. i - I XjOST AKI -tWH. . TOA!inih . ' I - .-v. .1 - I mjHlESS urniftiyj'" 1 K UA I - I I . i MjhM. I . EXPENSIVE HOME FOR 5rt g room artistic rotated house through out In mahogany, for a home ud fort Can t b Mat; must be seen to o appreciated; ISO a month. THE HARBOl-T-WILSON CO, INC.. 818-91 T LewiJ .... MATN 400 4TH and OAK- A7io rkxT 171 E. 7th t- No. between . "j " fvington sta. Holiday, addition. 6-room modern house, goof con dition, acceeaible to ev.ral ""j ''" $30. Call up B. N. Tufford. Phone Mar shall 41. 5oR BEST Nine-room house, 3"8,1tiranl Njrth- only 5 minutes walk over Steel dg.: n. reaidence district or gooi rocrnW-bouse ltn: rf"d htr nunth; attractive and up l flate .i ana Weldler. near Sd at. a io-roon house, located on G lis in t. near stvfJcent-. Hospital; suitable r lng ard boarding, inquire Main Z474 or A 847- . ; wrin TtCKT Large -room house, attic and baaenent: excellent neighborhood, easy waliaTa distance. Phone Main 6138 or call it 831 12th st. FL'HN'SHED house for rent at Mount Ta 'ina East 61st st: good furnace, gas for'soeklng. electric light, six rooms and nice yrq; x piocaa rrum STORSS, FLATS. HOUSES. APARTMENTS Martin CampbeU (Inc.). No. 1 Worcester bik. M 7391. A 7711. MODKLN 5-room cottage, paved street, nice yard, block to- car. 1S. Woodlawn 4JO. 7S0 Williams are. s.u n(W a-story house, 524 KiiUngsworth. cor.jloth; furnace, electric, gas 5 min utescar service, good schooL Jain 400. FOR ENT Modern 5-room cottage. 544 E. ,i. J . r.nt 115. Key 54v 18th St. Tae WW car Phone Marshall 4.117 FOR SALE Quarter acre, 2-room bouse, city water . chicken-house, 6-cent fare; 0.o- Marl hall l4. TWO new 6-room bungalows, one cotm.e for rent, reasonable. Howard. 603 gw.tlano. p.aa. s ROOMS and bath, basement, nice yard 112JS East Main. nr. Soth st. Inquire at STMCTLT MODERN 8-room house; good ST,.?.Vlrhood. SSO Clackamas st. Tabor good J044. . X.-T. HT aTS FOR RENT. IK tuFPOBD & CO.. 40T Spalding bldg. " Marahall 4S47. A 4545. MfiUERX 7 -room house, excellent condi tion; mod., rent. Telephone Main 4O07. . RENT Modern. -room house. Phone Tabor 8498. 5-ROOM. cottage, on carline. near Walnut Va rkt . till II . ri -... ,10 5-room cottage. 883 Thurman st. Phone fc nainwam. J'a"." - ..... 7 ti.h. A-rnnm house and cottage. Maln'xOBS. Key S E. 17th. mornings. NICE s-room modern house, nice yard ; 1 75 East 3d. cor. yamhULPhoneast5948. FOR rentals see Watson Therkelsen Co.. bDSiaiOK u. SO ROOMS, newiy f'P".'""" cheap rent. 'J"" 5-ROOM cottage, modern, gas, bath. Northrop. Inoulre 571 LoveJoy st. GOOD ft-room house, walking distance, "yi,. sol. Dekum bldg. Furnished Honsea, FURNISHED flat, 3 large rooms, bath, clos ets. range and gas stove, phone. W-. t iS s-room flat, all conveniences, lii 514 E. Zl't. VT K car. nDESIRLE lower nau foo- !.nc! on D car linen. SlS TU.aroooK t- - . fnrniihix. cnttatre. &Oxl0- f.V"o lot. with fruit in; exchange for care of two babies. Phone B IISj. NICELY furnished e-room bungalow, one m.V from Rose City car. Vi. Phone Tabor 4046 or zae. Kl'RN'ISHED 7-roora house on in..i HeVghts; hardwood floor, furnace and fire- piace. pianu uu "' . r-. . -. t-t mc- X.T Q-rAiirfl hOUStt. WTL"B HMU fin. view of partly t" ""7, City- A3 ' W.B"" JULT 1, for three months or longer. -roora house. furnUhed; nice grounds; good loca tion: 170. Phone nam iiu ... ...i w.m knmA a rooms, thor- BKAl liri- "-T,-finished and clean. Slain wo FURNISHED house. Irvlngton. rentable July 1. 3 months; no children; references. East VROOM lower flat, elegantly furnished, pi ano? veranda: large light .rooms; refer- DCs: to feepu U.nvtL!urr. IL.mi.rn COtUtee. gas and '"'"'SI' page. Call 455 Wimamsave. nnn.. tower flat. cor. King and navls. Phone Main 7820. t-ROOM furnUhed house. 1268 K. Yamhill. Phone tiau. m'u - ,urr,l.hed house. East sotn aou Brooklyn; $35. ."rv,u rrr.i.l-d COttSKC 1 blOCk SOU. u ""S-.rnorne carline. on E. 84th st. No. FOR RENT FurnUhed house. 5 rooms. -. In Phone East 3108. 5-ROOM flat, completely turmsneo. Address 7544 E. Taylor. TeL E. 30i. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room house, $20. 841 East Stark St. nouses fwr Bent. Furniture rorale. :..v,sr ci,y- will sell swell new furniture ? 5-myija-t; 500 insurance policy transferable, naid 3 years In $2-5 cash. 5S4 S South 3d St. POR SALE. FURNITURE. mrniture. 4 rooma oomplete r'Ii?; l asslen equity in bungalow to pur- will chaser. Tabor 267o. ,.,.. Newlv furnished modern 5-room BARGAIN New ly -ae ,, once. flat- aood home and income 33 Mill and West Para. l.-ROOM bouse, '"rnltur. of . room, for st 1 sTOOd phone jjranaii2 FL-KNITURB 5-room cottage lor aale cheap- 15rou v -J w' A 5-ROOM flat for rent . "rn.tr. " Fl KNITl RE of e-room flat for aal. 591 M, having cm. " - W US P. ft., nrn itftii. FX' RX ITU RE of 7 rooma for aale; auitabie for roomoia. Main ti.w. Sauunrr Rgaorta. "hou with 1002o5 feet.' fronting ocean ?5Het7eV location on whole beach.: com p.etelv furnished; a big buy. Oa n 810 Chamber of Commerce. Phone MarshaU 15 " 7. 77.. , . K.tnn Unr Beach. r- n w. . . i ir.a Kiiva nir is-roorn 'wash, two I -room bungalows completely ;,.r;r.,- for housekeeping, for July or . August: $25 per month : alao t-o turnlaneo rrona 14 Der week. Tabor lo3J, B joi. 1T K. 28th St. J. j .i,)n.raam fottaae. sour wS.-a- la for rent for the season- on board walk, facing ocean. Eerythtng furnished except linen and JeFoc further particular, address Mrs. 1. JI. otm.il.-. v.. "feRNWOOD COTTAGE. SEASIDE. $100 , " SEASON. . - . i h rina treea rustl J-l-J!..; a rooms furnished. Main I45 945L KO RENT Furnished cottage at Seaview, tvaih ITS for season. Phone E. 41S. F 1W4. or aPPly cottage V. Xellaher, . irii: rend ave. KaW.-ed7 "o-mput el fished Including K c"-B lit. Oregonian. IirmfTlVE 5-room cottase at Seaside. Tr bch: electricity, bath.- completely r.rnlshed. Main 1100. ' aV. SIDE Two new. modern and elegantly SEfi?nd cottager 60 feet from Hotel kiore. 427 3d st. or phone A 3319. nnvKKED house, Newton station. Long F Sh: vy oesTrabi. nd cheap; ocean f-ont. 810 Mann ton ..., KKaSlDE Furnished cottage, full l; bVati" exchange for house, f J: " R. TUIiy. w a- cu.gA. 5t7SV 6-room cottage on North Beach; neat. roay and convenient. Fhone C 2.07. TTi-buxir rfaCU 2 and 3 -room house, fur .ISl .Bblock ocea" S39 William, ave. j-f SEASIDE Desirabl. 