Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 12, 1912, Image 8

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Oakland Loses Opener With
7-to-2 Score Koestner
in Fine Form.
Maboney Drives Ball Into Center-
Field Blcachr- Portland Jump
Ahead at Start and Is vr In
Danger f-harp Work Seen.
Tarlflr Coast League Ptaadlnss-
w. r. r.o.i w. u p. r.
Vernon AO J ,eyfiaeramertta 27 31V
0fclnil 57 .Mil Sin Kran. . .27 .IS .411
Ai m 31 so .mi, Portland ..a .ni
1'setsrday's Results.
At Portland Portland. T: Oakland. 2.
At Ran Francisco tan Praneieco, 4; Lie
Ansslrs. .
At Los A nxeiea Vernon. S; fUersmento. X.
Ten lusty clouts bunched for a
change spelled defeat for Tyler Chris,
tlan. of the Oaks. In the opening (tame
of the Portland-Oakland series yester
day, 7 to 1. Koestner, the Beavers'
Irlng star, was In superb form and
held But Sharpe's runners-up to seven
scattered hit.
A alight drizzle kept the crowd at
home, but did not prevent McCredle's
new Infield combination from negotiat
ing; four of the most spectacular, chain
lightning double plays ever seen ' in
Portland. Even If Koestner had not
been In fins fettle, he could scarcely
have Inst with the gilt-edged support
afforded. - -
Bancroft at his old Job In short. But
ler on the bench and Lindsay at third
Is the latest arrangement suhpenaed
hy McCredle In an effort to break the
lone losing- streak.
It worked and It worked well, for,
whereas the Beavers negotiated two
double plays In the six frames with the
Angela last week, yesterday Bancroft to
RodKers to Rappa appeared thrice In
the details, while Banny and RodKers
pulled one without their first Backer's
ro-operatton, bringing; the harvest to
Bancroft Like LlgtrValag.
Bancroft xtg-sagged back and forth
over oodles of ground. . He handled
even assists and three putouts fault
lessly. BIU RodKers also Injected him
self Into the tabulation at frequent In
terval. One error Is charged against the
Beavers, that an excusable one by Ma
honey, who made a valiant attempt to
nab a runner at first base for another
double, the ball eluding; Bill Rapps.
' Mahoney atoned for his low peg by
starring; with the warclub, one of his
drives clearing the renterfleld fence
for the first homer Into that portion
of the bleacher.
The Oakland lineup took the field
unchanged from the front presented by
Hharpe when here In April. But a was
the case when Christian started on the
previous visit, the Beavers hopped onto
hie slants right at the Jump.
Three runs enough to win. as It
proved netted the outburst In the first
Inning. Chadbourne took one to his
anatomy. Lindsay forcing him at aecond
on an inncld tap. Rodgers singled
through second and followed Lindsay
across the plate on Krueger's terrific
double to right field. Krueger scored
on a timely wallop Into the same place
by Rapps.
The Beavers grabbed a duet more
In the second Inning on. a double by
Fisher, a double by Chadbourne. a
walk to Rodgers and a successful dou
ble steal. Chadbourne scoring on
Cook's wide return to the plate.
Mahoney's homer featured the third
Inning and then, with this comfortable
lead and Koestner breezing along, the
locals rested until the ninth, when Art
Krueger's second two-base ply Into
right, followed by a single by Ma
honey, counted another. Krueger.
Fisher and Chadbourne all fattened
their average.
Up to tne sixth Inning Koestner had
allowed only two hits, so there was
naturally nothing stirring on the fire
bell donated by George Parker. In
the sixth a single by Leard, atolen base,
and a single by Zacher netted them
one. Zacher'a single through short In
the ninth Inning and a drive tip against
the right wall by Coy gave Sharpe his
second and final tally.
Abies May Pitch Today.
Sharp doesn't know whom he will
work today, but announced that Ablea
will be In shape to fling two games
this week, so bug Harry may be on the
rubber at o'clock this afternoon. In
the parade-delayed engagement. Abies
has been out for nearly a fortnight as
a result of an injured optic. The score:
Oakland I Portland ' .
