22 TIIE MORNTNG OTCFCOXIAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1012. 01ES0FLAUIJG MUST PAY PENALTY Maximum Fine of $200 As sessed Against H. T. and E. J. Burrows. INSPECTORS GET BACKING ducted an Investigation. Effort to fl responsibility hare erased and the In specters havA concluded that the ,fir wax purely accidental. Teatlmony waa Riven by Captain Robertson and Fnfflaeer Multnouf that they had left the ferry for the ntjrht and were not present when the Are started. Watchman Moynlhan aald tha he knew nothing nf the blaze until heard the crackling; of the flames an found the fire had originated In th hold. In tha esse of the death by drown Ins; of Watchman Schram, of th steamer O. K. Kentworth, who fell Into the river while trylnK to drop a fender over the a-uard. the Inspectors have de elded that no one waa to blame. No member of the Wentworth's crew saw Sen ram fall and but one man on th steamer t7rameroc.lt waa a witness. The Inspectors have fixed Monday, June 17, aa the date of the hearing; of the Tlllamook-Pamenn collision case. Both skippers have filed reports and number of witnesses will be examined I Char Km of Abusive and ItiMiHIng Language Preferred by Custom House Officers " Receives Attention la Washington. Barking; Custom-House Inspectors in their action concerning the complaint against the Launch Krs;o for not having sufficient life preservers and lights, and aroused because of a special report accompanying the complaint that H. T. and E. J. Burrows, owners of the craft. had used abusive and Insulting langu age toward the Inspectors, the seer tary of the department of Commerce and Iabor has returned all paper to collector or Customs Malcolm wltb in atructions to refer them to I'nited States IMstrlct Attorney McCourt to collect the full penalty. 1200. It Is the first time since the enforce ment of the motorboat laws, which went Into effect two years ago, th.-it the maximum fine has been Ordered Im posed, as in many cases no penalty was nmctea. the Washington officials as KTEAMER INTr.I.LIGENCT.. Name. Due ( Arrive. From. Date. . Re,e city pen p.-droe. . In port Alliance Kurek In port Rrrakw ltfr . . . .100 Hay ..... June IS eue H. Elmoro. Tillamook. June IS N-vslan Hsllna rrua. . . Juna IS Heaver Han redro. ... June 1 Anvil Hnnrion Juna 17 Geo. w. Elder. Snn Ileo. ... June 17 H- ir Hen I'edro. ... June 21 ft'anoke "nn Iiejro. . . . Juna J.I IS Isthmian Scheduled te Depart. Name. For. Data. Harvard 8 K I. A. . . Juna 14 Alliance. Eureka Juna 14 Rose City San Pedro. ... Juna IS Ytle x. F. for I A.. June 17 Sue H. Elmoro. Tillamook. . June 1 Breakwater. . . ,t'o.a Hay Juna IS tieo. w. Elder. .Han Otero Nevartan. . . Heaver Anvil Jr--er Roanoke. . . Isthmian. . . , Saltna Crus. . . Hun Pedro. . . , .Rnndon . Kan P-Mlro. . . San Illejro. . . . Hallna I'rus. Juna 18 Juna 20 June 21 June I Juna 2l ' Juna 24 July S3 It la understood that the skipper of the Sampson will contend that if the Tillamook gave passing signals they sumlng that because the measure was w?" ," Vnf"ra Dc" ne n lr not generally known among motorboat ". '"S a gasoline vessel owners they should be given leew.iy. in otner cases 110 was assessed on the theory that during last season the law should have been digested. The report concerning the Krgo seti forth that the Burrows family re sented an Investigation of the craft I by the Custom-House inspectors; that they refused to consent to report at the Custom-House, and In that con- Marine Notes. With "no.000 feet of lumber the steamer Jim Butler cleared for San Francisco yesterday and the steamer Tamnlpals cleared for San Tedro with 550.000 feet. To load bunker cnal the Norwegian steamer Opland will shift todav from neetlon consigned the Inspector to per- I Llnnti.n to the Pacific Coast berth and dltion. It la assumed here that the Is to return to I.lnnton to complete secretary or tne department ordered ncr lumber cargo. the full penalty Inflicted- mainly on the ground of Improper language used. as It Is not uncommon to report launch for lack of equipment. In the campaign conducted hy the Custom-House authorities against launches carrying passengers to th-) cruiser Maryland which do not have adaquate ssfeguards. Frits De Rock was the last reported, the charge against him being of operating launch with more than his allowance As a means of Inspecting her hull nd having necessary caulking done tne steamer Minnie K. Helton, which Is being rehabilitated by Joseph Supple for the H. J. IhmIko Interests, has heen llfled on the Oregon drydork. Merchants Exchange reports yeJer- .iey iiiriiHirii ine arrival 01 ine Norwe gian steamer Hercules at Tokohama from I'ortland and that the British