Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 18, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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as soon as the plant Is complete. This
will reduce the cost of logging, and re
move the danger of fire in the woods,
frequently caused by sparks from the
steam donkeys.
"The Coos Bay Terminal Company is
busy building Its road between juarsn
field and North Bend, and is at present
working on the Marshfleld end with a
Iats-a force of men.
"Simpson's large mill at Porter Is
running on full time, and the new
steam schooner A. M Simpson Is mak
ing quick trips between San Francisco
Northwestern Electric Shows
Temperance Men Would With
and North Bend, carrying large loaas.
. "The Kruse - A Banks shipyard at
North Bend is busy, having at present
Willingness to Accept
Stringent Clauses.
draw Issuing Rights From
County Courts
three new vessels on the stocks be
sides repair work. One of the new
vessels under construction is being
built for Eastebrook & Co, of San
Francisco, and is expected to run be
tween San Francisco and Bandon, call
Head or New Industry in Portland
Says Work Will Begin Within
Year and That Corporation
"Means Business."
Willingness of the Northwestern
Electric Company to accept a number
of stringent limitations recommended
by City Attorney Grant as a, part of
the franchise asked for by the com
pany to secure the right to enter Port
land in competition with the Portland
Railway, Light & Power Company in
the furnishing- of light, heat and pow
er, resulted yesterday in the street
committee of the City Council recom
mending the proposed franchise being
sent by the Council to the Executlv
Board for the fixing of valuations.
This action assures the measure get
ting before the Council for final pass
age within a few weeks.
The proposed franchise as drafted by
the attorneys for the company had pro
visions which were objectionable to
some of the members of the committee,
but when these were eliminated
amended as suggested by the City At-
- torney and accepted by the company
there was but slight room for argu
merit. It took the committee less than
two hours to go through the franchise
and act upon it.
Merger Is Guarded A era t.
Under the terms of the franchise the
company is required to put up a bond
of 1100,000 to Insure the expenditure
of 1350,000 within two years and is re
quired to agree that lta franchise will
terminate autpmatlcally if the com
pany merges with another company
without the consent of the City Conn
ell. Provision is made for the placing
of all wires underground within the
fire limits and the opening of under
ground conduits to the common use of
other companies. The Council retain
the right to regulate reasonably the
rates of charge for electric current
supplied within the city limits, provld
ed the same regulation is placed
against all other companies In th
same line of business. Work on the
plant shall begin within a year and
within two years the company must be
prepared to provide 10,000 horsepower.
Most of these provisions were
made a part of the franchise at the
suggestion of City Attorney Grant
After they were read Attorney L. A.
McNary, for the oompany, announced
that while the terms were most exact
lng the company would be willing to
accept them. The franchise as pre
pared by the company," said Mr. Mc
Nary, "has been entirely rewritten and
Its provisions make the most string
ent conditions, but we are willing to
Magulre Raise Question.
Councilman Magulre brought up the
question of the right of the city to
regulate rates. He said the city was
not able to regulate the rates of- the
Portland Railway. Light A Power
Company and therefore could not reg
ulate the rates of a new company. This
statement b.-o-j0ht City Attorney Grant
to his feet wl-'h the declaration that the
city can regulate the rates of the pres.
ent company if the Council will take
the proper action. Mr. Magulre de
clared that he wanted such steps taken
at once and was informed that the reg
ulation is within his own power and
that of the other members of the Coun
cil if they would decide what they
The question of common-user poles,
conduits and other equipment was dis
cussed at length and probably will be
one of the main points of argument
when the franchise comes before the
Council. City Attorney Grant has rec
ommended that the new company grant
other companies the use of the poles
and conduits. The question of the
right of the city to enforce this com
mon-user clause on the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power Company was
discussed, but no agreement could be
reached, the question finally being
passed up to the Council.
Head of Company la City.
Herbert Fleish hacker, of San Fran
cisco, head of the company, arrived in
the city a short' time after the meet
ing began and was in attendance dur
ing part of the argumentation. In an
swer to a question brought up by
Councilman Magulre as to the right of
the city to terminate the franchise in
case of a merger. Mr. Fleishhacker de
clared that the city is absolutely pro
tected. "The company plans to enter Port
land in absolute good faith." he said.
"Xo merger with any other company
is planned. We are not t.omtng here
merely to sell out. The Northwest
ern Electric Company Is a big concern
and we are entering the city for the
purpose of giving the people the very
best service obtainable. Even if we
should desire to merge we could not
do it because in the franchise their
is a provision that we lose all our
rights by so dolng.'
