THE 3IORXING OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 19, 1912. 17 REAL ESTATE. For bale -Howes. HOMES ON EAST PAYMENTS. 8 rooms and bath, 5-plece plumbing, with 4 Iota, on Writ Side; graded streets, sidewalk and water, $2000. 6-room house, modern; 300 feet to car; lot 50x100; excellent neighborhood; 13750. 5-room bungaiow, modern, with all bullt-ln conveniences, furnace: two blocks from car. near fine school; gas, electricity; street Improvements paid; excellent view; corner; $3350. 4 rooms In excellent suburb, restric tions; all built-in conveniences; large liv ing rooms with panels; fixtures and tint ing; S.0. S-rooxn house, lot 100x185, West Side, within 3-mlIe clrcie, 20 minutes from Postofttce; $1750. 5-room bungalow, thoroughly modern; built-in effects; close to school; good view; street improvements paid; 2 blocks to car; $2100. PROVIDENT TRUST COM PANT, Second Floor Selling BUig- Main 1800, A 6 J 01, SOUSES FOR -SALE AT THE BEACH!! One of the best houses at Sea view. Wash., complete in every respect; good, comfortable home, "Winter aa well as Summer; all of rfhe modern comforts and conveniences; specially arranged for en tertaining; right at the beach: loOxluO lawn and two beach lots; price $4500. Largo 5-room bungalow, situated on cor ner lot, on ridge, at Seaview. Wash.: fire place, inside sleeping porch; alao two sleeping room a facing north and east; water in kitchen and basement : large at tic sufficient for four rooms; price $G500. WHITMER-KEI.LT CO., 70 Fourth st. THERE 13 NO EXCUSE FOR DELAY- If you wish a first-class home at Ridge raont at prlcea that cannot be beat, here is one of the many good bargains. 8 rooms, hardwood floors. 2 bed rooms. down stairs; full lot. ooxiou; nne view; 2 blocks from car. Seeing Is believing. Let me ahow you, See Mr. Brown. FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 260 Washington St., cor. 4th. BUNGALOW, ALSO COLONIAL HOUSE. New from owner, restricted district these are entirely different and if Jo kin for something real nice in every particu lar see tnese, terms rignt. easy iirsi p&jr tnnnL A.fnnt KAveleH nlata buffet and mirrors. beautiful oak floors, sleeping porch and all built-in conveniences that ladles appre ciate. Phone Main 414 mornings. FOR SALE AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN Modern 5-room cottage with full cement basement. Improvements all In and paid lor; Within two 0 JOCKS OI Dest iraupuria tion in city; good barn in rear oi iot moll nvmnt dawn: terms to suit. Tbl DroDositton will be made attractive if taken at once. Call Main 770 and ask for Mr. Russell. HOME SACRIFICED BUYER FAILS TO MAKE PAYMENTS; WILL tits l- T.avn TOTAV TO RESELL MY HOME LOCATED IN ROSE CITY PARK: FINE FINK VIEW OF CITY AND MOUN TAINS; NO REASONABLE PRICE OR TERMS REFUSED. SEE THIS TUUAl, PHONE MR. PRICE. TABOR 283S. -ROOM "IRVINGTON HOME. HaMvAo.f flaors. sleeping oorch. recep tion hall, TaatH; full basement. SOzlOO-ft. lot; in nicespwresiaencw pari, oi irvumiuu, ana close to aw line, 9-hsu: oniy sow auu, balance 115 er montniimLiLX muw E.RN. WATSON ft THERKELSEN CO-05- Spalding bldg. Mnln 7592. 570 LADD eve. Strictly. hih-class. new, A-mnm house, hlahlr restricted district convenient to high and grammar schools and Ova straetcar lines; an improvements paid; do you want' a dne home that will irow in value? See this today. Price $6500. part of which may remain at per cent. W. S. Perry," 602 Ladd ave. SEE THIS AT ONCE Will aell my beautiful, new, modern, 8 room realdence In "Laurelhursf on easy payments, to responsible party; sleeping porch, n arc; wo a noors, n replace, oeamea celling and an conveniences; w casn. P 149, Oregonian. SACRIFICE OF $1000. $4250, cut to $350; 1 must aell at once mv iht-room bunxalow: haa fireplace. beamed ceilings In reception hall, parior and dining-room, uutcn kttcnen. cneer f ul. light and roomy. Phones Woodlawn 1561, C 2457. FTVF-ROftM RI7NOALOW. Just completed, doulbe construction, all complete, shades, linoleum In kitchen and bath, 20 minutes' ride on Mt. Scott car- Ilne; very easy terms MORGAN. RLIEDNER BOYCR, 503-6 Ablngton bldg. SNAP 10-room 1H atory bungalow, new. modern in ery way. hardwood 'floors. Urrj. firenlace. furnace fixtures, shades, I etc.. for $4W. Will take as low aa $100 I Hnwn hianr like rent. Onlv 15 min utes from city. St Ilea. 223 Chamber of J Commerce. J7 50 BUYS my new 3-room bungalow, with psmrooin ana biwjjimb-viuh aiunuu raah, on the Oregon Electric, only 20 min utes from the center of Portland on 5- cer.t carfare. Come today. First money down gets the place. Call at office at sta tion, or see owner, i opiuiu. oiug. Tl-TP ATIR R RATTY TO BUILD. A HOUSE for the owner of any lot in Rose city para. . SLAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY, 2Vi OAK STREET Successor to the real estate department of Hart man x -j nom;n. A BTG snap Naw -room cottage, neat and well-built, water piped In; lot 50x100, near many other homes; 8H blocks from Rose City parte canine, lotai price iu; $75 cash; $15 month. Including Interest. for quicK saie. a u io-i, vrtionian. BENTON ST. HOME Nice modern 6-room house on Benton at., near Dixon. Price $4200; $2000 cash. A nice home; walking distance. GRUSSI & BOLDS. JUS Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th ft Oak. BARGAIN. Plx-room bungalow; modern In detail fnmarn: fireplace: double constructed hard wood floors; exclusive district: J 250 cash payment; balance like rent. AK 1 S. Oregonian. S ROOMS and bath, modern, lot lOOxloo, beautiful view of valley and mountains, Weat Side. 20 minutes from Poatofflce; $2200, eaay term. Provident Trust com pany, second door Selling bldg. Main iSOU, a ayoL. T4ARC5A1N. easv terms; 7-room blouse In re trirtd district: furnace, electric lishts. gas. all modern conveniences; will trade for Los Angeles property or sell; street paved: near carllne. AR 14S, Oregonian. LA I'RELHLT. ST SACRIFICE. Twft.ninrv. T roomi all modern con venleacea, $00- below value for quick sale; by owner; easy terms. 11000 cash required. vfrsniBn. A BEAUTIFUL new modern house on the East Side, isortn. price iuu; .ou casa, balance 135 per month. Including Interest. Will consider equity In lot on pay man t. Inqulr Calumet Hotel. Main 7300. LAT'RELHURST. Strictly modern 2-story, 7-room house. In be3t part of tract; easy terms, first payment part trade. USD E. Oak. Phone B JW8- FINE PIEDMONT BARGAIN. Beautiful 7-room house. 60x100 Jot. $5500: house cost $4700: also a fine corner lot 100x113, cheap. Owner, Woodlawn 21 5T. HODERN 5-room bungalow, close in, o Caruthers at., $3300: terms. WATSON THERKELSEN CO.. $05-o Spalding bldg. Main 75P2. PRICE $S00 $500 cash, balance $3 par month, new 5-room plastered cottage, lol 60x105. on 5-cent carllne. AL 144, Ore- goniaa. THIS IS a bargain in a 5-room bungalow, half block lrom car, at sioou. aw a own. aiain 8407. 