Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 19, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Harkness , and Higginbotham
Pounded Hard Portland
Loses, Score 8 to 3.
Captain Makes Four Hits In Four
Times at Bat and Brings In
Erery One of Three Scores.
Bancroft Slightly Injured.
Pactfk- Cnst Iniw Staadlns;.
W. L. Pc.' - - W. t. Po.
VerDtn . 43 TS -aeraninto 81 34 .440
Oakland.. ' 4t 31 . Portland.. . 2 8T .413
L. Angela. 40 31 .itfWrlsco 28 44 -S8
Yeaterdar'a Besalts.
At T.oa Anarsles Varnon a. Portland 8.
At San Franelaco Los Ansclaa 8. . Oak
land 1. -
At Sacramento aacramanto 8. 8aa Pratt.
Cisco 2.
i IX8 ANGELES. CaA. June 1. (Spe-
rial.) One of the 'biggest midweek
crowds of the season was on deck this
Sg.afternon to see the Tigers trim the
.j Beavers S to 3. Harkness and Hlggln
fz botham were the bright particular
&i marks for the Vernon, batsmen, and
; total of 11 hits were recorded against
them. Home rnns and .two-baggers
tr were thick and exciting. .
Rodgers of . the- Beavers was easily
""i the big- feature of the game. He wen
z to bst four times, made four hits, one
--v of tham a doable, and drove home every
run the visitors were able to register.
&J He did not score himself, but he had the
3.3 low-down on Hltt and found him with
J; - out difficulty every time he- came up.
r Rodgers, by the way, made as many
J", hits as all the other nine men who
played for the Beavers. -
Harkness Allows Twa Hossers,
t;-;- Harkness' downfall came in
Inning, when Agnew and Ka
the third
Cane lined
lout home runs, and when. In the fourth,
nJi Brashear, the first man up, rapped out
gf the first ball pitched for a double, Hlg-
Kiuuuuwu wns Kni la lu J w diciii
the flood.
Tj'- In the first part of the third. Howley
a .doubled and Harkness walked. The
." latter was forced at second by Chad
bourne, Howley taking third on the
Ey play, nut cnadbourne died trying to
s J steal second and was the third man out.
i The visitors managed to score in the
fourth, however, when Bancroft walked
A and Lltschl fumbled Krueger's hot one.
r; J Both advanced on Mahoney's sacrifice
1, and scored on Rodger s single. Kappa
error In the second half of this Inning
s... was responsible for two scores. Brashear
- doubled. Lltschl singled to the Infield,
and Burrell singled to right, scoring
Brashear. Hitt drove out a high fly to
"f Rapps. who dropped It, and Lltschl and
Burrell romped home. Bancroft was
4-: spiked accidentally, but not seriously
a.,; in putting Lltschl out at second.
y.'-.C Carlisle Do ah lea aad Scores. "
li .-CarllMe scored In the-Tlfth on a dou
ble, Kane's out at first and McDonnell's
- fly to Chadbourne.
"Opening the sixth Inning. Bancroft
.. singled infield, but Krueger hit Into a
bad double play, Burrell to Lltschl to
a McDonnell. Mahoney then doubled to
the score board and Rodgers drove him
- home wltb anoSher double. t .
The Tigers annexed ,two more runs In
' the eighth on Lltschi's double, Burrell's
triple and an Infield single by Hltt,
Varnon 1 Portland
A0.H.P0.A.E. Ab.H.Poa.E.
rarl'le.lf B 1 0
Kana,cf. & 1 0
MD'n' S 1 14
Bras'r.Sb 4 2 4
Bayl's.rf 4 1 J S 4
Burr'll.ab 4 3 1
Aicnew.c. 8 13
Hltt,p.v- 3 0 0
0-had..lf.. 8
0 Bani-r' 8
OiKrus' 4
OIMahn'y.rf 8
0Rodg's.2b 4 4
Llnd'.v.3b 4
Howley.c 4
Hark'aa.p 0
iHlS'b'm,p 3
Totals 34 11 27 18 1
Totala 32 8 24 7 2
0 0281002 x 8
Hlt ...
Portland -Hlta
O 0233012 x 11
O 0-0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3
0 1110311 1
Runs Carllale. Kane. Brashear. Lltachi 2,
Rurrell 2. Asnew. Bancroft. Krueger. Ma
honey. Threa hits and three run. off Hark
ness in tare, innings. cnarse defeat
Harkness. Homo runs Agnew. Kane.