steamer I,ord Derby, bound from Se attle for Portland to load In tha Water of passengers, based on the number of hruse service, had passed Tttoosh at lur.jirrBri i-n einwin. r. rf. ycMier, op- I a;30 A. M. Charles Oiler, employed aa watchman nn the steamer No Wonder, of the Shaver fleet, was found dead aboard the vessel yesterday morning, while the steamer was on the way from Ooble for Portland with a log raft In tow. The raft was moored at Peer Island and the body brought to this dir. Me waa about 23 years of age. Purine; the Dassnve nf tha auto Officer of Ship Writes for Channel parade over the Morrison-street bridge yesterday Aho steamer .Monarch was eratlng launch No. 3. owned by Carter A Roth, was also reported for failure to have a fire extinguisher on hoard. All rases are referred to Washington and those accused are given an op portunity first of msklng a stalemer.' PENNSYLVANIA SEE.KS DATA I and Harbor Pointer. Lieutenant Commander Jenson. of the V. H. 8. Pennsylvania, which has heen spoken of as a vessel that may he sent to Portland during the Klkn' ronven tlon next month, has written the Col umbia River Pilots Association with reference to the depth of water on the Columbia River bar, what depth la In tha channel from there to the mouth of the Willamette, how much In the Willamette, whether a vessel 502 feet long can be turned around here and what draft vessel can be navigated In the river. An answer has been sent covering all queries and atatlng that a vessel hav ing a draft of 27 feet can easily be ac rommodated and that a aG2-foot ship, which Is the length of the cruiser Mary land, can be turned aroun'd here. Most of those interested In having one of the large naval vessels for the Klks favor the battleship Oregon. She will take part In the Montamara Keato at Tacnma and will arrive there June 29 and remain until July t. which would give her time In which to proceed here for the Grand Ixidge opening. The Maryland and Cheyenne also will be at Tacoma for the show. The Oregon's historical record makes her a desired attraction. held against the draw rest on the south side and she gained the Burn-side-street bridge In time to be pre vented from passing through there. the parade was returning to the West Side. At the close of business yesterdav virtually all first-class accommoda tions had been sold on the steamer Rose City, sailing Sunday for San Francisco and San Pedro. There may be some steerage berths remaining, but the tide of travel has set In south ward and during the Summer all liners will be carrying capacity crowda in tha cabin. Coming from Shields, which port she left December 23, the French ship La Perouse crossed Into the Columbia at o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Norwegian ship Sierra Miranda bound ror Queenstown, passed Brow Head June 11. The La Perouse will leave up today In tow of the Ocklahama and Is to discharge General cargo at Mersey dock. Movement of Vessels. PORTLAND. June 12. Arrived Steamer Osrmel. from 8an PVanclnco: steamer IhiIbv rreeman, irom fan rranrlsco. Hailed Hteamer Maverick, for Han Franclsre: steam er Itreakwater. for Cooa Bay: steamer Ro anoke. tor Haa I1eo and way ports; gaso line acnooner anvil. lor . isandon and way porta Astoria. June 12. Arrived down durln tha night Rarkentlna Aurora. Arrived and left un at 7 A. M Steamer Carmel Officials Consider Mens Necessarv from Ban Francisco. Sailed at s A. M Ht-amer F. H. I.e. sett, for (irars Harbor. Hailed at A. M. steamer Coaster, for Han Fraftclaco. Arrived at 1 P. M. Krenc GRANT AUTHORIZED TO SEEK INJUNCTIOf Council Moves in Fight Over Southern Pacific Franchise on Fourth Street. POLICE TO GET REST DAYS ORIENT AI. TRAFFIC WORRIES o Replace Ktramrrs. Conferences 'are being held be tween shippers, the O.-W. R. A- N. offi cials and Frank Waterhouse. of the Oriental line bearing his name. In an effort to reach a basis whereby the service rrom Portland will lie main tained across the Pacific after August 1, when Waterhouse will withdraw. unless he Is givrn a guarantee suf flrlent to offset the annual losses. As the 0.