5-room cottage. Marshall 14. TO. SALE Entire furnishings of 4-room V?, ?nVan for cash. S2 Holiaday SEASIDE furnished cott.pe; gooa location; r..ady; reasonable. Inquire B 1.2S. MODERN .-room cottage overlooking the ocean, jaar...... w.. TWO ore at Llnnton. 6 miles from Pprt- T?dr?ew Piv'i"""".11:1; .tvlendld opening ror "V ssec alty u." n,.;; .ar. l art man ft Apply to Thompson. STORES for sii a'""" . ,, w....nKu ia .nod ,Ue,,VS- FR ED A. JA CO B S CO., Main S9. 29 Washington st. A ?67 Nl . i, n StH St.. OD- V.lt. Postofflce: rent .iO. see room tor ia" ....... .... Ackley. 1T0 5th St. LARGE, high b.m.nt la brick building: good business location, long term of lease. Apply 405 Washington St. FOB RENT Stores. No and ISO Ht F thorn. aaat end of brld.a. Ap Hswtborne Pock Co East 203. STORES with living-rooms, opposite large s hacl- rent for b-jih $15 a month. Phon X254. 0"l STORES! STORES!!! STORES!!! Best .tore In Portland In new Hotel Multnomah. 22x78 and basement; fin. lor gerta- furnishings, clothing, etc The two best sores on East Side, one block from busiest corner. Three stores in the Hotel Carlton, at 14th and Washington sts.; xcallenV..Ki Do you want a small store suitable dry goods or general merchandise. w. 11. weoo. 4ui xeon pmg. - Office. AIRY, outside view office, with private phone, use of large reception room, on top floor Of Chamber of Co,nnier.cec-S front or elevator; ,.,,.. - ... 1028 Chamber of Commerce. GROUND floor office ana a es a room, nlshed, pnon tree. ... aW- 10 a month, fee. us ww. ley. 170 5th st ; DESK room or office with privuege . ception room ana pnuoe, price finest suites of rooms in the city. Price reasonaoie. 7ua senm u.m. DENTIST or other line of business to "hare office space m a goou '"k,( location; outside rooms; rent reasonable. AR 16". oregonian. ....... . . -. .1 i. -nAn. . Lnth tihonei: refer ences reauireo- " ' bldg. MOST centrally located offices; '1-nlfh' and Washington. DESK room In nicely turnuhed outaids of fice; both phonea etc; amy t : n n . ;-vt uresoiuM oms. LARGE and pleasant deskroom. Apply tienry Diag, DESK room In Ught, airy office; all cou- veniencea, -ewia Ware boo WAREHOUSE TO LEASE. k.w T ..inr SOxluO: five- story and basement; practically new brio building; lease has seven years to run. O L7 Jubits. Aaslgoe. Loeweaber Going Co. aflseeUaneous. t-, . r) ur-T 5-room flat, 535 Montgomery St., .22.50 per month. . h Comer store on Union are. and East Ash at.. 550 per month. Entire 2d floor. 50x80 feet. Everett St. between th and 7th sta. .o per moma. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. BUSINESS OPPOBTOTTIE8 BOOM1NG-HOUSE. locaUon and "urr,?nf" lngs highly respectaoie; o " T"... .. . P. O ; 19 rooms, nicely furnished, flwy filled; showing net i"'"1' P" 'S cheap for cash. See Mitchell, room 200. Columbia oiog BRIGHT young man wanted Will start you ( ...... hu.in.H nnil teach you how to drive high-powered 7-paasenger touring v.. mu.t be honest and have . cash; security; references. Apply T 104, Oregonian. s t ansTi c- . T c l r Int.rMt In imtll Saw mill on Oregon- coast; no --"" i""" " good proposition for a practical mill man few thousand W1U handle, or will con slder trade. AV 382. uregoman. AUTOMOBILE business: have opening for steady man; owner wui pareuiw e" iarv bealdee share of profits; duties easily learned; requires very little money Room o-ia. binnoer ttKuwrn ."b. FOR SALE Poolroom and barber shop; 8 stand In connection; business doing $80 week, low rent; 700 will handle, oee owner, 1363 Hawthorne ave. , . , . e. . . c . .., hwrv business in thriving city in uregon; ou.j "-""iirt city; good reasons for selling: splendid onnortunltv for active man, Address av ayt. uregonian. FURNITURE and hardware business wants .n i .i.i. aMmmin and act as cashier: salary 100 month and -guaranteed; good man neeueu money. oxa Liuniwr "uH- I AM looking for experienced general mer- S?"aJ" . m.a?" mSr.l. isS. -capital reference. S. B. Hermann, 411 Rotbchlld bldg.' RESTAURANT for sale; will sacrifice tj sold this week: small amount, of money will handle this, or will trade. Inquire at 84 KiiUngsworth ave.. opposite the largest earn barn in tne c.ty. u pimir a kaaiitlfnl nlana In thickly settled district, where your trad la always good; well sell cheap and give . a 5-year lease. iwun. change I HAVE exclusive sale of lots m fastest erowlne- town in Oregon: want panne with some money and lots of ability salesman and manager: references quired. A loe. uregoma... WELL-LOCATED grocery, with established owner has other business. S 1H3, i r h 1 1 p will sen at in " ' - gonlan. FOR DISPOSAL Hign-ciaso raiau aaw good lease; splendid locaUon; owner leav ing cltv wlU sacrifice. Write AL 150. Oregonian. o rolir.ataaen. restaurant for sale w a- nlarinir 1300 month sbove all expense.; will show you. Fran! McFarland Realty to.. xeou iriT MARKET r. Tni..ii.n olnae in. doing good bull- nesar want to sell at once. AO 15. Ore gonian. .i-t, r ... .Ko,, 110 000 Into auto repai ' . , ,rr, . , . .... who can take management of the business will put in an equal amount, -v ie, v,ia"."." 5C 10c AND 15c store; no opposition; fi i 1 1 V.r rent discount off stock, which is new. 303 Lumber Exchange. .T, .,!,. m1,at be soldi less than In aood college town, fine location. low rent: eomoleto equipment. Investi gate. A V uregon.ai.. ....... c . t ao.i. r. 7-nasa studeDaaer- Garford In good running order; Ideal for rent business, i - 522 Alder St. CIG R and bootblack stand, good West rilde location; bootblack stand more than SL,. ..Muses: price $400. 4U3 Rothchlld bldg. POOLROOM and cigar business wants pi r""JrVrr..r ..n-f handle business ale will pay good salary and share of profits 1350 requirea. o-o rA". .nAX Vor.th salary and your share . ...... ..n.,,1 to ne.n in b.ui o. p7y .kniilrf tvav TDu $160 mon mor?. Room 318. Lumber Exchange bldg. V.... ....fl-pfiapv arocerv. etc.. west Esia. heart of apartment '. i to $30: lease, rem e--. " " Rothchlld bldg. .FTil-RAST close In, doing excellent business; $200 If sold today. 318 Marquam :RVSFER and storage business, clearing $'250 month. .1 ye.rs' WmlSxV?. storage psys all expenses. 