Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 15, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    TJTK. MTKr nfOMAM, RATUKDAY, JO K 13, 11Z.
Harkness Twirls in Fashion
Which Leaves Visitors in
Sorry Plight.
Shortstop Kinglet In Third Inning
and Before Carta In Fa 11a qii
Eicitement Malarkejr Iaa J
Yielded Four nan.
reHfie rMt Imu ataaeUnae.
w. l. p r i ft-, t.. r.c
Vernon , .. .41 2 strecramente .as XT .431
Oakland ... 2i.:.mii Portland
Loa Anil l. .34 31 .137, Han Kren . ... VI 40 .4U
Yesterday's Results.
At pnrtlsnd I'nrtland a, Oakland 1.
Ar Han Kranrlaco Kan Frsnt'lers 4. Los
Anselee 2 MM Inninjrnt.
At Los Anselcs eanramemo 5, Vernoa 4.
Speck liarknasH proved to tho fana
yesterday that he la a triple AAA
pitcher whan "right," far ha had tha
Oakland Commutara eating out of hi
palm and doled out their third wallop
Ing of tha weak by a acore nf f to 1.
Captain Rodgers at second alao may
a hints correct grammar today by ex
claiming "I' hav ram back." for li
waa tha terrific batting of this much
panned atar. aided and abatted by the
timely clouta of Chadhourne and Krue
ger. that principally helped the Reavers
to victory.
Tea am riay la farea.
The weather waa decidedly chilly for
haaeball, but both teama played In
good form, deaplte the meadowy under
footing and the polarlc atmosphere. Ma
larkey. on tha mound for the visitors,
had Just one bad Inning the third
but tha four run pounded In during
thla outburst spelled Ma downfall.
The fana are satlaflad of one thing,
at leaat namely, that with good pitch
ing the Reavers' present reorganisation
of outfield ' and Infield looks good
enough to land ue In the flrat division
along about the time the brown Octo
ber ala begins flowing.
Bancroft,' tha little speed demon
shortstop, started the Roman candles
popping In tha third Inning by a single
to left field. Fisher took one against
his rlhe and both he and Bancroft ad
vanced a base on a passed ball by
Catcher Rohrer. Harkness fanned, and
then Chadbourne lined a single Into
right field, eeorlng two. He. waa causrht
trying to ateal second. Lindsay sin
gled through Leard and scored on
Rodgers' triple Into left. Rodgers regis
tering on Krueger'a .hit through short
stop, bringing the total to four hits and
four runs.
field r'lae for Darks.
Catcher Kohrer. playing his flrat
game before a Portland crowd, waa
largely Instrumental In helping Port
land's to'.al again In the fifth, for after
Cook's slipup on Harkness' grounder,
he fell down on Chadbourne'a bunt, and
both scored on Hodgera' second swat,
a double Into deep center field.
Kohrer could hardly be blamed for
his tarpslcherean, tonneeu-slldlng epeo.
tacle, because lite grasa Infield waa In
lar better shape for mallards and blue
winged teal than for expounding the
modern doctrines of aclentlflo bunt
extermlnatlon. Harkness waa touched ap for eight
hits, hut one or two of them were ti
cldedly scratohy and he waa as skimpy
as a Scotchman's kilts at every sign
of danger. Hpeck really presented the
Oaks with their lone tally In the third
Inning by a poor throw to Keeps while
trying to catch Leard dcmlng after
hit to left. Zacher aent Leard home
from hla advanced position by a single
through short.
Tho visitors .threatened In the sev
enth and eighth Innings, but brilliant
double plays by Bancroft and Redgeri
nipped the rallies. Tha score:
Oakland Pertlaao
A.n re.A.r; .nn. i
jf - -
.... .
;K I . ;:... fr- - t
t f vi "" (;'".::,,.:.
; ' j ' ' ' r '' - ' 1 " .
, i -J '. i
. ' ' , f . j : '
; J IK-" ' r 's'V '; :.
