Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 24, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Portland Supporters Rejoice
at Renomination, but Re- '
gret T. R.'s Action. .
Many Republican . Assert . That
Colonel's Egotism Caused Him
to Become Disloyal, While
- Others Support Cause.'
News of th renomination of Presi
dent Taft was received here enthuM
astlrally by aupportera of th President.
With equal Interest and marked dem
onstration partisans of ex-President
Roosevelt greeted the announcement
that he bad been nominated by a sub
sequent convention to bead the new
Progressive party.
Expressions of regret that two nom
inations should have been made by the
delegates at Chicago were frequent
from those Interviewed. Many Repub-
1 1 cans were harsh In their criticism of
, Roosevelt, whose egotism, they aver,
caused him to prove disloyal to the Re
publican party to the extent of vlr
;! tually disrupting it. Others viewed the
i results of the convention from another
angle and unhesitatingly declared they
I would enroll under Roosevelt's leader
I ship and support him faithfully in tha
campaign that has been launched.
Nat All Will Follow Coloael.
I Enough was gathered from the ex
I pressions obtained from leading Re
J publicans to Justify the conclusion that,
although the radical supporters of the
ex-President will abandon the Repub
lican party, many will refuse to go with
htm. Neither are the La Follette forces
j In this state expected to flock to the
i proposed new party under Roosevelt's
! leadership. Friends of the President
' praised him for his work and pro
t. nounced him the best equipped man In
the United States for re-election to the
'. Presidency.
Prominent among the radical Roose
velt progressives In Oregon who in-'-
dorsed Roosevelt's independent candl
; dacy last night and promised to give
1 him unmeasured support In the contest
" were W. S.'U'Ren and State Senator
Dan KelJaher.
"Most assuredly I shall be for Roose
velt as the candidate of the Progressiva
I party." said Mr. U'Ren at his home In
Oregon City last night. "Roosevelt
stands for something that Is progres-
slve and. besides, he stands for what is
L right and honest. I firmly believe that
J- Roosevelt is the choice of the people
of two-thirds of the states if an expres-
sfon could be obtained from them."
Third Tern Barely Missed.
. t "From the reports that hava been re
ceived from Chicago." said W. B. Ayer,
- chairman of the Portland Taft commit
- tee In the recent Oregon primary cam
paign, "the people of this Nation can
.'".'now appreciate to the full extent by
what a narrow margin they have es
caped the perils of a third term. At
',' the very moment It became apparent to
, -', Roosevelt that he could not secure the
", .nomination himself, he bent his entire
-'. efforts towards preventing any other
progressive from becoming, the Repub
lican standard bearer. It was a case of
.' sacrificing principles to his personal
" fortunes. The world has never wit
nessed a more ruthless exhibition of
defeated ambition. It was an exampln
of ego with which the country wan
"never before confronted.
- "At the base of the Koosevelt oppo
" sitlon is the deep-rooted antagonism to
a third term. If Roosevelt had advo
cated progressive principles for the
benefit that would accrue to the coun
try, there are many men In the ranks
of the Progressives who are splen
didly equipped for the Presidency, any
one of whom could have been nomi
nated by the convention.
President la Eulogised.
"In President Taffs renomination.
the Republican party has for its can
didate a man of most sterling integrity
and loyal patriotism. His four years
of service during a period of great
political and social unrest splendidly
. equips hlm for the great office of
President. While his administration
has been unfortunate in some respects,
he has been greatly misunderstood in
many Instances. It must be remem
bered that the duties of the office are
many and varied. If he is not as pro
gressive as some of as would wish, he
is. with this exception, the best
equipped man in the United States for
the position he now holds.
"Before another Presidential election
takes place I hope to see two changes
brought about: First, limiting the
term of President to one term of six
years: secondly, a uniform National
direct primary law for the election of
President by direct vote."
Interviewed on the Chicago nomina
tions, various Republicans expressed
themselves as follows:
Kellaher for Roosevelt.