803 Board Of Trade. WILL sell this modem 6-room bungalow at a bargain if sale can be made before June 2V Call 400 E. 52d St. N. Take Rose City Park car. . IRVINGTON SNAPS. FINE HOUSES, CHOICE LOTS. SEE NEUHAUSEN & CO., 703 LEWIS BLDG. MAIN SOTS. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, just completed; terms, lot or auto as first pay- ment. B SQoJ. - " " SEE THIS ONE. " New 6-room house, large lot. Phone. Will call for you with auto. Tabor 3372. MODERN flve-room cottage; very small pay ment; terms: must sell. Owner. Phone S-11 wood !So6. FOR RENT or sa'.e, a beautiful new 5-room bungalow on 63d st. pply at 657 East 6;th t. North. Mony to loaa on new buildings, dwelling houses preferred, if I do the work. AK 105, Oregonisn. SEVERAL FINE homes In Irvington cheap; number of lots cheap. E. 273. W. H. Herd man. FOR SALE -Beautiful new 6-room house In Laurelhurst. by owner. Tabor 12S1. AM 153, Oregonian. WILL take lot. or small car for equity of $1750 In 6-room bungalow. B 25i:S. Main ?407. , FOR SALE By owner, new modern 6-room in Rose City Park. Tabor 12SL AM 151, Oregonian- FOR SALE By owner, new modern, 7-room house in Beaumont. Tabor 12SL AL 155, Oregonian. . FOR SALE or trade, my fine home in S.i lem. Or. Call on owner. J. E. Scott, 2t4 Stark st. I2icT FOR $1500 modern 7-room house an 2 lota El Front. Main S77. js,EW 5-room house, $2.50. owner. r!4. FOR FINE HOMES fiee Del ah iin u REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hons- PAYINQ RENT? If so. you are probably . not aware that I can put you in your own home for practically the same payments. I have houaea in Irvington, Beaumont. Laurei hurat and Irvingwood that I am selling on the basis oi $1 per $100 per month, including interest; that Is, a house selling for $475o will cost you $47.50 montfaljthe same aa rent. No down payment. wn not pay rent to yourself Inatead of some one else? NEIL DURFLINGER. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 709-710 Rothchiid bldg. Marshall 3S2S. MR. LOT OWNER. J HERE 13 YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; ILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OP IN. TEREaT; PLANS FURNISHED FREE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. T S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, . HENRY BLDG. Civr THE rnfITSSION. n-rnnm house, modern in every way. hard wood floors, built-in bookcases. Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement; piped for furnace; large porcn; a oea rooms, ana toilet. wtn tne noor. Arnuc trlral ft-vtnrs ' T-nt ft Oil 00. Price SafeoO, $400 cash, balance 135 a. month, including interest. fcee air. urown. FRED A. JACOBS CO. 26ft Washington St., cor. 4th. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Terms arranged to ault; splendid WW 6-room bungalow, doubly constructed throughout, excellent building material and fine finish, all bunt-in conveniences, hardwood floor, fireplace, nunt-in book rsM. huffed beam reilinr. Daneled din Ing-room, etc., near Hawthorne ave.; only 15 minutes from town. Tabor 30S3. BEAUMONT SNAP. Fine modern new 8-room house, fine fireplace, buffet, den. breaxrast room, ciMninv norch and all other latest im provements, price only $4700; $500 cash and $20 per month. Lot 50x100. located on East 37th. between Knott and totan ton; a fine, high, sightly location. GRUSSI & HOLDS. BIS Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th A Oak. $500 CASH. FINE 8-ROOM HOUSE. 50x100 corner with aidewa Iks, curba and streets graded and paid for: 1 blouit tn rood cat service: built for home, bu must sell; this Is high-class and will Dear Closest inspection; you can t anutu to overlook It; nothing better built or better finished for the money: every mod ern convenience. Call at 73 6th st.. near Oak. Main 8iJ, A 4185 SWELL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. AMONO THE TREES. An exceptionally fine buy, 50x100 east face lot, 1H blocks to Hawthorne car. Hardwood floors, large fireplace, swell buffet. In fact every modern detail. Well built, finely finished, 5 rooms and extra large attic ready for 3 more rooms. This place is hard to beat, and only $3850, $300 casn, balance rent, xaoor mo. BUILD ON A VACANT LOT. TTTP.V THE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCE AND BUILD Al'AKlMi-.M UK ntSlOE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS: IT WILL PAY. L. R. BAILEY CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 824 ABINGTON BLDG. LOOK, LOOK New 8-room house and 4 lots. 50x100 each; finest plumbing fixtures. laundry trays. 4 dozen cnicKens. aa gar dn woo strawberries. - currants, rasp berries bearing, fine electric chandelles, fn itirhhnrhnnd 2 hlorka to car. KTeat- . eat bargain ever offered; $3950; 15'0 casn. owner seuing out. . vv uoumnu 010 AK 148. uregonian. " rriRNT.R lot with large house: furnace. fireplaces; East 13th and Salmon streets thia Is a bargain; only $500 cash re- nitirri hnl call' farms A-rnnm hfluis. fractional lot. East 14th near Main st.; very desirable; right price, easy terms. L G. DAVIDSON. 4 Chamber of Commerce. r.nnn RTa vT,nr FOR YOUR MONEY. 5-room house, lot wxaui, Darn ana gnoa outhouses; good place to raise chickens: art minutes from center of cits' : small payment down, and very small monthly payments,-, witn interest mciuucu. Call Main 7750. Ask for R. M. Riner. For Sale Business Property. BUSINESS BLOCK Modern, one of the best towns in tne state, goo a location, wen rented; income $2400 per year; wilt consider good Portland residence; will deal with owners only. AB 110. Oregonian. NORTH BEACH $1250 buys nice 6-room house with 1 0OX2UO ieet. ironting ocean (no better location on whole beach); com Dletely furnished: a big buy. Owner. 810 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall 1583. Iror Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. 1 acre. 2 acres or 5, In the val ley, just west of Council Crest; the tunnel will greatly benefit this en tire section; good train service; only 40 minutes from 4th and Washing ton sts. ; commuters' fare $7.30 per month or 14c each ride; rich soil; land lies well and sold on. monthly installments; proper discount for cash; any size tract you may desire at $250 to $500 per acre ; some of these abut on carllne and right at the station. Office open even ings until 9 o'clock. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main S5- 102 Fourth St. A 8500. INVESTIGATE the possibilities offered you In acreage at the " SPRING HILL FARM. This property is only 20 miles from Portland on main county road and close to transportation, both ateam and electric. Prices range from $80 to $200 per acrei Xhis property Is fine black loam soil (some -aweaverdam , absolutely free from rock and gravel, and lies In the TUALATIN VALLEY, the rich est farming section of Oregon. PACIFIC N. W. DEL. CO., , ,,405 Couch Bldg. INC. ACREAGE. On West Side and down the Wil lamette, opposite St. Johns and 2Vi miles back from 5-ceni . carfare; aome with timber, some cleared, rich land and so close to Portland; $175 to $350 per acre, with small cash payment and monthly Install ments Office open evenings until 9 o'clock. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 102 Fourth SL A 8500. ACREAGE. 44 acres of excellent soli, all un der cultivation, right at railway sta tion and, only V mile from station on United Railway, electric line, south Of Banks. Splendid neighbor hood. ' close to store, postofflce, church and school. Price $1350; J200 cash, balance to suit. Own tracts adjoining to make this larger if desired. KAUFFMANN St MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. 6-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH, s rr of rood soil. 4 acres cleared: bal ance verv easily cleared, gradual south nest alope, affording an excellent view of the valley; spring water; soli la adapted lor truit, or will matce an exceptional chicken ranch. Price is $900, $100 down and remainder Jn easy payments. Call 405 Couch bldg. ONLY FEW LEFT Those lovely acre tracti on West bide, six miles irom aiars afreet; bst of soil, elegant for suburban home; can raise garden, chickens, etc In abun dance. ABSOLUTELY YOUR OWN TERMS. H. H. Farnham. 1203 Yeon b.dg. THINK OF IT! ONLY 11 ml!ea from Porfland, 10 aerea under cultivation; small house; 2H miles to railroad atation ; ONLY $1650), Part cash, balance on -time at 7 per cent. H. H. Farnham. 120S Yeon bldg. . AN INVESTMENT 2 acres In city. 2 blocks to carllne; city water, lmprovea streets, in garden; good neighborhood, near school; $o50r. terms. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 805-6 Spalding Bldg. Main 75ft2. AT a bargain If taken Immediately. 5 acres. 5-cent tare; smaii oungaiow; city con veniences, beautiful property. Owner. C 154, Oregonian. FOR SALE 25 acres cleared land; 10 min utes waia rrom y. now eing electri fied : $350 per acre; will subdivide; no agents. Owner. Box 1. ReedvlIIe. Or. $10 CASH. $5 monthly. 160x200 In cultiva tion: minutes vui, rnts oou, iuiiuu- lng sidewalk. Ask for Marstext or Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. NEUHAUSEN 4 CO.. 73 LEWIS BLDG. MAIN POTS IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS. ACREAGE $20 TO $50 PER A. REAL ESTATE. TUALATIN VALLEY. We have for sale a fine 10 -acre tract in this fertile valley, all cleared and in cultivation, absolute ly free from rock or gravel; very best of soil, excellent drainage. This property, is only 10 miles from Portland, on main, macadamized county road, close to transportation, both electric and steam. The price of this tract is S200 per acre, $200 cash, balance easy terms. SEE US FOR ACREAGE IN -THE TUALATIN VALLEY. PACIFIC N. W. DEL. CO., INC. 405 Couch Bldg. TRUCK" GARDEN FARM. Snlemdid ten arret, about 1 of GENU INE BEAVERDAM: the rest la a rich black loam. There is a fine living stream on thia, which added to the fertility of the soil, makes one of the best pieces of land for truck gardening in tne country. The nrice of this land is $125 per acre: $125 will put you in possession of this land. The rest in easy monuiiy payments. call 05 Couch bldg. A rHEAilR OPPORTUNITY. We own 65 acres facing on the Section Line road and running through to the Powell Valley road, about 4 miles east of Mount Tabor. We have -recently bad a road surveyed through this lana, ai virilnv It iniM small Snreao-e. which Shoul aell tor $300 or more per acre. In order to realize at once on the whole tract we will sell It for $300 per acre; hair casn. STRONG & COMPANY. 603 Concord Bldp. ' SITNXTStDE "ACREAGE. 10- acres located in Sunnyside district, 8H acres In orchard. 3 acres meadow, 3 acre a timber, good 5-room houae, nice barn, orchard in full bearing, soil is of the very best, trout stream passes through place. You will have to see this place - to appreciate it. Price '56000; part casn good terms on balance. GRUSSI & BOLDS, SIS Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th & Oak DELATE ILLIHEE1 TWV A fH B". T ACTS AT GRESHAM. All have some nice trees and are partly cleared: five have running water, hv nYtnrt rtrlntr: road in front of ever.V tract; two -story school house. ClflBa to car line. 10 per cent down, balance pay able monthly, quarterly or aemi-annuauy You can't afford to miss buying one, $15 I and $250 oer acre. First estate nan, Gresham. Or. kit ACRES. - On the new railroad from Hlllboroto the coast: choicest rea snot son in ance heavily timbered with yellow and red fir : sood roads : gooa scnoois : nc w rsu road town within 2 miles. $100 cash, balance your own terms, W FIRLANDS TRUST v COMPANY, 716-720 Spalding Bldg. 7 nDPnnv TTT.PTRTf' ACREAGE. 7H-acres 4 mile from station, with good 6-room house, gooa earn, nne wci all nndr cultivation, fruit and gar den. A fine Jersey cow, 2 pigs, chickens and all Implements, and Just think of the price $3600; iwu casn, naiance on lerma. 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th & Oak CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH, neaf Portland; a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices, beat soil, fine view, wood, water ana roaas, acres, vu per uawt. 500: 120 A $800; 40 A.. $1200; $4 A., $2000; 160 A., $3000; liberal terms. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO, $09 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. YOU WANT a picturesque Summer home with, running water, a sman larra, be ,acre or two for chickens, $200 and up, easy terms, choice Acreage, close to Port ibti4 nn electric carllne. nhone. school. store, eta J. W. HeflerUn. 307 Railway Exchange- Main zz-ia. TTTVE ACRES AT LENTS. Located H mile from store and school, nnM are of fruit and 4 acres of meadow. with nice new 5-room bungalow. , Price $5000, part cash; good terms. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 31 S Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th & Oak MOUNT TABOR. Three acres, all or part, adjoining City Park; beautirui view ; au conveniences, near hard-surface and car; fruit, berries. flowers, new oungaiow: taae some ex change. Owner, AJ 159. Oregonian. FOR SALE! One highly improved acre on Oregon Electric ou yaras rrom station. a minutes' ride from city; cement walk ana basement for house, nne well and wind mill; land cleared. AO z-ts. uregonian CLOSE-IN ACREAGE CHEAP. ntiK. two or five acres, all in cultlva tion; small payments or discount for cash, cloae to li-cent car rare, vanauyn a wax ton, 515 Cham per of.commerce. rwrrKEN ranch. 4 acres: 6-room bunealow 7j fruit trees, lots or oernes; nne water on Base Line road and Mount Hood line a snap; $4500; easy terms. AM 156, Ore gon ian. 17 ACRES near Beavertun. IS cleared. blocka from car station and running water only $300 per acre; terms. Owner, James Wilson, iaoring. or., route i CLOSE TO CARLINE. Cultivated acreage, 80x201. Price $410 for sale $10 down and $5 per month. Beacn or Stearns, 202 Wilcox blag. FOR SALE One and a auarter acres, ad joining irvington; wut mane, with streets out, seven tuu iota; terms. sr. kj. &qx 460. city.