THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1913. 14 TILLAMOOK PARTY ENJOYS BIG DANCE Drizzle of Rain Unable Dampen Ardor of Junket ers to Coast. ... to AUTO TRIP IS POSTPONED Commercial Club of Beach Resort Had Planned Ride About Country Tributary but Entertainment Indoors Is Substituted. TILLAMOOK, Or., June 26- (Special. Portland's party in the beach excur aion did not permit a drizzle of rain, that began this forenoon and continued throughout tho day. to mterlere witn their enjoyment of the second day- of their trlD. Early this morning; a, party of th men, who had been quartered in the tent city below the Bayocean Hotel, led by Frank V. Healy, slipped out on an excursion of their own, chartered a launch and ran over to Bay City. "Get back before 1 o'clock." was the cartlnir injunction of George Hyland, manager of the excursion, "or you won't get in on the deep-sea fishing trip." - Promptly at 1 o'clock their launch came chugging back to the dock at Garibaldi and the crestfallen party ais covered that in their absence the plan had been changed and the entire crowd had come across from Bayocean and was preparing to take the special train to Tillamook. Dance Indoors Is Enjoyed. There was nothing left for them to do bat board the train and return witn the crowd to the place they had just left. Reaching Tillamook they were received and escorted to the Coramer clal Club by D. L. Shrode, president of ,tbe club, and F. C Baker, Ira smitn ana "Will Spalding, members of the recep tlon committee. The Tillamook com tnercial Club had planned an automobile trip about the country tributary to Tillamook, but owing to the drizzle of rain this was abandoned and the Port land visitors were entertained at the clubrooms with a dance. Tillamook business houses were vis ited and the business men of Portland passed a portion of the afternoon in forming acquaintances with the mer chants of Tillamook. At 6 o'clock the party returned to Garibaldi and crossed in the yacht to "the excursion headquarters at Bay ocean. - Twenty minutes were passed at Bay City en route for Tillamook. Crowd Breaks la Parties. The crowd had been scattered and broken into half a dozen small parties in the forenoon. Some rode far down the beach to look over the improve ments on the peninsula; others re mained to enjoy the sun bathing, re gardless of fog or mist, and others went on pebble-hunting excursions to the agate beaches. This evening found almost the en tire crowd reunited again and, after tile banquet at the Bayocean Hotel, the remainder of the evening was passed In dancing at the pavilion. - A few of the excursionists, called nv wv hiTalnana will tit at fnr Pnrl, land tomorrow morning. The greater part of the crowd, however. Intends to pass the forenoon on the beaches to morrow unless the postponed deep-sea fishing trip van be arranged and will leave on the special fojr Portland at t o'clock In the afternoon, arriving in tne city at 8 o clock. Encampment Is Plaaned. Announcement by Adjutant-General Klnaser that he would endeavor to bring the Oregon National Quard-to the Til lamook beach this Summer was the feature of the big banquet that was held at Bayocean tonight. This announcement was greeted with prolonged cheering by the large dele gations present from Tillamook, Bay City and other parts of the county. George M. Hyland, of Portland, pre sided at the banquet, and informal talks were made by members of the Portland party and by Tillamook bus! ness men. ' LATE FIRE CHIEF HONORED Firemen Float Flags at Half-Staff as Tribute to Campbell. i ' Flags on the firehouses about the city were at half mast yesterday In commemoration of the anniversary of the death of the late Chief Campbell. A number of members of the fire de partment, as well as of relatives and friends of the chief, visited the grave of Chief Campbell in Riverview Cem etery, and decorated it with flowers. - One year ago yesterday Chief Camp bell of the Portland fire department lost his life in the fire that destroyed the plant of the Union Oil Company on the East Side. It was while in the performance of his duty, instructing the firemen, that he met his death. Daring to go where none else would. Chief Campbell entered a warehouse to lay a line of hose. Just as he entered, however, gases that had accumulated In the basement exploded, wrecking the building and covering the chief with debris. There he died before aid could reach him. Battalion Chief Young was also injured by the ex I plosion. It was not until the fire had died down that the body could be se cured. The fire was originated by an electric spark which flew in one of the oil tanks. One after another the tanks exploded. 