, State Senator Kellaher I am not sur
prised at what has taken place in Chi
cago: I expected It. National politics
are passing through the same evolu
tion that has taken place in Oregon
'politics. We have aet the pace; other
states will follow. . The organisation
of a new party Is necessary to the re
form that is demanded by the people
in-American politics. Somebody had
to lead the movement and it appar
ently is Roosevelt. I shall surely
support Roosevelt as the nominee of
the Progressive - party and shall do
what 1 ran to bring about his elec
tion. Joseph Simon I am for President
Taft and have confidence In the good
sense and sober thought of the voters
that they will re-elect him. I expect
the President and his candidacy for an
other term to continue to grow in
strength as they have since Roosevelt
began his assaults against the Admln-
- Iteration,
Charles F. Beebe The nomination of
both Taft and Roosevelt presents a
very deplorable situation. I am glad
that Taft was renominated, but it is
greatly to be regretted that Roosevelt
organised another convention. Had
i sincerely - hoped this might be pre
. vented. Roosevelt's action la not only
i disloyal to the party, but la- most un
fortunate. j George K. McCord The Oregon del
ecation at Chicago represented noth
ing. Oregon wants Roosevelt and will
' vote for him. For ona I ahall be a
charter member of the new Progres
, sivs party in Oregon.
Taft Jut as ProirreaalTe.
M. J. Clohessy Am highly elated
with the renomination of President
i Taft. It was the wisest nomination
' that could hava been made. I believe
he will be re-elected- Taft will con
i tinue to grow in strength. - The pro
' grescive sentiment which is sweeping
I this country today will not prove per
1 nianent, but will soon die out. Roose-
velt at the head of the proposed new
party, which, despite the -name "Pro
; gressive." is nothing more nor less than
" the "Roosevelt party." will not make
the" showing that his supporters are
expecting. Taft la Juat as much a
progressive as Roosevelt Is, anyway.
E. W. Wright. Colonel Roosevelt
will not make it. I think, though, that
Taft s chances are favorable. Of course
the formation of a third party :n bound
to strengthen the Democrats: the only
question to my mind is how united the
latter party wjli be. If they are, then
they have a good chance to pull oft the
election, but it will be , a close fight
in any case.'- -----
Sig Slchel Of course I am very glad
that Mr. Taft is renominated. I do
not think Roosevelt has any chance of
succeeding with a third party. That Is
a thing that has been tried before, and
by a strong candidate, but it baa failed
and will fail again. At the present
moment there Is a good deal of senti
ment for Roosevelt. When the elec
tion -comes round In November, peo
ple will have done some sound think
ing, the excitement will have died
down, and In my opinion the country
districts will stay with the party, and
Taft will win.
John F. Logan The result at Chicago
is the only logical conclusion the Re
publicans -could ' come to. It insures
regularity in the Republican party. It
clearly disposes of the insurgency
movement, also it disposes of tha third
term bugaboo which Roosevelt's nomi
nation would have put us up against.
I don't think the new party will
amount to anything. Roosevelt un
doubtedly will change his mind before
the end of the week. Of course, much
depends ui on the Democratic nomtaee.
The Colonel is not so Impetuous as
people think he is. He puts a lot of
study into his Impetuosity.
James B. Kerr Under the circum
stances the convention did very wisely
In nominating Taft. The President Is
entitled to the nomination. It Is what
the party should have done.
C. U. Gantenbeln I prefer not to
make any statement at thla time.
Harrison Allen I think the Repub
lican party did right, in nominating
Taft and Sherman. Taft will be elect
ed unless It should happen that Roose
velt succeeds in disrupting the party.
In that case he would assist in the elec
tion of a Democrat. Taft has been a
safe ' and sane President, and should
command the respect of all true Re
publicans. The party ought not to be
sacrificed for the aggrandizement of
Roosevelt. It isn't a party of men. but
a party of principles that are larger
than Roosevelt or anybody else.