Ab.H.Po.A.E. AD.H.PO.A.E
l eard 2h 4 4 I Cdb'tie.lf 3 J 0 O 0
Hofm'n.lf 4. 1 5 0 0 Llndrr 3b 4 0 1 it O 4 Z I O 0 R'grrs.Zb SI 1 S A tl
l-ov.rf . . 4.1 1 9 OjKu'g' 4 2 0 O 0
tietlggb 3 0 11 OM'h'njr.rf 45401
rook. as.. 4 1 S 1 RappMb. 4 111 10
Hnarpe.lD 4 i v u 4 v a f v
Mltse.c. 0 1 O.OFIaher.c. 4 3 2
Chrtan.p 10 14 0 Koest'sr.p 4 0 1
Tred'an.c M I 1 )
1 0
1 0
Totals. 80 1 24 14 2 Totals. 23 10 5T IT 1
Oakland 0 0 O O 0 1 0 0 1 2
Hits 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 T
Pnrtland S 2 1 O 0 0 0 1 x T
Hits a 2 1 0 0 0 1 S X 10
Runs Leard. Zacher, Chadbourne, Lind
say. Rod ear.. Kruexer 3. Mahoney. Fl.htr.
Pirurk eat Py Koestner 2. by Christian 2.
Paaes on bslls Off Koestner 4. off I'hrla
tlan 5- Two-btM hlta Kruexer 2. Flher.
i'hao'bourna. Hharpe. Cov. Home run Mi
hoory. Double plays Bancroft to itodsfra
to Kappa; Bancroft lo Hodeera, ttiolcn
bxvea Chadbourne. Rodfera. Hit by
Hrhad ball Chadbourne. Patted balla
Uher. Ttertemann. Tlma of same l:-a.
Vmplres Flsnay snn car.
Notes of the Game.
Krueier. Fisher. Chadbourne and Maho
ney fattened their batting averages to the
extent of two hlta apiece.
The Beavars played sreat ball yeaterday
and the pity of It waa that because, of tha
Inrlemant weather few fane a-ero on band
t wltnaaa tho rejuvenation.
BID Kappa ot away with his onl atr
play whr-n ha aP'-ared s foul drive by Hct
llna In ln ninth innln.
hharpa aays his men were tired out bv
the arduous trip north from Callfonna and
that'e why they dropped the oprntr.
Parkins la the crema of coarhers. Taster
dav rinney called Coy at first for cut
ting Inside the diamond. . "Hay there. Ci'ir
Younser." raapad Parslna from the bench.
Oakland had man on first and second.
with only one out. In the third inning,
whan Bancroft gobbled In a line drive by
Leard and doubled Hharpe at second.
Kither Harkneaa or Hlsslnbothara will
beav for tha Beavara toddy In ail proba
bility. The games today and Tburadav will both
be called at P. M.. after the Festival pa
rj''a. Prick, of tha Oaks. Is III st Oakland, con.
valeactng from a blood poison attack.
Hharpa put Tledaman In to hit for Mltze
In tha third Inning after ha bad lad off by
a double, but "Jawn" ' oouldn't connect
Sacramento Falls to Hit When Men
Are on Bases.
LOS ANGELES, June 11. Vernon
took the flmt ram of the series from
Sacramento, i to 1. It was an ordinary
affair, the visitor falling; to hit when
victory u in sight and the villagers
hitting with men on baaes. Two hlta
and a base on balla were, rood for
three runs in Kacramento'a first halt
Inning, but thereafter they never
threatened. Vernon took the lead In
the seventh and held It to the end.
P. H. K.I R. H. E.
Vernon 0Sacramento..l 7 2
Batteries Carson. Gray and Brown
Schwenck and Krelti.
Toner Holds) Angela to Five Kits
and San Francisco Wine, 4-1.
