loganberries. raspberries and blackcaps, which sold at $1.25 a crate. Cherries were plentiful and weak, except Sound Bines and Royal Anna Cantaloupes ottl at the preceding day's quotations; Vegetables were steady except cucumbers, which were In heavy supply. KesT Market Is Finn. The ess market was firm yesterday at 22 9 226 centa with a good demand and small . receipts. A good many hot weather eggs are coroln g from the Valley. Poultry was la good supply, with chickens of all kinds steady. Ducks sold as "low as 10 centa The veal market was strong! No chanrea were reported tn cheese or butter, which wer, quoted firm. Parkajre Ooffre Lower. A decline ef V rent in Artturkle's coffee as announced yesterdsy. Tire new quota tion Is 24. IT cents. ' Hanlla rope sdvanced - cent to s centa No further change was announced in sugar. With the heavy consumptive season at hand, the trade believes bottom has been reached. Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings- Balances. Portland I1.3S9.S7J $115.S0 Seattle , l.7i.Sll JOB.UU Tacoma 712.47 178.544 Spokane 54J.9i 28.17. HEPPNEB'S WOOL KALE HAS ENDED Clips Sold Last Day AKXTrxate JSO.OOO Pounds. HEPP.VEB, Or.. June 28. (Special.) At the wool sale held here Thursday. 17 clip. wre sold st prices from 14tejlHc The sreater part of the wool cumins In since the last sales day was bought at private aale. . The clips sold today will aggregate about 2X0.000 pounds Besides this. W. W. Smead has bought for Hallowell. Jones Don ald about 150.000 pounds during the past two weeks at private sale st prices around IOSITc Today's sale cleans up this mar ket for 1912. PORTLAND MABKETS. Grain. Floor. Feed. Bts. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem, Mc; club. S!)c; red Russian. 89c; Valley. S9c; 40 fold. 89c FLOCK Patents $10 per barrel; trslghts. $4.70; exports. $4.20; Valley. $310: HAY Timothy. $14017: alfalfa. $11; clo ver, ssei: oats and vetch. S10Q11: srain h.ty. $9. JIILL3TUFF8 Bran. $!$. per ton; shorts. I2S: mlddMnzs. Ill CORN Whole. :i9: cracked. M0 pet toa. OATS No. 1 white. $3438 per ton. Tearetabies ana Fralta. .... . r, . i i t . .a i ner crate: sooseberrles. per pound: rasp berries. $1.2 per crate; loganberries. $10 TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. Valencia. ?..VJ1r3.2.'i: California grapefruit. S3.5U04 lemons. (S.S04( per box; pineapples, fa per '"fresh FRCIT Cherries. 24M0o per pound; apples, old. $1,504 t per box; new. $1.75 per box; apricots. $125 per boy; can taloupes. 12.2562.50 per crate: peaches, $1.10 tirl.25 per box: currants. $1.501.75 per box; plums. $1.2$ per box; pears. $1.16 per box. VEUETABLES AniL-nwei, -.w ' " - dosen; asparagus. $1 per box; beans, 74 W OC; ClDDaiC flower. $2.75 per crate: celery. $3 8 per crate: corn. 30c ner dosen; cucumbers II per box; eggplant. 25o per pound; head lettuce. 12iio per dozen; hothouse lettuce. 73c$l per box; peas. 6457c per pound: peppers. 28 2e per pound; radishes, 158i 20c per dosen; rhubarb, 24c per vouni: spinach, 445o per pound; tomatoes. $L7o2 per box: garlic SJJlOc. per pound. POTATOES Jobbing, prices: Burbanks old. $191.20 per hundred; new. per pound. 1 "oNlONS California red. $1.25 Per sack. Dairy and Co on cry Produce. BUTTER Oregon creamery butter, cubes, er .clld pack. 27c per pound; prints. 2So per poll nd. EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, 22 I2e per dozen; case count, 21c CHEESE Triplets and daisies, loo per pound; Youns America. 17 Vic PORK Fancy. lo10tec per pound. VEAL Fancy. 120130 per pound. POULTRY Hens. 12fcc: broilers. li18c; ducks, young, lOfcllc; geese, 10$Uc; tur keys, live, liv-lbc; dressed, 2' iioc. Staple Groceries. SALMON Columbia River, one-pound tails. $2.26 per dozen; eight-pound tails. $2.93; one-pound fists. $2.40; Alaska pink, ine-pound tails. $l.