Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 19, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Newport Cxlebiutiom to Bs Arranged.
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent lor the Southern Pacific Com
pany, and George M. Hyland, represent-
ins; the Portland Commercial Club, will
leave today for Newport where they
frtnunf-rwm Mant TOTO A ow W1U join with the residents of the Sum-
lii? circulation - - . " :!t, . . ... i ; ........
Msnaafn. EdUn ..Main 7070 A BO3 . " Lumvicnug
Sunday SauVi ."I"Ii;"fiaiBT0TOA6Os for a three days' celebraUon that has
Compoilnc-room"" Main 7070 A J09J been -planned for June 19-21 Inclusive
Superintendent build lor
.Main 1070 A aos
HETXIO THEATER Srventh and Tay
lor) Mrs. Kathleen Lawler 'Belcher la
concert. Tonight at 8:15.
BAKEK THEATER (Elevsnth and Morri
son) Baker Stock Company in the play,
"The Blue Mouse." Tonight at 8:1&
ORPHECM THEATER (Morrison, between
6lb and Seventh) Vaudeville. This aft
ernoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15 o'clock.
der) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:1a,
tonight at I SO and o'clock.
EMPRESS THEATER (Park and Washing
ton) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15.
tonight at 7:80 and S o'clock.
OAKS PARK (Willamette River) Amuse
ment park; varied attraction. Thla after
noon and tonight.
COUNCIL CUES T (Portland Heights)
Scenic Amusement Park.
tures 11 A. aC-12 P. M.
RECREATION PARK (24th snd Vaughn)
Baseball. Portland va. Tacoma. This after
noon at 8 o'clock.
rer the amVkest delivery of The)
Oreconlaa at Bnasnaer resorts, sub
scribe through the following grata.
City rates. Sobserlptloas by mall are
payable m advance.
Bayoeeaa, Or. . Hotel Bayeeeem Annex
Brighton Beaeb, Or J. A. Baldwin
Carson Springs Mineral Springs Hotel
Collins Springs Fred A. Tonne
Gearhart Park E. J. Falrhnrs
Lens; Beach. .......... Leal Cohen
Nabeotta J. 1L Brown
Newport ....... .....Gee. Sylvester
Oeeaa Park D. K. Beeeby
Boekaway Beach. Or. .WUkms Blea
St. Martins Springs. .Mrs. 'St. Martin
Seaside 'lark Strattoa
Seavlew, Wash Frank E. Btraanal
Tillamook ............. .1. 8. r- r
Tokeland, Wash.. John Korby
in celebration of the completion and
dedication of the new Hotel Mcholai
on Nye Creek. A war dance by the
braves from the Siletx reservation and
other novel entertaining; features will
be included in the three days pro
gramme. For the three days the South
ern Pacific will run special trains over
its Corvallis & Eastern branch line.
Homes fob Children Sodoht. The
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society has at its
Receiving Home 68 children; 35 girls
and 33 boys. Nearly all these children
are to be placed in family homes. The
girls range in age from 10 to 12 years,
with the exception of one high school
girl. The society seeks a home for this
girl In a private family, which Is
going to the coast or mountains and
has children- to care for. The boys
range in age from 7 to 14 years. Ap
plications for any of these children
will be thankfully received und prompt
ly attended to by calling at the Receiv
ing 'Home, East Twenty-ninth and
Irving streets, or calling Phones East
S and B 1404.
Women to Be Entertained. One
hundred and twenty-five women of New
York City will be the guests of the
members of the Woman's Club of
Portland, Sunday, July 7. They will
comprise the delegation from the Wo
man s Clubs of New York to the con
vention of the general federation of
Vi Oman's Clubs in San Francisco, June
24 to July 8. En route home, they will
arrive in Portland over the Southern
Paclflo at 9 o'clock Sunday morning.
July 7. They will pass the day In this
city, departing in their special train
at 11 o'clock that night for the East.