Tnree-baso hits Barrel). Two-base bits
Howley. ' Brashear. Carlisle, Mahoney. Lit'
srhl. Rodaere. stolen base Rodgers. Sac
rifice hits Mahoney. McDonnell. Base on
balls Off Hltt 3. off Harkness 1. Hlgiren-
pmnam 1. sitock out ay Hltt If. by Hlr-
ginbotham 2. Double plays Burrell to
l.llscnj to McDonnell. Time, 1:3d. Um
plres .Finney and Wheeler.
Henley, Seal Twlrler, Batted From
Mound in Fourth and Fifth.
SACRAMENTO, June 18. For three
Innings San Francisco held the Sena
tors in check, but In the fourth and
fifth Sacramento tore Into Henley and
drove him from the mound. Harkina,
the recruit from the Texas League, re
lieved Henley and had one bad Inning
before settling down. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Sacramento.8 14 0San Fran... 2 8, 6
Batteries Gllllgan and Kreltz; Hen
ley, Harklns and Berry.
Dillon's Men Clout Parkin and Beat
Oakland Easily, 8 to 1.
SAX FRANCISCO. June 18. By its
victory today the Los Angeles team
has raised Its percentage to within
half a game of second place. Parkin
was essy for the Southerners and he
lost the day after a series of eight
,stralght victories. Score:
(S R. H.E.I R. H. E.
,v L. Angeles 8 11 OjOakland ...1 7 3
Batteries Chech and Brooks: Parkin
and Mitze, Tledemann.
All Save Six Who Are Seasick Exer
cise Dally Tanks Popular.
LAND. AT SEA. (By Wireless, via
Slasconsett, Mass. June 18. Train
ing of the large team of athletes who
are proceeding to Stockholm to repre
sent the United States In the Olympic
games is being kept up with the ut
most vigor, and as far as their circum
scribed space will permit the daily
work of the athletes is similar to that
-which they would go through If they
were on land.
Both morning and afternoon, all the
men except a halt doxen. who are sea
sick, turn oat on deck for hard prac
tice under the direction of the trainer,
who Is endeavoring to keep them in
thorough physical condition, so that
when they reach land a few tryouts on
shore will bring them to the top of
form. The swimming tanks on board
are very popular.
The Imports of rice Into the Vnlted States
lor the I- months endlns leombcr .-1 wcrt
ftT.lG tons, valued at St. I .'. v.
-err- LU;; " ;
.1 -'
law x m xri i ;
M . 4, o -i x - ' t ' W- '
Numbers on Coast Leaguers
Too Small' for Fans.'
Baum Decides There Shall Be No
Umpire Day" In Class AA Cir
cuit Dillon Preparing;
i Place Himself Upon Bench
That the Eastern baseball wiseacres
are virtually interested in the success
or failure of the numbering players in
novation adopted for the first time by
the Pacific Coast League last Spring,
is evidenced from a circular received
by a writer containing these queries:
In your opinion has the scheme
proved successful?
"How do the players like the bertll
"Where are the numbers placed?
There Is Just one answer that can
be forwarded to our Eastern friends
and that is, that under the present
method, the numbering of the players
has not proved the brilliant social de
but expected.
This evident failure to fulfill expec
tations is due. however, not to the
principle but more to the carrying out
of that principle, for placarding; atn
letes has proved a howling success in
other branches of athletic endeavor.
notably, track meets and horse racing.
The weak links in the Pacific Coast
system are two namely the size and
placing of the numerals, and the second
the human equation.
The numbers, to be of any value at
all, should be made plainly visible to
the grandstand, yet the armbands now
in vogue cannot be read 90 ieet away.
The figures should be Increased in size
nd should be plastered on the oacKs
of the shirts. ,
No system can hope to succeed un
less it "has the hearty co-operation of
hose who are part of that system.
Two or three of the members of the
Portland Beavers seem determined to
hove the skids under Ed Walters'
planning, and have faithfully left their
Identification slips locked in the club
Personally the writer has been a con
slstent advocate of the numbering of
In the current Issue of the Baseball
Magazine Ty Cobb says that Vean
regg is the best of the present-day
southpaws. The tieorgia feacn says:
Marauard and Rucker are tne stars
of the National League and Gregg and
Plank of the American.
In the six weeks interim since the
Beavers last jaunted off around the
circuit they have won exactly 50 per
cent of their games, not counting yes
terday's contest. They beat Sacramen
to four games in six at Sacramento:
lost to Vernon five games in seven
and then came home after walloping
San Francisco three games in five.
