Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 25, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Harrington Confesses He Was
"Stool" for -Special
Witness for Prosecution Branded as
"Traitor of Worst Kind" De
fense Asks for Records of
Alleged Conversation.
LOS ANGELES, June 24. Oscar
Lawler, special Government prosecutor
In the so-called dynamite conspiracy
case, was the man who arranged for
the alleged "trapping" of Clarence S.
-Darrow, by means of a secret tele
phonic device. Bo testified John R.
Harrington on cross-examination by
the defense today In the Darrow jury
bribery trial.
Harrington testified that It was at
the behest of LajFler made In Chicago
that he came to Los Angeles for the
purpose of leading his ex-employer and
assistant In the McNamara defense Into
the trap laid bv Lawler and Detective
Foster of the National Erectors' asso
The brief session today abounded In
sensational incidents, one of which was
a bitter denunciation of the witness by
Chief Coifhsel Rogers for the defense.
He branded Harrington as a "traitor
of the worst kind.
Tumult Ttrarrrmm Reply.
Harrington half arose from his chair
and tried to reply but his voice could
not be heard above the ensuing tumult.
The course of the defense in delving
Into the evidence said to have been
obtained through a telephonic device.
especially as the prosecution nao. re
fralned from introducing it, caused sur.
prise. That it was a shrewd move was
apparent when, after pursuing that line
of questioning for a brief time. Rogers
had the prosecution fighting to pre
vent the introduction of the transcript
of the conversations between Hairing
ton and Darrow.
The defense demanded the typewrit
ten record of the conversations on the
ground that the District Attorney had
shown the transcript to Harrington.
Arguments will be made by the defense
tomorrow to support tne contention
that the evidence desired be rnr
"Stool" Coached by Crnwler.
The District Attorney's reason for
tint Intrndiicfne- the record of the ai
leged incriminating conversations be
tween Darrow and Harrington was
intimidated by the latter when he said:
"It was unintelligible."
Harrington said repeatedly that he
had acceded to the request of Lawler to
hold the conversations with Darrow for
the purpose of clearing his own repu
tation. Lawler, he said, had told him
what to say to Darrow In the hotel
room adjoining which was another
room occupied by shorthand reporters.
On four or five different occasions,
the witness said, he had Darrow In
his room. Each time he would notify
Lawler and then telephone to Darrow
to come to his room.
District Attorney Says He Did "ol
Get Notice of Hearing.
SALEM, Or- June 24. (Special.)
District Attorney Vongue. of the fifth
judicial district, has made objection to
, the Supreme Court that the old Clatsop
County tax cases were argued before
that court without his appearance for
Clatsop County. Approximately $5000
In state taxes, it is alleged, were un
paid by that county to the state and
action was brought by the state for
their recovery. The case was heard
in the lower court and appealed.
District Attorney Tongue asserts the
Attorney-General gave him no notice
that the case was to be heard, that
he thought the appeal had been dropped
and that he received no copies of briefs
or abstracts or other documents. On
the other band, the Attorney-General
says these documents were forwarded
both to Mr. Tongue and to Mr. Brown
ell, who was assisting on the case.
He also says he probably will be will
ing to allow an extension of time for
Mr. Tongue to file briefs now If he
desires to do so.
Clackamas Heights Baby Attacked
While Asleep.
OREGON CITY. Or.. June 24. (Spe
cial.) Basil, the four-year-old son of
Otto Meindl. of Clackamas Heights, a
suburg of Oregon City, was seriously
bitten by a large rat today. The boy
went to sleep shortly after noon and
bout 3 o'clock his mother, who was
at work in the kitchen, was attracted
by screams. She rushed Into the bed
room and found her son trying to fight
off the animal. Mrs. Meindl seized
a broom and struck at the rodent, but
it escaped.
The boy's left band was badly lacer
ated, and the rat had eaten a large
. hole under the lad's left eye. Some
time ago many of the dogs In the su
burb were poisoned, and since then it
has become Infested with rats. Many
chickens and other fowls have been
victims of the animals.
KING LOOKS F0R $1,000,000
Big Bond Issue Planned to Con
struct County Building.
SEATTLE. Wash, June 24. (Spe
cial.) A conference between city and
county officials today resulted in a vote
to submit, if possible, at the primary
election September 10. a county bond
issue approximately of $1,000,000 for
the erection of an eight-story joint city
and county building on the county
property bounded by Third and Fourth
avenues, James and Jefferson streets,
upon a portion of which the, Coliseum
r If the exact plans for the building
and every other detail of its construc
tion that affects the cost has not been
worked out in tleke for advertising the
bond issue for the legal time the proj
ect. U was agreed, will be submitted
at a special election.
Difficult Part of Electric Line Is
Now Being Finished.