- v -" t- -v' ' .,,
' . .' . " Jk. " i ' '
r . . v - , L-i f Jr , !-
ti " A1 "
rsti ;r
a' .- i ... ,
" L, .. . aU
J? jgto 1 IS
S- "S
.eisj oa. vi-,, ?-r i
lard.2h. .119 Arhad'a.lf. 4 130
Hofmnlf 4 1 a 0 OUnd'y.Kb. (lit
7a l)r.c( 4.10 lKMg lh 4 J 4 t
l a if... eOltt Okrue 4 1 4 e
H.irs.tb 4 S 4 2 OMaho'r.rt 4 0 10 0 4 O S 4 2 0
Mh' I 0 10 o O.Hana', 4 3 1 0
Knhrer.a. 41 I O'FUher.e.. 4010
lial'k'y.p 3 1 Q OJl.rkMp. t 1 i 1
Totals W 24 1 l' Totals 14 la IT 10 1
Oskland 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Hits 1 a I I I f
Portland 04000
Hits 2 S 0 1 10
Runs t-eard. rhsdbourae. LJnriuv.
Rndseea, KaanroTt, Fleher. Harfeneaa. gteuek
out-l.r Harkaeaa I. by Malarke 4. Baeea
en balls off Hartcneee S. Taro-baee hit
Rodsera Tkeaa-baaa hit Hadgeaa. Dauble
ple Bancroft to Rodsars to Rapes;
Ror to Happa. BarrKlee hit Lindsay,
ftuiea bae tiitiinan. UK hy pitehad ball
Flalir. ' Faaeed ba'l Rnhrer. Time of gmnm
l;4t t aipiea C'aeer a4 Ftnaejr.
ots of the Game.
Three nut of four la pretty food reverse
for the five etraigh walleptnse haaded out
br Oakland early in April. If the Heavers
can only keep up the ee wail aae the
light of fourth place ere the week te etit.
Yeeterday'a gama waa as different from
Thursday's as black Is from while. If H
Credie had I'ernoll and Klllllay as pitching
recruits. Instead of Hharpe. the Beaver
could at leaat finish as beflta the former
(1ms rieher and Bill Lindner both starred
with aeneatlonal four catches. Lindsay
looht4 better al third thaa at any time
thle seasoti. lie secured one hit and laid
down a beauty of asacrUlc bunt during.
the afternoon.
Malarkey beat Portland when the Oaks
were last here, a to U Hhacpe- saving him
ror his Hunday game, which save him the
earlce, three to two.
Koeetner will likely se beck In for the
Beavera today, with Christian or Lurbln his
eooonent. Ablea haa not warmed uo with
hie leammalee this week, owing te his bad
eye and may aol be ready for Hunday. .
All three second division clubs won yea
irrnay. ner up. runiBna hi; eovm m
dnicn full gsraee behind veraea, .
' Angela Make Things Interesting In
. Klgtith by Tlclng Kcore.
HAS FRANCISCa una 14 Loa An.
geloa tied the score at three all In
the eighth, but Ran Francisco was not
to be denied atvd neeee) out the game
in the tenth.
Muhler walked. Hatley sacrificed
and waa advnnoe4 on Dillon's error.
McArdle sacrificed, advancing Mohlar
and Hartley. Corhan'a alnale te right
carried in Mohler. The score:
R, H. K. R.M. E.
Los Angeles I, I Frisco 4 1 4
Batteries Halla. Nagle and Crooks;
Fanning, Toner and aVhrnldt.
nail lilt Phone Pole. and Bpancca
' Bark lnl Lot.
t ns ANT.KLEa. June 14 Arrelansa
won his own game for ftarramente
against Vernon, live to rour toay. ?
one of the strangest home-run hits
e kM roe smne time.
5i'jUj the acore tied, J to-J at tht
iir:rniri r. rjm
TVJin eTiSixJ2,
Neighbors featured the contest with
running catches. The score:
R, H. E. R. H. E.
Tacoma.... t t O'Vlctorla.. . . 0 10
Batteries Melkle and LaLonge; Mc
Creery, Conounnon and Urlndle. Um
pire Moran.
l'ortland-Spokan; Game Delayed.
KPOKA-VE. Waslf., June 14. .The
Portland-Spokane game acheduled bare
today waa postponed on account, of
Wheeler Takes 500-Yard
Coast Title From Mankurtz.
