THE MORNING OR EGOXIAN", WEDNESDAY, JTJNE 26, 1912. - tl . j I mmm npPOKTI TT1E.S. T ' sWOMWG-HOCRM. SPECIAL NOTICES. I TINANCIAU BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DDnDE-DTv nii-PBS ATTENTION 61auson-Cralg Company (iMceMon to the Real Estate Department of Hart man Jr Thompson, are making a specialty or leasing houses, apartments and buajan properties. (live them a call. "H street, Phones Main m m SIC MONTH, good 7-room house, bath, base ment, electric lights. Tine, corner lot on East 15th St. .North. E. J. -Gelser 420 Chamber of Commerce, raone jiain -. Furnished Homo. FURNISHED FLAT. CLOSE IN. $17.50; 2t'th and Belmont; extra good furniture: 4 rooms. Fred W. German. 43$ C h am. or com, 31 am o-i-.j. FOR RENT Furnished seven-room modern bouse, rive rooms ui. " . . . , ' Walking distance. References. 3o Lincoln ft. pnone Main b 5-LOOM furnished bungalow for rent for .summer. 841 unntj ,:-.. - Sellwood 124H. BE Vt'TIFUL suburban borne, S rooms, thor oughly up to date, well furnished ana clean, loljw r.1.1, lUrnisneu. cHuiw; - " ; July and August, Irvlngton. Phone Last - . .1 i .4 - n S mnvna. S4v. LARGE modern Sroom furnished flat, beau tiful grounds, very desirable. 664 Twentieth. Sellwood 708. rnpr ETEI.T furnished modern S-room bungalow, Ross City district, $25. Tabor 2SS. . MOLiCKN 6-room house, piano, etc.: will furnish: electricity, water and phone; rent for 2 months. Phone Woodlawn 2.Q6. Jl'LY 1. for three months or longer, 8-room hous?. rurnlsned: nice grounas; gouu iw tlon; 170. Phone Main 201. 7-ROOM furnished house for rent for 8 months or longer on 23d St. Phono Mar- snail io-hj FOR RENT For Summer, 7-room modern furnished house. 2 sleeping porches and piano; references exchanged. Tabor 2904. FURNISHED house to rent, Sunnyslde; $23 per month. Inquire Calumet Hotel. Main 730O or Home A 8039. MODERN furnished 6-room lower flat, porch and yard. 8 E. 12th bet. Anken) and Burnside. Mar. 797, A 7131. FURNISHED HOUSE In Irvlngton. 8 months July 1: no children; references. Phone East D027. FURNISHED for 8 months, 9 rooms, new home In irvlngton; aauita. am TROOM furnished house. East 20th and Brooklyn: $35. Main 2175. B 2104. LARGE furnished cottage, close In and rea sonable. Call 441 n.. A-naeii. 6-ROOM furnished cottage. 1 block south Hawthorne rarnne. on t. otm st. i-"-"- . FURNISHED 7-room house, on Willamette Heights, wltn garage. mbib phj-. SIX-ROOM furnished lower flat, cor. King and navla. Main 7820. H oases 'or Boot Furniture for gale. ELEGANT furniture seven-room house with attic on prominent corner: all rented. A fine borne and good money maker. Kent only 45: price right: no agents. ror appointment can A WANTED Two furnished bedrooms and kitchen for three adults at Long Beach or Seavlew. Wash., from July 1 to IS. Ad- OreSS iti E OlSt PL-, rw uauu. w FURNITURE of 8 rooms cheap. 5 min walk to P. O. Phone M. . 1120 after noons. ALMOST complete finely furnished, desir able eight-room house; reasonable terms. Li ROOMS well furnished, fine location, rooms all rented; bargain; owner leaving oily. no iu FURNITURE of 8-room apartment for sale. Apartment 3. The Browne, 14th and Tay lor. 11 ROOMS, housekeeping, close In. rent $40. lease good income; $100 down and $u month; bargain. Owner. Main 720i. FOR SALE Furniture of throe-room apart ment, reasonable. Phone Marshall 2047. 228 20t.l N.. apt. 21 11 ROOMS, $150 cash, balance on time. Mar shall 426. West Side. FURNITURE two room flat cheap. 305(4 . ... ,,-1.. O'l.lU Ttnnm 1 0 jeixerson pt., jim . FURNITURE of 8-room flat for sale. 69154 Wash. St.. near 19th. 7 ROOMS, good furniture. 4 rooms pay ex penses, cippp in. ' ' FURNISHED cottages for rent at Seaside. inquire ot an. ji. jcs. FURNITURE 8-room house, full rooms and . i . ........ T r.M Unrriion OOSrUglS. I nacu tin ...... " BURNHAM cottage. seaside, modern, oom pletely furnished. Main 81 1 8 or 9253. So mmr Resorts. THE modern eight-room cottage. Four Winds," at 8easide. Is for rent for the season; on board walk, facing ocean, everything furnished except linen and sil ver. For further particular! audress lira WANTED For July and August, furnished cottage, shady yard, gas. modern, clean, on Linnton or St. Johns carlines. $2j. Write full particulars, 11. X. Benson. Al ton rr v. . ci. Open to campera under new manage ment; for Information addreas H. B. Sloan. McKenxio Bridge. Or. WANTED 3 or 4-room furnished cottage, casidaTbregon. for July. Will take for season If reasonable. East 1155 or ad- qress sua c. ibuhh PORTABLE COTTAGES Canvas or wood. Ideal for resorts. Various sues and Price , u - nt-nva I'riMgiRr. Tabor tl-tf. bpid DfVT R,arh front, furnished COt tages. Seaside, electric lights. Phone East 2829. FOR RENT At Long Beach. Wash., small, completely furnished cottage, until the first Ol AUgUBt. w-B SEASIDE Two new. modern and elegantly furnished cottages. SO feet from Hotel 3H OOre. -l an l. SEASIDE furnished cottage; good iocatlon; ready; reasonable. Inquire B 172S. NEW 5-room cottage on North Beach, neat. cosy ana convenient, ruv" .. MODERN -room cottage overlooking the ocean. Marshall 194. 5-ROOM cottage, completely furnished, at Long Beacn. rnone aiain oq.-. COTTAGE, with garden truck, at Seaside. Chesp. AC 178. Or-gonlan. ELEGANT atore for rent, big department bldg, 8th and Kast Burnside. auitabls for drug store or tailor shop. Rent $40. Apply Gevurta Bros., Union ava. and Burnside. FOR SALE, lease or rent, one-story bulld Inr 50x100. on quarter block, cor. East 7;h and East Main, on O. V. P. track: will be vacant about August 1. Apply to Security vault Metal Works. 240 East Seventh St.. Portland. Or. 107 SIXTH ST. In the btst business sec tion of Portland, large beautiful store, suitable for restaurant or other enterprise Inquire H. Weluhard Brewery. 13th and Burnside. STORES for all classes of business. See our list. City Department, rmc pbed A. JACOBS CO. Main t. ii Washington St. A 4287. 231-233 UAh. " u u" ' with basement, suitable for wholesale dealera or manufacturers: terms reason able and lease to suit. Inquire H. Wein hard Brewery. 13th and Burnside. 270 BURNSIDE ST. Large" storeroom. Ideal location for restaurant or retail business of any kind: terms reasonable. Inquire H.nry Weinhard Brewery, 13ih and Burn slde sta WE HAVE a slore for rent In the Foste. Hotel bldg.. on Second St.; long lease and low rent. Apply at hotel office, -4. Davis sv. 28TH AND UPSHUR Fine store suitable for sny kind of retail business; rent rea sonable. Inquire H. Weinhard Brewery, ISth and Burnside. 325 3D ST. Storeroom, suitable for any retail business; lerms reasonable. Inquire H. Weinhard Brewery. 13th and Burnside ats. ji N. 20th storeroom, suitable for work ing shop or retail business; $10 monthly. Inquire H. Weinhard Brewery, 13th and rturnsiuBp 248 COUCH ST. Small storeroom with rooms upstairs, rent reasonable. Inquire H. Weinhard Brewery. 