Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 13, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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valuation of I15, 01.25. Tbe warrant
Indebtedness of the county is t2.7IT.2S.
while the bonds outstanding aggregate
Thousands of dollars' worth of road
work bava been done each year under
the direction of the County Commis
sioners, . according to the report, and
this work baa been performed in com
pliance with law.
The report covers the period from
January 1. 10, to December II, 111.
and the cost of the audit was $2,319.25.
College Almost Assured of
$250,000 Endowment.
Roads Have Tariffs in Viola
tion of Commission's
Ruling, Is Report.
Degrees Conferred by University on
Oregon's New Bisliop.
r yy i Vsasw ssw V " . as
w mm m tar . a sn ,mr m m bbw. .mmw
Chairman Prouty, of Interstate
Commerce Body, Think Adjust
ment Will Come When IMs
crimlnatlon Is nerealed.
SALEM. Or, June 1J. (Special.)
Arrangements ha been made for a
meeting- of the executire committee of
the Oregon Woolgrowers" Association
with the State Railroad Commleelon at
Baker. June 20. to discuss the west
bound rates and the difficulties which
are encountered with rates on wool.
Ex-Oovernor Gooding;, of Maho; Vic
tor O. Johnson, of Shoshone. Idaho, rep
presentlnr the National Woolgrowers
Association, and others prominently
connected with wool Interests are ex
pected to be present.
The Railroad Commission has re
ceived a letter from Chairman Prouty.
of the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion, to the effect that the Commission
has not granted any permission for
deviation from Its opinion with re
spect to the classification of the wool
westbound. Railroad companies have
tariffs in violation of the order of the
Interstate Commerce Commission' or
der. This "mix-up" In the rates, aa It Is
termed by the Commission, will be the
subject of discussion at the conference
and It la probable the dlscusstoin will
be of considerable Importance to the
wool Interests of the West.
Pronty Makes Statemrat-
"Wool la classified under the official
classification In carload lots as second
class." writes Chairman Prouty. "As I
remember it it Is classified under the
Western classification as second clans
In sacks and third class In bales, al
though In this Western territory the
third-class rate was usually applied
to the transportation of wool in sacks.
The Commission had considerable
doubt as to the propriety of classifying
wool In sacks as fourth class, but after
careful consideration finally concluded
to do this, naming a minimum of 14,
000 pounds. For your Information I
may say we have received many pro
testa from shippers against this mini
mum, It being- alleged that In many
parts of the West not over 20.000
pounds of sack wool can be loaded Into
a ((-foot car. If we were obliged
later to reduce the minimum we should
probabty at the same time advance the
classification to third class, but testi
mony taken In all sections leaves Mule
doubt In my own mind that with prop
er care In sacking 20.000 pounds can
be loaded.
"When our report was promulgated
transcontinental carriers very earnestly
protested against this fourth-class rate,
but the Commission stated to them
that the matter had been carefully con
sidered and that Its conclusions would
not be modified. They then called at
tention to the fact that the applica
tion of this rating to the movement of
wool westbound had the effect of re
ducing those rates from more distant
points owing to water competition.
They asked that the Commission so
modify Its order as to apply the fourth,
class rating to the eastbound but not
to the westbound movement.
"The charging of a lower rata from
a more distant point Is a discrimina
tion In favor of the point which this
Commission would be glad to see min
imised rather than increased, at the
aame time there is no reason why the
shipper, who desires, should not be
given the opportunity of transporting
his wool from the interior point to
the coast, and sending it thence by
water to Its final destination.
"The discrimination la, of course, an
outoome of this condition. The applica
tion of the carriers was made to me
since I had been In charge of the In
vestigation and I said to them that
while I could sea no way in which It
could be granted and must myself vote
against it, I would) aubmlt It to my
associates for further consideration.