248 tj Stark st. 25-ROOM boaramg nnuse. " , - - -...location unexcelled. Owner leaving town. No agents. C 158. Oregonian. WANTED First-class location for saloon In Portland, or will buy plac If pnc. right. ai x... a mn sale Blacksmith shop, lease and Ftockcheap. Walter Plymale. Aurora. Oregon. havf vou $600 cash? Do you want a llt Htl. bu!ln that clears $125 a month? Write buainea.. - m-ivHUR SHOP, best location In city, BITCHliB, "f . modern livlna rooms: valuaoie .. "v.V V,nh, . price $40W. o'a " Mil p Interest in old-..tabllshed coal and Uthf. '".ualness. paying better than $lo0 wood business, paying month. 245Mi Stark st. 'MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. . . ..J other bonds bought and .old! Fletcher lnv. Co.. 325 Abington. SHOE repair, .hop doing good Ma latest maenmerj. 157. Oregonian. F.)H s VLE Two machine .hlngle-mlU oa r?H and water, also wm timber. Box ft RldK.Beld. Wash. fj-iHN-FR cash grocery, with nving-roo.ua, .M Savtoa S3& month: very lltU. money required. 823 Lumber i-xenange. CREAMERY tor sale: wiUU controlling ntnrrSt Or SU1 S-v. - Huatell St.. Portland. Ur. CIGAR bu,li.efor $1800: clear. $150 to Suu tnonia; ca "t ' - Room 319 Lumber Exchange. partner wanted: mostly outside work and FAKi.Nt.tt. .a...ir.. iittlM money. pays weetv . A USEFUL and clmple patent; will you ln AwtiarAier J. Burllngham. few days at HOOID f""""" inier Hotel V2S N. 6th at-. Fortiano. I HAVE a dandy grocery and woul-.Jkje-i .aT,o fnr fountrr nroperty. Hl ear Hns- invesuemtion. AT 164. Oregonian. -re- -v-1 fufnUhPi. restaureui -i.h sieVping rooms: rent only $20; good location. Owner. 321 H water st. .-OH sale Good local trade, mill and tlm h?r orUI 1'" o responalbl. paiVV. John H. Brewer. Sliverton. kji. CONFECTIONERT. cigar and tobacco. Ic narlor. furnished Uvin rooms. Phone TaDor OJ. BF5TAURAST. living rooms, fin. locaUon Pri onW $150. m oner I. sick an had to close. 30 Lumffcr exchange. pIrtneR wanted, old established restau rant' $:-00. AD 152. Oregonian i,M k. -inkss CARDS. $1: bring his a .Jie City Printer.. 12 3d. cor. TaV.r -Farmer In good paying business. Room THE 3rORXING OREGOyiAy, FRIDAY, H H. GOODKIND CO., INC. 1005-w, Wilcox Bldg.. Cor 6th and Washington, j Phone MarshaU 468. A 1058- rjalrv lunch and creamery. 50O; rent . $10: dally receipts $15: located on usi Side; a Dargtun. wwoamu ttith , navtAr olimr atnd and COnfeC- tlonery. $700; rent only $15; good corner, r.ttA An V.amt Sidei 3 POOl tables, 1 011- ,, a ...! a-.... Bi-A worth $140t; only reason for selling compelled to Je ?ltv orfaceount of sickness; something good. aood Goodkind Co.. Wilcox bldg. I r , V. eo-ion.- nr.r 18a: lease 1 I years; seating capacity 60; dally receipts a-r. w. e- teAff iin- IrwJ.t4(l OH W I Side, close to this office; It is a snap for I th. mm.ev: come and see it at o Goodklnd Co., Inc., Wilcox bldg. Wholesale and retail grocery and com mission merchant, $500Oi rent $85; 8ood i ..-- h.inAca 118.0OO: horse and wagon; part cash will handle this WANTED A reijable party capable of man nicely, balance on easy terms; lo ? I aging an A-l established wholesalebusl jvest side, snort aistance " bMauBD -o, ww ' ' " Bakery, $850; rent $20, with H?1" rooms upstairs; can get long lease: daily I receipts $25; horse and wagon, brick oven, i 8x11; no opposition: located on iast diu, a snap lor someone. Goodklnd Co. BHiinrrt narlor. clear stand and barber I shop. $S0O: 2 years' lease; rent $-25; desrs $100 monthly at the present tline; $50 cash -will handle this, balance on easy rma: located on East Side; S billiard tables, fully equipped In every particular. Goodklnd Co., Inc. A.nnatan q .1 hoiM bakery. $2300; rent $35, with 4 living rooms, fur niGeH: Ipua 2 vears: dally receipts I to $40-; all cash trade; no delivery; dandy . . 1 -a I,- .Tin!). I place; never oeiore uuoic. . See Goodklnd Co., Inc. - . Cigar stand, $150; rent only $10; doing a nice business; located East Side; lease 4s years; snap. Good-ama o., jui. Delicatessen and lunch counter. 100; rent $30; guaranteed to clear $10 month ly; located close to one of the best trans fer corners on West Side; party Is com pelled to sell on account of sickness, a snap. Goodklnd Co., Wilcox bldg. r' ..nnA (nvola rent 170: good .11 U V C. . , , ..iwv VI ... . .... . - . - I long lease can be had; daily receipts $75 to $85; horse and wagon ; located on nest corner on west aiae; estauiiaueu j j - Otis place will bear the strictest Investi gation; a bargain. Goodklnd Co. Coffee house and restaurant: $1800; rent $130; lease 3 years; seating capacity i. dally receipts $o0 to $80; located on West side. In workingmen's district; must De seen to be appreciated. See it at once. Goodklnd Co., Wilcox bldg. 1O05-6. -D-i a .f....i..ru lftrOOi: rent w"j v..."'. $75; good long lease can be . had ; located In good country town of $s0,0O0 popula- I tlon; dally recelpu $30 to $t; established U r, Vr.' h.ro ia an oDoortunity for a aood hustler. Goodklnd Co.. Wilcox bldg. TTotoi ani4 17 furnished' rooms. $8M; n. sot. loatrl to a aood country towr. I between ' Walla Walla and Pendleton: car- .- ,nnlitnM nvul- eatAbllshed -a I years: only hotel in the town. Here U ll I snap, liooaaina 1.0., v, n". DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSI-1 - nD& IF SO, SEE GOODKIND CO., INC., 1005-0 WILCOX BLDG.. COR. 6TH AND WASH Oaa a r r l.w. a.oK TA Attnr f&CtOrV at I of lta kind In the county and is con-; . -I. TiiiaTnnnu- hoarh resorts. Kav Cltv on xuiamoojt on. V" ' " I ...,, hTa4idnir- Ir in nroaresa. Willi u K...,inaa.. onH mn.rhlnrv for $6500. c.i- iv,,.raa tt wflntpfl. Will lease land and buildings or sell f or J4000- Terms one-third cash; will take $2000 or more in mill work and a mortgage Would retain interest wna "f"10'" port- ionri afOAtt rrAntral Sash. Door & I Mfg. UO., nay SWANSON In this city. June 18, iamiiy residence, S19 urana ave., oarau i son. aged 62 years 1 month and 4 days. ;.',.,. , T TP fiwanaon. The fu- 1 neral services will "be held today (Friday). June 21. at 2 p. M.. irom vv . vj " . pie. 83 Russell ,.' .SitSw Friends and acquaiatances are respectfully invited to attend. Interment family plat, Rosa City Cemetery. Remains at Pearson s undertaking parlors until 1:30 Friday. WE have for salo In a good live town in Hood River county a sioca u. u..-- .v- .i.A of .h i.h will depend upon ZSr&'&SSSS and lodgeroom more taau ".. '.: take out what stock you don't want. tnis IB a tine V . . 