Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 19, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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XlKIIWy aa,S&SSly'-y UW VWaCtJy OWHH FgiaSJgJ . M m a gl&S 9
Women's Dainty Waists $3.95
Demonstration of Gossard Front-Lace Corsets, 2d Floor ijne Coolest Store in
Everyone Says So
Lingerie and Marquisette Waists in high and Dutch necks and
short sleeves. .Trimmed with Irish crochet and cltmy laces. In
this lot we have a large assortment of Peplum waists. Very good
values. Regular prices reduced for this sale. " Spe- Q JJf
cialized for the extraordinary low price, garment vJitD
Olds Wmivmam
We Ourselves Are Better Served by Serving Others Best
Ice Cream and Soft Drink Partors-in the Big Basemen t
Sale of Novelty Motor and Beach Hats $1.00-First Floor I?'
Optical Department, 1st Ftr.r-Sewing Machines, 2d Fir, KjJ'
Women's KlosfitPetticoats $5.00
$6000 Voting Cornier
Klosfit Petticoats in measaline or taffetas, with or without un
derflounces, trimmed with knife plaited flounces, plain bands
and pin tucks. These petticoats have silk jersey gusset in each
hip and rubber in the belt, insuring perfect fit. dC AA
Specialized for this selling at the very low price DOviU
1 Cash Prises
Ml t4 1 I
Special Purchase of 5000 Men's Ties
Knitted Silk Four-in-Hands
A very special purchase of 5000 Men's Knited Silk Ties, bought at great
sacrifice on the part of one of New York's, biggest manufacturers of knitted
silk ties. These were shipped to us with the understanding that in such a
big lot there would be some slightly imperfect ones, but guaranteed that
there would not be a tie in the lot worth less than 50cl There are hun
dreds of styles in every color one could wish for; plain and fancy weaves,
English crochet, narrow, medium and wide stripes of bright contrasting col-;
ors two-toned effects the greatest tie bargain of the year. Actual OQ
50c values in a bona fide sale, at the extraordinary low price, i each
See the window display, showing what they're made of. It is interesting.
Notion Day Again
On First Floor Bargain Circle
No article ever goes on oar bargain circle
unless it is greatly; reduced. - Here are tin
usual saving opportunities for the thrifty:
Wire' Coat Hangers, regularly 5c, . at 2
Skirt and Pants Hanger, regular loc, 10
Spool Cottony regularly 5c, -special at 4
Spool Silk, 100 yards, all colors, spool, '5
Spool Silk, large spool, white or black, 25
Basting Cotton, regularly 5o, special 4
Wash Trimmings,, large -assortment, "1 CZj
6-yard pieces, regularly ?5c,; each, .C
Dress Shields, silk, all sizes, reg. 25o, 18
Pad Hose Supporters, regularly -35c, 19
Hair Nets, special, 5 in one envelope, 10
Dustless Dusters, regularly 25c, at 15
Pins, 400 to paper, regularly, 5o, 2 for 5
Hooks and Eyes, white or black, -2 for 5
Drinking .Cups, regularly 10c, at, each, 8
Collar Supporters, 6 on .card, 'Queen,.' Af
regularly 10c "Card, special at only "
Hose Supporters, . assorted " styles, 1
worth up to 50c, special at' only s.v'C
Skirt Markers, specially priced at, each, 8$
At Special Prices
iln the Basement .
Picnic Hams, on sale at special price, 12
Bacon, Eastern sugar-cured, the lb., 18
Table Syrup, a w. JS. brand :
-gallon cans, special, 40
1-gallon-cans, special at 70
Has that maple flavor. .The
children like it good, too.
Sliced Pineapple,, can, 15e
Oranges, reg.' 30c, doa., 252
Coffee special, lb. at 23e?,
English Walnuts, reg- 1 (
ular 20o grade, . lb., . C
TJneeda Biscuit, 6 pkgs. 25
Butter, Glenwood, the square, special,- 57
String Beans, special at 3 cans for'25
Canned Peas, special at 2 cans, for 25
Canned Tomatoes, special at. 3 cans, 25
Asparagus, Grand Island, special, can, 20
Center Circle
40c Aprons at 25c
Women's white lawn Tea Aprons, with wide
strings and pockets, splendid 40c OC
values, on sale on center circle at smJC
COVER-ALL Aprons, made of good grade
of gingham, ideal household apron,
at the special low price of, each f
BIB APRONS, made of good grade percale
and chambray, neatly bound, with OC.
