Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 21, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Entered at Portlaodi Oregon, PostofTioe a
Second-Class Matter.
Subscrlntlon Rates nrrarlsbly Br JXTtOTf
Dally. Sunday raeluded, one year. .-..Ss.0O
Call?. Sunday Included, els months. .... 4.29
Pally. Sunday Included, thrwe months. 3.23
Pally, Sunday Included, one month...... .73
u el I jr. without Sunday, one year. .... ... m
Dally, without Sunday, sll-months a. 25
Dally,- without Sundays tnrae month 1.75
Leirlslarures with limited powers, and any ranges of the mountains and the head- them and the British, whose principal
othpowTr? i.riSw at aTi!" n lfSm? waters- of the- streams and are more post, as en ry body knows, was at Van.
ply a nullity entitled to no obedience. The remote from transportation and mar- couver, under the, benignant but suf-
quesUon whether those powers hava in any jjet. They would, therefore, even If in flciently shrewd management of Dr.
'i'benree'paasTniVdTciiu Private hands, be- th last timber to McLoughlln. To counteract Lee's Sa-
qnestion on which the courts must pro- come Into market. lein agitators, the excellent doctor
nouoea. The other cause ef Oregon's- back- moderated an old rule of the fur com.
Exercise, of such power By the courts ward lumber industry is the scarcity party which had forbidden discharged
is not inconsistent with the rule of the of railroads penetrating the timber employes to take up land within Its
people; it Is necessary to maintain that belt, when compared with' other states, sphere of Influence and established a
rule. The constitution, of each of our Washington's pre-eminence Is due to group of them not far from Aurora,
statesv being adopted by direct vote of Puget Sound, with Its many bays and where with their Indian slaves and
the people. Is th highest expression inlets, and to the railroads which f oW fertile farms they lived an easy if not
CrtUe Thinks Text, That Hera Antes
Saonld Appear. ,
PORTLAND, June 1. (To the Edi
tor.) The writer wishes to call the
attention of the Portland people to one
delect, and really a very serious draw
back, to the success of the Rose Fes
tival, and that is the failure on the
part of our supposed well-to-do and
rich people to decorate and enter their
autos and carriages in the parades.
If one looks over the list of hand-
of the Donular will. An- act of the I low ttttt mvmtt nt marl-v- everv wooded I a yerr -useful life. The loinr. nrvMi- I somefy-deeorated entries in last week's
Weik'iyWlonUieai,''i,llr' m m0nUl 150 Legislature, being adopted by a ma-1 valley. Until recently the railroads pancy agreement was renewed for an parade, there will be noticed the fa
Sunday; on. year ijo Jority of men each representing' a part had penetrated the heart of the forests indefinite period In 1827, about seven mlllar nanl6s of OUTer K. Jeffery, W. J.
Bundsr sad Weekly, ana year " of the oeoDle. should be of less author- at hut few Doints in Oregon- and this rears before Jason Lee's arrival in ths IVenIon!L. narry v-orneit. miss txene-
CBY CARRIER-F " I i, Wh- fnr fhor ..oonn snrl bwausa f. ,a Katii fnr-1 rr- r,r ivieve xnompson ana a lew others.
El"?:. lunS2J SciSded.' on. 55cSih:::: .w the Legislature can have no power ex- est policy, confined logging operations was a provision that it could be ter- ye forveraTyeara.8 and" ls'not
Haw to Remit Send Postotnca money or- cept that which the constitution: grants to a limited area. minated by either party npon a year's right to expect these same people to
Soal'TIItT tamoa.PDoJrCcTOMra?I - This principle is recognized by our Had the census figures related to the notice. ' " . - continue doing this.
at the senderi rut Give postoffics address practice of allowing the courts to make year 1912 instead of 1909, they would So far as the two governments were It is true a great many of the auto
la full, including- county and stats. the- law square with the constitution, have had a very different story to telL concerned the subject lapsed into oo- owners contribute money towards the
. 3 ntV- an tjvin ams, oentsc " was auopiea irurn us uy uauu i i ney wouia nave inciuuea me proauct i nvion again at tnat lime ana oinciaiiy , ' - . - -
w ptgei. oenu, i iu pf " .u. i i 1 . i - I . . . . . , tt I ..... . . , . , . Ifor how can successful oarades be
a cents, a oreisn s. i as me ouiy iiieans ui ivccpiiig uio vuu- ot areas openea to togging uy trie ratti - iittie was neara or uiougnt aDout ure-1 . ... . , . . ,K
eO to o pases.
oouoie rate.
Eastern Bnslneee Offices Verre Contr
ite New York. Brunswick building. Chi
cago. Steg-er building.
Baa Fraaclsro Office It X Bldwl Co
Tea Market street.
European Office Ko. t Basest street. S.
W., London.
stitutioriv adopted by a majority vote
of the people of each state, inviolable.
