20 ' rHE MORSTXG' OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY.' JUNE 19, 191&. SMUGGLING IS HIT Ruse Used by Japanese Vexes Immigration Agent. INVESTIGATION IS DUE J. H. Barbour Complains That Ori . ental Seamen "Desert" When En terinjf American Porta and Some Are "Drowned." That the Japanese laborer has discov ered a new way to enter the United States, contrary to the treaty agree ments between the two countries, has become, fixed in the mind of Special Agent J. H. Barbour, of the Immigra tion Bureau. Under the treaty a Japa nese laborer cannot come Into this country unles he has a passport from his own country, and the Japanese gov arnment has frowned upon eo many of ; Its laboring class going away from home, so ' th granting of passports Is not frequently done. 1 Since this law has been operative it has been noticed that whenever Japanese vessel reaches an American port there are several deeertions of the seamen. The penalty ror tnis aeser tion is a head tax of $4, which is col lected from the captain of the vessel, and who usually complains of his crew being depleted.- but as a matter of fact it is believed the owners of the vessels receive a much larger amount from the American resident friends of the de serter. With the payment of the $4 the In cident is closed as far as the Immigra tion Bureau is concerned, and often this small amount is escaped payment by the statement the missing man had jumped . overboard and was drowned. Believing that these alleged deser- "tlons is really a subterfuge for carry ing on a traffic in smuggling Japanese laborers Into the country, Mr. Barbour proposes to take the matter up with the head of the department at Washington, In an effort to have some means adopt ed to thwart this growing illicit business. of the Chamber of Commerce, this line will become permanently established. LONGS DUMP WHEAT Unloading Has Depressing Ef feet on Chicago Market. Floating Spar Seen. ; The Portland branch United States Hydrograpblc office in its Notice .to Mariners, Issued yesterday, says that Captain J. A. Anderson, of the Ameri can schooner Ludlow, reports that on May 22 in latitude north 17.05, long tude west 127.50 he passed a spar 60 feet long and on June 5, In latitude north 43.45 and longitude west 137.5 he passed the root of a large tree. Captain Mareno Heads Chinook. (SHARP LOSS ASTORIA. Or., June 18. (Special.) Captain Covington, of Fort Stevens, received word from Washington today that Captain John Mareno has, been ap pointed as master of the Government dredge Chinook. Captain Mareno has been master of the steamer Fornance for several years, and prior to that time was in command of various steam ers plying along the coast. Jorlty for temporary chairman was cast by Patrick Halleran, of the first-district of Washington, at 5:42 o'clock. When the solid delegation was re corded for Boot, giving him the full 14 delegates, pandemonium broke loose in the halL The New York delegation yelled and cheered and endeavored In vain to raise the heavy iron standards bearing the state banner. With the Washington vote recorded. Root had 544 votes, four over a majority. ' Imme diately afterward. West Virginia's IS votes went to McGovern, just too late. Wyoming cast her six votes solid or Root. AT CLOSt vote between three men, two of whom were not canaKiaies. w aiter Jj. iiouser and eight others of the more ardent La Follette men cast their votes for Judge W. S. Lauder, of North. Dakota, Rain in Missouri and" Texas Sends ?,n 0ol which brought hisses from uuuocycit Quujusiiwks wuen luc result Corn Prices Down Oats Sympa thize With Backset in Other , Cereals Provisions Higher. Tug Samson's Men in Portland. ASTORIA, Or., June . (Special.) CHICAGO. June 18. Belief that Eastern The officers of the tug Samson are In I Jon were unloading to escape threatened