HAN FRANCISCO. June 11. Los An
geles scored one run In ths second
Inning but never was dangerous for
the rest of the game. Kan Francisco
took the lead again In the fourth and
finished .4 to 1. Toner's effectiveness
told the story. He allowed only five
catered hits, whereas 11 were made
off Toser. Fcore:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Los A. ...1 S l'Fan Fran. 4 13
Bt tterles Toser and Boles; Toner
nd ichmidt.
Johnson Tips SraJra at 221 Pounds,
, flynn at 198 Both Ran.
LAS VEGAS. N. M June 11 Jack
Johnson and Jim Flynn have length
ened their road runs and boxing bouts
In preparation for their world's cham
pionship battle here July 4. The spar
ring practice at both camps has been
extended from six to nine rounds to IS
rounds dally, resulting In a noticeable
reduction In weight. Today Johnson
tipped the scsUea at 321 pounds and
Flynn at 191.
Tommy Ryan,, chief trainer at the
camp, hiu begun to box with bis pupil.
Tpm Flannlgan. chief trainer for John
son, is expected to reach the Cham
plon'a camp from Toronto, June IS.
, Jack Johnson announced tonight
that of the names on the list of pros,
pectlve referees for the Flynn-John
son "match he had scratched all except
those of Jack welch. Ban Francisco;
Ed W. Smith. Chicago: Ed Cocaran,
Kansas City, and Mark Levy, Albu
Promoter Jack Curley telegraphed
terms tonight to Matt Wells for a
match here with Ad Wolgaat on Labor
Day. , .
Meet Saturday Will Have 40 En
tries Polo Game Off.
The first meet of the Portland Hunt
Club on the new track Saturday after
noon will bring out a number of "dark
horses," James Nlcol having a new
horse which will run In the shorter
raeea. Cross, the Garden Home horse
fancier, also has a new equine. The
meet Is expected to be a big success.
about 40 horses having been entered.
The steeplechase will be the big event
of the day. some of the best of local
horses being registered for the run.
Owing to the fact that the Van
couver officers are somewhat uncer
tain about being able to play against
the Weverly Country Club polo team.
the management of the Hunt Club la
making preparations to stage some
other match. The roads to the Garden
Home track are In fine shape at pres
ent. The Oregon Electric Railroad has
put on three special trains for the
event, the first leaving Tenth and
Stark streets at 1:10 P. M.. another
at 1.20 and a third at 1:20 o'clock.
Faculty 1 5c at O. A. C, Seniors.
LKOK. Corvallls. June 11. (Special.
The members of the graduating class
of Oregon Agricultural College received
their final instructions at the hands of
the college facu'iv yesterday when
nine special representatives of 1212
met an equal number of athletically In
clined faculty men In a baseball "sem"
which resulted In a 2-to-lI defeat for
the seniors. Frequent grandstand
plays involving the entire fielding team
and testing the baaehall knowledge of
three umpires were the prominent fea
tures of the game. Summary:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Faculty ..2d 29 lOiSenlors ...11 11 17
Batteries Miller. Pllklngton and
Rolland: Pitton and Bltton. Umpires
President Kerr, Physical Instructor Ar
buthnot and A. F. Lunn. '13.
Hogan May Sign Durham.
LOS ANGELES. June 11. Lou Dur
ham, who years ago used to win doubie
headers for the New York Olants, was
In a Vernon uniform today, and If he
shows an indication of regaining his
old-time pitching form. Manager Ho
gan said he would be signed. Durham
became afflicted with rheumatism and
was forced to re'tlre from the game.
Lately, however, all tracea of his ali
ment disappeared and he believes he
will again make good.
Pcnn Alumni to Send Athletes.
PHILADELPHIA. June 11. The Uni
versity of Pennsylvania athletes
placed on the supplementary list by
the Olymple'commlttee will be sent to
Ftockholm by the alumni of the Uni
versity. The men selected are: Wal
lace McCurdy. in the two-mile run;
Jervls W. Burdlck. high Jumper; Don
ald I.ipptr.cott, a sprinter, and L. M.
Madeiro III. a distance runner.
Baseball Statistics
American League.
TV. L. Pct.l
tl 14 .e-ts'cieveland.
;u :o .ma Detroit .