As to the new "Progressive" party, I
think it will attract to Its fold all the
disgruntled men and those who hava no
loyalty to any party. This is not a
time for a new party. It is a time
when the country demands a sober and
settled executive. ,
W. D. Fenton In my Judgment the
outcome of the Chicago convention
means the election of a Democratic
President. I am not surprised, how
ever. I expected two nominations. I
expected Roosevelt's followers would
bolt the convention and nominate him.
It clearly means that the country will
now look to Baltimore for the future
President. The formation of a new
party I consider a great mistake. It
will poll about one-third of the Re
publican votes. I think, but not much
of the Democratic The outcome of
the convention places In history a man
with a disappointed ambition. Roose
velt was most anxious to be nominated.
Ex-Senator C. W. Fulton The re
nomination of President Taft was
wise. The campaign was waged on his
Administration, and I believe that there
has been no better Administration in
the history of the party. I believe that
Taft will grow In the public estimation.
The people, as they study his record,
will be more and more convinced that
he has been actuated by the best In
terests of the people and that he has
endeavored to administer to the public
welfare. The Chicago .convention, in
my estimation, could not have taken
better action. But I cannot yet believe
the reports that Roosevelt and his fol
lowers have held another so-called con
vention. 1 am sure that they, when
they have taken a second thought, can
not feel that they have been justified
In their action and their attempt to
overthrow the Republican party. Roose
velt has been given, at the hands of
the Republican party, the highest
honors that man can receive. Every
policy that he has advocated and that
has appealed to the people has been
followed out by Taft.
F. S. Fields. County Clerk I am very
sorry to say that to all appearances the
Republicans are "down and out." Roose
velt la foolish to attempt a third party,
as he cannot win the election. The
Republican forces, however, are bound
to be weakened, with the probable'
struggle between Taft and the Demo
crats a close one, unless there also is a
split in the ranks of the latter party.
That la not likely, I think, as the Dem
ocrats generally are together when the
time comes.
W. F. Woodward As the situation
now stands it appears that the welfare
of the country is to be disregarded and
the Republican party wrecked to sat
isfy tha ambition of bne man, under
the guise- of serving the- whole people.
I can see no sound reason for the move
ment of the Roosevelt people to form
a third party. -
Renomination to Vice-Presidency Is
First In Three-Qnarters Century.
UTICA. N. T June 23. Vice-President
Sherman - made the following
statement last night:
"I am not unmindful of the honor
conferred by the nomination by the
Republican National convention as the
party's candidate for Vice-President.
To appreciate its full significance, one
must remember that not for three
quarters of a century has a renomina
tion been accorded to anyone for this
"It has long been known to my close,
personal friends that my preference
was to retire from public office at the
close of the present term and at no
time have I been a candidate for re
nomination. I have been too greatly
honored by the party, however, to de
cline further service when its leaders
and its representatives by their con
vention action have expressed a be
lief that- that service was required."
Connecticut Governor Draws Moral
From Chicago Situation.
NEW HAVEN. ConiL, June 23. Gov
ernor Baldwin today sent the following
to Colonel Bryan in reply to Bryan's
appeal that the Governor oppose Alton
B. Parker as temporary chairman of tha
Baltimore convention.
"Replying te your telegram, for
warded from Hartford. It does not seem
to ma that the course you suggest
would promote harmony at Baltimore.
"The Republican party has been
visibly destroying itself at Chicago.
The storm center has been the action
of Its National committee In planning
tor the organisation of its convention."
La Follette and Cummins Refuse to
Discuss Situation. "
WASHINGTON. June 23 Senator La
Follette of Wisconsin and Senator
Cummins of Iowa, both Presidential
aspirants, spent the evening waiting
for news from the Chicago convention.
Senator La Follette refused to make
any statement regarding the political
Immediately the receipt of Mr. Taft's
victory came over the wires, Mr. Cum
mins hung np the receiver and went to
bed. He had no statement to give out.