$3. COFFEE Koasicd. tn drums. 2ls(W per pound. NUTS Walnuts. lfieiio per pound; Brazil nuts, 12e: filberts, 14013c; al monds. 17 4 21c; peanuts, 18c; cocoanuts. Kj w$l per dozen; chestnuts. 1244c per pound, nlckory nuts, Sloe per pound. HONEY Choice. $i.7S per case; strained honey. 10c per pound. SALT Granulated. $15 per ton: halt ground, loos. la.SU per ton; 50s, $9 por to. BEANS Small white. 3.40c; large white. .20c; Lima. .0c; pink. sc; atsxlcans. He; bayou. 414c KICK No. 1 Japan, c; cheaper gradea 3t3c; Southern head. H97hc SUGAR Dry granulated, $5.e3; fruit and berry, $3.86; Honolulu ' plantation, 15.SO; beet, $3.65; extra C, o.3j; powdered, bar rels, $0.15: cubes, barrels, $6.25. DIUKD FRUITS Apples. 14c per pound, apricots. 1601844c; peaches. 120140: prunes. Italians. I044l04c; silver, lac; tig, white and black. 447c; currants. 7tec; raisins, loose. Muscatel. 6t744c; bleached Thompson, llfcc; unbleacnod out tanas. 8 44c; seeded. 7448S4c; dates, Psr tan. 44s per pound: Fard. $1-60 par boa. Provisions. HAMS AU sixes. 17 4 15c; skinned. 17440 18c; picnics, 12c; boiled, 2644c BACON Fancy. U4s244c; choice. 2044 4J2144C DRY SALT MEATS Backs, dry salt. 1144 91244c; backs, smoked, 13yl4c; bellies, dry salt. 13 44 c; bellies, smoked. 13c LARD Tierce basis, choice, 1344o; oom pound. 944c; leaf, luree-pouad palla, $S.M per case. MISCELLANEOUS Pigs- feet, kits, $L8; sliced beet, lnsides, $2 per case; dried beet, Insldes. 23c per pound; bologna, caavaa back, 1044 c; minced bam. 12c- Bops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1912 contracts. 1944 4120c; 1911 crop, nominal. 2844 c. v MOHAiK Choice.. 32c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 14 31944c P pound, according to shrinkage, Vailcy, 2vO 22c per pound. . PELTS Dry. 12913c; full wool butchsr pelta $1.23 V 1.73; shearings. 104y30c HIDES Salted hides, 11 o per pound; salted calf, 20c; salted kip, 11612c; green hides, 10c; dry calf. No. 1, 23c; No. 2. 20c; dry hides. 19020c: salted stags, 74a So; green stags, 644 4J7c CASCARA per pound. $44 6c GRAIN BAGS In car lots, 1044C Unseed Oil and "Turpentine. . LINEF.ED OIL Raw. barrels, 88c: boll.c barrels. 90c; raw. casss. 93c; boiled, cases, 96c TURPENTINE Cases. 69c: barrels. 66 Vis SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Price Quoted nt the Bay City for Vege tables. Fruits, Etc BAN FRANCISCO. June 28. The follow ing product prices wsr. current her. today Fruit Apples, choice. $1.25; common, Sde; Mexican limes. $6.60 ; California lemona choice. $5: common. $1.50; navel oranges, $1.S03.75: pine apples. $2.60$.GO. Cheese 15l44c Butter Fancy creamery. 2Sc Eggs Store. 22c; fancy ranch.' 24c Vegetablee Cucumbers, tK73c: garlic 2fi'3c: areen c. as. $1.502.2S: strinr beans. 244 4c; asparagus. 40cfJ 41.25; tomatoes. 75c I$1; eggplant. 7010c. Potatoes River Burbanks. 9Oc0$l.S5; Oregon Burbanks. $L2561.50; Early Rose 83c $1.10. Hav Whent. $15.50021:- wheat and oats. $16 50019: alfalfa. $11 14. Receipts Flour. 17:iti euarter sacks; wheat. 6O0 centals: barley. 4500 centals: osts. 325 centals: potatoes. 4995 sacks; bay. 300 tons; wool. S72 bale. Metal Markets. NEW TORK, June 38. Copper, unsettled. standard spot ana June, iti.iarii.3 c: July, 1.S7V 9 17.37 He; August and Septem ber. 17tfl7.30c: electrolytic. 1744017c; lake. 17Sil74kc; casting, 1744c. Tin. steady. Spot snd June, 46.50948c; July. 4tltj4o.35c; August, 45ig' 45.65c Lesd. arm. 4.406 4. 47 He. Spelter, strong. 7.u5 7.25c Antimony. qu.et. Cooksons, 8c Iron. firm, unchanged. Copper Arrivals at New York today. 20 tons; exports this montn.- 2t.jo tone Lon don copper steady. Spot 77 10s; . futures. 