-W. 11. at N. operated the line previous to the Waterhouse man agement it is believed that It will again enter the field. Shippers prefer direct line rather than one conducted via Puget Sound ports and contend that If steamers plying between Port land and the Far Kast are given a fair hare of the eaatbound tonnage and that if it la not diverted for the benefit of the Pacific Mall, they will break even and probably reap a profit. The Portland tt Asiatic fleet, which Is the Ilarrlman line, has always been operated with chartered steamers and the business has never been tested with vessels owned by the company. hip I .a Perouse, from Hhllrls. Arrived at 2:30 anit left up at 3 P. M Hteamer laly Freeman, from Han Francisco. Ar rived down at S:.V) and sailed at 5:30 M. Hteamer Hreakwater. for Coos Bav, Hailed at 4 V. M Hteamer Maverick, for Han Francisco. Hailed at T laat night rieamer Aiirena. ror ean Francisco. Han Francisco. June 12. Arrived at A. M. Hteamer Jnlian I'oulsen. from v lumhta ftlver. Arrived at noon Hteamer Asuncion, from Portland: at 1 P. M. Hteamer Klamath from Portland, for Han Meso. Hailed last ntaht Hteamers OlvniDlc. lanos ana rtormiann. ror fomanfl. Victoria. Juna 13. Arrived British steam er Htrathallan, from Portland, for Melbourne, Tatooeh. Juna 12. Passed out at S.81) A. M. British steamer Lord Derby, from sine, ror roriiano. Yokohama, June 12. Arrived Norwegian steamer llerculea. rrom Portland. Brow Bead. June 11. Passed Norwegian hip Hterra Miranda, from Portland, for 'Queenstown. Han Pedro. Juna 32. flailed Steamer Heaver, for Portland. Arrived yeaterdar ocnooner irxinia. rrom Portland. Beo sranctaco. Juna 12. Arrived Steam- era Johan Pnulsen, Asuncion. Klamath. from Astoria: Qulnault, liorla. from Wllla- pa: Captain A. . I.ucas. from Heattle: t'ltv of Para, from A neon: Oslrla, from Tacoma. M OGENN WRITES BOOSFVkIT Steamers Brooklyn, for Bandnn: Han I Pedro, for f oos Bay; schooner Forest Home. Breakwater's Navigator Poem to "Gallant Teddy." Kncloslng a copy of his latest poeti cal effusion. Captain Macgenn. skipper of the speedy steamer Breakwater, has composed the following communica tion to tha subject of the lines: Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Oyster Bay. Jt. T. Desr and Honored Hie Inclosed you will find first ropy of my poem entitled Osllant Teddy." I ihorouahly realise list this la no time for long letters, aa yon have a great battle te was. 1 can assure you that the pro gressives are doing their part out here. As far myself, I say aa Marbcth said: "I will flsht until from my bones the flesh Is Jiarked!" 1 am Inclosing a copy of the poem 'to Senator Dixon, Clifford Pint-hot snd the dif ferent progressive leaders and mansgera, ao that they may use It to advantage. Aa before stated. In my letter of Marrh 21, IHo, when I eent you my poem. "The t'omlng ot the Fleet." I hope that Uod will grant you and your family a long leuie nf life and a speedy return to tha White llnuee, I win not expect to hear fro myou until after the eonventlon, , WEBSTER Fl R K ACCIDENTAL Inspectors Also End Investigation aa to Watchman's Dealli. The fire case aboard the ferry Lionel T:. Webster, which cause. 1 damage ag gregating (3000. has been set down as another mystery by I'nited States In nectors Edwards and Fuller, who con- for Ilelllngham. TnknhjimL June 11. Arrival HM,lnn.l. Com DOM'S I Herculea, from Portland: Hanukl at am. frona Heattle; Hioerla. rrom Ban Francleco. Honakons. Juna 12. Arrived previous! Korea, rrom Ban rraneisco. Columbus River Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of tha river at 5 P. M., smooth; wind, southwest, four miles; weather, otouay. Tides at Astoria Thursday. High, Low. 11:35 A. M....SS feet'.VKO A. M. . AS feat 11:12 P. M....8.3 feetiS:U7 P. M....S.II feat WATER CAMPAIGN STARTS RoRue Klvcr Valley Trying to Ob tain Irrigating Ditches. MKDKORD. Or., June 12. (Special.) At a mass meeting of residents of the P.ogue River Valley last night it was determined to start an active house-to-house campaign to secure a comprehensive, system of irrigation from Table Rock to Talent and from Antelope to Jacksonville. . When signers of 10.000 acres have been secured the Rogue River Canal Company haa plerHred Itself to con struct 60 miles of ditch, which will sup ply two feet of water per year over 1.0fi0 acres. s A committee of ranrnera snd business men was named who will work through the valley and declare they will not slop until the irrigation system Is assured Westrutnlte Scores Over Opposition of Conncilmen Big Department Storo Gets Liquor Licence. Municipal Court Chlded. vttin tne Festival spirit In the al -a mo memoers anxious to se through with business, several verbal claehfes held the City Council in ses slon yesterday from :30 A. M. to 1:J0 P. M. Features of the meeting were tne anopiion or a resolution authorlz ing- tity Attorney Grant to sue. for a injunction against the operation c Southern pacific trains on Fottrt street: ordering of pavement by Wes irumite or ten streets of Kenton ; grant ing two daya vacation a month to po llcemen; an attack bv Councilman Jen Dings on tha Municipal Judge: acoring oi ine Home Telephone Company b Councilman Joy and the passage of a emergency traffic measure. Councilman Daly Introduced a reso utlon, which