Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 12, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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, Pasco Woman' Charges Dead
Husband Was Fond of'
Another Woman.
Hank Cashier's Home for Whose
JVath Contractor Was Arrested,
Is Closely Watched bjr
Panco ' Authorities.
1 TASCO, Or, June 11. (Special.)
' Mm. Chrlsttnsen insisted again today
! she had no knowledge of how her hus
band met his death, but advanced the
theory that he took an ovsYdose of
strychnine, nay In that for months he
has been a habitual user of the drug,
j "Several months ago 1 discovered by
accident that my husband was taking
drugs." said Mrs. Chrlstenscn. "and I
, repeatedly begged him to stop this de
' moralising habit, lie said this wss
' beyond his power. however, and
seemed discouraged, frequently telling
me that his heart was had and he
' would not live more than six months.
"I dont believe he committed sui
cide, but I do think that he became
careless and took too . much strych
nine by mistake. Hub heart was weak
and he had stomach trouble and this
mlKht have caused his death.
"I can't understand how his whisky
flask happened to be poisoned, for he
always kept this in his travelling bag
under lock and key. But I certainly
have no knowledge of his death ex
cept what 1 have told you and Tin
sure that Mr. Garey Is absolutely In
nocent." Mrs. Chrlstensen today charged her
dead husband with having been Inti
mate with a woman of this city and
asserted that this had been th. cause
of their domestic differences.
Mrs. Chrlstensen Is keeping-close to
her home and is constantly under sur
veillance of ths authorities. Two de
tectives employed by the Elks lodg.
of Fpokane and. relatlvea of Chrlsten
sen have been In Pasco for several
days running down different clews snd
endeavoring to And something definite
regarding the purchase of the strych
nine that killed the bank cashier.
.Xortliern Pacific Passenger Train
J las Narrow Escape.
i CHETIA1.I3, Wash.. June 11. (Spe
irlal.) Northern Pacific passenger train
I No. 307 narrowly escaped a serious
'collision at Napavlne with a freight
jtraln engine which was on a aiding
iat that place. A brakeman on the
'freight opened a switch before the rear
trucks of the diner and the observa
tion car had cleared. As It was. the
front trucks of the diner were left
ton the main track, the rear opes head
ting onto the siding. The freight en
gine struck the diner in the center
at slow speed, shattering' glass and
.demolishing one side of the car.
The dining-car conductor snstched a
'passenger who was In peril from his
seat, where he sat unconscious of dan
ger. No one was Injured.
There also wag a small wreck of a
freight near Napavlne this morning,
owing to the breaking of an axle. Three
cars were ditched.
Alexander Brault, Aired A, Struck
While Crossing- Street.
On his way from school, Alexander
Brault. aged 8. son of A. Hrault. tailor,
was instantly killed at Thirteenth and
JefTorson streets, yesterday, "under the
wheels of a hose-wagon, running to
respond to an alarm of fire. The slip
pery oondltlon of the .streets was the
cause of the accident, making the hose
Wagon swerve so that the child Was
bewildered In his efforts to avoid It.
Alexander had just been dismissed
from the Ladd school for lunch, and
was crossing the street, when the ap
paratus came along, driven by D. J.
Carter and under command of Lieu
tenant K. a. Voss.
Lebanon Renames School Teachers.
LEBANON. Or.. June 11, (Special.)
The Lebanon School Board has about
completed the selection of a carps of
teachers for next year. Of the IS
teachers to be elected 13 have already
been chosen and accepted the places.
These are as follows. Superintendent.
Carl C. Baker, re-elected; .high school
teachers. Burgess F. Ford, Miss Fran
ces Judy, Miss Lena Tartar, Miss Jen
nie Lilly, all re-elected; the grades
eighth. Miss Margaret Hewitt; sixth.
Miss Anna M:Cormlck: fourth. Miss
Florence Corrlck; third. Mrs.' Jennie
Cromwell; second. Miss Kate Hender
son: Otst, Miss Jessie Wilde and Miss
Abble - Davis. Teachers are yet to be
selected for the seventh, fifth, and one
for the fourth grade. AH the teachers
elected, except Miss Corrlck, were
teachers of last year and gav excel
lent satisfaction.
Winston Family Reunion Held.
ROSEBURO. Or., June 11. (Special.)