78 7a Tin Local ssles of tin. 110 tona London tin firm: spot 209: futures. 2U3. 15s. Lead London. 18 Is 3d. Spelter London. 23 15s. Iron Clevelant warrants, 57s 3d tn Lon don. Coffee and Sugar. - NEW TORK. June 28. Coffee futures Closed steady, five points to nine points net hlaher. Sales. 40.500 Basra Closing bids June and July 13.6Sc; August. 13.7Sc; Sep tember. 13.6Sc: October. 13.94c; November, 14.00c: December. 14-08c: January. 14.09c: February. 14.04c; March. 14.14; April, 14.10c; May. 14.18c Spot coffee steady, anchanged. Xo. T. Rio. 14Vc Sugar Steady. Muscavado. .89 test. 8-30 03.33c: centrlfural. . test. 3.8oeS.S3c molasses. .89 test, 3.03 0 3.09c Refined quiet. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO, Juno 28. Butter Steady. Creameries. 230 25c: dairies. 21028c. Ern Easv. Receipts. 16.446 cases: at mark, cases Included. 16017c; ordinary firsts, 17c: rirsts. itc rhee.e Steady. Daisies. 15V. e: twins. I4S4 4915C; young Americas. 1544015c: Longhorns. 15 Sc. Wool at St. Louis. FT. LOUl?. June 28. Wool Pt.ady. Ter- ritorv anu western meoium.. vc, now mediums. Is 020c; fine. So 17c LAST PRICES BEST Stock Market Hardens in the Final Hour of Trading. DEALINGS- NOT EXTENSIVE Steel Corporation Follows Course of Its Rivals In Advancing; Prices of Finished Products) Trac tion Bonds Are Strong. NEW' TORK. June 28. Except for a for mal statement by the United States Steel Corporation, announcing that It had followed the course of some of Its chief rivals In advancing prices of various finished products snd the publication of a few railroad re turns for May of a not very gratifying character, today's stock market was no less dull, narrow and uninteresting than most of Its predecessors of ths last two weeka Prices hovered a fraction above or below yesterday's quotations, except in a group of specialties which included General e.ieciric. Westinghouse Common and first preferred. Baldwin Locomotive, Woolworth and some more obscure issuea In the railway division. Erie, Loulsviue at Nashville, Wabash preferred and Kansas City Southern preferred showed some sem blance of activity at improved prices, with out exciting more than languid attention. Suspension of ths regular 2 per cent divi dend on Ontario A Western common, which fell sharply, v as without effect on prices, which rose to their best In the final hour. American Tobacco, Republic Iron preferred and local tractions were the features of the late trading. London's markets were aa Idle aa our own. Ten thousand shares were sold here for foreign account. Our banks stand to lose a large amount of cash tomorrow, with a probable expan sion of loans. Union Pacific for May decreased Its net earnings by $438,000. Southern Pacific lost $112,000 and Lackawanna $702,000. Bonds were featureless, save for strengtn In tractions. Total sales, par value aggre gated $2,670,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Allls Chsl pf - Amal Copper .. 13.500 85 44 fj Am Agrlcult :; S? Am B.-et Sugar 300 74 7444 74 S American Can.. 3.200 86 , 85 J4 RJH Am Car ft Fdy. 900 69 66 4 ..44 Am Cotton OH "J Am Hd & Lt Pf i? Am Ice Sccuri.. 200 26 2X J? Am Linseed Am Locomotive 4.400 . 4SH 43 4344 Am Smel & Ret 3.100 8644 8&4i do preferred 7 Am Steel Fdy 5 7 Am Sugar Ref.. 200 ISO 18044 130 44 Am Tel & Tel.. 1.100 14 1 J44 Am Tobacco Pf. lw Am Woolen -'7 Anaconda M Co. 1.300 43 4344 44 Atchison 1.300 10744 107 4s 107 44 do preferred - - - Jxi? Atl Coast Line.. 1.30O 140 139 139 Bait & Ohio ... , 900 10844 lMVs 10S44 Bethlehem Steel 1.00O 38 37 81 Brook R Tran 15.300 89 88 W44 Canadian Pac .. 1.500 205 Central Leather 100 . 