Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 19, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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Treasurer, getting 5( rotes. His So
elallstic opponent, J. W. Elton,
voted for 94 times.
T. A. Hudson, Dr. J. M. Lowe, J. T.
Rorlck, J. D. Kelly and Theodore
Prins were chosen water commission
ers and S. H. Davis County Clerk;
Frank R. Angle and Joseph Klrchhoff
were successful candidates lor council
Davis beat 8. J. Washburn, 71 to 42.
Angle received 200 to 91 for Matt
Schoren, incumbent. 38 for D. D. Wild
Members of Governing Board
er and 24 for G. W. Sawtell. Klrch
hoff had 73 votes. His opponents
were supported as follows: C'G. Hedg
es, 59; G. W. Chesebro, S3; C N. Burget,
and Chief Clerk Resign
Upon Request.
The voters adopted .charter amend
ments providing for a 3100,000 addi
tional sewer system and rejected the
amendment to compensate the Mayor
with a 3500 salary and councllmen 33
a meeting.
Mayor-elect Fish was born at Or
egon City in 1863. He has lived in The
Dalles 35 years. He has had splendid
wms III -- ' . ' ' :
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Ill fr.5-ta.vir;f
1 rlliSTTJ
in r-i-N.1 rv'Wi !-',..,? . r . tjzt.xn , f-ro-ai OHfvxi
III IfcC&t-J IwlS-rVtl r- r-er r- r - - - i-i j-. -,-- r- r- c 'r- JZT ' - -- -'- r- - n Vn SPA I ir,, : : V-M II
Schroeder, Cleared of Charges, Per
mitted to Go With Messrs. Clyde,
Ledwidge and McMonles at
Suggestion of Logan. , '
Accepting a suggestion by John F.
Logan, a member of the Civil Service
Commission, Ralph C Clyde, J. L. Led
wldge .and W. H. McMonles resigned
as members of. the Governing Board
of the ' Municipal Free Employment
Bureau yesterday afternoon.
John G. Schroeder, chief clerk, under
Ore on charge filed by the Board, and
who was discharged at their Instance;
by Mayor Rushlight, was reinstated.
There was a "string" attached to the
reinstatement and Mr. Schroeder Im
mediately resigned.
Mr. Schroeder, as a result. Is cleared
of the charges that were filed, but the
Commissioners agreed that he was not
now the proper person to have charge
of the office and that It was best
that he go with the members of the
Governing Board.
This leaves Assistant Clerk Rich
ardson in charge of the office as tem
porary chief clerk, but it is thought
probable that another appointment
will be made and that the position
of assistant clerk may be abolished,
as Messrs. Clyde and Ledwtdge de
clared to the Civil Service Commission
ers that the chief clerk needs no as
sistant, except the one who baa charge
of the women's department
Board Quits In Body.
Mayor Rushlight, chairman of the
Civil Service Commission, and P. L.
Willis. A. P. Armstrong and Mr. Logan,
the Commissioners, were agreed that it
would be the best solution of a vexa
tious problem if the entire Board of
the Free Employment Bureau would
resign. Mr. Logan made the proposal
and Mr. Clyde, as chairman of the
Board, assented, saying he believed It
would be best.
Mr. Schroeder. who Is widely known
as an athlete and a law student in this
city and state, was charged wtth in
competence, mismanagement of the of
fice and of neglect of duty, all of which
he denied. He set up the counter al
legation that his removal was for politi
cal reasons, that he was ousted at the I training for the Mayoralty, having
dictation or organized labor, represented I been chief of the fire department sev-
by Messrs. Clyde and Ledwtdge. Mr. I eral years, city treasurer and water
McMonles sided with Mr. fccnroeaer ana I commissioner. For 17 years Fish was
did not recommend the dismissal- I proprietor of the Umatilla House. He
Before agreeing to the resignation I has always been identified with the
proposal. Mr. Ledwldge. who was the progressive Interests of this city. He
representative of the Building Trades! , secretary of The Dalles Business
council on tne uoara, saia mat ne Men's Association and served in the
deeply resented the allegations or air. I same capaclry for Dalles Elks.
aenroeaer to tne errect inai organized
labor was behind the affair and denied
that It was. He was Indignant, ha said
that Mr. Schroeder should have brought
this feature Into the case at all. as
organized labor had no Interest what
ever In the bureau save that it saw
a chance to assist the unorganized by
suportlng the bureau.
