Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 19, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Taft Lacks 4 of Enough When
22 Instructed for T. R. Are
Eliminated, Says Dixon. "
Full Strength Not Tet Shown, Says
Barnes Colonel Counts on Gain
' ' ing Totes in Oregon, Illinois,
Maryland and Pennsylvania.
Arizona .
Root McGovern
Colorado .............. 12
Delaware ............. t
Connecticut 14
Florida II
Georgia 31
Idano ................. ..
Indiana 20
. Kansas 2
Iowa 16
' Kentucky 23
-Louisiana 29
Maryland 8
Massachusetts ......... 1H
Michigan It
-Minnesota ............ ..
Mississippi 16
Missouri .............. 1ft
Montana a
Nebraska ..
. New Hampshire 8
New Jersey ..
New Mexico 4
- New York 7
North Carolina 3
.' "North lakota
Ohio 14
Oklahoma 4
Orea-on S
Pennsylvania 12
South Carolina 11
South Dakota
Khods Island 10
Tennessee 23
Texas 31
l-tah. 7
Virginia 22
. Washington 14
West Virginia
-Wjromlns; (
'Alaska 2
District of Columbia. . . t
"Philippines 2
. Porto Rico 2
Totala 558
One absent.
Kouser received one vote from
'Texas and two from Wisconsin, three
In all: Louder, nine from Wisconsin.
' and Gronna. one from Wisconsin.
Root and McGovern did not vote.
Total absent and not voting, fi.
CHICAGO. June IS. "We have them
whipped." said Senator Dixon, mana
ger of the Roosevelt campaign, after I
the convention had elected Senator I
Root temporary chairman. "The vote j
this afternoon proves It. It demon-1
strates beyond a doubt the impossibil
ity of Taft's nomination."
The Senator did not appear at all
disappointed. He insisted that events
of the next few Important days would
tell a different story.
It takes 540 votes to nominate. the
Senator said. "Mr. Root for temporary
chairman received 658 votes. In this
vote were Included seven votes from
Illinois instructed In the primary for
Mr. Roosevelt, and these delegates have I
announced their Intention to carry out I
their instructions.
Twenty-two More Votes Claimed.
Senator Dixon claimed for Roosevelt
23 votes cast today for Senator Root,
which are Instructed for Roosevelt, and
expressed confidence that the creden
tials committee of the convention
would throw out some of the contested
delegates seated by the National com
mittee. "In Maryland, where the entire dele
ctation of 1 were Instructed for Roose
velt in the primary, eight delegates
voted today for Mr. Root for tempor
ary chairman." the Senator Insisted.
"In Oregon where the entire 10 votes
are instructed for Roosevelt, three
delegates voted today for Root. In
Pennsylvania four delegates Instructed
in the primaries for Roosevelt voted
for Root, feeling that tha primary in
structions did not bind them in the
matter of temporary chairman. This
makes a total of 23 delegates from the
primary states who have openly an
nounced that they will vote for Mr.
' Taft Four Short Says Dixon.
"These 23 votes, deducted from the 568
Temporary Chairman Declares
Republican Policies Demand
America's Indorsement.
Democratic Party Held to Menace
Country With Non-Protection Bill
Despite Efforts of Taft to Have
Xon-Partlsan Regulation.
Upper Bow 4 Left), Brace Deasls. State Chairman for Oregon; Henry Waldo Cor, Ormaby McHargi (Right), James
Watson, of Indiana Middle Row (Left), H. L. Anderson, of Florida, and Charles A. Scott, of Alabama (Left Cen
ter), Senator Borah) (Right Center), A. M. Stevenson, of Colorado) (Right), Lafe Gleason. of New York Below
(Left), William D. Hayward, Secretary National Committee, and Charles D. Utiles, Secretary to the President;
(Ceater), W. B. A as tin, President ot Hamilton Club. New York; (Right), Ex-Senator Lafe Yonng, of lows.
dent Taft's renomlnatlon. always cer
tain, la made positive by the develop
ments of the first day of tha conven
tion." Tart WW Be Stronger, Says Barnes.
Mr. Barnes had this to say: . .
"The result of the convention is con
clusive proof of two things, first, that
this convention is in no sense a Roose
velt convention, and secondly, that the
vote that was given for Mr. McGovern
exceeds by a large number of votes the
Roosevelt strength in the convention.
"Mr. Taft's full strength in this con
ventlon is not represented by the vote
for Senator Root because in my Judg
ment Taft's vote will exceed that given
the temporary chairman.
