Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 25, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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ar m-rrru Al I HELP WANTED FEMALE. I SITUATION WOTED I sa.-.. I ., AM,m is. HMMkmllni Roonil.
IUDB OI lfll'I
Office Secretary Employment Department,
T. M. C. A.
Young man. stranger, out or wors j
his total cash asset) If I pay you $5
lrecii empiux mua i... ........ ... - " '
Have only $15 left between me and starva-
' Mo"- ..aerial
employment membership, you win
me i . m- ( a., wiin i .
tween you ana iirvu. i,b-
Result: nouns man juhitu. -"-'--"In
lea than a week be bad satisfactory
employment. t . ..
Record for four months ending April
csns for men ........
rosiuom xiuaaa
Employment memberthlp gusrantees
member will aecure employment or reiuiio
of memoersnip tee: lira iwo
membership privilege. 10 months social
privileges aaxia un ....,... . .. r -
employed during the full term of mem
bership Wlinout lurtner ciiiaa . .
We have constant demand for high
grade, esperlenced men. Are you fitted
for a better position ,
See secretary employment department.
High-class salesman. Ton can
make from 300 to 1500 month.
See- Barnard.
407 Teon Bide- "
9 . , .
EVERY man on our sales force is making
ei a fMi ier month, and we
want -you if you are the kind that Is not
afraid of work. We can hw
proposition that sells, furnish1 you with
leads, and are large enough to take care
of those who make good. K Interested,
call between B and 12 at 703 Spalding bldg.
Ask for Sales Manager. Bay City Land
Cook. S12 per week, and counter girl.
sg.rto iu per wee.
Waitresses. $20 and $25.
Housekeeper (out of city).
fare ad'
Housekeeper (city). $20.
Second girls. $15 to 30.
Laundry girls. $1.50 to $L7S per day
Girls for general housework. $15 to $30.
Ladles" Dept.. a05H Morrison St.
GIRLS to work In factory.
Must be 18 or over.
ith and Davis Sts.
HOTEL cook. $45 and $40; boarding-house.
$40; 2 chambermaids. 26: 3 waitresses
Tout of city). $40; second girl. $30: kitch
en help $6 week; general housework. (Sea
side $35. Hansen's Employment Office.
34o tfc v asnuigta,u pa-.
LADIES, don't be wasting your efforts try
inc to sell articles that people don't want,
my absolutely new home necessities se
at low prices, net you $J to $4 day. Call
mornings. 10 to 11. 384 College, cor, W.
Parte. .
STENOGRAPHER wanted, rapid Bh?,f':
hand and dictation straight to machine,
experienced In law and public work; none
other need apply. Call after 4:30. 223
Henry oiag
WANTED If you are a lady of good ap
pearance and are willing to work we can
furnish you with a pleasant and Prom
able position. No Bone Corset Co.. 507
Northwest bldg- 6th sna wasn.
50 yOUNQ ladles wanted between age IS
arid M. for Thursday: good pay. good
time. Call 514 Couch bldg.. between 8 and
T" M and 5 and 6 P. M.. Tuesday and
TEACHERS of good PrsonsJity desiring ed
ucatlonal Summer work out of town, tele
phone Woodlawn 1313 between 10 and i
today only.
Apply Standard Factory No. 1
Grand Ave. and East Taylor St.
WANTED First-class cook; references re
qJlriaTaTso nurse for two children aged
Su and 2 years. Write and send references
for Inquiry to Mrs. Samuel Elmore. 14th
sna tirana ave., flLuun. v..
WANTED Body ironer on coata and sleeves,
also girls to work on shirt machine. U.
S. Laundry Co.. Grand ave. and East
GIRL or woman for cook and asst. in gen
eral housework, one willing to go to coast
4M Harrison, bet, 14th and 15th. Phone
Main Zciso.
SOLICITORS Would you like to take orders
for the rarest goods on the market? Big
demand and no competition: no experience
THE COTERIE General and Domestic Serv
. Ice Bureau, room 808 Central bldg.. en
oeavori to render the best of servlcs to
its patrona Main 7687.
WANTED A good competent girl for cook
ing snd general housework; no washing;
good wages. 4J6 Myrtle St., Portland
Heights. Phone A 7684.
THOROUGHLY experienced ladies and
men's pressors; steady work, good wages.
(all ai me
WANTED Two lady canvassers at once;
i ..,.i,i uinrf naid. K.en-
sen ary --.
yon. ,207 South Jersey St.. St.
EXPERIENCED family cooks. $40: second
Erris. 30;.g.n.r.l V40. SL Louis
Agency. 30 M o.
WANTED Two good German women to do
cleaning by day. Call at Calumet Annex.
145H 7th St.
GIRL wanted for housework, no cooking. 4
adults in family. 667 Hoyt. Telephone
Main 4034. ;
COMPETENT salesladies thoroughly expe
rienced in trimmings and laces. Roberts
Brot. "
WANTED Competent cook who will do
laundry: first-class place for first-class
girl. 1015 Qulmby; take "W car to 29th.
FIRST class family cook for small family
f where second girl is kept. $40.00. refer
ence requireo. rnona nru-i-.'jv
GIRL to do housework in small family.
733 E. Couch St.
WAITRESS for short hours: must be ex
perienced. Apply ai tea room. Olds, wort-
man e jvu'b.
COOKS. $35 to $85. waitresses $25, famll
help $25 up. city and country. Howe s
Agency, sy iv
GIRL" for cooking and general housework,
to go to Seaside. Inquire 3.4 E. 12th N.
take u car.
WANTED girl for laundry work.
, : V TV, tP
1 toy launurj.
WANTED A woman for general house
work'. Apply 103i Pacific. Laurelhurst.
Phone East wjo.
COMPETENT nurse girl: must know how
to mend, of good reference; good wagea
App:y r- -nit ...
EXPERT chocolato
dlpper wanted. 474
wasnicgron i-
WANTED--Two salesladies to assist In shoe
store, lot it bv
GIRL to tend shooting gallery to go north;
'.C, v.- fp Madison Hotel, room 133.
WANTED Young girl for Japanese pool-
. - ..t, r-oll oftmr ft A. M
room, r" j-
GOOD wages to good girl for general house-
wora. i-t i"'
COOK Private family in country. Call
, . m n.ihnm, ave.
Tnornings. quo 1
w a VTFD Girl for general housework, $25
" 1 r'Vi.L. i-....,, Wnorilawn 1778.
monm. r-nuup , .v.j.
WANTED Good girl for Kenrral
work, in 7 c. ami.
COMPETENT second girl for small family.
rail lioo aim,
WANTED Girl for general housework; good
wasres. Apply pt-
WANTED A marker and distributer. Inter
;,mni Laundry. E. 6th and Oak.
WANTED Lady preaser on ladles' clothes.
4-1 15roaawy,
GOOD girl wanted for housekeeping: family
or 4.
WANTED Girls for assorting cherries. Ap
ply liX Madison St. A. Rupert Co.
HELP WANTED Union Laundry Co.. Bsc-
ond ano i-n-
NEAT, clesn girl. 3Jnfamily. Main 1187.
r-r.-K 3' N. 24th. Main
I WANT waitress: good wages. 93 Russell at.