Roseburg Probably Will
''. Meeting Place of Asso-
ciation Next Year.
Those at Gearhart Convention Dis
cuss Proposed Measure to Ex- ;
rmpt Money and Credits 1
V . From Taxation.
GEARHART. Or., June 23. The sev
enth annual convention of the Oregon
State Bankers' Association, held here
Friday and Saturday, endedlate Satur
day. It was attended by many promi
nent bankera from important financial
centers, who manifested much Interest
in the resources of this state. These
bankers of National reputation recog
nize Oregon's association as one of the
most efficiently organized and capably
managed in tho United States.
C. S. Loveland. bank examiner of the
Portland Cleartng-House, gave an ad
dress on "Past-Due Paper," which was
followed by an address by Dr. W. J.
Kerr, president of the Oregon Agri
cultural College, on the subject of
"The Country Life." .
Rural Schools Topic.
Dr. Kerr. In advocating the better
ment of the rural school systems, said
the "educational and social advantages
of the city are the magnetic forces
which draw country people cityward."
"The country school work should be
re-directed and adapted to their en
vironment." he said. "The schools
must train for country life instead of
away from it. Industrial courses must
be provided and adapted to the needs
of the community. The productive
powers of the farmer must be - in
creased. With greater earning capacity
will come -other improvements which
will add to the advantages ef farm
life and tend to increase farm popu
lation." L. R. Alderman. State Superintendent
of Public Instruction, gave an instruc
tive address on "The State Bankers
and What They Are Doing for Indus
trial Education Through the Public
Schools of Oregon."
This address was followed by the
report of Emery Olmstead, chairman
of the committee on agricultural de
velopment and education, which- showed
that bankers of the state have aided
greatly In this work the past few
months, and It is believed that they
intend to give financial support to th-j
establishment of experimental-- fields
and improvement of agricultural meth
ods now being conducted by the Agri
cultural College.
Money Exemption Urged.
During the five-minute talks by rep
resentatives from the various counties
on local conditions. W. L. Thompson,
vice-president of the American Nation
al Bank, of Pendleton, -recommended
the indorsement and support of the as
sociation for the Initiative measure
proposed by the State Tax Commission
for the exemption from taxation - of
money and credits.
In emphasizing his remarks Mr.
Thompson cited the fact that the State
of Washington has for - a number of
years exempted money and credits from
assessment. He mentioned that the
harm resulting from the operation of
the present tax laws, particularly in
Eastern Oregon, warrants the repeal of
such a law. He pointed out the invest
ment by local Investors In securities
and Investments in other states and in
Canada. Mr. Thompson said that the
high rate paid by borrowers on real
estate mortgages was In large meas
ure due to the existence and enforce
ment of this law.
His address was approved by the as
sociation and the association passed a
resolution to take some measures to
have the law made inoperative.
Officers Are Elected.
Resolutions were also adopted by the
association thanking Secretary J. L.
Hartman and retiring President R. L.
Durham for their excellent service the
past year.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: Leslie Butler,
president: W. L. Thompson, vice-president:
John L. Hartman. secretary: M.
G. Hope, treasurer. Executive com
mittee A. C. Shute, chairman; J. M.
Poorman, E. G. Crawford. W. T.
Wright. E. O. Blanchar. John Hart
man. Delegate to convention of Amer
ican Bankers' Association, J. H. Al
bert, state vice-president of American
Bankers' Association.
It is probable that Roseburg will bs
the city where next year's convention
will be held, but this has not defi
nitely been determined.
Woodruff Resigns as Leader of
Brooklyn Republicans.
CHICAGO. June 23. Timothy L.
Woodruff last night announced his res
ignation as leader of the' Republican
organization in Brooklyn.