"I regret that a few delegates in the
State of New York have failed to com
prehend their patriotic . duty and
through the lure of possible political
yotes cast for Mr. Root leave only 636 backbone of the Republican constitu-
votes ior a art. oeing iour snort or a ancles which thev were elected to ren
majority. sesiaes tnese instructed
ttoosevelt delegates from the primary
states there are delegates from at least
4'ix other states who voted for Mr. Root
who are avowed Roosevelt delegates
nd who will vote for his nomination.
, "These figures take no account of
the fact that tomorrow morning the
Cases of delegates fraudulently seated
r the National committee from Cali
fornia. Washington, Arizona, Texas,
Alabama. Kentucky, Indiana and other
States, aggregating upwards of 76 dele
gates, will be presented by us to a new
court In the shape of a ceredenttals
eommittee that must be paaaed on by
the convention itself."
Wisconsin Spilt Dtsrnrbs.
The action of the Wisconsin delega- I
tion In splitting on the temporary
chairmanship waa regarded as ominous I
Binger Hermann Arrives In Chicago
and Seeks Vainly to Find
Hotel Accommodations.
CHICAGO. June 18 (Special.) Ore-
by some of the Roosevelt leaders. Some gon. Washington and Idaho delegations
of the delegates are said to be eonsid
erably aroused because Senator La Fol
lette urged the delegation to take no
active action on the temporary organ
to tha Republican National Convention
ware assigned seats in a group to the
rear left side of the center aisle in the
convention hall today. The Oregon del-
, Tha Taft bureau countered on the I egatea are in next to the last row. Idaho
Roosevelt men with two statements,
one from Director McKinley and tha
o.her from William Barnes. Jr. Mr.
McKinley's pronouncement follows:
"President Taft demonstrated today
his absolute control of the National Re
publican convention. His candidate for
tha position of temporary chairman.
oenator Boot, waa elected to that posi
tion by an ample majority, the vote
disclosing the weakness of the Roose
velt faction.
. It. Admits Weakness. Says McKinley.
"Mr. Roosevelt asknowledged his
Immediately in front of them and
Washington just ahead of Idaho.
Binger Hermann, of Oregon, arrived
from Washington this morning to look
over the Republican National Conven
tion. When last seen he was footing; it
from hotel to hotel, suitcase in hand,
seeking vainly for accommodations.
M. A. Miller, Democratie National
committeeman from Oregon, also Is In
Chicago to look on at the Republican
convention, but will leave the latter
own lack of strength by declining to I part of the week for Baltimore in time
place before the convention a candidate I to attend tne democratic convention
for temporary chairman. His managers
i... r VY, v. . v rr. Eliot Gets Another Degree,
date of Senator La Follette. but the I
combination was repudiated. Mr. Root's The degree of doctor of laws has
splendid victory assures the nomina- been conferred upon Dr. Thomas L.
tion of President Taft. Eliot, pastor emeritus of the First
"The full limit of the Roosevelt Unitarian Church, of this city, by
strength has now been polled and Mr. Washington University, of St. Louis,
Roosevelt still lacks 70 or mora votes according to a message received laat
of tha necessary majority. Every ef- night. Dr. Eliot left here 18 days ago
fort will be made to delay the consid- to deliver the principal address at
eratlon of all questions in the hope that the 60th annual commencement, exer
opportunlty will be given to maka fur- clses of the university. He wss a
ther Inroads Into the column of Taft member of the first graduating class
pledged and Instructed delegates. Their and the son of the first president of
methods will prove futile in the future the university. He already holds the
as they have In the past. The defeat degree of bachelor of arts from that
which they sustained today Is the be- Institution and doctor of divinity from
srinniBc of their disastrous end. Presl- Harvard University.
Receiver to Ear, Candidate Stays In
Room, ' Directing Convention
Battle Over Telephone.
CHICAGO, June 18. 'Tm a better
warrior than a prophet," said Colonel
Roosevelt when he was asked his
opinion of the outcome of the conven
tion. That was all he would say to
night. Mr. Roosevelt directed his own bat
tle in the convention hall over a tele
phone wire. Hidden away in a room'
in"tils hotel, he spent most of the time
with a receiver at his ear, listening to
reports of his lieutenants and Issuing
orders in person. He was seen only
once or twice during the day, as he
hurried through the corridors.
When the convention had adjourned
the Roosevelt leaders began a series
of conferences with their chief, which
extended late into the night. Colonel
Roosevelt's associates predicted confi
dently that the fight would be won,
although they guarded carefully the
plans for tomorrow which were framed
at tonight's conferences.
