16 THE MORNING .OREGONIAX. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1912. PIONEERS TO MEET Oregon's Builders Prepare for Big Reunion. PLANS WELL UNDER WAY All Parts of Northwest to Be Repre sented Feast and Music Are Two of Featnres Planned for the Programme. Tomorrow pioneers from all parts of the Pacific Northwest will assemble at the Masonic Temple, Yamhill and West Park streets, at 4 o'clock P. M-, where they will be received by Nathan H. Bird, marshal, and his aides, as follows: John E. Makers, 1862; John W. Mlnto, 1848: H. W. Prettyman. 1847; James F. Faillngr. 1853: J. C. McKay, 1869; Joseph Meek. 1R55; T. C. Belcher. E. J. Jeffery. 1852: William E. Jolly. 1847; Seaton Taylor, W. H. H. Dnfur, 185 The programme will be as follows: Call to order. Colonel Robert A. Miller, 18.V. president. Music "Star Spangled Banner," Lucas - Band. Invocation Rev. T. L. Jones. 1852. chap lain. Music Solo "Annie Laurie." Mrs. Clyde li. Aftcneson. accompanist. Mr. Carl Denton. Address of welcome, on behalf of the city. George L Baker, President of the Port land City Council. Response Colonel Miller. Appointment of committees on resolutions by the president. Music Lucas Band. t Annual address, by Robert G. Smith, son r ot a pioneer of 1653. and Mayor of Grants Fas. Music "America." Lucas Band and au dlence. . Through the kindness of W. J. Clem- ens, president of the Portland Automo : bile Club, a number of autos will be as ' snmbied at Masonic Temple at the close ' of the literary exercises, about 3:30 . o'clock, to convey the pioneers of ad vanced acre about the city and deliver them at the Armory not later than 4 o'clock, where they will be welcomed by the reception committee, consisting: of Mrs. C. M. Cartwright, Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway, Mrs. Matthew P. Deady, Mrs. William -Grooms, Mrs. P. Selling, Mrs. M. A. Dalton, Mrs. C. A. Coburn, ' Mrs. Margaret O. Moore, Mrs. Thomas i Moffett. Mrs. T.- T. Struble and Mrs. Robert Porter. j,". A dinner will be served at 4:30 , o'clock. After the banquet the pioneers will return to the Masonic Temple for !7 the annual business meeting at 7:30 - o'clock. Reports of committees will be "-. heard and officers elected for the ensuing- year. This will be followed by the campfire programme, as fallows: -- Brief Introductory address President ' Miller. Polo "When Ton and I Were Young, jaairffie. Mrs. anm Dobbins. t Instrumental music "Dixie Land." with variations. Dsn C. Bowers, fiddler. Two camp fire talks, not to exceed five . minutes eacn. ; 8olo Old time selection. Mrs. Fred Olson. l-olo Selected. Mrs. Pauline Miller Chap- - man. Chinook hymn C. H. Walker, the oldest son of Oregon pioneer now living, born De camber 7. 1S38. and audience. Solo "Silver Threads Among the Gold.1 Jars. Edna uoDblns. Instrumental music "Hornpipe Medley, and "Pop Ooe. the Weasel Medley," Dan C. Bowers, fiddler. Several pioneers enrolled yesterday as memoers of tne association and se cured their badges. P. F. Castleman 1849, came from Oakland. Cal., to visit - nis old companions and comrades of In- dian wars. Closing Out Two of These Reduced $282 Each (Genuine) Weber Grands Remaining ed T rm.. ' 17 C Reduced , 7 7 Each C . ' -Vvcv? Note Redactions of Genuine ; "Weber Made" Webers ; . ; . DIED. ! SWANSON Jn this city, June IS, at the family residence. 819 Grand ve Sarah w unson, a ge 62 yean 1 month and 4 days, beloved wife of John F. Swanson. Remains at Pearson's funeral parlors, St9-71 Russell st. Announcement o fu neral later. MARTIN In this city. June 18, Michael J. Martin, aged sears. Remains at Fin ley'a Parlors. Funeral notice will appear in a subsequent issue. I O'CONNOR June 18th. at the residence, S46 Ross street, T. P. O Connor, aged e years. Notice of funeral later. CAROUSAL LEADS TO JAIL Women, Deserted at Roadhouse, Ar rested Upon Beaching City. Steve Smith, a blacksmith in th O.-W. R. & N. shops at Albina. started a wnole mess of trouble when he took Irene Nelson, aged 17. and Mrs. Mabel Ounderson, her sister, to the Lakeview roadbouse Monday night. All-three are In the county Jail as a result and war rants were Issued for Fred Rltztnger, proprietor, and Tom Peterson, bar tender, at Lakeview. The charge against them Is selling liquor to the Nelson girl. They were arrested late - last night. Smith spent his money lavishly on Mrs. Gunderson and the Nelson girl and others at the tavern. About 1 o'clock yesterday morning he left the . women at the roadhouse and came into Portland alone. The arlrls telenhoned to Lee Eubanks. a friend, to come out and bring them to the city. Eubanks did so. but after they were inside the city limits a row occured and the three were arrested and taken to the police station. They were turned over to Sheriff Stevens when their story was learned. Sheriff Stevens caused the warrants to be Issued for the proprietor and steward of the tavern. Deputy Sheriff Bulger arrested Smith at the Albina shops. The grand Jury will be asked to investigate the affair. : PIG'S NEMESIS PERSISTENT ' Alleged Pilferer of Prised and Pedl greed Porker CaughL. The nemesis of a 550-pound hog. . which Thomas Shaefer Is alleged to ".