AN experienced" barber. Woodlaw 1M4.,
WANTED Competent nurse, middls-sged.
to take care of small child. ' Apply Lieu
tenant Naur. Vanoouver Barracks. Phone
81, Vancouver. )
cdc-t aT3cTj - TPer. FREE.
Wanted, apprentices. Sanitary BU!J
X'ariors; regutar cnars", - ---
ueKum oiag.
WANTED Experienced young lady sten
ographer: must be quick and accurate,
permanent position: give telephone num-
arwr. 119 iicvih"
. . ...... r- - . a. ,Trxrrw
845 M Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstaira.
Phone Main 2892.
COMPETENT girl to cook and assist with
nouseworx; small xanaua, s"vw wa
App'y 735 Kearney at.
work, willing to go to beach. Apply 5i4
c. Morrison.
flnnn .1,1 vantMl fnr areneral housework
must be good cook; good wages; im.ll
' family. 1025 Kaieign. west ox
AMBITIOUS, energetic woman, over 25, for
posit ion wit n wnoiesaie nouse; opci nn-u
no. rsquirta. ax j.o, ureBnuiMi.
must be a good oook. In smsll family, west
BlQe. xSearney Birnct, ajuv,..
Washington ' bldg.. 270 U Washington i H,
ucar an.i. r o-.v .
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 009 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced infant's nurse. Ca!l
mornings. 34a iv. a sa.
GOOD plain cook; other help kept.' 8i:5
WAIST helpers and apprentice girls. Tees-
oaie. oa'U tfiarquaiii uma.
WAITRESS wanted to go north: fare paid.
KOOm ZVtt, tinioa xxoiaM
WANTED Cashier. Apply Casy Theater,
corner r ira aanaa jaaui c.o.
CHAMBERMAID wanted. Alder Hotel.
sni.tPtTfiR avainratri at once: aood. reliable
party: also preaser. Multnoman ucsuiuk
& tye works. a a su m. xa-av,. o
MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemen
on nearby railroads; $80 to $100 monthly,
promotion, engineer, conductor; experience
.unnecessary; no strike; age 1S-8S. Rail
road employing headquarters; over boot
s men sent to positions on lOoO ofnclal calla
State age. Address Railway Association,
MEN and women to learn the barber trade
In eight weeks; special inaucamauui, a--centase
paid while learning; tools free;
expert Instructors; 17 years In the busi
ness; 7 schools: a lifetime membership
given to each student. Moler Barber Col-
1 ege. 35 IN. rouna St.. roruanu.
MOVING picture operating, full practical
. . ,k .). a,1 var
course wugui aaa iiioio. -j
of learning It right; secure positions;
price reasonable. Terms. 404 Rothcnild
Dlag.. 4tn ana wasniiilia'ni a'.a-
RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare now. ex
cellent aviaries iiaa ; . -
offs. sure pay; free book. Call today, pa-
ciflc states &cnooi. jnctvay uius-. -
MAKE money writing shoit stories, or for
papers; big pay; tree ouuawi " - -
United frees bynatcato. pan jxm.w.
WANTED Picture play writers; big pay:
we 11 teacn you. x-auaua '
San Fraficlsco.
ELITE PRIVATE Business College, 842
Hamilton blag. jaar. a-an. upm i
SHORTHAND, typewriting school. 269 14th
St. Main 3o- J-xpert instrucamii. w
schools and teacners. iu pwetiana oiu.
GIRLS, learn beauty parlor work; reduced
rates tnis montn. oxo npiamim w.w,.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
ARB YOU in need of a competent account
ant, one with initiative, capsDie oi ua.
ing himself to different business and sys
tematizing if necessary? Nine years ex
perience, mostly In wholesale and bank
ing; age 29. married, present neat ap
pearance: am active and can handle a
volume of work; Al references: I am Just
from Eaat and will accept moderate sal
ary at start. D 174. oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and accountant
wisnes permanent pusiwuw, Bo " -
years' experience: salary $100 monthly.
rnons r. un l t-ao,
up dooks. prepare otuawuca im
ments. Install systema Gllllngham, au-
BOOKKEEPING, collecting or office work
by renaoie party, saain loai. axv
WANTED General office work by experl-
encea young ma-u. i!ir., o.wwv.
rerrea. x-none caai vivo.
STENOGRAPHER and clerk, M years' ex
perience ID siisri win.,, .
. , tann , ' . Uniir.n . t
competent ana a me. xJ-t. . .vm...
CAPABLE young woman will do clerical
work for several nours aauy. xx xix. uir
BOOKKEEPING service as required. 1041
Chamber of Commerce, rnone Main i-a-aa.
215 Second St.. Corner Salmon.
Women's Department, 245 Salmon.
All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical male and female help
furnished on short notice; no fee charged.
Phone Main S55S. a otwt.
JAPANESE expert cook wants situation.
city or country, cooaing in ihl-i.m
family; good experiences; many years m
the city or country; have good references.
O 194. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. married, capable. Industrious.
educated, wishes employment at any
thing -between 12 noon and 12 midnight.
F 195. Oregonlan. '
VOUNG man with artificial leg. otherwise
strong and neaitny, wisnes ngni worn,
formerly carpenter; handy around .ma
chinery. AE 175. Oregonlan.
MAN and wife would like to take charge of
rancn. Aaaress j. aa. u.. meniora nuwi,
5th and Gllsan streets, room 12, Portland,
WANTED Position ss editorial and local
writer oy BODer, capauie. prai;in;i au'iL-i
and newspaper man; state salary. Ad-
.,i r . . on A,- OT n,.,nnlin.
O .OH U II L II nunc .
YOUNG man. age 23. teacher by profes
sion, desires employment wnicn win iir
. vide either or both experience and profit.
What have you? N 171. Oregonlan.
STRONG, steady, young man, with second-
grsae teacner s a:exiiiia;ia i, lea,.!,..
ter"s trade, wishes work, office or mechan
ical. G 176. Oregonlan.
AN experienced man. all around hotel cook.
German, aesires position in a uaan notei
or resort. G 173. Oregonlan.
aREGISTERED chauffeur, best of reference:
can do ordinsry repairing. . o. rtooin
son. 883 Yamhill St. Main 462.
WANTED Position as elevator boy. Call
room 24. Hotel Irving, Biz uan st. x-none
Main 4483.
TRAP DRUMMER, experienced, with out-
Ill, aesires picture loeaior 1vbiuuu. r uuna
Marshall 3872.
JAPANESE boy wants 3 or 4 hours' Job
after 4 P. ai., also can cook, ah ton,
SITUATION by good pastry and bread
baker; country preierreo. xa, xoo. ajxe
yonlan. .
YOUNG man. tech. education, wants em
ployment around macninery: snop worn
preferred. AT 174, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE cook wants position in small
ramii. at na, uregonian.
GENERAL housecleaning. Janitor work. Job
nay. hour. Fhone East I3fr9, Tnompson.
WINDOW washing, house-cleaning. floors
waxed and ponsneq. sen wood lizq.
YOUNG man wants position as bellboy.
Phone Marshall
RELIABLE man wants position as collector;
references given. rnone B 24S1.
TO drive delivery wagon; experienced: ref
erences: age 19. an xu. uregonian.
A CAPABLE office man desires position; 15
years' experience. J x7l, uregonian.
GERMAN lady wanta day work. Phone East
CARPENTER work by the day or Job. Call
E. 212. room 50.
BooklxeetM-rs and Htenusjraooers.