The entire committee, excepting
Councilman Magulre, voted to pass the
proposed franchise up to the Council
and from there to the Executive Board.
ing at Coos Bay on her down trip for
passengers. She will be a fast sailer,
and will be fitted up with first-class
passenger accommodations.
"The steam schooner Nan Smith is
running on schedule time, making a
round trip from the C A. Smith mill
to Bay Point, near San Francisco,
every five days. It carries about 1,800,-
000 feet of lumber to a load, which is
taken on in 10 hours, loading with an
electric crane. The schooner will carry
about 90,00,000 feet this' year, which
will be more than three times as much
as any other vessel of its size will
carry during the same time.
A sister ship to the Nan Smith is
building in the East for the lumber
company. It will be completed in about
six months. It will be a little larger
than the Nan Smith, and will have a
few more improvements.
"McArthur, Perks & Co., who have
the contract for the south end of the
Eugene-Coos Bay Railroad, are arrang
ing to have railroad supplies brought
to Coos Bay and Gardiner, and it i
expected that active construction win
commence on the Coos Bay end within
the next two weeks.
"The present payrool of the C A.
Smith lumber interests is about S80.000,
and this will be Increased to about
J100.000 by the addition of the pulp
mill and coal mine."
Widow and Eight Children Survive.
Body to Be Brought Here
for Bnrial.
Charles McGinn, a pioneer merchant
of Portland and father of Henry E.
McGinn. Circuit Judge, died in Los An
geles Saturday, June lo. Mr. McGinn
was 80 years old. He was born in
Canada in 1832 and came to Oregon in
1854 by way of the Isthmus of Panama.
He settled in Portland in 1858 and
made his home here continuously un
til 1898, when he moved to Los Angel
es. In 1864 he opened a bakery ana
grocery at the corner of first ana
Main streets. Three years later he re
moved to the corner of First and Mad
ison streets. In the fire of 1873 his
establishment was destroyed, but he
rebuilt on the same property, remain
ing there until 1880. In that year hu
removed his bakery to the southeast
corner of Seventh and Washington
streets and continued in business un
til 1884. This property has been owned
by Mr. McGinn for more than 50 years.
After retiring from business Mr. Mc
Ginn devoted himself to the education
of his blind son, Gilbert J. McGinn, who
has since died. In 1898 Mr. McGinn'
health failed and he removed to Los
Angeles, which has since been his home,
although he has made frequent visits
to Portland and maintained his Interest
He was a member of the Pioneer As
sociation and always took an active in
terest in all movements that related to
the pioneers. He knew Dr. John Mc
Loughlin, "The Father of Oregon," and
Archbishop Blanchet, first Roman
Catholic Archbishop of Oregon.
Mr. McGinn Is survived by his widow
and eight children. Tbey are: Henry
Anti-Saloon League Will Make Fight
Against Restoration of Saloons
in Cities Now Dry" Bnrke
, Outlines Plan for Fight.
Charles BteGlasu
Smith Interests Are Constructing
Big Plant at Marshfleld.
A pulp mill, to cost S150.000. Is under
construction Just above Marshfleld. The
C A. Smith Lumber & Manufacturing
Company Is building the mill, according
to Henry Sengstacken, who came to
Portland last week to attend a conven
tion of the Oregon Association of Title
men. "The lumber business is improving,
and large improvements and develop
ments are under way.' said Mr. Seng
staken. "The Smith pulp mill is to be
completed within six months. It will
be situated immediately south of the
large sawmill on Isthmus Inlet. Just
above Marshfleld.
"This mill will consume the waste
from the C A. Smith Lumber Mills, and
produce paper pulp, wood alcohol, tur
pentine and rosin in large quantities.
"The Coos Bay Fuel Company recent
ly was organized by the C. A. Smith in
terests with Patrick Hennessey, ex-superintendent
of the Libby mines, as man
ager. The company expects to be ready
to ship coal within three months. This
mine is close to tide-water on Isthmus
Inlet, and la favorably located for
cheap transportation. It will prove a
paying mine.
"A large power plant la also under
construction by the C. A. Smith Com
pany, which will not only furnish pow
er for their sawmills and pulp mill, but
will furnish power for the terminal
railroad, and all the logging donkeys.
So that the company can do its log
glng with, electricity instead of steam
McGinn. Mrs. John F. Shea, of Port
land; Everett E. McGinn. Mrs. William
F. Stewart, Miss Edith McGinn, of Los
Angeles; Mrs. Paul Boots. Globe, Ar
izona; John L. McGinn, of Fairbanks,
Alaska, and Walter C. McGinn, of Okla
homa. The body of Mr. McGinn, accom
panied by Mrs. McGinn and Miss Edith
McGinn, will arrive tomorrow from
Los Angeles. Funeral arrangements
will be made later.