The special consists of five sleepers, a
baggage and an observation car.
Co-Operation Is Requested. Letters
have been mailed from the Portland
Commercial Club to the newly organized
commercial clubs in the Southeastern
Washington Development League, re
questing co-operation and Interchange
of literature in the work of advertising
and developing the Northwest. Clubs
in the new league are formed at Dixie,
Walla Walla. Pomeroy. Dayton and
Yes Your Money
Can Be Safe '
And still yield you a
splendid .earning. You
may be totally without
" experience or knowl
edge of real estate val-
' aes and therefore hesi
tate to loan money on
real estate mortgages
but we can help you
solve this problem.
"We can sell you mort
gages on property that
passed the careful scru
tiny of our loan board
men well versed in
realty values.
The security is all that
could be asked and
the net earning is
Portland Trust
Company of Oregon
Third and Oak Streets
Try a Dinner at
The Portland
YouH surely relish it; the
greatest care is exercised
in obtaining appetizing
foods of the best quality
and in their preparation
for the table.
The service, too, is of the
. highest character, cour
teous and refined. Dining
in the beautiful, airy Grill
or the cool, spacious Dining-room
is indeed a pleas
ure that will be long remembered.
Every evening our orches
tra, under direction of
Herr Waldemar Llnd dis
courses music In the Grill.
An open-air concert is also
rendered nightly in the ho
tel court. You are invited.
, Manager
No Mail. Delivered o.v Fourth. No
mail will be delivered in Portland on
the Fourth of Julv. and thfr will ria
Chacttecr Is Exonerated. Charles - yr- n " only one collection, late in the day.
E. Stevens, a nubile chauffeur, was "?n to. De rKanisei. Active part was Thu decision was reached by Post-
found not guilty by a Jury in the Clr- I ,aKBn T these clubs in the campaign master Merrick yesterday after he had
cult Court yesterday of the theft of l me t-acinc v-oast ana me i - conferred with the heads of the depart-
Mrs. Lucille M. Ayers" diamonds. The "onal "TJ -"sl" of nurserymen for ments of the local Postofflce. Mail
trial was held in Judge Oatens depart- I ' "-" " wm oe oisiriDuiea tnrousn me Dozes
merit. Mrs Ayers lost the Jewels one MRS. Caroline Clapp Dies. Mrs. as .usual, and that deposited In the
night last April while returning in a "for I Caroline Clapp, widow of the late Rev. main Postofflce, to be sent out, will be
hire" automobile to her home with two I - t-iapp. aiea in Brooklyn, . x., i aispatcned as usual. The same rules
men. following a annnor t h. Qncii. I yesterday, according to word received (as to mail are followed on Memorial
Stevens opened negotiations with Mrs. he by intimate friends. Mr. Clapp day and Thanksgiving.
Ayers for the return of the Jewels, rep- wa" fr eight years pastor of the First Industrial Secbetart Returns. R. J.
resenting that he was acting as a "go Congregational Church in Portland. It Clark, secretary of the Industrial em-
between" for the man who had found waa through Mr. Clapp's efforts that pioyment branch of the Portland Young
them. The woman nald him 1380 fnr the Stone Structure Which nOW Stands Men's Christian Aasnnlatinn rahirn
tne return of all but a solitaire diamond I al m ana juauisuu ureeu wua uui. yesterday from Aberdeen, where he ad
ring worth several hundred dollars. -app oira in ojneum, . x., i dressed the Northwest Logging Con
the aa-reement bains- that ha waa to aa. I August. 1903. Mrs. Clapp paid a Visit to a-resa. Mr. Clark- waa Invited In tra tn
cure xizu aoaiuonai when he gave uer " " Aoeraeen and explain the industrial
the rina-. His arrest on a rhartr. f Exposition in 1905. She was born at
emDlovment work nf the Portland V. f
being the actual thief took place after Williamsburg, Pa. C, a. Portland is the only city in the
Lou Wagner. ex-Constable of the Port- Tests to Bb Held. The United country in which the Y. M. C. A. Is
land district, reported seeing Stevens States Civil Service Commission an- conducting such a branch.