This same linup of nine games won
and nine lost was maintained In tne
three weeks at home. . The Beavers
split with Sacramento, lost to the
Angels four- in six and beat Oakland
four in six.
The Pacific Coast League schedule
has been put under tne operating
knife since President Baura sent the
tables out to the newspapers, iso game
was scheduiea yesteraay
Portland and Vernon, yet . the teams
furnished the usual Tuesday exercises.
Apparently train connections have
been tightened since the original draft
although no notice has been sent out
by the league executive.
There will be no umpires' day in the
Pacific Coast League. President Baum
agrees with the founder. Biddy Bishop,
the clever Tacoma sporting writer,
that the scheme Is attractive for
leagues of minor classification, but
frowns on it for a circuit of class AA
Frank Dillon, of Los Angeles, ex
pects to retire from active service at
the corner stone for he Is practicing
Charley Moore at first. Moore Is not
a particularly fast man but gets away
with a good many base thefts in a
season. He could walk and then beat
Dillon. The latter has been playing a
good game' this year and attributes
his success to abstinence from cigars.
Someone recommended Catcher Dan
'a, .!
ny Shea to San Francisco but Man
ager Reldy had Just closed for Beckln
dorff, a heavyweight receiver built 'on
the lines of "Tub" Hackett. Mean
while Shea is rusticating at his home
In Portland and some club is missing
the services of a first-class back
stop. Shea held out on Seattle this Spring
and as a reward Dug slipped him the
halter upon Whaling's return, figur
ing one high-priced man n sufficient.
Vancouver signed him bu gave bim a
release, the same, reasons being- as
cribed ' '!
Los Angeles 'could - use Shea at. Uie
present writing, with Boles and Smith
both out of the lineup and the bulk
of the work resting with Brooks.
Brooks and Shea, by the way, were
teammates on the champion Spokane
club of 1910, the former being shipped
to the Western Canada league be
fore the close of the year.
The big league scouts have already
began casting the binoculars over the
agile . carcass of one Dave Bancroft,
youthful shortstop : on -the Portland
Coast team. Dave is but 21 years old.
but. unlike" the -girl - of 17. has al
ready been kissed by that kind of
fate ' that chooses the . human sheep
from the human goats. A Cleveland
scout saw Bancroft last Fall playing
for Superior in the Minnesota-Wisconsin
league and if any big league. man
ager gets the kid. It is probable that
he . will wear a big "C" on his shirt
McCredle has already spoken him
self on that Cleveland alliance which
this' year has taken much and given
little still if the lad shows enough
with the bat next Fall to merit a draft
there's no tariff so highly protective
as to keep him from going up.
Washington 5, Philadelphia 4.
WASHINGTON. June 18. While the
battle over his candidacy was waging
in Chicago, President Taffei sat In the
baseball stand and watched Washing
ton win Its 17th straight victory. Score:
R.H. E. R.H. E.
Philadel ...4 13 2CVashington 6 1
. Batteries H.. Morgan, Houck. Pen
nock and Thomas, Egan; Groom and
Detroit 8, Cleveland 4. -
DETROIT. Mich., June 18. Detroit
bunched hits in the first and second In.
nlngs. driving Kahler and George -from
the box. and piled up a lead that Cleve
land could not overcome. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Detroit 8 11 8Cleveland ..4 8 1
Batteries Korks and Stanage; Kah
ler. George, Krapp and O'Neill.
St. Louis 4, Chicago. 3.
CHICAGO, June 18. St Louis hit
three Chicago twlrlers opportunely and
won the opening game of the series.
Score: .
R.H.E, R.H.E.I
Chicago ...3 S 1 St. Louis ..4 11 3
Batteries Lange, Peters, Mogrldge
and Kuhn: Powell and Stephens.
Chicago O. Philadelphia 1.
PHILADELHPIA, June 18. Chicago
won a pitchers' battle. Score:
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
Chicago ...2 4 OlPhlladel ...1 5 ; I
Batteries Cheney and Archer; Bren
nan and Killifer.
Pittsburg. 7, New York 2.
NEW YORK, June 18. The Pitts-
burgs made it three out of five from
New York. Score:
R. H.E.I R.H.E.
Pittsburg . 7 11 SINew York 2 7 D
Batteries Camnitz and Gibson; Ma-
thewson. Crandall and Meyers.
. Boston 4, Cincinnati 3. '
BOSTON, June 18. Boston won the
last game of the series from Cincin
nati. Score: -
" R.H. E. R.H.E.