25 44 2a 44 254j do preferred - 8hne.r,loh.J:-3.m 5 -ii g Sw.t,,0"-ioo -is -i do preferred - - - - .21 Chicago & N W 100 187 137 1364s C. M A St Paul. 500 10-344 105 W C C C ft St L. b9 Col Fuel ft Iron 00 82 31 31 Col 4 Southern ;:' -?? Consol Gas .... 4K 142 142 141 44 Corn Products.. 100 15 44 1 1J Del ft Hudson "I DftRGrande.. 100 19 19 19 do preferred.. 20O 83 S3 83 Distillers' Secur 100 33 83 334. Erie 12.300 36 34 44 do 1st Pf .... l.SUO o aa -ioti d. n r,f ZOO 43 44 43 48 Gen Electric .. 7,000 178 175 177 Ot North pt ... 1.000 iaT4 "ITS Ot North Ore .. 100 42 42 414. Illinois Central. 10O 128 128 12; lnterbor Mt .. 6.70O 21 20 21 do preferred.. 6,600 60 6R 60 Inter Harvester 100 119 119 118 Inter Marine pf 20O 17 17 1744 Int Paper 100 16 16 16 Int Pump 100 27 27 27 Iowa Central 1 K C Southern.. 200 26 25 25 do preferred.. 200 60 - 60 60 Laclede Gas 105 Louis ft Nash.. 2,400 160 158 15844 Minn ft St L .. 20O 18 18 18 M. SPASSM 200 144 144 144 Mo. Kan ft Tex 27 44 do preferred. " Mo Pacific 1.400 3T 36 86 Nat Biscuit ... 100 154 134 13i National Lead . 200 58 68 5S N Ry Mex 2 pf. oO 118 117 117 X T. Ont ft Wes 8.400 33 30 30 Norfolk ft West 2.000 116 116 116 Worth American 100 82 82 82 Northern Pao. . 1.200 121 120 120 Pacific Mall .... 200 82 82 32 Pennsylvania ... 1.400 123 123 123 People's Gas ... 400 113 113 113 P C. C ft St L. 100 108 10844 108 Pittsburg Coal... 700 22 2144 22 Pressed S Car.. 1.500 36 36 36 Pull Pal Car ... 200 161 161 160 Ry Steel Spring. 10O 35 85 36 Readins l30O 17 166 167 Republic Steel.. 4.100 26 23 26 do preferred.. 2,500 84 82 84 Rock Island Co. . 200 25 25 J4 do prefsrred 51 St L ft S F 2 pf 88 St L Southwest. ...... ...... ..... do preferred ..... ..... i3 Sloss Sheffield $5 Southern Pac .. 600 110 10 110 Southern Ry . . . 1.4O0 28 28 28 do preferred.. 400 74 74 74 Tenn Copper ... 200 44 44 43 Texas ft Pac 23 Tol. St L ft Wei 600 14 14 14 do preferred.. 400 2' 29 2) Union Pacific .. 11.500 169 169 169 do preferred.. 90 U S Realty 78 U 8 Rubber ... 100 66 66 60 U 8 Steel 55.200 71 -70 70 do preferred.. 300 111 110 111 Utah Copper ... 1.300 63 6S 63 Va-Caro Chem 48 Wabash 1.00O 4 - 4 4 do preferred.. 2.80O IS 12 13 Western Md ... 500 67 57 .'-7 Westing Elec .. 7.000 76 75 76 Western Union.. 300 88 82 82 Wheel ftLE 7 Lehigh Valley.. 11.000 171 170 171 Chlno Copper.. 2.400 34 33 33 Ry Consol 1.800 22 21 21 Am Tobacco ... 2.800 809 302 809 S. aboard Airline . 300 25 25 24 "Ho preferred.. 800 54 54 54 Total sales for the day, 276,600 shares. BONDS. Furnished by Overbeclt ft Cook Co., of Portland. Bid. Asked. Amer Tel Tel conv 4s 113 114 American Tobacco 4s 95 .... American Tobacco 6s. . .. . .. . 120 .... Atchison general s 97 AS Atchison conv 4s 106 106 Atchison adj 4s stamped 90 91 Atchison conv 6s 107 107 Atlantic Coast Line cons 4s. 94 95 At Coast Line "L ft N coll" 4s. 93 4 Baltimore ft Ohio 3s 91 92 Baltimore ft Ohio 4s 97 98 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s 89 89-- Can Southern first 5s 101 101 Chesapeake ft Ohio 4s 100 100 C B ft Q gen mtg 4s 95 96 C B ft Q Joint 4S 96 96 C B ft Qllls 4s A.. 99 99 C B A Q Denver 4s 95 6 Central Pacific first 4s 95 96 Chicago ft East Ills 4s 80 81 Chicago R I ft P ref 4a 89 89 Chicago R I ft P Col trust 4s.. 9 69 Colorado ft Southern first 4s... 94 95 Denver ft Rio Grande 4s 84 85 Del ft Hudson conv 4s.. .'. 98 98 Erie first cons P L 4s 89 90 Int Met 4s... 82 82 Japanese 4s 86 83 JuDanese first 4Hs 92 Japanese second 4s 91 Loulsvlle ft Nashville out 4s... 98 99 MO Kan ft Tex 4s 87 87 uituiiirl Tac!fte ss 71 72 New York Central 8s 87 87 New Tork Central L S 8s 81 81 New Tork City 4s 92 9 New Tork Cltv 4s of 1957 106 107 Norfolk ft Western 4s 98 99 Norfolk ft Western conv 4s 111 112 v- v ont a w 4s 92 93 Northern Pacific P L 4s 8 99 Northern Pacific 8s. 69 69 Oregon Short Line 4 93 94 nN,nn Rv Jl NSV 4S ...... 