YOUNG LADY stenographer desires per
manent fXUBlllUU, ivui J v:cv. a c.micuvc
In stenographic and general office work;
conscientious and earnest worker. AN 16o
A YOUNG lady stenographer, with some ex
perience, wishes position In an office.
Phone Marshall T07, room 4-
YOUNG lady, experienced in bookkeeping
aad stenography, desires position; best
of references furnished. Main 582L
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; .city experience; references; mod
erate salary. Sellwood 858.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; references; Underwood operator. M
174. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, some experience, wishes
bookkeeping, some stenography, reference.
Woodlawn 2643.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes, posi
tion. S 155. Oregonian
LADY desires position as stenographer or
. la doctor s oiiica, uaranaix xoou.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers,
POSITION wanted by experienced lady
sienograpner ana uoiinnwf c nt.
a-KJ ....ia.Hkl. wnApittnA In run, rial n
flee work; references furnished. B 189,
WOMAN having business sense, ability to
. meet people and a knowledge of book-
Keeping wants position iwi u......
months. X 161. Oregonlan.
Dressmakera, r
FIKST-CLASS fitter would liks position In
small town: good references. AN . 16W,
FASHIONABLE dressmaking snd ladles'
tailoring, reasonable prices. 537 Mont
' gomery. Phone Main 1018.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out
sewing by the day. x-none uoiumoia. ouu.
1878 1'ortsmoutn ave. -
SEWING done In families by the day. Phone
Main 3985, A 5846. Apt. 104.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants day work.
$2 to $2.50. AO 168, oregonlan.
DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring. $3 by
tne cay. laoor 4a.
DRESSMAKER wishes engagements. $3 a
day: best of ryerencee. Main rfii4.
MIDDLE aged woman with 7-year-old girl
wants to go out on ranch as cook or house
keeper. Wages $20. Main 1665 or K 167
WANTED Housekeeping in gentleman's
1 1 U a fa,.hll 3!1.1
mornings. "
EXPERIENCED girl desires care of children
or Invalid. Main 2039. A 47(6.
GERMAN girl, can't speak English, experi
enced In general housework, desires po
sition. B 181. Oregonlan
2 YOUNG ladles wish place In private fam
ily, one for cooking, one for second worK.
Call 667 Overton st. '
EXPERIENCED woman desiring steady em
pioyment ior one jrar, i.iaui, v. -lng
two. dollars a day or better, wants
place aw took. i o oojiacaiun w
lnlandocalltles. Woman employer pre
ferred. Ten days required for answer.
a v oua, urcB"H"-
YOUNG lady attending school wishes place
. In refined home to stfty with lady even
ings for room and board. Phone East 4485
Tuesday or Wednesday after 8 P. M., or
write 404 Fremont st.
YOUNG ladv of refinement with knowl
edge of laboratory work and experienced
as assistant desires a position in doc
tor's office where she will receive more
laboratory training, a ma. uregonmu.
WIDOW with boy 16 would like position as
camp cook, boy as neiper. a.i xuo,
FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes shirtwaists
ana nno lingerie to ue uuuo - --
areas e, 1 1 X. ara.-aaria
YOUNG LADY desires to go to beach or
country as companion or nurse, no objec
tlon to light house work. F 192 Oregonlan.
GIRL, employed morr.lngs. wishes to work
after 1 o'clock for board, room and some
wagea xj lia, ureguniau.
HOUSEKEEPER, cooks, waitresses, second
girls, CDimoonnawa, . , .
Agency, 263 Alder.Main 039, A4.76.
EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wanU gen
eral housework In private family. Tabor
1904. .. .
TEACHER will tutor backward or defective
children; best of references. H 172. Ore
EXPERIENCED girl wants general house-
i. virl work. 314 N. lith
aavaav 'n---
st.. pnono A1BW.
TRAINED nurse wants office position, doo-
tor or acniun. . m..
LACE curtains washed. stretched, called for,
delivered, nuin arc
EXPERIENCED girl wants upstairs or sec
ond WOrK. X-none aciiww ""
YOUNG lady desires position in dentist's
Office. L 111, ajresoiiiiaai.
YOUNG woman wants work by the day.
.none n-ast tioa
COMPETENT young lady wants day work.
Phone B 1S58. " '
DAY WORK wanted by Per'fnfdT lBUn"
dress, also cleaning. Marshall 46bT.
LACE curtains quickly laundered by experts.
25 CtS. up. Called ior, qenvereu. iui
COLORED woman wants chamber work, ex-
perienced. pnone woouia"" 1 -
RELIABLB woman wants day work, 25c per
nour. x-none jxiaiu
YOUNG woman wants day work; references.
A 1554. 2 pens.
GERMAN woman wants cooking and house
work by tne gay, -o j.
COLORED woman will take washing home.
Phone Main a-:va. o-ao
WOMAN wants day work. Phone E. 687.
WOMAN wants day work. Phone A1S99,
WANTED Women agents to handle pat
ented article that every woman needs: 100
per cent profit. Bells on sight writs
today. Indicator Agency. Douglas, Art-
BY JULY 1 Thoroughly modern 7 or 8-
. - , a..n.n.AW t. ii., V n In fie
room nouw ....i. ...... , .... .
slrable district and In good condition,
'give full Information; garage, with bouse
also aesireq. xa-x xtai, b""'-1-
WANTED To Tent at once, for Summer
montns, rooaern wch-iui ,nia. ...
bungalow of not less than 5 rooms. In
Portland Heights, for adults; references
if desired. Aaaress up an. a;n...
WANTED To rent, at once for Summer
montns, moaern woii-miiiim.u u .
bungalow of not less than 5 rooms, in
Mt. Tabor, for adults; references If de-
Sirea. Aaaress dux hj' . .i,.
SMALL furnished house for Summer by
young married cJ uyic , win - -and
furnish A-l references: expect to pay
small rent. AR 174, Oregonian.
WANT to rent, a furnished or unfurnished
house in trvington or ouua,
gust X, to January 1; small family. X
102, Oregonlan. -
IF YOU wish to rent your house or flat seat
Watson dt x nerKeisen to., iwu-
ing bldg. Main itsz.
BUNGALOW or cottage, on river, south
of PorUand, good view of river, f. P.
Dryden. 781 E Taylor.
WANT to rent 3 or 4 -room furnished cot
ta'aag: modern. D 171. Oregonlan.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms
.... . .. iMotlni, nn ROn-
or Iiat; Baaaio . l . .
.veniences. r xi. irgm-
Rooms With Board.
YOUNG lady wishes board and room in
small family of Christian people where it
will be pleasant and homelike; will assist
evenings and Sundays as part payment;
seldom out evenings: am clean and re
fined; close In preferred; references ex-
GENTLEMAN wants room and boa or
room in quiet private num. -i..-s
tance from Postofflce; state rate. G 15,
YOUNG man "wants home with private fam
ily west of 2Sth. near Ankeny or Sunny
side: unfurnished room preferred. G 174.
HOME for a boy 4 years, well paid by
month. 23314 let st.. the Eveline. Phone
Marshall IWii-
GOOD home for two boys. 8 and 10 years
Ola. AL 1PP. urfsonixii.
Bastness Place.