Is the patriotic band that has
marched on Spokane; on Aberdeen, on
San Diego, and on other cities, to en
force the. glorious- principle, of "free
speech" as guaranteed by the Consti
tution, aware that following a long line
of persecutions and arrests- a street
riman andi Hill lines throng!. TBIa- go. But. circumstances were differ- J' dJ
mooif LouoiT ra ta cws, uu uw uu ii wim ia missionaries sou trie i partment stores, restaurants, hotels,
Deschutes country, and by the Natron, j American people. Marcus Whitman, I etc, that profit directly and who can
Klamath cut-off through the cascade who followed Lee to the Coast In 183S, (easily afford to- enter an auto or car-
Mountain. Tw years hence they will contributed powerfully to awaken Na- riage.
include the product of yet other areas I tlonal interest In Oregon. Lee also did It is true that during the past five
opened by the Harrlman line through f his full part and between, them they years the Portland people have awak-
the Siuslaw Valley to Ooos Bay, and managed to bring a large company of ?ed "fn mT ?f
other Unes now being: surveyed to the Immigrants to the Willamette Valley "f . "P SJ n- b ,u Y i"
coast. xnese roaos win renaer scces-1 in 1S1 J. uifler companies iuiiuweu. Thora BA Q .... . ,. a ww. nrA
I sible large tracts of National forest, I Ih the meantime stories were afloat oil waiting for our neighbors to do what
ana the J? orestry bureau win De aoie i the cruelties wnicn tne aa3on s jttay i we ought to do ourselves.
to sell many millions of feet of stump- Company had been wreaking on the I The greatest amount of criticism
age for which there Is now 10 market, helpless colonists. The benign Dr. Mc- comes from those who are the best
Oregon's day of leadership- as a turn- LoughUn was pictured at hundreds of able to Part ln such an affair; in
ber-producing state is Just dawning, meetings throughout the Mississippi fact, he loudest complaint about the
Our supremacy will last long after Valley as a sanguinary monster. The p"a "" i..m wW"er. A
I .... .AnkKn feowik. -..-'? I U -trie I. V ,1 kAmin ollW
aoUn on Thursday morning. He urged ing details of the latest invasion of " , " " ... ... . " , " , " doien decorated machines and never
again on inursoay " . " I ' "',"" the second rank and our timber will predate the value of the empire of the mlss tha COBt. and T doubt very much
be sold at much higher prices In con-1 Columbia and make definite claims tojif he ever contributed as much as J5
I sequence of exhaustion of tha available I the whole drainage area of the river. I to the Rose Festival Association.
This was enough to make a political I I will also state that it is my opinion
issue of Itself in the excitable West, and that or a great many others that
hiTV H r.n-r.wi fnrr trnm notli.r the festival SQOUia DO CUt QOWn to
A FATHER'S LAPSE. I three days, Thursday, Friday and Sat-
-R-moet rmnlioii a wnrlrinmun of -r. ' it.. . j I urday. and during those days have
f the precipice urd that they shirk desires to- do and remain unmolested ood m btrt Bnatabte habits. LC.X ml. 3 "!!l.ta J!!1" ,!J!!1..?, ..2!:
. . . -i 141.. i t i it i i j 1. 1 i - - i - iviHiTnrs iti 1 1 1. 1. na Mn i u ten uau uuiess
Colonel- Roosevelt on Wednesday
Bight urged his followers to bolt, but speaker was taken to the police station
they did not bolt. He urged them again Wednesday Right on a- charge
agals yesterday, but they did not bolt, of "obstructing the streets." Do these
A few of them started a bolt from the defenders of liberty only move when
meeting of the credentials committee their own men, are denied the right to
Wednesday night, but they bolted DacK spout in public 7. Listen- to the harrow.
them not tolt in convention with the I American liberty:
delegates he denounces as fraudulent, I One Charles- F: Kraber Is an antl-
out mey aiu oo. no uikw wm iwhduuoiibv iuiu u, inmuuicuiui-ui-uuici -..i. elsewhere
to sit on committees with, these dele- not relevant to the case. He desires vv . .
catee. but they did so. to Breach from th soap box. He has
The inference Is plain that the Colo-I seen socialists and tonguesters of I-
nel has led ills followers to the- brink I want-walloping initials doing what he I
vlnltnra must ba amused.
must despise himself with a bitterness greatly extend tne slave territory and l there is something mapped out for
. V. -. . L. .. . ktm I t-Vta fvtii snllnpa u-orn liwilrlni. a Kmi I J 1 fh. . .. 4 . 1 ...
Bounce that they will not bolt. Others corner statesmen have- had don for H Js head a t3jaUyiL wtte them fop something to counterbalance of them will find it very tiresome.
and four young children. To- lndul- It. Nothing appeared to be so desir- in addition to tnis tne majority 01
gence in pernicious, habit he has sac- able for this purpose as Oregon, and especially the business people, think
riflced the happiness of this family, since Texas was in Itself an empire It that . week of excitement 1.
nliimrfiitf all . . . . . iIua.I. I va iMt.i nrloA fnak-A nn nlttimo J"" o -
j .v.- H1I Snllvnr him In a I hrop.l .Ith wr.t hx l.i - " A CITIZEN.
i " I.,.- .1 . rK- v. ,,1. hi ,. , v " now m tne county jail as tne 1 to tne uregon country u inclusive as
the Illinois delegation, flatly an-1 done for him that few if any other I
say: "Let us wait till the steam roller them. He has had his sanity tested
rolls over os ones mors. Then, we will by competent authority and pro
work our indignation up to the leaping nounced O. K. Furthermore, he pos
polnt." They are asked to sign a sesses the ability to sooth the savage
By Deis Collins.