- have stolen from J. B. Haley, a pioneer rancher or the Cornell road. In January. -. pursued Shaefer five months before it , finally caught up with him. Shaefer was arrested last night after an am- bush had been set In the brush of the c Barnes road by Sheriff Stevens, of : Multnomah County; Sheriff Haas, of - Clackamas County, and Deputies Leon- " ard. Phillips. Hunter and Bulger. Shae fer sold the hog for ttl, by weight rather than pedigree, and spent twice that amount in trips to Seattle and other expenses Incident to his five ..months as a fugitive. The Haley hog. a prise and pedigreed TTPoraer, was killed January 14, by the t rancher, with tne help of his neigh bora, and Shaefer, whom Haley had r kept all Winter, was delegated to take - the animal to town to sell. He failed . to return. Subsequent search proved - that he bad sold the pig, left the horse - and wagon of the rancher In the street - and vanished. Four Cash Prizes Are Given. Four cash prises were presented yes terday to the winners of the school , garden contest at the Rosa City Park school. East Fifty-seventh street, by A. H. Metcaif. to the following pupils: First prise, (10, awarded to Alma Sharps. 12 years oW; second. $7.50, awarded to Ladle Watson, 11 .years old; third. IS, awarded to Alfred" Han son, 13 years old; fourth, awarded to Mildred Weeds, 13 50. The prises were presented to the winners in the pres ence of the entire school In the as sembly hall. Mr. Metcaif. who raised the money for the prizes, spoke brief ly to the children. He handed the winners checks for the amounts of the prises so the children could have an object lesson in business methods. He urged that the children be encouraged, to do better nest time. At the. doss of the presentation the school joined A S previously announced, we are not going to handle- in future any of the Webers as now being made. We are closing out all Webers in stock and when these are sold,- ire discontinue the agency. Our Webers are made according to the old-established Weber principles under the direct supervision of Mr. C. B. Lawson, formerly the practical manufac turing head of the Weber piano, under whose able management the Weber instruments ob tained that degree of tonal excellence for which they were noted at ''that time and which has been characterized as "that wonderful Weber tone." These Webers, and als some Weber uprights, together with a long list of many fine and highest-priced instruments shown during onr an nual Rose Show exhibition are being closed out at prices positively so low that it seems down right folly for any home in reasonably comfort able curcumstances to content itself with the possession of merely an ordinary piano. Well take the ordinary and old piano in part payment for these fine, new ones at the reduced sale prices. Bear in mind that we are closing, out instruments that the proudest mansion would feel compliment ed to possess. Superb Deckers and Kimballs and Chickerings and Sohmers. Not on instrument In this special display has ever heretofore been obtainable ior ieBs man for the plainer styles, 1515 for the more elaborate styles. We offer them tomorrow as follows: $286 for the plain styles and $322 for the fancy mahogany and beautiful Circassian walnut styles of most elegant designs. $264 and $256 will now secure a number of new styles never seen heretofore, instruments not quite so tall as the above and for which at least $435 wculd be asked in the usual way of selling. We offer all of the above instruments on our new one, two and three-year-payment plan, with simple Interest added, or on our new $2 a week arrangement. Pay $2 down and $2 a weeK. Player pianos go for greatly reduced prices now, Nowhere in our establishment Is the principle of llttle-profit-per-plano selling, which has made the filers music .Mouse me loremusi in me imuuiii tnni-A nnnnri.tif than In nil r nlaver-nlano selling. It