'The day was a rainy one, similar to yesterday. DEMOCRATS SEND MESSAGE Governor and Others Vrge Baltimore Convention to Be Progressive. Expressing what they claim to be the sentiment of the Democratic party in Oregon, Governor West,. Chairman Haney, of the State Central Committee, Chairman Van Duzer, of the County Committee, and other leading Demo crats have sent a telegram to Demo cratic leaders at the Baltimore conven tion asking that no made to the reactionaries and that the party nominate a progressive. The tel egram, which was addressed to 'Wil liam Jennings Bryan, Woodrow Wilson and Thomas C. Burke, said: "The Republican party has definitely become the party of privilege and op posed to progress. The Democratic party will belie Its past professions and throw away the political oppor tunity of a generation it it does not by platform and candidates clearly and uncompromisingly stand for absolute progressive and fundamental Democ racy in the interests of the common people, and thus invite to it all the true progressives of whatever former affiliation. "Genuine and fearless Democratic HOTELS AJTD HOTEL MOORE OVERLOOKING THE OCEAJT. OPENED JCNE X, WITH COMPLETE SUMMER CREW. Many new and modern improvements. Electric lighted. Rooms with or without bath. Hot salt baths and surf bathing; pier for fishing. Steam heat and running water. Sea foods a specialty. The dining-room and kitchen will be in charge of John Lehner. who is well known through bis connection with the Arlington Club for past six years. CLATSOP BEACH. SEASIDE, OR. - DAW J. MOORE, Prop. I HOTEL MULTNOMAH HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Writfht-Dickinson Hotel Co., HOTEL SEATTLE, "' Seattle, Wash. . Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., The PORTLAND G. J. KAUFMANN, Manager A homelike hotel, pleasantly located in the heart of the city. All outalae rooms. Con cert by Symphony Orchestra In courtyard every evening. Hotel motors meet all trains and steamers. European, (1.60 upwards. HOTEL CORNELIUS aawsatf wa s T mwvuiw a Our 14-paasenger eleotrio "bus meets all trains. A bieh-clasB, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One block from any carline. 11 xer day and vs. European plan. HOTEL CORNELIUS IV. Blaln, Pres. Fielder Jones, Ho! for Cascadia Best mountain resort on Coast: best medicinal water, scenery, hunting and fishing; nature's own conservatory of health. Auto or stasre from Lebanon or Brownsville. - vv rite or phone G. M. GEISEIVDORFERr Cascadia, Oregon. THE HACKNEY COTTAGE Enlarged Dining - Room Capacity and Electrified House. Beautiful Surroundings and MOST PLEASANT SPOT ON NORTH BEACH. Home comforts. Special rates by the oek. Make reeervatlons by mail or wire. Address, SEAVIEW, WASH. The SHELBURNE, North Beach Completely remodeled. Modern imnrove- ments. including Data. Enlarged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the larg est hotels on North Beach. Shady porches ana playgrounds ior cmiaren. croquet lawn. Rooms large, airy and sunny. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates and special rates by the week for families. Make re aer ations by mail or wire. Address Sravlcw, Wah., T. J. TTostre, Prop. Democracy can carry Oregon and the Nation; nothing else can. Make no concessions to reactionaries within or without the party." The telegrram was signed by Oswald West. Bert E. Haney, H. B, Van Duzer, s. Wood, Thomas G. Greene. W. G. McPherson, F. C. Whitten, C. E. Curry, Richard "W. Montague, Drake C. 'Keilly and C S. Jackson. 816 ESTATE IS DEVISED MRS. HAWTHORYE LEAVES 498 SHARES TO EACH CHILD. Last Testament Presumes Widow Is Owner of 502 Shares Claimed by Mrs. Collins, One of Heirs. By the will of Rachel L. Hawthorne, widow of J. C. Hawthorne, a pioneer physician of Portland, Mrs. Whitney L. Boise and Mrs. M. O. Collins, daughters. each receive 498 shares of the Haw thorne estate. Mrs. Hawthorne died May 18. In the will she presumes to own the 502 shares of stock now In litigation and claimed by Mrs. Collins. - ' Mrs. Hawthorne provided in her will that Mrs. Collins shall be the outright owner of 498 shares of the 502 now standing In the name of Mrs. Collins and that the other four shares shall be placed In trust with the Security Savings and Trust . Company. This would give the trust company the bal ance of power, in the management of the estate. Should Mrs. Collins accept this ar rangement and agree to the dismissal the suit she and .Mrs. Boise would each have 1493 shares and Lne Security Savings & Trust Company four shares. There are 3001) shares in the estate. hould Mrs. Collins continue the liti gation and win she would have 1502 shares and thus .control the estate. According to the complaint filed gainst her by Mrs. Hawthorne Mrs. Collins is alleged to have Induced the idow to transfer the 502 shares be cause Mrs. Collins, the suit alleges, feared that W. I Boise would gain control of the estate after Mrs. Haw thorne's death. Boise is the husba-d of Mrs. Hawthorne's other daughter. Mrs. Hawthorne bequeaths to Donald Hawthorne Beck, a grandson, city property valued at 160,000 with the rovtso that it la to go to his sister. Catherine Foster Beck, if he dies be fore he is 25 years of age or without hildren; to Hawthorne Gray, son of Captain William P. Gray, 20 acres of I BTMXEB RESORTS. PORTLAND ORI&OI In else, appolntmenta,servloe and fireproof quality of the building the leading hotel In Portland, the Multnomah, offers to the discriminating traveler every comfort and convenience found only In the best hotals of the East. Nine stories of steal and concrete, with 716 rooms and suites, palatlally furnished, with rates from U.SO to $5 per day, European plan. Motor 'bosses meet ail trains and steamers. H. C. ROWERS, Bfaaager. 