Plaa Also Sngzrestc-d for Gettias: Idle
Land late Ik.
PORTLAND. Or. June 1J. (To tha
Editor.) That speculation In land is I AsIt me no more, while here I stand Im
Convention bulletins. Incessant com
ing. That I should pause and go with thee
to lunching.
While the Chicago hive is still -humming.
wrong no sane man can deny, for to
speculate In that from which we get
our subsistence Is to speculate in man
kind, for one cannot be separated from
the other. But In order to right this
wrong we need not exempt personal
property from taxation as the single
tax advocates would have us do. I
cannot believe that" the exemption of
personal property from taxation is any
where near right. It
to think that one dollar should be
exempt any more than another. Every
dollar should stand its share of, the
burden. . What could be more Just?
It is true that under our personal
property tax many escape by stealthy
methods, but should we let every one
who chooses rob na Just because a few
cannot be caught. It is further true,
as the single tax advocates claim, that
much of our tax on factories is added
to the cost of production and the con
sumer pays for it in the end. bnt here This is my wedding mornT I had for-
m un cuqsui&uuq tne xaciory owner is I gotten.
consumer too. let my reason will TT..t. tn hr I'm annmt and
r'""i n " Deiieve tut tnis is i kindly mention,
ms oniy Duroen. nor tnat his own I ir Hn.-t t,ntt th -hi.h t k
Go bolt your lunch and leave me to my
Of watching where, charged to a
million vnlta.
ls unreasonable The delegates are sizzling round the
Go bolt your lunch I watch for other
Thou hast a ticket for the ball game
say'st thouT .
Go then thy way, nor nudge me in the
The campaign songs today sound
sweeter to me -Than
the old anthem, "Casey at the
bolt, but only about one-fourth of the I Tet nearly every time he arises In pub-
total number comply. Others scatter I lie he is arrested.
an over the field in search of a new Now why. in heaven's name. Is a
leader who will lead them elsewhere man of guaranteed sanity, pronounced
than over the brink. Some openly I 4f nothing more musical accomv-
climax of a career of dissipation and possible. So the campaign in which
domestic neglect, the charge against Polk was elected President was enllv
him being failure to support his family, ened by the slogan "Fifty-four forty or
That the man has- his kindly quail- fight." Polk pledged himself to stand
ties is shown by the fact that his chil-1 Unwaveringly for this demand, but
don Hadley button, and others talk of Pigments, . rdy tongue, to be hl."rhey wod n J sn tZ laugh ai tee
OUirr COUUIuaiD eft " vub u.v .... u l' I. i'6ub . vvx-n Liu ov.cTba
Impasse Into which the Taft-Roosevelt when, other men who may be crazy as
feud has led them. loons for all we know and who prob-
By throwing the gate wide open to ably don't know s flute from a calliope.
snrument and evidence on the contest- are permitted to Interfere with traffic "i 11 Harked
i HAlAcmtAM. IhftTftfl nun hava tdilAfl an thA Yinhlis I 1 ...
ed delegates the-Taft men have aided lea the public highways?
the process of disintegration. The Perhaps the I. W. W. has an answer.
Roosevelt men have further aided that Perhaps the Socialist speakers who
process by reducing the- number of without protest have observed these
delegates they allege to have beea outrages can solve the puzzle. The
stolen from 90 to- 7 S and then, to 43. public , no doubt is listening for the
The Roosevelt men have shown lack of reply. Surely the Constitution does
confidence In their own case and have not guarantee free speech only to up
deprived the charge of theft of Its setters of established government and
force. defamers of the flag.
.When the convention opened, the Pending an official statement we
loud vociferations of the Roosevelt are prone te apply to the Klabers of
men gavs tn to- understand that they the country the declaration of the boy
ww re firm as adamant. Instead, the Councilman who last week remarked
adamant is on the Taft side. The with unconscious humor:
Roosevelt forces are breaking up. The "If we decide to drive these people
longer the long-threatened bolt is post- off the streets we shall be abridging
posed the less likely It is to come, and the great freedom of speech for which
If it should come, the smaller it as a nation we are Justly famous.
will be.
Whether a man chooses to employ
Writer Sees serlona Error In Failure
to Build Shis.