Centrally located on West Side: fac
tory purposes: 2000 to 3000 square feet ot
floor space. Pacific Art Glass Works, 151
Fajrnlshed Booms.
Those threa beautifully furnished hotels
218 4th Tt.- lHi 4th St. 207 4th ,t
On Fourth St.. running from Taylor J
Salmon st; brand-new bick; elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private bath txoi
, and cold water In all rooms;
to dats in all respects, and t Populsr
prices. If you want something otrt of the
ordinary, in tha heart of tha city, at rea
sonable prloes, give us a call, as w know
you will like It. Rooms by the day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
625 Washington St.
Under New Management.
Large lobby, finished In mahogany, tile
snd marble; ladles' parlor, with elegant
fireplace; free telephone service In rooms
all night and day. electric elevator ,itw
heat, hot and cold water in all room
many with bath. A resideti tial hotel above
reproach. her every effort is made for
the comfort and convenience of Its g uests,
rents ttre most reasonable In tha city,
rooms by the day week or month. Look
this over before locating. Take w car
at Depot, get off at 19th and Washington.
887 Vs Eaat Bumside Street.
Live in this hotel and savs mow on
your room rent. We have 120 modern
rooms. Jingle or en ulte. rooms w'1" fr'"
vate bath: rates 50c to 2 per day. $2 to
sg per weea. cnt unav.
NICE, clean furnished rooms. 25o and up
189 ii 3d st. S-
I l
Grand and Hawthorne Aves.
Fnr rent, the finest corner parlor, bed
room and bath suites in the city; large
rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win
dows, fine view of all the mountains; also
some single rooms; elevator service, tele
phone, hot and oold water, electric light
and steam heat; moderate prloes for de
sirable tenants; eight streetcar lines pass
the building.
The largest and coolest rooms in the
If you are looking for permanent, home
like quarters, be sure and Inspect the Sar
gent before locating. Excellent restaurant
in connection with tha hotel. Phone East
' S. H. CLARK, Proprietor.
131 Eleventh Street.
New. modern brick building: steam
heated: private baths, hot and cold water
in rooms; beautixuijy zurnisnea, cosy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Regular and transient trade solicited.
RIVERVIEW Absolutely the beet East Side
fireproof hotel for travelers as transient
or otherwise; private baths, phones In all
' rooms; elevator service; most beautiful
view of' river and city; good car service.
3d and East Burnside.
unTirr. t.a rxt.t.r. 10th and Burnside sts.
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private baths: steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room; special rates Dy tne mum.,
phone service free. Phone Marshall 4040.
One block from Union Depot; 140 outside
rooms with hot and cold water and steam
heat: offers special rates lor permanent
guests; rates 60c to $2 a day; $3.50 and
Up per wees. J-nuxio ataxia alia.
HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for busl
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms: all modern conveniences: 7th and
Taylor sts., l oiock irom x-ortianu nuiw,
opposite- Helllg Theater.- Phone Main 818.
150 Park St., very central, European snd
American plan; homelike service in din
ing-room at reasonable price; x x,urupwwi,
2 American. Special rates per week.
. - AD i-itr-aa unTcl.
10514 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790.
- In heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone In every
room- 81 day and up: $4 week and up.
390 Morrison fcu
$3 and $3.50 rer week. Neat airy rooms.
Large, pleasant front rooms; easy walk
Ins: distance; all home conveniences; 11
$250 to $4 per week. 328 4th st. Main 556L
SEVERAL choice sleeping rooms, nicely fur
nished, at 167 Stout st., one block south
nf Washington: only 5 minutes' walk from
' down town.
NEWLY furnished rooms, hot and cold wa
ter, phone, bath, $12 to ."15. Main 5435.
505 Jefferson St. '
DO you want a good room in a good loca
tion at a low rater Try Hotel Larrabee.
227 Larrabee su East Side. Esst 849.
LEWISTON HOTEL, 271 H Morrison, cor.
- 4th. large, airy rooms, single and en suite;
transient; permanent rates very reasonable.
. . .. , nAnnmr l Ofrt 11TTJ BT
New.- strictly modern, private baths;
- - r . 1. ,,n U.l. OX70
rnima a.i..i" ...jc. y. ........
Fnrxttslied Rooms In Private Family.
LARGE room, suitable for two; large win
dows opening on beautiful garden; private
home fSocupylng quarter block; very rea
sonable 1SS East 12th South; walking
rT XT' A XT navlv fnmliahAl4 hOllSpkeeDin E TOOIH8,
for 2 girls or man and wife; light and
cooking gas tree; rent very xeaustiiui.
pnone East svo.
TO RENT Private family; walking dis
tance; two nice rooms, suitable for two;
with or wtthont board. Call East S156.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, permanent,
transient; modern flat; phone, all Im
provements. 432 aj, aq St. oomn.
NICELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly;
easy walking distance; phone. 656 Wash
ington. FRONT room, phone, bath, board If de
sired. 721 Hawthorne ave. Fhone East
NEWLY furnished, painted and papered con
necting kitcnen, iree ieiepnons, eiauumuj
and gas, $14 per month. 62j 21st st. N.
Doou i a.,,.,, na. i-n- two aentle-
men In strictly private family, modern,
169 6th. near Morrison.
FRONT room, one gentleman, $2.50 per
week, desirable location, atij xjtu.
NICE furnished room; light, bath; gentle
men: $5.50 montn; u car. ze rargo st.
NICELY furnished room for one or 2 gentle
men, walking distance, m.
PLEASANT front room: nice locality, walk
ing distance: 9 montn. oux xtiast aaimon.
LARGE front room, cool attic room, for 1
or 2 gentlemen. oitf x-ianoers.
NICELY furnished front room for gentle
men. 725 Hawthorne ave. Phone B 226i.
IDEAL rooms in an ideal nomej gentleman.
Phone Main 4411. .
NICELY furnished room, one block off
Wash ington, 19th. 580 Conch.
WILL give children desiring a good home
the best of care. Marshall 4392.
NEATLY furnished bed room, walking dis
tance, $1.75 per week. 431 6th st.
NICEl,Y furnished room for rent; $6 per
month. 67 N. 14th, Davis to Everett sts.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67
N. x4th St.. between Davis and Everett.
TWO nice front rooms, bath - and light.
cheap, close in. it inn st.
IRVINGTON Furnished. 2 connecting
rooms, witn batn. S4 wee, ara
DOWNSTAIRS finely furnished front suite;
all conveniences, gin fliaraet.
LARGE furnished room, walking distanoe.
home privileges. 208 N. 22d. M. 9332.
AIRY room. East Side, walking distance, one
or two gentlemen, geuwooq
TWO attractive well furnished rooms in pri
vate family in xrvmgtun. c. .an.
Unfurnished Booms,
12 LARGE rooms, newly papered. 340
Front; excellent ivcauuu v .
TWO unfurnished rooms, good location, rent
reasonaDie, jux ,aouu im L
Booms With Board.
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE-
HAbU COr. oaii auu ai.ui.uH, 1 , '
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in, near
. i .. i. t n American nlan.
i; 11 1 . -c uiuvaa . ... . v -
w-t-w t i -aa-oc-ta cnM r.X I'niich mt verv de
XX111. UADOUV.'l ' .
siraoie ouiaiuu muui - - .-- . -nlna
water, with or without board, close.