was unanlmouslv nasaed neirurung tne city Attorney to atar proceedings to enjoin the Southern Pa. ciric from operating trains on Fourth street The resolution set forth that the Council had previously naaaed an ordinance rornlddlng the company street; mat it la violating ims law ana calling for the action hv Mr. Grant. This Is said to foreshadow Dig fight between the cltv and com pany. Applications for franchises for tt Fourth-street line are now nenitine i rore the Council, as the Southern Pa. clflc Company wishes to electrify this ine. wnich has been a steam road fo many years and has now been declared nuisance. After a verbal battle. Westrutnlte, pavement new to this territory, won a victory when the Council ordered 10 streets in Kenton paved with this lenai. I Ouncllman TVafktna 14 , opposition, being backed hv Council- men Baker. Wl'helm and others. Mayor miBiiiiKni ana cotinci men Knre-erd and Monks headed the faction favoring ' rnimniiie All the people of Kenton are not on the petition for this pavement," said sir. Vl at Kins, 'a land comnanv. eon u n "'riy an ine nronertv. m. ina mr mticn or it. Tes. commented Mr. Wllhelm. "and understand that when a team runs over the Weetrumlte pavement In sit. Johns, you can pick up chunks of the street over in Llnnton. If the team travels tnat far. ' Itiats not true. renlied Maine r. ...... . . . ' " nueinisnt, wno III presiding. - io begin with." said Mr. Rurgard. mere la no remonstrance from th. Kenton people against this proposed pavement. As owner of two business oiocgs snere. I neither signed nor re onstrated. but I favor srlvine- the ma. Jorlty of people what they mant. inins it is a goon pavement: the City engineer lias said it would be. if left own over winter." I'nless this pavement Is ordered said Councilman Monks, "I am prepared to move re-rererrence of all work re cently ordered on other brands of nave men i. including some Dig districts; then we will fight this thing out" "When I saw the St. Johns Westru mite." said Councilman Baker, "vou could kick It up with your foot: it was o good, in my opinion, and I can't iiv that I would be willing to vote for a pavement I think to be a poor one, even though the majority of the people think they went It. Ths trouble is. the whole ty nss to maintain these navementa fter five years not the contractor. nother thing If the contractora bond nia work to the cltv and the contrac. tors" bond Is backed by some company having a capital of $30,000 or so, where win tne city collect in case the pave ment goes bad?" sentenced to serve 90 days on ths rock ptl and to pay a fine of f :no, the Coun cil brought an attack on the Municipal Coart by Councilman Jennings. He said: "You can depend upon it that a work ing man. who happens to make a mis step, will get the limit in that court aa this man did; the man who makea . IVOHEIUVOIO OPERATIONS tauen women, now-,.. - t 1 a light sentence or is MaUT UlUUCCeUTU. And who had been a, ... o re rt. . tr t worse auirenng mien roi- lows. Mr. Rock's C&e A Warning. his living from ever. Is given paroled. This man steady worker In a machine shop, be came a little Jealous of his wife, got drunk and threatened her a little. He got the limit for that one mistake." The salary of David E. Otis, super intendent of the garbage crematory. waa Increased from flbi) to $-0 a month. - j Th following letter from Mrs. Orrflle) jr caoaee Jy. i Rock will show how unwise it is for wo- Councllmsn Rurgard wss m"''h ' rnra tosiibmitto the dangers of a sorjdcaj amused at Councilman Joy when the! . . . . v.- -T:J-J latter bitterly attacked the Home Tele- t operation when oft0. It may be voided phone Company for asking for permit by taking Lydia E. Pinkhajn Vegetable to Install public telephone bootha on Cornpoand. 6ht W( four Wekl la tne streets oniring tne restivai and Klks' grand lodge. Mr. Joy called the bootha nuisances and said "you might aa well Install them In boiler factories as on these noisy streets." Mr. Rurgard continued to laugh. whereat Mr. Joy became annoyed and ' gaff ared Terr aerrerely with a disDlaeo- rrira, n en, lauern, ooje:i la in unai passage of this ordinance, anyway, and he did. The Mayor, however, announced that the police W.ll not Interfere with the booths. An emergency traffic ordinance was parsed, giving the police full power tu exclude all vehicles from the streets during parades. An ordinance regulating the accept ance of deposits by public-service cor porations. Tiled by the public service special committee, failed to pass. It permitted taking of deposits of IS for one year, at the end of whjch time this money must be returned with Interest at the rate of per cent. VISITORS ARE LEARNING