- 30 ACRES Willamette Valley improved farm witn nouse, oarn, orcnara; ouv; own terms. Wheeler, 308 Abington bldg. WEST aide ; 2 acres cleared, near station, on car line, running water. Something fine; $16W. Terms, loa Yeon bldg. 1 ACRE, near car; small house, furnlshea nuu; easy terms, vvooaiawn 4t. Homesteads. FREE GOVERNMENT LAND. Best fruit or alfalfa land In Oregon. 10. 40 or 160 acres, without money and with out price, to a favored few, who will share expense oi putting water on same. JESSE HOE SON. 528 Ry. Exchange bldg. RELINQUISHMENT Must be sold for $20U. i.;an at once. ius eiung mag. For Sale Fruit Land. PLYMOUTH KNOLL RANCH. FOR SALE. BARGAIN. 21 -acre fruit ranch within 35 miles of Portland. Located in one of the best fruit sections of Oregon. mure rrom the Ex perlmental Orchards of the Oregon Agri cultural College. ' Over 1000 acres of commercial orchards surrounding. 64 acres bearing SpRzenberg and Jon athan apples in tttn year. 6 acres two-year-old apples, being Yel low Newtown and Ortley. Trees in perfect condition, planted and cared ior hv an expert iruu grower. Balance of land under crop, except 4 acre grove or large iirs ior ruer. Improvements less than two years old; COSt 7 rooms, bath, all shingled bungalow .house. thorouKhlv ud to date. Running hot and cold water, from Lead er compressed air water system, s Latest model of septic cesspool. Over 500 square feet of porches, r.ivlnv room with flrenlace. 26x16 ft "House finely finished and decorated throughout. Laundry and tool shop, separate build ing with running water. House stands on knoll, commands fine view of Mt. Hood ill miles away): Mt. fit. Helens; the Cascade range (within 15 miles;. 8 miles from railroad station, and wooA live town, with srood roads. Good country store within city block, rhiiroh and school nearbv. Telephone in house and on Rural Free Delivery Route. Owner selling In order to improve larger property nearby. Let the owner show you this property and if it Is not as described yon will be reimbursed lor your time spent investj cat Inf. Owner will send picture of this place on receipt of postal. Price $500 per acre, with eaay terms. Call or write: Room 605 Lumbermen'! Bldg. Portland. Or. ORCHARD SNAP. 48 acres, $H miles from Salem on good road; 33 acres In full bearing orchard, 20 acres Italian prunes, full crop; 10 acres Bartlett pears, 10 years old: 3 acres mixed Truit; balance line aou an unaer picw. Some personal. Price $12,000; $9000 cash; balance to suit, 6 per cent. . Beat bu In Oregon for income or home. HOPKINS A COPLFY Salem, Oregon. Phone 1S02. ASHLAND, OREGON. Fruit ranch and country home for sale. 1H acres. 11 in ancles and 4 in peaches. Full bearing, heavy crop set. New mod ern 8-room houae furnace, phone, electric lights, hot and cold water; 24 miles from Ashland on boulevard. For particulars address Valley View Orchard, Ashland, Oregon. R. F. P. No. L Box 50- FOR SALE FRUIT LANDS. 160 acres, 4 miles from Hood River, 15 acres In 4 and 5-year Yellow Zlewton and Spltxenberg apples, adjoining raw land $200 per acre, price $20,000. very easy terms, grand view of Columbia River and mountains, no trade, no triflers. Ad dress Morningslde Orchard, Hood River. Or. EST AC AD A. Send for Illustrated booklet of the Es tacada fruit section, where the Oregon Agricultural College maintains its experi mental orchards. 20 miles from the City of Portland. ESTACABA COMMERCIAL CLUB, Extacada. Oregon. FOR SALE 115 acres of choice orchard land near Lyie, w m sen eu acres or more and will consider an exchange of the whole for Portland property. Ad dress owner, C M. McLeod. Lyie, Wash. REAL ESTATE. Factory Site FACTORY SITES FOR SALE OR RENT On fiver and rail, close to Portland; eheas power. Phone Main 14101 For Sale Farms. GROW CHERRIES. PROFITS $1000 PER ACRE. A Los Molinos cherry orchard yielded 2 tons of cherries per acre that sold for sjzuu on the ground. No other fruit is so profitable, " Cherries have never failed to bring high price. Crop just as sure as the market. Tm honlv mnA fra from oeatS. Ail you need for certain aucceaa is the right climate and the right soil. Without this, success is uncertain, often impossible. Los Molinos has both the soli and ell mate. Gravity irrigation Irrigation hignlF genual. Best alfalfa district in U. S. TO tn 11 t rn TPr acre. Cows furnished without cash to be paid rrom cream receipts. Tremendous rush of buyers. . , Land getting scarce. Only one-tenth cash. . A -a m tn nav nut . Call today on H. G. Terry, 904 Yeon building, or write LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, LOS MOLINOS. CAI QH, .YES! DID YOU SAY HIGH COST OF LIVING T Say, Mr. Clerk, office man or laboring man or any other man that is living here in the city and renting a place to live in. Just stop and read this, then come in and let me show you this dandy 8-acre ranch less than S mnea rrom tne joiter-nn-iL station on the Oreron Electric car- line. You can get Into the city In leas time than it takes to come In from Lents and one-half as long as it takes to come In from St. Johns. There is a new house and chicken-house and a nice young orch ard on the place. This place must be sold, as the man needs a nine c Pnm in and Int me show you thia does not coat but 8 cents to go,, and there is the station right at the corner oi in place. See Trumbie. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 272 Stark St., Portland. Or. BY OWNER. 50-ACRE FARM. BLACK BOTTOM LAND. ALL CLEARED AND IN CROP. 24 i-a Arre-m sr in Italian prunes. 15 acres in wheat and oats, about 16 acres in not a toes between tne trees. a fine crop. All starting to bloom. Sev era! acres in aweet corn, carrots, pars nlm turn Ins nitahllfU. StC. Good I- room house, hie- barn, s-arage. etc. WATER rvjstitm innn-fi-flllon tank, water in house. A harn o-BrrtAn onri parftse. GOOd family orchard'; 16 piga and brood bows; fine team horses, zentle: Jersey cow; - 200 chickens; wagon, buggy, cultivator and all sarm tools, and also fine oven land auto.. All goes for $175 per acre. Must have $4000 cash. 12 miles fwnm Rnlm nAr 4 S-flod tOWHS and B. P. R, R. Address H. Graham, Aumi- ville. Or. Phone Aumsvuie. xjj. WHO SAID DAIRY FARM? I have one of the finest little dairy ranches in the valley. It is wen locaten, being only one mile from the eiectri Mttinn And nn rood county roads. Thi place has a nice running stream all the year, with plenty of timber for home use and good soil; no rock or gravel; fam ily orchard and other fruits; full set of buildings, including a nne muft-uuu , there are 68 acres in this ranch; it is practically all In crop; there Is a team and wagon, and some farm tools go with the place. or rurtner parui;miwoq S. Trumbie. ' -n WESTERN OREGON TRUffS CO., 272 Stark St.. Portland, wr. t lift APRFH .i.k kniinm lanA 17 milfis from Port land, in Washington County, two miles from railroad, south of Hillsboro; about 115 acres under cultivation and 20 acres more practically ciearea; gooa wen creeK ana river lurnmig uwuuua j C-vaat. hmiM hnm and outbuildings: t bargain at $125 per acre, $7000 cash; this is at least $za to io per auie tuoo. V.T prices of otner rarms m '""V 1 . w nn nn half mn mod: If vou are look ing for a dairy or truck farm, this is the Place; aon t ian i" KAUFFMANN & IZOOBE, 325 Lumber Exchange. ia apptt RTTTITT'RWAN FARM. ' tm Iaa, taA ric-ht close to Portland, on electric line; It is very best of soil and all In cultivation except one acre; plenty of berries, grapea and fruit trees nearly In bearing; it is a cnoice wuuruau iiumc ftdtinA: mia-ht aCCCDt KOOQ UTl- Incumbered Portland property up to $3000 snd time on the oaiance. uau on j. a. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce. 40-ACRE farm. 8 acres spuds and kale, 18 in nay ana gram, oaiauto m uu, county road; running water, level, abso lutely free from- incumbrance; machinery and stock go wim n WATSON & THERKELSEN CO.. 305-6 Spalding Bldg. Main 7E92. UATRT RANCH FOR SALE. 8 milch cowa, one bull, milk wagon, horse, harness, cans, bottles, ail equip MnnF rmtomerii in city limits: E money-maker; price $750, $250 cash. 414 Ablngton bldg. 130 ACRES black loam' and beaverdara, all in cultivation, j. mno vc6wu aiwuii fnHnn 95 acre: owner ill health. mean it. See agent, J. E. Hall, 308 Ab lngton bldg. 865-ACRE stock, fruit and grain ranch in Linn County; lenceu, wun imiiruvviueuio, for $3i,000, one-third down, balance on S to 5 years. Address ox Z44, AiDany, Or. ' RRADV FOR YOU. dnnr lit i farm, fine roads, electric line, all buildings, crop In. A bargain if taken at once. aligns consiuer ot lw part. Owner. 4 Henry mag. WILL pay 8 per cent interest for '7500 se cured by ?;'.vw worm ot iubh-iw iai estate; principals only; agents need not apply. Call 41. spaiaing oiag. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near eiectric line; oargum for all cash. By owner, loz aiornson au FOR SALE 131-acre improved ranch; 33- acre lmprovea rancn ana ou-ncro uuim proved rancn. au- in. urBBuman. $40 PER ACRE buys 161 acres of good and in tne nenri . w'-;. H. C. PORTER. Aumesvllle, Oregon. OWNER desires to sell at once, 350-A. farm, m miles irom rt. i. emuon, o- per I Lumbermens bldg. Main 756. 200 ACRES fine land, running waterr azu per acre. Terms, iz'js icon oiag. Misoelianeona. DOUBLE corner, IOOkIOO, in Irvington ;-also Oregon orcnara. main i tto. WANTED REAL ESTATE. cle, cleareo or unciearea; state price, term, location and distance to carllne. B 171, Oregonian. WANT to buy a lot on West Side, South of Jefferson st., will pay part cash and put in Clear cast oioe propony lur ance, AS 160, Oregonian. TIOT7SE WANTED. I have two lots worth $2750 to turn in as first payment on a home. Full par ticulars or don't write, a lfa, oregonian. HAVE' buyer for 6-room, new, bungalow. Irvington; owners oniy. R. N. TUFFORD, 407 Spalding Building. ' SUBURBAN home on carllne, 1 to 6 acres with or witnout nouse. ah, urego- nian. Price or no answer. ON Portland Heights. I want from owner k good lot or aesiraoie o oi n-room nouse. AS loo. uregoman. PRIVATE money In different amounts to loan on improves rarras or cny pruyorir Wm. C. Borchera, 207-208 Oregonian bldg. FARMS WANTED. SPECIALTY of large farm deals. Boyd Re alty Co.. 17 J. tn. juain szb. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M'C RACKEN. 804 McKar Bldg. TO EXCHANGX. 80 ACRES, uncleared, 2 streams, near Forest Grove, exenange ior rooming-no use or liatsr $3iw. HIGGINS St BOYER, 506 Northwest bldg. i Main 4400. BUNGALOW on corner lot, full sixe. Will trade or sen; conaioer lot payment. b 133, Oregonian. WANTED To exchange acreage in Sec 31, T. 2 N.t R. 1 w., w. a... ior lots in war renton. Address AK 155. Oregonian. FOR exchange. $1500 in 5-room bungalow for vacant iota or acreage, rnone aiter 6 P. M.. Sellwood 1365. WANTED A lot; will exchange $1500 mortgage on iarm property; woujq assume some differences. AH 145, Oregonian. WILL trade a full lot on Broadway for a rot and cottage at Seaside, Or. Phone East 8S7. SOUTH slope Council Crest lota, clear, for residence or iarm. irom uvu to io,uvu. Owner, AN 151, Oregonian. EXCHANGE acreage, best soli and clear. for building lota, al log, oregonian. MAXWELL runabout to trade for lot. 1131 E- 3ist st. rsortn. rnone wood hat. $3000 EQUITY In four fine lota, close In, JOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS,' SEE JL GARLAND & CO., 191 4TH S. TO EXCHANGE. WE have party with, good mortgages and clear property to amount of jau.OOO to traae ior income property. One hotel, 90 rooms, good location, monev-maker. citv. One hotel, 57 rooms, snap, and shows big profits, city.' One apartment, 94 rooms. West Side; just wnat you are iooaing ior. One apartment, 143 rooms. East Side, new. a dandy. One rooming-house,' 40 rooms, a money- matter. One rooming-house, -33 rooms, close In, good. Will take good acreage or city property on any or tnese. 414 COUCH BLDG. MAIN 8064. - $6500 Anartment house, rentrallv located. on West Side, fine furniture and leased for 4 years, net Income $250 to $400 a month. Will take land to 112.00U. 112,000 80-room hotel on Wash., st., hot - and cold water and telephone in every room; net income $300 up a month. Will trade for land timber. $17,000 &0-room hotel, centrally located, Al furnishing, running water and tele- ' Dhone in every room: net income $40Q to $700 month. Want land to U5.XHK). THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO. INC., -S13-817 Lewis Bldg. i MAIN 8400 ' 4TH AND OAK A 7158 160 ACRES of good wheat land in the famous Yakima country of Washington. Improved with a email shack house, barn and a we lk Two acres of peach orchard on the property. Splendid chances for big increase in value on account of Irriga tion development. Price is low at ;uu. Owner desires to trade for Portland prop erty. "Would consider vacant lot or resi dence property. 5 acres of high-class land, with three -year-old trees, in the suburbs nf Rnokane. The nrice is a bar gain at $2500. Owner desires to trade for house and lot in jortiana. unaries & Warrea, manager exchange department, Neely & Young, Inc.v 204-7 Paulsen bldg., Spokane, Wash. ' HOOD- RIVER BARGAINS. ONLY $500 CASH REQUIRED. 20 acres of orchard land, beautifully situated on the east side district of Hood River Vallev; over half planted in com mercial orchard, part in bearing; fine building site; easily worth $20,000 in leas than 2 years time; plenty of water for strawberries; will take modern unincum bered Portland residence In good district as part payment; only $500 cash required. O 169, Oregonian. - a ' ALBERTA FARM. 2 MILES FROM R- R- TOWN. 20 MILES FROM CAPITOL. 160 acres fine level soil, nice buildings, living water, price $5500. Want acreage or Portland residence. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE. 270 Stark st. $20,000 GILT-EDGE 7 AND 8 PER CENT MORTGAGEE FOR PORTLAND PROP ERTY. " j PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO.. 270 STARK. APARTMENT FOR ACREAGE. Apartment located on West Side, good 4-story brick, 5-year lease and rent only $350 per month for 80 rooms. $6500 worth of furniture and $1000 cash up on lease all go for $5500. Will pay to investigate this. Come in and see us if you have good acreage or a small farm, GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th A Oak. 160 ACRES NEAR BURNS. In the BEAUTIFUL HARNEY VAL LEY, on line of new Eastern Oregon R. . R. Price $5000. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO., 270 Stark St. HARNEY VALLEY LAND. 320 acres right on railroad building now from Vale to Burns, Or.; all level and best volcanic ash soil; free of incum brance; price $12 an acre; will exchange for modehn house in city. JACOB HAAS, 400 Yeon Bldg. 600 ACRES. ALL UNDER CULTIVATION. 1 miles from R. R., in Washington; Price only $25 per acre. Will take city property. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO., 270 Stark St. CHOICEST land in Oregon, near Bull Run & ML Hood Railway, win sen an or p-rt of our 200 acres. Part tn cultivation; deep, rich soil, specially adapted to fruit; beautiful scenic surroundings; would con sider mortgages, contracts or city prop erty in exchange Henry C. Prudhomme Co., owner, 806 Wilcox bldg 10 ACRES, 4 miles from Hood River, on fine county road, v acres in topuxenDerg and Newtown Pippin apples; a-rooin house: this la a beautiful place and in high state of cultivation; will exchange ior .rorciana property. o -o numuui change. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. Imoroved and unimoroved irrigated al falfa land, with good water right at $50 an acre and up; good terms; for sale or trade for Portland property; business. residence or acreage, budwi aiariyn, 607 Yeon Bldg. CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH COUN- TEK 1A JiiA-TvBi IU wjv, enjoying une business; will invoice or .sen zor uw. Want city property. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE, 270 Stark St. IRVINGTON SNAP. New. - modern 8-room house, attic, bedrooms, lot 50x100, hard-surfaced street. worth $7500. Will trade ror lot, acreage, auto or small house. East 25th st., near Thompson. Phone owner, East694S. HAVE two fine wheat ranches, well im proved, with gooa Dunaings ana water, innaTAd In Rlar Bend country, near R. R. station; about 1400 acres, wish to trade for good I'ortiana income property, u. j., 505 Montgomery at. 15, 40, 60, 92-ACRB farms to trade for city property. WATSON ft THERKELSEN CO., S05-6 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Ete, FOR SALE 2 horses, well matched, weight loou loa eacn, 41 years oia; aiso x Day h orse, weight 1 500 1 bs. . 4 H years old ; all well broke and gentle. Emil Alt, box 123. Kaiama, waen. FOR SALE One well-matched team c.t horses, 5 years old, weightng 2ow; one young horse weighing 1350. 226 Russoll. ONE good cook stove and one gas stove for Fate at reasonauie price, kibu guua neaiiug stove, jpnone ou. WANTED To rent & family horse, with or without buggy, zor tne bummer; nest oz care. P. O. Box 480, city. ONE small and one large furniture wagon. 3 medium-size horses zor sale, carman Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshur sta- FOR SALE One express wagon, flrst-olass condition; one ruooer-tirea ouggy. ao Russell st. Phone E. 4804 FINE bay team. 3000 lbs.; heavy harness and wagon. u. u. uavenporu otn phones. - 240O-LB. team, well mated, with new team harness, Ritter, ava water, near .Harrison. SPAN of horses, weight 1300 apiece, set of nainess ana wagon, uau ouo Aiaer street. Pri-:e $270. . . PASTURE for rent near Portland. Phoas Main 1410. Pianos, Organ s and Musical Instruments. BEST on sale, a very beautiful, genuine w eoer-maae weoer piano; cost soou re tail; party going abroad. Will accept $235 cash or $250 in easy payments. Apply at once. Piano uxenange, at Hargain room. Eilers Music House, 7tn and Alder. PIANO at bargain; must be sold by Juno 1. 74S E. AnKeny. Dogs. Birds. Pes Siocfc. PIGEONS, cheap; T16 pair of Plymouth Rock Homers, carneaus ana tneir crosses. 1926 E. Madison St., cor. 76tn st. Automobiles. WANT a new or allghtly uaed 1011 4 5 -passenger .Pierce, Packard. Locomobile or Stearns car, in exchange for 1st mort gage on a West Side lot. Do not answer unless you nave pmcuM new .m-u 159. Oregonian CHALMERS Detroit 1912, five-passenger, 36- h. p., zuiiy equippea, aemountaoie rims, self-starting, driven little over 1000 miles; is Just like new; will sacrifice. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, . 4&3-49S Alder st. STODDARD-DAYTON, 40-h, p. seven-pas senger, zuiiy equippea; snap, ixov; wju trade for mortgage or contract. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 493-495 Alder st. OWNER of beautiful West Side lot, value $3600, will traae same zor nign-graoe auto. Must be either 1912 or late 1911 model. Pierce or Packard car preferred. Answer AK 160. Oregonian. FOR immediate sale, 5-passenger automo bile, ioreaore, e-cyiinaer. so n. r., model, first-class condition, $650 cash; no agents. Phone E 1483. . ARGAIN Foredoor Ford roadster; will sell cheap; must be sold tnis weea; migm trade for real estate. E 150, Oregonian. WANT second-hand roadster or 6-pasaen-ger car; must be bargain; will pay cash. E 151, Oregonian. HAVE $250 cash. . want 4-paasenger auto; give description, a j.q. xjregonian. . GARAGE for rent. Apply 667 East Taylor. FOB SALE, Automobiles. REAL BARGAINS. - Why buy a new cheap car when you can pick up one of our high-grade used cars at the same price? We guarantee them ; different makes and models all traded in on new White gas cars. Stearns, Regal. Buick. Premier, eta White Car Agency, 6th at Madison. STUDEBAKER-GARFORD. 1911 model. 7-passenger. excellent con dition, equipped with every accessory that makes a high-class private car; also ex tra tires and tubes; over $600 worth of . conveniences, making cost of car today . over, $4600; will absolutely guarantee the reliability and condition; to the party with the money and who means business I will make a very attractive price. Owner, F 102, Oregonian. 1011 MITCHELL 5-paseager, fully equipped and in fine condition, $950. - 111 4 -passenger electric, used only four months, good as new; wiii sell at a bar gain. NOB HILL GARAGE & AUTO COt 690 Kearney St. Phone Main 299 or A Z41L OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF USED AUTOMOBILES. 493-495 Alder St. Main 1161. A 4S37. 1912 FORE-DOOR Buick. run less than 500 miles. See owner between 9-12 at . fruit stand. West Park and Washington. Ask for Bennett. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. - 1 10x12 Seattle logging engine on sled. 1 10x12 Vulcan logging engine on sled. 1 9x11 Willamette logging engine on siea. 1 9x10 Tacoma logging engine on sled. 2 9x10 Mundys logging engines on sled. ' 1 9x10 Flory special logging engine on sled. 1 7)4x10 Willamette logging engine on Bled. 3 7x10 double drum holstlns: enjtlnee. The above engines with or without cable ana mocKe. engines ior rent to responsiDie parties. ZIMMERMAN-WELLS-BROWN CO. 16TH AND THURMAN STS., LOGGING ENGINES. One 12x12 logging enging, with rope. 11x13 logging engine, with rope. ' Two 10x15 logging engine, with rope. Two 10x12 logging engine, with rope. Two 9)4x10 logging engine, with rope. One 7Hxl0 logging engine, with rope. One 7x9 logging engine, with rope. One 25 H. P. portable engine, complete. One power wood cutting outfit. One sawmill, complete. . F. B. MALLORY & COMPANY Logging equipment of all klnda, 235-7 Pine Street, corner of Second Portland Oregon 4-HORSE power Harley-Davldson motor cycle, magneto, fully equipped with tan ' dem, large headlight. Presto light tank, speedometer and latest style whistle. In good condition. Will sell reasonable. Call at Levin Hardware Co., 221 Front St., cor. Salmon. Ask for M. B. Levin. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. The suits I sell at $14.75 and $18.75 would cost you $10 more in high-rented stores on the street. Take elevator and save money. Jimmy Dunn, room 315, Ore gonian bldg. All suits altered to fit. SCOW for sale cheap, $700; well built, just overnauiea, 4 ieet, 4 lncnea Detween aeno, 24x65. Will deliver anywhere on Colum bia River below Beverly. L. Cook, Bev erly, Wash. SPECIAL sale on sewing machinea; slightly usea; singer, wneeier t wison. w nits, Domestic and New Home; some other new $40 machines now $27.50 while they last. S. 8. SlgeL $83 Alder st. FOR SALE: Cafeteria outfit, steam table. counter, chairs, . soua oaK taDiea, ni racks, 8-ft. steel range, gas ovens, coffee urns, etc. 206 MORRISON ST. FOR SALE at bargain price, new electric .cooker complete with utensils and oven. ' Address C. Marchand, AHonia Apt., 19th and Marshall. Telephone Marshall 1155. GOOD bargain; gasoline launch, cheap; 9- horsepowar, zb it. long, e-root oeam. in quire Union Launch Yard, foot of East Washington st MEN'S TROUSERS. The pantrf I sell for $2.50 and ?3.50 coat $4 to $5 in high-rent stores. Jimmy Dunn, room 815. Oregonian bldg.; take elevator. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Servfce Co., 227 Stark st. Main 7711. 8AFBS Special bargains second-hand firs and burgiar-prooi ; saxes openea ana re paired. Purcel Safe Co., and Portland Safe Co., 85 6th st. Phone Main 6309. FINE motor boat for sale cheap; engine and equipment in nrst-ciass con anion, .rnone Sellwood 1622. 75-TON, SO-lb. rails, 25-ton. 40-lb. rails, also fish plates. J. Brounateln ft Son, 13th and Marshall st. WILL DELIVER good dry fir wood to your house from 5 cords and up at $4.75. Box 2t8 St. Johns. Phone, Columbia S07. GOOD fresh family cow, 190 West Wygant st. Take St. Johns car to Gay. st. Inquire at grocery store ' BRAND new $65 Monarch range, all at tachmen ts ; If sold today $40 takes it. Apply 618 Yeon bldg., or Main 481. 25-FOOT launch; good condition; best buy on river; will trade for motorcycle. AN 158, Oregonlan! TYPEWRITERS rebuilt all makes, $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co. 262 Stark St. MUST sell at once, library table, rocker, hall stand and shirtwalBt box; separately or together. Phone Main 4472. FOR SALE Full-size Englander box bed couch, good condition. Phone A 7618. LARGEi 6-prong elk head cheap! Pho ne Main 7778. between 9-11 A. M. 500 BUSINESS cards, $1; a bargain. Rose City Prlntery, 192 3d. corner Taylor. CYLINDER phonograph and records for sale cheap. 25 ft 1st st North- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WIT RTIT CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest price paid for men's and ladieflr cast-on: c.otning, snuos, iui unuio. tools, mechanic, logging, can slain zuo. 290 1st St. The Glooe, ww. nav th htffheat cash nrlce for second hand furniture. Seater ft Martin. Pbont Eaat 3134. 348 nawtnorne ave. L. ROSENBLUM, highest prices paid for second-hand clothing, shoes, etc. 24r Da vis st. Marshall 174. WANTED Newfoundland or St. Bernard . pup. Write, giving price, etc, to J. Parry, Woodstock, Or., care box 77. WANTED A 6x7 view camera with lens; describe fully and give lowest cash price. AH 99. oregonian. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. . s 870 E. Morriaon. Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. WANTED To buy. 100 tons of good wheat ' hay for Fall delivery; state price and terms, u xti oregonian. WILL tint rooms for $2.50; paint houses at your price, aast. oo. rt.eiis.uto yajmur. TINTING, painting and papering; prices rea sonable, pnone main aviv, WANTED CANOE, in good condition. Phone C 1733, WILL tint rooms, $2.50 up; do painting at reasonable prices, rast ox:. UKU Auction Co- Pays most cast) tut &j kind of furniture Main HVM. a 244 HELP WANTED MALE. tvrry v jTin AT. Harvester deliverv truck, cost x&du. cneup. r - oaio u Washington st. Main 5375. AT once men familiar with Portland; good proposition. gOl from, upamira. BOY with motorcycle for Saturaay. itose Citv imoorting to., r irot mm buhiwuo. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for agents, cutoertn ptuum. ,cu"t "i- SHOEMAKER wanted for shoe repairer. H. Galmlnen, .so jonnaun SEE US; if you are a good solicitor; Investi gate. 7Ja rtotncniia piug. STRONG boy wanted, reference. Cartozlan Bros., 473 wasn .. WANTED Porter for 3- or $ hours each morning, .do xt WANTED Solicitors, Ideal Wet Laundry, iJQ ana rta.w mumc ADVERTISING olid tor wanted at 211 ft Oak st. . WANTED Advertising solicitor; good prop osition. 7Z3 Marquam oiog- WALTER Stanley, call at John A. Walter Auto to., at ooii ai:v. WANTED Experienced meat cutter. lesa caretena io. a. op om. WANTED 2 good men. . Call S04 Board of Trace, . FIRST-CLASS presser wanted from today. XoKyo uye normm, ox vv ii iinuia ave. GLASS BEVELERS to lead glaziers. 151 Front st. . THREE young men to canvass new offer; good wages. am uemun Diag. WANTED Al first tenor, young man; vaudev.iie tno. toom os now aiiiiun. WAKTED Timekeeper for railroad con struction woric tan 013 iewia mag. GOOD barber wanted at once. Hotel amer nop. - . HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (Oct of Many.) ' Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C. A. Youn man, stranger, out ef work, his total cash asset) If 1 pay you $5 for , speelai employment membership, I will ' have only $15 left between mm and star vation. . Secretary If you pay $5 for special employment membership, you "rill have the Y. M. C A., with Its resources, e , tween you and starvation. Result: Young wan Joined aasocletion In leas than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for four months ending April Calls ror men Poeltiona filled Employment men. bershlp guarantees member will secure employment or refana of membership fee; gives two months' full . membership privileges. 