pockets- and bibs, priced special at V
Child's Dresses 98c
$1 Dresses 59c
On the center aisle, main floor, a Sale of
Children's Dresses, sizes 6 to 14 years, made
of good grade chambray and ging-QQ,
ham or percale, splendid values at 70w
Little Tote' Dresses, sizes 3 to 6 years the
materials are gingham and cham- CQ J
bray our regular $1.00 values, at
Enormous Price Concessions in the Basement Store
$10TrimmedMat$l .98
No Phone, Mail Orders or Approvals
Extra special all-day sale of beautiful trim
med Hats, including every Hat in our en
tire Basement stock of good seasonable val
ues. Early shoppers will get the best choicer
it is by far the most extensive range of
styles we have ever shown at one price. An
endless selection of the very newest ideas in
trimmed millinery. The foundations are all
good grades ; the colors are such as you will only find in the better Hats, Q Q
are all new and up-to-date. They sell regularly up to $10 on sale today- p X .sO
8 to 10 A. M.-lOc Toilet Paper 5c
A great two-hours' sale of Toilet Paper1 1000 sheet to the roll, full 12 ounces, in
each roll. . On account of the extremely low price purchases will be limited to 20 p
rolls to a customer. Our best regular 10c values, special for this two-hours' saleOC
Fancy Feathers
Up to $3 Grades 48c
In the Basement "Underprice Store" for today only an all
day sale of beautiful fancy Feathers, suitable for Summer
hats ; a great variety of grades, sizes and shapes, in a broad
range of colors, all new, fresh stock, perfect feathers, bands
and stick-ups, in black, white and colors, small or yt Q
large, regular values to $3.00 special price at onlyJOC
Worth Up to $5, at 50c
In the Basement "Underprice Store," a sensational sale of
beautiful untrimmed Hat Shapes, in an extensive range of
styles in the popular braids such as Milana, hemps, chips and
fancies, black, white and colors, Email, medium and r
large shapes, worth up to $5.00; special for this sale OvC
Special Sale of Graniteware
14-quart Dish Pans,' special low price 33(
1-quart Double Boilers, special at 35
3-quart Double Boilers, speoial only 55d
3-quart Covered Sauce Pans,, at only 20ft
6-quart Covered Sauce Pans, at only 30
1-quart Graduated Measurers, special 19
DINNER SETS, 42-piece Semiporcelain set
with pink and gold decora- fl Q Q?
tions, special at the set, only p73
46-piece Dinner Set, bine, unglazed $3.25
42-pc Dinner Set, white, gold band $4.28
In the Basement 4'Underprle
Store" today, a great . sale
of Gray Enamel Ware, priced t
2- quart Sauce Pans, only 10
2S -quart Sauce Pans, at 12
3- quart Sauce Pins, only. 15
5-quart Sauce Pans, only 19'
8-quart Tea Kettles, Bp'1.49
Gray Enameled Colanders, special X7
Wash Bowls, speoial low price,, only 10
8- hole Muff in. Pans, special price at 20d
9- inch Layer Cake Pans, Bpecial, at pnly Sit
1- quart Pudding Pans, special, at only 7
2- quart Coffee Pots, special at only 25
1-quart Tea Pots, special price, only 23
SCREEN DOORS, size 2 :8x6 :8 QQ
inches, plain, special, complete at 07C
Screen Doors, 2 ;10x6 :10, fancy, at S1.48
Women's. Hose at 7lbc
10 to 11 A. M. today in the basement
"underprice store," a one-hour sale of
women's fine cotton Hose, in black and
tan, with seamless feet, fine light weight,
fast dye; all sizes; very rje
special for this hour , at 2C
Women's New Sweater (1 f O
Coats, $2.75 Values at P J- 0
10 to 11 A. M. today in the basement. Thrifty women will
be here at the stroke of the gong for these heavy wool Sweaters ;
ideal for beach wear on account of being closely woven; come
in V neck styles with pockets; white, red, blue tf 1 A Q
and gray colors. The regular $2.75 values. At P X TtC5
Men's 75c Union Suits at 42c
Boys' $1.25 Wash Suits 55c
10 to 11 A. M. today in the
basement "underprice store,"
a one-hour sale of men's fine
Summer weight Union Suits;
close weave, high elastic neck.