Schroeder Thinks Case Weak.
Mr. Schroeder said that he did not
believe the members of the Governing
Board, who placed the- charges against
him. had made out a good case. Mr.
Logan said he was of the opinion that
the members of the Board made out
sufficient case to show that the city
was not getting the best It should
get In the bureau and that he believed
the best solution would be the resigna
tion of the members of the Board and
Mr. Schroeder himself.
. Pallia Hera. -
Philip Herz, a Portland attor
ney, died at hts home. 910 East
Flanders street, Monday night.
He was born at Tltusvllle, Pa.,
February 23, 1880, and came to
Portland with his parents In 1890,
residing here since. Mr. Hers
was graduated from the Lincoln
High School In 1898 and then at
tended the law department of
the University of Oregon, being
admitted to practice before the
Supreme Court in 1901. He had
also practiced before the United
States Court. Mr. Hers was a
member of the American, ' the
Oregon and Multnomah Bar As
sociation, as well as several fra
ternal organizations. His father
and mother, two sisters and two
brothers, living In Portland, sur
vive him.
Funds for Private Branch Connect
ing at Tnskan Assured and Will
Open Rich Section.
Volney C.
County. at i
Driver, of Wamle, Wasco
conference with Joseph
Commissioner Armstrong was so H- Toung. president or tne mil lines
pleased with the solution that he said 1 In Oregon, will today seek connection
he would be willing to "third" the I with the Oree-on TrunV at Tuskan for
motion to reinstate Mr. Schroeder un- . electrlo ranway une that u to De
der the promise of resignation, were I K ,
It necessary; Mr. Willis had seconded I X. .
Mr. Logans motion. Mr. Armstrong vamic to tne oesireo connection witn
thanked the members of the Board for the Hill road, a distance of 24 miles.
resigning, saying that he believed they ine proposea eiecinc une nas Deen
were doing a patriotic duty and werel surveyed and the necessary funds for
entitled to great credit. 1 118 construction has been subscribed,"
Mayor Rushlight said that the old saia nir. uriver yesieraay. rer tor
members of the Board had accom- tne operation oi eiecinc trains win oe
pushed a great deal of good and that supplied oy tne uaager i.aite irriga
te was sorrv the situation had devel- tion Company, another private corpor
oped as it did. He will appoint a new atlon In Interior Wasco County, which
Board in the near future. The law re- was formed originally for reclaiming
niiir him to name one Councilman: abut 20,000 acres of agricultural lands.
one from the Building Trades Council When constructed, the electric line
and one from the Manufacturers' . As- will tap a rich body of timber besides
soctatiou. J 1 opening up for active development
prosperous section or our county.
i i "All we need to Insure the huildins-
trunk which will afford us direct means
Conditions at Bridal Veil Lumber for reaching a market with our timber
I and otner products.
Through the operations of the Bad
ger Lake Irrigation Company and the
Conditions under which It is said the ihi nn.tinn h k. tun
Bridal Veil Lumber Company of Bridal M- .rwiver renorts that M ..otion f
Veil compels Us working men to se- Wasco county Is experiencing an active
cure their board from the company at doVelopment. He also says that a great
many newcomers are settling on the
lands or wasco county.
high figure and maintains the board
Inr and lodging-place In filthy con
dltions, are severely complained of by
a number of the working men, who
have written to the state Board of
Health, describing conditions.
While withholding the names of the
writers from publication for their own
protection, the State Health Officer
will make an Investigation of com!!
ttons and do what is In the power of
the Board to remedy them.