Rooms trim Doaru, uaa "l 'V?ni ' .
brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. WllBon. sup.
THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board,
running water, steaaixa iiww oou "
MANITOU. 261 18th st. Attractive, clean
. V. .. n . a,nrA Knorrt inaa In.
rooms, stcataia aicfc. bwx - -- -
LARGE, airy rooms, inoluding flrst-class
ooara; xac ins ta x - " - "
Booms With Board in Private Family.
If you are looking for a home if a striitly
i i ..ivbi. famlla. In a restricted
residential district, large lawn .trees and
wjthin walking distance .wit! excellent
home cooking. Call at 616 Marshall St..
or pnone a toot.
VERY pleasant rooms, excellent board, in
private nome: 7J '"""""Si
or piano cwbp - """" w ;
BEAUTIFULIr furnished room, only youps
iA smnvr vsrv convtiiiience. Ea.C
NICELY furnUhed front room. auiUbie for
two re ixii ia 4j ii Linuic i , ( j .
modern, up to date. 475 Clay. Main 6621.
LARGE room with board, suitable for two
gentlemen: single oraa,
close in. -j .. - -
PLEASANT room, good board, home com
forts; wanting uiaaaixa,ait T " '- -
East 4-48.
42-4 JEFFERSON, corner of 11th. room
and Doara, pritaiw , - - .-w -
sonaDie; come aim b-j.
GOOD room and board, strictly modern.
only people aax i--'. - " r r -
- 10th st.. phone Main 6979. . ,
TWO one tw'V"!..1... 5 a ifl.iZ
tlon. gooa warning mn""-' ""-
ROOM and board, private Jfmlly. two gen
tlemen. 01 r. -
EXCELLENT room and first-lass board.
OW ajUSan aaa-
loo PLEASANT front room, all new. mod-
r Jrt..-IT, nn 17th. near Everett.
SINGLE and double sleeping rooms. Phone
and batn. sax xam at.
LARGE alcove room, also single room, home
COOkIng, Walking naa-aav. -
ROOM and board for young women; $3 per
aareek. Phone E. 4782.
MODERN room with board. 204 N. 22d. Tel.
A 7'ao
ROOM and good board, reasonable; airy
rooms, nome muuan. txv x.
ROOM and board, with home .privileges. 655
- usHhnll 107K
xveariiary. jh--
GOOD room and board, ;20: walking dls
tance. 10 B. 15th. Phone B 1T91.
TWO PlH,r.Jart1?,..i?ii,5l "d
grounas; exceiipua
ROOMS with or without board. 71J Flan
ders. M. lsf i.
FOR 2 gentlemen, large front room with 1
Single Peas. llIBi-mawaiu. - a-
GOOD home for children 3 years and up
waras. main i'wv, n i,
LADY wishes to board children; very rea
. sonable. Sellwood 402. j
NICE, newly furnished rooms for 3 young
gentlemen, breiaakfast and dinner, large
living-room, piano and all hame privi
leges; prefer people who are musically In-
,l I KlTt -a O IT 1
ciiiiaru. c " 1 . J-.' "
FOR RENT Very desirable large front par
lor room, with first-class home cooking. In
private family, suttable for 1 or 2 parties;
easy walking distance from business cen
ter, inquire ae-w main st
HAVE room for three young men of good
habits and character in house occupied
by gentlemen only. $25 a month covers all
expenses. Box K 87. Oregonlan.
ROOM Every convenience; suitable ,for
two; breakfast and dinner. 130 East 18th
St., near Morrison; walking distance. East
LARGE furnished beautHul front rooms,
running water, every convenience, with
first-class board. Marshall 3058. 275 N.
24th st.
FRONT alcove room for two single beds,
running water, good board. 434 Salmon,
cor. 1'Jth st. '
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with or with
out board: first-class. 475 E. Everett St.,
cor, of 9th.
" Apartments.
NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 26th and
Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments,
$15. $18. $20 and up. This includes steam
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electric
lights, gss ranges, laundry-room, all free:
also 8-room unfurnished apartments, with
private bath. $18; 4 rooms. $20. Take S.
23d or W cars north. Phone Main 8o9.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fur
nished apartments in the Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentals ressonable; every
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden: both phones In all
apartments; high-class service; references
required. Main 2276 and A 1057- -
NOKOMIS Marshall, near 17th st. New
hullding, never been occupied; rates
$20 and up. One unfurnished, $18.
ARDMAY TERRACE, 12th and Harrison
sts Largest 2-room apartments in
the city.
AXiTONIA, Marshall and 19th sts. Large,
airy 2, 3 and 4-room apartments;
quiet and exclusive neighborhood.
730 Hoyt St. .
Large, cool, airy 3-room corner apart
ment, elegantly furnished; porch com
manding fine view; ideal for the Summer;
reefrences requlred!
Lucretia St., Near 23d and Wash.
Unfurnished apartments, from two to
five rooms, all large, light and outside;
large closets, hardwood floors; under new
management. Marshall 1513. Janitor, Mar-
snau ww.
CUMBERLAND Apts.. W. Park and Co
lumbia sts.; very choice 2 and 8-room
furnished snd unfurnished apts., all mod
ern conveniences, beautiful location, fac
ing the park; 6 minutes' walk from bus!.
ness center, best service, prices reasonable.
12th and Harrison; 2, 8 and S rooms,
furnished or unfurnished: latest Improve
ments; best service. Apply on premises.
Two and three-room apartments; large
rooms, large closets; strictly modern, cool
and airy for Summer; reduced- rates.
Phone Main 7755. 695 Lovejoy at. Take
W car.
S OR 4-room apartment with bath, fur
nished or unfurnished. Pacific phone In
each, $32.50 up; outside rooms; splendid
view; convenient arrangement; superb lo
cation: close to Postofflce; best of serv
ice. The Sheffield, 272 7th. cor. Jefferson.
' 670 Couch, one block from Washington,
walking lstance. 8 and 4-room modern
amfnmished aDartments: all modern con
veniences, best of service; under new man
agement: references required. Main 1192.
r A t5A.ttTT.TTA
4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnished
apartments, exceptionally wen arraugeu.
D.I.. PnaaAnahlA
Modern. References. New.
Everett 2. 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished,
private baths; $20 up; completely reno
vated, under new management: walking
distance; convenient and best
2. S and 4-room apts.. strictly modern,
everything new and first-class; $22.50 to
$50. Phone aiarsnaii oov.
Lowest rates In Portland; close in, nice
ly furnished 3-room apts., with private
hath and phone, elevator. Mam 207:1. A
Corner Sd and Hall, newly furnished, 2
anartmanta. buildlne new and strict
ly modern, large outside kitchens, service
firSt-CiaSS, easy waamuig motam...
A NICELY furnished 8-room apt., $22.50; all
,,,.h larsre. llaht. airy rooms; private
phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator,
water heater, laundry trays. large closets.
on carllne. Tabor 2293. B 34x-
. , m . am v-r aPXPTVETTS. cor. Rth and
College; S or 4-room apartments furnished
for housekeeping: private bath, phone and
all modern conveniences; 7 minutes' walk
to P. O.
341 14th st., at Market, new corner
. . . .. ftiTn(Mne,4
for housekeeping: walking distance; prices
1"' vm Information call Main 1739.