Boston 4 14 2;Cincinnsti .3(0
Batteries Tyler and Rarlden. Ben
ton and Clarke.
Brooklyn , St. Louis 6.
BROOKLYN. June 18. Brooklyn took
the entire series from St.s Louis by
winning, 9 to 8. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
St Louis . . 8 3Brooklyn ..9 14 S
Batteries Steele. Dale and Bliss; Al
len, Rucker and Miller.
Batch to Enter Marathon.
CHICAGO. June 18. Sidney Hatch, a
local marathon runner of National rep
utation, will be sent to Stockholm as
supplementary entry to compete In
the Olympic games by the residents of
River Forest, -the suburb where Hatch
lives .
yM $?$pf
Williams' Men -Make Only
Hits but Walks Count in
Pitcher Bats in Two .Portland Kan
ners and . Pitches Perfectly, in
Pinches Mensor in Game.
. Speaa Plays at First.
yoilh western League Standing-.
W. U Pel- W. L. Pe.
Seattle.... 3: 30 .nielracoma... 81 SO .506
Vancouver - 3 31 .aosisookano. . ' 29 .BOO
Victoria.. 81 30 .606i Port land . . 2S 33 .49
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland Portland 6, Tacoma 1.
At Seat-tie Seattle -5, Spokane 8.
t Vancouver-TrYlctorla Vancouver 1.
Blaine Gordon, the usually consist
ent Tacoma moundman. pitched
three-hit game yesterday ' afternoon
against the Colts, but the' injudicious
Issuance of eight passes encompassed
the defeat of the Tigers,-5-1, and in
cidentally yanked them from the top
or the percentage column, held by I
one-point margin from Mondays vic
tory. Doty, Nick Williams' Mlchlgander
who is now rated as the Colts most
dependable winner, kept the seven Tl
ger hits scattered throughout six in
nings. He was Invincible except in
the third, but tightened up to hold the
visitors to one run on a triple, a aou
ble and a walk in that period.
Doty Hits In Two Runs.
In addition to hurling a stellar
brand of ball Doty figured largely in
the bat victory of the cellarltes. With
the score tied, 1-1, in the fourth in
ning, three men on and two out, the
slabster drove one of Gordon's groov
ers over shortstop for the first Colt
hit of the day, scoring two men. Eddie
Mensor celebrated his return to the
fold with a hit that scored the third
run of the Inning, and Fries made the
circuit for another In the seventh, but
it was really Doty's prowess that un
manned the Montemara Festival lads.
' The double steal, of which the Colts
are past masters, contributed two of
the quintet of runs negotiated by the
Colts. In the first inning, Crulkshank
at third and Fries at first, crossed the
Tiger infield with the Colt . specialty,
and In the seventh Fries and McDowell
duplicated the trick. Backstop Crit
tenden, who retired with a split fin
ger In the fifth inning, was the victim
of. the first double steal, with Mickey
La Longe, the second receiver, to make
an unsuccessful effort to break up the
Colt's Lineup Changed.
The Colts presented another lineup
to the few hundred ' perspiring fans.
Mensor going to center, and Speas tak
ing Manager . Williams' place-at first.
Speas put up a splendid exhibition at
the Initial corner, his recovery of qol
trln's heave to the netting and terrific
peg to second in time to nip Yohe be
ing the feature of the gamte, .
Gordon's inefficiency resulted in the
passing of the first man to face him
In four of the eight innings, and hit
ting the fifth. Mensor walked in the
first, but was forced by Cruikshank
at second after Speas had filed out to
Lynch. Cruikshank promptly stole sec
ond and went to third on Crittenden's
wild toss to second. Fries walked and
the double steal was executed, Cruik
shank scoring.
In the third Inning the Tigers made
their first and only run. With one
gone, Gordon hit to left, taking third
when Cruikshank tried to make an Im
possible catch and permitted the ball
to roll to. the fence. Yohe was passed
and NiU's double to left scored Gordon.
Abbott spoiled chances for further
scoring with a weak pop-up to Speas,
and Neighbors grounded out to Mc
Dowell for the third out.
Fourth Fatal to Tigers. .
Three passes, two hits, a sacrifice
and an error gave the Colts three runs
in the fourth. Fries walked and was
sacrificed to second by Harris. Mc
Dowell walked. Kibble filed out to
Mill. With two strikes and one ball on
Coltrin Gordon tossed over three wide
ones and filled the sacks. Doty then
scored Fries and McDowell with a hit
over shortstop. Mensor lined one at
Yohe too hard to handle, piloting Col
trin home. Speas was safe on Morse's
boot, but Cruikshank grounded out to
Yohe with the bases full again.