Portland attending the Investigation large deliveries next month had a depress or thu renpnt ii,)ri v,w--r, narA I n 1 iiiui? on wneat. Tne marKet in tow of th. lnr nH th o-nlfne I " . - to & schooner Tillamook During their ab- iorTnd ' o" " o"? ZV'S'UIZ orui.r .apLmu .upoiauu is noting uioo ter of the Samson and Henry Binder is her chief engineer. was announced. - McGovern Doea No Tote. Governor McGovern got only IS votes out of his own delegation. He did not vote himself. The Wisconsin vote was: McGovern, 13; Lauder, 9; Walter L. Houser, 1; Senator Gronna, --of North Dakota, 1; not voting, i. Root got Alaska's two votes and two from the District of Columbia. Hawaii voted with California, regis tering six votes for McGovern. The Philippines and Porto Rico each gave Root two votes.: This cWsed the Marine Notes. hlghe S?h.h4.fiVJ!UttlB ?! 2K low.: Root 558. McGovern 50. Gronna Provisions closed 7H10c to J2c higher, roll call.- The total vote was an- wa." .a,d ,hal 1.000.000 bushels of July I nounoed by Secretary Hayward as fol j. CANOEIST NARKOWIT ESCAPES Amateur. Capsizing After Run of 100- Yards, Rescued Just in Time, 3 The name "Suicide Club" that has been Jocularly placed on the amateur canoeists by the water front habitues jj gives promise of being a correct one J In the near future unless some regula- tion Is placed on the use of these boats 'i by the Inexperienced. At noon yesterday Frank Smith. I " voung farmer whose home is nar Van' couver. hired a ranoe at Merrill's boat- J house and started to Initiate himself I Into Its mysteries. He had never been i In one before, but succeeded in going about 100 yards down the river before I capsizing. J He could not swim. but. grasping the bottom of the overturned canoe, tried to climb up on It. His cries for help attracted the attention of Clarence Gil liland, engineer of the harbor patrol ' launch, and, quickly running out the boat, reached Smith just as he was ex hausted and had given up his efforts to save himself. ' PORTLAND GETS MORE SHIPS American - Hawaiian Company to Send Fonr Vessels Here. SEATTLE. Wash., June 18. (Special.) Definitely adopting the plan of send ing the four vessels of Its fleet to Port land and turning them south from that point Instead of from Puget Sound, ex cept during the season when salmon shipments are heavy, the American Hawaiian Steamship Company now has the freighter Nevadan loading at the Oregon port, and will maintain that vessel, with the Isthmian, IseDrasKan and Lyra, In the Sallna Cruz-San Fran Cisco-Portland service, while the si larger liners will continue their three. cornered schedule from Sallna Cruz to Seattle to Honolulu and back to Salin Cruz, as formerly. The Oregon port will have a regular 1 1-day freight service to and from New Tork- and Europe, via the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. - The steamer Sue H. Elmore sailed last night for Tillamook with a full cargo of general merchandise. The steam schooner Northland will finish loading lumber at Rainier to night and sail for California tomorrow. The steam schooner Johan Paulson arrived yesterday from San Francisco to load lumber at Westport for a re turn. The oil tank steamer Maverick ar rived yesterday from California with a cargo of fuel oil for the Standard Oil Company. . The British steamship Indravelli, be longing to the Indra Line, and well known at this port, has been sold to the Japanese for 29,000. v The French bark Button, which ar rived at Falmouth on June 12 from the Columbia, was ordered to Havre to discharge, where she arrived on June The lighthouse tender Heather will sail tomorrow for Destruction Island with material for the new fog signal that Is being erected at that light station. The lighthouse tender Manzanlta, which is being repaired at Eagle Har bor, will be ready to assume