: :i .r. nw Torx..
, 4 0 .MS 81. Louis
National League.
TV. L. Pct.
, a S .SI 4 Phllsdal....
, 25 10 ..1S8 St. I.ouls....
, 2 i'2 .M2 Brooklyn....
'JS ' -0 .543 Boston......
America Association.
TV. I Pct.
H7 IS .tt'3 Indlansp
. 8 20 ..-..-. at. Paul......
, ail 20 .H.VI xulsville..,
. 89 2 .574, Milwaukee..
Western League.
TV. U Pct.
. a.' 2i .in Wichita..
i I'd S3 .0:11 Omaha......
2T 2A .M TopaKa
. 23 24 .510, Lincoln
TV. L. Pet.
23 24 .4S
2i 2 .460
IS 29 .XS
14 S3 .29
Boston H
Weening' n.
W T Pet.
i m .4113
22 .440
14 2 .33:1
It 32 .3111
New York.
W. I Pet.
24 3.1 .40T
24 He ."Oil
20 32
20 33 .164
Kan. City.
W. I- pet.
2T i .&f
23 27 .4o
Ht. Joaepb.
rea Holne
Sioux City.
20 27 .44
IS 29 .4U4
Yesterday's Results.
Amerlrati Association Louisville 4-4. Bt.
Paul H-o. Columbua S. Milwaukee Minne
apolis ft, Indianapolis 2; Toledo . Kansas
City 6
Weetern t.eaue Topeka 2. Elniix City 1:
Lincoln S. Omaha S: Denver 4. Das Moines
l Wichita 10. Des klolnas (14 Innlnxa).
Union Aaaociatlon Ogden 13. Butte 9:
Mleaoula 13. Helena 1: iret Falls 7, Bait
Lake 2.
Pacific Coait I Northwestern
Ab. H. Av.l Ah. H.
Krueger.. i7 2 ..tir.'crulki'k.. .lo'J 34
Mahoney. (4 14 .iftrt Menenr. ... 1251
Ooane.... 14'i 41 .2IM Kaatley. .. S3 14
Kappa.... 214 SI. .2U Tonncson.. u S
Butler.... 124 SS .fj Fries. .. .. 2rt B4
.S.I 3
I.lndear.. I-K 3."i .L'T.'t Kibble. . . . 191 44
Rodxera. . 214 64 .271 McDowell. 4 2
Plaher... 27 7 .250 Speas "31 57
Chadb ne. 2:i3 59 .2.".4 Williams.. 211 f.?
Bancroft. I 114 44 .2J7 coltrln. ... 17 44
Harkreas. 14 4 .222 Smith 44 14
Koantner. Vi J! .2 1 2 Moore. . . . jts T
Purch 4.1 B .2ow Harrla.-. .. lkj Jt
Cress 111 2 2'KiTJotv ;n 3
Hoaiey... 124 S3 .1" Bloomfleld 28 4
Klawltter. X4 8 .171 l.amllne .. n 1
H.sxinb m l:t e .l.t 4tanfleld.. 11 1
Henderson 14 2 .14 V'caaav ha 2
fteisir... 13 2 .t.M Shay, .... S 0
Olrot..... 1 ,12i . '
Portland Class B Team Loses
to Spokane 1-0 and Gffes
. to Cellar.
Game Brilliantly Played Wltli
AVIllls and Katttler in Fine Pitch
ers Battle Play In Mnth
Loses Chance S-hay Signs.
KoHhwestera Leeupss Blaadiags.
W. t- P.r.i w t r f
Vancouver 20 24 .tsaiTacoma ...27 27 Jtoo
Victoria ...24 24 ..-,! eattle ....24 IS .473
opoaana ..zt -9 .bUHiPortland ..24 30 ,44
Yesterday's Reealts. .
At Kpokane Spokane. ! Pnrtland. 0.
At Seattle fiesttle. II: Vsncouver. 4.
At TuAmwTiMmi.Vl.ln.1. . .
ponsd; rain.