"The application was considered by
the full Commission In conference and
denied. Tou will therefore see that
there la absolutely no basis for the
statement of carriers that they have
authority to establish the third-class
rata, at the aame time this Commission
does feel that the discrimination
against Interior points ought not to be
unduly increased and if any proper way
could b found might be inclined to
modify Its conclusions to that end.
"All these wool tariffs were to be
made effective June 1. It seema to me
that whatever tariffs have been es
tablished had better be allowed to go
Into effect and to remain in effect dur
ing; the present season. Both parties
wilt prooaDiy apply to the Commission
for a modification of the rates and
minimum suggested and these appli
cations will be heard upon notice to
the opposing side. It Is my impression,
although I bav no warrant for say
ing so. that the Commission will pro
tect by orders of reparation the rates
found reasonable In Its opinion unless
some strong reaaon la shown for a
change in those conclusions."
Judge Thinka Brother Has Chance
for Second) Place on Ticket.
BAKER. Or.. June 1J. (Special.)
Judge Burke, Oregon delegate to the
femoc ratio National Convention, will
leave tomorrow night for Baltimore. lie
Is especially Interested In the conven
tion because his brother. Governor
Burke, of Dakota, has ten delegates
pledged for him and is strongly talked
o. for the Vice-Presidential nomination.
Judge Burke says he will follow the
will of the voters aa regards Wilson
and it Is understood that If the New
Jersey man is chosen Governor Burke Is
sure of second place on the ticket.
Judge Burke en route will attend the
Chicago convention, having; exchanged
ticket courtesies with A. V. Swift, the
Republican delegate from Baker.
lem. Or, June 12. (Special.) The
board of trustees of Willamette Uni
versity held their annual meeting for
the month of June yesterday. Thia la
the most important meeting; of the
year and a great deal of work was
outlined that will rapidly advance the
Interests of the university. The salaries
of all the professors were given a big
Increase and in addition to thia the
staff of the teaching corps will be en
large! during the comlntt year by the
addition of more assistants for the
different departments. All of tbe
present factulty members Were re
elected. Degrees were given the graduates In
law, medicine, arts and honorary ones
President Crooks Hopeful That Big
Fund Will Be Secured Soon,
When James J. Hill Will
Add $50,000 More.'
ALBANY, Or.. June 12. (Special.)
Thar one-half of the amount to be
raised by Albany College to Insure a
$250,000 endowment fund for the in
stitution has been pledged was the
announcement of President Crooks af
the commencement exercises of the
school this morning. James J. Hill has
offered the college $50,000 upon con-
nf ii'm ii n if sen t" lasfrurl
. ' ; .
Washington Bureau of Inspection
Gives Clean Bill of Health.
oYMPIA. June 1 2. (Special.)
Clark County has assets amounting to
01 mrA llahtlltl Nf lint 7T 4S
leaving assets over liabilities to the
extent or sis, according to tne
. i n fiimapvlilnn rMllnnn.tit tm-wmm
total 17.344. o7; cash on hand aggregates
114,41.nv; miscellaneous real estate
owned by the county, la valued at 14.
1,1 IT- while fixed aaseta. anrh as
Courthouse and grounds, arc given a
Reading; From Left to Right. Bark Row Harold Petersoa. Palsaer
Haaaoa. Wllbnr Waaaaley, Sara llaatlasrtoa. Fraak Ttaker. Froat
Row, Lestoa Love.
TO.'CALLA. Or June IS. (Special.) With an average of fl per
cent, the lowest being 8t per cent and the highest it per cent, the
students In the eight grade class of the schools here, graduated
with unusually high records.
Leston Love, a member of the class, was II years of age May 8,
the day before his examination. He has stood at the head of his class
ever since entering school and at tbe final examinations made an
average of t( per cent.
conferred upon Bishop. L. Cook. Ore
gon's new bishop, who was given tne
degree of LL.D., and the degree D. D.
upon Dr. T. W. McDougal ani lie v.
James Moore.
Last evening Eaton Hall was
thronged with a large gathering of
students, alumni and friends of the
university attending President and
Mrs. Homan's annual reception to the
graduating claas.