1. at 8ROWSEU, Asst Mgr. Both hotels Props. centrally located. modern in every respect, and conducted on the Props. European plan. - r. vi Maua, . tO, Proprietors. Vlce-Prea. A. Cruoae, Mgr. HOTEL PERKINS I BATH PORTUNP.i $IPH BAT UP IN THE HEART Of Hit COT $I!2U" WILHOIT SPRINGS Hotel Now Ones. Enronenm Plan. nllTfl CTflCC Leaves Electric Hotel, nU I U 0 1 nut Oregon City, daily, 2 P.M. For Information Phone East 3138 or B 233. Necanicum Inn Large, newly-furnished rooms over looking ocean. Beautiful grounds and flowers. Home comforts, home cook ing; boating, fishing, sandy beach. Its tormer guests its Desi advertisement. For terms address Miss S. Danum, Sea side, Orejron. land in Clackamas County, valued at 13000; to Mary Allen Henson, of- Port land, $2000; -to Miss Frances Christian, of Utica, N. T., 25 a month during her lifetime, and to Carrie Sutton, of Yougstown, Ohio, a claim of 12000, which Mrs. Hawthorne states she had against Helen McEldowney, of Port land, and which the will states will be paid out of the estate of the latter after her death. Donald Hawthorne Beck and Catherine Foster Beck are the res iduary legatees. The will was executed March 30, 1911, and Dr. S. E. Joseph! and A. I Lewis are named as executors. The document s witnessed by William D. Fenton, Mrs. Hawthorne's attorney, and George B. Van Waters. In their petition for letters testamentary, filed yesterday. the executors place the value of Mrs. Hawthorne's estate at $164,500. School Site to Be Discussed. MILWATJKIB, Or.. June 26. (Spe cial.) Ail adjourned meeting of, the taxpayers or the Mllwaukle school dis trict will be held Monday night, July to consider the site recently se lected by the Board of Directors, and the issue of warrants for the purchase of the same. This matter was left un settled at the annual meeting, al though the vote at that time was an Indorsement of the policy of the pres ent Board of Directors. Opponents to the site will try to rally a vote suf ficient to defeat the Directors. Twoliy Bros. Get Contract. Twohy Bros. Construction Company of Portland was awarded the contract yesterday for the construction of an ex- MKKTINO NOTICES. ATTENTION, NOBLES There will be a ceremonial session of Al Kader Tem pi. A A O. N. M. 8. at the Masonic Temple, Wat Park and Tamhill street. Satur day evening. June 39, at 8 o'clock. Candidates must be present at 7 o'clock. Visit ing noble, courteously invit ed to be present. Do not for get the red and white card. None admitted without - it. By order of the Illustrious potentate. aien J. nuiu, jtecoraer. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114, A P. AND A M. Special com munication this (Thursday) evrnins at S o'clock. Masonic t Temple Labor 1 nth. E. A. de gree, visiting oretnren welcome. By order W. 51. FRED L. OLSON. Secretary. 3! - I ' i I sWITHOuTMIn Iff IV XI IF AMrSEXKNTS. HE I LI G Theater 1th tc Taylor Phones: Mala 1 and A 1131. TONIGHT Ta-VaSf Special Price Matinee Saturday. . MARGARET . ILUNGTON Chaa. Kenyon's Great Play ' "KINDLING" Evenings: Lower floor. 11 rows. 2.0; T rows, 11.50. Balcony. 1.00, 75c, 50c Gallery. 50c Pat. Matinee: Lower floor, XI. 50. $1.00. Balcony, 75c, 50c. Gallery, 35c 25c "SEAT SAIJS TOMOBBOV HE1LIG x THEATER ' Afternoons Evenings Beginning Next Stmday KinemacoIoT (Natural Color) Motion Pictures "THE DURBAR' and Niagara Falls Evenings 7G-50-25c; Afternoons 50-25c T A WJT r THEATER I3 1"V 1. TV Main 2. A S3M GEO. L. BAKES, Mgr. BAKER STOCK COMPANY. TONIGHT. ALT. WEEK. MATINTE SATURDAY. Frances Hodgson Burnett's thrilling play of London slum lire. "THE DAWN OF A TOMORROW." Eleanor Robson's great success. First time In stock. Evening prices. 25c. ouc Mats. zoc. ."sen wees ev.riey or urausiarav MAIN 6. A VttO EVEKT DAT MAX ISO 2fi Me NIGHTS: lie, tse. 60c IV WEEK Jt'XK 24 David Belaaeo presents Madame Butterfly, based on Jobn lAiner Long's Japanese Story play lasts 45 min utes, ten actors; OOIeera Sisters, Brown and Blyer, Harry Atkinson, Tuxedo Comedy Four, Honors and Le Prince, Orchestra, nctores. Matinee Krery Day- Sullivan Crasidusa. Itcunea vaoaenua. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES Nights Matinees 10 nnrl 20c Any Seat 10c niVaM, dune am3 i" -Tr h and Moulton, Grass. Brothers, the Mnrcn comeay four, naiu7 o - Orchestra. - WEEK JUNE 24- EXT R A Original Barefoot TrilbyTexas Tommy Dancers Jones & Mayo, the Ieso, Henri Knbelnc, the Marmeem Four, Pantagescope, rat5 row Balcony resenred. Box office oreu jfrom 1U A. -M.. IO X" r. a.