OF SULPHURRO'S WONDERFUL POWER the liogplt&l and came borne aaf fcrln&r worse thavn before. Here is ber own tatement. Piw Pw, Mich. "Two years st) I I I i .as !, . J. l l v NEW ROAD LAW SOUGHT HOME RULE IX Bfll.DIXG HIGH WAYS IS PLANNED. Judge Colvig, of Mod ford. Think Counties Should Have Say A boot Making Bond. Issues. Judge W. M. Colvig. president of ths Medford Commercial Club and a lead ng figure In legislative measures in South Oregon, was In Portland yester day In the Interest of a proposed home rule constitutional amendment to give to the counties of the state absolute home rule In the matter of creating bonded indebtedness to build scien tific snd permanent hlghwaya. The people of Southern Oregon are greatly Interested In the measure," aald meat. I could not b on my feet for a long time. My priT trician treated me for several months with- 1 out much relief and at last sent in to Ann Arbor for an op eration. I was there four weeks and cam home BUfTerlngwora than before, M J mother advised me to try Lydia E. Plnkiam's Vegetable Com pound, and I did. Today I am well and strong and do all my own housework. I ow my health to Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and advise my friends who are afflicted with any female complaint to try it," Mrs. Okvtllx Rock, R. R. No. 6, Paw Paw, Michigan. If you are ill do not drag along until an operation la necessary, but at one taks Lydia E. Pickham'i Vegetable) Compound. For thirty years it has been the Stan dard remedy for women's ills, and haa restored the health of thousands of suf fering women. Why don't you try it ? Sulphurro Sold by Woodard, Clarke & Co. A as erica "a Lara-eat Drwaelw. Ordee-e kr Wat! rraeapllv Kilted. Judge Colvig, "and we hope to put It I handed woman to high station In Ufa, through with a good big majority vote. We will start at once the circulation of initiative petttlona in Portland to have the bill placed on the ballot. "The bill hns no strings to It It is simple and direct In Its purpose. It will be remembered that two years ago the old Oregon constitution amended so as to enable counties to contract Indebtedness for the bulldln of permanent roada when approved by majority vote of the people of any county in the state. After this amend ment wss adopted. Jackson County called an election and voted II.bOO.OOS. The question waa Immediately raised that this constitutional amendment was not self-executing: that It would require an enabling act before any county could avail itself of the prlvl- eges conferred. The question wss bi ought before' ths Oregon Supreme Court, which held that the act was not self-executing, but would require legis lation In aid of Its provisions. Tha bill dwelt solely upon the specific bene fits of being left-handed, be might have drawn a better moral from tha Biblical story. He might have preached on tha general leaaon of optimism. Ehud, prohabdly, was a man who, had he been deaf, would have consoled himself with the thought that he could not hear all the dlaagreeable nolaaa of tha world, and who. bad be been blind, would bars been glad because he could not be offended by the sight of a week's wsshlng banging on tbs line. There Is really no reason why left- handed persons should not be last aa capable and as clever as right-handed persons. Pr. Frye recalls how, when he was a boy at school, bis teacher whipped him because he wss left- handed. He tells of cases where chil dren have had their left hands New Medicine Is Coast Sensation Liquid Compound of Sul phur Bringing Eelief to Many Thousands. CURES TELL OWN STORY ajaaaaaaaasasaw Rheumatism. Blood, Skin, Stom ach and Other Disorders Yield to Common - Sense Treatment and Nature's Remedy. Sulphurro's many cures of disease In all the Wee tern Ktatee are bringing forth exclamations of wonder and ad miration from the thousands of Eastern visitors who are thronging the gates of Portland and other North western cities. Resldemts of this part of the country are becoming mora and more enthusi astic over Sulphurro's powers aa they learn what t,Ma new sulphur medicine Is accomplishing in thousands of homes. No remedy was ever glvern a more cordial reception than Rulphurro, and It has weal merited Its friendly welcome. Beginning with the first requests for Sulphurro made by friends of Mr. C. M. C. Stewart, of Heattle, the originator, until now. when the entire Taclflc Coast has been Informed of Hulphurro's curative effects by Its beneficiaries. Sulphurro haa proved the friend of the ailing and the suffering. alpkarr Klvrs J a tare a Chaeee. Sulphurro's wide range of benefits la accounted for hv the fact that It cleara. tones and purlfle the system, enabling nature to restor