94 .... Penna Ry 4s of 1948 103 103 Philippine Railway 4s .... 86 Reading general 4s., 97 98 Renubllo Of Cuba 5s 103 103 finiithera -Pacific first rex 4S 94 95 Southern Kallway 4s 78 78 st Lt ft i? r rei i i. ,o Union pacific first 4s .....100 Union Psclflc. conv 4s 101 101 Union Psclflc ref 4s 96 97 United states Steel S F 5s 102 102 United Ststes 2s registered 100 101 United Ststes s coupon loo 101 United Ststes r.s registered. .102 12 United States 3a coupon..... 103 102 United States 4o registered 114 . 114 United States 4s coupon 1i4., iJS United Railway S F 4a..' 66 United Rsilway St L 4s - ... Wabash first 4s 70 i Western Union 4s 97J. Westinghouse conv 3s. . 94 Western Pacific 5s 84 M Wisconsin Central 4s J' West Shore 4s 99 100 Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. June 2S Closing quotations: Alloues .: 47!Mohawk ....... a Amalg Copper.. 85 Neva ia Con .... .1 Ari.ona Com .. 5'Nortn Butte. o0 B C C ft S M. 8 Nortn Lane l Cal ft Arisona.. 76" Old Dominion... 58 Cal ft Hecla 52S losceola ex-dlv..l;!l . Centennial 24 lQulncy .- 9- cop Kan con i u "-. 'iall""u ....... - - . E. Butte Cop M. 13 Superior ....... . 45 Glroux Con 5. Tamarack ...... 44' Oranby Con ... 55 U S S R M x-d 44 Greene Cananea. 10 do preferred. .49 B r Rovalle (Cod) 34 Utah Con ...... 11 . Kerr Lake 2lUtah Copper Co. 8.i Lake Copper 3Sinona La 'Salle Copper 7:Wolverine 1" Miami Copper... 2SI Money. Exchange, Ktc x-T7-Tir vnw Tun it Money on call Stead v, 2 6 3 psr cent; ruling rate, 2; closing bid, 2: offered at 2. Time loans stronger: w oja a x., i dava Sfi3: six months. 8 64. Prim4 mercantile paper. 44 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.8475 for 60-day bills and at $4.S715 for aemana. wmmiituu Dills. $4.84. Ear sliver. tuc. Mexican dollars. 48c - Government bonds steady: railroad bonds. Irregular. LONDON. June 28. Bar silver, steady. 28 d per ounce. Money, 22 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 13-16 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. June 28. Sterling on London 60 days, $4.84; do sight. $4.87. Silver bars. 61 c. Mexican dollars, nom inal. Drafts, sight, 3c; telegraph. 60. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. June 28. At ths begin ning of business today 'the condition of tha United States Treasury was: Working balance in - Treasury offices :. $ 78.575,126 In banks and Philippine Treas.. 30.624.520 Total of the general fund 145,594.694 Receipts, yesterday 4,737,r.S! Disbursements 927,913 Surplus to date this fiscal year.. 15.807,240 Surplus this time last year 20.944.558 The figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. RAIN' WEAKENS WHEAT WEATHER MARKET FOR THE CEREAL- AT CHICAGO. Ixroer Temperatures Reported From the Canadian Northwest StHl Hot in Montana. CHICAGO, June, 28. Rain and cooler sreataer In the western part of the Canadian wheat country today took the price of the cereal a few pegs down. If was almost purely a weather market In wheat. At the outset the advantage lay with the bull side, owing to hot, dry con ditions In most parts of the Northwest particularly South Dakota. Information that actual damage was confined to points west of the James River checked the advance. Tho market rallied on news of continued heat and drouth In Montana and Manitoba. Corn showed steadiness, a fact due some what to possible loss of much of the short growth In the event of continued hot weather without sufficient rain. A theory that the big yield of oats In prospect bed been sufficiently discounted, In cited considerable . buying, though not enough to prevent prices from undergoing a sag. Selling credited to packers weakened the provision market. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. - Ooen. High. Low. Close. July $1.0514 $1.10Vi $1.0V4 $! Sept. .l.v.T a.uoi. .vuts t. r. Dec... 1.0!i LOoi, 1.05 5, 1.0814 . CORN. July .75!, .70 .754 .734 Sept. J' -'J? -'-r.s Dec. -B3;t .64 .689s .65 OATS. July ..J... .49 .4 .48 .48J4 Sept. 404 .4"i .4014 .404 Dec. .41 -4194 .4114 -414 MESS PORK. July 1S.5 18.6714 185714 18.57H Sept. 19.02 Vi 19.U5 18.2!s 18.92 ll LARD. July 10.80 10.95 10.85 10.83 SePt. 11. Vi 1 ll.l'I x.uo Oct. 11-1714 11.1714 H.12Vi U-12V4 6HORT RIBS. July 10.4714 10.50 10.4714 10.474. Sept 10.65 10.6714 10.64 10.6S Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. Prices advanced 10 cents. Rve No. 2. 75 76c Barley Feed or mixing. 60 71c; fair to choice malting, 93c & $1.0 1. Timothy seed 17&10. Clover seed $1418. - Fork Mess. J18.S2 V4 ? 18.75. Lard In tierces, $10.8214. Short ribs Loose, $10.1210.S2V4. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 277,000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to $.188,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 229,000 bushels, compared with 531,000 bush els the corresponding day a year ago. Es timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 10 cars: corn, 220 cars; oats, -113 cars; noga 10,000 head. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 28. Close: Wheat, July, $1.104 t 1.104; September, $1.08)4: n.r.mh.r XI. 06i. Cash. Xo. 1 hard. $1.12Tfc: No. 1 Northern, $1.124; No. 2 Northern. $1.1014: No. 3 wheat. $1.08 14 0 1.W14. Corn No S. yellow. 747414c. Oats No. 2 white. 4914 84940. Rye No. 2, 72 73c Flax. $2.17. Barley, 60 p 58c. -Rran 21 i 21.50. Flour First patents. $S.405.45;, second patents 85.1095.35: first clears. s.eur 4.0; second clears. $2.7063. - Grains in 8aa Francisco. Riv ttrancisco. June 28. Soot quota tlons Walla Walla. $L603 1.6214 : red Rus sian $1.60; Turkey rea, nominal; Diuestem, $1.6501.874: barley, feed, $1.524 61.55: do, hr.uHnr nominal: white oats. Jl.92Sfll.95 bran. $27927.50; middlings, $3334: shorts, $32. Call board sales: Wheat, December, $1.5514 bid. Barley. December, $1.454 bid, $1.4814 asked; May. $1.514 bid, $1.514 asked. European Gran Markets. LONDON, June 28. Cargoes firm. Walla Walla, September-October shipment, 88s 6d to 38s 9d. English and French country mar kets, arm. LIVERPOOL, June 28. Close: Wheat, July. 7s 74d; October, 7s 514dJ7s 64d. Weather rain. I'ugrt Sound Grain Markets. TACOMA, Wash.. June 28. Wheat Ex port: Bluestem, 92c; club, 8Sc Milling: Bluestem. Sac? club. S2c Yesterday's car receipts wneat, o; oats, x; nay, o. SEATTLE. Wash.. June 28. Wheat Blue- stem. 92c: fortvfold. 88c: club. 8Sc; fife, 88o; red Russian, 88c Yesterday's car receipts Wheat. 1; barley, l; corn, .z; oats, z; nay. 13: floor. 6. - The Street ASFHAiiT ii ml is c wm WOOL PRICES CLIMBING BOSTOJT MARKET STRONG AT ADVANCING STEAD1XY. High Quotations in the West Are Be ing Followed In the Selling Centers. -nnss.n-s.- -i- no rrru- rammnrr-lal Till I - 1 U., tJUIaO 1MB sv.asv. let in will say tomorrow of the wool mfcrKet. n. . i i atrnnr anil 1 DO SIIUBIIOD 11U iciuoilltn - n th tendency U upward, following the niytt prices paid in jruwiu, eoguuuo, -n . t- , Ka wars, a lr ri n VI rurcnaies in dubiuu iui -- inciuaea some oia icmiuij scoured wools at higher prices, while a very considerable amount of new territory and fleece, the former said to include the Baer clip of 1.000.000 pounds, have been sola at aavances. -ic umng mo price on half, three-eighths and qwwr- .i jm t ,ki. i M.,na int. tntn mff 1.5O0.OOO to '.OOO.VWi pounds. Home iinw awom " , T nil friMltm rrn... brads h&Tfl &iSO Dea BOifX at a firm market. t xne smpments or wooi irom xwi January 1 to June 1 Inclusive were ldi. 180.317 pounds, against 13.205,067 pounds for tho same period last year. The receipts from January 1 to June 27 Inclusive were the same period last year. Dried Fruits st New York. X'CTaT VATJV Tuna. 9R RvttDOrated IP r.t OniAt. On the soot, fancy are quoted at 9fc10c; choice. 