Regular 75e Union A ty
Suits for only, each xSi C
10 to 11 A. M. today in the
basement. A 60-minnte sale of
boys' Wash Suits in a great
variety of pretty new styles;
made of excellent materials
and well trimmed; P ff
24 to 8 years; only OOC
Apron Gingham at 5c
11 A. M. to 12 today in the basement
"underprice store," a sale of standard
quality Apron Ginghams, in a broad se
lection of staple colors and patterns for
bouse dresses, aprons and chil
dren 's wear. Special at the yard O C
Women's Fancy Kimonos ChQs
Regular $1.75 Values Only Ot
11 A. M. to 12 today in the basement "underprice store."
A remarkable low-price sale of Kimonos in long or short lengths,
made of fine cotton crepe and challie, beautiful patterns and
good colors, are well made and attractively trimmed. Q Q
They come in all sizes and-are regular values to $1.75 cO C
Boys9 Sateen Shirts for 33c
Choice Remnants Half Price
11 A. M. to 12 today in the
basement "underprice store."
A rousing one-hour . sale of
boys' black sateen Shirts, of
"hydegrade" sateen, cut full
and long; sizes 12 Vfc O O
to 14; 50c values 30C
11 A. M. to 12 today in the
basement. A sale of hundreds
of Remnants of Bibbon, Laces,
Embroideries, etc.; good quali
ties, cuttings from our best
selling lines. Lay in 1
good supply at only 2
From 12 to 1 P. M.
25c Flouncings 12Vc
12 to 1 P. M. today in the basement
"underprice store," a sale of fine swiss
Embroidery, flouncings, 18 inches wide,
with deep embroidered patterns in a
great variety; our regu- Ql -
lar 25c sellers; the yard 1 t 2C
Women's $3.50 to $5 QO
Wash Dresses at Only P
12 to 1 P. M. today in the basement "underprice store,"
A one-hour sale of . women's pretty wash Dresses in a great
variety of new attractive styles, made of excellent materials,
light or dark colors, well made and nicely trim- " Q Q
med, suitable for street or house wear, to $5 vals. ip X J O
Lisle, Chamoisette Gloves 1 7c
20c and 25c Dimities 10c
12 to 1 P. M. today in the
basement. " An extra special
60-minute sale of women's fine
white lisle chamoisette Gloves,
in the wrist lengths, 2-button;
sp 1 e n d i d qualities 1 1
that sell to 35c pair X C
12 to I P. M.. today in the
basement. A great sale of Mill
Ends of fine sheer dimities in
lengths of 10 to 20 yards; in
dainty new patterns in light or
dark, colors; grades
selling to 25c at only
From 1 to 2 P. M.
36-inch Percale at 10c
1 to 2 P. M. today in the basement
A one-hour sale of excellent quality Per
cales, full 36 inches wide, in choice new
patterns and dependable eolors in light
or dark; good for dresses, " -waists
and children's wear, at X VC
Women's Silk Waists & i QO
$5 Values, Special for P
1 to 2 P. M. today in . the bbasement "underprice tore.-"
A sale of Silk Waists in taffetas, wash silks, Jap. silks and
messalines, etc., plain colors and fancy' patterns, all new,
stylish models, all sizes; hundreds of thrifty wo- tf QQ
men will be here early for these $4 and $5 vals. P X 70
Children's 85c Dresses 48c
Torchon Laces Only 3c
1 to 2 P. M. today. A one
hour sale of children's Dresses
in various new-and attractive
styles, made of good staunch
gingham and chambray, nicely
trimmed, good ool- A rt
ors; sizes to 6 years rO C
l to 2 P, M. today in the
basement "underprice store."
A Bale of heavy torchon Laces,
edges and insertions in a great
variety of patterns, excellent
qualities, the kind that O
wears and washes well O C
'-in i
Vk 2w3 Jy
From 2 to 3 P. M.
Women's $1 Gowns 69c
2 to 3 P. M. today in the basement
"underprice store," women's dainty
muslin Night Gowns, pretty, styles,- made
of fine, soft material, cut full and long,
trimmed in dainty lace and em- fV
broidery; splendid $1 gown at 0C
Women's $5 and $6 1 QO
Wash Suits, Special at V J- iJO
2 to 3 P. M. today. A one-hour sale of women's splendid
Wash Suits; all good styles, made of excellent materials; some
are a little soiled, but otherwise are perfect; they come in white,
tan and a few odd colors; nearly all sizes in the d f AO
lot. Economical women will buy these to $6 vals, p X
Boys9 35c Underwear at 19c
$1 Taffeta Silk for 69c
2 to 3 P. M. today in the
basement, boys' balbriggan Un
derwear, shirts and drawers,
made of fine undyed Egyptian
yarns, Summer weight; shirts
have long or short
sleeves; 6 to 16 yrs.