has taken real effort to accomplish it. but we are now in position to state that our player pianos are no longer subject to price dictation by arbitrary high-price fixers East. We can sell them now at fair prioes, embodying one factory profit and that only a small one djt liters iviuiu nuuoc. Free library service is also included in the reduced prices. There are over fifty different makes and styles or finest player pianos to cnoose iron, opuro mi bids mention in detail. Suffice to 6ay that $576 styles may be had for $444. $700 styles at $535. $900 styles at $675, and the fanciest $1025 and $1100 instruments are now only $815 and $875 re spectively. ... Baby Grands show still greater relative reduction- ' We are particularly anxious to close out some -very fine genuine Weber Grand Pianos. The small size, as shown above, is reduced $229 and the very, fancy art styles go for $Z82 and $308 less than usual retail value. See them. These Webers were made according'to the old Weber principles, containing the famous "wonderful Weber tone which cannot be found in the later "full iron plate" pianos having the Weber name. Numerous other makes of Baby and Parlor Grands are also to be had at prices reduced so low that buying becomes a positive duty. Buy when the prices are low. The country is solid. The future is surely bright for all of us living on the great Pacific Coast. Don't fail to get a good piano now at Eilers Music House, the Nation's largest, the House of Highest Quality, Alder street, at Seventh. . CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dafttlj or Bumdar- Per Line. One ttme 12e Same ad two coneecutKe times tte Same ad three consecutive times 3c bame ad six or even consecutive times. o The above rates applr to adrertiscmrnta adder -New Today- and all other clarifica tions 'except the toUowiDc: Situations Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Kent, Hooms, private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Booseheepinr fiaouu. Private Families. Remittances mast accompany out-of-tora orders. When one advertisement la not run In con secutive Issues the one-time rate applies. Six words count as one line oq cash ad vertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. On choree or book advertisements the charge will he based on the actual number of lines aipariuic in ihe paper, regardes or the numiier or worus in eacn line, x In New Today ail advertisements are chanced br meaatura only. 14 lines to the inch. Orefonlsn will accent classified advertise tneit t over the teleuhene. providing the ad vertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. Ho prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill. will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness oC the payment of telephone ad vertlsemcnts. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not bo accepted over the telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "Houses for Kent." Furniture for Sale." 'Bulne.s Op portunities." 4 'Rooming -Houses" and "Want ed to Kent. NEW TODAY. Small investor $2750 for a small acreage tract close to th city at a price much below the market Section being rapidly developed. Thi is a sure money maker. Kull particu' lars apply A. H. BIRREIX CO, i 202 McKay Bids, Third and Stark St. REAL, ESTATK UEALERS. BENEDICT. 502 McKa BRUBAKER & bids. M. 54. Beck. William G.. 313-3HJ railing bldg. Chapin & Herlow. S3L' Chamber of Commerca. Cook. B. S- at Co., 50S Cortoett bids. Jennings & Co. Main 1SS. 2ltf Uregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P. 401-405-40 Wilcox bUlK. The Ortfion Real Estate Co.. Grand ave.. at Multnon.ah su (Holladay Addition.) RKA I. ESTATE For Sale Lots. CORNER lot for confectionery and school supplier; is tne only lot possible cornering to the new Mount Tabor school building. a si u uuw vjjvh ticnr nun gurnci , 5UX1U0; price f 1300; terraa U needed. Thei we own several lot. may buy to live an. or-the corner nas a sell you that house cheap. Here chance to have your business and b dependent of streetcars living right the business. You know these little stores by the schools make a -lot of money. OREGON REALTY CO.. 43 4th Street. ; terraa If needed. Thei s adjoining here yoi Jr l The second lot wes i house on It. We cat ft 18 . ) In- 1 t by I Phone Marshall 37, A 334. Turning On the Searchlight What's to be gained by purchaains a piano in the dark anyho-w7 You cannot keep it there. - You must let your friends see it and play upon It. Horse Ambulance Phone Marshall 600, ROSE CITY PARK LOT8. $10 DOWN", $10 MONTHLY. East front lots. 60x100 each; price In eludes cement walks, curbs, water matnaw BLI OTl - 01 OUtU , (trysail UJ lOJ'lUIJ MU'Ult up ; In the vicinity of nice homes; Rob City Park Is on the eve of a great ae velopment period; buy now and Kt in oi the ground floor. W 157, Oregon Jan. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 17S MADISON STREET. Phones Main 508, A 7588. Doubtless they know something about music and musical instruments, and they will not be long In discovering that either you have been deceived, or that you are trying to deceive them. Isn't it better to let the full light ot straight- forward-open-and-above-board selling enter Into the transaction. Come to the. Eilers Sales Rooms, where, not only are the most of the best pianos In the whole big world, but where the truth and nothing but the truth is told about them. The pianos and player instruments sold here have no secrets that need be kept from you. They are like certain grand men and women. The more you see them and the better you know them, the higher they rise tn your esteem and affection. Our patrons have choice of several hundred types of instruments, which may be tried and com pared and tried again and again In the privacy of testing rooms. Our prices for pianos of proved goodness are not only not higher, but positively lqwer than those usually asked for in-the-dark pianos. Our terms are your wishes in the matter. Take any on one, two. or three years' plan or $3 a week. Bo why deal In the dark when the searcniignt oi dependableness and knowledge is turned on,at Kefer All Cases of Cruelty to This Office. ' Open Day and Night. ALAMEDA PARK. Send or call for free oircular. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 82 4th SU Mala S900. NEW TODAY. , ... fl$J gjt , ONTAKIO The gateway and natural rail roan center ot tne enaite mver vanej here the railrada are buildinff wes across the state to the Coast, a fev choice lots In the main town for sal' cheap. If you want a lot where there wl: be a city, call or write for map and In formation to B. S. Cook A .Co.. 60S Cor belt bid?., Portland.' HAWTHORNE AVE. We will sacrlnce for cash that cholc piece on the north side of the aveau where the street curves near 20th at. I Is 100x113 feet and projects 35 feet lnt' the Btreet; no restrictions; f'JSoO takes it t(500 cash required. STRONG & CO., COB Concord Bldg. $600 CORNER lot. convenient to Broadwa. car, on 2itn at. tsortn, in Ainmwia run Actual selling values are S1000 up. Wood - lawn 2307. Alder Street, at Seventh, the Nation's Largest. in giving Mr. Metcaif a salute for his activity in the matter. Victim of Threats Asks Divorce. OREGON CITY. Of.. June 18. (Spe cial.) Alleging that her husband fre quently threatened to chloroform her while she slept. Clara G. Thlel today niea sun zor divorce against uuo u. Thlel. They were married in Rose- burg March 24. 1907. and have one child. The plaintiff alleges that while they were living in St. Johns in No vember, 1907, her husband repeatedly threatened to kill her and finally tried to frighten her by saying he would ad minister chloroform. She asserts that he refused to support her and she had to work to support herself and cniia. She asks for the custody of the child. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Or.. June 18. Maximum temperature. 92 degrees; minimum temper ature. 60 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M , 19.1 ft: Change In last 24 hours, fall 0.4 ft. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 6 P. M.) .00 inches. Total rainfall since September 1, 1911, 32 54 Inche Normal rainfall since September 1. 43.29 Inches. Deficiency of rainfall since September 1, 1911, 10.76 Ins. Total sunshine. 11 .hours 40 minutes. Possible sunshine, lo nours 40 minutes. xv ometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 29.88 Inches. THB WEATHER. will obtain East of the Cascade Mountains, and generally westerly winds will blow along the Coast. THEODORE F. DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster. AMUSEMENTS. STATIONS. 8 Wind State of Weather SEATS NOW BELLING. HEILIG ' THEATER TOMORROW (THURSDAY) AND i KID AY MOHTS. HENRIETTA m st- k - - ; fcttflav-ir-n-fflfii CROSIVEAN In the Comedy. "The Real Thing' 11.50; balcony. 1. 