JUNCTION CITY. Or, June 24. (Spe
cial l Tif mammoth steam shovel la
i . , . h.OT ntjt and
tills In grading for the Oregon Electric
Railroad between Junction City and tne
Willamette River. This Is the most
difficult stretch of construction of tne
. . , , i rnftrf crosses
electric i "a", . --
the flood lands of the Willamette Kl'er.
There has been some aew
Ins; the first two water-tight compart
. . .u- th five-span
menu i'" mo h1 -
steel bridge across the Willamette
River. Gravel has oeen
the compartments as fast as the steam
, , i i .hitt tfi excavate, in
snovei uo ....... -
order to rush this work machinery has
now arrived on tne grouuo -"
the other piers by means of airtight
. . - v. rrftvAl beins: re-
moved and the compartments being
lowered by means ai men --
side- the airtight compartments below
the level of the river water. These men
will work under air pressure, which
will keep the water irum -the
working chamber as the compart
ment is lowered. .
Falsework.has been completed across
.. , A.. h. nlortric trains will
be able to cross the river as soon as the
Robert Mlnton.
Salem. Or.. June 24. (Special.)
Robert Mlnton. of Salem, Or,
has been elected to manage the
6tate High School track and fiold
meet, held under the auspices of
Willamette University next
Spring. The manager-elect is a
graduate of the Salem High
School and Is considered one of
the best business managers
among the Willamette students.
The next meet will cover, for
the preliminaries and finals, a
period of two days, these dates
being May 24 and 25. A State
High School oratorical contest
will be held In conjunction with
the field day.
track la laid and will notbe delayed
until the completion of the steel bridge.
Citizens Plan Big Summer Season,
Despite Temporary Structures
Raised After Blaze.
SEASIDE, Or.. June 24. (Special.)
After having passed safely through a
general conflagration from which few
towns have so completely recovered,
Seaside has thoroughly re-established
herself upon ths same basis occupied
before the fire. Her chief asset, that
of being the principal Summer resort
of the Northwest, has not been in the
least hampered or diminished by her
recent misfortune, and witn tne com
plete rebuilding of the town, her citi
zens are ready to boast that there will
be a greater measure of activity and
prosperity now than ever before.
With plans for making Seaside the
Atlantic City of the Pacific Coast, mer
chants have joined forces and shown
an enterprise not to be surpassed In
erasing all the ill effects of the fire,
and building a new town, with an eye
to the future as well as to the pres
ent. The new reservoir for which the
plans had been completed prior to the
fire, will soon be under construction
and new mains laid, bringing pure
mountain water into the city in un
limited quantities.
Surveyors have completed the work
of reconstructing the streets, so there
will be broad avenues here where
there were before only narrow lanes
and alleys. The Commercial Club, the
principal boosting organization, far
from being disrupted by the confusion
following the fire, will take up the
work of boosting, it now being felt
that there is a town here that can be
boasted of all over the state.
The new Harriman road into tnis city
which was for so long only a matter
of conjecture. i3 now no longer a ru
mor, every day developing some added
detail to the Harriman plan for con
structing the road.
The fruit of the last four weeks-
labor by Seasiders is already being
gathered, tne town now oemg ine Dest
nutronized Summer resort along the
Coast. It has been thoroughly proved
to tourists and temporary residents
here that accommodations are to be
hail at the same prices as in the large
cities, a fact which alone contributes
in a large measure to tne activity in
business here.
Mrs. Delia Olds, Who Killed Hus
band, Gets Freedom on Bail.
SPOKANE. June 24. Mrs. Delia Olds,
irh .hot and killed her husband. Dr.
William H. Olds. May 28. collapsed
twice today when placed on trial for
murder in the first degree. She be
came hysterical when, the rifle with
which she shot her husband was
brought into the courtroom and again
when examined by Judge Hlnkle as to
jthe state of her health.
Her attorney asked that sue be re
leased on ball as he feared that con
finement during the trial would prove
fatal to her. She was released on
$5000 bail until the trial Is over.
Pioneer's Funeral Today.
VANCOUVER, Wash, June 24.
(Special.) The funeral of Peter Strrk
er, who settled In Clark County in
1172. and who died at his home here
yesterday, will be held from St. Jo
seph's Catholic Church at 9 o'clock to
morrow morning. Rev. Father Felix
Verwilghen will conduct the services.
Mr. 8tryker was born in Switzerland
67 years ago. A year after coming to
this county he went back to the old
country and married Miss Hedwig
Wachter. who survlces him. In 1901
he came to Vancouver from his farm
at Brush Prairie, and established the
Vancouver Soda Works, which is now
owned by J. P. Wineberg. Besides the
wife, two daughters. Mrs. Harry Stamp,
of Portland, and Mrs. D. E. Reefe, of
this city, survive.
i 1 v -J
Judge Galloway Decides Big
Referendum Action in Eu
gene's Favor.