In the seventh Cruikshank was hit
by a pitched ball and took third on
Fries' Texas leaguer that went for
a double In left field. : Harris filed to
Lynch. - Cruikshank died at. the plate
on McDowell's -grounder to NilL Fries
and McDowell then worked the double
steal. Fries scoring. The score:
Tacoma I Portland
Ab.H.Po.A.B. Ab.H.Po.A.E.
7ohe.3b. 4
0 4
1 3
Nlll.2b. . 2
Abbott. If 4
N'gh'rs.rf -4 4 4
?am' 4
irlt'd'n.c 2
Gord'n.p 3
CL.'nge.c 2
Hunt.x. . 0 4
OlCruk'nk.lf 3
OiPrles.rf.. 1
llHarrls.c. 2
OIWDo'll.Ib 3
0KlbbIe,3b 8
llColtr' 2
OiDoty.p... S
0 1
1 2
0 2
0 S
0 1
0 2
1 0
Totals 25 8 27 10 2
Totala 38 7 24 10 3
xBatted for Gordon In ninth.
Taooma .......0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Hlta 1 0 2 10 111 07
Portland ..1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 x S
Hits 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 x 3
Runs Gordon, Cruikshank. Tries 2, Mc
Dowell. Coltrin. Struck out by Doty 1. by
Gordon 2. Bases 'on bails off Doty 2. off
Gordon. 8. Two-base hlta Kill. Fries
i nree-nase ntt uoraon. sacrifice hits
Nlll. Harris 2. Doty. Stolen bases Cruik
shank. Frios 2. McDowell. Hit by pitched
ball Cruikshank. Time of game, 1:43,
Umpire Van Ualtren.
Notes of the Game.
Tries walked three times in four trtpn to
the bat. His double the fourth time' ave
him a bat average of 1000 for the afternoon.
Speas made a bis hit with the crowd and
'Williams may postpone hts return to the
game for a day or two. Nick says he may
be able to work today.
Southpaw Tonneson will probably pitch for
Portland today, opposed by Meikle, the ex
San Franciscan.
Richard Maxmeyer, the Faust of the
Northwestern League, has been released by
Bob Brown, of Vancouver. Max goes to La
Grande to work for Jack Barry.
Mensor' looked fine In the outfield, but
his ankle la too weak for many base-running
stunts. He almost worked himself out of
the game by taking too sudden a start from
the plate In the last inning. Ordinarily he
would have beat out the throw and regis
tered his second hit of the tussle.
Ben Hunt was shoved in to bat for Gor
don In the ninth, but could do nothing more
serious than viciously foul off two good
"Hap" Smith Colt outfielder, was slipped
the blue envelope of release last night. He
is needed no longer, with Mensor aad Mc
EroweU on deck. .
Xarrerson Pitches Victoria to Easy
Victory Gerrals Hit Hard.
toria came back ' strong" behind Nar-
verson s effective pitching and won to
day's game from the champions by
score of '3 to 1. Gervais was hard hit
by the visitors in the fifth and ninth
innings. Both teams pulled orr sev
oral snappy double plays. Score:
R. H. E.I . R. H. E.
Vancouver 1 7 'lfTIctdria .1.3 10
Batteries Gervais and Lewis; Nar-
verson and Grindle. .Umpire Toman.
Spokane's Early Lead Goes in Fifth
When Indian Hurler Blows.
- SEATTLE, June 18. Cadreau went to
pieces in the fifth inning and the Bugs
easily overcame Spokane's first-Inning
lead of two runs, Seattle winning, 5 to
3. Willis relieved Cadreau In the sixth
and finished' the game in good style.
R.H.E.! . R.H. E
Seattle ..5 5 3jSpokane 3 9
Batteries James and Whaling; Cad
reau, Willis and Devogt.
Cu Bon Wins Panhandle Handicap
on Course at Alan.
ALAN, Idaho, June 18. The Pan
handle-Selling handicap, the feature of
today's card at Alan, was won by Cu
Bon, who broke in the lead and was
never headed.- The favorite; Sir Cleges.
tired badly and lost second place to
Juan. Summary: ' '
First race, four furlonas Kenneth. 118,
(Hoffman) 11 to 2, won; Mercurlum, 107.