75c, 50c; gallery, 00c - ' AMUSEMENTS. COUNCIL. CREST PORTLAND'S ROOF GARDEN, 1200 feet above the city. Free scenic amusement park. High class attractions. Open-air rink. Fie ' nlc grounds in old apple orchard. ADMISSION TO GROUNDS FREE. D A IT 17 O THEATER lL-a. AV d XV. Main 2. A. 5360 GEO. I. BAKER, Mgr. " BAKER STOCK COMPANY Tonight, all this week. Matinee Saturday. That widely-discussed roaring farce, "THB BLUE MOUSE." First time In stock. A scream of lanrhter. The season's biggest laughing hit. Evenings, 25c. 60c Matinees. 25c Next week: "The xjawn or a Tomorrow." Baker ......... Boise .......... Boston ........ Calgary Chicago ....... Colrax Denver Des Moines .... Duluth Eureka ........ Galveston . . . . . Helena ........ Jacksonville ... Kansas City Klamath Falls Laurier Los Angeles ... Marshfield Med ford Montreal ...... New Orleans .. New York North Head ... North Yakima . Pendleton ..... Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roslbura' ...... Sacramento . . . St. Louis St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco . Spokane St. Anthony 1 a co m a Tatoosh Island The Dalles .... Twin Falls Walla Walla .. Washington- . . . Weiser Wenatohee .... Winnipeg -- 80 0.001 6 SE 78 0.00'14'NW so o.ooiio as 62 0.00 S N SM 0.00 6 9 2 0.00 4 NE 60 0.14 6'N 70i0.O0il0:W eso.ooi sin SB 0. 10(18; N 76 0.00 6 NE 96 0.00 4W 64 0.021 8 N M0.00 4 SW 90 0.00 14 3 & a O.H a:xtr 70O.0O 4 NW'Clear 92 0.O0I12 NE Pt. cloudy 62 0.00 18 SW jPt. cloudy 90 0.00T2 S Cloudy S 0.01 30 N Pt. cloudy Clear Clear. Clear" Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy uiouay Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear 62 O.OOl 92,0.00 92 O.OO 102 0.00 76 0.00 2c0.00 16 SW Pt cloudy 4 SB Pt. cloudy 2 W Clear 4!W Clear 4 W Clear . 86 0.00' 8 NW Pt. cloudy 96 0.0 10 S Clear 62 0. 21 IS ICloudy 6S 0.00il2 NWiCIoudy 72 0.00 14 'NWIClear 70 0.00 26 SW Clear 40.00 'SB 5 O.OvM 1 S 8 75 BO O.O0 4 W 62;o.00.14SW VU 0.UU1 0 Bi 80 0.001 94 0.00 82 0.00 89 O.OO 96 0.00) 5 N 7S0.001 1 S 4 SB 6 NW 5 N 4W Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear- Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy FORECASTS. Portland mad vicinity: Wednesday fair anil oontlnuad warm. Variable winds. Oracoo and . Washington: waonesaay. s-anerallr fair and continued warm. ' Wester ly winds over extreme weat portion and east and to southeast winds in east por tion. Idaho: Wednesday, leu- ana continued warm. WEATHER CONDITIONS. High atmospheric pressure still obtain over th central portion of the united States, while relatively low pressure prevails on th Pacific slop and the Appalachian Highland. Generally fair weather nas con tlnued from the Plains suites westward to the Pacific Ocean, and Ught to moderately heavy, rains have fallen within the last ' 12 hours In the lower Mississippi ana onto val leys. West Gulf states. Tennessee, North Carolina and New Jersey. Thunderstorms occurred at Prince Albert and Memphis. The weather Is warmer from the Cascade Mountains nearly to th Mississippi River. nd It la In general, cooler in. th Gull States and East ot the Mississippi River. except along the Immedlat Atlantio Coast. Weather condition tn the Pacific North west ar becoming unsettled, but appear fa vorable for continued fair and warm weather la this district Wednesday. Easterly winds A lOto S EVERY BAY 15C, 25c 60c, 1ST WEEK JUNE 17 The Elliott Savones, Gra ham Monstt's ScottlBh Players, Ray L. Koyre, Five Original riroscoflia, Ronair and Ward, Mr. and Mrs. KUiott, Jeter and Rog ers. Orchestra. Pictures. tS - avMATINEl m NIGHTS: Msttnee Etci; ! impress Sullivan Consldlna. ' V B ttefined Vaudeville. SPECIAL SUMMER" PRICES Matinees Any Seat 10c Nights 10 and 20c WEEK JUNE 17 Dollar Troupe: (5) Five Nose (5) ; The () Dixie tlrs, (irraler and La Fose, Richard Wally, Uno jtradiey, Fenestra. nD n 0 U A 1 1 of he University jof Un U Ui llrtLL, Washington, WILL s ihbject of SEX AND HEALTH Illnatxated by Stereoptlcon, PANTAGES THEATER, Thursday, Jane 20, at the NOON HOUR (12ll0 to 13l45) FOR MEN ONLY. Admission Free. Auspices of the Social Hygiene Society of Portland. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK,. Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth st TACOMA vs. PORTLAND JUNE 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 23. Games Bestn Weekdays at 3iOO P. S Sundays 3l30 P. H. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY N Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. AUCTION SALES TOD.1T. ' at Wilson's Auction Bouse, at 19 A- M. Furniture. 