FTOKANE. June 1L f.tneclaJ i
jonnson. leading pinch hitter in the
Central League last year, whana-ed out
a tnree-oase nit to right center In the
first Inning with "Hap" Myers on third
base and cave Spokane the only run
of a second consecutive shutout victory
over tne Portland .Northwestern Leag
uers. Myers had previously aingled and
stolen second and third on two pitched
It was one of the cleanest games of
bail ever played at Recreation Park,
while lacking a bit of tha excitement
and thrills of the Monday 4-0 victory.
It was almost too nearly a perfect
gams to be exciting.
Colts Errors Excusable.
The one run came In the first In
ning, and from that time on both Wil
lis and Eastley had the opposing bats
men eating out of their hands.- It was
a pitchers' battle. Willis having the
best of tha luck Of ths 11 hltat nearly
half were open to argument. Both
Portland's errors -were difficult
In the early Innings Portland bats
men met the ball on the seams with
much determination, but fielding that
waa both sensational and lacky robbed
them of possible hlta Wuffll made an
amazing one-hand stab of a rifle-shot
drive from Coltrin's bat that evoked
a tumult In the stands, and both Wuffll
and Cooney kept up a string of whirl
wind fielding stunts that delighted the
crowd. Fries covered acres of ground
for Portland and Coltrln performed
brilliantly at short,
Portland Leers by Shade.
In the ninth, with two out. Ppeas
stole second. Fries tore a high-bound
ing bail through Willis' gloved hand
and Speaa dashed for the plate. Cooney
tore In, scooped the hall by perfect
timing or its bound and cut a quick
underhand throw to first base, nipping
Fries by halt a step and ending the
The crowd has picked up wonderfully
the last few days, attracted by the In
dians winning streak -and the splen
did baseball that waa on tap Monday.
Portland has signed Danny- Bhay to
take the place of Eddie Mensor. Phay
flgured In a fast double play. Hla one
error was excusable. He did nothing
at the bat, fanning once and popping
up two files. Ths score:
Spokane I Portland
ab.HPo.AEl Ab.H.Po.A.E
Me vera lb 4 2 12 0 0'Kfbble.fth 4 1 O 1 0
Cooney. as 2 0 4.5 0 Harrle.c. 40420
Johnn.lf 8 1 0 O OCfk'nk.lf 4 2 10 0
llelch'r.rf 10 10 0'Speaa.rf . 4 0 0 0 0
Wuffll. b Z O 3 a 4 0 o
7lm an.rf 2 12 1 Owll'm. lb 2 O 4 1 0
Cat'ht.2b s i 4 a v sn.ay.rn.. I o 2 J l
Davoat.e. S O I t 0 C.iltrln.aa 2 1X11
Willis.- 2 0 0 2 OEaatley.p 2 2 0 0 0
Totals. 2 6 27 14 0 Totala 30 24 2
Spokane 1 0O0O0O0 X 1
Portland 0 0 00 0 0 0 00
Runa Mvera. Three-base blta Johnaon,
Two-bsea hit Csrtwrlsht. Baaaa on bsila
Off Willis 2. Struck out Hy Eastley 4.
by Willis 3. stolen haaes Myers 2. Zlm
mermau. Hpeas. Eastley. Double plays
Tl..A . A -Ann . rnnn W n a mrwt hi fft
livers; Hhey to Williams. Tuns of same
1:18. Umpire van Haltren.
Errors and Lucky Combinations Aid
Seattle In Downing Canncks.
SEATTLE!. June 11. Vancouver out
hit Seattle today, but the Bees were
fortunate In getting long drives with
men on bases, and won 11 to 4. Both
teams made four errors, but those of
the visitors proved the more costly.
R. H. K. R. H. E.
Seattle ....11 4Vancouver ..4
Batteries Fullerton and Whaling:
Engle. Gervals. Maxmeyer and Lwls.
Umpire Toman.
- Boston 4, St. Louis 0.
ST. LOUIS. June It. Hall allowed
only five scattered hits, while Hamil
ton waa hit when hits meant runa and
Beaton took tho third straight game
from St. Louis. Fcore:
- R. H. E. R. H. E.