Portland Artist to Have Part
Benefit Concert at Heilig.
Mrs. Kathleen - Lawler Belcher will
be beard tomorrow evening In con
cert at the Heilig Theater. Mrs. Belch
er sang recently in concert at the
White Temple, and her beautiful voice
and thorough artistry took the music
loving people of Portland by storm.
This benefit concert. Wednesday even
ing, is the result. Mrs. Belcher was
not quite two years In Paris, but she
managed to glean a remarkable store
of music lore in that short time, to
which her difficult programmes are
the best testimony.
The opening number' on the pro
gramme will be the Strauss Waltz, one
of the most difficult of the Coloratura
songs. It abounds in High Ce ana
difficult runs and thrills. Before her
departure, Mrs. Belcher was well
known as a church and ballad singer,
and in the flnese of her art she has
lost nothing of the sweet melody of
tone that won for her that place.
gaaday Skootlaa; la Loadoa.
London Standard.
Sunday target shooting in the British
army ranges is permitted in the Lon
don districts except during morning
church hours.
Oregon's lawmakers next Winter will
be asked by the Anti-Saloon League to
enact a law withdrawing from th
County Courts the right to- grant li
censes for the sale of liquor in the
country districts of the state.
In the meantime the organization,
tnrougn its officers. Is seeking to as
certain the attitude of prospective
members of the Legislature with re
spect to this legislation. On the result
of this investigation will depend who
or the legislative candidates will re
celve the support of the 'enemies of
the saloon in the November election.
"Only through the enactment of such
a law and its rigid enforcement," said
J. F. Burke, superintendent of the Ore
gon Anti-Sallon League, yesterday.
cen we put a stop to the indiscrim
inate issuance by the County Courts
of the state llncenses authorizing the
sale of liquor in road houses, railroad
construction camps and other isolated
districts, merely on petition in many
cases or the transient residents and
against the opposition of the people
oi the district concerned.
Candidates' Attitude Sought.
"Before preparing such a, measure
for presentation to the Legislature,
however, we are taking steps to as
certain the attitude of candidates for
election to the Legislature towards
such a bill. We expect to give our
support to those Who will agree to sup
port the measure in the Legislature.
Candidates who are unfriendly to the
measure need not expect our votes in
the November election.
Under the provisions of the home
rule law enacted by the voters under
the initiative two years ago. county lo
cal option elections cannot be held. By
that law, incorporated towns are ex
empted from the provisions of the orig
inal local option law and are left
to determine by vote whether liquor
licenses shall be Issued.
"Dry" Plunnlaar Battle.
"We are expecting to opposo all
elections which may be called by the
liquor interests to restore the saloon
In cities now dry," said Mr. Burke. "Wo
expect these elections will be held ia
a number of cities throughout the
state. At the same time, we may un
dertake to oust the saloon from a num
ber of cities in which licenses are now
Issued, but we have not decided Ui
what cities we will make our fight."
Tne anti-rum forces are expecting
the liquor people to call elections in
Roseburg' and Grants Pass and pos
sibly other of the principal cities which
are now without saloons. Roseburg
and Grants Pass are dry by. reason of
the county vote, which was against
the saloon.
In the same election, the two towns
voted wet, but they were outvoted in
the county districts.
Rex Oregonns Will Be Attended by
Princes, Knights and Peers on
Seattle Taconia Trip. , ,
As the "Tllicums," of Seattle, the
Enakops," of Spokane, or the "Flying
Squadron" of the Panama-Pacific Ex
position advertise their great' enter
tainments in different states and cities.
so will the newly organized "Order of
the Royal Rosarians." which took its
first steps toward organization in a
meeting at the Commercial Club at noon
yesterday, advertise in all the cities of
the Pacific Coast the attractions of the
Portland Rose Festival.
W. J. Hofmann was temporary chair
man at the meeting and W. C. Bristol,
who was Rex Oregonus in 1911, was
chosen permanent chairman. W. J.
Hofmann. appointed chairman of
committee of nine to make plans for
permanent organisation, held a second
meeting at 4 o'clock yesterday after
noon in the office of Julius Meier, and
at a meeting in the Commercial Club
at 11 o clock this morninp- tne lounaa-
tlon of the new organization will be
permanently laid.