In his letter to Reuben L. Haskell,
secretary of the Kings County com
mittee, Mr. Woodruff says that In his
Judgment the destruction of the Re
publican party is Inevitable as a re
sult of this National convention.
Mr. Woodruffs telegram says in
"The utterly ruthless subversion of
the popular will expressed by our fel
low Republicans of the great Repub
lican states by the National committee
on credentials and finally by this
fraudulently constituted convention,
whereby the destruction of the Re
publican party, in my political Judg
ment, Is Inevitable, as I told my fellow
Brooklvn delegate when they arrived
here, after I had carefully informed
myself regarding the situation, compels
me to take this course."
City Celebrates lis Acquisition of
Democratic Convention.
BALTIMORE. June 23, Baltimore
celebrated tonight its acquisition of
the Democratic convention.
Festivities were formally opened
with a street parade and display of
electric lights. - These will be turned
on every night during the convention.
Armed Robber .Is Pounced Upon and
Made Prisoner. . 1
TACOMA, Wash., June 23. (Special.)
Flashing a loaded revolver, Frank
Houser, age 27, made a desperate but
unsuccessful attempt this afternoon to
hold up and rob occupants of the Pa
cific saloon, Puyallup avenue and East
L street. '
His victims attacked bim despite the
weapon he aimed at them and downed
him before he could pull the trigger.
He was held captive on the floor,
three- men sitting on him until an
automobile patrol loaded with offi
cers arrived. .
. Houser had a black silk mask in his
pocket and a small cap. He Is looked
upon by the police as a destitute la
borer who attempted the crime under
stress of hunger and depression. Hous
er's only explanation of his crime was
"Oh,-the devil-was. in me. the devil was
in me."
Houser had remained in the saloon
for more than an hour, waiting until
Fred Wild, Jr., proprietor, came in
and started to open the safe to hand
over money as change to his bartender,
Percy Robb ins.
Lawyer Says Better to Lose With
' Taft Than Win With .T. R.
Opinions are divided on the outcome
Of the election of President since the
nomination of Taft was announced. On
the streets many say that Roosevelt
was robbed of states that belonged to
him, and that the outcome will be a
Democratic! President.
William O'Donnell. a retired Portland
attorney and lumber manufacturer,
takes an optimistic view of the situa
tion. "It would be better to lose with Taft
than to win with Roosevelt," said Mr.
O'Donnell. last night, "aa it would have
disrupted the Republican party had
Roosevelt been nominated.
"Roosevelt will divide the vote of the
Democrats as much as that of the Re
publicans. Taft will win because only
40 per cent of the Republican party
voted at the primaries and the other
60 per cent stay-at-home vote will be
straight Republican.
"Roosevelt was backed by a Morgan,
banker, beef trust man and other
moneyed Interests. Taft will be helped
In the November election by that fact
and because Penrose and other bosses
did not want him. They had to select
him to defeat Roosevelt because his
record was clean.
"Heney and Johnson did more to hurt
Roosevelt than any two men of Taft's
"The Democratic convention prob
ably will stampede to Bryan in obtain
ing a progressive Democrat.
"Roosevelt said that Taft and Root
were the two best men In his Cabinet
and awarded both with positions of
highest honor. If they are as bad as
he makes out at present, why should
he be allowed to select another Cab
inet and perhaps make 'similar mis
takes? "That the Democratic, party is not
competent to rule has been shown.
More people were fed by charity during
Cleveland's administration than in the
50 years of Republican administrations
which preceded." - -
Party Leader Says He Wants Peace
at Opening of Convention.
r - -i ' - ' -
FORT WAYNE, -Ind.. June 23. W. J.
Bryan, on his way to Baltimore, was
asked tonight whether he would take
the question of the temporary chair
manship of the Democratic convention
to the floor of the convention. :
"I do not eare to discuss-the situa
tion." he said.. . "What I have done
has been done in the interest of har
mony. As you will see. from the tele
gram to the Presidential candidates, I
did not attempt,. to . name any person
for the place, but urged -.that the . con
vention find a temporary chairman a
gentleman suitable to the .two leading
candidates and thus make sure of a
harmonious opening of the convention.