2 to 3 P. M. today in the
basement "underprice store."
A one-hour sale of 36-inch
black taffeta Silk; medium
weight, rich, lustrous finish;
perfect weave, fast J Q
dye; $1 grade, yard OiC
From 3 to 4 P. M.
50c Jewelry at Only 5c
3 to 4 P. M. today in the basement
"underprice store." a one-hour sale of
hundreds of pieces of fancy Jewelry and
Hat Pins, in scores of pretty designs
and endless choice of novelties P
that sell regularly up to 50c, spc'l O C
Boys' $5 and $5.50 0 JO
Suits, Special at Only p&Ji7
3 to 4 P. M. today in the basement "underprice store." A
one-hour sale of boys' splendid Suits, exceptional good qual
ities, made of fine tweed materials in good patterns and service
able colors; well made and lined, new styles for J ft
boys 5 to 16 years of age. Regular $5 to $5.50 vals. J) , 0 1
To $3.50 Dress Skirts $1.19.
200 Pairs $1.25 Corsets 78c
3 to 4 P. M. today in the
basement. . A sale of 75 wo
men's wash Skirts of excep
tional quality, odds and ends of
various kinds which we group
for a brisk one- 4 1 1 Q
hour sale; each u X X
3 to 4 P. M. today in the
basement, a one-hour sale of
Corsets,' 200 pairs in the lot,
new models, suitable for the
average figure; medium length,
made of good coutil, Q
4 hose supporters, at O C
From 4 to 5 P. M.
Large Bed Sheets 42c
4 to of. M. today in the basement,
a one-hour sale of good heavy Bed Sheets,
full size of double bed3, made of fine
grade sheeting, torn and hemmed ready
for nse; the very best grades A O
we have ever shown; at onljXd C
Children's $5, $5.50 ShQ
Coats, Special at Only P&70
4 to 5 P. M. today in the basement. A one-hour sale of
children's Coats; all new, stylish cuts, made of black and white
checked worsteds, fine brown cheviots and pretty mixtures in
grays, styled with deep collars in contrasting col
ors and materials; sizes for girls 6 to 14 years
Gingham Petticoats for 29c
Men's 50c Underwear 25c
4 to 5 P. M. today in the
basement "underprice store."
An extraordinary sale of wo
men's gingham Petticoats, in
good heavy grade, in excellent
colors and assorted QQ
lengths ; special only t 7 C
4 to 5 P. M. today, a great
60-minute sale of men's Un
derwear, shirts and drawers, of
fine balbriggan, mill seconds;
Ehirts are well finished, draw
ers have double seat, t P
50c grades this hour 5 C
From 5 to 6 P. M.
15c Embroidery at 5c
5 to 6 P. M. today in the basement,
a rousing one-hour sale of fine swiss Em
broidery, edges and insertions, dozens of
new and dainty patterns, 4 to 10 inches
wide, deep embroidered patterns, p .
12o and 15c grades., Special only OC
Men's Reg. $1 Mercerized JQ
Pongee Shirts, Special at & 7'
5 to 6 P. M. today in the basement. A one-hour sale of
men's fine mercerized pongee Shirts; very fine grade material,
have the soft, turndown collars, faced sleeves, cut full in the
bodies and sleeves, white or tan; sizes 14 to 17; our P f
regular $1.00 values. Special for this one hour only 0C
Satin Finish Foulards at 11c
Children's. Rompers for 19c v
5 to 6 P. M. today in the
basement, a one-hour sale, of
children's Rompers, in a good
quality gingham, plain and neat,
check patterns, out full; sizes
2 to 6 years, Spe-- f '
eial at only, each ' X C
5 to 6 P. M. today in the
basement, a one-hour sale of
satin-finished foulard; a beau
tiful fabric for serviceable
street dresses; a splendid range
of patterns and col- f f .
ors. Special, the yard 1 1C
Street Railway Travel Indicates At
tendance lower Than 19 tl.
Fifturss compiled yesterday by traf
fic officials of the Portland Railway.