171-s-o becono stress. At residence No. 545 Yamhill street, at 10 o'clock AM. 6. L. N. Oilman, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. I NOBLES,. ATTENTION! Th regular monthly busi ness meeting of Al Kader Temple will be held on Saturday evening, June 22, at the Masonic Temple, at 8 o'clock; P. M. Petitions will be received. Cere monial session on the 29 th. By order of the poten. tat.6. v HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. . WEEK JUNE 17. The Five Colombians, Charles Hasty. Tall roan. The Bel Canto Trio, A flnntm, Mlffhl.nH.M V&ntMMtWt. PBA- tagrs Orchestra. Popular prices. Boxes and First Row Balcony Reserved. Box office ooen from 10 A. M. to 10 P. H. Phones, A 22S6, Main 4636.. Curtain 1:80, 7:15 and 9. We OAKS PORTLAND'S GREAT AMUSEMENT PARK PROGRAMME TODAY. Famous Boas Festival Rose Festi val Musical Choruses this afternoon and tonight. v . Go and Hear Commercial and Ad ' Club members "spiel." Bo entertained, a great night. Oaks Park Band In great concerts. Grand Opera Smarera, Slgnor L Luccl and Slgnora Racbael Ruis. Great fire dive br Philip Bower.. Tower 100 feet high. Frank Rich Musical Comedy Company. THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF INDIAN WAR VETERANS of the North Pacific Coast will meet Wednesday, June 19. at 10 A. f at Woodmen of the World Hall All veterans out of the -hospitals are ordered to report for muster and rations. CTRL'S WALKER. Grand Com. OTTO KLEEMANN. Grand AdJ.-Gen. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. 111. A. F. AND A M. Special Mm.,.n;na,lnn thl. T17H nDinD.l ? evening at 7:80 o'clock. Masonic i empie. ora. in ma aa. ja, ue- gree. visiting brethren welcome. C E. MXLLER. Secretary. rvu Tfirwrp vn act Tliv vtA. TBRNAL BROTHERHOOD. Richard (Dick) Trengrove, member of Oregon Lodge No. 307, the Fraternal Brotherhood, will be burled today, Lont Fir Cemetery. Funeral aervlcea 2 P. M.. Flnley's. Members request ed to meet at Flnley's. 2 P. M. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 8, R. A M. Stated communication thia (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work In past and M. E. degrees. Banquet and speaking. Visiting companions welcome. A- M. KNAPP. Secretary, WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46. A- F. AND A M-. stated communication this (Wednesday) evening. 7:30, E. 8th and Burn side. M. M. degree visitors wel come. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec ORIENT LODGE. NO. 17. J. O. O. F. Regular meeting tonight (Wednesday), con ferring the .second degree. Visitors Invited to do witn ns. - w. w. i&hiii, sec FUNERAL NOTICE. CHRISTIE In this city, June 18, William Henry unrlstlB, aged of years, Drotner Genuine Bargain Thla Drettv modern new cottaea. close in near the Reed College and S. P. car- I shops. Make me an offer, cash or I terms. Sell below actual cost. Take Sellwood car to Harold avenue, go east! to Jiui niast Twenty-second street, ask ror Air. 5 an or. Will Loan $75, and giva 40-Year Lease Corner, 116x150 Feex. Will loan $75,000 towards the erec- ROSB CITY PARK. A fine 50x100 east-face lot, 1V4 Mock from-car; thla is a choice ill, and ha beautiful shade treoi: owner going away price very reasonable. Main SUlrO, A 4185 ia ota st. near urk. JAT!RKTJTTTTT!ST SNAP. A fine lot 50x140 on Senate, near Sfltl lew days, $50; easy terms. Owner live out of city and must sell. GRUSSI & BOL.DS. 31 S Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th & Oak. I handle PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Both high-class and chsap propertj and I have the bargains In this dlittrlct If you want to buy to advantage on Porr land Helehta vou will have to see me. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 383F of Mra. John O Connor. Funeral from Hol- man'i funeral parlors at 8:30 A. M. to- I day (Wednesday), June U, thence to the! Cathedral, lfth and Davis sts. Services at 9 A. M. Frienda invited, interment in u;ij; . coinn the Exempt Firemen's lot In Lone Fir "On nf DUlldingS on same J lease $.2400 BARGAIN FOR YOU. See me today before noon and less than cost lots 24 and 25, block Tet'jnka Park Addition, on Moun carllne, ror $400; terms. 