8 & 9c ; prime. $14 x.s. Rts.ariv with a hetaBsr demand and mail mtmtm ftnnfat Innii ran ire from 3 9 He for California up to 30-40s and Vj irVtC ior wregons. . PA9rhi oniAt and nominally uncnangea. Choice, 7btSic; extra choice, 8&afec; fancy. SH&lOc - Naval Stores. . . . .... . , no en Vlrm HA V A IS Art, june -so. iu.j.iu. ' Sales, 14.166; receipts. 711r ship ments, 7024; stocks, 29.682. OH10 r jriii. coira, sw., ' w.. , .. - shipments. 1424; stock. 18.898. Q1?:-; F. 6. H, 7.037.1O; I, S7.037.10: K, 87.20 IP1 1,39, JU, f livvV " -w WW. $7.53. New- York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, June 28. Cotton fntnres closed steady. July. ll.:!3c; August, 11.28c; . ....... - . .. v. 11 J ir nv,m- aenieniuei, .... , ber ll.SOc; December, -11.54c: Januar. . . . , . . .. . .1 .. . I. 11 luV 11..1UC; reDruary, - 11.67c. Spot closed quiet and (lve points .i-u unisnria. ll.fioc: middling gulf, 11.00c; no salea ' Duluth flax Market. -- DULUTH. June 28. Close Linseed on track and to arrive. $2.20; June. $2 20. nom-in.i- iv s- on bid-. SeDtember. $2.00 asaea; October, $1.8014. Hops at New Tork. NEW TORK, June 28. Hops Dull. Hood Klver Tennis Men Victors. HOOD RIVER, Or., June 28. (gpe- itulithic Dav ing adds to both the ap pearance and the valu of your prop erty. It's use is lit blU. civwuvii-j y ii J.C.WILSON&CO. STOCKS. BONDBGRAIN AND COTTON NEW TORK STOCK EXCHASOl NEW x-OKK COTTON liXCHAWOB CHICAGO BOARD OF TRAOK THE SXOt K AND BOND EXCHANGK. SAN FRANCISCO. ' Main Office MUlu Bids.. San Franetoeo. Branch Offices Vancouver, Seattle, Port land, Los Angeles, San Diego, Coronas Beacb. PORTLAND OFFICE! Main Floor Lnmbermens Bank Building. Fifth and Stark. Phones Marshall 410. A 41T. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Canadian Pacific "EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC" AND OTHEK STEAMSHIPS. MONTREAL. ULKUEC AND LIVERPOOL VIA THS SCENIC ROUTE TO EUROPE 1000 MILES ON THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND LESS THAN FOUR DATS AT SEA 2688 MILES. PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE First Cabin JOT.50 and Second Cabin M " and up One-Class Cabin (2d-class) $50.00 and up Third-Clasfl Lowest rates on request. Canadian Pacific offlcs. corner Third and Pine (Multnomah Hotel bldg.). Portland, and all local agents EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE 8. 8. Rose City sails 9 A. M. July 1st. THE SAN FRAN. PORTLAND 8. B. CO. Ticket Office 142 Third Street. Phone: Main 2605. A 1402. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Direct through steamers, sailing from Ssa Francisco May 28, June 28, and every - 2$ days to Tahiti, Rarotonga. Wellington and Eydney. The line to Isles of the South Seas. s-or reservations see Coupon Railroad Agenda er address Hind. Rolph at Co.. San Francisco. COOS BAY LINE gXEAMSHIF BREAKWATER sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland. A. M. May 1. 8. 18. 18.- 28 and 28; June i, t. Ii it 22 and 27. Freight received at Alnsworth Dock dally up to 5 P. at- Pas. tenger fare, flrst-claas. flO.OO; second-class, 17 00 Including bsrth and meaU. Ticket ilnc. A.nswor'h Dock. Phone. Main seou, A 2331 San Francisco. Los Angeles and San Diego Direct - ' S. & Eoanoke and S. S. Elder BsU Every Wednesday Altematelj st 0 P. M N0ETH PACITIO S. S. 00. ttt A Third St. Phones Main 1814, A 1814 Pavement is one of the most im portant factors in city building. BASBEB meets the most exacting require ments of business and suburban districts. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital Surplus and Profits $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. Aty WORTH, President. R. W. 5CBMEEB, Cashier. R. LEA BARNES. Vlee-Presldeat. A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES cial.) The) tennis tournament here yes terday between the Benedict team, of this city, and the Prinevillo Tennis Club, resulted in a victory for the for mer. The Prineville players oame over bv automobiles. They were the guests at a banquet griven at the Hotel Ore- g-on. The Hood River players in tne tournament ere Harry T. DeWitt Er nest C, Smith, J. A. Ermlny, Dean Bal- LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK Capital $ BONDS Yielding Five to Six Per Cent Bond Department P. A. Gilmore. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1869. Capital Stock.... $1,000,000.00 Burping and Undivided Profit 800,000.00 Commercial and Sayings Account Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' cheek issued, avail able in all parts of the Torld. OFFICBHS W, M. Ladd, Pvealdent. Robert 9. Hswars, Asst. Caablets Edward Coakinchasn. Vie-Pres. J. W. Ladd, Asst. Cashier XV. B. OaadUey. Cashier. W alter M. Cok. Ast. Caaliles. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha ' " Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce I Jt CORPOHATKD 1807. (Lead Office Toronto, Canada. Londosv 3 Lombard stnat. Over two hunarefl other branches In the United States anfl Canada. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries aa principal cities, in United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C MALPAS, Manager THE T.ABGEST STEAMER IS THE WORLD New 45,324 Ton OLYMPIC AMERICAN UNE Atlantic Transport Line Hew Tsrs-lsslss Sired RED STAR LINE WHITE STAR LINE Hw Tw WMllllsl IJinnsl Boston Qnceflftown UTerDco- -LiTerpcoi. CepW. OffTce. Boom -B- B.U., Bsfflffl-a. Or Local Railway snd BtesmihiD A.Kti. . FREE PUBLICATIONS Reaardlasj GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route.) FOUR THROUGH TRAINS DAILY 0 EXCESS FARE. BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ALL POITS EAST. 1MOCCH I'lLLMAJI STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPING-CARS. Deraer B. Smith, City P ass r nicer Asrt, 69 Fifth St. Phone Marshall W7S. J. H. Buraln. G. A, P. D Seattle. Wash. N $1,000,000 lard. Dr. J. M. Waugh and Frank A. Cram. The visitors were: McCall, Brewster, Bowerman and BetchelL An expedition from Tale University led by Professor Hiram Bingham, Is to makt further explorations this yesr In Pern, in the regions where a Tale party last year found human remains supposed to be np' less than 20.000 years old. Imbedded 1 glacial deposits. " 1,000,000 Sfew Tork -16 Exekanxa Place. Sals from JULY 6 NEW YORK July 2T Aug. 17 ..rK 7 Sent. 28 WHITE STAR-DOMINION Issue Uiirsisl -UICANTIC" & "LACHENTir mi St. Lam Roit Only Four Days at Sea ro aoBors m oohtort at modisuts KATES Twta Screw S. "Csnaaa" aa Teaieoic" okk olasi (n) cabik ezrtios ' TBian OLass oumbd rooms labwk aisss ssrs sslilas. aotel er trassfer hjshim Effective May 8, 1912 SS. PRINCE RUPERT AND SS. PRISiCB GEORGE" Leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock, midnight, lrer Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Knoert, Stewart, Granny Bay and dasss Charlotte Island. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway (Mountain Division.) Trains leave Prince Rupert. B. C Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 1-00 P. M. for Vanarsdol (100 miles). Csstsis. Homestead .Usis, BulaeM