It was a happy reunion that occurred
at the home of W. C. Winston, seven
miles south of Rosnburg. Sunday, when
W. C, K. and L. Winston, ell brothers,
met for the first time in 2S years. After
a general good time recounting the
many changes that the years have
wrought, a delicious dinner was served
on the lawn and enjoyed by all- Rela
tives present at the reunion were: Mr.
snd Mrs. W. Winston, of Wlnstons;
Mr. and Mrs. K. Winston, of Roaeburg;
Mr. snd Mrs. L. Winston, of Hastings,
Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. George Winston,
Anna Wlnston,.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wins
ton. Dorothy. Kenneth snd Norma
Winston. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Smith, Dale,
Thrlma and Karl Smith, Oladls and
durance Irnox. .
Falling Steel Injures Man.
. A. Burke, a time keeper for the
Hound Construction Company, which Is
erecting the steel structure of the
new Oregon Hotel, suffered a fractured
skull Mondsy evening hen a piece of
steel in the hands of one of the work
men fell snd struck him In the head.
Burke was on the sidewalk, and the
steol. which weighed about one and
one-half pounds, fell a distance of E
feet. At St. Vincent's Hospital he was
operated on by Drs. Alan Welch Smith
and Koy C. McDsniel, who removed a
piece of bone one and one-half Inches
square, from te skull over the brain.
Ills chances lor recovery are good. sy
his doctors.
Th S'nrw cr'in government hpui rarnh
llaheil st MTnvris"r a domestic rinr
jH:hnol to afford a compete covree Is bouae.
killni lo young iirla.
1 It f - v ' -ft -HI
y&: iff
Representative Hit by Train
While on Fishing Trip.
Mrs. 'Wiekliffe Goes to House Just
s Body I. About to Adjourn.
Members Spy Her In Gallery
'and Tell Her Sad Xemii
'WASHINGTON. June 11. Represen
tatlv Wiekliffe. of Louisiana, was run
down on the tracks of the Boumern
Railway In Potomac Park today and
instantly killed. He had left the Capi
tol yesterday to be away today on a
Ashing trip. How he happened to stray
on the railroad tracks has not been ex
plained. The engineer said be saw ths
Representative too lata to avoid ths
Newa of his death traveled fast, but
did not reach Mrs. Wiekliffe before she
had started for the Capitol, as was her
daily custom, to watch proceedings In
the House. The House was already
about to adjourn out of respect to the
memory of Wiekliffe when several
members happened to aee his wife In
the gallery.
Wife Falata at News,
There was a hurried conference. Rep
resentatives EstoplnaL of Louisiana,
and Cullop, of Indiana, made their way
quietly to where Mrs. Wiekliffe was
sitting and Invited her downstairs to
Speaker Clark's office. There, as gent
ly aa they could, they broke ths news
to ber. Mrs. Wiekliffe fainted. Later
she asked to be taken home. Mrs.
Champ Clark, a close friend, was quick
ly summoned. Immediately after she
was seen to lea've the gallery, the Holise
adjourned at 11:50 A. M. until 11 A. M.
Memorial services will be held later
In the session.
Mrs. Wiekliffe was one of the pro
moters of the recent Dolly Madison
Breakfast In this city, and has been
prominently active among the Demo
cratic women of the Capital. Before
her marriage she was Miss Lydla W.
Cooke, of Louisville.
WlrkllVe Alaae Win Killed.
Mr. Wiekliffe was alone when killed.
He was paired st the House of Repre
sentatives with Dupre for today, and
Jocularly explained to the clerk that
he was going on a "fishing trip.
Mr. Wlckllffe's watch had stopped at
(:21 A. M. His body was laid on the
green near the track and later carried
to the morgue.
Mr. Wiekliffe was a son of Robert C
Wiekliffe. st one time Qovernor of Ken
tucky, and his grandfather was Postmaster-General
In the Cabinet of Presi
dent Tolk.
Klamath Courthouse May Be Erected
on Company's Donation.
(Special.) Judge Coke, of Coqullla. In
a decision announced here Monday de
cided that ths new Klamath County
courthouse may be erected oa the Hot
Springs Addition site presented to the
county by the Klamath Development
Company. The new site Is In the east
end of town. People of the west end
opposed removing the coarthouss from
its present site In their section of the
H. J. Murdock, a lawyer represent
ing the West Knders, filed an injunc
tion suit against the County Court to
prevent the removal of the courthouse,
and a warm factional fight ensued.