Thomas Sets High Marks.
beginning nf tha fourth, I .owls alngled.
Sheehan .and Cheek were easy -out,
and then, Arrellanre put the first ball
pitched over the left field fence. Tha
ball struck a telephone pole and re
bounded half way back to the dia
mond. Utschl grabbed the "ball lust
as Arrallanes waa turning second and
threw It to third, but Umpire Jdc
(Ireevy waved tha big pitcher en
Theeo two runa proved enough ta
win. aa Vernon could do nothing with
Arrelianea' offerings after the first
Inning. Hcpre:
R. H. E l R. H. E.
Vernon. 4 o;facremento a s 2
Batteries Stewart, tlltt. and Brewai
Arrelianea and Cheek.
FROM VANCOCVEH. and JUoratn Perform Pouble
Meal la Eighth lining and
Fornier Cornea Home.
. Keetbweeterai Lsageo Steadings. .
W. L. F.R.I W. L. P C.
Victoria ...m 2T -M Knokana !2T ST .loo
Vanoouver . S .! 1 Seattle , ..a 20 .4l
Tacoma . . . . S la.SuO I'orlUnd ....2730,Tn
Vtwterday's Keaulta.
At apokanaBpokane-Portland game posW
At Seattle Seattle S. Vancouver 9.
At Tacoma Tacoma a, Victoria .
SEATTLE, Wash, June 14. In a
game replete with aenaatlonal play a
Seattle won from -Vancouver today, I
to I. With the acore a tie In the
eighth, tha winning- run waa put over
when Strait and Moran worked a
deublo eteal, Strait eeorlng. Schneider
became wild In the fourth Inning and
waa relieved by Barrenkamp, who held
the vlsltora without a hit. Score:
R. H. E.I . R. II. E.
Seattle.... I OlVancouver. a 4.2
Ratterlea Fchnelder. Barrenkamn and
Whaling; Lewis and Oervaia. Umpire,
Victoria Trounced la Op Hoar and
14 Mlnntee No Errera.
TACOMA. June 14. In one hour, and
14 minutes, the shortest game thla year
in mo ponnwesisrn League, Tacomc
annexed rive scores and shut out Vc
tnris. The game waa errorless. '
McCreery waa knocked out of the
box in the fourth. Concannon pitch;'
good ball afterward. Abbott and
Oielialla Defsata lloqalam hy Score
of Six to 1ve.-
CHEHALIS, Wash.. June 14. (Spe
cial. )- frlnk won today's game against
lloqulam by losing the ball In tha
ninth Inning when the acore was tied
and two out. The hit wag made when
two were out and would have been
good for two baaes. The Hoquiam
".elders aearehed vainly for tha ball
while Chehalls' star pitcher Dvls, a
recent high achool catcher of Cliehalla,
loped home. The acore ended t S,
The grounds were muddy and tha flail
ing waa alow. Frlnk'a wlldness almost
cost him the game which he redeemed
at the elose. Berger pitched good ball
and had good eupport.
Today's result here and at Aberdeen,
where Centralis won 4 to S, leavea the
relative position of the State League
teams unchanged. The acore:
Chehalla... 1 I Hooulam... B 4 I
Batteries 'Chehalla, Frlnk and
Taylor; Hoquiam, Berger and Troeh.
I'mplre Oolden.
Champion ' Vlna .First Fll From
Opponent In k Ml no tee.
BALTIMORE. June 14. Frank Ontch.
champion heavyweight wrestler, defeat
ed uus Schoanleln (Amerlous), of Bal
timore, champion light heavyweight. In
two straight falla tunlghu
Ootch got the first fall from Amerl
cua In 12 minutes 10 seconds, with
toehold. Ootch won the second fall In
14 aeoonde with a toehold.
Amerlcus' anklo waa badly aprained
In the ftrat fall, and he oontlaued
against the advloa of hla physician.
Instructor Carl 1 1 Savea 7-Vfta.r-OId
Girl , Performer In Dletreaa.
Timers Ray- worKfa Record
' Broken Feat-urea 3Iany.