her reg ular duties by the latter part of the present week. The Japanese steamship Unkal Maru finished discharging ' her cargo of hardwood at the Banfield dock yester day and was shifted to the In man Paulson mill to take on a cargo of lumber for China. The British ship Galthloch, Captain Phillips, holds the record passage from the Pacific Coast to Queenstown. In 1879 she completed the run from the Columbia River in. 89 days, and no other sailing vessel ever came near equaling this record. The sight-seeing trips up the Colum ket. , 1. Lauder 9. Houser 3. Rain reDOrtS from Uf.m.tH mr.A Tm.. I Tmm.ii(atAlv o f tor (h. vnt. fin. moving fear of croo losses. vMkcti.il' th. o -j u- I rr.rri - - I UVUUVGV UCIiaiUI IIUU L dpilCAICU VU IUC Oats sympathized with the backset" .. Platform. The crowd yelled, while the other cereals, but showed steadines. for band swung into a lively tune. Ser- iVJiwVh 'H, S,ne1uen ot reports of rank geant-at-Arms Stone had the utmost The hog run west turned out to be lighter difficulty restoring order, and the than expected and furnished a basis for lift- cheering broke out anew as Chairman Kosewater, alter a brief speech which lng provisions. Leading futures ranged as follows: July Sept. Dec July Sept, Dec. July Sept. Dec. WHEAT. " - . Open. High. Low. 1.06 1.0S l.S 1.04 94 1.04 1.0314 .. 1.05 1.05K 1.04H COHN. . .TJ .7114 ..... .71 .71T, .71?, .62 .62 OATS. V - 49 .49 .48 40H .40 .401 41 .41 .40 POBK. July 18.55 Sept. .18.80 18.55 IK. 80 could not be heard, handed the big gavel to Root. Flinn demanded attention from his place In the Pennsylvania section, but was disregarded. A minute later Senator Root stepped to the front of the platform to begin his speech. A storm of .catcalls and jeers broke out. Acknowledgement Met by Jeers, Haw, haw, haw!" came in raucous tones from the floor and galleries ae he; referred to his "appreciation".-of the "honor" accorded. Senator Root prefaced his prepared speech by a few extemporaneous remarks. "1 thank you," he said, "and I beg you to believe that I deeply appreciate this expression of -your-confidence:" Haw, haw, haw! came a guffaw from the floor. Cries from members of the Penn svlvanlA delesration tonlr a. nrroun of . , , ..j ...... ..it I Ul;rillOII 111 LI..L UllQtUVU. Mnt-it.Arnifl SronA Italian unftn i imoiny seea 4Af9 . I ' i- Clover Seed H4-20. "" ' I the chief of "police to -restore order in Mess Pork $18.621418.75..'. I the front rank of the Pennsylvania jiara in tierces, sin 91 I ,1.. i 1 . -tiAt.a -d nnv .u. " " ioose, S1U.43. !.! I- ..... 1,1. ,n V.I. Sties: Tolal .l..rn... 1 " v- wheat and flour were equal to 357.000 bush- mouth and called . out. Receiver of els. Primary receipts wero 206,000 bushels, stolen goods." while officers about, him compared witn 286.000 bushels the corre-1 called for order. hi- ..iv .r iZLJrz. l-woI;?. VJ"- Root had scarcely begun his address creased 669.300 bushels. Estimated receipts before hundreds of spectators on the for tomorrow: W4ieat, 41 cars: corn. 482 1 floor and in the galleries began to Sept. Oct. 18. 70 10.O2V4 LARD. 10.0s 11.15 10.90 11.05 ..10.90 .11.03 .11.1714 11.2214,. 11.17 SHORT RIBS. ' ..10.4714 10. 1ft SeJ- 10.57 10.6714,: 1057 Cash quotations were as follows: - Flour Steady. Rye No. a, 87c Close. 1.05 1.08 1.04 .7114 .71 .62 .48 .40 - .4U IS. AO .18.92 1 ' lt.M 11.12 - 11.2U knows tnis tKe Kand- to Iccef) out We tut rown Bottles. nlitz will not spoil wnen even thougn July 10.47 10.67 cars; oats, 203 cars: hogs. It.ooft head. Minneapolis Grain Market. leave the hall noisily and hurriedly. Senator Root suspended, his speech and requested Sergeant-at-Arms Stone cember, I.04. Closing: Cash No. 1 hard, $l.-,3!4: No. 1 Northern. $1.12: No. 2 North. bia are attracting many tourists, and er?j ,'-13l -"L"3 wneat, i.us 91.09. tne steamer Bailey Gatsert carries jiv.fn!,S!ln.!