Boston I... IS 1'Ht. Loula ..050
Batteries Hall and Nunamaker;
CorHgan, Hamilton, Allison and Krlch
ell. ' Washington S. Itetrolt 2.
DKTROIT. June 11. Dubuc held
Washington to three hits for eight In
nings. He weakened In the ninth and
the visitors made three runs on a base
on bal's, two singles and two sacrlAca
files, winning. Groom was put out of
the game In the second for protesting
a decision at home. Score:
R. H. K. R. H. E.
Waah'ton -.1 t 2! Detroit 2 7 1
Batteries Groom. Cashlon, Johnson
and Henry, Williams, Ainsmith; Dubuc
and Onslow.
Philadelphia 8. Cleveland 7.
CLEVELAND, June 11. Philadel
phia made It three straight from
Cleveland. Score:
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
Cleveland .7 10 OjPhlla t 13 2
Batteries Kahler, Baskette and
Easterly; Morgan. Flank- and Thomas.
w York , Chicago S.
CHICAGO. June 11. New York de
feated Chicago today. Three bases on
balls, coupled with four singles, net
ted tha visitors five runs In the third.
H. H. E.l R. H. E.
Chicago ...S l;New York .. 10 7
Batteries White and Block. Sullivan,
Kuhn; Warhop and Sweeney,
Pittsburg 1, Brooklyn 4.
BROOKLYN. June 11. Brooklyn
plied up errors, while tho Plttsburgi
hit the ball and the visitors won an
easy victory. Score:
R. IL E.I TL It E.
Pittsburg .14 14 2 Brooklyn .. T
Batteries Hendiiz and Kelly;
Knetxer, Kent and C. Miller.
Philadelphia 5, Cincinnati S.
PHILADELPHIA. June 11. Philadel
phia again defeated Cincinnati. Score:
R. H. K., R, H. E.
Cincinnati t 5 SiPhlla. .....3 15 1
Batteries Humphries and McLean;
Curtis and Dootn.
w York 8, Chicago S.
NEW YORK. June II. New York
defeated Chicago in ths aecond game of
the series. Zimmerman, who made two
home runs yesterday, hit another to
day, scoring Tinker ahead of him. Tin
ker and Zimmerman were put out of
the game In the seventh for objecting
to decisions. Score:
R. H. E.l R. H. E.
Chicago ...J lNew York ..1 12 1
Batteries Lavender. Reulbach and
Archer; Ames, Mathewson and Meyers.
Boston a!, St. Louis t.
BOSTON. Juke 11. Boston won In
tho tenth Inning from PL Louis. Mc
Donald's triple on top of Perdne's sin
gle was the vinning combination.
R. H. E.i R. H. E
Boston ,...2. 08t- Louis .1 11 1
Batteries Perdue and Kling; Will la
Harmon and Bresnahan.
Wells and Palxer to Fight.
NEW YORK. June 11. Bombardier
Wells, the heavyweight tltleholder of
England, and Al Palxer. a white hope
aspirant for heavyweight honors, were
matched late todky to tight ten rounda
in Madison Square Garden June It.
Two Favorite Wire in Six Races on
Alan Course.
ALAN. Idaho. June 11. Royal Tea
won the feature event at ye Alan
course today. Delaney waa second and
O. M. Miller, the favorite, was third.
Royal Tea and Delaney were off on
even terms and ahead of the field. After
racing Delaney Into submission. Royal
Tea drew ahead and won going- away.
Miller, outrun In tha early stages,
made a bid In the stretch, but waa too
far back to catch tha leaders. Results:
First race, four furlongs Jessie Porter.
144 (Hcbwablg). 17 to 3d, won: Roalrls. 104
(McBrlde), I to I, second: Vslle Forty, lit
(Roonev). 3 to 1. third: time. 4:41 J-S.
Kecond race, five f urlongs Tom Murphy.
117, (Burllneemel. IS to 1, woo: Lo Mlo.