At o'clock tonight the corridors and
lobby of the hotel where are the
Roosevelt headquarters were filled
with a solid, struggling mass of men
and women. Police reserves were
rushed .to the place, but tbey could do
little to move the crowd.
' Orators Prophesy Victory.
In the hall of the Roosevelt com
mittee the crowd waa kept in lively
spirits with a band concert, Impromptu
oratora who prophesied victory with
out a doubt and a quartet which sang
amid great cheers a song entitled
"Steam Roller Bill."
When the crush became so great as
to be perilous, the hall was cleared.
and then began a secret caucus of the
Roosevelt delegates and alternates.
colonel Roosevelt fought his wuy I , , ' mn mmnata, with
foreign shipping.
CHICAGO, June 18. (Special.) Sen
ator Root, in his address delivered up
on assuming, the gavel in the Republl
can National convention, said, In part
"Gentlemen of the convention. The
struggle for leadership In the Republl
can party, which has so long engrossed
the attention and excited the reelings
of Its members, Is about to be deter
mined by the selection of a "candidate.
The varying claims of opinion for rec
ognition in the political creed of the
party are about to be settled by the
adoDtion of a platform.
"The supreme council of the party In
this great National convention, repre
sentlng "every state and territory In due
proportion, according to rules long
since established, is about to appeal
to the American people for the con'
tlnuance of government which it has
received with but brief Interruptions
for more than half a century.
Coherence In Requisite.
"Without organized parties having
qualities of coherence and loyalty free
popular government becomes a con
fused conflict between a vast multi
tude of individual ODlnlons. indivldu
al interests. Individual attractions and
"We claim that we are ent'tled to
popular vote of confidence at the com
ins: election because we have demon
etrated that we are the party of af
firmative, constructive policies for the
betterment and progress of our coun
try in all the fields upon which the
activity and influence of government
can rightly enter. We claim it because
we have shown ourselves a party of
honest, efficient and economical ad
ministration in which public monies are
faithfully noDlied. appointments are
made on erounds of merit, efficient
service is rigorously exacted, graft is
reduced to a minimum, derelictions
from official duty are sternly punished,
and a high standard of official moral
ity is maintained.
"We challenge the Judgment of Amer
ica on the policies of McKinley and
Roosevelt and Taft.
Tariff Policy Indorsed.
"The Republican party stands now,
as McKinley stood, for a protective
tariff, while the Democratic party
stands against the principle of pro
tection and for a tariff of revenue
only. We stand not for the abuses of
the tariff, but for the beneficent uses.
No tariff can be revised so moderate,
so reasonable, that It will not be re
jected by the Democratic party, pro
vided lt duties be adjusted with ref
erence to labor cost so as to protect
American products against being
driven out of the market by foreign
underselling made possible through the
lower rote of wages in otner couniriea.
The American foreign merchant serv
ice has been driven, from the- face of
the waters because the wages of the
American - sailors, and the American
combinations in violation of the Sher
man act has gone ahead with extraor
dinary vigor and success.
The newly created Bureau of Mines
and the newly autnorlzed Children's
Bureau mark the limit to which the
National Government can go towards
Improving the conditions of intra
state labor without usurping the pow
ers of the states. The pure food law
has beet enforced with vigor and ef
fectiveness. More than SO shipments
of adulterated "and misbranded foods
and drugs have been condemned and
enormous quantities of injurious food
material have been destroyed.
"The conservation of natural re
sources has been In the hands of its.
friends. The process of examining,
and separating timber and agricul-.
tural land In the great forest reserves
established at the close of the lust Ad
ministration has proceeded under the
present Administration In accordance
with the original plan. Classification
and appraisal of coal lands and their '
restoration to entry at discriminating
pricea has been extended to over 16.-
uoo.ootf, oi a total value of over J711--000.000."