-3E?-rt ask those who wished to leave to KIVER ARRESTS ARE XCMEROCS Inspectors of Customs Determined to Enforce Regulations. 1 Continuing their efforts to enforce the Government regulations with ref erence to small boats on the river at night, customs Inspectors made the fol lowing arrests Monday night: E. J. Bloomenthal. 2S1 Morrison, operating launch Busy Bee, carrying six passen Iters without life preservers: L. Blum foot of Ellsworth street, no lights In launch Van.-and the following for hav ing no lights in their canoes: L. Ana. i-her. Seventh and Oak; J. W. Coughlin. Sixth street: R. AVrlght. Kohler & Chase: John Collins, Nineteenth and I-oveJoy: A. Stewart, 450 Columbia; T. H. Russell. 16S8 East Seventh. The names of these, with their of fenses, have been forwarded to the sec retary of Commerce and Labor, who will assess the penalties against them. STEAMER MAKES QC1CK TRIP ..Joseph Kclloec Goes to Kcleo in , Three amours, Five Minutes. The steamer Joseph Kellogg made a run Sunday between Portland and Kel so that is believed to have been a record-breaker. She took several automo bile parties that far on their return to , Puget Sound after .they had taken in the Rose Festival. The distance la 58 miles and the run was made, slowing up in the Willamette to comply with the regulations, in three hours and flvo minutes. There mas back water In the Willam ette and a strong current to face in . the Cowlitz, but the swift water in the Columbia assisted. The return was made In three hours and a half, and In this is included a stop at Rainier to discharge freight. ALASKA BOAT SAILS JCXE 28 . Indications That More Than Enough Freight Will Be Secured. The second sailing of the Portland Alaska Line, operated by the E. J. Dodge Company, will be June SS from the Oak-street dock, the receiving of freight commencing on June 26. The recent volcanic disturbances In Alaska have no effect on the operations of this line as Its points of call are In the far northern part of Alaska in the Behring Sea. .From present Inquiries of the agent of the line for space, more than the guaranteed amount of freight will be offered and there Is every indication that from this small beginning.. through the efforts of the shipping committee j large parties every morning. Without exception, those who have traveled ex tensively, say that the scenery is grander than the trips up the Hudson or Rhine. One hundred fir ships' knees arrived from Winlock, Wash., yesterday, and are Intended for the new McCormick shipyards at St. Helena. The knees are gotten out by Andrew Johnson, who makes a specialty bf the business. and they are as good as the There is some talk of the quarter master department steamer James Fornance being transferred from its service at the forts at the mouth of the Columbia to Puget Sound to take the place of the mine-laying steamer Major Rlngold, which Is soon to be 1 37s. transferred to the California district. The investigation by Inspectors Ed wards and Fuller of the circumstances surrounding the collision between the Samson and Tillamook came to an un expected and early end yesterday.- The inspectors will announce later what disposition they will make of the case. The oil tank steamer Rosecrans, which is due this evening from Mon terey with a cargo of oil for the Asso ciated Barley 55c (BS1. Flax J2.23&2.24. - ' Corn No. 3 yellow, 71 972c. Oats No. 3 white, 49 Vic. Rye No. 2. 75-e76c Bran In 100-pound sacks. $2020.50. F'' patents. .-,. 40 5 .us : seconds, the table. $5.105.35: first clears, $3.8u4.0J; wod ! clears. $?.70(3. I oenator go ou at once. . . Spectators Begin to Leave. 'As soon as those desiring to leave have gone, the Senator will 'continue, shouted Stone through the megaphone, and the spectators began ;to crowd out- Root, scowling, resumed his place at Grains In San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, June 18. Spot Quota tlons walla Walla, $1.62 ai.63 ; red nusBiaji. si. o.v 191.0 : xurKey red, $1.70i 1.72: bluestem. 