Possibility That Some Agreement
May Be Reached Between Offi
cials Which May Halt Move
to Supreme Court.
Although, as predicted in The Ore-
nlan today, juage w""""'
down his decision this afternoon in the
University of Oregon referendum cases
in favor of the university, and the de
cision presents a peculiar tangle when
taken in the light of Governor Wests
desire to have the cases withdrawn,
there seems to be a possible oppor
tunity of the Governor's wishes being
Charles L. McNary. who is acting for
District Attorney McNary. has not re
ceived the letter from Governor West
asking for withdrawal of the cases, al
though the letter is somewhere in the
Attorney-General Crawford said to
day, for the defense, that he would be
willing to meet any overtures to with
draw the cases, although the plaintiff
has won and the case is now on appeal,
notice of appeal having been served to
day in open court.
Case Likely Withdrawn.
It is possible, under these conditions,
that some agreement may be reached
between Mr. McNary and the Attorney
General's office which will result in the
entire matter being withdrawn before
it ever reaches the Supreme Court.
Mr. McNary said he was ready to
assume the attitude, as predicted, that
he would withdraw the cases on the
request of the Governor, but the Gov
ernor's request has not so far reached
him, but he will now be ready tp make
.......hi. i.rum.nt tnnrlM wittl-
3 itiHuiiBuH r - "
drawing them, even though judgment
nas oeen given in ine iu w u.u
In holding with the plamtiff in the
referendum cases for a second time.
Judge Galloway declared that he be
lieves the principle is greater than the
university, greater than any appropria
tions which may come under consid
eration and that , the Supreme Court
should go into the questions which are
Involved for the benefit of the people
of Oregon.
Fraud Is Big Question.
He declared that it should be de
termined whether a large number of
fraudulent circulators can nullify peti
tions of this character when there are
a sufficient number of signers to the
petitions otherwise to make It valid.
Judge Galloway decided that the
District Attorney Is the proper law of
ficer to bring such a suit for the
state. He stated that after receiving
and hearing the additional testimony
which was offered in Portland he was
more than ever convinced of the cor
rectness of his former decision, which
was In favor of the university and per.
manently enjoined the Secretary of
State from placing the referendum on
the ballot.
The State University is of slight
importance compared to the importance
of the principles involved, however,"
he declared.
"The questions that have arisen in
this case, as they apply to the initiative-
and referendum laws should be
decided by the Supreme Court. Wheth
er or not the Portland circulators
could by perjury and forgery of some
innn n . - v,,111fv all nf thA Ufllld
names, is a question which should be
passed upon oy mat court.
"As I formerly stated in the pre-
. nnlntnn tlipm la, nO mlARtiOTI fl i
to the validity of the signatures out
side of tne names wnicn were express
ly admitted to be fraudulent."
Construction of Salem Temple Is
Well Under Way.
SALEM. Or, June 24. (Special.)
The cornerstone of one of the finest
Masonic Temples on the Pacific Coast
was laid here today with George 1.
Burnett, grand master, in charge of
the ceremonUs. Of pecul'ar signifi
cance to Salect Masons was this cor
nerstone laying, as It was also tne
0th anniversary of the Installation of
officers of Siera Lodge No. 4.
The state officers present were Jus
tice George H. Burnett, of the Supreme
Court and grand master: Railroad Com
missioner Frank J. Miller, Junior grand
warden, and R. O. Thomas, sword
The building will cost -$100,000 when
completed. The office part of the
building will De ready oeptemDer i.
but it will probably be November 1
before the Masons will be able to take
possession of the upper two floors.
Besides tne state oincers i&King part
in the ceremonies of the cornerstone
laying, the following acting officers
participated: . J. C. jaoreiana, aeputy
grand master; H. B. Thielsen, senior
grand warden: D. J. Fry. grand treas
urer; Lot L. Pearce. grand secretary;
D. P. Mason, grand chaplain; A. H.
Steiner, grand senior deacon; A. L.
Fraser. grand senior deacon: E. M.
Croisan, grand Junior deacon; J. M.
Watson, grand Junior deacon; L. C.
Marshall, grand senior steward: E. S.
Borget, grand junior steward: M. L.
Meyers, grand marshal; Henry Sc-ho-maker,
grand tiler
Volcanic Eruptions Fail to Impair
Industry, Says Writer.
ASTORIA. Or, June 24. (Special.)
H. M. Lorntssn received a letter this
morning from Secretary Hyland. of the
Alaska Fishermen's Union, at San
Francisco, in which the writer said:
"I am glad that I can report through
the office of the Alaska Packers' As
sociation that the volcanic eruptions
will in the opinion of the officers of
the association have no effect on the
"The various fishing grounds are O.
K. The letters which I have received
from Behring Sea say they are hav
ing an unusually early and warm
Spring. All the vessels arrived early
and the men are expecting a good sea
Horticulturist Quarnberg Prizes
Flno California Product.