5nt what they ar. looking for. Call 303 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 1001 or A 2353. : . AUTOMOBILE agents I want local a rents In every country in tne handle a popular-priced line of automo biles; a good name and reputation for in tegrity counts more wm.u -r--- 2SariencS If you haVe $300 and can furnish bond, you can procure the agancy M.rn.trr.Hfl rtxr and we will fur-I nlsh you with demonstrator. For full Par- ...nl.r. arlHrM T 1S. OreKOnlan. I "-""" r i ...-. c.T.tr R1WW1LL in OltCl.llvu, vv . . - , , .,V .Tn ani.inment. store, build In operation; 30 M. capacity; pian.". ings! 25 million feet Umber mostly fir. with considerable sugar pine, more ' tim ber can be had; a good and going business, worth investigating. Write for details, principals only. AV 373. Oregonian. emmor hfttel to rent Botel dining- room finished all ready for opening Sun day next. June 23. This is the nne.t d.n-.-.wm An th. Tillamook beaches and it offers a chance to the right person to make a lot ot muii ..... particulars see Ralph Ackley. 1.0 5th st. . nn7T-ci .n...t..nt. nf a lifetime fori sale in one of the best towns In Idaho of 4500 people; 25.000 acres ot wiiu -1 lng in this vear under irrigation; reason if iSnfn, l. lack of capital; stock and fixtures all new. AV 400. Oregonian. FOR SALE The best hardware and .PO"-; ing goods store, on the Columbia -Wver. wlSch 1ceSralsoTeyougTtr.80b0To-il2.m will handle It: monthly sales utini $500. Box 817. Clatskanle. Or. XMBIT10US young married man, with $5u0 desires t5 speculate or go In partners with some -responsible party In business, country or town. Write full particulars, as party means business. H. s.. 7 tn .u, Astoria, Or. CONFECTIONERY. lc.oreani. 'l-.JT. . bacco, luncnewi.. wn. -- . ., . i.aa.. average $55 day. terms given : owner called to foreign coun. try. 230 Washington at. CLEANING and pressing business; owner does the lnsld. work and wants you to drive delivery wagon: be- . will Pyf0" S less than $25 week and very little money required. 323 Lumber Exchange. WEST SIDE cafeteria, in fine location, lng $70 day; will Inventory over $2o00 ouick sale: $2000 buys it; will make te do- for terms on part. 24SV, Stark st. PARTNER for delicatessen and restaurant. ideal location, emai. , - - See owner White Dove, 4th and Jefferson 10c MOVING-PICTURE theater; ; bt loca- tlou .ast .a-: , -,,J-' loarlniI 7tIOTB ili to $600 monthly. P 165. Oregonian. Aw -dib w" ----rtoln- .22. to $35 v-..-,- .raaHnnsrv if4s-cream ana I df?: Vent S0. including llving-rooma 248 M Stark St. BAKERT and confectionery business popu- SK-th"-"will tiidTtof good home; no time for ldlera. .1. -. nana in Ann n llltV 5-room i modern aeuw coun w lJ?" " I eery or small general store, not exceeding S30UO. A U joo. v'ct""- SALOON-One of the best in The . Dallea, atinvoice cu M m m atT T. NOian. ins j-vi, v.t - port. ana. CLEANING d. dyemg ..tabU.hm.nt w. Call Ashley Rumelln bank, 2d and Stark. DELICATESSEN, West Side, fine location clears flaw per mo.... " - - . " Hlgley at rjisnoi.. ." man to show property and take half inter est In DusTnei. cTearing 2 montl. ?cli,'. $300 required. 303 Lumper j.xcm.. SHOE repairing shop for sale, with stitcher and finisher; low cost If taken at once. 5t',7 Jefferson . - .. . location on mouth: price yua. auj luu.. i. month past year. 31 Lumber Exchange. LrNCHES."delica"tessen. groceries etc.. long valuable lease: clearing $12 a day; price XI 300. 303 Lumber Exchange. .t. c r a . r-rtnf.ctlonery. cigars. ice I rf fc.ar Side transfer corner v-vear lease: 'no agents. Y 164. Oregonian. r.,r,-r-r-T ass notmnuit 5 years' lease, do- lng fine business: good reason for selling. " -l K-l Uronrl IT. - see u-nci, i- .----- FOR bueiness paying rfiflO $400 let ma prove tnis; rea. , risk. An ureBumw. - . ,h.lr.: will sacrifice ni. trmii if taken soon. 127 N. th st. TWO-CHAIR barber shop, complete, living- room in rear-, n.. v.""" Mrhr shon for eale: $200; !n good " "- r, r-nt. R3. Washington. - 2ft PER CENT lew than lnvotcgooa rwn W .....aw A aaSlLl-SS-im. V .LOOt V.-Ut4 J rw first-1 ...i .lt rin.K town corner, trover operat eu-.a Tiorbi'o better:" $2000 cash, balance as room earns It. G. H. DAMMEIER. 403 McKay Bldg. cor 3d and stars. I WOULD like to meet -a Prtl wh U HAVE a $500 bond of the Provident In i. finaneiaii. resnonsible as well si i .., a Trustee Company, per cent aood business head; have large Proposi- Trim: small expenses and small Investment are the good points . u p.i. uiy! -a closest Z.?TrJl"a B' changed. Re ply Jt ID., uregpniaa. Greatest business of present fe.'UT'r $100 made dally. Eetablished theater, for sale or start a traveling " . ; get (j"1"; .ooivr.R. 526 i4 Washington St.. near l"th. aging an A-i ea..-.. . n ness. which win sua of Wanmg?on" One willing to Inve st some Yakima, Wash. . "- IF YOU NEED the services of an expert on call or write Chas. J. Barnard, wi i- n A H a. 1 V I..-' ..i . . 1 WO?-- ',??,.Sn "chlcSoTw- merciai iw auuuai ww No charsre for advice. . : ... 1 4 in Nnrthern Cal- UWiMeil. OX B UUU v - - . in par?icpat In the deve opment of the faSeood strong ledge report of Port- land engineer. Address Wells ec -" I Washington St. . I. a light rartner so .- - take . manuiactunng p.auv, a " . i n. ... nfrifm and mliu6 men, sai i oV r 7n.l, Kinney & 3 tala ri her. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. CHICKEX ranch. 8 miles from Portland. 8 . . hearinr apples. 10 acres in crop of corn, beans and Po" to.. elan 30O chickens; rent $21; pric . $700: apple crop alone worth more man that. 4Q3 riotnciiuq ums- nT-vT nnTFl. lD CAFE. New building, steam heat, hot water every room, superior location; transient and auto trade; good proposition to the man who will furnish and operate. First State Bank, urea nam. ui. . .. . . , .n .11 or to trade: KlUrJ little DUBiueaa i " ti aood Income: rent cneai, "i 164, Oregonian. m BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WAXTET). i NOTICE. , t v. -. eenn ph T will Invest In business or acreage near . A , Oreg.onian. vu : z . business or acreage near Portland; answer I AM looking for a good busmess: g rocery ,neral merchandise; Portland pre- ferred- Would like to exchange good farm property. - a J. iw. vr3K BOOMUfO-HOUBEa. GET READY FOB THE EXK3. . 90 BOOMS. nra haua fi-ti Iena n. new fireproof hotel. I containing 80 rooms and a ground-floor lobby. Each rooom has steam heat, hot and cold water and eleotrip 8hta. All large, light rooms. Take this hotel now and make the first yeafs rent during the Elks' convention. Very reasonable terms. 