10 monthe social privileges and undertakes to keep party emoloyed during the full term of mem bership without further charge. We have constant demand for big B ' grade, experienced men. Axe yon fitted for a better position? See secretary employment department. . WANTED. Two mill tallymen, $3 and $3.25. . Car-loading tallyman, $2.75. Rough lumber grader, $3.25. Three lumber graders from planers, $2.50 and $2.75. Two planer feeders, $2.50. Band resawyer, $3. Two rip sawyers, $2.50. Mill and yardmen. $2.25 to $2.75. SPECIAL. 1 Six mlU and yardmen. $2.25 tip. for largo mill at the coast. Fare paid. . Fare paid. . Ten farmhands, $30 to $35. Milkers. $.15 to $40. Man and wife on farm, $50, R. and B. Hundreds of other jobs every day. Watch our bulletin boards. v. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT GO.. 222 and 224 Couch st.. bet. 1st end 2d. SALESMEN, connect yourselves with the most progressive and largest real estate concern on the , Coast. WE DO THINGS. Our system of getting business will en able you to quadruple your present earn ings; our salesmen are making big money right now. Business Is flourishing. Wo need more good salesmen to handle It. Ask any bank about us. then see Mr. Cleaveland, sales manager Fred A. Jacobs Co.. 269 Washington st. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. 8. Marine Corps, between the ages of 18 and 85 ; must be native-born or have first papers: monthly pay $15 to $09; additional compensation possible; food. clothing, quarters and medical attendance free: after 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances: service on board ship and ashore tn all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, Third nd Washington sts,, and 13 Third at, Portland, Or. WANTED. High-class salesman. You can make from $300 to $500 month. See Barnard, 407 YEON BLDG. WANTED A hustler, one not afraid of work and one who has had some experi ence as a salesman. None others need appy. When answering give your expe rience, address, age. phone number and references. A good Job for the right man. F 174, Oregonian. SALESMEN IF YOU ARE YOUNG. ENER GETIC AND NOT AFRAID OF HARD WORK. I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE $10 PER DAY; NEW PROPOSI TION; CALL BETWEEN a AND 5 P. M.. 217 FLIEDNER BLDG. WANTED General office man who has had experience In country banks or with farm mortgage companies. Must be con versant with land values. Fullest refer ences required. State age, experience and sal ary. C 152. Oregonian. WANTED Man with family, familiar with farm work, to take up residence on small place; permanent position, with $2.23 wages ts atart; $550 acqulrea possession on home place; balance can be paid for from, part of wages AN 49. Oregonian. SALESMAN HAVE AN EXCEPTIONAL OPENING, OFFERING PERMANENCY AND LARGE RETURNS TO A SUCCES FUL SALESMAN OR BUSINESS MAN WITH SELLING ABILITY. STATE EX PERIENCE. A. J. 155.0REGONIAN. WANTED Strong young man for general and porter work. in wholesale liquor house; must be strictly aober man of good char acter. - Apply at Brunn ft Co.'s, 1st and Alder. YOUNG man about 18 years old with good ' motorcycle, in shipping department: munt have best references and be willing to wor" half day Sunday; wages $15 pel week. C 153. Oregonian. VIOLIN and piano teaching, also violin teaching for steady salary position; knowledge of music more necessary than teaching experience, 886i E. Morrison at., room 8. AGENTS WANTED Best-selling article ever Invented. $5 return for $1 Invested. An automatic belt-tightener for sewing machine. Address W. M. Blowers, Har- , rlsburg. Or. HOTEL man and wife to furnish and oper ate cafe and 17 rooms; steam beat, hot water each room, superior location, transi ent and auto trade; new building. First State . Bank, Gresham, Or. " BOOKKEEPER wanted, state age, amount of experience and training, salary expect ed; answer in own handwriting. AG 152, Oregonian. WANTED A bright young man to sell goods on railroad trains on commission; $15 deposit required. Apply Brown News Co.. 326 Johnson st. WANTED Stable man as groom; good wages; best or re Terences require a. in quire Royal Bakery stable, 12th and Flan ders. WANTED Canvassers, salesman and so licitors, at 51 8d at Year's work. Call ia A. M., or after 6 F. M., ask for sales manager. wa wTFn ETnerlenred fireman for manu- facturing plant; steady position for good , husky man not afraid to work. X lo, Oregonian. JUST out, new patented window, manufac tured in Portland; a necessity; want sales man with some means to handle same. AO 159, Oregonian EXPERIENCED solicitors who know; sal - ary guaranteed. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M. (except SUndays) 502 Marquam bldg. MAN and wife on berry ranch, $50 and board; 12 laborers, $2.50 a day; 6 farm hands, $30 to $:5 a month and board. Y. M. C A. Employment Agency, 2nd & Ash. WANTED Reliable man and wife to take care of modern furnished cottage, close In. for room and board of two. Address B 173, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman to represent ua in good, town, premium induoements, reference re quired. Grand Union Tea Co., 448 Wash -ington. MAN and wife, cooks, country hotel, close in. $75. Pioneer Employment Co., 16 North Second. . YOUNG man would like the services of com- Setent English instructors. Call after 8 P. . Tel. Main 7664. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor, con tracts cashed daily, three publications. WANTED First-class tailor to take care of tailor shop; must furnish references. Ap ply a74Fourtnst LABORERS for stone quarry on Sluslaw River, near Florence. Oregon; wages $2.50 per da. Apply at quarry. WANTED Two first-class carpenters, fin ishers. Apply this morning. Corbett ft Curry. "S" car. STRONG boy to work in grocery store; give age. experience and aa lary expected tn letter. AL 160, Oregonian. WANTED An expert salesman to sell con- tractors" equipment; references required. AM 154. Oregonian. STRONG, reliable boy wanted, living1- at home. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th. . WANTED IMMEDIATELY, An experienced fruit processor. Address Boise Canning Co.. Boise, Idaho. WANTED A first-class meat cutter; sober and honest; mention references. AO 44. Oregonian. - WANTED Experienced washer who can do shirt-polishing: must be experienced in both, for Sheridan. Or. Call 1H9 Park el. THREE neat-appearing salesmen ; good wages to hustlers, city and toad position. Apply jiJ. w orecaict LMft-, uci-mo i - ANTED Young man to learn operating moving-picture machine In theater, phone Main 39S7 between 11 and 12 A. M. WANTED Several experienced helpers for cracker ractory. -appiy . Son, E. 6th and Davis. WANTED Young man, first-class stenog- rapner, law atuaem prcicrroa, si a 12, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man for night watch beat; give full particulars in latter, ad joo, , Oregonian. YOUNG man between the age of 17 and 20 to asBlst janitor ana neip in wrapping av partment. Apply 405 Washington st. WANTED Broom - maker; first-class. steady, Baltimore stitcnerman, vrgwu Broom Works, Vancouver, B. C. WANTED Experienced dry goods clerk, out oj town store. rnone main uoo.