Coke found against Murdock and as
sessed the costs of ths case against
Now that the case has been settled,
the last bone of contention among lo
cal factions has been removed and
harmony la expected.
Commissioner From La Grande Vis
its at Sumpter Hearing.
SUMPTER. Or.. June 11. (Special.)
Water Commissioner Cochran, of La
Grande, la here meeting with the water
users of Sumpter Valley and Instruct
ing them In the working of Oregon's
water code. Fully SO water rights are
represented In the meeting and the fil
ing of Information regarding their
rights, as well as making claim for ad
ditional water to be used In their Irri
gation work. Is being made.
Generally the farmers feel that the
distribution of the water will be carried
out successfully by the commission,
while there are a few that think they
sre not getting fair treatment and are
dlspoeed te question the fairness of the
distribution ss It seems to affect them.
While June 10 was the day set by the
order of the water commission for the
I K . l Slassies v I
Above, Mrs. H. F. Ckrtateaaea
H. r. Ckrlatcswem.
meeting with the water users of Upper
Powder River and the filing of their
claims and statements regarding tbelr
water rights, the order also allows 00
days from that date In which to make
filings. In addition to this the com
mlesloner has stated to the water uatrs
that he thinks It will be safe to say
they will have till January 1 to file
their claims, as owing to the .work now
mapped out for the commission It will
be that lata at least before they will
be able to take up the adjudication
of the Powder River water rights.
It la understood here that the com
mission Is now facing the adjudication
of the waten of Powder River and
tributaries, the largest task yet un
dertaken by It in the state.
Spokane Postal Inspectors . Probe
Letter Organization In Lents, Or,
SPOKANE, June 11. The Postofflce
Department began yesterday an In
vestigation of an "endless chain" let
ter which has for its alleged purpose
the raising of funds for the building of
a battleship -to bo named Roosevelt,
The letter which was turned over
to the authorities comes from Lenta,
Or, and asks that the recipient remit
2S cents and then mail a copy of the
letter to three of "your dearest friends.1
As a battleship costs upwards of $2,
000.000, some 8.000,000 quarters are
needed. According to the letterhead the
movement is backed by "Ths Roosevelt
Progressive Republican Ciub," and the
names of the alleged officers of the
organisation are given. Lents Is
suburb of Portland.
Of the postofflce Inspectors In the
Portland district the only one In the
city at this time Is H. C Dursnd who
states that he has not heard the case
mentioned although Inspector Flavin,
of Spokane, was here a few days ago
Investigating other matters. Post
master George W. Spring, of Lenta, was
In the city yesterday and be also stated
that he had no knowledge of such let
ters being sent out from his office and
his attention had never been attracted
to the matter officially or otherwise.
Judge Out for Signatures.
MEDFORD, Or June 11. (Special.)
Judge Colvlg. president of the Medford
Commercial Club, has left for Portland
and a tour of the state to secure sig
natures to the good road home rule
measure recently drawn up by Attor
ney A. E. Reames. The measure pro
vides for an amendment to the consti
tution giving an enabling act to al
low counties to bond themselves for
the construction of permanent high
ways upon a majority vote of those
voting at either a general or special
election, for a sum to be designated
by the County Court,
Autos to Clip Time to Coo Bay.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. June 11. (Spe
cial. Travelers to Coos Bay are In
sured a better and quicker overland
trip now that the Summer schedule has
been adopted by the stage lines. Ths
condition of the roads Is such that the
faster time of the Summer season caq
be made. On the stage route between
Roseburg and Coos Bay and the Co
qullla Valley, autoa will soon be put
on for at least part of the distance.
and later to run clear through. The
autoa on the line between Alleghany
and Drain have been put Into service
for the Summer. This route was
opened for automobile travel last year.
Pioneer Orcbardlst Laid to Rest.
HOOD RIVER, Or, June 1L (Spe
cial.) After funeral services Monday
at the Catholic Church by Rev. Father
Plus, the body of Philip Kollas, a pi
oneer orchardist, was burled at the
Idlewlld Cemetery. Mr. Kollas, - who
has resided here for 20 years, leaves
surviving a wife and four sons, Albert,
William and Alphonse, of this city, and
Frank, of Gilliam County.