PORTLAND. June 18. (To the Edi-
be consoled until taken to the Jail and promises of candidates almost as fre- I Un"j the Dattleship Dreadnought of
jici wucu iu nicaa lubu &liioi iiusmj i ww. - w i i , UU U tons, tne nrst Ol its cisss ever
through the bars. Had he been a bru- he was Inaugurated the President be- I constructed. Many new ideas were em.
tal, forbidding parent the children nat- gan to look for a way of escape from bodied in Its construction and for this
to I reason it was in a large measure an
experiment. concentration ot large
caliber guns, elimination of inter
mediate batteries and high speed were
the essential features. This ship
proved to be such a success that the
following year this country laid down
two ships of the Michigan class and
less to heart. It is safe to assume that return to the more moderate demand
he felt more keenly than anyone the tor the 49th parallel as the north
havoc his lapses had played. It is an ern boundary of Oregon. To avoid
equally safe assumption that released the reproach of shameless incon-
from prison and given the opportunity sistency Polk bethought himself of
he would continun to follow the line of I taking the Senate's advice on the sub.
least resistance. Ject. "Shall we make It fifty-four each succeeding year constructed larger
Cases such as this are not difficult forty or fight," he demanded of that shiPs "n " he improvements which
to diagnose. Very often the fatal reverend body, "or shall we say forty- xfeerience nad Bhown. be deslr'
weaknesses of character do not devel- nine?" The Senate, knowing what the DTha reault of thls change is the un-
op until a considerable family has I ngntmg resources or tngiana were a I easiness felt in England as regards
sprung up. Growing bad habits, par- I little better than the Western pioneers her naval supremacy; the feverish
ticularly the craving for strong drink, did, replied in accordance with its
sweep away and destroy mora inhibl- knowledge, "Take the forty-ninth par-
tions. In most cases the victim fights alleL') Following that very sound ad-
an unequal battle, feeble character be- vice, the treaty was negotiated and a
Ing swept aside in every brush by de- large slice of the original Oregon terrl-
grading impulses. I tory went out of our possession fc-r-
. It Is recorded that Campbell even ever.
sold the meager furnishings from his
haste of Germany and Japan to take
full advantage of the new situation
created by the introduction of the
Dreadnought, ' and our usual neglect
of opportunity, which Is the subject
of this article.
Everyone who has an intelligent ap
preciation of the naval situation will
censure the House of Representatives
for not providing two new Dread
noughts as we have In the past. The
capital Invested in the factory should
escape Just because by a little Juggling
of figures he 'can make the consumer
pay a great share of It, or to be more
explicit I cannot reason that since
there is a hole through which some ot
nis dollars might escape that we should
make the hole larger for him that all
his dollars might run loose.
But after all would not the con
sumers pay the taxes if the single tax
system was In vogue Just the same as
they are now doing. Is It possible that
the farmers would be so altruistic and
philanthropic as to save us this
burden by paying our taxes without
adding ft to the cost of nroductlon.
That Is too unreasonable to even think
But to get back to the nolnt. let us
phrase a law in as few words as dos-
sible. and without any obscure clauses
in It, that will cause all unlmDroved
land within three years after the pass
age of said law to be assessed at the
rate of value that the Improved land
Desiae which it lies la. This would
have the desired effect of doing away
witn speculation in, and the monoplls
ing or lane. -
It is certain that this would do It
without entailing any wrongs such as
tne single tax would perhaps render us.
As to giving the present unlmDroved
landholders three years to dispose of
it or improve tnelr property it Is of
course purely arbitrary. A longer
period of time would perhaps be bet
ter, Dut it seems that three years would
oe reasonaDie time.
To have the knot tied after this convention.
It's raining? Pooh, I care not if my
tie runs
Till all my shirt Is dyed a gory red:
I watch the bulletins, and read with
Dry "keynote" things that Root and
others said.
Don't talk, don't move, don't pester me
with trifles.
Until this great convention week is
No I won't eat, won't drink, and I
won't talk, sir.
I'm busy watching. Hang It ask no
Portland, June 2 A.
Half a Century Ago
From The Ores an tan of June 21, 1802.
The following- communication con
taining a set of resolutions adopted by
a meeting of the citizens of Washing
ton County held at Forest Grove on tne
evening of June 17, relative to the con
struction of a good, passable wagon
road from Portland to the Tualatin
plains, should receive the attention of
our citizens and especially our mer
chants and traders.
The resolutions recommend that the
citizens concentrate their efforts upon
This wourdrTaTnly bring about the .th" t .L""?
5!? r with this thTforkSr,t wes t of the o.d'fanya"
u.-iuuua iu in witnout exempt- I M. t t vtawlew take charza.
!S lnt.f o11" .?"" J-. ofndir. Jalocr? andVaMr!
handm. to'thosewho would own and H7y 5?,? .""rTrfn'tion-'neede?'
ku ,,,... . . ""J point collect the subscriptions needed,
f.0lrJ,T-If?v.b' ce land and call upon the citizens of Port
naiM anrm..- " land to make permanent improvements
with it, and the sooner they are forced In 0,6 canyn-
iw set puy tne oetter it win De tor
all the people. IRA W. CARL.
623 Chamber of Commerce.
humble home, spending the proceeds The soil survev which the Aericn!
for drink.. It was an amazing lapse tnra.1 -olI- tH0nta h, w,r will 5ognts a i we nave in trie past i .
The very mention of Parker cause- girts or white ones as stenogra- from his previous conduct in purchas- bo beneficial to them and profitable to the " general sentiment ot the country
in this matter. Tne tjivii war
Veterans are entitled to what
C Dllley Puts Forth New Name
for Place.