. ...i a i.ronm anartmpnla: Holmes
beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er Janitor service. $22.50 to $30. including
lights, private phones. A 3472, Main 1377.
Trie, iv a -'-'- i ........... ...
E- ata ana aiurnouii bi. .- -tciim.,,
I and 3-room apartments, furnished com-
. . V. .. , V. fVnna 'Ml tn !(9 FWi
piete. iiai-
GRAND EST A furnished apartments, Grand
ave. and East Stark. New brick building,
elevator, modern conveniences; close-in
location; best of service; very low rent
5-room apartment, choice residence dis
trict walking distance, every convenience.
21st 'and Flanders sts. Main 75ia
EXCELLENT large 6-room apartment, front,
back and sleeping porches, maid's room;
hot water heat, vacuum cleaning system.
Etovens Apartments. 791 Northrup.
11th arid Hall. 2. 8. 4 rooms, furnished
or unfurnished, modern, hardwood floors.
private na'"1"1 -
THF LEONCE. 186 N. 22d, near Johnson.
New, modern, brick, 2 and 8-room, beau
tifully furnished apartments, all outside
,mr nrlvato bath and phone; f.22.50 up.
THP. MEREDITH. 712 Washington St., 2.
T ft Hi s.""" ',, hnrdwonii floors with
every convenience, newly furnished; cheap
est rent in a""
X ' t a II 11 nauiwu - -
tror rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and
. ... t. Hta-lr-tla, -nnAvn
rVrvsE-FRI END, cor. 7th and Jefferson.
verv desirable unfurnished apartments, all
outside rooms, hardwood floors; refs.
TO responsible people, furnished for July
and August. The Wickersham. Phone
ainturnisneq ay""'
Main ovxo
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and
3-room apts-: private bath and phone;
Summer rates. Main 55. ttOo Jefferson.
THE WINDSOR 3, 3 and 4 rooms; new,
,. .nd homelike; reasonable m-lcea.
ar- ixah and Yamhill.
aui. m .
THE ALAMO. 494 Market sL, furnished and
unfurnished 3-room apts, also single
rooms. BtrlcUt modern, prices $20 to $30.
THE DRICKSjN, 448 11th, nicely furnished
2 and 8-room modern outside apts.. near
uihta. Mrs. F. W. McCune, Marshall 67.
BJELLAND. 16th and Lovejoy Unfurnished
a front! modern, new brick, must be seen
to be appreciated. Main 1867. A 1887.
and private bath, also 8-room apt.; rent
very reaSOnamaa. nunii aaaa.
THE DAYTON Beautiful location. 6 fine
A mama aoartment, norches and everv
ennvenlence. 662 Flanders. Reduced rent.
' . l a.w Vln. nn-a T-,,..l- . . -
THE XVlng-XJaa 'IB, X.l. xcavia, BIB,,
3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; refer
"itub CHELTENHAM. 256 N. 19TH.
2 8 4-room apartments, new, brick
building, new furniture. Marshall 8858.
rlEal.r Li .O. -a A. .aaa. a.i a j.
14th and Columbia su., 2, 3 and A rooxxia.
, j MnI ainf iirnithsafi rnniiaHi
-r-r r-a avT T i D 1 DT TUT C VT a
tUm ISneU , M.s,..s
THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders, 2, 3
On(l SJ-TUVIH --m f - .aa-wata. as UISUDU
or unfurnished. Apply landlady.
a boom apartment, modern, for rent, on
Alberta st. Phone Woodlawn 1572.
vpii-i, Y furnished room in apartment; gen
tleman, call Main 8785 Monday.
ttt-HNISKED 4-room apartment, over phar
macy; suitable for physician. Main 782.
JULIAETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2
rooms. v.,,,. a" w
BRYN MAWR APTS.. 185 E. 15th near Yam-
rilll, line "a . " a.--
LOVEJOY Apta, 17th and Lovejoy. Main
215. Modern 2 and 3-room furnished apt.
3.13 Harrison St. Phone Marshall 3070.
4 and 5 large rooms; modern.
THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St. Main
4299. 2-room. elegantly furnished, $20 up.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments
afrom 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $60 per
.a. tJ . , t.lanliAni
III UUIU. XX j wax aanua . . .
MAIN 2013.
(On Sunday call Mr. Berry. Main lfJ-
Our automobile will call at any address
with our agent who wlU be sTlad to snow
these apartmenta
We own or control the following:
Angela, Washington and Trinity Place.
Cecilia. 22d and Gllsan sts.
Clavpool. 11th and Clay sts.
Fordham. 170 Ford street. . .
Grandesta, Grand ave. and East stars:
Hanthorn, 251 12th st, near Main.
Hanover. 165 King st.. near Washington.
- Kingsbury, 186 Ford st.
Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 11th.
Sheffield. 272 7th St., near Jefferson.
St. Croix. 170 St- Clair st.. near Waslx,
St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sta
Wellington. 15th and Everett sts.
503-503 Ablngton Bldg.
Two-room furnished spartments, pos
sessing every modern convenience; private
telephones, elevator service. .- excellent
closet room, laundry with steam dryer.
Most attractive entrance court in Port
land. . ,
Select clientele provides precisely the
surroundings desired for your family.
Just off Washington st. One two-room
snd one 4-room apt., well furnished, ex
clusive, high-class service, reasonable
Cor. Park and Taylor Sta
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta,
Walking Distanoa,
Furnished complete. 2. S and 4-room
apartments: buildings new and strictly
modern; service flrst-class.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between 19th and 20th streets Just
off Washington; magnificent, exclusive
apartments in heart of apartment-houBa
district; rentals reasonable; every modern
convenience; sleeping porches,- high-class
service; refined clientele; references re
quired In all cases; two beautifully fur
nished apartments available May 1. Mrs.
A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone Mar
ahall 1101.
Most up-to-date management In the
Northwest; every convenience; 4 and o
rooms, all outside sunny rooms; new.
walking distance, 21st and Johnson sts.,
choice residence district; attendant on
premises. Marshall 336a
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta:
tills new -story DUCK aiuaa "
nlshed and unfurnished In 2. 8 and 4-room
suites; reception nan, eiecinu auiviu.i
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice
box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A 1744. Marshall 2961.
18th and Flanders sta.
Beautiful apartments,
6 and 6 rooms.
Call and see them.
rup st., near 21st July 1. unfurnished 5-
room apartment witn oain anu an iia
ern conveniences. Including telephone,
aiaani hent. hot nnd cold water, gas range,
refrigerator, gas, electric light. Janitor
services, etc. Take W. car to 21st and
Northrup. Phones Main 4a is, a ixna.
790 Kast Ankeny.
All newly furnished outside apartments
in brana-new -ouiiauig; biii, iij i... ...
within walking distance. Take East An
keny and Monta villa car at Third and
Morrison, get OIT at S-atn St. x-nouaa a
706 Everett st.
One modern nicely furnished 3-rom
apartment, lots of outside windows. $33.
FOR RENT Five-room flat in large new
brick bldg., for $20 per month; located
Milwaukle and Btemark. Inquire 405
- Washington st.
ELEGANT lower flat, 6 rooms, furnace, gas
range, fireplace, lawn (owner takes care),
garage: adults. 744 Kearney. Inquire 72
xa-earney. j.