416 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLAND S LEADIKO ui uv " rioiti.is HOUSES. all aliPfl and Dricea 322-4 Falling bldg.. 3d and Washington. 1auooMS all housekeeping, newly papered 'd lkin41tanM, rent $60. f .Aorf Inoome: will sacrifice fol I sunn term's, or $600 cash. Owner, Main FOR SALE-19 ms; weekly a..u .5.. . ... j . 1 slent; business oi.tr. ,a lease; ouu casn, jjm i .HOOMsTrheZt $. mont ' """' i,.ir i.nt- leavlna city, . contract pays half rent. leaving city- Hall. 308 Abington bldg. a a PrfTlfTflF,. . hnniP BS3irt Waah- ington iu; gooi llaae; cheap rent. Price taw, J-.V cn.au- " 1 . 1 hmiM with eood lease, ' .V too, let aii that la required. . By owner, 324 Jachson st. A 5704. yCB SALE One of. the beet-paying ; room- lnK-hou8es in f"iana nul.r SO rooma Address tr loo, u re so man. - . hotel or apartment-house WAM tO iea.se .o.V,An.(KlA nrtv nf as to i u rooms, uj ' E 152. Oregonian. OMg Une ,ocaton, good furniture. easy terms., u."'. FOR SALE Rooming-house, good locaUon. 514 litn sc. SPECIAL NOTICES. .Proposals Invited MULTNOMAHCOUNTT LIBR ART. Sealed proposals for the erection and iealed. proposal. lor tne r o- ... completion oitua1""r----. brary to e ercuicu . , by 10th. Yamhill, litn ana V twI' Portland. Or., win n-a rrjivcr Patteruon & Beach. architects. unUl 10 k'r,,-C. anecificatlons may bo ob tained at the office of the architect., i?-lnf. r,-..n , Beach. Worcester bldg. "iV' .r.,T C- r..t rr. denosit 150 for ch set of plans as a guarantee Contractors n ... . - that the plans and , .... . - ("I- V."- '-..ir T a wtnril.lnn returned to tne oince ' " Sma On rYn of The drawings' the money will b. refunded. " a" n.rfid check for 10 per cent of the amount of th. bid. drawn to the order ot the Bounty Treasurer must accompany each bid to guarantee that the bidder will Qu."d'bond, me shaUb. forfeited to the County of Multnomah if award of con- tract Is mad. to oiuuer . ' fall to enter Into a contract .'" the required bond within ten days from date of award of contract. ' Proposals snail . . . . ,n.liiiM.ta The Proposals snati .-" Th. form furnisnen w "iV. ngni . 1, - -nv InrnrmalltleS In bids. . , . xo- r T. J. Cleeton.- County Judge; W. L. all iiioa w. " . i , Lluhtner. i-ou..ir . Hart. County Commissioner. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of Whidden tt Lew s. axchltecta. ?30 WUcox building. Portland Oregon ?.nt! ! li. "for the frec.oe."as called for new Court House of Multnomah ""rS rVau.." ofMulComah-County. State of Oregon. obtained flBIlI aaa at tne oft ice oi in. wwi.rei.-- . accompanied by a check payable to the order of the "County Court of MtnjwA County." certified by a responsible bank. fS- in amount equal to 10 per cent of th. agcrsgat. proposal, and this check is to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam ages In cise the bidder neglects or re fuses to enter Into contract and to fur nish a TOltabl. bond for th. faithful per ?o"m.n e of the aaid work. In th. .vent the oontract Is awarded to him. The right Is expressly reserved to reject any or all bids received. . T. 3. CLEETON, - County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER, i county Commissioner. D. V. HART, County Commissioner. No proposal wjm mo SEALED bids will be received by F. S. Fields, County Clerk, Court House, Port Und Oregon, until 10 A. M.. Monday. July l.t. 1912 for furnishing six months' sup ply of stationery for Multnomah County. No bid will bo considered unless ac companied by a certified chck, payable W the order of theConnty Court, for at least i per cent of th. amount of th. bid. The right to reject any or all bids Is .xpre-y rt-ervei ' r County Judge. 1 W. Ij. UGHT.B2, County Commissioner. - D. V. HART, County Commlasloner. Miscellaneous. BARGES for rent; capacity 4..U tona. Pat- UOST AND lOUND. 10 REWARD, lost, black female cocker spaniel, long hair, about Jun. S. weighs nounda 85 2d St. ' , qxt Gold necklace, pendant, set with - and amethyst: rewara. .oi x u- I an Kt OT rhOUft Main 8dl 4. " I POCKETBOOK containing vF'nnai SS: nadian Quarter. Return airs, uennau, iw E. Pine and receive rewara. valued only aa cn.. . t- LOST A necklace, gold chain, with areen . J"1"- i . . . , . , a nniv an is FOUND-; o wrrr. " J r I , ..-r. nt-r-At nnrse. welehing 900 lbs. uregoni. i J,, Waaoo-au Phone at 21, 1912. FOUKD Where you can buy genuine nair mattresses retail at wholesale prices: we renovate mattresses aaa return we also ieuu..t. ; . . . . " 9. a Curled Hair Factory H. Metzger, 22S-2i Front. Phone aiain .... LOST Lady's purse four rings; rewarxUJ. X. Parmenter, aov lenmo a-. cent discount for cash. Call between guaranteed bonds, tnat i wii. t -ou Df n and 1. noon. Room eoo, Chamber of' Commerce bldg. WE will furnish the money at a l" interest ana save . ..u ........ , .1 f..!rfi . t. will r,av to see us. L. R. Baifey Co.. Inc.. 324-Abington bldg. . . . ... .n hull dors WE pay iufnw cwa " .nd , contractB. lira iau fn other securities. Home Installment Co, McKav hldK- Marsh aii I HAVE a client with -000 to invest to contracts oi saie or mun.K ; 17T Vh. or any gilt-edge proposiuon. A itx, w- gonlan. - . ov-r t. . in tri--a MORTGAGES rw?. a:,Ttv m rontract of sala op real estate m wmdiubi-m . " VV E. Noble. Lumoermeni diub. MORTGAGES (first and econd. TMn?" enc. sti iers eauum eaux. 1009 BpaldlnK bldg.. 3d ana ww lngton. Main tw- WE buy notes, contracts, mortg and second), equitlea Co., S Lewis bldg- FIRST and second mortgage, contracts and commls.lon account, bought .real estat. loana r. mine., -.w . MONEY to loan on first-clas. Portland real estate securltv at owe.i. Flledner & Boyee, 608 Ahington bldg- WELL secured first mortgages for sala John Bain, fi05 apaiainK umg- Money to Loan Real Estate. " MONEY TO LOAN ON CLOSE-IN SECURITY. AT ONCE. $1000 to $1200. 8 per cent, farm. $1000 to $2000. 7 per cent, farm. $1000 to $3000, 1 year. S per cent. farm. $3000 at 7 per cant. ; $3500 at 8 per sent. $5000 at 7 per cent. $10,000 at 1 per cent. . $25,000 to $100,000. 6 and 7 per- cent. Farm and timber loans. THE HARBOLT-W1LSON CO., INC ar.i- aaon Ath and Oak Sta. A i.J ilW FOR 3 YE ARS AT 6 PER CENT. $25o6 FOR 3 TEARS AT 6 PER CENT. ggSglgrj,- BROS.. 433 WORCESTER " . TO LOAN ON FntST-CLASS SECURITY. Jiono to fi.Tra . ojc, $1000 to $1500 at 8, city. $2000 to $2500 At 11: $i00O at 7. $6000 at 6 or 1. -$10,000 at 6 or 7. - A. JACKSON DETSCH a40 Chamber of Commerce oipg. Main 4280. ' 100"- ' ' tfrttiffV Trt Tl AN ON IMPROVED REAL SSTATB I OR FOB aX.