health In the effected parts. The Ills and diseases which have, their root In blood Impurities are al most without number. The first re qulslta Is to remove the disease gea-nis and Impurities that Infest th blood. Then the blood can repair and build wherever necessary. Hut if the blood Ins Impure it is useless to treat Ith local medicine, or for the one affection with which th patient may be suffering. Po it is that rheumatism, blood, skin. stomach and ether diseases without number have been driven out br Httl- phtirro. made from nature's sntlsApttc snd germicide sulphur. This fact is at tested with most convincing force br doiens upon dosens of letters from those who hsve been restored to health snd strength by Mr. Stewart's medicine. These letters will gladly be shown tn any one who desires, at the office of the C. M. f. Htetwart Sulphur Co, 71 Columbia ft.. Feattl Wash. alpkurre-a Krlraria Are l-e. tf you are a visitor, ask your friends who live here about Sulphurro's eu. cess. You run scarcely meet a resident of th North wewt who Is not taking rinlphurro, or who has not had family or friends tnneflted hy It. Ita praises have heen upon thousands of tongues. Fven before Ktilphiirro became known through the newspapers. Westerners who had heen cured through Its use began to send it to ailing friends or relatives in the Kastern States, so Sul phurro has become known to a greater or less degree In etvery state In the Cnlon, even without especial puhllcltv. Into foreign countries Its fsme haa spread, and bottles of It are In use In all parts of the world. Such marvelously wide iis of th new liquid sulphur compound Is In It self evidence of the curative power which Sulphurro exercises over the human system. Tet from the first Mr. Stewart has made neither claim nor boast for. Sulphurro. Ita friends have spread the Sulphurro gospel. So pleased and gratified were they at restoration of health that they at once, became agents for the spreading of good newa. Their Influence is working Into wider snd wider circles each passing day. Snlpkurre the nramoa-ftraae Itrssedr. Tet Sulphurro Is based on such well established principles, and the treat, ment is In sue:- plain accord with com mon sense, that one need not be stir prised at lis accomplishments. Mr. Stewart haa prepared a most Interest ing little booklet which tells you all about th Hulpliurro treatment, and points out In plainest fashion the road to health. He shows why disease germs and Impurities cannot remain In th aystem when Sulphurro enters. The hook is valuable and helpful. It will be forwarded to you upon request, or you will find It accompanying each bottle of Sulphurro at th drug stores. (Bottle sell for 10 cents and II.) No ease of rheumatism haa heen known to hold out against Hulphtirro when the directions were studiously followed. What Sulphurro has don for a host of others In curing rhetimstlsm and a multitude of other diseases It will do for you. Tou will find the ful- phurro bath at once restful, refreshing and beneflelsl In effecting a cure. now prcaented by Southern Oregon is etrapped to their side so that they Baker Oppose Urease Rill. An ordinance regulating licenses for theaters brought foTth a vigorous fight, chiefly from Mr. Bsker, "who said It was an injustice to allow moving pic ture bouses to put as many persons as they please on a stage, the same privi lege granted to the large theaters, for, he said. It would.be dangerous. The proposed measure wss sent back to the license committee for further consid eration. Councilman Jennings announced, when the Council granted to the Holts store a license to sell bottled liquors and wines.' that he will soon Introduce an ordinance tc prohibit the sale of liquor or wines In any place other than those establishments where this clsss of goods Is sold exclusively. "I don't believe.' said he. "In persona buying this kind of dry goods snd park ing tn era Dome under cloak of carrying or bavlng delivered other things mhre commonly purchased from grocery stores. Proposed ordinances creating a recre ation commission and appropriating 12001 to defray Its expenses, were re ferred to Mayor Rushlight with Instruc tions to consider It with th members of the Park Board. e I wish to amend this ordinance to read that It take effect October 1." said Councllmsn Clyde, when the Council took from the table the celebrated measure to give policemen two days off each month. And I wish to amend the amend ment, chimed in Councilman Jdenefe, "to make It January 1, 1111." Juat a minute." replied Mayor Rush light, "I don't think there Is any dan ger of It passing." But when the vote wss announced. the ordinance did pass by I to I. I were