In a theater with the ring on his finger, nounces that the following examlna- Governor to Talk to Men. A mass
uons will be held to secure engioies meetlnE- for men onlv will h art-
and fill vacancies in the different de- dressed by Governor West on Monday,
partments: Laboratory aid and engl- jun j4i at g p. m., at the Taylor-
neer, July 10; advanced apprentice en- street Methodist Church, Third and
graver, July 10; xylotomlst, in the Taydor streets, on the subject of "Prison
i urea i service, juiy iu. preiriur, policy and Capital Punishment"
SaborW mt OakkjW, CafifWna.
The only Woman! College on
the Pacific Coast. Chartered
188$. ideal climatB. Entrance
and (ladastion requirements
equivalent to those of Stanford
University and Unircrtiry of Cal
ifornia, nearby. Laboratories for
science with modern equipment.
Excel lent opportunities for borne
economics, library study, music.
art. Modem rymnasinnu Sped
care for health of students; oat
door life. Christian wauences;
President Laella Clay Carson,
A. M LI. D. For cataloffuc,
address Reristrar,
Mills Collere F. O., Calif.
In Our Shop for Boys'
Vacation Clothes
Now that vacation is here, you 11 want
to have the boy fitted out in good, strong,
durable clothes that will stand the hard
knocks and rough usage he'll give them,
and youH wantto get them where you
will get just the style and the quality you
pay for.
Visit the Boys' Department and See What We Have
in Store for Him
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits
$5.00 to $15.00 .
Boys'. Norfolk Suits
$5.00 to $12.50
Junior Norfolk, Suits
$4.00 to $10.00
Russian and Sailor Blouse -Suits
$3.50 to $12.00
See our two-pants Suits at $5.00. They look
well and will give the hardest kini of wear.
Holeproof Hosiery
For Men, Women and.
Wash Suits
Southwest Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets
Selling at Off
A beautiful line of
Wash Suits for the
little tot in an end
less variety of styles
and patterns.
A style and size for
every boy at
One-Fourth Off
Political Books Sought. Miss I
Bailey, librarian, of the East Port
land Branch Library, has arranged sev.
eral vacation departments at the build
ing; tor the accommodation of the
public For those seeking political In
formation there la a sneclal denart.
ment snowing pictures of the leading iniormawon concerning iers Hall, Morrison at Second, tonight.'
candidates for President on the ReDub- I tions can be secured from Z. A. Leigh
lican and Democratic sides, together 1 at tne Portland Postofflce.
with a wide range of books and maga- I Railroad Men Oft for New York.
sine articles. For the children a vaca- I William McMurray, general passenger
tlon department is placed in the chil- agent for the O.-W. R. & N.. accom-
dren's room where children may get panied by his secretary. Thomas J.
what books they need from the nrlnted I Dowd: A. C Jackson, Portland adver
lists without loss of time. For Sum- I tising agent of the Harriman lines, and
mer reading books are grouped to-1 Mrs. Jackson, is en route to Mew York
getber for quick selection. This ar
bureau of entomology, July 10. Further Minjtet Club shirtwaist dance. Elng-
Horn, and uay acouoi fur inj. Accredited to cu (.gel
Eaac and West. Grammar and Primary Departments.
Four new boildinrs. Extensive frouads. Oot-of-door
studv. recitations, physical rrainlnc. sJeepinf vorcb
Domestic science. Fall term opens September 2. Illustrated
bnolt I n aHon. " 'Tin-l. M O Y I. I.OCKEY. A. B.