13th and Burnside sis. S. E. Cor. 4th and Alder Hohenstaufen building. ntlre second floor, terms reason able; lease to suit. Inquire H. Weinhard Brewery. 13th and Burnside. 115 N. 7TH ST. Storeroom, suitable for any kind of retail business. Inquire H. Weln hard Brewery. 13th and Burnside sts. FOR RENT Stores. No. 24S and 250 Haw thorne ave.. east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. East 2083. THREE new atorea. one corner and two In side, fine location; rent $12. $15v $20. Phone M. rA or can at Atauison i. no better location in city. Address stating line or puaineas. r . wbiihiibh. MODERN store. 90x25. brick building, plate glass and oak front. S-fU cement base ment. $.10. Main T15T. SEE OUR LIST OF STORES Tern' Harris. 904 Yeon. Main 537 STORE-ROOM for rent, very reasonable, near Postotflce. Call 170 5th St. MEDIUM sise store, downtown: year's lease, rant cheap. M 172, Oregonlan. putt HK.M n Litre suitapie lur sruvej. . . . . .,- .'..inl location. corner of Mllwaukle and' Biamark: livlng- rnnm Aliner In rear store or UDStAlTS. In quire 405 Washington at. Offie COMFORTABLE front office with fine view. Private phone and use of large re- Mntlmi room. Ton floor Of C. Of C. lh front of elevator. References required- Call 1028 Chamber of commerce. nrnrir l-tvTI R K FOR SALE. Purchaser can retain office by buying fixtures. Everything new; "W''"""' fit for office. Call- at office. 923 Cham of Com. Bldg. fun riE.- a novniB " - suitable for musical studios, sample sales rooms, arcnitect s oiuce. bik. flee Sherman Clay St Co. MOST centrally located offices; all-night elevator service. 303 Swetland bldg.. Sth and Washington; DESK room or office space for rent, steady party. Call between ana .., v- ib oiag. FINE front room office on ground floor to rent for 130 per month, including nice window space. lau itv jm DESK-ROOM to rent, fine office, ground Iloor, rent rgBjiiqiiic. " - - DESK ROOM, free use of phone, 17.50 per month. 511 Buchanan oiag. r FOR SALE $120 safe, $0 desk and chair, cheap. 517 rJoarq or traue. DESK room; use of both phones. 517 Board ol Traoa. DESK forrent. 828 Chamber of Commerce, BUSINESS OPPORTT'IT?E8. SHOEING and Jobbing shop in Boise. Idaho; doing good business, have good location, first class tools and atock. I have good reason for selling and will sell cheap For particulars write J. F. Polford. 708 Front St.. Boise. Idaho. AMBITIOUS young married man. with $300 desires to speculate or go In partners with some responsible party in business, country -or town. Write full particulars, as party means business. H. S., 79 9th St.. Astoria, Or. PARTNER to take half interest in cleaning and dyeing business; more work than can do alone; only steady, sober man need apply. It only requires $200. S23 Lum ber Exchange. ; , MR. MINING MAN. We will give you a large Interest in one of the best propositions in the Coeur d'Alenes for driving 200 feet of tunnel. Brown. 16 N. 7th St. 1200 GOOD man to take full charge of good paying business; money invested to go in business, vvooas, zzs ujiwuubi w merco bldg. PICTURE theater snap; modern in every respect: clears $80 week; terms, monthly payments to suit; investigate at once, a 173. Oregonlan II I , i -( ' I . A .-S collecting agency for sale, doing $250 a month clear profits; am tired of business: small amount of money re- qulred. B 194. Oregonlan. PARTNER for delicatessen and restaurant. Ideal location, small amount cash required. See owner White Dove, 4th and Jefferson sts. FOR RENT at Eugene. Or. Building 40x J4i, sultaoei tor mw.ius-iiitiuio any mercantile business. Apply at law OHlCe OI ll. a. Pianein. jus. WANTED Salesman to take interest in es tablished, paying biubc biubciosd mas. Services wanted more than money. Ati 1UO. oregonlan. SuSO Delicatessen. restaurant for sale; splendid trade; clearing $300 monthly above all expenses; will show you. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. 309 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE Well established wholesale bus iness eight years oia at once atcouut . health of proprietor; terms private. M ill, uregonian. HOME bakery and confectionery with liv ing-rooms, clearing siiw a mui...... be bought at invoice. Investigate this bargain. 3Z3 thumper imi"5 WILL put about $10,000 into auto repair and rebuilding shop if party who can take management of the business will put In an equal amount. A ioj, mcBipma. WANTED Steady, sober, reliable man, sal ary $2a weekly, witn aavancement. experi ence unnecessary; $150 required. 384i Morrison, room m. INVEST your money in property already ,iui nmflt tlXlHin r.ol- lected on $60,000 sale, balance received montniy. rt tp. vyi W4.NTED Man who understands repairing - ,n talra hale ln- ana connecimg . - terest in stove and furniture business; little money required. 408 East Morrison. HALF interest In old-established coal and wood ousiness payinej BBtwi " montn. i FOR SALE Good small general store; 50 per cent aiscouni it u wciviw " j A J 17b. oregonian. FOR SALE A good paying restaurant, price IOr QUICK sale. aiii - X. IS . rtestauntm- MOVING Picture show for sale or trade, low rent, long lease. evBrjiums gain, mi, tiwmucj vt CIGARS. Ice-cream, etc., big transient trade, close in, clearing $5 day: cheap rent; price $375. 803 Lumber Exchange. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, ice-cream parlor, cheap rent, lease; will trade, 4844 Wash. FOR SALE! Grocery store; will sacrifice if sold at once; owner going back East. Phone owner TaDorwaA WANTED Partner in best located lumber yard in city, side tracks and planing mill. AK 175, Oregonlan. WANTED Party to contract for the exclu sive selling of a fine souvenir for the Elks convention. At ii-t. ureguman. I HAVE several choice grocery stores listed with me for sale. If interested, call to day. S B. nermann. ma CONFECTIONERY, ice-cream parlor, rent $25 per month, good business. 647 Will iams ave. REPAIR shop wants partner, can clear $3 to $5 day: $300 required. 319 Lumber Exchange bldg. BUTCHER shop, one of best In city, long lease, living rooms; will trade for lot. 303 l.umoer exenange WELL-EOUIPPED restaurant; must sell on account of sickness. Wm. Krueger, Ore gon City. Oregon. FOR SALE Paying drug store, good Wil lamette Valley town, about $5000 required to nanaie. auui " ' m CLEANING and pressing shop, wU equipped: machinery and tools; estab lished trade; $200 cash. C$11 East 869. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co- 225 Ablngton. REAL estate business: partner wanted to show property; can clear $200 month. Particulars oiv x.umwr CIG-VRS. ice cream, books, etc.. West Side, 5-year lease. Owner is called to Alaska: no agenta M 151. Oregonlan. BOWLING alley, pool room and cigars; low rent long lease; paying proposition; will stand Investigation. 2484 Stark St. BUTCHER SHOP, best location in city, rea sonable if taken at once. AK 170. Ore- son gonlan. CREAMERY, bread, groceries, etc. 4 living rooms; rent $12 month: big Ice cream trade. Price 8375. 303 t,umoer exenanae. 