The company. It Is complained, re- June 18. fSDeclaL) When the fire-
quires all of Its working men to pay I bell and whistle of Vancouver were
to the company out of their wages I sounded yesterday, Silas Christoffer-
36.25 a week for board, and will not I son, a daring aviator who flew In an
permit tnem to noard eisewnere. une aeroplane from the top of the Multno
$5000 Craft at Vancouver Saved by
Christofferson'g Curiosity,
food, It Is said. Is unfit to eat.
Tentb Grade Added and Maintenance
Tax Is Voted.
SHERWOOD. Or- June 18. (Special.)
At the meeting last evening the pa
trons of the Sherwood School, district
No. 88. voted a 4-raill maintenance ta
This is the first school tax this district
has ever voted.
0 V 721 : .w . ... . to a photographer's tent a few fe
".'.-.Vrrhl!-"" lr,f": from i5000 flying machine, and i
was elected for three years and a clerk - wi
T. . . , . . . , . I UUB w.s T7 n I . Alio UISVUIU. W.
IZl .h -,7, .": hauled to a safe place.
mah Hotel In Portland last week. - to
the artillery drill grounds In 12 min
utes. was adjusting a pontoon to his
aeroplane, on the slough east of the
post. Looking up, he saw great clouds
of black smoke arising.
Desiring something more exciting
than flying m the air, he asked Mr.
Bennett, his employer, to take him to
the fire In an automobile. When half
a mile from the hangars where three
machines are kept, it was- seen that
one tent was burning. A fast run
across the polo field wes made, and It
was found that a spark from the fire
nearly half a mile distant, had set fire
few feet
the tenth grade will be taught next
year and another tesfcher employed.
making a total or rour.
Voters at The Dalles Elect Judd S.
Fish for Mayor.
THE DALLES. Or.. Jane 18. Spe-
Tbe photographer's tent and dark
room were ruined.
Wlllamina to Hare Real Depot.
SALEM, Or., June 18. (Special.)
After a prolonged fight Wlllamlna will
see a standard depot and freight sta
tion. The State Railroad Commission
has Issued an order requiring the
Sheridan A Wlllamlna to construct a
standard passenger depot wtth at
least 150 square feet of floor space
cial.) Judd 8. Fish was elected Mayor I and a freight department with at least
at the annual municipal election here 350 square feet of floor space. This is
yesterday by 83 votes over Harry to be properly equipped. For some
Clough. Fisher received 368 votes to time the matter has been before the
285 for Clough and 43 for W. H. Tay- State Railroad Commission and several
lor. Socialist- months ago a delegation waited on
Edward Kurtz was re-elected City the commission to alala -HA. ricxancea.
0 NiO,000 :. Square Milfes .
rflff Ji In Your Front Yard ; .
ah mm m sa r .r . n
M mm,-:.
Vo ruler of an empire could, boast of a more magnifi
cent front yard than you could were your home built
in Westover Terraces. From Rainier on the north the
eye sweeps in one majestic semi - circle, along the
snow-crested ridge of the Cascades, all the way to Mt.
Jefferson, 210 miles. You pass St. Helens, Adams and
Mt. Hood. . You see the millions of , acres of forests,
valleys, canyons, gorges and all the wonderful mani
festations of Nature.
Bight at your feet is the busy, throbbing metrop
olis of Portland, only 10 minutes away. There is the
beautiful Willamette, with its forest of masts, flying
all the flags of the world. Yonder scurries a " steamer,
here a white-winged sailboat, there a darting launch.
' Sit all day and gaze on this panorama from your
front porch. Never a same vision twice. The face of
the land is changing moment after moment.
Then night settles down, first kissing the peaks of
the Cascades a pink good-night. Then follow the lights,
flashing out all over the city as family after family
gathers around the evening table. You see cars dash
ing here and there and fading away into the darkening
distance. Follows then the fading, lights, and moon
- light settles softly over the sleeping city. Ever chang
ing, ever new, a view from Westover Terraces is an
inspiration to new life every morning.