"Instead, the sub-committee selected
a reactionary to open a progressive
convention. . No intelligent man could
believe that such a move Is in the in
terest of harmony at a time like this.
I hope that the full committee will
select some man in harmony with the
majority sentiment of the. convention
and thus give the Democrats a united
Samuel Gompers. who was on the
train, expressed his disappointment at
the action of the Republican National
Richmond Trolley Car Bumps Into
Standing Sellwood Streetcar. ,
Two persons were injured and 30
passengers on two streetcars were
shaken up and frightened last night,
when a Richmond trolley bumped Into
a Sellwood streetcar that had
stopped at East Twelfth and Stephens
streets to permit a passenger to alight.
The injured are Mrs. B, J. Finn. 482
East Harrison street, -a passenger who
was alighting from the Sellwood car,
and J. C- Crane, conductor of Rich
mond car No. 713.
Mrs. Finn was badly shaken up and
bruised and her hip was painfully in
jured. Crane suffered bruises, and
cuts from falling glass.
Frank Slater was the motorman of
the car that smashed into the. stand
ing Sellwood trolley.
House Bill Calls for Government
Supervision of. Nominations.
WASHINGTON, June 23. Govern
ment supervision of Presidential pri
maries is proposed In a bill Introduced
today by Representative Howland (Re
publican), of Ohio. A National board
of five members would have charge of
all primaries in the United States.
A board of three members would have
charge of primaries within the states.
Candidates for President would be re
quired to file declarations of candidacy
with the National board and pay a
11000 filing fee. '
Slassachusett Delegation Is Dead
.' locked and No One Chosen.
CHICAGO. June 23. Vacancies in the
Republican National committee were
filled today as follows: California,
Russ Avery: Louisiana, Victor Lou
esel: Oregon. Ralph Williams: South
Carolina, Joseph W. Talbert; Tennes
see. Newell Sanders: District of Co
lumbia, Chapin Brown.
Owing to a deadlock in the Massa
chusetts delegation, no committeeman
from that state has yet been chosen.
Bedlam Breaks . Loose in Taft's
- Home City at News of Victory. -
JINCINXATI, June 23. The news of
victory of President Taft in the
Republican National convention created
no little excitement in hia home city.
Early in the evening the crowds be
gan to gather in-front of the news-
This is the men's store, '
where man, woman or child
can shop in comfort. Every-'
thing for a man or boy to '.
wear in the newest fashions.
Quiet, conservative styles
for the dignified; lively,
bright patterns for the young
hustler. - - ' - .
Here's the new navy blue
mixture the most popular
volar in the world, so psychol
ogists have found out. Cer-
tainly it is becoming to every .
man. . '''
Today see what t
$ 12.0a
will buy in men's and young ;
men's splendid, all-wool, well-i
tailored Suits. They're the ;
end lots from regular - $20
Third Street, Near Morrison
papor offices. When the nomination
was announced bedlam broke loose.
Managers Prosecute, Courts Assess
and Players Don't Pay.
PARIS, June 'I. (Special.) A pop
ular French actor, M. Le Bargy, has
trod the boards of the Comedle Fran
calse wor the last time, thus severing
a connection of 81 years. But M. Le
Bargy is not retiring from practice of
his art,-as he Is engaged to appear at
the Porte Saint Martin Theater next
season. But owing to an old bylaw
of the House of Mollere, he may not
appear at any other Paris theater after
having retired from the Comedle Fran
caise, which will - be- compelled to
M. Le Bargy, according to precedent,
will beordered to pay enormous dam
ages. But tha peculiarity of these ac
tions is that the verdicts of the court!
invariably remain platonlc. The reb
els, who In the past have included
Bernhardt and Coquelin, are sentenced
to pay, and never do pay, and the
magnanimous Comedle does not press
the 'point.