- ruu n. OAKS I Z -n .- imntpmont Park A A ruruwiu a u A ALL BIG FREE ATTBACI1UJS B A TODAY -J. v XJeilgnuul cna wnwrw ujr . A Park Band me AtspouiKw - - pleasing Venetian iiunuw...,. sireei oinserB A -n 1- n J .. W.- A Just the Act for the Little Folk A The De Garros A I Sensational Acrobats. Ladder Act, - T -h, w i r. inn Koman sun . A U'.trh for Klnar Pharaoh V A Ha Will Be at tne Oam sunaay. COUNCIL CREST PORTLAND'S ROOF GARDB5, 1200 feet above the city. Free scenic amusement park. High- class attractions, upen-air rinK. r-ic-nlo grounds in old apple orchard. ADMISSION TO GROUNDS FREE. Apollo Club ' GIVES ITS ANiS UAL. Midsummer Concert At the Oaks Auditorium Wednesday evening, July 3. Tickets, 50 cents. Thev admit to grounds also, and are to be had at Gill's and Wiley B. Allen Co. BASEBALL . RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vansha and Twenty-fourth Sra. SEATTLE vs. PORTLAND J u fj zs, xt, ra, av auu ov. -Games BrgMn Weekdays at 3 P. M. Snndaya, iiao r, n. LADIES DAY FRIDAY Soys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. tension of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Paget Sound Hallway from Lewiston, Mont., to' Great Palls, a distance of nearly 200 miles. This line will tap a rich country now reached only by the Great Northern. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At taker's Auction House. 16S-16S Park St.: a large Quantity of jtood second-hand furniture, carpets, steel range, etc. Sale at 10 o clocK sharp. (Terms cash.) CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dairy or Sunday. Per Line. One time 12e game ad two consecutive times .....XSe Same ad three consecutive times SOo Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .660 Toe above rates apply to advertisements under "ew roomy sna au ower t11""- tions except tne loiiovnnsjt Situations anxea. jujue. Situations Wanted Female. For Rent, Booms. Private FamUlea. Rooms and Board, Private Families. House It eepinx Rooms, Private Families. Remittances must accompany out-of-town orders. Wben one advertisement Is net run In coS secutive Issues the one-time rate applies. six words conns as one line on casn aa vertisemento and no ad counted for less than two lines. On coarse or book advertisements the charge, will be based on the actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. 1 ew Today au advertisements ar jharsred by measure only. 14 lines to tho inch. Oren-onlan will accept classified advertise ments over the telephone, pro Tiding the ad vertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will bo quoted over the phone, but Dill wm 0 rrauciwu too iouowub umj. Whether subsequent advertisements wIU be accepted over the phone depends upon tbs promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the ' telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "House for Rent. "Furniture for Sale. .'Business On- portnnlties " "Roomlnsj-Hooses and "Want. av Jja i. 1A MATINEE A Fmriress 7S3 . - . . Drop. iTTTnTTTTK Tn this rlrr. June 28. at nia resi dence. 705 Wyant St., Charles W. Battel, asea o years, ti o ib iutuim ,j w Mm UanHfr& HnrhU. tWO dSUZtl teri. Mrs. John Logan and Mrs. William stacey. botn or tm city, ueaecvi numKap nf W.hfnftt fTl TV KO. 65. W. O. W. Remains are- at the parlors of the 8kewe Undertaking Company. Funeral notice later. Lawrence, Kan., papers please copy. CHINNOCK June 26, at his home, 258 East Thi..i,th Ta m ... X Chlnnock. aged on years 25 days. Remains at J. P. Finler Sons' rarlors. jrunerai ague, FUNERAL NOTICES. i-eo tt-v T. tWU .v Tnaa 41 7Tl1i Mar . j ! . M T 1. u ani4 TLT f tHIlrf Green of 943 Kerby street. Ths funeral services win do neiu iuuajr v a. J' . a a -B -as- wm Via Xf V. Church, corner of Beech and BortnwtcK streets, rnenaa respecimuy iumwu w tnnrf TntAi-mnt Rose Cltv Cemetery. at BORLEATJ In this city. June 75. L.ea v J -1 a T mnnth Q rlav Bor of pro u. geu ou jcais - 4tt4 Bast Couch at. Friends invited to at held tend runerai services, wnun V ot p today Thursday). June 27. Ml nOlIIlBU B 1 UIICl Ol ia aw - Kiverview uemeiery. COTTEE June 23, Charles Cottee, aged rears. Funeral will start from Dunning Services at the Pleasant Home Church, on poweu vaiiey rwa - o wwc. PAttL Mr. Albert J. Paul, at Saver, age 54 years. Services at Portland Or. ma tori urn, Tnuraaay at iv.ov. bis Works. Bast 3d and Pine sts. East 742. AXIS. JLlfV OJVU lTIlJlfa.', saa7 ""- neral director and undertaker, 220 Third i cor. Nimon. miy j'j'-u" nnmiinr A McEntce. Funeral Directors, 7th and fine, rnooo jnuo -Mmj tendant. umce oi tonnty J. P. F1VLEY A SON, 8d and Madison, lAdy attendant, jrnone jnain g, a iqw EAST SIDE Funeral Directors successors to x. S. unnning, mc, o. x LEBIH, vnaexxaaer. cor. ah aMw mm Sixth. East 781. B 1888. Lady attendant. s- ar .n-v a aa-VW A US V 9A. atnrl fjaaw BCaln CEMETERY Beautiful MOUNT SCOTT PARK LARGE, PERMANENT, MODERN. P O R T LAND'9 ONLY MODERN CEMETERY WITH PERPETUAL CARE of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a perma nent Irreducible Malntena nee Fund. Location ideal; Just out side the city limits on north and west slopes ot Mount Scott containing 335 acres, equipped with every modern convenience. PRICES TO SUIT ALL. SERVICE THE BEST. ONE MILE SOUTH OF LENTS. REGULAR AUTO MOBILE 8ERV . ICE PR EE BETWEEN LENTS AND THE CEMETERY. II II II CITT OFFICE, 920-921 YEON BUILDING.' I AIN-225, A 7086. CEMETERY OFFICE, TABOR 1468: HOME PHONE RING B 6111, THEN CALL LOCAL 4301. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 17S MADISON STREET. Phones Main S9S, A 7589. Horse Ambulance Phone Marshall 900. Refer All Cases of Cruelty to This Office. - Open Dar and Nlaht. NEW TODAY. Genuine Bargain This pretty modern new cottatre, close In near the Reed Colle&re and S. P. car- shops. Make me an offer, cash or terms. Sell below actual cost. Take SeDwood car to Harold avenue, go east 10 iiutf n-asc xweocy-secona street, jlbk ior Air. iiaKer. Mortgage Loans 50,000 and Over on CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY. LOWEST CURRENT RATES. WM. MAC MASTER fOX Corbert Bids- MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property, 5 to 7 per cent. Farm Loaas. A. H. BLBBELL CO., 202 McKay BIdg., Third and Stark. FOR SALE 80 acres of level land, about 2 acres in cultivation, Jog; nouse, some iencing, good well, about of a mile from ... ! 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . TI '...'.l.n... . I own this land ana want to sen at once; price $2000, terms; 1500 cash, balance on easy payments. H. L. Moody. Phone 184, 511 Washington treet, Vancouver, wasn. 12 Income Four-storv brick and basement aDart ment-house. 80 rooms. 24 aDartments. fuaranteea lease ior live years, rent cash. Located on isortn Twentietn street. In the best part of the Nob Hill district. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bids, 4th and Oak. $10,500 lOOxlOO AND EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, Kearney, Near Twenty-first. JOHN L. KARNOPP, Railway Exchange Building. Marahall 2974, A 7488. CONNECTING -OFFICES For Rent at Attractive Rates. Til ford Bnlldlnc, Tenth and Morrison. MORTGAGE LOANS CcT JOHN E. CRONAN, .JO? J j U 9Q2 Spalding BIdg. I O COLLIS, BERRIDGE A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. S24 Worcester Block. Phoie Main 3tt7 REAL ESTATE For Sale Lots. $10 CASH, f5 per month, beautiful lot near Flriana; 24 minutes out. HIGLET A BISHOP. 201 Hamilton Bid $4 PER month buys 100x100, all cleared, 2 blocks from car; excellent neighborhood. Price $2O0l X 180, Oregonlan. IX) TS S and 4, block 21, Council Crest Park, fur sale by owner at big- bargain. W 1M, Oregonlan. BE4UMONT lot cheap, low assessment, easy terms. W 172 Oregonlan. BARGAIN $1600, good lot, 4 -room house. SEE me for cheap residence lots. Owner, atcciure, sob Aoington oiag. . stEAL BSTATK OEALUU. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 602 HcKay bidg. M. MH. Beck. William 0 S1SS1 Falllnr bldg. Chapln A Her low. 832 Chamber of Commerce. cook. J. s. co.. dob coroett oiag. Jsnnlnn'A Cn Vf ailn lfta 4ltt Oreeonlan. PALMER-JONES CCL. H. P. 40-0-40 Wilcox bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand are at st. (Holladay JLaamon.j REAL E8TATB. For Sale Lot ROSE CITT PARK LOT SACRIFICED- CORNER. This lot has one of the best views on the East Side, has the street Improvements in and paid; lot is all cleared and ready to build on. Located on the beautiful Alameda drive. This lot is worth 11S00. WIU take JIOOO, but must be a quick saie, as it is sacrificed for reaay money. ab ISO, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE LOT fi-mincte walk from 3d and Washington. S45W. TERMS. All street assessments, including hard urx&ce, paia ior. 63x97. LTTL OR EGONI AN. "WIDENING OF SANDY ROAD AND DOUBLE-TRACKING OF ROSE CITT PARK CARLINE -Will Mean (that the 60x100 lot I offer you for 9300 win grvatiy increase in value, can eu on practically your on terms. xjo Ag ii i, uregonian. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern slope near council Crest, f 6oO and up, lnciua ms cement sidewalks, curbs, graded street and water; building restrictions; sold on rioor trolling oidg. Main a too. A tttti ROSE CITT PARK. 1750. I have 5 lots adjoining In the best section of Rose City Park. Will sell sep arate or alL Will give second mortgages on two. Must be quick, ah jub, ure gonian. W0 DOWN 110 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Provident Trust Company, second floor Selling bldg. Main law, a ezoi. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAINS. 2ft lota, level, on car line, grand view, without climb, suitable tor two homes. 