Colllater Wheeler, Portland Swimming
Association entry, waa tha surprise of
the Oregon State swimming champion
ships yesterday afternoon, tbo compar
atively unknown swimmer defeating
(Jus Mankurtg, Multnomah Club man.
who holds the Pacific Coaat 409-yard
Lewis Thrtmss. of Multnomah Club,
won both the 109 and 200-yard swims,
but he waa picked to win the first
with ease and was a favorite In the
second, so Wheeler's performance
looms up as the feature of the Roae
Keetlval aquatic tourney.
If the course and timers' contribu
tions stand, Thomaa established a, new
world's record in the 100-yard dash.
and Wheeler set a new United States
mark for the 600-yard open water
awlm. Thomas wag given a mark of
14 1-s seconds In the 100-yard awlm
end Wheeler 0:17 2-t In the 100-yard.
Cewree Irebably Set fttaedsrd
However. M lav evident that the course
was not 100 yards long, for It la hard
to believe that thai Portland lad, no
matter how promising, clipped 2 4-4
seconda from the world's record of C.
llealey, of Australia, and that Wheeler
negotiated the 100-yard Marathon In
anywhere near :S7 2-S. . C M. Jjaolels'
beet mark for 100 yards, open water.
la one minute fiat: while It took Handy,
of Chicago, 4):2S to go 4(0 yards under
decidedly more auspicious circum
Arthur Cavil!. Multnomah Club In
structor In charge of the meet, said
that he figured the oourse at a few
Inches over 100 yards, Tha swimmers
made a diva at the start from a six
foot elevation, and thla probably as
sisted In tha record-breaking.
Bad weather and cold water kept the
entry list down to below the f inure of
lust season, only two women compet
ing, and the other events showing few
aturtera. A crowd of approximately
6000 saw the start of the tourney, but
this waa decreased to 2000 when the
children's parade started.
Miss Vivian Marshal divined honors
with Lewis Thomas In points won,
taking first In both the 26-yard swim
and the. fancy diving. However, she
had only one opponent, Miss Nona Law-ler.
The mlrth-provoklng features of tha
afternoon were the greased pole and
umbrella and cigar contest. in the
first tha entranta ware compelled to
walk out on a greased pole and pluck
a United Mates flag from tha end.
while the umbrella and cigar contest
constated of swimming 60 yards carry
tng an umbrella and a lighted cigar.
Chester Wheeler, of tha Portland Swim
ming Association, won the greased pole
contest, making a successful dive for
the flag after several failures had
placed him near the bunting, and V.
Creasey, of Multnomah Club, won the
clKar-uinbrella tilt.
Henry Hanno, a Multnomah Club
junior, won the 100-yard Junior cham
pionship, beating W. B. Kinney, ef the
V. M. C. A., with only six Inches to
Leo Hymans won the Boy Scout uni
form awlm of 26 yarda In a field of six
starters. x
The fancy diving contest waa won by
V. H. Dent, of Multnomah Club, the
Winged ' "M" entrant showing better
form In all of the five dives.
Real itaweae la Made.
The rescue act wag mora aerloua than
amusing. When little Maria 0:rube
dived Into the eold water her courage
forsook her, and a mouthful ef water
edded to her distress, and Instructor
Cavlll made a literal rescue of tha 7-
year-old girt
Wheeler. J. K. Cody's sensational pu.
pll, did not leave tha Issue In daubt for
long In the 000-yard race. He opened
up a gap of 16 yards In the flrat 200
yard spurt, and held It to the end, de.
spite the heroic efforts of Mankurt
to overtake him. .
Thomag had an easy time of It In the
100-yard race, winning with feet to
spare and won the 100-yard event by
an even bigger margin. Reed, of
Multnomah, and Ross, f the Portland
Swimming Association. Indulged la a
strenuous tussle for second place In the
200-yard number. Reed winning by
few Inches.
The results:
.Innloe. 100 vsrde Menrr Msnno.
Baseball Statistics
Aoaerlran lagaa.
w. i. r.r.i v.-. i. v c
Boston ....J! I .JTTetmlt !t .111
f'hlrago ..84 3 .r.'j:t Cleteland ..-t 17 .4Ho
Wesh'ton -L . '4 New York.. 17 8e .141
riMia. , si L4uie
'atknal League.