Astoria Bank Buys Site for Home.
ASTORIA. Or- June 11. (Special.)
The Scandinavian-American Savings
Bank closed a deal today for the pur
chase of a lot at the corner of Twelfth
and Duane streets, on which It will
ereet a modem banking and office
Guards' (amp Destroyed by Fire.
FliORKNCK. Or.. June IL (Special.)
Portland's Six Choicest and
Highest Priced Residential
Sites Now Ready to Be Sold
One Look,
Means a Lot.
While the forest guards employed at
the camp on Baddle Mountain, Z miles
from Florence, under Ranger Toung.
were out at work on their survey last
week, the camp, with, approximately
1500 worth of aupplies, was destroyed
by fire, the men returning at about
P. M. to And everything In ashes, Th.
guards employed there were Alex
Powell, P. 8. Rice and Laorence John
son, each of whom lost considerable
personal property, and all war. obliged
to walk If miles to the nearest ranch
to obtain ahelter for th. night.
Oregon City Shoe Man Dlee.
OREGON CITT. Or- June 11- (Spe
cial.) Joseph John Lammers. who con
ducted a. shoe stor In this city several
years, died of apoplexy early Monday at
the horn of his son. Oeorge Urnnwri,
Washington Pure Cream Ice Cream leaves noth
ing to be desired. It is perfect because it is
pure. Don't buy ice cream that contains any"
thing but the pure, unadulterated cream yfith a
little sugar and flavoring. To be sure to get
what you want phone
169 Fourth
MANY men having something to sell
seek to impress you with the low
price of that article. My purpose is to
tell you not how cheap, but how good
my proposition is.
I Have Six Sites to Sell
These constitute all of Mock nine. Westover Terraces, and
are. the six most desirable residential Kites in the City of
Portland. The smallest one contains 10,000 square feet
(about 70x150 feet) and the largest 15,000 square feet
(about 116x130 feet). The view from these sites is the fin
est to be enjoyed In the entire Northwest. At the base of
Westover Terraces is Xob mil, with its costly homes; then
rortland with it restless commercial activity merging into
the charm of residential beauty across the Willamette. In
the far distance Is seen the mighty Columbia on its way to
the ocean. Still beyond and framing this unparalleled
panorama are snow-capped peaks and mountain ranges.
AH a picture unusual In its beauty and confined in its en
tirety to Westover Terraces. This magnificent property is
In the Heart of Portland's Most
Exclusive Residential District
Reached In 10 minutes by automobile from the business
center, or a walking distance of 25. Take Twenty-third
street car; get off at Lovejoy and walk west to the property
F. N. Clark
Reaver Creek. Mr. Lammers sold his
store awveral months ago and has since
been living with bis son. Shortly be
fore his death be complained of palna
In his head, but before a physician
could b. summoned h. died. Mr. L Ti
mers was Tt years of ag. and came to
thla city from Hartlngton. Neb. The
body will be aent tber. for burial.
Bif Salmon Ran Heavy.
ASTORIA. Or, June 11. (Special.)
Tn. catch of salmon Sunday nlgbt was
th. best of any night elnc th. preaent
season opened and a number of boats
came In this morning wtth from 400
to M0 pounds each. The fish taken
average large and thla fact Is taken as
a good Indication that th. run will
Phones: Main 714, A 2276
Selling Agent,
via the delightful Columbia River
Route on the Steamers
Steamer EaMalo will leavo daily except Saturday and Sunday
at 8 A. M. (SHARP o aa to pasi tnrongu the draw of the bridges
before the closed period), and on Saturday at 1 P. M., touching at
Megler to connect with North Beach point, thence to Astoria.
Steamer "H arrest Queen" will leave daily, except Saturday and
Sunday, at 8 P. JL, and on Saturdays at 10 P. M.
Excellent restaurant service Meals a la carts
Trains meet all boats at Megler for North Beach points
Single Trip to Astoria $ 1.50
Season Tickets. North Beach., 4.00
Saturday to Monday Tickets.. $ 3.00
FiTt-ride Round-Trip Tickets. .915.00
Ons-day river trip Portland to Megler and Return, 92.00
Stateroom reservations can be made at Asb-atreet Dock, or
i i
Spalding Building.
Reballt and
Harvest Queen