5 lo AND 15-cent store, fine location; will ' Invoice stock (about $750 and 15 per cent discount. 303 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER WANTED Mostly outside work and pays $30 week; requires very little money, rtoom aia, "g FOR SLE or lease: well equipped automo bile repair and machine shop; good loca tion, inquire t .-. GKOt'ERY nice living rooms, clearing s 150 month, rent $20. no delivery; price RESTAURANT doing a good business clear ing now $150 month; price $o00. 3o3 Lum ber KXonange. CONFECTIONERY Good business. In town V .i... l!iOO. sell for $2000. Bis- . -- i rAfavA Ornve. Or. u:j t- " . . .-n v. - - W .SHINGTON-ST. confectionery, cigars, ice cream;, rent $30; price $7o0. 24S Stark street. RESTAURANT and S rooms: will glva terms. 230 First si. SHOtS We pay cash for small lots or en tirestocks ot shoea AV 404. Oregonlan. MEAT market, furnished, rent $15. new lce- . watlnn Phim East 5126. PARTNER wanted, old established restau rant; $500. AD 152. Oregonian. PRESSING parlor for sale or rent. Call 229 5th st. MAKE some Elk Carnival money. Sure thing, only $90 required. 650 Washington. W ANTED Partrer to go prospecting In . . i . . imt nravnn Bfl gOOU million manit. itv, p t.j,m.) New store, 5-roorn modern apart- roent. tnn v, ... . CONFECTIONERY and' cigar stand in front a Qargaill. mo niinwuB . p. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. $1; bring this ao. KOSe t-itT niu.j, ...... . 24114 ALDER Resta.irant reasonable, long lease. inquire 010 xjuin.iuc. FOUR-CHAIR barber shop for sale cheap. U Stark at. BARBER shop for sale; 5 chairs, baths. jsiw N. 6th st. BARBER shop for sale; 4 chairs. Apply 31 N. 3d st. EATON HOTEL BARBER SHOP. R. H. GOODKIND CO., ISC looo-u vvucox oiag... Cor. 6th and Washington. . Phone Marshall 408. A 1059. What do you think of this? You csj ouy tne best corner cigar ator on in g ton st. for $1500. rent only $40. good 1 J . - 1 1M OUlcklT BUIUG VU " " . X- . if you want It. Goodklnd Co.. 'Inc., Wil cox bldg. Drug store. $2750; rent $35; lease years; aomg a nice dubhi, . Eaat Side, in thickly populated district; . . . ..frn,i fnr .....- if vou want a good business cheap, see this. Goodklnd Co., Inc. 1O05-8 Wilcox bldg. Cigar stand and confectionery, $500; rent $45, dally receipts $16; West Side location: a auay. uuw,.n . . . i . . tirn - $10; dally receipts $15: located on Last glue; a WWiamu v-w. Billiard parlor, cigar stand and confec- . . .w...,. . IK- vaa nftrtipr. lionery, rent uiiijr 1 . locatea on ivusi diub, o iiwii . - - -Hard table, fixtures alone worth $1400, only reason for selling compelled to leave cltv on account of sickness; something good. Goodklnd Co.. Wilcox bldg. li. Li t-iry lunctt, Atw, iut r " . ipts years; seating capacity w. uam ' ... 50: elegantly fitted up; located on vi t-1 i . v, i ntfia. if ia a snan est for the money; come and see it at once Goodklnd Co., Inc. Wilcox bldg. wnoiesie anu siu"'i r - mission merchant; $5000; rent $9o; go lease; last year's business $18.uou; and wagon; part cash will handle this nicely, eaiance on easy trm. . . West Side, short distance from this office. Ijooaainq tg., iwj ni;ij. uma. Bakery, $950; rent $20, with 6 ''vl8 rooms upstairs; can get long lease; dally receipts $25: horse and wagon, brick oven 9x11; no opposition; located on East Side, a snan for someone. Goodklnd Co. Billiard parlor, cigar stand and barber snoo, sow; a ibbtb iov, . - - - r -. u, $100 monthly at the present time; $oou cash will handle this, balance on easy terms; located on East Bide; 3 billiard tables, fully equipped in every particular. Goodklnd Co.. Inc.. Wilcox bldg. Grocery, delicatessen and home bakery. 25O0: rent $33. with 4 living rooms, fur nished; lease 2 years; daily receipts -0 to $40; all cash trade; no delivery; dandy place: never before offered for sale: snap. See Goodklnd Co.. Inc., Wilcox bldg. Bakery. $323; rent $25; lease 2 years; dally receipts $15: all cash trade; no de livery; locatea on t oiuw, ... -good place for a man who understands tne Dusiness; act uUILnlJ i J Goodklnd Co. . WE HAVE SOLD OTHER PLACES. WHY NOT YOURS? SEE GOODKIND CO.. INC., 1005-6 WILCOX BLDG. INVESTMENTS. P. B. CLARK & CO.. BROKERS. 6o7 Chronicle bldg.. San Francisco. WE OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE: Haney Fire Fighting Apparatus. $ 2.W Canadian Marconi Wireless ? T DO Ramie Fiber Company c ne ap American Telegraphone Co..... 2.50 La Zacualpa Rubber Plantation CO ........ ......' (O.'rV Mascot ' Copper Company 8.50 Mexican Premier Oil Company. .. .15 Poulsen Wireless Corporation... 2.uu Chicago-New York Electric Air- line Ry 4.O0 California State Life Insurance.. 20.00 Western States Life Insurance Co & United States cashier Company. 8.00 Hidalgo Plantation Company (1905) 285.00 WE WANT AND WILL BUY: Poulsen Wireless Corporation. ..? Mascot uopper i.uihi"j ....... Pyramid Oil Company.. g Coalinga National Petroleum g . United States Cashier Company. 7.Q0 6MALL. modern sash and door "ory at Bay city on iuibuiwb j - " . - of its kind in the county and is con venient to all Tillamook beach resorts, where much building Is in progress. V III sell business and machinery for f5"n; Stock at Invoice, if wanted. Will lease lanu and buildings or sell for $4000. Terms one-third cash; will take 220OO or more in mlllwork and a mortgage for , balance. Would retain Interest with desirable party. For description call at 186 First st-. Port land, or address Central Sash. Door Mfg. Co.. Bay city. ir. WARNING to moving-picture 'heater own- in Oregon and Washington for 'Bonnot the Demon," or "The Auto Bandits of Parts." by Paris Eclair Co., 2200 feet, money getter; don't book a counterfeit and be shown up later; now booking, c K. coulter, r-ortianu, ti. I WOULD like to meet a party who j i ..........1. i w 1 1 as is iinanciaiiy (cditvuo." , good business head: have large proposi tion with good prolits; small expenses and small investment are the good. Points i of my proposition, no risk: will stand closest investigation; references .exchanged, e- Piy A. IW, OfBUBUlBU. This Is positively one of the best places In Portland, a dandy place for man ana wife, doing a fine business, fine stock and fixtures and no hold-up. Will guarantee this place to be as I represent it. good reasons for selling, if you mean business . . .-. -r- tr 1T1 Aarnninn. IQQK ini UP. JJtJ. ROOMING-HOUSE, location and urro"nf . . - , . w i . Q m Iniiras will K LO lngs mgniy respectuie. u. V ' ., T .. v P O.; 19 rooms, nicely furnished, alav' filled: showing net monthly profit of $13o. cheap for cash. See Mitchell, room 2O0. coiumpia oiag "T-I T.". i .-.-.-:.T.