Big sites, scientifically located; an unobstructed
view as long as you live and a view to leave forever to
vour children. See Westover Terraces today and settle it
Selling Agent,
818-823 Spalding Bldg.
v Portland
Houses Will Remain Closed,
but Keepers Escape.
Announcement of Police Head Dis
poses of 21 Cases That Would
Have Gone to Grand Jury.
- Eye Is Kept on Hotels. -
By a simple announcement of Chief
of Police Slover, in Municipal Court
yesterday, that It Is not the Intention
of the city administration to persecute
Immoral women, but merely to drive
them out of business. Jury trials
scheduled for every afternoon till the
end of the month will be wiped from
the docket and 21 or more cases that
would have reached the grand Jury are
dlsnosed of.
Keepers of a disorderly house caught
in the recent raids have been made
the object of two charges, one a mis
demeanor under the vagrancy statute
and the other an Indictable offense
under the statute forbidding the keep
Ins: of disorderly places. On the
vagrancy charge every one had de
manded a trial by Jury and the cases
have been set down in order for the
next two weeks, with others yet to
be disposed of.
Chief Explains Policy.
Judge Tazwell summoned Chief
Slover yesterday and asked what the
purpose of the administration was. at
the same time giving assurance of his
willingness to oo-operate in any way
possible toward cleaning up the town.
"All We want," replied the unlet, " is
that these women shall quit the busi
ness and either reform or leave the
city." "
The cases or three women set for
yesterday- were -thereupon -continued in
definitely.. ."OA. xeqjieat at .Uis. CMeX.uf j
Police," and similar action will be taken
day by day as the other cases come
un. provided the defendants give as
surance that they will close their
places. The charges will be held in
abeyance and may be renewed upon
their falling to keep faith.
"This ooes not mean that the houses
will be darkened for a few weeks and
then re-opened," said Chief Slover.
"From now on I Intend to keep after
these places and see that they are
kept closed. I realize that the result
MAnufacturctd ooly bj
nr. T. Felix Couraud't Oriental Cream or
FreklM, U
Tin. Ptmplaa,
lout richt.
ud Bkim Dtaeuei,
do every nemum
on beauty, and de
fies de Lection. It
hM stood Um tet
of 9 yean, Bd
Is to harmless we
taste tt tobettuclt
Is properly made J
Accapt do eousiex
felt of similar
name. Dr. JL. A
Bayr said to a
lad of the bant
ton (s patient) i
"As you ladiss
wVX oa them.
T reeumBtSnd
H,aei-med Creem' as the least harmful of aU tlu
skin preparations." FOTSSlsbyUdniti in.,
rows eMawn ui mm v P wn -
,EK0. T. HOPKINS, Prop, 37 Brest Jaats St, M,
will be to scatter the evil, but that Is
not my affair."
Chief Slover says that he has. Infor
mation that many of the women have
left town, apparently for all time, but
others are merely under cover waiting
for the storm to blow over.
Raids on notorious places have about
ceased and the officers are now turn
ing their attention to lodging-houses
and hotels where Individuals operate
with more or less winking on the part
of the keepers. It is in these places
that most of the dissolute women have
taken refuge.
Sand Load Drowns Team at Salem.
SALEM, Or., June 18. (Special.) A
peculiar acoldent occurred here today,
when a team hauling a heavy load of
sand found Itself unable to hold it
back on a short grade leading down
toward the Willamette River. The
team was pushed down ,the grade
across the docks- and Into the river,
where both of the horses were
drowned. The driver succeeded In
swimming out safely. - '
Were a Portland Institution and Owned by Portland Capital
Hin- TrtlAU Do you realize that Why annoy the telephone girl and
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Portland has one of the waste your tbne mi Patiencet Um
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Never gets tired
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Join the ranks of our hosts of
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you will like me."
Home Telephone & Telegraph Company of Portland. Oregon
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