New York .T ."4 rhlla. 20 24 ,4M
Vlltekurg .M S ..VIS ft. Louis ...'.'I SO .4.14
I'hK-aso . . 21 ..V-3 itrookljra 3 .Si J
Llu tl 2 VI .4lMeloa .-...1 Se 41 J)
a aaertnsia Asisriatlea.
Toledo :4,.S J .872 St. Paul .;S3T.40.1
Columkug ..41 21 .twit (nd'pelie ..24 37 .'U
at'B'I'a ....17 ill .U Louisville -ill 3.1 .34
K. City ...! SO .MS Milwaukee -lil.SS
Western teaanee.
t. 12 .sen Dee Molnee.27 2.1
Omaha .,..i:x 24 ..'.3-Wichita ....27 21 .41
S. City ....27 114 .D2II Taneka 31 .BVJ
Denver . . ,2 20 .til Llucula .. ..Is 11 .liav
l adea AaaerlaUesu '
Missoula ,.U 14 .TW Unite 10 10 .Sit
fait l.aka.,21 IS .074 Helena . .. .1 St .175
lir"t Falla.. IS 10 .tUIS.Ogden 11 3J .IU
Westera Trt-Mtete.
W. I- P.C.I W. L. PC
Pendleton . 11 12 .')0 Bolee 15 14. SIT
Walla W'lla IT 11 67 nrande , 020.310
wasaiagiaa. Mate.
Chehalla ...11 10 .5S3 Aberdeen ..H11.4M
Ceniralle. -.11 11 .MJ,Homaiem ..10 14 .417
. Yeatardar'a Keaulta.
American Association Columbus T. Mil
wsuk-e 2; other garaa poetaoaeU. rain.
V'nion Association MUaouta 4, Helena I:
etnor gamea poetponeo, reta.
Westvrn League Stoua City 0, Lincoln 1;
Wlrhlta S. La llulnM li Mt. Joeeoh 1:1.
Denver 12 (10 lnn!ags; Omaha , Tapeka .
Pert lead Batting Averages.
Pacific Coast I An. H. Av.
Ab. H. AV. Crolk'nk .int 37 .24d
Krueger 2nS & .112 Meneur .. . . 1 '.' Sti .tM
Doene ... .140 41 .22 Frlea .' KIM .I
Ulnaeay . . 140 a .-'W4 Kaetley ... t3 1S.;Mi
Mahooey 19 . Tonoeeoa -. M e .73
uutlar ... .1.-4 . 22 Kibble . . . ,1J 4 .2'1
Hodgerg ...3.S 43 ! McDowell g 2 .er.o
Kappa ....l: 41 .271 Williams ..213 M. 240
iihr .... 38 10 .'JtCt Speaa 2.1A . .24
cn urne . ..x s.1 .2ft ooltria ....i''l t .ltt
Faacroft 2te 47 .2.m('Smlth 7rtl7.24A
Keeetn-C 12 It .12 Moore 17 T.213
fturrh .... 43 B .;) Harris ! 13 .?tlT
'Iresg 10 1.2mroty 21 fl .Ml
Howler .. .121 23.1I1A Bloom'd . .. SV 4.M-
Harkaeee .. i'1 4 .! I.amltne ... lt l.;o0
Kljw'-r T .1M xtanAeld . 11 1 .mil
lliSWl'STI . 17 ,S ,TT V.a 14 1.443
H n.i .on 11.2 .1.-.4 Shay ...... 0 .Ot,"
telger 122. lfct; )'
Ulrul 1 l.Kil
Multnomah Club, first: W. S. Kinney,
r. M. C A., second: C. Dinwiddle, Mult
nomah Club, third. Time. 1:01.
rVnlor, 100 yards Lewis Thomaa,
Multnomah Club, ftrat: t. J. Vlckara.
Kugsne. second: John McMurray, fort
land Swimming Assoc eatlon, third.
Time. :64 1-6.
Hoy Mcouts. IS yarda Leo Hyama,
first: "Kenneth Warrens, second; I'ree
ton Holt, third. Time. :25 4-6.