Purchase where your dollars buy
wool and high-grade tailoring. No
high-rent profits. Ready-to-wear suits
; . ti. 7 ti,. h,7 Jimmy Dunn, room 815 Oregonlan build
ing. Take elevator.
rangement enables the public to make I advertising representatives of the Har-
prompt selections of books for vaca- I riman lines. The purpose of these con
tion reading. It haa been found that I ventlons is to review the work of the
the political department Is very popular I year and plan a publicity campaign for
and many aeek Information from it I the year.
about the present conventions. I Engineers Dinb Tonight. Oregon
UHUfAM Jury Unagrsbd Unable to I Society of Engineers' June business Corned beef hash,
agree upon a verdlot In the case of the I meeting will be combined with an in- I baked ham, cold
prached egg; cold
li-mb, crab meat.
state against T. J. Uhlman, a Jury was I formal dinner and will be held In the I orange and nut combination aalad, snow
dismissed at 9:30 A. M. yesterday by I Ellsabethan room o Imperial Hotel to
Circuit Judge Phelps. It is understood I night at 6 o'clock. Matters of more
that the Jury stood S to 3 for acquittal. I than usual Interest will be discussed
Uhlman. who had a lease from month I at this meeting, as regular meetings
to month on the Hoyt Hotel from the I orobably will be discontinued until
Henry Welnhard Brewery left the city I September, and a cordial invftation is
last July alter borrowing 13000 from I extended to all visiting ana resiaent
the brewery to cash Saturday pay I engineers who may not be members of
enecKs. un tne witness-stand he de- I the society
clared that he bad informed Paul Wei- I July 4 Coxhittct to Meet Today.
singer, or tne brewery, that be was I Members of the safe and sane Fourth
going, ills attorneys contended that of July committee will meet at the City
the difficulty should have been set- Hall this afternoon at 4 o'clock. An
tied by civil suit. The charge against ordinance, appropriating (750, will be
Uhlman was larceny by bailee. Al- laid before the Council ways and means
tnougn li oi toe jurors who heard the committee, which meets at 2 o'clock,
case were anxious to go to a hotel I and when action is taken on this, the
for beds last night the 12th man re- I members of the July 4 committee will
fused and they stayed in the Juryroom, I know definitely what they can do. If
which is equipped only with chairs the Council will provide the money, the
ana nara oencnes, ail nignL I committee will lay its plans at once.
Diplomas to Be Presetted. The Christie Funeral la Today. The
second annual commencement exercises funeral of W. H. Christie, a Portland
of the Trades School will be held In the pioneer and an active member of the
Lincoln High School Auditorium, today 0id Portland Volunteer Fire Depart-
at s f. ai. froiessor u. A. covell, dean ment, will be held this morning at 10
of the achool of engineering and me- o'clock, from the Cathedral. The time
chanio arts. Corvallis, will speak.' M. originally set for S o'clock, has been
O. Munley will represent the Board of changed to this hour. Mr. Christie died
Education and will present the diplo-1 yesterday at -8L Vincent's Hospital,
mas. Twenty-one students will re-1 where he haa been suffering for some
reive diplomas ana snop certincates I time. The Interment will be made in
trom tne various Qepartments. The I the exempt firemen's plot.
puono is invitea to attend these ex- children Get Auto Ride. Through
ercises. The Summer session of the th, Kener0slty of F. T. Rogers. pro
Trades School begins July 1. in which rietor of a barbershop in the Corbett
courses in woodworking, mechanical bUll1infJ. 16 youngsters of the Chil
drawing. machine shop, electrical con- oren-. Home in South Portland were
... -v... ... vc.K.UK, sewing i treated to a ride in an automobile and
and millinery will be offered. to an lce cream party, yesterday. The
Woman accuses KXABNEa One more I children had lately n resented Mr.
alleged Instance of the system of graft- I Rogers with a pillow which they had
tng said to have been carried on bylma(je for him In return for many
Mm ivrasner in, ine unoerworia, was I favors to them
brought torin in Municipal court yes- Chikt Gunner's Mate Weds. Edward
terday when Annie Smith, a woman ar- j Gav)n of San Francisco, chief
rested at the foot of Clay street by ,,., mate. In charge of the Cruiser
Patrnlmaa Sherwood and XT i n nr iid-i I . . . .