11.706 1.72 U : kirUr considered to be" equally I $l-63l-57!4 : do, brewing, nominal: white n oak kneea oats $1.S51.90; bran. $i.5027; middlings e oaK Knees. I 33eci; shorts. $3132. Call board sales: wheat December. $1.58. wstpiiiDer, ; May, sl.iB24. European Grain Markets. UJNDON. June Is. Cargoes, outer wall Walla, September and October shipments at oi.- cngusa ana country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL, June . 18. Close: Wheat, --'J , " - s " . uuivuti. ! o?u, ireceoiDer, is 5d. Weather, cloudy. Puget Bound Grata Markets. TACOMA. Wash.. June 18. Wheat Ex port: Biuesiem. uc: cluD. 9oc. Milling: Bluestem, 95c; club, 92c. Yesterday's car reueijjis uin, o; nay. au. . Roofs voice could not be heard half way down the hall. As the Senator sat there, "Bill" Flinn, with a cigar stub in the corner of his mouth and his straw hat Jammed down. on his head, climbed over the stage railing. He stepped up to Senator Root and shook hands and conferred with him for several minutes, leaving just as Root resumed speaking. When Mr. Root resumed the entire rear part of the floor and gallery were empty. Those who remained crowded to the front, and the empty seats were emphasized by the sharpness of the contrast. Minor Officials Appointed. Senator Root concluded his epeech at 7:35 P. M., and was applauded. The formal appointment of the minor tem porary officials followed. Senator Clark, of Wyoming, moved that until rules were adopted the con vention bo governed by the rules of the previous National convention. The mo , ' I UVl?- ' covers - even lWlKSfl:f''-'.. koles of tne case I 4r:.MBWm - .We Jo more. . 1.1-'- ' rm w mA f r sdJ tz mB ilk Msrm N . ZXMXt fa I .... r UC v jisak mv , til h 11 1 VTilH . it De lor I vvNXaSt. 1 r"siJr" chnn Irl ha - - ryfr- w A iXN ' brewery to your glass. mom It is only natural tKat Scklitz in Brown Bottles .1 1 1 tne home Deer. Tne Brown Bottle protects Schlitz purity from tne brewery to your See thai crown or cor is branded ' 11 'ScMtz.' R0TH0HILD BROS,' " DISTEIBUT0ES. 20-22-24-23 N. First Street, Portland, Oregon. Phones, Main 153, A 4666. The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous. lumber at one of the coast ports for Australia. The steamer Rose City ar- SKATTLE, Waah- June 18. Wlreat Blue- I tion wa adonr-H unanimouslv stem. I5c: fortyfold. 0c; club. Kc; flfe. u2 w f aop.eo. unanimously. Oil Companies, is making her L'tlViV VZi .,,T crT I f "oi T ;i7 T IZZ rived from Portland and the Saginaw i4l tin .lna .ha wa- nrrol, l ' ' ' ' ' 4 'W T . . ' " . Salted for POT-'laTlH monwrey uay mree monms ago. wnen Chuf8 In Available Sapplle. standing committees. u 11 13 8JrucKwon me roc ks it was new YORK. June 18. Special cable and Governor Hadley, who had again ucticrcu tuai HUU1U UO k iDiai I teierrapniC Communications raCMVfd hvl to Iron a n ar nn fhA era era ranoar.H loss. Movement of Vessels. ASTORIA. June 18. Arrived at 4 and left np at 7 :3 A. M. Steamer Westerner, from I Canada, decreased San Francisco. Arrived at 8:80 and-left up I at 10 A. M. Steamer Maverick, from San I TotaL JJ, If and Canada, dec. Francisco. Sailed at 10:30 A. M. Steamers I Afloat, for and In Europe, dec. larmet ana uiympic, ior aan rearo. Ar rived at 2:15 and left up at 3.40 P. M. Steamer Johan Poulsen. from San Francis co. Sailed at 4 p. m. Steamer W. F. Her rln. for Monterey. Left up at 2 A. M. Steamer Oleum ; at 4 A. M. Bark en tine Kohala. San Francisco. June 1 8. Arrived at 10 A- - M. Steamer Rose City, from Fort- land. Bradstreet's show the followlnic chanares in m. mninn c,v.ai.,, TnnaA&i4 auuuuc. mm tuuiuarea wild 11.1 ji -a. i .n previous account: - 1 ueie5t-e iur uie lempurary ruu Wheat Bushels I m&de by the National committee. An U. a. east of Rockies, decreased. . .2,256.000 1 agreement had .been reached that after u. a., west or Kocities. decreased. . 