31314 Washington. Room 3 id buy ail lock 2. in I runt ScotL and per annum. Apartmeut-house site. TEEEY it HARRIS, 904 Yeou Bldg. LAND Cemetery. San Francisco, JTacoma HERZ-June 18, at his home, 10 East A-PPv. to Flanders street, Philip Herz, age 32 years, beloved sdn of Gustave and Julia Hera, brother of Therese. Camilla, Milton B. and Louis I. Herz. Friends invited to attend I pi, f0:n C007 funeral services, which will be held atrnone ""1 Pool. noiman'i iunerai parlors, at iu a. ai. to morrow (Thursday), June 20. Interment Beth Israel Cemetery. Services at the grave private. RLAfKM A 7J At lit ft hom- 74 Xa ir p-art mi. June 18, Albert Blackman, aged 47 years Eighty acres of first-class Clark 1 month 12 days, beloved husband of Mrs. County, Washington, land- for sale at jq n. uiacKman. j- unerai will lane piaco 1 a Dargam. It IS practically all good, t"""1 f"'"" . . , t oiuii ruuma. lieB wen; aoout 10 acres in cultivation; ufjuiun, t jaw. Aiuw im ouui, no buildlnKs: some timber: located i!lSi VJSfii M'.Z riU Ifir" 2Ue over one mile from Crawford on v v w 1 jy. P. Ry. Leeal descrlotlon: N M N. W. THURMOND In this city, June 17. Ml- w. M. I own this land and will c-ive " rsA"T"u,.OB7s.TO. i...; tne best or terms, trice 52500: 500 in u ii ilia uUvo. ooiovea who oi Kicnara hnlnr tn suit Will s11 nsirt E. Thurmond, of SL Johns. Funeral erv- I c-8,"' aia"ce lo..8U11-. wfu seu Pari Jces will be held today (Wednesday), June 01 11 ai a Proportionate price.. 10 PASH 1 WIfiEK. My beauUful level lot in Reed Collet;' district; large shade trees; water; grade street; etc, without interest or taxes price $25tt. Write owner, I 15, Drego nian. y 19, at 2 P. M. from Pearson's funeral par lors, sttH-71 Kusseii st. jrienas respect' fully invited to attend. - Interment Mt. Scott Park: Cemetery. VOSS At Salem. Oregon. June 17. .Royal Irving voss, agea za years 2 months and zi days. Air. voss was tne son 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Voss, residlne; at 494 East 17th st., this city. The funeral services will take place at Flnley's Chapel, tomorrow (Thursday), at 10 o'clock A. M. Inter ment at Forest Grove, Oregon,. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. THOMPSON At her home, 1031 East 12th st. North, Crlstine Thompson. . aged 69 years 9 months 26 days. Funeral will take place from the church, corner Vancouver ave. ana bKiaraore sc., xnursuay, june zlt, at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. interment kosb tjuy uemetery, H. L MOODY 511 Washington St Vancouver, Wash. rnon Splendid Family Hotel Site Fifty Year Lease BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern l0P, near council urest, soou ana up, inii inn cement sidewalks, curbs, graded street and waur; building restrictions; sold on easy terms. provident Trust Company. aa noor fctening nrng. jaa.111 io. " $12.50 PER ACRE. 240 acres of fine land, 2u in cultivation; this la a snap. ATLAS LAND CO.. 420 Lumber Exchange. , BEAUTIFUL valley view lots, with fruit trees, on west biae. sicewaiK ana wtr paid; 20 minutes from Postoffiee; 376 up. Provident Trust Co., second floor a oiling bldg. Phone Main 1600. A 626L CORNER, 100x100, modern house and gar age, Deal part 01 cast oiue ; vaiue 1 uw, tor Vancouver home In the north part of town. 415 Chamber of Commerce. TWO snaps if taken this week; 2 lots on 9t a and Kliungswonn ; one ovenuimms the river on Willamette blv. See owner, Frank T. Berry, 4 N. 6th at. WHY buy 60-foot lots when you can buy fine H-acre Dome iracio, stv oiiuum iruia postofTice, on your own terms' iox 3a a. r0yw.. - FIVE or ten acres, 14 miles from electric 7 line, Jo miies irom luuiihuusm, ao V'w acre, eay iet uio. poo u w uc , un a Berry. 4 N. 6th st. . EAST front lot on paved street, near car. surrounded ny nign-ciass nomes; win set on very easy terms, with second-mortgag-' privilege. dwner, S 161. Gregonlan. 1 Hlerh and Slffhtlv: eround arfta of FINE east front lot in Hose City Park ii,uv ou un o leeu oeiween town ann 1 -wu uaiuw v- BWivw a tv. f.miiv m.Manr. 1AU Alexandria Court (heat familv hntAl 2545, or address V 158, Oregonian Washington si-, June n, jonn w. swanK. "n win utiy ueucr man o ner Tac at'TTKITI. tarner lot. 3d. K tcKltat an aged -7 years, 1& months. 23 days, cent on $300,000 on investment of about Summit, on the Sandy boulevard, pric which will be held at Holman's funeral I UWAKHS W ILiLt LUAil ft 75,000 On Cost of Building. $ 1 000. Inquire No. 124 Centervil'e. Wash I parlors at 11 A. M. today (Wednesday) iniermenc luvervww uemesery. BOWLSBT Funeral services of the late Joseph B. Bowlesby will be held today (Wednesday) at 2 P. M. from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co., corner 3d and Clay, interment Kose city cemetery. THURMOND The funeral of the late Minerva E. Thurmond wiu oe neid today, Wednesdav. at 2 P. M.. from Pearson's parlors, S69-871 Russell st. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. monitm RN'TS Orto Schumann Mmrttla Works. East Sd and nn sts. Emmt 14S. 410 CASH and $5 per month, beautiful lot near r lnana, imnu lc uui. HIGLE Y & BISHOP, 131 3d. room 201. EXCEPTIONAL value; full jlze lot near c.ir line, adjoining jaouni j aoor ran $ 1000 spot casn. Ba anenocK '""K- I. FOR SALE 1 lot on East 25th st., near S. P. Shops. Address JjOUie uonnaun, oner wood. Or., route 2. serai director and undertaker, 220 Xnitd cor. Salmon. Lady assistant. Dnnnlii A Mcnsee. Funeral nlrMtsrm. tth ud Pin.. Fhons Main 430. .Lata at. Ifflasnt. unto, ox vouiiKy vurousr. W. II. WEBB, 401 Yfon Bldg. Main 4913. A Great Opportunity 50x50 corner on PARK ST. and ''Montgomery. For an apartment site, or stores and flats, it cannot be excelled. Present Income STS ter month from old house. Price $12,500. Terms. This is $2500 MUST sell POxlOO, $450; close in, rich sol TWO lota located on Mt Scott carllne in Netonka Jrarn Aaaiuon, ior a..e tiionii H 147. Oregonian. -rtivr trnod lot. east front, on Sth St.. contractor. Phone A 4712. DESIRABLE West Park street apartment ; Its : very reasonaDie ; or mi n t n nuo j M. 1953. Pbone Kast xune, v iuoo. iaay Mtenaanc I below market. 0. ST JT Hi llU M 1 DVil, mM SBHW gl sI'IIEsbsTs, I Lsmy neatisw. room asm , , as. ARCHIBALD. 425 Failing Building. KAsrT BIDE Funeral Directors, race to F. 8- Dunning. Inc. E. 52, B $525. vi . rmt unutxiHvi. wr asssassjt oiuor mmm Eixto, avast ?ex. a imh, lsoj twrnniw. KKXHEfl COMPANY. 3d and Ckr. 4162, A $I21. Lady attendmnt. Beautiful MOUNT SCOTT PARK I.ARGI0. PERMANENT, . HODEtll. P O H T LAD'D'9 ONLY MODERN CEMETKRY WITH ' PBBPBTiiAL CAKJs of all burlai plots without extra, charge. Provided with a perma nent Irreducible Malntena nee Fund. location Ideal; just out side the city limits on north. and west slopes oi mount jscott, containing S35 acres, equipped Mortgage Loans 950,000 end Over oa CE7TTRAI, BUSINESS PROPERTY. LOWEST CURRENT RATES. WM. M AC MASTER , 701 Corbeft Bid. $50 cash, balance $10 month. M 148, Ore-. Eonian. SMALL eoilty In beautiful full lot. Oiove-" land Park; quictc oa-inin, amiii am. j55 fine Hawthorne nistnct lot. luu pon SALE- Two lots, 77100, Montavilla.i each. AU la, uregonmn. IRVING PARK ADD. Mt, K. 4183. frice DOxluO. Phone MORTGAGE LOANS On first-class improved city property. p to 7 per cent. . - t arm toans. A. H. BIREELL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. : MR. CAPITALIST j EQUITY In two Bose City Park lots cheap; - line location, ad wrejsviuo.ii. A FEW Choice iota in irreenni.is, masnui- cent view, joan sain, owo eyaiuing uiuk. " Beach Property. t1 BEAUTIFUL lot, with small house, Seavl-w. Wash., near siauun aim ue';ii. terms, wood. awn tw, viv n. n w. For Kale -Hon A controlling interest in close-in acre cm Tslflttftd for salpi fift.opn thniicnnr) wiiSrevefy modem conveniScew dollars required; doubly secured, best FITXERAI. NOTICES. SMITH In this city, at her late residence, - ,"MJ Eaet sith at. orth. Frances Leisier Smith, aged 59 years 11 months and 19 days. The funeral services will take place at the above-mentioned residence, today (Wednesday), at 2:8rt o'clock P. M. In terment at River-view Cemetery. Frier ds are respectfully Invited to attend. F KICKS 0 SUIT AU. KKKVICB THE BEST. ONifi UILB SOUTH OV . LENTS. BEGIILIR - AUTOMOBILE SEKV- " . ICE FRfiCi BfiTWUfilf , LENTS A AS TUaS Z . CEMETERY. a i m CITY O F F I C E. 92(T-921 YEON BUILDING. MAIN 22S. A 7086. CEMETKRY OFFICE. TABOR 1468; HOME PHONE RIKOS THEN CaU. UiCAJL. ,201. bank and individual references. 155, Oregonian. AO MORTGAGE LOANS CC JOHN E. CRONAN. 7 Kf U 902 Spalding Bide. O COLLIS. BERRIDGE THOMPSOIT. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. S24 Worcester Block. Phone Mala 6507 FOR $150 to $200 cash and small month. y payments we win iuiniau 101 m uirun neighborhood and build according; to youx plans; satisfaction guaranteed. For par ticulars. AR 120, Oregonian. FOR SALE Modern 5-room house In Sell- wood fuuu; easy terms; win iaie a gu.m lot as part pay. Owner, AO lZo, Oregonian. CLOSE IS. 5 -room bungalow, modern, etc. ; $"0 terms. H. Ii- White, owner, .210 Railway Exchange. - BUNGALOW, completely furnished; S rooms. vestibule, oath; beamea ceilings, ount-m bookcase, seats, buffet; garden: mugnifl- cent view. Phone jj zoa. FOR SAL13 Five-room new, partly fur nished bungalow in Rose City park, $3000: payments like rent; small payment down. AO 157. Oregonian. $50 CASH. bal. easy, fi-room mod. bungalow, Unlon-ave. district; everything up to date! pric. $2500. HIOLEY & BISHOP. 131 34. room 201. . BUNGALOW, new, 5 rooms, modern; below market price. 1500 will handle. 90S Division, owner. 501 ft Clay tt. FOR SALE House and lot. very cheap ii taken at once. Fhona Tabor 8408.