Washington Institution Will Accom
modate 60 With New Buildings.
VANCOUVER, Wash, June 12.
(Sneclal.) Tne State School for Blind,
of which Professor George Mullln Is
principal. Is closed and 14 pupils left
yesterday for Spokane, and other
points in the eastern part of the state.
Twenty-four pupils. In charge of Pro
fessor Mullln. will go to Seattle, and
11 of these will go further, to their
homes, for the Summer. None will re
main at the school during the Bummer
During the school year. Just dosed.
there have been Si pupils, but next
vear It la axoected that there will be
about 40, as there Is a waiting list.
which can be accommodated wiui tne
completion of the two dormitories now
bulUllng. which will be reaay tor tne
opening of the school year. September
17. The furniture naa oeen oroerea
for delivery August li.
Lodge Will Have Fraternal Band
for Portland Convention.
VANCOUVER, Wash., June 11
(Special.) An Elks Band, to play In
the parade of Elks In Portland, during
tbe National convention in juiv. is
being organised by the Vancouver
loda-e. and they will march to its mu
sic. There- is a feeling of elation by
the lodge, as It was for several weeks
thought that they could have no band
to play for them, owing to the stand
taken by the National Federation of
Vancouver Lodge, No. 123. haa re
ceived the 250 white and purple suits
ordered some time ago, and now are
ready for the parade. The military
band, which it was proposed to have,
cannot be secured as the War Depart
ment will not permit a band of the
Army to take part in any parade
where a question of protest has been
raised by unions.
Young Men Leave for California to
File on Homesteads. '
HOOD RIVER. Or.. June 12. (Spe
cial.) With a 500-mile ride ahead of
them, five young men of this city. Bert
Lane, Gilbert Edglngton, Virgil Ab
sten. Ouy Walker and Ezra Wahl. left
here yesterday morning for Cedarvllle,
Cal where they plan to make home
stead entries on Government land.
All the lads are experienced horse
men and expect to reach their destina
tion In less than 12 days. They car
ried a camping outfit on pack-horses.
Eleventh and Stark Street.
Eat In oulet and comfort. Best of
cuisine and service, prices reasonable.
open 7 A. M. to 1 A. M. Entrance aiso
through Annex Hotel, Twelfth and
Washington streets.
Vancouver Insnes Iicenses.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 11.
(Special.) Marriage licenses were la-
sued yesterday to Albert Dttllfsen and
Miss Jennie Smith, of Seattle.: Karl E.
Garrett and Hasel B. Mllle. or Manor,
Wash.; James Edward Brady and
Adele Dlstler, of Portland.
California Summer Hotel Burns.
SANTA CUT!, Cal.. June 11. The
Sea Beach Hotel, a well-known Sum
mer resort near this city, waa de
stroyed by lire today. The loss waa
about $100,000, with Insurance at 50.-000.
ditlon that it secures an additional
President Crooks announced today
that $100,000 had been secured. He said
this statement was a conservative one.
In that more than this had been sub
scribed and that in making thia an
nouncement he was making all neces
sary allowances so that he could state
that this amount la positively secured.
The campaign for the additional
$100,000 will proceed actively. Presi
dent Crooks returned laat week from
the East, where $35,000 has been sub
scribed altogether. Rev. Dr. Robert Mac
kenzie, secretary of the college board
of the Presbyterian Church, will come
to Albany this Fall to spend a week
here and in other parts of the state
in the Interest of this endowment. This
Is the first time that the secretary of
this board haa ever passed- so touch
time In actual field work in tbe Interest
of any endowment.
Following the meeting of the board
of trustees yesterday It waa announced
by President Crooks today that there
would bo practically few' changea in
the faculty of the college next year.