held n. who was W an amendment to section 10, article II, of the conrcUtutlen. The concluding portions of the bill are as follows: '1 his onstt tu tlonal provision Is Intended to be, and Is. self-executing. No leglsls- lon Is required irr aid thereof. It hereby amends and repeals all constl- tittonal amendmenta or acta in con flict herewith. Including any acts or rovlslons relating thereto, submitted o tne people concurrently witn this mendment,' "There la no doubt that this mass- re will be on the ballot next Novem- er and 1 am an optimist and believe hat thu people will support.lt. Home rule is a strong sentiment and there Is no reason why the people of a ounty should not have the absolute Ight to say how much of a deot they may Incur in the building of permi nent roads.- They pay the taxes and understand all of the wants of their own community. There la as much rea son for home rule In the building of roads by the counties as there Is for ome rule in the paving of the streets of our cities. Speaking of farming conditions In Southern Oregon, Judge Colvig said: "I re lived 60 years in Southern Ors on and. In all that time 1 never have seen a more promising year for crops hay. grain and fruit. - There Is an would have to use their light hands. but such cases were rare la the past and are almoat unknown new. When a boy la born lert-hsnded now, his father has dreams that he will become a southpaw In one of th big baseball leagues. If left-hsnded persons need encour agement, the Excellent order of the Knlghta and Ladlea of Ehud will fill th bill. BuW't Is not at all certain that they need any such encourage ment. Left-ham! ed men and women, too. are famous for being able to take care of themselves. Food Company Incorporates. 8AI-EM. Or.. June 11. (Special.) The Bemos Food Company, of Portland. haa Incorporated with a capitalisation of 1300.000. articles being filed with thu Secretary of State. Try Skin Absorption Instead of Cosmetic (From The Woman Militant.) The constant use of roug and paw der invites a coarsened, roughened con ptl mist lc feeling that good times are ditlnn of the skin, eruntlona. enlara-ed here." I Dorea anil wrinkles. If vou'v learned thta from experience, supposa you quit HE LEFT-HANDED HUMANSP A.k ,:UV dgg,;, 'Yor -TuTo. ordinary merconxea wax ana pegin Descendant. of Ilhud, Mho Delivered uelng thla tonight. Apply like cold cream, washing it ore in th morning. the ('tiiltlren of Israel. In pardoning Ned Stevenson. Washington Tost. The world must "stop klckln left handed persons around." according to Dr. William A. Frye. pastor of the Orange Methodist Church, at Or ange. N. J. Dr. Fry has just estab lished th Excellent Order of th Knights and Ladlea of Ehud. In which only left-handed persona can hold membership. In an ah sermon Dr. Frye told of ths glories of th left handed man. preaching on th text. "But when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord, the Lord raised them up a deliverer, Ehud, the son of Uena. a Benjamlte. a man left-handed." Ehud. It appears, made his left-hand-edness very profitable. He was sent to bear tribute to King Eglon. Being left hsnded. he carried his sword on his right side, where it failed to excite suspicion. While he was giving his right hand to the King, as others were accustomed to do, with his left hsnd he plunged his sword Into th King. Thus he liberated all his friends who ere held In bondage. rhlle fr. FTye, In elevating th left- Keep thla tip for a week or two. Th waa will literally absorb th coarse. colorless or blemished top skin, but so gradually aa not to mscommode you at all. Just as gradually the clear, vol vety, naturally-tinted underskln oomes to th surface. And mercollaed was becomes your everlasting friend. or those wrinkles and large nor. make a face bath by masoiving ounce of powdered saxollt tn a half pint witch hasel. This has remarkable astringent and tonic properties, and beneficial results com quickly. Adv sores THE CURE FOR noti'o OtKUf ULA Ths usual symptoms of Scrofula are enlarged glands of ths neck. Th P'P,n is and ulcers on the body, slcla affections, catarrhal troubles, weak Tabuta is car A LIBERAL OFFER We Gaaraa Relieve Dyapepale. ff Vi Fall th Teled tela Cts Hetktaut- Te unquestionably prove to the peo ple that Indigestion and dyspepsia can be permanently relieved and that Keiall Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about this result, we will furnish tb nvedleln ab olutely free if It falls to give satisfac tion to any one using !l Th remarkable success of Rex all Dyspepsia Tableta Is due te the high degree of scientific skill used In devls Ing their formula aa well aa. to th car exerclaed in their manufacture whereby the well-known properties of Bismuth Subnttrat and Pepsin have bee a com bined with Carminatives and other agents. Blamuth-Bubnltrate ana Pepsin are conatantly employed and recognised by the entire medical profeaelon as in valuable In th treatment of Indiges tion and dyspepsia. sed In Rexall Dyspepsia fully prepared so ss to eyes, and general poor health. The Inherited poison, transmitted through ,"r W V .'J .! flr""cr Papain the blood, pollutes and Weakens thta fluid, aid In placeTf its nutritive 'V? Xo imU79 .mXu nuaUtieamTthelrm,l.le,rfefc.,.,t th moat Important elements of tha nf th. .Mir. .m. . -i.