287.O0O Mnis motion was made tne convention sailed- for Portland. The steamer Roanoke has been char tered by tho Elks of Southern Califor nia for a trip to Portland during the j Elks' convention. . . . 250 GIRLS TO GO ON PICNIC 895.000 ..2,988.000 . .2,000,000 Total American and Eurooean ' supply, decreased 4,928,000 Corn U. S. and Canada, Increased 1,152,000 uau- U. S. and Canada, decreased. 1.458.000 The leading increases and decreases this weex zoiiow: Increases: Goderfch, 60.040 .bushels; Cleve- Coos Bay. June 18. Arrived Steamer hand. 67.000 bushels. Decreases: Manitoba, Breakwater, from Portland. Eureka. June 18. Arrived at 11 A. M. Steamer Alliance, from Portland. Havre, June 15. Arri Ted French bark Buf fon, from . Portland. Redondo. June 17. Arrived Schooner Annie M. Campbell, from Columbia River. San Francisco, June 18. Arrived Steamships F. 8. Loop. Port B lake ley; Brooklyn. Bandon: San Pedro. Coos Bay: Sonoma. Honolulu; Rose City. Portland; I Arizona Com Steamships Coronado. Grays Harbor; George Loomla, Seattle; Queen Victoria; Schooners C. s. Holmes, iuget bound ; Zampa. Graya Harbor; Barken Une ' S. G. Wilder, Grays Harbor. Seattle, wash.. June 18. Arrived Bar re 9.1s in tow of tug Hercules, from San Fran cisco, baiiea b l earners &aao Manx ana Min nescta, from l okohama; City ol 461.000 bushels: Louisville. 90.000 bushels. The visible supply ot wheat in Canada Saturday. June 15. was 12,177. 000 bushels. aevreaae ui- m,vov,vvu. Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. ' Juno 18. Closing Quotations Allouej 464Uohawk 1 Amalg A Z Copper. am. . . Montara. from San Francisco: M. S, Dol lar, from Manila. Columbia River Bar Report. Condition at tbe mouth of the river 5 P. M., smooth; wind northwest 16 miles; weather, cloudy. 31 4 fc U J A 3 U. a Cal A Arizona.. 74 Vi Cal ft Hecla. .. .515 Centennial 24 Cop Ran Con Co 68 E Butte Cop M. 1SH rranklln 12 Slroux Con .... 3 Gran by Con . . . . 65 Puebla. Green Cananea. 5 Xevada Con . . . 211 .Ntpisslng Mines. 1 North Butte. Slot North Lake b . Old Dominion ... 57 14 iissceoia ......... lzs Qulncy 90 Shannon 14 superior T1 ud & Boa Min.. 2U .xamaracjc ...... 4K C S S R A M-.. 3 ao nref erred 4MU I Royalle (Cop) 31 Utah Con 11 Kerr Lake. 2Vtah Copper Co. 63 Lake Copper.... SSttJWlnona 6 l raiie copper i twoiverine ...... 4t Miami Copper... 28 - - . Tide at Astoria Wednesday. Hlrh. Low. 3:27 A. M 8- feet 1 10:5 A. M. ....O.S teet 4:5S P. M.. . .7.9 feet 1 10:56 P. M. . .. 3.6 feet Chicago livestock Market. CHICAGO. June 18. Tlattl Rerefnts. S500: market, iteadr to shade Invur. Rva Mucn.iu; lexas steers, s.tMi,H.20; west em steers. $&508.25; stock ers and feed ers. S4.25 06.75: cows and he if era, 8.25: calves. 15.50to8.25 Hogs Receipts, 15.O00; market, strong to hivhi l.luhl lit fHitfi: T H'l it miTs a oi a1 ys ; neavy, o.i(rj (.u; rougn, ?u.3t 7.15: plea S5&C.75: bulk of sales. 17.25 SURVEYORS MOVE CAMP Railroad Engineers Find Grades on BATTLE RAGES ALL - DAY Humbug and Uttlo Fisbhawk. . I (Corttlnum From pga . and hisses Mingled cheers, hoots . c-ni . r 1. i.i greeted the statement. 1 W 1. i ., ouiio . J. v.'K1-1-'.-' I ... i ii . , . . . , .. - - . v. t aiio ivuuiu uruccvura, However, .tne Southern Paclfl"a survey or.."- the for Pennlvania men flnallr taking their which has been at-work for several! dk. i.,.i.. . " weeks on the Humbug River. 1. mov- L Kh Islif1.',I, We "st lng Ita camp to, a point on the XJtttel'?' th S":--1? uA..