Miss Laura Anderson, dean of wo
men and instructor in French and
German, has been grsnted leave of
absence for a year for study In Franca
and Germany. Miss Emma Rebecca
Sox, instructor la piano and harmony,
and Miss Grace Lamar" Houck. In
structor In piano and musical kinder
garten, both of the Conservatory of
Music, are to be married soon, and
will retire from the faculty. These
three places are to be filled for next
year's work but with these exceptions
there will bo no changes In the faculty.
The present members of the board
of truetees of the college, almost all
of whom were present at the meeting
yesterday, are: 8. E. Young, of Albany;
C. E. Sox. of Albany: John McDonald.
of Wallowa. Or.; Fletcher Linn, of
Portland: John A. Shaw, of Albany; H.
C. Kinney, of Giants Pass, Or.: Rev. W.
P. White. D. D, of Albany; Rev. Wil
liam Parsons, D. D., of Eugene; Frank
J. Miller, of Salem; Alfred 8. Schraltt,
Ph. D.. of Albany; Rev. William H.
Foul ken. D. D.. of New York City; Rev.
H. T. Babcock. of Salem: Rev. A. II.
Williams, of Portland; William Fort
miller, of Albany; George H. Crowell.
of Albany; Joseph H. Ralston, of Al
bany; Rev. H. N. Mount. D. D., of
Portland; Rev. Henry Marcotte, of
Portland; Rev. W. S. Holt. D. D, of
Portland; Rev. John H. Boyd. D. D.. of
Portland; H. H. Hewitt, of Albany; J.
C. Irv'ne. of Albany; Rev. Franklin H.
Oeselbracht. Ph. D, of Albany; 3. a
Shields, of Milton, Or., and H. M.
Crooks, president of the college and
ex-offlclo member. F. J. Miller Is
president of the board: William Fort
miller Is secretary and J. C. Irvine,
Annual Alumni Reunion and Ban
qnet Concludes Exercises.
ALBANY, Or- June 11. Speclal.)
Thia was commencement day. at Al
bany College. The graduating exer
cises of the senior claas were held to
day and the festivities of commence
ment week were concluded by the an
nual alumni reunion and banquet tonight.
The commencement exercises were
held in the United Presbyterian Church
and were preclded by the academic pro
cession of trustees, faculty, alumni and
graduates from the college campus to
the church. The programme oi m
exercises follows: Processional march,
"Batiste." Mla Emma Sox. organlut; In
vocation; aolo. "Serenade" (Tostl),
Miss Agnes Wills; commencement ad
dress. Oswald IVest Governor of Ore
gon: solo. "I Will Extol Thee." from
Ell (Coeta). Mrs. Adna 8m!th Flo: pre
sentatlon of the Miller medal : presenta
tion of dlnlomas. President Crooks;
solo, "Behold Tltanla," from "Mlgnon'
(Thomas), Gertrude Young; benediction.
The degree of bachelor of arta was
conferred unon Lucille A. Hart, oi Al
bany, and Kate Stewart, of Albany,
graduates from the regular college
course. The graduates from other de-
nartments of the college were: con
servatory course tn voice, Agnes Leona
Wills, of Albany, and Alma uertruae
Young, of Oakland; academy course,
Dana A. Cushman. of Acme, and Ruth
Knowlea, of Florence: academy com
mercial course, Albert Kropp, of Al
bany. The medal offered by Frank J. Mil
ler, president of the board of trustees,
to be awarded to the member of the
graduating class making the beet
showing In general scholarship for the
four years of the college course, was
won this year by Miss Kate 8tewart.
Tbe alumni banquet was bcld in tne
. 77 -
So far this event, for whicb wt had planned miny months in advance, haa far
excelled our expectation.
Yesterday has so far proven to ho the banner day. In providing to mc thing dif
ferent for today, wo have planned a COUFOX DAY.
In order to purchase any item on the list yon mart present the
coupon. Every item is considerably nnderpriced, and most of them
are offered at far less than cost, but if we can impress yon with The
Owl's 20th Anniversary by a redaction on our actual cost, it sorely is
much better than giving a souvenir, which usually is of no value and
conveys so lasting impression.