104 (J. Mclntyre), It to 1. second; Dutch
Courage. 107 (Rooney) 13 to IS, third:
time. 1:02.
Third race, six furlongs Critic, 10 (Bur
ton. 13 to 5. won; Harlsm Maid. 107
(Mclntyrel. I to 2, eaoond; Hawley. lit
(Urandl, 10 to 1. third: time. 1:13 1-5.
Fourth race, six furlonxs Roy Tea. 101
(Buxton). 4 to 1, won: Delaney, 111 (Roo
ney). II to 5. second: a. it. Miller. 114
(Schweblg), I to 3. third: time. 1:14.
Fifth race, five and one-half furlongs
Elmata Hamilton. 1 (McKwen), 3 to L
won; Old Mexico, IIS (Boland), 13 to 1.
second: Miss Hly. 107 (Corey). 10 to L
third: time. 1 07 4-3.
Klxlh race, mile and ethth Juan, 1(17
(Burllngsma), II to ft, won: Icarlan. Ill
( Boland i. 15 to I, second; Johnstown. 14
(E. McEwsn), 5 to 1, third; time, 1:55 1-3.
Lincoln With Makeshift Team Takes
Game. 9 to 3.
Because of ths failure of three of tha
Lincoln men to ahow up. Lincoln High
forfaited to Jefferson High yesterday
afternoon In the lntaracholaatlc Base
ball League. In a practice game In
which grammar school boys filled the
vacant places. Llnooln High downed
Jefferson to 3. Jefferson end Waah-
lrwton are now again tied for the first
place, but the date of the deciding
game has not been announced as yet.
There Is a possibility that Columbia
will again have to be reckoned with,
aa It la going to protest the game which
it lost to Washington High Monday.
Columbia contenda that Washington
had four men In the lineup who ahould
have been barred on account of Sunday
ball. Father McGinn, of Columbia, aays
that he raiaed a protest before the
game, and two of the illegal men were
taken out.
Wlckersham, Emerson. Fulton and
Tyler May Be Seen at Lewlston.
LEWISTOX, Idaho. Juno 11. (Spe
cial.) There will be over 100 entries
In the Idaho State Tennis Tournament,
to be held In Lewlston for three daya,
opening tomorrow, under the auspices
of the Lewlston Tennis Club. Invita
tions have been sent to all ths lead
ing clubs of the Coast and 'several
prominent tennis players will be pres
ent. Brandt Wlckersham. of Port
land: Nat Emerson, of North Yakima;
Theodore Fulton, of Vancouver, B. C,
and Joe Tyler, of Spokane, have sig
nified their Intentions to compete in
the Lewlston turnament. Fulton Is
present Idaho champion.
With six Improved courts, and with
a membership of over 100 In Lewlston
and with many valuable prlres offerer.
the contest promises to bs a big suc
Riverside Driving Club Offers Horse
Affair Saturday.
Four harness race and on running
race will be the Riverside Driving
Club's matinee offering on the Country
Club track Saturday afternoon.
John McCllntock will bs the starter
In all events, with the Judges and
timers to be named by President Dren-
nen. The events, with the entries to
Class A, mixed Guy Light, Zonetta,
Ret". Hal. Chico, Rocket.
Class B. trot Etna M., Dottle Dltnpkt,
Hallle C Miss Lyons, Wlnlock, Toin
Class C. pace Jim Hill. Miss Alia
lens. Little Hal, Jack Johnson, Sadie
T., Carrie Mam.
Colt, mixed 2-year-olds Helen Mis
tletoe. J. MoKinney, Cleveland Belle.
Johnny Evert aL!Zx writes:
I have s whole lot of satis
faction in wearing Mlver Col
lars. Those Lisocord button
boles are mifbtr fins they're
way lo sajusu
Ide Silver
t for 28e
hsve ample scarf space
t oeir LiNOCOkP
ier to button sod they
men i ur ut.
CEO. P. IDE ft C0 aksn. TIOT. R.T.
Vernon Clouter in 26 Games
Doesn't Fail Once.