. i "..
through the struggling, cheering
throng as though he enjoyed the tussle
and finally escaped through a doorway
Into the council chamber, In which
Senator Dixon, Governor Hadley, Gov
ernor Stubbs, Senator Borah ' and
others of his leaders were awaiting
I have, said that we do not stano
for the abuses of the tariff. The chief
cause of abuse has been tnat we nave
outgrown our old method of tariff
making. Our productive industries
have become too vast and complicated,
ri onmmnrrla.1 relations too extensive,
for any committee of Congress of itself
FY.FFSTIVAI kflMft IC UriCT to -ret st the facts to which the prin
' . ciple of protection may be properly
Fred Krlbs Entertains Float Partici- aPPllea- -
I . Tariff Board Plan Favored.
pants at Banquet. '"The Republican party proposed to
remedv this defective method through
Fred A. Kribs, King of the reoent having the facts ascertained by an im-
Rose Festival, gave a banquet in the partial commission througn tnorougn
Multnomah Hotel last night to 100 of
those who participated in the electrical
parade floats and who helped to make
the festival a success. The decorations
were roses. Music was furnished by
the hotel orchestra.
aclentlflo Investigation, so that
ih. President and Congress shall
have the basis for the just
application of the principle of
protection. The Republican Congress
Included in the Payne-Aldrlch bill
Mr Vriha nrosiHsA ' mas tho f.m.t clause under which the President had
and commended his former subjects for authority to appoint such a board to
the. faithful performance of their du
ties. W. C. Bristol. George I Hutchin.
Mrs. Hutchin and Ralph W. Hoyt were
other speakers.
"Kid" Irish Can't Keep Date.
"Kid" Irish, the Portland 116-pound I schedule:
CHICAGO, June 18. (Special.) second band swung along blaring outlthe convention. Ivory weighs 827
I William Jennings Bryan's seat in "Yale-la-boola," the battlesong of Old I pounds and when fully unwrapped
A - .. . . r . ,.IE1L President Talfs alma mater. - i measur
the reporters' box is number IS U President Taft's alma mater.
which fact was loudly announced by
an usher. Mr. Bryan smiled broadly
and remarked that Colonel Roose
velt's headauarters are on the 13th
floor of the Congress and bis man
ager's room is number 1313.
TSTERIOUS speculators were of
fering convention tickets today at
from 120 to S50. Tickets for the full
convention term are quoted by the
firm at $150 to $200. The police made
no attempt to put the concern out of
1TJST after the Coliseum was opened
i3 an immense gray cat strolled upon
the platform and was enjoying the
scene placidly until Sergeant-at-Arms
'Bill Stone accldently stepped on ner
(or his) tall. It kept Colonel Bill
busy several seconds mollifying the of
fended feline.
ERMIT Roosevelt is among those
I I present wearing a badge proclaim
ing blm an assistant aergeant-at-arma.
He la wearing his brand new mus
tache, of the baseball variety nine
on a aide, rie submits to tne pno-
tograpber tamely but refuses to talk
HE rule against smoking in the
convention was abrogated shortly
after the delegates ' were seated and
waa greeted by a mighty roar of ap
proval and the flare of thousands of
PERSONS who believe In omens may
speculate upon what the bands
played when Colonel Roosevelt ar
rived. The first band whanged out
Hail, Hail: the gang's all here." which
seemed appropriate enough, until the
iT'EE chairman of the convention is
X using the same table employed
four years ago. It Is black mahogany
and bears a brass plate engraved as
follows: "This table was used by the
chairman of the Republican National
convention of 1908, when William H.
Taft was nominated for President."
WHEN ex-Senator Nathan B. Soot
reached town, he called a stenog
rapher and wrote a lengthy, blistering
letter to Governor Glasscock, of West
Virginia, chiding him for ingratitude.
When be read it through, however, he
tore it up and threw It in the waste
"If Glasscock Is as strong for Roose
velt as he pretends to be, said tne ex
Senator, "he would not understand it.
therefore . what's the use."
taking many a fall out of political
pride these days. Dignified Senators
and other personages who think their
faces are familiar to every citizen of
the United States, are required to
Identify themselves every time they
apply for mail. Pomposity wilts rapid
ly in front of the mall windows.
ceived a mysterious package from
Omaha that resembled dynamite. Great
care was used in opening it, exposing
a letter of great length and virulence.
After Rosewater bad read it he threw
it in the wastebasket and sighed deeply.
'It was dynamite, all right, all right.
he said. - . -
IVORY JONES, whose skin is just the
opposite of the sallow creaminess of
ivory, is conceded the distinction of
being the largest man, at least physi
cally, who is an accredited delegate to
make such .investigations and report
the results to him. The President ap
pointed the board.
"Ita members are drawn from both
political parties. Their competency,
Integrity and fairness is unquestioned.