Senior, 600 yards Colllster Wheeler,
Portland Swimming Association, first:
Qua Maakurta, Multnomah Club, sec
ond: Kred Reed. Multnomah Club, third.
Time. :27 2-6.
,- Weweeai Talk Henwra.
Women. 26 yards Miss Vivian Mar
shall, first; Mina Nona Lawler, second.
Time. :26 J-6.
Women, fancy diving Miss Vlviaa
Marshall, first; Miss Nona Lawler. sec
ond. fenlor. fancy diving V. H. Hent.
Multnomah Club, first: Dr. Loren
Manlon. Multnomah Club, second; C.
Tait. Portland Swimming Association.
Senior. 200 yards Lewis Thomas,
Multnomah Club, first; Fred Reed,
Multnomah Club, second: Norman Ross.
Portland Swimming Association, mlrd
Time, 1 11 2-6.
Greased pole Chester Wheeler, Port
land Swimming Association, won.
Cigar and umbrella race F. Creasey
Multnomah Club, first; Frank McClura.
Multnomah Club, second.
The canoo tilting and egg and spoon
events were not staged, the Implements
for the contests not being on hand.
The wlnnera In all events were t re
sented with gold medals emblematical
of the Praeon Slate championship.
Frank E. Watklna. swimming chairman
of Multnomah Club, making the pre
sentations. The officiate were: Arthur Cavlll.
director; Frank E. Watklns. starter:
fcdgar i. paley. Frank Harmar. Walter
J. Gear In. El wood Wllea and Dr. K. It
Haa lop. judges: Seatng Taylor, peter
Grant, timers; F. L McClure. as-nouneer.
The General Verdict
Our display of nobby
style si attracted
many visitors to our
store, and proved
ready nollors. Come
in and see tly best
suit ever iold for
amonff tho inon who know
clothes, in that no bottrr style,
make or woarinp; qualities can
bo had for tho money than it
offered in
Styleplus fl
Four Harness ' and One Running
Kaco Aj on lh Programme.
et.. T Am rirlvliir Club will arlva
a Roae Festival matinee on the Coua.
try Club track thla afternoon, the pro
gramme ronaistlng of four harness and
one running race.
u . . - .. flntwk will eend the
borsee away at 2 o'clock, with heata of
tha harness numbers following In such
close succeeelnn as to guarantee an aft
ernoon of racing without any tiresome
A number of rlva.rleg will be settled
among the harness owners, while As.
slstant Secretary Olson annonnrea that
the entriee lor me on running race
point to a stellar thoroughbred daeh.
Class A mixed. Class U trot. Class. C
pace ana raixea coils.
Detroit 4, Philadelphia 3.
DKTROIT. June 14. Detroit won,
me k 1 nf the winning run In the nintlj
Inning on Oainor'a triple and Molar
ity's alngle. A throw to tho plale by
Cobb, retiring Old ring, featured. Score:
R. H. E l R. II. B.
Phlladel'a I I II Detroit ..4 g f
Batteries Bander and Thomaa,
Egan; Wlllett and Onslow, Htanege,
New York T, M. Lonls 5.
ST. LOUIS. June 14. A home-run by
Zlnn, followed by a single, aatoleabaae
aad another single In the tenth gava
New York the opening game of the
aeriea with St. Louis. Scora:
R. II. K. U. H. E.
New Tork T 16 lSt- Louis ,601
BatterleaFtaher, Qulnn and Street;
Sweeney, Mitchell, E. Brown and
Waahlngton IS, Cleveland
CIJCVKLAND. June 14. Waahlngtoa
won lta fifteenth eooeeaelve game.
Baskette waa tha only Cleveland pitch
er who waa effective. Beore:
R. H. E.I R. H. K.
Cleveland I 11 l Washn'tn II 20 4
Batteries Blending, Steen, Kehler,
Baskette and O'Nell, Adams; Hughes
and Henry.
IMtlshurg , New York I.
VRW Tntlk' .tuna 1 4 Pltlabiira
easily defeated New York. Camnlts
waa Invlnclhlu, the ew Yorkers mak
ing their only tally on Doyle's homo
run. Kcore:
Pittsburg 10 1 It. II. Ji.