SALEM, Or., June 19. (To the Edl
tor.) I would be much pleased if you
would allow me space in The Orego-
Several of our citizens design com
mencing important Improvements in
our city, as soon as the waters subside.
In the erection of substantial business
houses and dwellings. Two large brick
stores are now under contract to be
erected on the levee and another on
First street, besides several wooden
The board of managers of the Oregon
Bryan to bristle up and threaten a puera is nis own concern, ine pudiic mg these same rurmsnings for tne the state. The facts which they col
repetition of the fight on Root at Chi- "u pmucium- luteresi in me com- comion or nis lamny. lect will form the basis for a more
cago. The) recommendation for tern- Plexlon of anybody's emr. loyes. But Experience has shown that these accurate knowledge of our agricul-
porary chairman of the worst-defeated when a change Is made from one color hapless creatures must be taken In tural resources than has yet been ac-
I to the other, from white to black, ft I hand and cured of their follv. Thev n'nUorl A ViA nam aa t-mA Y wr11
TtrA. - .v. MMVm.iwU M mav lometlmefl ba iDteresttntr tt. nntfM I nra nnr nnt tn HpvAlnn tViA -nawa rv i j i I cratic votes j
- mo iriuv; (.new-. nr vuuiuuLiw vu 1 - - 1 w - - www,.., euiuv U.IL iucd.1 vtuLLiuii. J.11H ureeo- i
arrangements at Baltimore- is In the the reasons for It. moral stamina unaided. Change of nlan bids these students good speed luoemen't and Datriotism
hands of the conservatives. The two I a report nas been published that a I habits and environment, enforced good ani hopes others may be Inspired by In voting against the continuance of
elements will De llnea up against each uuuiKm ns mnr living ana wnoiesome surrounaings their example to seek pleasure through our naval policy, congress jeopardizes
other as clearly at Baltimore as at Chi- nesa 1" offlca where the dust and frequently may be depended upon to public service In the Summer months, whatever navy we have. The pre-
cago, and, though the sound and fury aoi were so annoying that no white effect a cure. No better place for the s - Dreadnought battleships cannot be used
i i . .a irirl could endura tHam Thr.1i- hsnHa iiaiwins Ani Af mtii a nwionmmA in the first line of battle and the
' V"""Oii tc,IWI I 1 . I J " " TTnlo- tha ulnlnldnHnn I K.. n.Ui1nniht. or
and laces were constantly soiled, be found than the rockDUe. where hard w i""1-
ever pensions Congress may provide
but to increase the pensions as a mat
ter of sentiment (and more Demo-
at the expense of our
security, shows a decided lack 01
attention on the Republican conven
tion to the exclusion of every other
event, there may be as bitter a strug
gle among the Democrats as among
their opponents.
The Democratic bosses, having a
Under the administration of
Hence one after another they left! work In the open air is combined with Young-Turks, Palestine may soon re- net -noughto f our ''cetrory 'n
No doubt it was extremely troublesome severe simplicity of living. Campbell
to the head of the firm to search for a I need only feel grateful if this chance
new stenographer every day of two. I at moral rehabilitation Is given him.
We dare say he could have employed
natural affinity for money, welcome I his time much more profitably. At
me. disposition ot a large eiemeoi " '"7 ' .;m6 . The treaty which setUed the long-
atione the Interests to support ths task which promised never to end, and ..T.- vl.. .....JL
-n..4i .v. i. an sacred a. nnern irlrl fn rln Vila rmm "1""'"B ! uuur raiiroaas wui De uerman ana mesiine oer 01 empo m
ilr " 18 ?reat ?Iltaln 'er northern promise, to end Its history as the home kess -trU'N
" . " - , " . " . . , .i , i 1. I Dounaary or uregon was negotiated at of one of the Kaiser's colonies.
element Is actuated by abhorrence of n her face, since her complexion was w hl , - .... ,h UL
Tloavlt. Another element Infl.i- dark to begin with. Murky lingers did ffK. J"?' 1S.6' .?e '
eticsd by Perkins, Is disposed to make not vex her for the same reason. Thus""Jf'' 'There must be some laxity In the caliber guns and experts declare that
Its peace with the Colonel, hoping that the employer found a person who was u".8'" fJ ? discipUne of a military academy one of the best -means of Protection are high
. . ... .. . . ...I AAw.w-a4.4 . t- ..waA. W- - " "w ' w sw, wus -us. vuv ,. .e,.,fnnt. .a-.-U VAn a a l.n.VI4 I HWBW. B&U1U1 WOUuw w.a-
tne trusts m wsicn 11 is interested win ""' """" '"",tu"u1"""3 able act laid up to his account. Mr. , T , " "l"'1- lng of range. Hence the new battle-
t ben be classed by him as good. Such as they were, and, according to the pa at . RXsh The nal nkapd without .attracting the -fIruri6er5 which can take IU place in
o.i.i.c;uuu vi nu . Mw-ireia. laiuuuj I the line of battle. These countries are
academies are supposed to look more awake to the rapidly-changing condi-
flowing with milk and honey. Jeru- to nave commana 01 tne sea, we m.