5-ROOM flat, 782 Glisan st- New hardwood
floors, fireplace, gas range, water heater,
furnace. $32.50. Keys with Janitor. Cecilia
Apartments. 22d and Gllsan sts.
FOR RENT One new lower flat. 4 rooms
and bath, separate front porch. ' every
modern convenience; 1V4 blocks to Sun
nystde car. E. 2d near Yamhill.
NEW 5-room flat. 7S2 Glisan St., fireplace,
harriaarooit floors, eas ranzo. etc. : very
desirable. Call Main 2015, A 2015. Our
agent witn auto will can ana snow xiaaa.
SIB Modern 4-room flat: porches, base
ment, yard: choice location: adults. 780
Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 426.
FLAT for rent at 450 11th st,, 6 rooms on
second floor and 3 rooms In attic: rent
$30. S. D. Vincent at Co., 816 Chamber of
Commerce. r
ONE 6-room up-to-date upper flat, fire
place, sleeping porch. 620 E. Madison, be
tween 16th and 17th. Phone bast 2c.
FOR RENT 5-room flat, 29V4 Eaat Rth,
J .1 . -1.1.. .41....... van Oft
near xaurnsiuv, n.aiiviiia u,,.it, ...... -
Keys at D. G. Woodward. 204 feecond st.
CORNER East 2d and Multnomah St., Hol
laday Add. ; new. modern 5 and 6-room
flats, close In, near new steel bridge; $25.
IF YOU are looking for a 5-room, nicely
furnished flat, call 483 ft 6th st., corner of
Jackson, on lata street car.
IF YOU can't leave the city for the Sum
mer, rent this 4-room furnished fist for
szo; xortiana neigntxa. pox uaipiiivii -
THE best modern outside 5-room flat, on
East Side. Inquire Flat A, 654 East Alder
or pnone r-ast oxxo.
ELEGANT, modern lower 7-room flat, 17th
and ismnni: rexexeucco xcixu'a cax.
Marshall 8478.
4 AND 5-ROOM fiats for rent, furnished
or unrurnisnea. oe xxtn at- aLaouu
TO RENT Modern 5-room lower flat, corner
x5. ioi n ana dui hb.uo. a.n v-"--
ZrfO or a .a.t.
NOB HILL flat. 7 rooms, fine yard, splen-
, . , u n n Tnhnann st. bet-
am naijiiDuii"Ji"i. , ,a . .
aa ana in. iaianu uugi.
VERY desirable 6-room corner flats; fur
nace, fireplace, hot-water coll. etc. See
them at gag ana xveiariiojf
TWO new four-room flats; gas stove, water
heater and linoleum: walking distance.
SS3 Ross: 817 ind 820. East 4377.
MODERN 7-room flat, 24th St. between
Hoyt and Irving; vacant July 1. Apply at
144 zain st. ra.
15TH AND E. Morrison; 6-room flat, rent
reasonaDie. i-m-maa i-n
MODERN 8-room flat, very reasonable. 765
Marshall st. Phone E- 4767.
TWO new modern 5-room flats with sleep
ing porch. too rrona.
CLOSE-IN, steam-heated flat, good location;
reasonable; aaunp-
FOR RENT Upper six-room flat- 782
joniiBuii bi. -
iraj NEWLY plastered 6-room flat. 887 Vi
v ni.t t. Phone Main 228.
Johnson st. 1'" ' i-"-
4-ROOM flats, one furnished. Phons East
1719, or can ooa .n.o.....
FOR RENT Two fiats, modern, centrally
locatea. inquire c.cip, p..
4-ROOM upper flat. 3 finished rooms In at-
v x.vyw.u . .. , i air..h ax. In sate
tic. near iau mux " v.
MODERN 4-room flat, furnace, rent $18.
n. t . k n 1AI1X
NEW 6-room flat, 101 hi E. 19th, cor. Wash
ington: SJI.O".
MODERN FLAT 6 blocks postofflce. In-
ralh HIT Unhaark nIHsr
quire giiarwii j- . .
5-ROOM modern flat. No. 60S Salmon st.
Key ar ew paimmi.
Housekeeping Booms.
BRIGHT, clean sleeping and housekeeping
rooms, auiuawia au, " r. a," --
family: no objection to one child; rea
sonable rent to respectable PeP'a- In-
qulre at go W t-aajat a- x-umiai .......
1 50 to $3.00 week, clean furnished house-
T . , 1 rr awn f ,11 1 r
Keeping iwma. - -' - ,
free heat, laundry, bath, phone, yard, gaa
... . J n, , 'J Bl.nlnn
4O8 Vancouver etVBJaaixBB aaxiaa w
THE MILNER, 360tj Morrison, cor. Park
Furnlsnea or uniurniBneax nuuBoaaoiiina
apartments: all conveniences; best loca
tion. Summer rates.
THE MONTGOMERY, corner East Morrison
1 , . . n , I I 1 -..1, ,.. n. .I,a.'
ana bin riUUlBliru uvuscanyi -
THE ELMS. 2 and 8-room housekeeping and
Single rooms, aitaupusiaai, o...-.-
HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete
. . , , 1 , T-, V. .. , Yk.',.nlawn 0 Oil 7 a.
Duuaxiusi. . . . " ..
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, eleo
trlc lights, hot water, hath, laundry free:
12 per month up; a clean place, best In
the city- for the money; short dlstsnce
from Union Depot. Take S or 16th-street
cars north, get off at Marshall St. No dogs.
THE UPSHUR, 2th and Upshur sta Fur
nished 2-room apartments. $15 up. Includ
ing steam heat, hot and cold water in
every apartment, public bath, electrlo
lights, gas rsnge, laundry-room, all free.
Take "s." "J3d" or "W" cars north. Phons
Main 859.
'. lth and Couch.
Housekeeping rooms, siucl or en suite,
reasonsbie; also furnished rooms, ons
block from Washington.
CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished, unfur
nished housekeeping rooms, cheap. Room
88. 8d snd Morrison,
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
LARGE, clean front furnished housekeep
ing rooms, good csrpets. linoleum, yard,
porch, everything furnlahed, $17; no ob
jection 1 child: "SS" car. 786 E. Yam-
bin. near zia.
1 LARGE, pleasantly situated front room
and kitchenette; furnished for housekeep
ing; gas range, electric lights, telephone,
bath, hot and cold water free, $4 per
week or $16 per mo. 806 Ford.
TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeeping,
two furnished for sleeping rooms; modem
house. 137 E. 60th. B 1908.. ML Tabor
car. "
SINGLE housekeeping moms and two-room
suites modern dwelling, big shady yard,
everything furnished. $S per month up.
65 Flanders near xutn st.
SUITE of three rooms, well furnished, clesn
and in desirable neighborhood, rent cheap
on account owner leaving city. 614 4th.
M 2752.
LARGE, well furnished 2-room suite, gas
iange, bath, phone, etc.. $21.50 per month.
812 Columbia St., pear th.
NEWLY furnished 2 connecting front house
keeping rooms; light, phone and bath, $16.
870 12th st.
AMATEURS wanted, pay cash prizes every
Friday. Allen's Theater, 1st and Grant,
South Portland.
3-ROOM housekeeping suite, unfurnished,
front porch, bath, laundry tray, gas range.
$16. Main 2180.
2 FINE housekeeping-rooms; good neigh
borhood: private house; rent $14. Phons
rjast zdio.