-.-rw nTUfl aTTT "DfsSTiTS " VERT FIjlSA IBLE CONTRACTS: NO. COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. ' (It SPALDING BLDG. .... ...... T" T fl i V $500 70 $30,000 ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. REASONABLE INTEREST. APPLX, Airt. i I'.ct. 1 . ..w.... M ' WARD & YOUNGER. SUITE 420 YEON BLDG. w-.-v-rTw -r-a TTiTTD flWV rTDM Hj. Hav? a nient with $25,000 who desires to place loans on small homes. If you own your lot he will advance th. money to build: no commission. Inquire of IS. R. Lundberg. 925 Yeon bldg. aiun . .jvvji. ........... , Plenty of money to loan at S to 8 per cent on city residence, and business prop erty and Multnomah County farms, erty aou EE)W p MA1Jj son to K04 unarairei u. ..f. nr for building V.n,- liberal pay- purposes, ? 10-c -'ion-.d as ment pnvueseo, - bnlTdIngP progresses The Equitable Sav ings ft Loan Association, 240 Stark St. MONEY . ON HAND UK i.UrVa -FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES. WILLIAM H. M DONALD, 710 Rothchlld Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Larga supply of money to loan on port, land real estate at 5 to 7 per cent. MALL ft VON BORSTEL. . 104 Second St.. rear Stark. , On collateral of every description; jsash - T j A rVTC! for immediate use; reiiate BC1 LAWSON BROWN" INVESTMENT CO., . H24 Tenn Bldg. Main 875. $4000 TO LOAN - PN CLOSEN BUSINESS PROPERTY E. C- EA&iv- j-Aua $500,000 ON 'Proved city or farm property; hnuniTiK or iiiiaii . i. loans a specialty. McKenxie a 614-516-518 Gerlinger bldg. t.x.- tionn 12500. $3000. $5000 l".W inrnvAd nrnoertv $15.uuv on r-"..'" -r , - $3000 or $4000 lor impruveo in.... fifnODSELL BROS., 433 Worcester Bldg. - alTlde mt( t5OO0 mortgages. P 161, Ore- i11Uu" y" I gonial inwTnr v PAYMENT LOANS on Portland M2?J5LJ. for huiTdlns ourposea 288 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS & LOAN ASS-N. 200,000 -1U loau; "Raft building loans, lowest ratea W. G. Beck. 815-31Q rainiig R nder t) ioan at 7 per cent on , mproved Will I lmprOVeu. r, l.i". n Ttorchers. 2QT uregomau MORTGAGE loans on eithe, - city or tarn. luniuAua , , ... . mnrtvaana nurChaS.d. pruj,.w ""-- - Kiia Wlleo. blda Henry v. x-.uuu...- . " . .n. lAana n lmnrOVed Clt V 0101.- t""-" r .. Tnhn Rain ROS c, .j, . . , Monejr to l0an or i new buUdlngs. "JU-J: houses preferred, if I do the work. Ah, spaioing ufi- 1 l". vj.a-"" TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. wat-tRTNGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. :. -.r -r ,,nlmoroved property: smell i-S-TSXI iVn. ,traeta and mortgages bouithU W. H. Sunn, 44a anenoca mas- MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowes "XTh. Brrr.il Co., 202 MciLay oldg. lowest d stark. . upward. on Improved real estat.: .O.'o'tgages bought. W A fawy, room 10. Washington bldg. J B, ,, Biit uUnomaS County. 400 Ch. of Com. MONEY, any amount. "' I77rSIftE LOANS. 6 AND 7PERCEN1. n. pe.a ' . "YrVTa 51 1.OMON. 2: 29 STARK ST. . . woDTCir.R LOANS AT REASONABLJ T- 7 tt.' tr t t-WIS. R LEWIS HLDU. . a.ks on real, personal, chattel or coiiai- . erai ecuxi.-. v- "wnPTnAfiR LOANS. t o. GOLTRA. FAILJNQ BH3Q. LOAMS on real eatate. diamonds and ) w. wolL room 9. Washington bids; MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. teooo OB PART for immediate loan on r.a. viAnA Tihiw 7,1 eetat.- ru-vv - rliai..- -- Harlln... bide . -1. inanerl on real estate mork- gagea n. aa...j. . Money to Ioao Chattels and Salaries. i $ f MONET FOR VACATIONS. DO YOU NEED ANY? 10 f0 $30. 40, o0. 60. 70. 10a CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. , REMEMBER, . . IF Y)U WORK 'BUSmBSS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 80S FAILING BLDG. I t 7 .t .A nn furniture, nlanoa antoa aunai . , : . . . , livestock, storage receipts, re. .an. ou- contracts, at lowe.i n S REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. u- D-..Irv,. ... nu. VTln 90K4 t rnn SALARIED PEOPLE. ,p. lr.enina house and others fur- . nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It and pay as you can. -Offieea in all principal ciua a. n.,i- man. sn x.u..., " Sat. 1IT LOANS. CHATTEL LOAN a. ... is to J100 today at cheap test and most private terms In .. est rates, wto. c.Min, kih rwop-nn 1 . JJ. - - , . r, " WF LOAN money on diamonds and JeweTry at half the rates charged by broker. St na.i . , . -. art at. Marx at " Mnvvv aoid on installment; confidential. MOF-T-'nnle. F. A. Newton, Henry bldg. 1 LOAN for the asking, salary or chattels. AJ... f Hi. F4 Irum bide. Tne i-'VB-'i v--t 7. r. v it v loaned-on diamonds and Jewelry; M2rrt?tlv wnfidentfal. 141 8d. near Alder. TFtTxrirT ratea ,on lurniturt:, ew. . -u.uo GooT Jiarvaau 5 SI at i?a.vi at. FIHANCIAU Honey to Loan Chattels ana QUICK LOANS. ANY iauU.". CHATTEL LOANS. We will LOAN YOU $10 to $1000 TODAY. Loans made on DIAMONDS Vh STORAGE RECEIPTS, yANP,,J..B, NITURE. LIVESTOCK or REAL ESTATE. LOWEST RATES. QUICK SERVICE. . SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. .Loans made anywhere In MULTNOMAH COUNTY ?each!d by INTERURBAN CARS- . nrm cut TTS. WE DO MOSS THAN WB ADVERTISE. i. YOU CAN GET IT TOUAi. I Rebate given If paid before cue. 206-207 Macleay Bldg. Both Pnonf- Open Monday and Saturday till P. M- net. th and 3th sis.. " i t --. PRIVATE PARTY. Loans on watches, diamonds. Jewelry. . Storage receipts and real estate. Quick, reasonable and confidential. ELBY COMPANY. Main 4617. 330 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stara A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gentle- men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at Eastern rates. DIamona i-ai-ace. S3 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store. Loans Wanted. $2000 AT 8 per 'cent on residence property I vaiuea at uvu. . . , 1 . -j ,w . , . na1. Mint en realdenca property I - valued at $7500. . I isnon at s Iner cent on . 1 "' non IM,W 1 Write or call Km. C 'Borchers, 207-208 Oregonian bldg. Phone Marsnau j. ; THREE $500 LOANS 8 PER CENT. 1 4-room house. Moutavllla. $500. ' 1? 4-room house. 73d St., $500. 10 acres Improved; 450 bearing, trees, house, barn, etot; near Scappose : $o00. worth $3000. Fred W. German. 