salem, after drinking foul water for makease"r naVa p0.llcy n" anU
5000 years, now has a sanitary water ""heJessson from the battle of Tsusima
supply. Railroads are projected which showed plainly the necessity of fast
will make the entire region easily ac- battleship-cruisers and England, Ger-
cessible. The Joke of It Is that these many and Japan have added a num-
railroads will be German and Palestine ber of Bhips of this design while Con
has not provided our xvavy win
any. Owing to tne neavy ordinance
now in use, no battiesmp couiu witn
stand very long the effects of large
ni.r. i nir .-.i , .v.. o... I State Agricultural Society, which met
- w oia - , JM.l .
in Daiam vu' Liia i vi lii in.'.. -i-i - - .v.
hold a State Fair at the fairgrounds of
the Marion County Society near Salem
on the first Wednesday in October next,
continuing four days.
Board at Salem.
It seems the State Board is casting
about looking for a capable man to fill
the position of superintendent of the
Reform School. I see by The Ore-
gonlan the Board will not consider
politics in appointing a man to take
charge of that institution, but wants
the best material available, which is
a very creditable method of appoint
1 would liKe to suggest a person
for the position who is thoroughly
fitted In every way to have charge of
that school. The man I refer to is
J. D. Lee, of Portland, a man who has
The bill for the establishment of an
agricultural Department of the Govern
ment has passed both houses in .Con
In Tillamook County the vote was
unanimous for the Union state ticket
and there was no opposition county
Now that the waters are receding
a record above reproach and who can ani the repairing of the streets will
fill the position with dignity and effl- become necessary in a few days, we
ciency If he can be prevailed upon to would suggest to our citizens and prop
accept it. ertT holders that It would be wise to
He has served In .the State Legisla- .nmmanca tha renairlne UDOn a more
ture from Polk County, was for a term eieyated and substantial standard than
superintendent of the State Peniten- has been done heretofore. This flood
tiary, also was Clerk of Police Court has demonstrated an lmtortant fact to
in Portland for some time, and in all I our citizens, namely, that It is not safe
his public or private career there is to trust the erection of buildings.
not a blot on his record. - He Is a per- I laying of floors and grading of streets
son of moderate means, being a man j upon low grounds along the river bank,
who has served the public faithfully A good and substantial dyke can be
rather than for personal gain.
He Is a man of temperate habits, of
executive ability, a strict disciplinarian
yet tempered, with Justice, a man of
family who has raised his children to
the credit of the State of Oregon, and
built along the, river bank from Alder
street all the way down as iar as tne
brewery at least, while cross dams can
be made along the lower portion of the
city, near Captain Couch's residence,
which will effectually protect our prln-
I . ,, , , a aluuuil CM-ICU 1UI UIB CllUSU.
men as Murphy and Taggart seek to account, an now goes nappuy m nis que8tloa lssua between them
prevent in j reconciliation ana eacour. .ni- -
age ths trend of the moneyed men Instead of changing conditions to
towards Democracy. suit his employes, he changed em-
j Bryan and his following will grant ployes to suit the conditions. His
no quarter to the Interests and would standards of employment being such
rather drive them all Into the Roose- that white girls would not accept them,
velt or Taft camp. They regard the he escaped the difficulty by employing
recommendation of Parker for tempo- a n egress. This Is a process which has
rry chairman as an open challenge to I gone on pretty extensively in Ameri
whether the northern boundary should
'ZtlL?"1 9LZn2 Uorals and physical habits of their stu-
wtkI- ,- ... 7. ... j v, ' I dents. No doubt this reputation is
sauu vaav a,a .hs nHO U11UU1 VVUOIUtlO
tlon the Americans contended for the
latter line, but they had not always
done so. In fact, when earlier In 1846
the United States gave notice of the
carefully than other schools after the I tlons of warfare.
It is our duty to protect tne Fanama
Canal and our obligations are no less
usually deserved, but there seem to be to our isia ,X "o
How many delegates were "stolen?"
and we are in honor bound to advance
their material prosperity and defend
them in time of war. In short we
quietly dismissed and foreigners . 1 ! a L,.. to t6 court of st James the committee allowing Taft to keep. Collector of Customs Presents Facts
a t 1 L n H . - at that time and the matter was left nrst twelve, then thirty more of the
r. . .T' on.-T : "J . O:;.:.,. should maintains Navy commensurate
themselves and an open bid for the can Industry. When the conditions of "f" our importance and wealth as a
rrlendshln of th interests Tha Una 1 employment in the Pennsylvania mines Z7Z.;C" ..I.T..J . ." a. great Nation. u. o. -
therefor, mor. sharnlr drawn m tha became such that American workmen ""r1.""" BBre" upo" lne rr.w v.;? T
n,mn,H, than .',. TnMloan would not conform to them, thev were r.ln Para'ie. tor tne nortnem ouu- -., X, " '.T! -HEBE ALASKANS SECURE COAL
r .OQ , . I aary or me lemiory. i. nis was not M -io v
' Ths difference between the Ameri
can and British constitutions is con
tinually Ignored to those who object put ,n th6 place,, of native-born Amer.