The Order of tne ttoyai jrtosarians
contemplates a permanent organization
of the court of Rex Oregonus to pay
visits to other festivals upon the Pa
cific Coast and give publicity to Port
land's Rose Festival. The organiza
tion will be put on an active basis at
once so that F. A. Kribs, the present
Rex Oregonus. may take his court to
the Tacoma Montamara Fiesta and to
the Seattle Fotlatch. this year.
Active membership will be limited to
100. the highest ranking members oe
ina- the three princes, presidents re
soectlvelv of the Commercial Club, the
Chamber of Commerce and the Ad Club.
Through the rest of the membership
will ran a the barons of the various
roses, each of whom will take for his
crest some well-known variety of rose
that Is a-rown in Portland.
Offices of the court, ranging rrom
Brim minister downward through all
the various official degress, will be dis
tributed among the hundred retainers
of the king. A subsidiary organization
of "Peers of the Realm of Roses" may
be orsranlzed among the business men
who, while not taking an active part
in the crusades of the K.nign,ts or tne
Rose, will contribute to the funds to
sustain the movement.
It is Dlanned at once to begin or
ganization of a drill team, when the
active membership of 100 has been
Killed, and this is expected to be one
of the especially attractive reatures
that will distinguish the crusades to
the Potlatch and the Montamara this
Following out the ancient ideas or
heraldry, each of the barons will nave
his crest and coat of arms. In the rose
that he has chosen to represent, and
the device emblazoned on his tabard
and his banner will lend a touch of
nrniinrv to th Das-cants of tne court
of Rex Oregonus in foreign cities, that
will nut the story of the Rose Festival
and its beauties upon many lips.
Members of the committee appomieo.
yesterday and which will today meet
to 'effect a permanent organization of
ne court oi n uregwiiu, ... .
Hofmann. chairman; C. C. v-raig.
George L. Baker. George L. Hutcnin,
J. Fred Larson. F. W. HI Id. G. M. Hy
land. W. E. Finzer and Julius Meier.
Daniel DeFoe could have clothed his hero,
Robinson Crusoe, with even greater
majesty, had he stood him upon the im
pressive heights of Westover Terraces and
from there shown him the infinite beauties
of the wonderful Northwest. Crusoe could
not have more supremely commanded the
magnificenses of Nature from the throne
on his lonely isle than from Westover Ter
races. The view today isjhe view forever.
Man cannot alter i.
The Science of Topographical Engineering
has stepped in and a great hill of rock and
dirt is being washed down not simply
sluiced down, haphazard but moulded' to
fit the peculiar needs and demands of par
ticular people. There Tare just six more of
these fine sites ready for inspection. None
of them are alike. All are totally different;
they will amaze you Science has coupled
itself with natural beauty and taken a 10,000
to 15,000 square foot area, fashioned it into
its most entrancing form and set it out
there on the rim of the pearly sky for your
approbation. You may buy there and build
yourself a mansion, secure in the confidence
that no man, save he build an Egyptian
pyramid, can ever obliterate 10,000 square
miles of scenery from your front porch.
Every site a v .
coign of vantage
Selling Agent
818-823 Spalding Building
Builders Take Lesson From Disss-
Titanic Big; Dry-
docks Are Built.
ter to
LONDON, June IS. (Special.)
Though nothing official has been an
nounced In regard to the 54,000-ton
liner Gigantic that is to replace the
Titanic on the Atlantic service of the
White Star line, it is understood that
the great disaster has decided the Bel
fast builders to make an alteration in
her plans.
The keel was laid in the Harland Sc.
Wolff, yards a few weeks ago. In
view of recent events it has been de
cided to equip her with double cellular
sides and bottom like those of the
Mauretanla and Lusitanla. Lord Plr-
rle, the head of the Arm, is credited
with the statement that he never wit
nessed a launch without feeling he
could produce a better boat if he be
gan again.
Before the White Star and Cunard
Atlantio giants came into being Eng
land built her first leviathan and
called her the Great Eastern. She
was a failure and early in her career
ran ona rock that tore her shell for
one-seventh of her length. . But she
had this double form of bottom and
sides, so she was towed in safety into
Both British and .German owners
have been badly shaken by the Titanic
loss. Though Germany is building
three 50,000-ton leviathans for the
Hamburg-American line, there is no
German drydock big enough yet to
accommodate - them. If an accident
happened to 'them today while afloat
they would have to make for Belfast.
At Southampton and Belfast drydock
provision is being made for vessels of
nearly 900 feet, while on the Mersey
and the Clyde 1000-foot drydocks are
being built. -
Not One
Drop of
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