(i7VT nvi.v C Aan J - .. ' ....... . - Your money fully secured and oarries with it salaried position; you must have reputation of being honest and willing worker; references exchanged. Cr 172, ore gonlan. I have listed for sale some of the best grocery stores In this city; from $1000 to $10,000. If you are looking lor a good ousiness see me today. S. B. Hermann, 411 Rotncnim pmg, manner iu um.e u" " - manufacturing: plant; a man who can tana cnarge or. an omte " 0'. ary 1125 per month. Kinney & Stam- pner. oji-ii i.unm" iv.....t," p. HIGH-CLASS motion picture theater, long est novelty, com. mm - - table pool and cigar business; small rooming-house, $150 down; up-to-date wet wish laundry. Irving. 320 Lumber Ex- cbange oiog. FOR SALE Country store 0? O. In connection. . - - . year business. Meat market in connection only one In town. Will Invoice and sell ?eaf Mtate or lease. Sold on acc-t of sickness. Act quick, av bio. """'- PICTURK theater, snap.. This is a thor- ZSSS. PPca.h.7nc.-monthl, pay xnenta Investigate. 823 Lumber Ex change. FOR SALE Up-to-date sJtery business In thriving city in i't.u, j city- good reasons for selling: splendid opportunity for active man. Address AV dill'. UirKUIIiaN SOLID store, partner wanted will pay $100 Us should pay you $100 month more: money required will be secured. Room S19 x,umper xE.v--uii. ij.p Saloon in business district for sale, 5 years lease, license, fixtures, stock, etc Will consider a trade for Inside property. t 171. uregonmu. CONFECTIONERY, fruit, soda fountain, to bacco, luncn auu wait.iiB . , , Nation. 4 year lease, average $o5 per day. Owner called to foreign country. 230 wasnington. CEMENT and side. ralk work cll:i pessary and veVy'- 1MZ money re qulred" prof it, large! 819 Lumber Ex- cnange oiua I WILL sell Int. In my business as i am SSmSaSr,H man to take charge or mv busliers for 18 months. Price $3000. Call 270 Stark at "ANTED Hustler to ibbb agency In Portland for good proposition; only those who can Invest need apply. Room 20o, coucn Plug MEAT market for sale. Phone East 4810. BCStXKbf orroBTOTTTES the services of an expert on SAFE INVESTMENTS, call or write Chas. J. Barnard, 407 Teon bldg.. for 80 y co"nTO"drwiao. ill merclal National Bank of Chicago, iu cnarge lor bum. DYEING and cleaning business wants rella- Die partner; uibbi w on while learning; will pay $j day to start; can try it before buying. 24Si4 Stark St. $550 BUYS one of the best coffee and cale- terlas in tne city, mvius - , ness of $30 a day. Rent reasonable, lease, good location. 323 Lumber Exchange. BUSINESS OPPORTrXlTIES WASTED. WANTED To buy a cigar and news stand, business or suburban; state full particu lars. Add. box AR 172. Oregonlan. BOOMING-HOUSgB- ..ROOM boarding-house: excellent location. West Side: fully occupied: reasonable; terms to suit. AD 174. Oregonian. COMPLETE furniture at a sacrifice, t-room flat: come and see for yourself. 410 far il S ROOMS, well furnished, good location, ex ceptionally good buy. in a small house. 410 itn FOR SALE Rooming-house. $250. Call 229 nn-ivc A k. HBh of m v wife. leaving me" with a family of small children. I murt sell my apartment ana roomms house, will sell at a sacrifice and on easv terms. The place Is netting from $230 to $350 per month, and if properly managed will do much better than this. It is la a fine new four-story building, with all modern conveniences, within easy BTBllrln. BtB,an.A nf hil.lnesS renter. HSVO long lease on good terms. Will trade for good farm or improved city propen. " prije li $7000. See it and be convinced. AC 1(4, oregoman. BARGAIN 11 1 rs 1 f. . De.n trsio. Owner compelled to sell at once her 50 room apartment house, every room fur nished with new goods; best of carpets, swell dressers, all silk floss mattresses, rent only $5 a room; finest West Side lo cation; full price only -$3000. Terms 1000 casn. Daiance real estate. i"w - lutely Just as represented. If you want . 1 . 1. , ,ii.m in Portland till Pet OMS11H Jct ui&u.u see this quick. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC.. 1005-6 Wilcox Bldg.. Cor. 6th and Washington. 20-ROOM 6NAP. On 16th at. A nice workingman s room-lng-house; always filled and pays well rent only $35. with lease; price $i00, 01 will tclr, ,1... lnt We have several fine buys in houses 8 to 12 rooms, in choice locations. Call see what we can show you for REAL MONEY; also wnat you can get for real estate in traae. O. C R. ELLIS & CO.. 509-610 Wilcox Bldg. $4000 CASH. 84 ROOMS, one of the modern brick ouituings in central . ' oiua . , ' this Is one of the best propositions of Its Oil. 111 utB Vllj, uuu.iua. - -r, .-- . present owner wants to retire: has paid a profit of $700 a month. Balance month lv payments. RARE CHANCE, DON'T WAIT. O. C. R. ELLIS CO., 509-610 Wilcox Bldg. BETTER SEE THIS. 32 BOOMS, in one of the best central locations; rent $5 a room, with long lease; furniture and carpets good; this place has paid a profit of over $250 a month and is a snap for the right one at 28O0. easy terms, or will take lot or small place as part or make easy terms. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., S09-510 Wilcox Bldg. 38 ROOMS, CENTRAL. 4 blocks from this office, furnished nicely and clean; steam heat and other wise modern; clearing $200 a month over all expenses; $1000 cash; some trade; some time. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 509-510 Wilcox Bldg. , NEWLY FURNISHED APARTMENT consisting of IO 2 and 3-room apartments. Just newly furnished with the very best of furniture, rugs, etc; all full and show ing good income; very reasonable rent and long lease; price $3000, $1200 to $1500 cash, balance $40 month. GRUSSI BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ALL ONE FLOOR. 18 ROOMS in business block, fine loca tion, furniture and carpets all good and good as new; clears $100 over ALL ex penses; rent only $70 with lease: $750 cash or lot worth $750 and some cash. O. C. R. ELLIS 4 CO., 509-510 Wilcox Bldg. WE have the ideal rooming-house. 14 rooms, walking distance, on East Side. The ar rangement is perfect for either roomers, or to sub-let In apartments; all conven iences. See us quick. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Third floor Chamber of Comemrce. HERE IS A SNAP. Get this before the Elks carnival; rooming-house. 10 rooms, rooms full all the time, modern, rent only $25 per month; close In; price, $250, takes everything: no terms, all cash. Call 508 Gllsan at. Phone Main B. ELEGANT new furniture of 14-room house lor sale; tnis rwmius . r at once. Call and see price. 68 North 14th st. APARTMENT-HOUSE lease and furniture 1 or sale on yan. ot., " " " - - cent. Wagner & Hunt, 435 Cham, of Com. blag. ai. oifoi. 17 ROOMS, housekeeping, rent $35, close In, a .ariflr-A X70O terms. or $550 cash. Owner, Main 7297. t.OST A!D FOUND. STRAYED or stolen from 15th st. and E. Ullsan .romaiiu, wo "-j -"-- . . in face, weight 1500, shoes on in front, tall and loagy old wire cut on right front foot; age 13 yrs. Home address J. D. Pfeiffer, R. 1, Mulino, Or. city 508 E. tuverett St., rui buu. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair i,li nr wholesale nrlcea: WS renovate mattresses and return same day: we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory H. Metsger. 