Harry Abies, With Eve Blackened
In nght. Watches Game From
Stand Ryan . on Bench
With Cleveland Team.
Johnny Kane, the little Napoleon
"bltemwherethevaln'f swatter of the
Vernon Tigers, hss set what Is prob
ably a lesgno record for 112. The
former Chicago Cub has gone Z( con
secutive gamea without missing a har
vest with the bludgeon.
Last week against the Seals he made
IS hits In 2S times at bat for a aeries
sverage of .44. bringing up bla batting
clip for the 26 gamea to .42L Kane
topped off the week Sunday In the
doubleheader by banging out two hits
In tha morning and three In the after
luncheon session.
Raleigh, of tha Vernons. It develops,
wss not charged with the early-week
defeat and hla "Vom back" Sunday
morning when be won S to 2, gives him
sight straight victories, also a league
record for the season.
Agnew la now playing first baae for
Vernon, following tnjuriee to Patterson
and Hoep, while Lttachl Is performing
regularly at short. If Hogan's men
can keep up their winning stride with
these two men out It hard work
overhauling them when the injured
stars return to the lineup.
e a
MartinonL the lank be-spectacled kid
pitcher who has been with Oakland
for the past two seasons, was released
by Sharpe shortly before coming north.
Pope. Rohrer and Frlck were alao left
at home.
Sharpe has lines out for two new
pitchers, a southpaw and a right
Harry Ablea engaged In a flstlcnff
lliiy miiftiiiitiiniiit rfTirff FniM wiiii
m i i lixt-.y w-nvy -jit. rnnws ittt
&, V .. ..... J J Wrv !; -.- i
iji" Tii ij5'JJ' 'I '" iii' inline ii inn iiiini 1 1 ii 1 1 ii i ii i ii 1 1 ii hi 1 1 1 1 i it ... miiisii 1 1 fr!
A N Owl Londrcs is a stout, blunt-end, free
burning, mellow cigar that thousands of men would
smoke if it cost a dime. On sale wherever cigars are sold.
A L 1
50 Si
batUe with a fan In ths San Francisco
boose cage a week ago Saturday and
a blood dot formed on hla eyelid and
be had to go under a aurgeon'a care.
It waa fortunate tor Sharpe that Albes
was not laid up during a hard series.
Big Harry witnessed the opening game
of ths Portland aeries from the stand,
a a a
Nick Williams' Colts, are now down
In the dark and musty cellar In the
Northwestern League, keeping com
pany with their class AA brethren un
der Walter McCredle. A month ago,
when the Colts were winning local
fans were unanimous In declaring that
Nick's club could wipe the sward with
the Iocs Coasters.
There's a popular song which rambles
something like this: "'Ain't It funny
inuininmTi muj tlfnTinnttjiUH
11. llft!L - Ul-U US-- . U-UlUUXUUlUfLlllUt 111 II Jill I .IJIIUIM I I j HIS .1. II.IHSIHIH"
'.nrrirrr,t'TTr'n: 7rrl-.n1-t-ir.i.ii.ii.rn.T......,:-i..ti..-.;-.1.nit1tiii,,iiM...iintt.t i
M. A. GUNST CO., lae.
.'4-'I.MJ U-W.
Very English,
but "deuced
lyM correct
here now in com
plete new nortmrnt!i
of materials in tho modinli
gray-of -dawns'
and "twilight blues"
that arc now no much in de
mand among men w ho know. 01'
t'oui'si!, they aro biriiirt
at $20 to $35.
what a difference Just a few hou
Buddy Ryan apparently In en th
Cleveland bench for aome time to come
Birmingham has now gone back to rrn,
tcrfleld as a regular with Butcher and
Cranry alternating In left. Vean
Gregg waa touched up for It of ths
IS hlta poundnd out by Phlladolph
Sunday. Lajnie Is bark on first an
made three hits. Pall is holding downl
second, Pecklnpaugh shortstop and ON
son third.
Ml Hogar cigars; three stores: tl
Third street. Klxlh and Washington,
Third and Washington. ;
Co.Ttvi PA R A
' L jt,.l-l1