Friday, the fifth day of this noteworthy event, will be Half-Price
day, but no item in today paper will be repeated.
Visitors to the Rose Carnival are appreciating the importance of
this one week's sale and are taking advantage of each day's offerings.
The conveniences of this store are yours to make the most of, and
welcome. Parcels checked free of charge. Any information desired
will be cheerfully given.
We reserve the right to limit quantities to purchasers, and cannot
give assurance that articles advertised will last throughout the day.
Deliveries will be made at our earliest possible convenience.
"COUPON DAY" Every Coupon Means a Very Special Price In Order
To Share in These Offerings You Must Present the Coupon
Q and tliis coupon buys a 15c 1 and thia coupon buys a
C Collapsible Drinking Cup. ,c 35c Collapsible Drinking
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. 1 13C 2oc Bath Cap.
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3C Pocket Xeceysnire. r and this eonpon buys the
"ZIZZIZIZZIZIZIIj IOC 50c size Burton Skin
C and this coupon buys a 10c Ointment
PC cake of Jap Rose Soap.
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Q and this coupon buys a 15c I C 50c size Baker Family
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IuC Celluloid Bouncing Ball. AJV 35,5 B1" Rymond Com-
plexion Cream.
19- nd this coupon buys a
1JC 25e deek of Bicycle Play- 1 Q and this coupon buys the
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cum Cream. t?C , Mb. size "Todco"
1 Q and this coupon buys the
IOC 2.V, '"-lo. package Ro- 1Q and this coupon buys the
ehelle Salts. " AaC 33c size of Pinto Water.
ir and this coupon buys a 10. n(1 tni f0UPn Dnvs
IOC 2.5c box of Stationery 35e box of Crocus Linen
24 sheets and 24 envelopes. and package of Envelopes.
OP and this coupon bnys a
--0C 50c, 1-lb. tin of 4J0wl"
Theatrical Cold Cream.
and this coupon buys a
$1 Parioian Ivory Comb.
mti A thia entinnn hnvs
l any .10c Comb in stock.
AQn ""d th' oupon buys a
7C i Challenger 2-jt Foun
tain Syringe.
mnA thift 4niirsfin tinv
C 50a PariMan Ivorr Soan
and this coupon buys an
85c Alcohol Stove.
OP. and this coupon buys a
-OC Me Berry's Life Guard
for bathing.
Cf and this coupon buys an
OUC ounce of Kilo Blossom
Extract worth (1.
and this coupon buys tbe
fflc size Owl Skin Crm.
and this coupon buys any
''C $1.25 Umbrella in stork.
0T and this conpon buys the
aWC 50c size Rcynal Face
and this coupon buys a
'C $1.50 Bath Spray.
OQ and this coupon buys a
wC 50c lb. box of Crystal
lized Ginger.
"7C and this coupon buys a
OC $1.25 6-lb. box of Peter
Pan Chocolates.
and this coupon bnys a
good 75c Hair Brush.
Q O and this coupon buys nny
Ladies' Handbag.
OQ- and this coupon buys a
ouk. 75c
Hand Mirror.
39c S
and this coupon buys a
oc Fiberloid Mirror.
C11Q ""d coupon buys
"' any size Silk Elastic
Tbro-quarter Hose worth $3.
0 Q anrl this coupon buys
p.43 a $4.75 Matting Suit
Liberal Samples of
Violet Dulce Talcum and
- Violet Dulce Pace Powder.
Worth while asking for. A limited
supply, which means that "first
come, first served."
1 Serenth and Washington StreelTI 00IVa?o1oa
St. Ftancls Hotel and was a most suc
cessful affair. C. E. Sox. '1. prssldsd
as toastmaster and toasts wars r
spondad to as follows: Wslcoms to ths
class of 1911. Joseph H. Ralaton. '00,
president of the Alumni Association;
response. Miss Lucille Hart. '12: "Col
lege Memories," John a. Bryant, 'OS:
Our CampDre." Miaa Wllletta Wrlsht.