436. Cham, of Com. Mr 6446 845L WANTED $250O or $3000 on Improved property, ..1.,. tttonn income S45 Dor month, in surance $4000; all street Improvements P GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, a 243 Stark St - $2000 FOR three- years from private party on my new 7-room bungalow, built for home. AS 167. Oregonian. 14000 LOAN WANTED ON HOUSE AND LOT 187x118. . . uivtiTEa POSTOFFICE. OWNER'S HOME; VALUE $12,000. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT; NO AGENTS. . , 4 a onrnAKtlV a n .-. vmw. . FOR SALE First mortgage of $700 on-gllt-real estate security; Interest 8 per . cent, payable Quarterly; i vj count and some accrued Interest. AC Oregonian. WE HAVE frequent calls for small loans at 8 per cent, with gilt-edge security. See our Mr. Carrier, who will explain same. Th. Fred A. Jacobs Co., 269 Washington st. . WANT LOAN OF $100 ON MY NEW HOUSE. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT; NO AGENTS. AG 156 UKEOUfllA. WILL pay 8 per cent interest lor .000 ae cured by $20,000 worth of htgh-olass real estate; principals, only; asents need not apply. Call 414, Spalding bldg. , . rr 1-11 cnA o vnara at 7 oer cent. on .$14,000 worth of close-in East Side property. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7462, A 4401. WILL pay $150 commission and 8 per cent interest for $3400 on my 8-room strictly modern Irvlngton soma. $04 Lumber i.x change ' , n. . .-m , ton Ann for It or 5 years at 7 per cent on improved Portland Property r .nn rnn ' -i ( - Porilor nhnnn JU1UD I worm oi,wv v. ' 6S69. .oaa- r-TDCK uhrth a LOAN WANTED ON FINE 7-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE LOT; 8 PER CENT. NO AGENTS. V 140, UKtiUuniAii. WANTED $1500 for 8 years at 7 Per cent on looxzuo- on r irst au, uc .TV $5000. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. WANT to borrow 2B0O from private party Main 740is, aj for building my own home on One of the best lots in irvingtou. a. .w. w.v. LOAN of $6000 wanted on good vropmr uiT 3 years, inquire au.. miu 162. Oregonian. WANT $3000 to $4000 to Increase an estab- nhd manufaoturlng business. Donnell ft V77.i ... C.rlr a. r8000. WANTED on West Side valued at $25,000; pay 8 per cent interest, no agents. Marshall 4547. MONEY WANTED Applications on band Henrv C. Prudhomme Co.. 806 Wilcox bid. MONEY loaned for prlvat. Investor, a, : b-t ratm nr interest: eaii nuu,IU' Borchera, 207-208 Oregonian bldg. WA-Mortgag , Joan of S5OO0 onim- $15,000. Address AV 372. Oregonian. WANTED-9000 at 1 1 per c.nl . on wnrth of elose-ln acreage. 3l Jsoaro oi Trade. Main 7452. A 4401 SMALL mortgages lor saie at count. Howard, oua awe...... WANTED .14,000, three years, on central West Bide property, vr a-. -c most mot-ttraira lor saie: kih-cuBo ., . na. .1 security. Dig aiscount. m. w.$ PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $12, 34-inch switches $8 26-lnoh switches Hair dressing Face massage - Shampoo Manicuring 25c: five for J4.45 2.49 -25 .25 .23 1.00 in . . i n tn.tni.nlx 5.00 Q.m.rfitim.s hair removed by electric needle guaranteed not to, return 14 t5 and $6 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlO'. 400?412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. RADICAL cur. Dy tne latest natural heal 14ui..;!;. inl.irllna radium, all elnC- a. f.a ltffhf- near. ing h.at vibration. iadlatlon. baths, massage, adjustment and anlm.ltlons: most expensive, finest- HSJES. nrtiPVe-r esteo "" .T... .n not a death while under on. fare: we will be glad to consult with you free1 of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory. 812 r,n.v.,lli1 hMa . . .;nA mtra. and masseuse: long MtlMJin u ,.,-treatments for S?S".n.?5n " etc::' massages and rneuma-LiB. Occident aL V car" Phone" East 3608, C 2553. Open Sundaya SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfoi. graduate; rneuu........ v -., Slrec- ."SSa"" mai.. No. 7 East 11th second door south from East Ankeny ...iia PWnnR F.BJt 280. B lwJ8. b-dttc-t jb. HANEBUT. . tm.ne.e makers, fines! stock of humSn hair goods, switches from 5r up? hair dressing, manicuring face and scaln treatments comoinss tr,. order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 544. i SUCCESSFULLY treat nervous .nl cb roxdo ..tation free. Marshall 3148. 807 Abington b?dg . on 3d7 between Stark and Wash, fir Catherine C. Gates, 10 to 6. DRESS SUITS for rent, li.BC Imontb i; keep your ciotne. c.'-" u. ..J sewed on. r psrepaire -... deliveries, unique .'" TPPATMENTS for prosperity and success, TabAlMiii smith, who mskei h. Mrs. A? Chapman Smith, who maes llt, LINE Royal Mall steamers: Vg&& Ca" ""I'onLo; Co;a.fow. Monueal C7 civns 18 yrs. Portland's leading palm S ha. her late book. ''Palmistry Made Easy" on sale, B67 Williams ave., cor. SnoU. Office hour. 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. MISSSTOCKS. .mental .clentlsts treats i"?'JSVW, off at 18th. ZEROL 'F' "rV-.. boxes. 5. and sye- I a?..y.u. Ta.-ce.--28. ... iiv-Trn UiJ to care for girl, 11 years Wold. ftSnT Portland to Denver. 87 Gllsan it. rnone aiov ...mvi-iil famous cosmetics, scientific tfl shd s?alp treatments MarlneUo Bnnl 4M Central bldg- 10th and Alder. MRS S C MORRISON Steam baths and ..!. for rheumatism, lumbago. 333 Maolson. A 4470. Open Sundays. "ARTHUR. Father nas w . j H.bta- write to your pmiie. ... It?1?, forgiven. Brooklyn." : -.pa isnPHIA B SEIP.-mental and splrit MRS. SOPMlA k bld Question HfiTed. -d Frt S P. M. Main 6824. SITPERFLUOUS hair, permanently removed. birDRruvv .... rnmer fith and Wash-I 504 wetiauu wwo.. ington. -.. . r,. vrrnn COMBINGS. ewitches, 95c; curl, and puf f . . - Son- Uary t$eanty x-w- " . MANICUKINO a specialty by New York ex- , pert, rujum iyp BALM OF FIG Compound Royal Tonic MOLES, superfluous balr removed Mra D. Hill. 42 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. Mrs. M. 2."-arDSS. "MaVg&'r MANICURING parlor, facial and-scalp treat ment: shapSolng 307 Northwestbldg jars. -o ELECTRICAL facial and scalp treatments. halrdressing a 1,L1 -- land blag. , HAIR STORE, 120 8th St.. near -H , .chins ton. Beuer quality hair, may shade. PERSONAL. . . . -rf interes ro- tne sale 01 acres in 1-r-. - KUSA STATION. Salem Electric, in Apr.l, 1910. and who called on me at SS ox lege street. In regard to commissions, kindly give tbelr name and , address tc Mrs. G. A. Peaster. at 509 Market street. BOSTON graduate, massasta and JVi h. gymnastics. ;;S2 jenerson. up BUSINKS8 DRIECTORY. Amateur Kodak Finishing. QncK service, cut rates; u.t. Th. Kodakery. 