Kaiser Plans fo Remodel Code to
Eliminate Inhuman Side.
BERLIN, June V (Special.) Ger
many's Inhuman duelling rules soon
will be remodeled by the Kaiser, who
will issue a cabinet order stating that
duelling is only compulsory for of
ficers in the case of gross insult, and
that when religious acruples interfere
no duel shall be necessary. The
Kaiser's action has been caused by the
indignation - of Roman Catholics
throughout. Germany over compulsory
duelling. . , -
As the Roman Catholic party is very
powerful in the Reichstag, the Kaiser
is anxious to secure its support in his
fight againsf the Socialists. It is not
supposed that the Kaiser's order' wll
be obeyed by officers unless they are
punished for duelling, and it probably
will bring about the resignation of
General von Heerlngen, who is an ad
vocate of duelling.
Old Charcoal Burners.
London Chronicle.
The charcoal burner may still be
found, and that within 30 miles of Lon
don. This writer knows a charcoal
burner who has carried on his ancient
trade for 40 years in Surrey and Sussex.
You come suddenly upon the piled dome
of fine earth on heath or In woodland,
and near it is his neatly constructed
hut of withes, fern and heather, with
Its rough corner posts and little door.
There he lives during the whole period
of the calcining process, keeping a
sharp lookout to see that inquisitive
passersby do not push an Inquiring
stick into the mound, which might re
sult In a sudden burst of flame and the
ruin of that particular lot of wood. This
man is his own master; he knows his
markets and he makes a decent living.
A curious, solitary life but he knows
all about the birds. ....
Soldiers Must Aid Fund.
am (l03ds) v ar.r 'Nnnaa
uermau dviai.un .UuU "
$1,000,000. It has been discovered,
however, that the money has been
wrung out of German soldiers. The
colonel of an infantry regiment In the
Principality of Schwarzburg Rudel
stadt recently published an order that
tT-i.r. v. a anlHIora katm? nn.rt of their
savings to the aviation fund furjoughs
will be suppresses outu lurmer no
tice." All the privates, despite .their
poverty, obeyed their chiefs command.
A university Is to be foundsd by the
Buddhisti for the high education of o-m-n
Iti Japan. . . . .
Just Try Nature's Cure
We all know that constipation brings
on countless other complaints If not
taken in hand, appendicitis among
them also that any drug will lose its
power alter being taken for a time
but we should also knpw that every
drug forces Nature instead of assisting
her, and will, if continued, make us
slaves to them.
There is now a method of Internal
Bathing which will keep the intestines
aa clean and pure and free, from, waste
as exacting Nature can demand which,
taken occasionally, will prevent con
stipation, biliousness with its depres
sion, and the countless more serious
diseases which are caused by the blood
taking up the poisons from the intes
tines and carrying them through the
That method is the "J. B. L. Cas
cade," which is being enthusiastically
Used by many thousands, is prescribed
by the most enlightened physicians
everywhere and is now being shown
and explained by Woodmrd. Clarke
Co, BrmrKl. Portlamd.
Everyone should at least Investigate
this nature-cure without delay.
Ask for Booklet, "Why Man of Today
Is Only 60 Efficient."
June 14, 1912 (C.PS1) ..$5,171,509.92
June 14, 1911 3,445,607.26
Gain . ... .$1,725,902.66
In twelve months our deposits have in
creased 50 per cent.
.. . . ....
s Capital - $1,000,000
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 850,000
Oldest National Bank West of tha
. Rocky Mountains
The Canadian Bank of Commerce
Head Office Toronto, Canada. Hew York M Exchange Ftaea.
Iioadosi a -Xiooabard Street.
Over two hundred other branches In the United States and Canada.
EvV care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries anJ
principal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold, and a
general banking business transacted.
Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits.