'09; "A Utile Learning. rercy a.
Young. '91; "Reminiscences sna pro
phecies." 1L M. Crooks, president of the
Granrcr Says He Was Abased by
Wife Who Sold Cow and Pled.
OHEOON CITT. Or, Jura IS. (Spe
elaL) Altering that his wit frequent
ly struck him and finally deserted him,
Carden Smith, a well-to-do farmer, to
day filed suit for dlTorce aralnut Cora
E. Smith. They war married In
Michigan, October 1. 1(11. and have
four children. The plaintiff saya that
from January 1. 119. until June. 1911.
tbe defendant abused him and used
such bad language that thlr neigh
bors refused to visit tnem. The plain
tiff arers that when Mrs. Smith left
htm she sold a row snd he has not
heard from bar since. She wss ac
companied by their youngest child.
Martha Whit asks a divorce from
Clayton A. White, alleging cruelty. The
plaintiff aska that her maiden name,
Martha Pontlng. be restored.
Claas Day Eacrciaea on Today.
lem. Or June 1 1. (Special.) On sr.
count of the showers falling through
out Tuesday afternoon the class ds
exercises tif the seniors has been pout
poned until Thursday afternoon of thli
It Is prspoeed In France pay a tram
aiMitlonal a day In all married army officer".
Babya Mass of Sores. Looked for His
Death any Minute. Cuticura Soap
and Ointment Brought First Good
Sleep for Two Years. Soon Cured.
R. T. D. 4. Ht. GUead, Ohio, " When my
little boy was a week old be was taken with
csema and I was looking for bis death any
minute. Flnt bis lace turned
so rel, but I did not pay any
attention to it. It began to
get worse and he Just tossed
bis little bead to and fro on
the pillow and cried day and
night. Ha began to scratch
blnveir so that 1 bad to muf
fle bis little bands, and then
the rmjih henn tn wn a.T hla
J t whole body until ha was a
man of running sores. The
more I doctored tbe won ba got. He had it
so bad that bis little ears betraa to rot off and
bis scalp was something awful to look at. I
saw tbe Cuticura 8oap and Cuticura Ointment
advertised and got a bar of Cuticura Soap,
making a lather all orer his body with the
Soap and hot water and then I dried him off
well and anointed bun with tb Cuticura Oint
ment. Ha went right to sleep and slept four
hours, tbe flirt good sleep be bad bad for very
nearly two years, so I kept on using the Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment and it waa no tun
before his skin began to get well. Soon ha was
completely cured. He is sixteen years old
now and has not had a sign of the eczema
since be was cured by tbe Cuticura Soap and
Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. N. K. Beecber.
Sept. 12. 1011.
No stronger arldence than this could be
gireo of tb success and economy of warm
baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle applica
tions of Cuticura Ointment tn tne treatment
of torturing, diinruring humors of the skin.
Cuticura 8oap and Ointment are sold rery
wbere. Liberal sample of each mailed free,
with 33-p. book. Address. "Cuticura,'
Dept. T. Boston. Tender-faced men should
share with Cuticura Soap BhsTiog buck.
-a '
Princess Dresser $23
Made of Fine Figured
Circassian Walnut
These magnificent Circassian Walnut Dressers have
genuine French plate mirror, 18x40 inches in size; the
case has one large and two small drawers, fitted with
modern wood knobs, finished inside in perfect manner;
dustproof : worth regularly $40; our sale price $23.00
Massive Oak Dresser $24
In the Popular Dull Finish
These handsome Dressers are made of
finest quarter-sawed oak in the dull wax
finish, strictly modern in design, having
the large French bevel plate mirrors (24x
30 in.), the new style wooden drawer
pulls fitted to two small and two large
drawers; the very newest models out; our
sale price only .$24.00
pin".' m,'.' !;.,
Snaps (ll'!
W "I ii