14000. Reduction for cash. 2 1-5 lots gently sloping, on car line. line view, suitaoie two nomas, soou. Marahall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3S39. I handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Both high-class and oh sap property, ana i nave tne oargains in in is aistrict, If you want to buy to advantage on Port land Heights you will have to see me. Marshall 4827. ' BROOKE. A 3339. FOR SALE 50-foot corner lot at Lend, Or. Bend is lust assured a 11.000.000 sawmill ane! other Industries; a good Investment at tne price; gooa reason xor selling; terms. Address owner, C & Morris, Hood River, or. HEART OP IRVINGTON. Beautiful bulldins; site, corner 100x100. $500 below the market; easy terms. Tnis is tne oesi Duy mat is onerea toaay. , OSCAR W. BRYAN. Main 1963. 505 Chamber of Com. A 1227. BUILDERS ATTENTION. Fine east front lot on paved street for sale on terms of i:o aown ana zu per month, second mortgage privilege. AB 38L Oregonlan. THREE lots on EL 24th St., east facing, nice shade trees and street improvements in 1900, easy terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN, 805-g Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. c Q-rir ivn KlRlftvnil RTS. Corner, 100x100 t., facing south and east al?n ana signtiy. rnce itow, H P PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main Stf99. A 2853. 110 CASH. 11 WEEK. Mv beautiful level lot In Reed College district, water, graded streets, etc., near carline, witnout interest or taxes ; pnee write owner, au l i a, Oregon i an. BEAUTIFUL valley view lots, with fruit trees, on west aiae, siaewaiK ana wLQr paid; 20 minutes from Postofflce; $375 up. Provident Trust Co., second floor Selling bldg. Phone Main lsou. A pol. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Besutiful view lot on canine, uavensview arive, ovziw, lac ing on two streets; $3500; Improvements paia; laeai resiaence aiairicu Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3839. 11 DOWN, $1 WEEK THIS BEATS IT. r..-K- hlnnlrr . nrlrak trt'A.1- fntral If. a at Side, adjoining fine homes; 5c fare; you get a deed and no more to pay for 5 years. owner, a l ho, uregonias. MARVELOUS investment, forced sale 6 lots 6VX1W, rtcnest son, at capitoi xiiu station, 5c fare; 1750 cash; one lot worth 1000. ie:Ker, Lumoer AunauBo. juarsnaii iot LOT, corner 30th and East Pine, can be bought at assessea valuation; go auu see it and call Harrison ana aoage. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Third Floor cnamDer or commerce. PARTY buvins on contract. H-acre tracts. witnin city limits, xor iro, win aeu equity of 1163 tor sjoo casn; nest ouy in Portland for the money; big profits sure to buyer. AD 179. ure gonian. , WHT buv B0 -foot lots when you can Duy fine tt-acre nome tracts, zu minutes xrom fostonice, on your own terms .box mb postonice, roniana IF you wish to buy or sell In the Irving- ton aietnct, see us. we nave lots in tnis district as low as &o on easy terms. j. j. canann, 2tn ana u.iicxitat. LOT 8NAP. HAWTHORNE. 41st St., near Hawthorne ave., 40x100 lot for 1950. with $50 down and $15 monthly. A. E. pouisen, 418 way isxcnange. BEST corner or Sandy blvd.. In Belle Crest, at gooa discount, au 173, uregonian. Beach Property. FOR SALE Long Beach, Wash., bouse, 4 diocks nortn iong iieacn sta tion; easy terras. Apply 323 Williams ave. Phone East ev. LOVELY oottaxe. decided bargain. 569 Mar ket, Ape z. or "J.WW- cottage, isong Beacn. Terms. For 8ale Houses. STRICTLY MODERN, new. 8-room IrvinR- ton bouse: aarawooa floors, sieepine norcn. full cement basement, etc. ; $5250; only Booo down, oaiance to suit. WATSON A THERKELSEN CO.. 305-6 Spa ding Bldg. Main 7592. FOR $160 to $250 cash and small monthly payment we win lurnisn lot in aesiraoie neighborhood and build according to your plans; satisiaciion guaranieeo. u or par ticulars, AR 120. Oregonlan. NEW 7 -room bungalow on corner S2d and East Madison, xrom owner, just eom- le ted, modern tn all respects, easy terms, mprovements in and all paid, clear title, only 3Bto. v none raoor aoag. PIEDMONT HOME, An Ideal place, flowers, fruit, berries, garden, 100x100, on terms to suit you. 6-roora house, full basement, modern. lszq Roaney ave. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Handsome, almost new, perfectly ap pointed residence; large grounds, mag nificent view; splendid value. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3839. FOR SALE At a bargain, 5-room, hall and batn room, run basement, line iixtures, shades, linoleum eto: only U -block from Alberta car; only $2800. $800 down bal ance uko rent, rnone w ooaiiwn ixa NEW bungalow on 50th, near Hawthorne. roro owner, j use compietea. aioaern in all respects with 5 rooms below, 3 unfur nished above, on improved street. Only 13500. ynone xapor -z6Vi. $5500 Modern Nob H1U 8-room house. This pneo win seii it. a s&cniice, iew - days, bis coucb biag. ROOM house, nice china closet, built-in bookcases and Dutch kitchen, 50xll7-ft. lot; V block from car; $2400, easy terms. r WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 805--6 Spalding Biag. Main 7P9 3. $300 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH NEW 6- rrtotn mnnern nuniaiow. iuu cemenL Da- ment, 40xl25-ft. lot, with 20 -ft. alley In rear; lioo. WATSON THERKELSEN CO., 805-6 Spalding Bldg Main 7592. IRVINGTON SNAPS. FINE HOUSES, CHOICE 1AJ1B. BEiS NEUHAUSEN A CO., 703 LEWIS BLDO. BUNGALOW bargain; 50x100 corner lot, b rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace; $50 down. $37. ou monimj, irom owner, al BY OWNER 6-roora modern up-to-date bouse zor sate cacsp, to iiw. call c 1868. ' SEVERAL FINE homes In Irvlngton cheap; number of lots cheap. E- 273. W. H. Herdman. TWO-ROOM house and lot for sale cheap. by owner, si xoot uurot so., on car line. West Side, FOR FINE HOMES Bee xeianunt. 13-ROOM modern house. 67 Trinity Place (bet. 11th and 30th sts.) ; lease. Owner, F. Abendrotn, 4Z wasnington st. MONEY to loan on new buildings, dwelling- bouses preierrvu, 11. a. uu mt wora. Aa. 105. Oregonlan. . FOR SALE 6-room modern house in Ladd's Addition, on Elliott ave.; woov easy terms. Phone Sell wood 1752. ROOM modern house near car, $1400 ; terms- can owner, .aoor ios. IRVINGTON residence for sale. Call 410 Want 1 frh st. Vorth or nhonn C $2400. modern 6-room bungalow, $1800; home orocen; terms, uwaer, xuse xu. asta Norta. REAL ESTATE. For 6ale Hoasee, LADD'S ADDITION RESIDENCES. 172,0 7-roora modern house. stone foundation, facing east, near Hawthorne ave.; terms. $10,000 & rooms, stone first story, hard wood floors, every convenience, on Ladd ave. $17.600 Large residence, mission style, on corner, more than quarter block, thoroughly modern, with beautiful out look. 118,500 11 -room stone house, new and handsomely finished, on corner. All street Improvements in and paid, 14-foot alleys In rear. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. phones Main A 2353. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. UPPER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Practically no cash required; just save your rent; one of the finest bungalows on the West Side for anywhere near the x price asked; built for a house and built and finished accordingly; best of reasons for selling; this is a new place and all complete with all modern conveniences; can move out on short notice; don't over look this; such a chance will never come your way again. For appointment, phone Main 8990. PAYING RENT? ' If so, your are probably not aware that ''X can put you In your own home for practically the same payments. I have houses in Irvlngton.' Beaumont. Laurel hurst and Irvlngwood that I am selling on the basis of 11 per ILOO per month, including interest; that Is, a house selling for 14700 will cost you $47.50 monthly, the same as rent. No down payment. Why not pay rent to yourself Instead of some one else? NEIL DURFLINGER, PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 709-10 Rothchild Bldg. Marshall 3825. WILL BUILD TOU A HOME. I can furnish the lot and money to build you a home. Have six tine lots oh Prescott St.; all street improvements in. I caa build your home according to your own Slans for $50 down, the Balance on the asis of $1 per 11O0. This includes Interest at 7 per cent. I also have other lots In different localities that I will build on for you on the same basis. NEIL DURFLINGER, PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 709-10 Rothchild Bldg. Marshall 3825. YOU HOMESEEKER. If you are looking for a nice little home, in a good school town, with public, high and normal schools, here is the filace; good house, with barn and 2 large ots; select part of town; price $275. I also have home In same town, with good house, barn, 2 acres', with fruit; this place Is a bargain for the money; $4000 cash for quick sale. Look these up if you are a bargain-seeker. Particulars, AE 173, Oregonlan. ' MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR rROrEKTY WiTtl A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDG. IRVINGTON SNAP. Fine modern 7 -room bungalow, furnace, fireplace. doubly constructed, buffet, Dutch kitchen. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, lot 50x100, east front; street im provements paid;Vn E. 11th, near Thomp son; price $5000; $1500 cash and $25 per month. Ask for Mr. Zadow, with GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Large modern home In best part of Ir vlngton, one block from Broadway car line. Lower floor finished In quarter sawed oak and mahogany, upper floor In white enamel; billiard-room, hot water heat, garage, etc. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main A 2fl53. NEW, BEAUTIFUL HOME. From owner; choice, restricted district with fine homes, lot 60x100, improvements paid. 2 carllnes, 14 minutes to city, 4 beautifully shaped columns between rooms lower floor, massive beamed ceiling living, dining-room, veneered panels, beautiful oak floors, 7-foot buffet, $4500, terms. Call Main 4144 mornings. BUILD FOR YOU. $1000 BUILDS 6-ROOM HOME. 5 or 8 rooms, built to suit you, on your own selected lot anywhere; 100 beautiful attractive homes to look at; planning, financing, talk with Mr. Wtllson; terms as low at $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 733 Chamber of Commerce, SEE THIS AT ONCE. Will sell my beautiful, new, modern, 8-room residence In "Laurel hurst" on easy payments, to responsible party; sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, fl replace, beamed celling and all conveniences; 1500 cash. Y 101. Oregonlan. MUST SELL this new and modern 8-roont house, double constructed, furnace, f he place, attic, 2 toilets, 60x1 00-ft. lot, east face, nice lawn and shade trees ; on ly 1 blocks from carline in Rose City Park, and will give terms. Call East 6217 after 6 P. M. CAMP FOR SALE. Located on Sucker Lake. Oswego, con sisting of two excellent tent-houses, in sect proof, together with furnishings; ev erything brand new; a bargain If taken at once; leaving city. Apply J. M. Hansen, office Portland Cement Co., Oswego, Or. Phone Main .8832. HERE IT IS 3 room ceiled cottage on lot 100x185, east front, made trees, sraau creek running through place, less than 3 miles from Post Office on west side, graded streets, water and walks in and paid, 15 minutes to center of city. $1500.00, easy terms. Provident Trust Co., Main 1800. A6261. YOU RENTER YOU CAN OWN A HOME. Will sell to a man with a good depend able job who can pay $15 and Interest monthly, a neat 5-room and bath bunga- ; low In Montavllla, a block from carline; price Is $2100, It Is worth more money. A. E. Pouisen, 413 Railway Exchr.nge. NEW BUNGALOW. From owner; just completed. In restrict ed district; modern; easy terms; no bond ed improvements ; beautiful oak floors, beveled plate glass, 6-foot buffet and bookcases, veneered panels, leautiful oak floors, 4 French mirrors, sleeping porch. Phone Main 4144 mornings. IRVINGTON 75x100 FT. 9-room house and garage, on corner E. 24th and Tillamook sts.; shade and fruit trees; hard surface pavement in and paid; faces east; price !7:S0O.. - H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 26B3. E. BURNSIDE ST. 9-room house on 80x100 feet, near E. 22 d st. The ground alone is worth the money. Price 17500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8699, A 26r3. FOR SALE One of the best built homes In Irvlngton, on one or tne Dest streets: 7 rooms, all modern improvements ; line shade -trees; vines etc. This was built for a home, not to sell; owner leaving city. R 179. Oregonlan. 12500 FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Just completed, doulbe construction, al) complete, shades, linoleum in kitchen and bath, 20 minutes' ride on Mt. Scott car line; very easy terms. MORGAN, FLIEDNER A BOYCB, 508-6 Ablngtoq bldg. READ THIS. Buy from owner; swell 7 -room house, double constructed, all built-in conven iences, fireplace, furnace, only 15 minutes out, restricted district, high and sightly, far below value, cor.'' lot, $3250. 830 East 11th st. Sellwood car. 1 ft ROOMS and bath, modern, lot 100x100, beautuui view oi vauey ana mountains, West Side, 20 minutes from Postofflce; $2200, easy terms. Provident Trutt Com. pany. second floor Selling bldg. Main 1800. A 626L $4000. 6-room modern house, at E. 33d and Schuyler sts.; fireplace, hardwood floors, easy terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 869ft, A 26S3, FOR SALE. 1150 will put you in possession of a new 6-room modern bungalow on lot 90x J0O, bal. 116 per month; must be seen ti e appreciated; no agts. Call room 15 Sell-lng-Hlrsch bldg., between 9 and 10 A. M. and 4 and 5 P. M. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 8-room bungalow, built for home, larg lot, unobstructed view of river .and Mt, Hood; going away; will take $2.0 down and 150 a month. Positively no agenta X 108, Oregonlan. NEW cottage, 2 rooms, neatly papered and paintea, water pi pea into nouse; in gooa district; lot Is 50x100, above gradr, cleared, close to carline; a snap at $700, terms. A 193, Oregonlan. ONE of the best buys In a 7 room house on the East bide, beautiful lot, close in, e bargain. Also 100x100 cor. on E 11th St., with 2 good houses 361 E. 11th St, E5028. $50 CASH, balance easy, new 5-room bun galow, large let, union ave. aismci; pries $2500; up to date. HJGLEY A BISHOP, 201 Hamilton Bldg. SACRIFICE sale of new G-room house at Terrace Park; well located, no reasonable offer refused. I mean It. Address H 164, Oregonlan. SEE THIS ONE. New 6-room house, large lot. Phone, Will call for you with auto. Tabor 3372. ROOM modern house; 721 Rodney ave., east front, sleeping porch; $3600; 1-3 casU balance to suit purchaser. Owner. FOR SALE Quarter acre, 2 -room house, city water, cnicken-nouse, o-ceot fare; $676. Marshall 194,