to tne annulment 01 laws Dy our lcans. Then French Canadians pushed
courts. Federal and state, on the out tho IrIsh. Now the Canadians are
irround that they are unconstitutional. ud the worlc has faiIen into the
The courts in this country exercise that hands of Lallans and half a doren
power because we have a written Con- other Sontn Eupopaaj, races. The
stitutlon. to which Congress and Legls- standards of the mills have never been
latures are subject, and the courts are raised to meet the rising civilization of
the most appropriate bodies to decide v. .. Tlia ,,i. .. tn
Wh6th legrl8laUve bodle ha7 Mek work people with habits gross
is in every way fitted to train those cioal streets and almost the entire city
young boys and make, It possible, good from high water nereaiter.
citizens out of them. I am taking it
upon myself respectfully to submit his
name for the position to the honorable
State Board. Yours truly,
Modesty and Fashion.
Detroit Free Press.
"But don't you think this bathing
suit somewhat or a trifle Immodest?"
"I don't know. That is what all the
fashionable people are wearing this
"That so? Then Til take it. I can I you think of that?"
overcome my modesty, but I never can
overcome the handicap of being unfashionable."
Home From College.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
I suppose your boy at college will
be home pretty soon?"
Oh, yes, we had a letter from him
today. He's awfully proud of his stand
Somewhere near the head ot his
class, eh?"
'Oh,' no, his social standing. - lie's
seventh on the waiting list for the
Grease and Gristle Society! What do
At Lawrence, Mass., where the recent
strike occurred, a change of this sort
has been effected several times over.
In the first place, Irish workmen were
upndetermlned until the middle of the stolen delegates? There is either an
following June. The agreement for error In calculation or a sacrifice of
Joint occupancy dates back to the year I principle.
1818. when an adjustment of difficul
ties growing out of the War 'of 1812 I . Malice Is mingled with greed when
was rolne on. I a woman will swindle other women
About Import of Fuel.
JUNEAU, Alaska, June 16. (To the
Editor.) A recent editorial on the
wealth of Alaska in The Oregon fan
contains the statement that "practi
cally all the coal used by Alaskans
comes from Jatan."
Believing that The Oregonian does
In that war the British had captured with a beauty recipe containing car- ot wllrulf the facts. I sub-
Astor's post at the mouth of the Co- bollc add. Mrs. Bartee must have mii tho following figures of the ship
lumbla without much trouble. Their wished both to rob and to destroy the ments of coal to this district, as shown
easv success was nartly owl no- fn tha I charms of her victims. . I by the reoords of this office:
treachery of Astors agents at the cost. ' . Foreign and domestic coal 1 and coke im-
. - - 1 1 ponea 111 me iiatnci iuu iw lho i.ib-
jsm vij iv mo iiiuiiierciico vl uie r eu- I .r-iX-oputuitsr a1111uu pruves niiaseii a 1 cal years
eral Government which deemed the I man of exceptional poise and sagacity. I
exceeded the powers granted them by enough endure the incressingde ,on un ceIy worth ""fond- He refused to guess how the conven- iefgn.
, " ' datlon of ths conditions under which - t rT . Total. ... ik.ojo i.e 7s 9,a5 io,78
- ' r , ' During August, moo, an importauon
1818, Some faint claims wers made Flinn as the champion of the new of 86 tons of bituminous coal from
upon the basis of Captain Gray's origi- political method Is a notable convert Japan was made at the subport of
nal discovery of the Columbia in 1792, from tha old political method, which Nome. As a result of the labor troubles
190T. 1908. 1909. 1910.
61,967 27,210 28,112 39.185
81,061 5,066 9,1SS (6,010
do not exercise that power because tney must labor.
.T. JIT "Jl .T no written u ls lnteresUng to contemplate the
w x,i k """ ' -""""uy effect of this kind of a process upon
" " the citizenship ofhe United States.
niicv jjiirvciitiii cffiauiisoeu oy
Parliament Itself, which bv tacit con
sent neither house attempts to violate. ORECON AS A LCMBEB STATE.
I The British courts therefore have Oregon's rank as a lumoer-proauc-
but the British sought to rebut them h8 pursued with eminent success.
oy onnging iorwara some early voy
ages of their own citizens . together
with their Spanish treaties. To lull
in the coal mines of British Columbia,
the Alaska Treadwell Gold Mining
Company Imported three cargoes from
Thunder storms are so rare here- I Japan, a total of 16,550 tons, and two
a-bouts that It ls really a novel diver- cargoes from Newcastle, r. a. w.. a
tne period
September 14,
np power to annul acta of Parliament lnK 8tatR does not nearly correspond disputes which might have grown , t h ear th e element a raisi nir Ned. total of 7616 tons, during
Tey simply Interpret the meaning of wlt!l "t state, acrid and which neither party held to , neL.e elements raising jsea. from Fepruary 7lo07t to s,
an act in tne light or previously exist- "j " " oe very important, tne whole suDject
lag law. When a new law conflicts tate ranks, if not first, among the first, was postponed to a future day by the Gentlemen of the convention, please
with an older law. the courts reconcile JuJsed by the value of forest products agreement for Joint occupancy. Under hasten the work so Mr. Bryan can go
the two by holding that the new law ,n the rear 1909- 43 stated In a recent this agreement the Hudson's Bay Com- to Baltimore, where he win be needed.