-, 7,7- , viy digestive uia. w.moui it tne aiges 7 eu-'T vtiVu j t""uiJu, uorn wit a a ScroiulOUS taint. I tlon and assimilation of food are lm- - . - - w v.u.tsua bauih. lion amc USTS spent their childhood in constant physical suffering, and grown to possible. mannooa or womanhood handicapped by ill health and stunted growth. Tn carminatives possess properties i'" uieiM" uio uoms or joints developed, s. s. a.. """-" m'" "" inc given la their early life, would hare prevented this. It would have nl p"n c","d b'r undigested food. Cleansed and purified ths blood of the taint, nourished nd a Thl" combination of these ingredients makes a remedy invaluable for tha thslr intam. mwiA ee.j.e.J V. . . i ... . ..... & uu uwivu voiiu lu kiuw ill Li j a L I ( I Ti U. nsftirnrui mennww I . . ... . - or voruKhiv.it a a a . .v,- Ti 7" 7 , , complete renei oi .r.u,..i,on ana are- - "j j aoumuv iw Dcromi. j.i goeeipepsla. " i mo ituuoio, ana cleanses me Circulation Of all We ar so certain of this that BCroiUXOUS matter. It Supplies the weak, diseased blood with arranirth ura-e vou to try Rexall Dranensta and health-building qualities, and under the purifying effects of this great I Tablets on our own personal guaran- remedy all STmntoma of Scrofula nnu awav. S R R nn.in. - i- I tee. Three sixes, H rente, ts rents and m suj io, ana is an aDfcoiuteiy sale treatment for children, even infants. I v ' or persons of any age. Literature about Scrofula and any medical advice "5 fra4aTa TTJP OTlfTTT sT' Ti T? TT T f a.-. a er a vav ewe . I Peall r THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. d8a"rn.e. Sold only by th Owl Drug tores In Portland, Seattle. Spokane. ranclsco. Oakland. Los Anavel LOW FARES EAST storwrs-TTMF TrcKPrrs to rni cipal tin its if Minoi.n WIITTRX AKD F.AST. mm STATre. am Hgnu.i.iBTT orrosTrxiTT TO VIST Trigs OLD HOMR. New Verb.. 1MM llaieiaresrs rhleg.. SLa. IISTM it.se iy.. ee.ee St. Te Wash tea. si.se tst.se rSVOTOaTIOMATELT RRD11CKO riSM to MAjrr onirit roirers TICKETS ON SALE Intermittently to September 10th. The Short Line East is via 0.-W. R. & N. 0. S. L Union Pacific Lines Protected by Automatic Block Signal THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY 10 A.M. "Oregon-'Waahingrton Limited." 8P.il. "Portland and Fug-et Sound Expreea." Both to Chicago via 0-W. It. 4 N, 0. & L, TJ. T. sad C eS N. W. P.M. 8oo-Bpoksnwportlnd "Train de Lose" te St. Paul via Spokane and Soo Line. EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE STRICTLY HIQH-CLASS , Let us aid yon in outlining; A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER'S OUTING) City Ticket Offlct. Third and "WasMnftoo Strsets, Portland. i -isr- II """-esil This Testimony Convinces Jsmrs C. Iah!msnn, twninir his third term as'Msvnr. Omalin. Krhrnsls. spain was successful in receivinjr the overwhclminn: snpiiort of the voters in the primary election. He also successfully rid himoelf of a bsd cae of kid ney trouble by the aid or rolry Kidiipy Tills snd wnlos: "I have tskfn Foley Kidney Pills and they hsve riven me a event deal of relief, so I cheer- fully recommend them." What Foley Kidnev Pills did for Mayor Dalilmnnn they will do for any other person bothered "with backache, lheutnutihm, or any other form of kidney or bladder trouble. Juxt try them for quirk snd permanent results. Other people ho are happily cured by FOLKV KIDNKY PILLS sie: M. D. Board man 673 W. Main St. Helena, Mont. LcRoy Thacker A. Adlemaa E. Calhoun 804 W. 3d St. Watertown. S. Dak. West Plains, Mo Sioux Falls, S. Dak. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are for Sale by All Druggists TUALATIN VALLEY ACREAGE Splendidly located near Portlnnd. on United Railways. Vaj.t irin. weV. c-nd rates, COMMUTATION TICKETS. Nesr town of North I'lnins. Elea. trie light, pure wster, improved streets, modern buildings. Idenl loestion for FRUIT FARMS, DAIRY FARMS. BERRY FARMS, POULTRY FARMS ENCOURAGEMENT GIVEN SMALL INDUSTRIES For literature write or call at office of RUTH TRUST COMPANY Main 6076. or A 3774. - 235 Stark Street. Portland. Oresos. i