R.H. E .Vew York 111
ftatteriea-4T''amnlf a and fllliann:
Wlltse. Tssheay and Myers, Wilson.
Chicago 7, Philadelphia 5.
PHTI.ADKT.I'HIA. June 14. CMcaro
Brooklyn It, St. Loula a.
BROOKLYN. June 14. Flag day was
celebrated here when 1000 chlldrea
from orphan asylums and a dlsclplln
srv eeheel with Hanoi attended the
Saturday 2 P. M.
Country Club Track
Four Harness Races,
One Running Kaoe,
Voder Ausploea
Riverside Daring Club
Admission 60 Cents.
Grandstand Free.
Take, Roe City Park Car.
A Care-Free Mind
A Heat-Free Body.
Let the sun sizzle and
simmeryou will keep
cool in Loose Fitting
B. Y. B.
Coat Cut Undershirts
Knee Length Drawers.
or Union Suits,
The re built to serve you
UAbt: roR thc
u. V. D. Coal Cat tiaiee.
aire aaa gaes lea
Bti"a Ma TV. 1 1. SO
sad sXSe g rirstam
a . & Oases Sake pw.
44T). II 40. Olis.
ates. Kse mm Hat a
tneeb Mmmt Ae. K flel ttf. W Jteee di i I 1
Is sewed' on every B. V. P. LTakrgarrnmL
Takt ap xindsrgarmenl wsihout this btbcL
The B. V. D. Company,
Nw York.
Thpy are jhe favorite "all pur
pose'" suit, not too coorl to wear
at all limes, anr still (root) enontrh
for any orraMnn.
Cloth ing Co m p a n y
On WaahJrkjtoa Neovr Beventh
game aa the gueeta of tha Ht. Ixula
and Brooklyn cluba. Te home tram
won. Score:
R. II. E l II. 11. E t
St. Loula t S liBrooVlyn .11 1 2
Batteries Willis, Woodhurn. Howell,
Dale srvd Bliss; Hucker and Miller.
Cincinnati 7, Iloeton S,
BOSTON, June 14. Cincinnati had
little difficulty In winning. Kcore:
R. II. E l R. H. E.
Boston ..1 4 Clnrlnn'ta T JO t
Batteries Hers and Uowdy: Fromme
and McLean.
won a hsrd-fought gums. In Ihe eighth
Inning a foul tip off Potspey's lt
brcks I'mplra Owen's ankle. Kt ore:
It. 11. K. H. II. K.
Chirac ..7 0 S.riilladcl'a t. J
Ratterlea Reulhnch. r and
Anher; Keatnn, AVallace. Curlls and
Kllllfer, Graham.
Stanford Crew Takes IIom.
POlOIHvEKPrilK. N. V.. June 1
The crew from Leland tiianford I'nle
verslty. who are lirr for Ihc cnllrsa
ranes without a host, their new shell
having been delayed In shipment front
L'nglend, ssln were the gueM of t'.ie
Cornell mnmni today. Ry luvliation
of Coach Courtney, the Callfornlans
uned the Cornell freshmen's host, mak
ing a pull of six inllee.
Junes Jlujs Lincoln Tram.
LINCOLN'. Neh.. June 14 lluah V.
Jones, of Los Angeles, t el., has pur
rhaend the Lincoln franchise of the
Western League and will aaxurne Im
mediate chaise. Announcement to this
effe.-t waa rnarte here Ihls afternoon.
i:t- . Siii- ' ' .: 'vM
:. .izfXiuui'J ''-Hilt'
trpi.-ttnr-'tii.'tiitM-;. . .'jttJ.4;aI
I Cjl'C' J .H:":iH5gf v, ' . '-
Londres Shape
fc "A Bird" J l
jM. A. CUNST ft CO., looj JVjj'
I am a power for great good if you do not abuse my use.
In cases of need I do my work well. . ...
I am a builder up of health and 6trength in the hospital
or in the home.
For the invalid orthe convalescent tor the tired or over
worked I offer a great help.
A little of me goes a long way.
I have been among you for three generations.
I'm known as Ctu Noble throughout the world.
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents, Portland.