226-228 JTOnt. XOonp Jiain 11 " ....... LOST Monday night, June 24, one pair dia mond ear-rings, one turquoise and dia mond ring, one three-stone diamond ring. Return La Salle Hotel; $200 reward, no questions asiteu. LOST A bunch of keys. Elks' tag with owner's name, and "Salem." Return to Olds, Wortman & King, accommodation esk ; reward. LOST Monday afternooon. white female cninese oust m vivmiij - - Eliza sta.; a little child's pet; reward If a j,, itl Ehnn (' Hni;7. retuiueu iu ta n.i. o - ........ w LOST White and brindle bulldog. Wood lawn district; reward. J. A. Wisdom, 1012 union avi. n LOST Diamond horse shoe, set In gold and platinum. Return for reward to 698 North- rup. Alain mi LOST Roman gold bracelet. Phone Main 100b. rtewaru. LOST Doctor's handbag. Call Dr. C L. Rybke. Main 2290. Reward. LOST Lady's gold watch. 2 photos in watcn. ait, acott car; tcwi 11. 1-1"". LOST Horseshoe pin at Sixth and Aer; liberal rewaru. oao nuttuiuw. LOST Ladies' gold watch, first name on baCK, pnOlO IO BBHU. enm J -- SPECIAL NOTICES. l'ropoaals Invited-. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting of groceries, drugs, queensware, rubbers, shoes, hardware, dry goods, gents' furnishings and notions of the inventory value of $5606.22. together with fixtures of $328.25. located at Lin coln. Marlon County, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, July 6, 1912. Terms cash and a deposit of ten per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. An Inventory of stock may be seen at my office and property ml) be inspected at Lincoln. Dated at Port land. Oregon. June 24, 1912. B, L. Sabln, No. T First st SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the undersigned. 402 Tilford build ing Portland. Or., until 5 P. M. Tues day. July 2. 1912, for the Improvement of the Woodlawn school grounds. Speci fications may be obtained at the office of Superintendent of Properties F. A. Naramore, 408 Tilford building. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to the order of R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. The board of directors re serve the right to reject any and all bias. Dated June 24, 1912. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the unaersignea. u xuiora uunuuig, until 5 P. M.. July 2. 301--, for heating and Tontilatlng at the Creaton. Weston, Montavllla and Richmond schools Speci fications may be obtained at the office of Architect T. J. Jones, 334 E. Third st. Certified check for 10 per cent of the smount of the bid, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated June 22. 1912. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the unaersignea, imuni uuumua, until S P. M. July 2. 1912, for 126 steel lockers for the Jefferson High School. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of Properties. F. A. Naramore, 408 Tilford Building. Certified check for 10 per cent, payaoie to R- H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all blda R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated June 22. 1912. DEPOT QUARTS RMASTEK S umuji;. IO06 rOrtn IrOint stieeL. omu riiuuBtv, Cal June 22, 1912 Sealed proposals will be received here until 10 o'clock A. M., July 22, 1912. for furnishing coal for Q. M. D vessels during fiscal year com mencing July 1. 1912. Information fur nished on application. Jno. T. Knight, Depot Quartermaster. NOTICE is hereby given that the entire business or wing aiuw, nuns v-huhb Co. and Mee Fong Co. has been purchased by the Hop Ylck Lung Co., which will continue the business at No. 91 fiorth 2d St.. Portland. Or. Mutceilaneons. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Take notice that from and after this date I shall not be responsible for any obligations incurred or contracted by my wife. Mrs. Gertrude Gerllnger. either in her name or mine. (Signed) Edward JS. Ger linger. NOTICE BUSINESS TRANSACTION L . the unaersignea. nave tni uj, uuo purchased the business known as the Ex pert Shoe Factory, on 1103 Hawthorne ave. (Signed! P. R. BOLTON. MT wife has left my bed and board and I refuse to stand good for any bills con tracted by Mrs. Alice J. or C. R- Smith. C. R. SMITH. Stanley Station. BARGES for rent; capacity 400 tona. Pat tullo 3S fherlock blo- "A 1410- l uhMllBBMn I Money co un lunfu aim u...i ... - -- . XOTIPE TO CREDITORS. The Boston Restaurant. 490s Washing ton street, has changed hands; all accounts against thhe same must be filed at the above address on or before 5 days from date. FINANCIAL. FOR SALE $800. first mortgage, drawing 7 per cent interest; interest and $200 of principal pavable semi-annually. Mar shall 4916 evenings, J. A- Stewart. lo7 Texas st " WE will furnish the money at a low rats of Interest and save you more than the bro kerage of 2 It we do the planning and building for you. It will pay to see us. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. 824 Ablngton bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity In contract of sals on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bought. E- L. gever esux. 1009 Spalding bldg., 3d and Wash ington. Main 63. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgagee . (first and second), equltiea F. H- Lewis Co., 8 Lewis blag. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 ADinmon oms. MONEY to loan on first-class Portland real estate security at lowest rates Morgan. Fliedner & Boyce. SOS Ablngton bldg. WELL secured first mortgages for sals. John Bain. 505 Spalding bldg. $500 STOCK in Portland Realty Associa tion. W 179, Oregonian. Money to Loan Real Estate. WE have on hand at the present time a large amount of money available for loans, ranging in sums from $1000 to $10,000; loans of $1000. $1500. $2000. $2500, $3000. ' $5000. $70?0 and $10,000 can be placed without delay, providing applications are desirable risks. . SLAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY. 304 Oak Street, near 5th. Successors to the Real Estate Department of Hartman & Thompson. WS HAVE THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS SECURITY. $1000 to $1200 at 8. farm, $1000 to $1500 at 894. city. $2000 to $2500 at 754. $4000 at 7. $6000 at 6 or 7. $10,000 at 6 or 7. A. JACKSON DETSCH S40 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 42S0. A 1559. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOB BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS: NO. COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO. $16 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN AT ONCE AT 7 AXD8"PER" CENT ON IMPROVED PROPERTY: $ 1.5O0 for 3 years $ 2.OO0 for 41 years. $ 2.500 for 5 years. $ 8.000 for 3 years. ns.000 for 3 years. J H. TIPTOV CO.. 1108 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. $500 TO $50,000 ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. REASONABLE INTEREST. APPLY, MR. NEELY. LOAN DEPART- WARD ft YOUNGER. SUITE 426 YEON BLDG. LOANS. ON COLLATERAL OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION; CASH FOR IMMEDIATE USE: RELIABLE SERVICE. LAWSON BROWN INVESTMENT CO., -1124 YEON BLDG. MAIM 875. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan on good real estate security in any amount above $1000 at from 5 to 8 per cent. R. F. BRYAN. 505-7 Chamber of Commerce MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residence and business prop erty and Multnomah County farms. EDW. P. MALL, 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce. ON improved city property or for building purposes. 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Say ings 4 Loan Association, 240 Stark St. MONEY ON HAND FOR LOANS ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES. WILLIAM H. M'DONALD. 710 Rothchlld Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Large supply of money to loan on Port land real estate at 5 to 7 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St.. gear Stark. $1250 FOR 3 years or more, at 8 per cent, on Improved real estate; money ready; no delay. Kauffmann & Moore, 325 Lumbfcr Exchange. $122,000 TO LOAN On improved city or farm property In amounts $1000 ard up, lowest rates. Wm. C. Borchers, 201 Ore gonian xiiag. 1500,000 ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates: large loans a specialty. McKenzie Co, IC, K Kill flBPllnffS, hlllo. Bll-gitf-ui, " ' $200 000 TO loan; large loans a specialty. building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 815-316 Falling bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city property at current rates. Lawyers' Abstract & Trust Co.. room 6 Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans on either city or farts property; mortgages purchased. . . . - . . . .i nniu. ki 1 . Henry v. rrijuiiuiiiiiip v-v.. p"" ,.i.w wm.. SUIIIUAUBI 1 u ..... WH -"' ' Mr - r erty; favorable terms. John Bain, 505 Spalding bldg. Money to loan on new buildings, dwelling houses preferred. If I do the work. AK 105. Oregonlan. TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. f AUninuiwi., COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDO. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates in sums trom sow uii. Ana , -- aer st. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts and mortgages Er..i. w H Nunn. 448 Sherlock bids. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rateaT A. H. Birrell Co.. 202 McKay bldg.. nu auu n ... ... 1500 AND upwards on Improved real estate: notes and mortgages bought W. A Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. $6000 OR PART for Immediate loan on r.a, estate. Phone Tabor 771. PRIVATE money loaned on real estats mort. gagea ri. amer. iw $500. $1500, $8000 to loan. Hehkie & Harrl- SUH, uciiiubp. u'" e- MONEY TO LOAN" ON REAL ESTATiV A. 14. 1A rti-iim. bio -i. "i STATE funds. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas. agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. ri. bens at vo., w qf""ua MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CS-N'i 1AJUIB'. . " - MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASOKABLI BATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS on reaL personal, chattel or collai eral security. C W. Pallett. 808-9 Fentos. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. O. OOLTRA. FAILING BLDO. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. HolL room 9. Washington bld Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. QUICK LOANS. ANY. AMOUNT. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. We will LOAN YOU $10 to $1000 TODAY. - Loans made on DIAMONDS, AUTOS, STORAGE RECEIPTS, PIANOS, FUR NITURE. LIVESTOCK or REAL ESTATE. LOWEST RATES. QUICK SERVICE. SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. Loans made anywhere in MULTNOMAH COUNTY reached by INTERURBAN SEEUS FIRST OR LAST, BUT SEE US. WE DO MORE THAN WE ADVERTISE. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate given if paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 206-207 Macleay Bldg. Both Phones. Bet. 4th and 5th .sts.. on Washington. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 P. M. $$$$$$$$$ MONEY FOR VACATIONS. DO YOU NEED ANY? $10. $20, $30, $40, $50, $60. $70, $100. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO., 808 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ '$ MONEY ta loan on furniture, pianos, autos, - livestock, storage receipts, real estate and contracts, at lowest rates and strictly confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. 312 Hamilton Bldg. Main 2084. $ $ $ $ $ . tirnv-TTV PAR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want it and pay as you can. Offices in all principal cities. D. H. Tol xnan. 317 Lumber Exchange. A DESIRABLE place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace. 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattels. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY sold on installment: confidential, salaried people. F A. Newton, Henry bldg. PRIVATE PARTY. Loans on watches, diamonds. Jewelry, Storage receipts and real estate: Quick, reasonable and confidential. ELBY COMPANY, Main 4617. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms in Oregon. D. D. Drake. 307 Spalding bldg: WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx ft Bloch. 74 3d sc MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 V 3d. near Alder. LOWEST rates on furniture, etc. Phone Geo. Harvey. 561 East Davis st. Ir"ft Wanted. SLAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY, 304 Oak Street, near Fifth. Successors to the Real Estate Department OF HARTMAN 4 THOMPSON, offer the following applications for first mortgage loans: $400 On cottage at Fern Park, loan 10 desired for one year. Value of property, $1100. $600 On 50x100 lot in Highland Addi 8$4 tion. Loan desired for tw or three years. Located on paved street, valued at $lfK. $1000 On an attractive new bungalow S at Kenton, property value at up wards of $2000. Occupied by the owner. $1000 On two lots at North Jonesmore, 87e - with a new house costing $1500. $1100 On a 5-room house located on 8 Alblna avenue near Klllingsworth. Property valued at $2500. $1200 On 3 lots at University Park with 8 c3mfortable 10-room house. Total value, $3500. $1400 On an attractive lot at Rose City 8 Park, valued at $S50 with a new $2000 house now in the process of construction. Owner la a thrifty mechanic. Money for building to be disbursed by us. making investor perfectly secure. $2000 On new house at Rose City Park 8 recently completed and sold for $4500. ' SLAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY. 304 Oak St., near otlu LOANS WANTED AT 8 PER CENT. $ 700 Property sold for $ 2,000 1,000 On new bungalow worth.. 2.S00 1.2U0 On new bungalow worth.. 2,800 1.250 On new bungalow worth.. 2.850 1.500 On 2 new bungalows worth 3.700 8.000 On West Side Apts. worth. 22.50O 3.000 On 80-acre farm worth... 7.500 17.000 On 1740-acre farm worth. 50,000 10.000 On 190-acre farm worth.. 