-uw-a. vu , uabuwToaa I Alio ICU Roosevelt oeleatea from South Da Fishhawk. near the Wooden ranch. The surveyor, ar. believed tobe f;TuSa Fishhawk from the Humbug River to the Nehalem. near Jewel, which would be much shorter than a route down the Humbug via Elsie. The engineers are retieenf.regarding their work, but It Is known that those in charge have re ceived orders to employ all the men they can use to advantage, and to spare no expense In hurrying the sur veys to completion. v. The 17 engineers, who have been making surveys along the Lewis and Clark River and have been encamped for several days In the vicinity of the Feterson & Frye Logging Company's One vote out of Tennessee's 24 went to McGovern; the other 23 to Root: The Texas vote of 40 was divided. 31 for Root, eight for McGovern, and one not voting. ' Halleran Makea Root Safe.'.'....' C. E. "Loose, the National committee man, was the only Utah delegate who voted for McGovern. The Utah vote was Root 7. McGovern 1. The Vermont delegation gave Root f, McGovern X. Virginia's 24 votes were divided. Root "2. McGovern 2. , Cheers greeted the. announcement of camo. moved today to a noint near I v lrglnla'a vote, as It seemed to nlacc Clatsop station and will continue their I Root safeA .-';- work in that victaJtv . I The final vote that gave Root a ma- Trip Will Be Made on Friday to Sucker Lake. should adjourn with the Hadley substi tute list the unfinished business, to be taken up Immediately upon convening. Tbe Roosevelt list asked for the sub stitution of 92 Roosevelt delegates for 92 Taft men now sitting: In the con- Chaperoned by the Women's Annex vention as follows: Alabama 2, Arl- of the Multnomah Athletic Club, the zona t, Arkansas 2, California 2. In- Junior girls of the club will leave dlana 2, Kentucky 6, Michigan 6, Okla- Friday for Oswego and -will pass their homa 3 Tennessee 4, lxu 26. Wash- annuai plcnlc at Sucker Lake., Basket Ington 14, Virginia 18, District of Co lumbia 2. y It was 7:45 P. M. when the conven tion adjourned until tomorrow at 11 A. M. dinners will be taken and swimming and athletic exercises will be thft pro- THREE CHARTERS MADE gramme of the day. Dow Walker, super intendent of the club, has made ar rangements to secure free use of boats for the picnic party at the lake. Many of the club members will drive out to the lake in the afternoon to witness the sports, In response to a general invitation from Professor Krohn. in the athletic contests med als will be given as prizes. Arthur Cavill will have charge of the swim ming and in the other athletic sports. Professor Krohn will be assisted by Edgar Frank, Eddie O'Connel ana Ralph Knight. The party will consist of about 250 girls. The train that is to bear them to Oswego will leave from the station at the foot of Jefferson street. Aeeordtnar to L. Meerson Clftneey. of St. Louis, who is now In London, thero is more mud In tne Kriiisn metropolis mvi m j . i. ,,a hi. ..it i. h. hni been In. and his record includes Paris, Berlin. VI-" enna. New lorn, vvasninsiuu, .....-. St. Louts and Milwaukee. European Resorts and Hotels. BELGIUM. COASTWISE VESSEIiS TO CARRY LUMBER TO CAMFORSIA. The highest point of woman's hap piness la reached only through moth erhood. Tet the mother-to-be is often fearful of nature's ordeal and shrinks French Sailors Have Near-Monopoly from the suffering incident to Its con, on San Francisco Trade Handled by .Canvas-Propelled Boats. SAN FRANCISCO, June lg.WSpe- r.lftl 1 Thrss coastwise charters . have Just been announced as follows: Steam schooner Bhna YaK, lumber Iran Pa get Sound to - San Francisco,' at' 35; schooner John A. Campbell, Mumber from Grays Harbor to San Pedro, at 35.50; schooner Ethel Zane, lumber from Puget Sound to San Francisco, at 34.75, with the option of San Pedro at 35-50. - - The French bark Bourbakl has been chartered by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. to load general cargo at Rotterdam for San Francisco. -. There are 15 sailing vessels, 14 of