; Boston, was marriea to jaiss a.uuikb tu.
that her arrest followed close upon a pranlc'" Monday night The wedding
demand made upon her by Krasner for performed by Dr. Benjamin Young,
protection money. Krasner Is now be- "topr ot th, Taylor-Street Methodist
for. the grand Jurjr on two charges of burch at u,. parsonage. Jl Eleventh
levying tribute, and has been accused ...... w .imni. onlv
of lnl' eu frequently. Improper y.,, of th, brli, ad a few friends
suited in the woman's acquittal by the
pudding, strawberry Ice cream. Woman's
Exchange, 186 Fifth street.
-Portland, Oreexm S
Bendeot and Day School tot GiTtamu!.-
rears ot Hiatexaox 8t. JohaBaptiastKpisoopaaTl
Collegiate, Academic and Elementarr
Iawpu. Mono. aii. cjoBDuoii, '-ymn ayiii m
(Resident pupils must be over 14 years of ass and
well recommended. The Bamber is limited to
fifty. Application should be made early.) Address
TneSisl.rSuparlor.Otticv 18, Sl-Hslena Hall.Pnrtland, Or.
For Girls. Conducted by the SISTERS OF THE HOLY
OUttimu Csavws. Mualc Art. E location sod Cacnmer-
cial Depts. Rjndmtml Dt Sta. Refined Moral and
Intr I Irctuxl I r:am j. Wntc for Announcement-AddrM
IISTEK SUFF.RIOIL St. Mmrj't jl,bm,, P,rttmJ
Vetera? Teacher Rarinxa. With a
being present.
United Brethren Conference Opens.
The annual sessions ot tne Oregon
and Washington conference of the
record of M years of teaching, all but Unite, Brethren Church will open this
" "" , morning in the First Church, East Mor
ulas Kate Klngsley retired voluntarily ad Ktst Flfteenth streets,' at S
awous.x arum uer post aa mainemaucai
teacher of the ninth grade in the Ladd
achool. She has never been absent
iU.uUs.u ..iuvot "i nia. au . . ., , .1.. ck.l,...... i'lk
Klngsley commenced teaching In the It t. Ft
o'clock. Bishop William' M. Bell will
Last Meetino of Season Is today.
September term. 1881. For the first
four years she taught in the old Cen
tral school. For 17 years Miss Klngsley
haa been with the Ladd school.
Oass Tet Missing. Three valuable
diamond rings, lost by Mrs. Slgmund
Sichel In the writing room of the Mult
nomah Hotel, ten daya ago. are still
missing and Detectives Epps and Hill
of the Woman's
Unitarian Church, to be held this
afternoon at S o'clock In the Unitarian
Chanel. "Winter's Tale" will be dis
cussed. This will be the last meeting
ot the season.
Body to Be Sent to Qervais. Mrs.
Annie Mary Walker, died at her home,
190 Alnsworth avenue, June 17. at the
ritir of VV V.?.' sThho body4 hw,.rE
sent this morning to Gervais. Or., for
found nettling upon which to pursue
hat March. That asms vava lvlnv
In the dressing room and van not i burial.
missed until the next day. They have Party to Be Given. Mrs. Howard
not been offered for pawn or sale in Q- Pettinger and Mrs. A. King Wilson
any of the regular places. will give a party for the children of
Aero Theft Charord. Breaking Into members of the Woman's Club out at
a garage to obtain an automobile in Wllsonia, Oswego, Thursday. June 30.
which to go Joy-riding, la charsred ln tne torenoon.
against Bert Hopper. 14: James Hon- I Jcrr Completed, at Oearhart "By-the
per. IS. and E- J. Patrick. 1, who were I Sea," modern cottage: near ocean; has
arrested at daylight yesterday by Pa- I electric lights, running water, bath; for
trolmen Gouldstone and Evans. The
boys had an automobile belonging to
ti. J. reierson. iney are held on
charges of larceny.