"They have reported upon tne woolen
harlula: thev have, reported on the
wrestler, visited The Oregontan office cotton schedule. The President has
last night to report that he would be transmitted their findings to Congress,
unable to fulfill a wrestling engage- The Democratic House of Representa
ment with Jimmy Rivers at Los An- tives ignores and repudiates them. In
geles July 4. Irish, broke a bone in his January. 1911. the last Republican
left hand and was unable to leave last House of Representatives passed a bill
night. I to create a tariff commission with
much broader and more effective pow
ers for compelling the attendance of
witnesses and ' securing information,
charged to report its findings to ths
Congress. The bill passed the Senate
with some amendment, but it was de
layed there by an avowed Democratic
filibuster until it reached the House
so late In the session that a vote was
prevented by another Democratic fili
buster in the House. iNow the House
is Democratic and the bill is dead.
Democrats Want No Protection,
"The Democratic party does not want
the facts upon which a Just measure
can be framed, because they mean that
there shall be no protection for Amer-
vention is Mr. Zera Snow, of Port. I lean Industries. In the last Besslon
land. Or., whose presence and monicker nd ln the Prf M'on f Congress
k. ,.. ., the Democratic House has framed and
wus mSch cor!v newspaper paMed a ,erle8 of tarltt bills for reve-
nue only, witn complete .naiixerenca 10
F sailors omens be true there 1.
serious times ahead for the good ship Can industrials. Some of them have
of the Republican " party. A terror- fallen by the wayside in the Senate
stricken mouse raced wildly from under and some of them have gone to the
platform ln the Coliseum today, darted President, to meet his wise and cour-
across the wide floor and paus.vd on ageous veto.
the threshhold of the buildinar. it "The American people now have to
stopped, turned, lifted itself to ita hind Pu not upon the abuses or the tariff,
legs and looked long at the prepara- Du' "u l"" ..uu" t,Z-tr Z
Tlnna riAlns- mnnn Tne thft I is ecu mo fc " " ,j..u . . uiua
measures six feet nine Inches. He
halls from Des Moines, Iowa. After
Ivory had expressed himself in favor
of Senator Cummins, Paul Williams,
also from Iowa, chose to remark:
"Which shows that this Ivory business
does not extend to his bead."
a a
JTfMONG those not present this con-
Postal Savings Party Monument. -
Declaring that great reforms havs
been made in the economy of the pub
lic service,". Senator Root cited the
commission which has examined Into
the efficiency of Government bureaus
and also called attention to the postal
savings system, with 7500 offices and
811,000,000 in savings and the increased
efficiency of the Army and Navy.
The regular programme of two aew
battleships annually, he said, had been
thwarted for the time by "the refusal
of the Democratic House of Represent
atives .to appropriate any money" for
that purpose.
The Panama Canal, he said, would
be substantially completed within the
coming year, and he urged that "the
honors of that greater than Roman
triumph" be given to "the men whe
executed the great design."
In the achievements of diplomacy he
mentioned the fur seal treaty with
Great Britain, Japan and Russia, the
settlement of the northeastern fisheries
controversy through The Hague tri
bunal and the readjustment of tariff
relations through the Payne-Aldrlch
tariff bill. '. . ...
"Foreign exports have grown from
81,491,000,000 in 1905 to 82,013.000.000
in 1911 and the balance ot trade In
our favor for 1911 was 8522,000,000,".
declared Mr. Root.
Party Rests on Ita Record.
With this record of consistent pol
icy and falthfnl service, the Repub
lican party can rest with confidence on
Its titlo to command the approval of
the American people. We -have a right
te say that we can be trusted to .pre
serve and maintain the American sytr
tem of free representative government
handed down by our fathers.
"We will maintain the power and
honor of the Nation, but will observe
those limitations which the. Constitu
tion sets up for the preservation of
local self-government. This country Is
so large and the conditions of life are
so varied that It would be Intolerable
to have the local and domestic affairs
of our home communities, which In
volve no National rights, controlled b'
majorities in other states thousands ot
miles away or by the officials . of a
central government." '
Senator Root argued for "those con
stitutional limitations which proscribe
the boundury of official power.
Destruction of Liberty Menace.
However wise, however able,' how
ever patriotic a Congress or an execu
tive may be." he said, "however con
vinced they may be that the doing a
particular thing would be beneficial to
the public, if that thing be. done by
usurpating the powers confided to an
other department or another officer. It
but opens the door for the destruction
of liberty.
We will make and vigorously en
force laws for the protection of public
Interests and the attainment of pub
lic ends, but we will observe thosj
great rulei of right conduct whl.-.h our
fathers embodied ln tha limitations of
the Constitution.