which are French, under charter to load at European ports for San Fran cisco, of which number 11 are consigned to Meyer, Wilson & Co. and four to Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Virtually all the sailors carry now Is coke and pig iron, the regular line steamers getting the bulk of the general cargo and conse quently the list of sail tonnage coming this way is becoming smaller - each year. British sailors virtually have retired from this trade and the French have assumed almost full control. Four of the well-known Strath steamers -were chartered , today by A. F. Thane &-Co., of. this city, to load lumber on the Columbia River, Puget Sound or San Francisco for Australia. They were taken at C shillings 9 pence and 7 shil lings, exceptionally high rates. The vessels are the' Stratlimore, Strathna rian. Strathardle and Strathspey, aM coming to this port with coal for the Government. . v The British steamer River Forth, r- riving from Sydney today, is under charter to J. J. Moore & Co. to load summation. In Mother's Friend Is to be found a medicine of great value to ever expectant mother. It Is Intended to prepare the system fo'r the crisis, and thus relieve, in great part, the suffering through -which the mother usually passes. The regular nse of Mother's FYlend "will repay any mother in tne comfort it affords before, and the helpful restoration to health and strength it brings about after baby comes. Mother's Friend Is for sale at drug stores. Write for our ires oook lor expectant " mnthero which contains much valuable infor mation. .. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ca. Herfrii CLEANS SCOURS . POLISHES Solid Cake WORKS WITHOUT WASTE loTnohl D0YER 4 03TEND EKSSSSS Dftirr. 8m PmhIi S Heeri. Th fattec! TnrMa Stauaara In th ChtutL CIRCULATION SEASON TICKET 8 Md TOURIST TIC KITS of wlotM o&rftiomla.r. ma-W BELGIAN BTATB 1U IX WATS. Ttekk and InfonnaUoo Omotm TH08. COOK Tar full uul Tnfnrv W. C. g, Tims Bmtldtafft. V.T. m SOM. M7vsm. VTSTT GHENT the City of Flowets. 8PA the mother of Spas, every kind of Balhs Ferruginous Springs. NAMUR the Gate of the Ardennes. . LIEQE pearl of the beautiful River Mass. TOURNAI tbe Roman Towa. BLANKENBERQHE the "Atlantic CSty" of Belgiara. BRUQE8-ls-Morte. The old-world towns of Flanders and the Picturesque Mountains of the Urdennes, OSTEND WHS vnlsvr 8MttU BmoH to tk WwM 1 Minli Br Bat hintf mat linns 11 VHI QUIT HOTKLI ON THI COimVBIITAL. 00 Rod. Roonilnmlaolkf MMth XOO Bods. Rooms new 1 doutr Bf eam 00 BmU. HoUl nd BMtooiMl te Ink Th Hotel rj Madtrn to mvmrj rrmyat. m BRUSSELS PALACE HOTEL m " " llaalallii World. BOO Kaotos. nUk Mnli BMks. BrttrssBLa. Horxti Btraors, rhxcm botalk strictly first class, buitxi wttr SAma 1ITVUF. HOTIL T. AHTOIKa LKADIHO. KNTIRKLT EEHOVATED. S.IBGB. HOTCXi DE SUEDE. LEADING HOTEL. E.rr Ho4ni Comfort. ipifhwati -mUk BmAka. UNIVERSAL IriTIRNATrOHAL SUJRPASSIiVa Tf GSXAZ. mm 'For Ptrtleoiui B3ctui lUtrnti and Hot! a. unlr Town A Country. M. Ub Atanu. N T. OSeKl OffitM BsilVlu KttA IlaWlwkr. 47. Caddob Btntt! AS. arsv-rhiireh Rtr?t ; uui 72. Brnt 8trM. Ltrarioa t a tit Ottmm tw Amcneto -1 pro m , ino. ooi fr son, or f. i, i iarr. ymni unw runoini, n.i. GERMANY. The RHINE AMERICANS VISITING EUROPE Should on no account fall to visit the Rhine There Is only one way to fully enjoy the grand scenery, and that Is by STEAMER. Pamphlets from 359 3th At.. Nsw York, and S Recent st.- London. TRAVELERS' CHECKS The most convenient form yet cevised for carrying funds safely while traveling is offered by travelers' checks. These checks may be cashed anywhere at home or abroad, without identification. They may be purchased of the LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK . CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 Per' Cent on Savings. Corner Fifth ard Stark. load D