30.000 J. Frank Porter, 904 Chamber Commerce. $2000 AT 8 per cent on residence property valued at S4500. $3000 at 8 per cent on residence property valued at $7500. $8000 at 8 per cent on new fireproof apartment valued at $22,000. Write or call Wm. C. Borchers, 207-208 Oregonian bldg. Phone Marshall 322. THREE $500 LOANS 8 PER CENT. 1 4-room house, Montavllla. $500. 1 4-room house, 73d st..' $500. 10 acres improved: 450 bearing trees; house, barn, etc: near Scappose; $o00; worth $3000. Fred W. German, 436 Cham. of Com. M. 6445 6451. WANTED A loan of $5000 on well Im proved 60 acres east of Portland, on Base Line road; conservative value, $15,000; will pay good rate of interest. Hargrove & Sons. 122 6th st.. north, cor. 6th and Glis-in. Main 43S1. A 7259. FIRST mortgage of $1150 for three years at 8 per cent interest on real estate sold for $3000; will be sold at liberal discount. W 152, Oregonian. MORTGAGES FOR SALE. $3500. $1SOO, $2000, $4000; all secured by first mortgage on Improved residence property. 806 Wilcox bldg. WILL pay $25 for loan of $250 three months; security worth $1500 given. AJ 173, Oregonlan. ' MONEY WANTED Applications on hand ne AMlrahtd loans, mortcatres for sale. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 806 Wilcox bid. tinnn 4 ..nam G no nanl irilt erlee seCUT lty on completed dwelling. See Mr. Reese, 82 4th St., care Columbia Trust Company. WANTED $600 loan on A-l security. Will pay bonus and expenses short or long time. Phone u;ast oy. MONEY loaned for private Investors at best rates of interest; estates handled. Wm. c BOrcnerS, ZUI-US ureEuniaii ms. WANTED $5000, 3 years, at 8 per cent, on a well-located block, near Killlngsworth ave., value $15,00O. Call Main liuo. WANTED $9000 at 8 per cent on $25,000 worth of close-in acreage. S18 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A 4401. WANTED $200 for. 4 months; good secur Ity; no agents. AE 194, Oregonlan. WANTED $800 on my modern bungalow; lot 50x100; value $2250. P. O. Box 719. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $12. 34-inch '.witches 14.43 $6 26-inch svltches 2.45 Hair dressing 2o Face massage 25 Shampoo 5 Manicuring 25c; five for J 00 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. RADICAL cure oy tne latest natural heal ing methods. Including radium, all elec trical currents, lights, heat, vibration, radiation, baths, massage, adjustment and manipulations; most expensive. finest equipped private office in Oregon; no medicine or operations; over 6000 treated patients and not a death while under our care- we will be glad to consult with you free 'of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 812 Rothchlld bldg GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references;treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc; massages and baths. 800 Holladay ave.. corner Occident al. "U" car. Phone East 3608. C 25o3. Open SurgBays. . SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfois graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th st second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 260. B 1803. t Hjty JUL at nAriDiii. Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of human hair goods, switches from 95c up, hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalo treatments; combings made up to . . - . L , . 1 II I J. Oraer. IB I lilt, ueai mmnoun. mum ... SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles and warts re moved from face, neck and arms; satis faction guaranteed. Olga Gerth, office 504 Swetland bldg. 5th and Washington. Main 1308. I SUCCESSFULLY treat nervous and chronic diseases without the use of drugs; con sultation free. Marshall 3143. 307 Ablngton bldg , on 3d, between Stark and Wash, sts. Dr. Catherine C. Gates. 10 to 8. DRESS SUITS for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. Mrs Stevens, 18 yrs. Portland's leading palm ist, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale, 657 V4 Williams ave, cor. Knott. Office hours 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. GERMAN lady with strong magnetic power cures all kinds of ailments and diseases, including cancer. No matter what ails you, see her. 916 E. Yamhill.'-Tabor 4103. ZEROL The great nerve tonic and sys tem Duuaer, t .i i.w. vua., Stipe-Taylor A.'rug t-o., .gog jmornson BL MARINELLO famous cosmetics, scientific facial and scalp treatments. Marlnello Shop. 402 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spirit ual science. 302 Allsky bldg. Question ' meeting Wed, and FrL 8 P. M. Main 6824. MRS. S. C MORRISON Steam baths and masseurlng for rheumatism, lumbago. 833 Madison. A 4470. Open Sundays. "AHTWT7R- Father has paid up all your - debts; write to your brother W Vlll at once. All is forgiven nrooaiyn. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puffs, 5c. San ltary Beauty Parlors; 400 Dekum bldg. CHIROPODY Mrs. Potter. 327 4 Stark St.. late of 812 Northwest bldg., th and Wash- ingtonot. MISS STOCKS, mental scientist, treats rheumatism; w oimnuw wi.c. aaon Morrison. A 5606. Take W car, off at 18th. INTERESTING information given free to sufferers from rheumatism, catarrh and blood disorders. 49 Union ave. y. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. 43014 Washington St.. room L MRS. JOHNSTONE, spiritual reader. 207 Jeirerson at. BALM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Tonic raoieta. ' " MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 8473. FACIAL blemishes corrected, scalp expert. Mrs. Courtrlght. 711 Dekum. Main 5042. MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp treat ment, shampooing 307 Northwest bldg. MASSAGE. $1; open evenlnga 413 North)! west bldg., otn ana aauiiig ton. HAIR STORE, 120 6th St., near Washing- Paitar mialftv hair, nnv shs-rin. MANICURING a specialty by New York ex pert. Room 409. Merchants Trust bldg. BOSTON graduate, massage and medical gymnastics. 392 Jefferson, up one flight. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architects. BUNGALOW EPECIALIST Money saved. Address 787 Multnomah st. QUICK service, cut rates; send for prica list. The Kodakery 6th and Wash. Assayers and Analysts. PICKERING & CO.. assayers. smelters, re finers snd buyers of high-grade and bul Hon gold. 142Vi Fourth st. Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists snd assayers. 204 Wsshtngton. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laborators and ore-testing work 1S6 Morrison st. Attorneys. ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, lawyers; practice in all state and Federal .eour.a; abstracts examined; expert conveyancers; collections. 417 Chsm. of Com, bldg. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071 . Brass and Machine Works. HARPERS BRASS WORKS Brasscastlng snd machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 2i02. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg., next Star Theater. A 5255. Main 9587; res. B 297a. CtxiropodiBts DR OLIVER O. FLETCHER and lady ex pert assislant. 