'The. Republican" party, will uphold
at all times the authority. -and integ
rity of the courts, state and Federal..
and will ever Insist that- their powers
to enforce their process and to protect
life, liberty and -prosperity shall, be",
preserved Inviolate."
(Continued Prom First Page.)
Then it dropped to its feet and, never
turning again, fled madly down the
"fHERE is an elevator man at the
Elsvstle Currency Sought.
The National currency Is fco longer
adapted to our changed conditions. For
the solution or tnis question tne Ke-
Congress Hotel who is so strong I nubllcan party established a monetary
for Roosevelt that he' cannot remem- commission, which has reported a bill
bar the floor number of the Taft head- for the e"tabllSmfIr,t.1f n"Whfyh Vk
..r.T. TX. . .. . "
J""""' - - currency will be elastic; the people at
said one of the
Taft headquarters.
I beg your pardon," said the ele
vator man. "Come again."
"The Taft headquarters," repeated
the spokesman.
Are they ln this hotel?" aaked the
man at the lever. : "Inquire at the office."
He took the party np to the roof. I srreatlv enlarged and their control over
broucrht them down asraln and mnt milMarf imt.s and rAilrnnrl MrvlpA
Uhem to the office and then took them made more effective. Railroad re-
up to floor A, the first floor up. I bates have been vigorously prosecuted
"111 . try and remember that," he I and the imposition ot large Ones has
said apologetically, "some one else I ended the practice.
might inquire." I "The prosecution of the interests and
large will exercise control instead of
a little group, or targe cankers ana tne
dangers of panic win disappear. The
President has recommended the con
clusions of the committee to the Con
gress, where the proposed bill is un
der consideration.
"Upon the recommendation of the
President the powers of the Interstate
Commerce Commission . have been
sudden impulse. The Roosevelt force
had failed heretofore to make any sort
of alliance In the combination with the
La Follette followers. They had re
peatedly asked the La Follette men to
designate a coalition candidate for
temporary chairman,, but La Follette
refused. He stood aloof, for It seemed
to him that the necessities of his po
sition as a possible compromise can
didate required absolute independence.
Besides, -if he gave the Roosevelt men
the convention, Roosevelt . would be
nominated. La Follette does not desire
Roosevelt to be nominated.. He wants
La Follette nominated. As late as this
morning, the Wisconsin, delegation de
cided by a majority vote to put up no
candidate for the chairmanship, but the
minority concluded to go ahead any
way, and proposed Governor McGov
ern. . That this scheme, ..was fostered
by, the Roosevelt managers.- and ar
ranged through them," is hardly to be
doubted. The Roosevelt Idea was that
the La Follette men would be forced to
stand McGovern. But they were not
absolutely correct. The Wisconsin del-:
egates split squarely ln two on the
question, though other La Follette men
generally voted for McGovern. - Evi
dently McGovern was the strongest
man to appose Root. He polled more
votes than Borah or Hadley or Clapp
would have had, but he did not have
within 56 of enough votes.
The energies of Colonel Roosevelt
will now be directed toward the cre
dentials committee, unless he gives up
and bolts now. But It would be fatal
to quit now and probably be will not
until he has put the convention finally
on record as to Texas, Washington and
the rest. The contests against these
states, - involving about 78 delegates,
will be renewed before the credentials
committee. It may take days to hear
and decide them. If the credentials
committee reports adversely, the fight
will be renewed by him ln the con
vention. The crucial test will come
over the Roosevelt demand that Texas,
Washington and the others be not per
mitted to vote In their own cases. If
they are excluded Roosevelt will be the
winner, if Wisconsin, Iowa and North
Dakota stand with him. If they are
not excluded the often-threatened and
long-expected bolt of Colonel Roose
velt and his following will then oc
cur. The moral effect of today's triumph
for Root is important. Evidently the
claims of Manager Dixon that he had
made heavy Inroads in the South and
in New York were mostly hot air.
There were some defections, indeed,
but-on the whole the Taft forces
showed genuine cohesrveness and a
real battling spirit.
Colonel Roosevelt is not beaten by
any means. Nor have they forced him
to budge, but the old guard Is doing
some first-rate work in bringing about
one or the other. U. B. P.
. Coal Rates to Be Probed.
WASHINGTON, June 18. The Interi
state Commerce Commission, upon Ita
own Initiative, ordered today an In
vestigation into the rates, practices
and regulations which apply to rail
road transportation of hard coal. All
the anthracite roads embraced in- the
so-called "hard coal trust" will be re-,
spondents ln the proceedings.