6th . send for nrlct and Wash. 1 BUNGAIX)W SPECIALIST Money suved. Adflress !i aiui.nu.nan p.. PICKERING & CO.. assayers, arriNltarS. re- flners and buyers of hlgn-graue auu u. lion gold. 142H Fourth st. Wells ft Proebstel. mining engineer eheni lsts and assayers. -u. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory . and ore-testing work. 188 Morrison at. Attorneys. ALEXANDER a. AliXANDER. lwye; practice In all state ana seaerw. abstracts examined; expert c collections. 417Chamof Com, bldg. . vinorn attorney-at-law. General 'practice absSaet. """n'JL'd Jt .moved t. 1424 te 1429 Yeon bldg. M. 8i. A aott. Brass and Machln. works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brasscasting Chiropractlo Physician. - 55 TICKNER. Columbia bldg next Star Theater. A 5235. Main 9587: rea B 8.; Chiropodists. DR OLIVER O. fITeTCHER and lsdy : pert assSranT. 803 Alisky Morrison. Main 8762. treat, all Ills of the foot, without danger of Infection: corns, bunions, ingrowing and trophld nl. , Oat foot and bunions a specialty.- WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie only sclentlflc chiropodists in the city. Parlors 802 Gerlinger bldg., 8. W, cor. 2a and Alder. Phone Main 1501. CHIROPODY and pedicuring, a'' ":' Hill, offices 429 Fliedner bldg.laln3473. DR. U. S, G. nd M.r,. Fietcher-P-in'... chiropodists, uver nazeiw. CoaJL COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 3P ST. WOOD- Dancing. . S MR. AND MRsThEATH'S SCHOOLS.. 10 M St.. bet. Wash, and Stark, and AUky bldg.. 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught dally; walU and two-step guaranteed In our le"0"1 .cl" Monday eve. $ to 10. at 10$ Jd St., le. sons 2oc w-- tiLLSon'S Dancing scnooi; u.n. waltz, two-step. three-step, echottlscne i5L lessons 25c Royal Acadumy Hall. Si Fifth street, bet. Stark and Oak streets. Phone Mam loai. RINGLE1VS ACADEMY. lding - -oncju daily Instructions; Informal dancs ne.days. Saturdays. 2314 Morrison. Detective Agencies. INTERNATIONAL Dtectl Acy. cemj aervative, reuauie, aa.4 per day. Office 510 Dekum bldg. M. 64Z4. EdqcatlonaL - . STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M L. Hatfield, 1918 Grove, Oakland. Cat Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Cwl WB; bury steam engines and boilers, engines 2Sl-283E.Morrlson. Phon. E. 0"- Landscape Gardener. -- ( G. H. SIEBELS, Soiled lib-. rT-lt New lawns, carui-"-.r T"ther and Finding.. , J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished lBOB. XC J Messenger Service. HASTY Messenger Co day and night s.r.- ice. mono aa.... vv. BmI, Thlelhorn. vlo"? teartOT pupUSevclk. yoo atarqua.. PIANO studio: modern methods. 2S9 14th. Fi..n isaa. Arrangemenu for practicing. Main 8893. Arrangement Oateopathle Physicians. I . ... , f,.irm hide. Dr. XanT'chro'nio" Diseases. n "eV?S.7-. m. H4: rea East or B 1028. i-nnna. w...-. : a M-arliiate Kirksvllle. Mo W r""-'""'- 1807- 1122 Selling bd. mo xee v I CO AST-MADE paint d ll 1,.. HEUTER PAINT CO- RASMUSSEN ft COobb.r. PJJJ: i - -.. I Fatcnt Attorneya nTgftS r?r?TER HABERL1N. 326 Worcester bid,. patent, procured by J. . K- Mock, "toney- Z-.'Vrri of Trad, bid.. U. S. AND FORElGNMPaATENTS procureu . y 408-400 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ST C. WRIGBT. domestic and foreign pat. 1 Inf riMPImPIU Llisca. ui i -" t . Patent Engineers. Tv.ntions developed and patents se- ra.rSd All kinds commercial and shop consultation i.e. Pawnbrokers. inANS at reasonable Interest on clothing, welrv real estate, contract., etc. Stem's jeJwn.hnn. 28 North 0th.. near Burn.lde. UNCLE Myers ?.f.a Tl 6th st. Phon. Main 10. - Collateral Bank; 40 year. thk- Rarber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 "os e"c"c bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. " Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near. 24th and York sts. Main 3489. Safe. TxiB MOSLER SAFE CO. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices; second-hand safes. Screens, - t.to.okdkk screen door, and win- I . ,.na. romn ettt. Am.rl. i ' -r tr... 3772. Wa do can p.reen " FOR screen wora, x-. - Second-Hand Goods. we pijr y -"iBr," 'or C"t"0" C101I".1B- I WE buy c ...hi., furniture and tools. High- fit nrlce T paid for second-hand clothing. ;LRn'r? fools. Marshall 2354. ... n.lioa for rr!Ani1.ha.nd WE W tM niB v - e,0 fitn oint fiing : .- -..o Bank and bhow Fixtures., . , ry-t.-p. vr"(j CO., braocn urana mv- las - TiIRDSALL, 208 Hamilton bldg. Show-case? in . stock prompt delivery. Sales agtnt, M. Winter Lumber CO PORTLAND SHOWCASE F1XTUKB MjJ N. """""--k.nj Main 2703. Cabinet work. ana - .- I . fiteamuui Th'rL0 Wi in river.nd"gulf ; "ipl.n ffniw turbine steamers; .aloon, second did new .u. -iaaa: suDerior n.-class Bt Lawrence route; four days on the St. Lawreni. ,f .,. S?Aiw turbine steamers; saloon, second 5ihir? and third class; superior ne-clas ffkln .eVirlee; cuisine unexcelled; courteous "tJ'iS.Kn- send for circulars, atea. plans. lii T Allan & Co.. 127 N. uearoora ai... Chicago. storage and Tran.fer.. 7, r. ciCK Transfer A Storage Co.. office. - -. p liou. 4-.tory brick warehouse. contmodwu. 4tory reproof Y.uit. separate Iron room. n?ano. d iurnltur. moved nd packed ?ian.,rSg: special raws. mad. on, goods oTOgrfari "to .11 domesUcpd foreign points, man. , ooN-ROB TRANSFSR CO., n.l and storage, safea General v. moved and packed irXlpm.niU-8 'Front .t. T.l.phon. " Main S47- or A 2247. - TRANSFER CO.. establl.hed 1870. OREGON TRANbiaK . agents. Office 5.e 474 Gllsan at., corner 13th and - and.torage474 A 119. Typewriters. . w,n buy a REBUILT 1YPE- VL.ZPrJIr. rebuilt as ood as now; .11 WRITER: "0om t rornat GUI's. 3d and ternfs to suit; every machine guar- Main S00 or A 6u8e. . " ,h. exchange for the largest type- WBrS conc"n on this Coast; lnve.igat.: Z makes" all prices. The Typewriter lix-aL'-r,. "Hl.Ws.hlngton st. - - rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut NEW. reuuui. . Btark. M. 1407. -Eanary s""""!. .'d c:'"'? ; ..nrv-iDV rTil.t.i-lF'. beelns Sept. lO No pro ."Von offer, .qu.l pc- rtun ity. CatSSgue free. C. Keane, Prea, 1818 Mar ket : stnFanc : Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phone Mala U o writ. 1111 - t,t unvr flan .ml. - I ,4, JYSl AO-" ilia . fHD to7.o