UkM and Power Company prove the
estimate made by The Oregonlan last
week tbat the number of visitors wbo
were in Portland for the Rom Festi
val was nearly 10.000.
This is not as many aa were here
last year.. The rain alons is held re
sponsible for the decreased at
tendance.. The average number of pas
sengers hauled daily was 38S.6J4. The
normal passenger haul is about 2(5.000
dally. The lnorease on account of Fes
tival week therefore ta approximately
X3Aju tlv The average number of
transfers used is SO per cent of the
total haul, leaving the net increase on
account of Festival week 84.000. There
is no way at arriving at a conclusion
of what portion of this increase was
due to the presence of the visitors.
Traffic men say that one-third of the
total la a fair estimate. This would
justify the conclusion tbat the esti
mate of 10.000 is correct.
The total number of passenger hauls
last week was J.308.103. Rose Festi
val week. 1911. It was J. 220.64. Last
year the average of transfers used was
but 25 per cent, however.
Ontralia Veteran Dies.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. June 18. (Spe
cial.) Hylander Burse tt, a resident of
Centralia for the last JO years and a
Civil War veteran, died yesterday
from infirmities attending his aa
vanced years. Be waa 7 years old.
Canadian Territory Furnishes Mar-
ket, Saya A. A. Morse.
"Canadians are not only eager for
Oregon and Washington fruits but
they are willing to pay the cost of
these products and Insist upon getting
the very best quality," said A. D.
Morse, special representative of the
traffic department of the 0.-W. R. A
N yesterday on his return from a
six weeks' tour of British Columbia
and Canadian territory, . extending
from Cranbrook. B. C to Winnipeg,
Manitoba. "These people are not only
satisfied with the fruit products of
the Pacific Northwest but this is the
section to which they .must look for
their fruit supply.". i
I Mr. Morse reports .; excellent pros
pects ' for an increased business for
the Oregon horticulturists this year In
supplying the Canadian market.:' An
exceptionally prolific grain crop last
year and prospects for a heavy yield of
all cereals this year, reports Mr. Morse,
has produced prosperous conditions
among the Canadians, wbo do not com
plain of the high price they are re
quired to pay for fruits because of
the heavy duty on these products
crossing the line.
When in Calgary on the 13th inst,
Mr. Morse says Hood River strawber
ries were plentiful in the markets at
20 cents a box.
The type of letters In early manuscripts
was the same as that of those used oo the
earlier metal plates and wax tablets. All
letters were capitals. Minuscule, or small
letterlnr. as opposed to the majuscule, was
invented in the seventh eeacury.
Promotion Cards Were Presented to
Pupils Yesterday,
j While regular sessions of the Port
land public schools closed Friday,
June 15. when the term examinations
were completed, tne omeiai closing
took place yesterday when pupils in
the grammar grades appeared at their
respective schools to receive their
cards of promotion.
Where a pupil has failed to complete
the required work entitling bim to
enter the higher grade, application la
made for the privilege of making up
these credits In the vacation schools.
Last year more than 00 pupils were
permitted to make up lost credits, and
a larger number is expected to make
application for enrollment In this
year's vacation sohools which open
July 1. Sessions will last six weeks.
The Holladay and Ladd schools will
be used as vacation schools for gram
mar grade pupils and the old Lincoln
High School building will be need for
high school students who wish to make
up their credits.
Teachers were busy Monday in all
of the publlo schools in marking ex
amination papers upon which the
cards of promotion ara figured.
School IMrector Re-elected.
MILWAUKEE. Or, June 18.' (Bpe
cial.) J. W. Graale was' re-elected
director for a term of three- years at
the annual meeting of the taxpayers of
the Mllwaukle district. C B. Sanson,
of Mlnthorn, was the opposing candi
date. Mr. Hanson represented those j
opposed to the site selected by the
directors for the proposed Central High
School, and he also represented the
Mlnthorn people, who want a school
house. About 100 attended the meeting.
Mrs. Maggie Johnson ' was re-elected
clerk for one year. . The bond issue
question was postponed two1 weeks for
final action at an adjourned meeting.
It seemed the sentiment of the meeting
that no money be expended for a new
schoolhouse this year, According to
the report of the clerk, the district baa
16600 on hand evnd no debts. A com
mittee was appointed to audit the book
of th district. . .
Our insecticide- positively puts- bed
bugs out of business. We also make all
styles of sweeping compounds, floor
oils and floor spray. Phone Plummer
Drug Co. Third and Madison. Main 292, V