SUITE furnished housekeeping rooms: mod
ern, walking distance; $12.60 month. 528
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 292
11th st. Marshall 4481.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms, gas range,
bath, shone. 347 Hall.
FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
ground floor, private bath. 215 loth st.
$14.00 MONTH nice 2-room suits. 412 loth '
street, near nan.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $11
month. 1717 Portsmouth ave.
2 NICE front rooms, modern. 654 E. Mor
rlson. Phone E. 6576.
NICE, clean, cool and airy housekeeping
rooms. $1.50 and up. 1S4 Sherman.
S12 TWO well-furnished h. k. rooms;
. i . n-n kn. Xfil
pnone, llglia, waaaaia. ,
CONVENIENT and reasonable furnished h.
k. rooiru. 426 Salmon, between 11 and 12.
TWO connecting housekeeping-rooms, $15
a month. 654 Taylor st.
3 NICELY furnished housekeeplnc-rooms;
gas, batn. yarn, reaaoiiaainp. a,-, rm.ia
HOUSEKEEPING rooms now vacant for
honest working people. a ra. inn.
HOUSEKEEPING, single and en sulte fur
nished, $2.50 week up. 81 V. 1st, near Stsrk.
Is for the convenience of both Portland
people Bnd strangers In the city who may
be looking for homes, spartments or flats.
We have an excellent private list, as well
as the combined lists of sll real estate
dealers. We can also give advice as to the
new buildings In course of construction.
Home-bullders especially will find relief
In this special service, for we help you
to get quickly, comfortably and desirably
located. When you want to rent, visit
REAU. 4th floor, main bldg.
537.60 MODE UN 8-room house, 657 Rodney
ave.. cOrner Monroe, one block from
Union ave.. Dutch kitchen, combination
wood and gas stove, hardwood tloor In
front room, built-in bookcases, nice large
vard of roses, berry and fruit trees. Phone
Main 701L ,
FOR RENT 171 E. 7th St. No. between
Oregon and E. Irvlngton sta. Holladays
addition. 6-room modern house, good con
dition, accessible to several oar lines; rent
$30. Call up R. N. Tufford. Phons Mar-
srisll 404 1.
FOR RENT 5-room house, gss. electricity,
cement basement, laundry trays.- etc 41H
San Rafael St., $18. Inquire owner. 4J5
E 7th at N. corner of Tillsmook.
FOR RENT 150 by 100. houss 7 room",
bath: atable, chicken-house 420 East
40th st cowperthwalt. Eaat 40th and
Hawthorne, pnone xapor o-.
. ct a T-C3 vnt TJ f'T
HULSr- Ai' rx.xa.xo ' - .
R. N TUFFORD & CO., 407 Spalding bldg.
AiarsnHH auai. a . " "
6-ROOM house In first-class condition, on
E. 31st and Stark sta Key at 825 E.
8lark; ii.
113.50. WEST SIDE, 6-room. nice, largi
cottage, walking distance. Apply 428 Vi
xutn st.
-,a vew 2-story house. 524 Klllingsworth,
"Z7Z i,a. a--n. electric. Ill 5 min
utes' car 'service, good school. M'sin 2460.
. , k-ii M a Vn 1 Worcestef
block, m. laai. xa. i
MODERN 7-room house, excellent condi
tion; moderate rent. Telephone Main
NEW modern house, arranged for boarder.
or nouseKoep ng ''V.T, s !S!t
ing Pr' u""v "
,-ROOM cottage, bath, gas snd cement base
an.nt 411 11th near Harrison ; rent $25.
i?'"V.41w.,Jrn Co.. 250 Alder st-
Inar porcn ouut in,
,.BOOM house 817 Overton st; gas. eleo
trio lights, bath. $17.50. Key ll Mulkey
bldg.. 2d ana Morrmmi-
5" AND 6-ROOM BUNGALOWS, "replace.
furnace, uuicn
2Sth ana rrannnu.
'a R(-jOM house. 15th and Division, paved
6 Sreets. yard Md fruit trees; WW and WB
Car. QVV XJl-vwan.
iiOOM HOUSE in Irvlrig'on: reasonable
rent. leieiiuunc
East lam at. xiunn.
EIGHT-ROOM bungalow, E. 27th and Clin
ton. . Key at XJlca ax a ..... -
mnA eVn .
MODERN 6-room house, 170 North 23d St.
Telephone A onwo.
MODERN 8-room house for rent, 688 Love-
. , .w..n oi.a onrl 22d St.
j l, y. Bcn.w,
LARGE llaht, 8-room and cottage.
L."". rilS . n art 17th. mornings.
Main maa, xa.-j "
ON the corner in the ha,t of Irvlngton.
moaern o-ruum "-.. - -
6-ROOM 4"!l'"'?"S lVn3a
blocks irom cunna- .
6-ROOM modern house. 848 Clackamas. Ta-
oor aM.
6-ROOM mod. cottage ".
canine; rent r"""""1-- :
5-BOOM bungalow with lePjn Porch near
. . a na4 QTfTa A lalO.
Via NEW 5-room bungalow, unfurnished.
"ZrS-Zln Halsev. Call Main 9441.
20 ROOMS, newly PPred, good location.
cheap rent, van
GOOD 6-room house, walking distance. In-
mom 301. Dekum bldg.
NEW 6-room house for rent, modern. $15.
1493 K. Mitrman.
FOR rentals see Watson Tberkeisen Co..
sriK-s tenaiaina ui"s "
Furnished Houses.
FOR RENT 6-room house, nicely furnished;
DKjn x11--' . , . . . , v. , i, .nm two rsr-
n ano. Dam. on;., x hi... - . . . .
lines. 707 Michigan ave. Tel. Main ms.-a.
JULY 1. for three months or longer. 8 -room
. . . V- . . mrr nonpar Bflm lOCX.
nouse, mrniBiicu, - i --
tlon: $70. Phone Msln 2071.
COMPLETELY furnished modern 8-room
. rLr. i... r-it rtl.trlet. 2S. Tabor
OUngaiuav, xwo . -
FOR RENT Modern 6-room furnished
X -. . . . . , U . rY nan,.
house, close in, tor miao mwn
cheap to reliable party. 344 Grand ave. N,
NICELY furnished -room bungalow, one
-j .i... -t Panax
block irom noso aitj aa, a-
TaDor auto or opaw.
MODERN furnished 6-room lowr flat.
porch ana yarc .. o " '
ana jo umsme. mm. n". - .
BEAUTIFUI. suburban borne, 8 rooms, hor-
ouKbiy up io oih), w-it 4 1
clean. main ov.y.
FURNISHED HOUSE in IrvtnKton, S months
July l; no cnnaren; foieiruv". uu"-
East DH'-:7
7-ROOM furnished house. East th n
Rrnnltlvn: ;i.V MEID itHO. J a-.
LARGE furnished cottage, close In and
sonable. Jau i g. ahh?.
5-KOOM furnished cottage, 1 block outh
Hawthorne rarnn-e. on r;. at'o 0-
NEW 5-room cottBue on North Beaoh neat,
-ax nn...nUnl. Phntltt C, 2927.
CLOSE In on West Side. 7-room furnished
' - Tnnt-A Hi1 Th.
SIX-ROOM furnished lower flat, cor. KUj