ls of superior authority and has re- censu Bulletin, it ranks only seven- pany proceeded with admirable vigor
pealed the old one by implication, teenth, and by the average number of to take possession of the strategic po- - Professor O'Garrow would better
That ls not annulment of a law. but wage-earners only twenty-first. Wash- sltlons in the Oregon country. When put salt on the tall of that boll weevil
is interpretation of the rurpose of I lnston ranks nrst in value or products, 1 Jason Lee arrived with his pioneer I and stampede him out of Oregon.
Parliament. secona in numoer ot wage-earners. 1 band In 1834 the posts.of the fur com.
The closest parallel we have to the """"la" stanos secona m tne nrst re- pany were scattered with a Judicious The man who cannot find June
American Constitution is that of the BPecl- tne secona respect.
Ail shipments of coal and coke to
the District of Alaska except as above
stated have been from British Colum
bia or the United States.
Collector of Customs.
Sees Daaxer Im Iron Fence.
PORTLAND, June 19. (To the Edi
tor.) I want to say that the Fenin
eye to military control as well as the weather to suit in Oregon should be ul Park is a great credit to the
Am Anxious Moment is Golf.
London Punch.
Novice (with great determination
after numerous attempts) I'll stay
here till t hit this ball
Caddie Weel, ye can get some ither
laddie to hand yer sticks, for this ls
ma bath nicht.
An Echo of the Rail Season.
Houston (Tex.) Post.
"Think I'll go to the ball game to
day." "All right Is thero a telephone at
the grounds?"
"There's one near there. Why?''
"If the home team loses I want you
to telephone me, so that I can take the
children and go over to mother's until
you get your temper back." '
Australian commonwealth.- the most lno backwardness of the timber In-I Indian trade from the head waters of I banished.
recently organized democratic, federal aus'r' uregon in comparison witn the rraxer River to the Valley of the
s.c.....,c..i. xnai nation aaopiea a - - . " " V. Z I . ... .1 Any Of the "808" of 1880 can
written constitution and recognized the . "'7, ...w" . e s P"mary motive m planting his chucUle at the Colonel's discomfiture.
necessity ot entrusting to some bodyl v i mo uuu coiouy was 01 course tne conversion or
t. . . . . . I area in National forests. Lnmhrnipii iha imiian, t t . u i .i.
. t.j , . . .. . . are cuttina- Brat thai iimiu, n.-hi., ial.. v. .. ..j I The elements simply hod to give the
uicHi. nu uvwura its powers in any .uo.t. u i"cn iil vvereBLimateu . , , ,
act. It confided that power expressly ln Private hands and can be bought the value of their souls, he set about Ploneer a noisy welcome.
to the courts. Just as we have done. slI3, and without restriction fiom winning the Oregon country from the
merely by implication. The reason for 0WBers on the ground. Privately British. His latter enterprise succeed- Spring grain in the Valley gets great
so doing ls thus stated in a standard wned timber Is also the most access!, ed better, upon the whole, than the benefit from this rain.
work on the Australian constitution: bIe' hth from centers of population former. No sooner Were his colonists
The federal Parliament and the state Par- nd from railroad, ocean- and river, securely planted round about Salem Wool went altogether too low at ths
Earnest are not sorereira bodies; they are The National forests lie along the main than friction began to develop between Shaniko sale. . .
city. Conducted by the seemingly com
petent and careful people ln charge. It
affords a beautiful playground for the
children and a resting place for older
persons where they can visit and ad
mire the place. But tell me where ls
the wisdom in a dangerous Iron fence
made of sharp rods five feet high. The
children climb back and forth over this
murderous fence. When a child slips
at the danger point ln the feat the
tender body cannot fail to be mangled.
Can these daggers not be covered with
a rail. It will be done when your
boy or girl ls maimed for life.
' Features of The
Dude Ranching A delightful page about a new industry that has
grown up out West 4hat of making men out of dude?.
War of 1812 Survivors With the centenary of that struggle at
hand 200 widows of men who fought in the ranks are now living.
Half a page, with photos, is devoted to these interesting old people.
What Do You Eat? A page on foods that everyone should read.
It shows, in a lively, interesting way the precise energy values of
various edibles.
Artists Freed From Sordid Caxes An unusual illustrated letter
from a Darmstadt correspondent on the colony of care-free artists
maintained by a German. Grand Duke.
Defensive Baseball Another article by an expert, Hal Chase,
star firstbaseman. ' .
Saving Birds From Hunters The United States Government Jias
started a reservation in mid .Pacific where millions of fowl find
refuge. Full page, with photos.
The Woman of 25,000 Shoes A real romance of the business world
in which a plucky woman makes good. Written by Richard Spillane.
Two Short Stories, Complete.
The Jump-Dps go in for tennis, and there are new pranks by all
the color cutups. Many other features.