VANCOUVER. Wash, June 24. (Spe
cial.) A fig tree, loaded with green
figs, which are growing rapidly. U,
owned by A, A. Quarnberg) Dlstricg
Horticultural Inspector, at his home on
1VSUU1U.U , " " ' '
secured in California, IS years ago, was
frozen down by tne unusual nara win
ter of three years ago. and it started
x- ttiA mntu nff-Ain One
little branch, less than a foot in length.
has eight ngs aoout na.ii 6"""".
it. ' ....
The fruit ripens m August, ana is
said by Mr. Quarenberg, to be as luci
ous and good as that grown in Cali
fornia. '
Slate Convention on Historical
Campground at Turner.
TURNER. Or., June 24. (Special.)
The annual convention of the Oregon
Christian churches is now in session
at their historical campground here
with an unusually large attendance.
The report of the corresponding secre
tary, C. F. Swander, shows that the
church has had one of the most fruit
ful years in the history of the Oregon
work. The receipts for missionary
work in the state were $7419.47, and
18 missionaries have been employed all
or a part of the time during the year,
serving S099 days. There have been
2698 additions to the church, which
brings the present membership to
20.000. New churches organized, ten:
bulldlngB erected. 15.
E. R. Moon, missionary to Bolenge.
Africa, but now enjoying a year's fur
lough In the home land, was elected
presiding officer of the sessions of the
convention. '
Three years ago this convention built
a steamer, appropriately' named the
"Oregon," for the use of the mission
aries on the Congo. The report which
Mr. Moon brings regarding the service
this boat renders the missionary forces
laboring in the heart of darkest Africa
is most cheering to those who had a
part in the building of the "Oregon."
Sensational Mine Strike Made.
NEW PINE CREEK, Or., June 24.
(Special.) Fred Schrott and R. I
Wade, operating the Lucky Dutchman
lease on the Sunshine, nave made a sen
In the Name of Your
Home District
Ask a man in Cleveland, Ohio, "Where do
you live?" ;
Let him answer, "Oh Euclid Avenue."
.Your immediate conclusion is, "Well, that fel
low is a man of means. He amounts to some
thing:. He lives in the bon ton district"
Ask a man in Chicago, "Where do you live?"
Let him answer, "In
That doesn't mean anything:. v Hyde Park has
as many shacks as it has mansions.
So, in Portland, if I say "I live on Portland
Heights, in Irving-ton, in this section or that
section" that doesn't mean what it once did.
But let a man say, "I live in Westover Terraces."
That settles it. There is only one Westover
Terraces. There can never be another. No
Westover Terraces No. 2; no Addition to
Westover Terraces; no imitation of Westover
Terraces topographically impossible.
Westover Terraces is designed for the par
ticular family. Its magnificent layout, its
beautifully contoured streets, its superior im
provements, its commanding location, its easy
accessibility, its distinctiveness that's it
distinctiveness places it so far ahead of any
other past,, present or future effort to establish
a neighborhood of class that Westover Ter
races is beyond comparison.
In Block 9 there are a few opportunities remain
ing for yours to become one of the SIX FINEST
Why not settle it today?
1 1
1 J hi
N. CLARK, Selling Agent, 818-23 Spalding
Phone Me Personally Main 2113 or A 7617
sational strike. Within three days
after receiving the lease these enter
prising leasers have uncovered an
eight-foot ledge that pans bonanza gold
and assays $352.88 per ton at the sur
face. This strike has more than vindi
cated all the claims that have been
made for high grade. It has crystalized
confidence in the intrinsic merit of the
district. Captain Evans, of Portland,
who has taken a lease and bond on the
Del Floy here, visited the scene of the
strike and examined the property at
the request of the leasers. He says he
found a well defined vein in place from
which he panned several pieces of rock
getting surprising returns.
Portland Firms Incorporate.
SALEM. Or, June 24. (Special.)
Several large corporations filed articles
with the Secretary of State today.
Among these are the Swiss-American
Milk Products Company, of Portland,
capitalization $500,000; Sheridan Timber
Company, Sheridan, capitalization $150,
000; Film Supply Company. Portland,
capitalization $80,000, and the Harbalt
Wilson Company. Portland, capitaliza
tion $50,000.
. . .
Women fake more
pains making a
gift box look prethj
than many men '
do In making
themselves look
Men's Clothes Shop
U9 Sixth St.
Hyde Park.'
WW J : liHtill Hi
. TO
Cascade Locks .
, Bridal Veil
Hood River
and Many Otherv Points
leaves Portland Union Depot 9 A. M.; returning,
leaves Hood River 5:30 P. M., arriving Portland 8:30
P. M.,- thus giving a full day of pleasure.
For particulars apply to
N . City Ticket Office
How Will You Spend