305 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Main S7C2. treats all Ills ot the foot, without danger of infection; corns, bunions. Ingrowing and atrophied nails, fiat foot and bunions a specialty. . , WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. ths only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger blilg.. S W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 34 1 3. DR. U. R. G and Mrs. Fletcher Painless chiropodists. Over Hazelwood. Main 3713, Coal. COAL ALB1NA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33P ST. WOOD. Dancing. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. 1 24 st., bet. Wash, and Stark, and Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught daily; waits and two-step guaranteed In four lessons; class Monday eve, to 10. at 109 2d St.: les sons 25c PROF. WAL WILLSON'S Dancing fechoo.. Summer open-air hall; waits, two-step, three-step, schottlsche and stage dancing, lrssons 25c Royal Academy Hall. 85 Fifth street, bet. Stark and Oak streets. Phone Main 7637. RING1.ERS ACADEMY. leading aejjco'' dally instructions: Informal dances Vca nesdays. Saturdays. 231 H Morrison. Detective Agencies. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, con servative, reliable, confidential; rates per day. Office 510 Dekum bldg. M. 644. Educational. STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield. 1918 Grove. Oakland, ca Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents Sex bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline engines 281-2S3 E. Morrison. Phone K- Landscape Gardener. G. H. S1EBELS. Sellwood 1161. a """! New lawns, care of lawns. cleaning lots. Leather and Finding. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front. Lea'het of every description, tabs, mfrs. findings. J. A. 8TROWBK1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858 ISO Front s Medical ed Soap. MAGNOLIA healing soap for eczema, com plexion, toilet, bath. Phone The Soap Store, East 969. at 229 Larrabee st. ' Messenger bervice. . HASTY Messenger Co:, day and night serv ice. Phonellain53;A2153 Musical. PIANO studio; modern methods. -9..'fth Main Boi'. Arirtiiitciiici..- .... . En'' T?'?!h0r' ll!neC,h."-n.PlYP,l62B9"C'1- VUV aiarquaiii. a Osteopathic Physicians. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous anu tniuu; lnlrtt Phone. Office. M. 349; res. East or B 1028- DR I EROY SMITH, graduate Klrksvllla, Mo.rr898. posfgrad. 1907. 1122 Selling bd. Outings. PEERLESS AUTO STAGE TO MT HOOIT Welches' Hotel. Hotel Maulding and Shododendro. I Hotel. E. 34th and'r.y lor. Res. Tabor 1456; garage. Tabor 19-j, leives 7 A. M. dally. painting. WILL tint rooms $2.50 up. do painting al reasonable prices. East 61-4. Paints, Oils ana Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is besl adapted to the Coast climate. BASS HEUTER PAINT JX:. 191 Second st. RASMUSFEN A CO.. Jobbers, paints oils Ry"."jhand doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyright! registered? all countries. Booklet free. PETER HABERLIN. 826 Worcester bldg. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney F at "aw. late of U. S. Patent Office Book let free. 719 tne pwiu m il S AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured b no. Martin. 408-409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Tic WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat. ents. infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg Patent Engineers. Inventions developed and patents se eured All kinds commercial and shoj draughting. Coop & Schmltt. consultlna SnlnVers. 501 Henry bldg. Main 1284. Consultation ticg. Pawnbrokers. LOANS at reasonable Interest on clothing, Jewelry, real estate, contracts, etc Stein'l pnwnsnop, imm ....... ....... UNCLE Myers' Collateral Bank; 40 years In Portland. 71 6th St. Phone Main 910. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 603 608 Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland, Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3489. Sates. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d at. Safes - at factory prices: second-hand safes. Screens. RI JILT-TO-ORDER screen doors and win dowi. painted and hung, complete. Amerl. can Screen Co. Phone East 5229. For screen work phone East 3772, We do il now. Secondhand Goods. we oay you the right prices for cast-off W5."K.i 28 North 6th. Main 7895. WfstbDrice pa d for second-hand clothing. frnPture. tools. Marshall 2354 wo- nav the highest prices for second-hand WE pay " '! "... 'Main 7608. B30 5th. clotnins " . ; " ui...,.-,... Bank and Show Fixtures thc I UTKE lira. CO., branch Grand Rap THis Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke. manager. , h H B1RDSALL, 20S Hamilton bldg. Show case, in stock, prompt delivery. r.ale rent M. Winter tu.... nriHTI AND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO. PORTLAND cabinet work. J 'D - "i" ARiHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new "trsecond-band. Main 2703. Cabinet work. steamships. thf ALLEN LINE Royal Mall steamers; Montreal? Liverpool. Clasgow. Montreal - Havre Plymouth. London; the picturesque 5 lAwrencs route; four uays on ths ocean; three days in river and gulf; eplen 2fS iw turbine steamers: saloon, second Sibm "nd third class: superior -ne-class oabin service; cuisine unexcelled; courteous attention: send for circulars, ates. plans, etc Allan Co.. 127 N. Dearborn u. Chicago. Storage and Transfer. - TdicK Transfer 4 Slorage Co.. offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse. ? karate iron rooms and fireproof vaults Vot v'uaMes; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta ; r,?Inos and furniture moved -nd packed fi .hlDPing; special rates made on goods fnrourPtPhroKugh car. to all domestic and rnrelgn points. Main 596. A 96 OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. General transferring and storage, safes, utanos and furniture moved and packed lov Shipment. 87-89 Front St. lelephon. Main an iT, TRANSFER CO.." established 1870. Trailer and forwarding agents. Oftics. inS storage 474 Gllsan St., corner 13th and ""ones Main 69, A 1169. Typewriters. X15 TO $65 will buy a REBUILT TIPE-'WRITER- rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose "from at Gill's. 3d and Tiue terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representaliv. siain 8500 or P9"' we are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate: all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex- change. 351 H Washington at. tw-c-w rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. P. C. Co.. 21 Stark. M. 1407. Veterinary Schools and Coll-gee. L F VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 16.' No prof.-ssion offers equal rtuoity. Catalogue fre. C. Keane. Pres.. 1818 Mar- Ket St.. nan r 1 n.- Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phone Main 1346 or wriia A. West. 182 Morrison st.