Meetinoi la Postponed. The cur
rent literature department of the Port-
sale on easy terms. Plans and full
particulars, 100 H Fourth st Phones:
Main 12S3. A 7348.
The Bankers and their friends have
reserved every room at Hotel Gearhart
"By-the-Sea for this week-end. Other
land Woman's Club haa postponed Its I guests will be accommodated in the
regular meeting, wnicn was to be held I Annex. .
today, and will conduct a short busl- I Good Seats, for students, at Kathleen
neas session at the regular club meet-1 Lawler Belcher concert lor SO? and 75a;
Ins Jun :, I priced, 6o tg 13,
SAN FRAHGiSTCO Ho! for Cascadia
V : 6 av RATES
Vk tw
$19 UP
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up
- American Plan $3.00 a day tip
New steel and brick structure. Everr
modern convenieaesu Moderate rates
Center of theatre and retail district. Or
9aa lines trmaafearins all over city. Else,
fjac omnibus meets trains and ateamera
T)Aer mnitntoln rAstort on Coast: beBt
medicinal water, scenery, hunting and
fishing; nature s own conservatory oi
health. Auto or stage from Lebanon or
Write or phone
Caacatdlat Oregon.
A man who can sell goods, prefer
ably one with successful experience
already in automobiles, machinery or
farm implements, to sell Studebaker
E. M. F. and Flanders automobiles in
Eastern Washington. Address "Stude
baker," Oregonian office, for inter
view, stating age and experience.
Foster & Kleiser
Hlffh-Grade Commercial and XlactrU
East Seventh and East Everett Citreet.
Phones East 1111. B S2S4.
New RicFi mond Hotel
Fourth Ave. and Main St.
Absolutely fireproof.
Conveniently located.
All outside rooms.
Rats $1 per dan with bath, $1.50
J. . McTERNAN. Mavr ,
Sutter and Kearny Streets
An up-to-date modern fire-proof
hotel of 250. rooms, taking the
place of the old Occidental Hotel
and Lick House.
European Plan $1.50 Per Day Up
Take any Taleab from the Kerry
at the Expense ef the Hotel.
IOben f.sreene. president
Don't Get Lost!
Take one of our Pocket Com
passes with yon on that Moun
tain trip you are planning.
We have just the Compass you
need. 35 cents and up.
Our large assortment will en
able you to secure the kind of
' instrument best suited to your
And now is the time to select it.
We have the best and most com
plete line of Drawing Supplies and
Surveying Instruments in the city.
Levels, Transits, Aneroids, Ther
mometers, Tapes, Range .Poles,
Filed Books, etc.
Drawing Tables
Water Colors
Drawing, Tracing, Cross Section,
Blue Print Papers, etc.
"Everything for the Office"
Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers,
Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders r,rlH
A Gilt-Edge Investment Awaits
the Attention of an Up-to-Date
N Hotel Man or Capitalist at the
New Mallory Hotel
At Fifteenth and Yamhill Streets
It is an
8-Story Fireproof Building
200 Elegant Rooms
Long Lease, Low Rent
I have this building for lease on a straight term of ten years at a very
moderate rate. The structure is being erected for a first-class family
hotel. It is fireproof and will have equipment and improvements essen
tial to a first-class, up-to-date Family Hotel. The rooms are large and
well lighted. There will be large ballrooms, reception-rooms, ladies'
parlors, etc. There will be 200 BOOMS, every one of which will be a
20th century model as to conveniences, etc. In disposing of this leaso
. there are no restrictions whatever. BUY YOUR FUENITUEE AND
ested call and allow us to go into further details.
PHILIP GEVURTZ, 173-175 First St.
Phone Main 3244