W. C. MALPAS, Mnum
at Prince Rupert, B. C.wlth the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC NEW
lander" from that point (Twenty Miles) to HAZEL,T2JViAVC"i-irniviP.
DAY and SATURDAY at 11 A. M. . s .
J H. GOODIER, C. P. T. A. J. H. RURGIS, General Agent,
Phone Main 5708. Passenger Department.
Office, First Avenue and Yesler Way, Seattle, Wash.
Us. TT- A nfahnn nt TtrOoltlvn. N. T..
says: "I should like to have the merits
of Lydia E. Pinknam s vegeumie com
pound thrown on the sky with a
searchlight, so- that all suffering
women could read and be convinced
that there is a remedy for their ills.
For years I was a great sufferer from
organic female troubles and had de
spaired of ever being well again, but
found relief in Lydia E. pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, which I tried as a
last resort" 1 .
. For nearly forty years Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound .has
been the standard remedy for female
Bitulithic streets can
be flushed clean-no
interstices for refuse
. to lodge in. It's san
itary, practically
noiseless, and eco
nomical. J.C.WILSON&CO.
Main Office Mills Bids.. SaniymncUeo.
Branch Office Vancouver Seattle. Port,
land, Los Angeles. Ban Dieco. Coronads
Vain Floor Lambermens Bank Building,
Fifth and Stark.
' Phone Marshall 4120. A 41M.
consulting ana
SO Pine Street ' New York
trvTor its moir
wrt.9 J :l.UJ:i
San Franrlaro and Lm Anseles
S. 8. BMir sails 8 A. M. June S.
Ticket Office 142 Third Street.
Phone: .Main 1805. A 1402.
Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver to
WASH, Wednesday and Sunday at
Cincin't July4. 12noontAmerlka July It
Pennsylvania July 6Pr. Lincoln. July 18
tRitz-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant.
(Second cabin only. (Will call at Boulogne.
S.S.MOLTKE, July 6,10 A.M.
8. S. MOLTKE Aufust 20, 11 A. M.
Hamburg-American Line, 160 Powell at., San
Franclaeo. Cal.; O.-W. R. N. Co.. Nor.
Pacific, D. R. O. R. R.. Burlington Route,
Milwaukee & Fuet So. R. R., Great North
ern Railway Co., D. B. Smith, 69 Fifth U,
Portland, Or.
Splendid Steamers of Oceanic Steamship Co.
(Spreckell Line), 10,000 ton displacement,
all from San Franclcb. July 2. July 30
(new schedule) and every 28 day there
after on a 19-DAY SERVICE TO SYDNEY.
cieeo to Sydney. lt cla. $200; round trip,
1300. Round world, $600, lt clas; 3T5 2d
cla, via Ceylon and Mediterranean. (Stop
overs). '
... -I--. U.IMn.. 91 Jul 2. lH. SO
ana bc.j cw, .
OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., 678 Market St. jf
Sal Francisco.
Canadian Pacific
1000 MILES
Flint Cabin 9-6
UZnd Cabin ' j
OCs Cabin (Za-clae.) .... S50.00 and up
Thlrd-CIa Lowest rate on request.
Canadian pacific oftlce. corner TUIrd ana
Pine (Multnomah Hotel bldg.). Portland,
and all meal agents
alls from Alneworth Dock. Portland, A,
S7 May 1. S. 13. IS. 23 and 28; June X .
12. 17. 22 and 27. Frelaht received a
Ainsworth Dock dally up to P. M. Paa
Tenser tar, flr.t-claa.. 10.O0; coiid-cla
ti ll. lncludlns berth and meal. T'V
ilOce A neworth Uuca. Cbone Main
A 2132
Low Rate. Scnadul Tuna,
(IS Katlivar Giekanc Bias
Portland, Oa. .
San Francisco, Los Angelei
and San Diego Direct
S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder '
Sal Erery Wdiie.dT Alternated at u P. M.
lii A Third St. Phone Hala IBM. A 11