(McBrlde) is to 0. secona; jtitty w., w
(Grand) 9 to 5. third. Time: :48.
fiAnnn ma ftira Ctirlnns-fl T.OVS Dst. 105.
(Hoffmw) 25 to 1, won; Ramsey. 116.
(Carter) 18 to 5. second; Lady Loundea, lus,
, a n k ,hln1 Time 1:02.
Third race, six furlongs Parlor Boy, 104,
rzrnmm K 1 .on T j, rW Tendl. 108. (Mc-
R ride l 12 to 1. second: Setback, 115, (Hot:-
man) 8 to J, third. Tlma: 1:18 4-5. .
Vnnrth ran. nha.ndle selllnff handicap.
one mile Cu Bon, 105, (Klrschbaum) 21 to
5. won: Juan. as. (Hiii) u to . ssjj".
Sir Clares. 110. (Honkins) 17 to 1, third.
Tim. 1 -4A 9.-X
Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs
Sanel. 102. (J. Mclntyre) B to a. won; j
H. Sheehan. 112 (Kooneyi to i. ",
Annie McGee. 110, (Hoffman) 9 to 5, thira.
Time: 1:08 2-5. .... ...
Sixth race, one mile Littleton. i;
c.. o -1 .An, TlMtrirfl F.oule. -IU4
(Grossl 9 to X second : Johnstown, 118. (E.
McEwen) 8 to 1. third. Time; i:l a-o.
Ad Club and Realty Board Nines
Ready for Big Game.
The odd uniforms of ' the Realty
Board and the Portland Ad Club base
ball teams, which will battle on Mult
nomah Field today at 4 o'clock, will
prove almost as big an attraction as
the game itself. The women, especial
lv. are Invited. The Ad Club's team re
ceived their .uniforms and held their
last dress rehearsal on Multnomah Field
yesterday. The game's receipts will go
to the News Boys' Home.
The lineup for the Realty Board is;
H. W. Fries, captain and second base;
George Schalk, third; Dorr E. Keasy,
short: Fred A. Jacobs, first; George E.
Watklns. pitcher; C K. Henry, center
field! W. Killingsworth, right field.
The Trout
Fly fishing time . is. here; . v .
We are ready for it with a sup-
ply of good tackle that will surely. ,
get results. - : r -
Our Backus flies are made to
catch trout in' Oregon waters
and they do it, too. ' :
"We are originators of the
Bucktail flies you hear so much
123 Morrison Street. BeLlst &2nd Sts.
TK7E have two National birds
. v T bird of liberty; the Owl, a bird of a smoke.
OWL Londres5c ; r;
blunt-end, even -burning, free-smoking and
smooth to the last puff. You can pay more
and not fare so well. .
All dealers sell Owl Londres cigars
You'll See
the Point
about this great
clothes question
mighty quick-and
tried a
Priced at $20 to $35 !
get .
Left field will be picked from E. J.
Daly, J. J. Flynn. J. A. Wilcox. J: Healy
and B S. Jackson.
The Ad Club will line up as follows:
C. H, Moore, first; Miles Standlsh, sec
ond; W. L. Campbell, short; L. A. Col
ton, third: A. G. Clark, right field:
Hlgglns, center field; R. W. Edwards,
left field; P. E. Arlett, catcher, and K.
2 In. High I J "T- 2In.Hih
- Tt f . 1 ;
yv 'ineimproveo yuNocoRboC
It's The Newest Buttonhole
The strongest and the most practicable
This latest closed-front shape has the LIN0C0RD "SNAPON"
BUTTONHOLE which is worked into the band so that it will
neither stretch nor break in the laundering process, and no matter
how moist the collar becomes during the hot days it wQI not spread
or pull apart, and when placed on the collar button it cannot slip
off. It is simple to adjust to the collar button as it snaps on and
. off with ease. It holds the collar together in front and gives it that
. much sought for straight, dosed-fror t effect every time it is worn. f
Ham Ample Scarf Space
He Silver Collars
2 for 25 Cents
in hundreds or' impartial tests have
M. A.
. mg it-after
Vkraf. m sawatlf .w.-.
P. Meyers, pitcher. M. W. Hard and F,
Brown will substitute.
Yale Defeats Harvard.
NEW HAVEN. June IS. Yale outhit
and outnelded Harvard today, and won,
9 to 6. Score:
Tale 9 12 JIHarvard 4 I
proved they last longest in the
the Eagle, the
GUN ST ft CO., Inc.
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