ft SHEPARD PLACED AT HEAD OF MILITIA r Circuit Court Jurist Passes on Case, Giving favorable if Decision. LAWSUIT SETTLES POINT ::Zs ,r Commander Simpson, of MarshfleM, , Ignorea Action and Judge Brad j . shaw's Verdict Necessarily In Plaintiffs Favor, a George 8. Shepherd Is now nominally ' in charge of tha Oregon Naval Militia v and .the cruiser Boston, aa a raault of ).a dcclalon yesterday by Circuit Judge Bradahaw. But. In reality, tba naval mllltla affaire ara In an almoat hope lea tangle, and Governor Weat haa aald that unless It can ibow why It ahould rontlnua to exist It will ba abolished. Tha lawault decided by Judge Brad- ' ahaw yaaurday waa ona brought by " Khepherfl against R. M. Simpson, of Marshfleld. tha commander, to compel Hlmpson to ahow by what right ha held 'tha pnaltlon of commander. Commander " Wmr(in Ignored the suit, and aa no anawer was filed, tha Judge's decision ' waa neceaaarlly In Shepherd a favor. Tha trouble In the naval mllltla ' datea back to about a year a (to. when Shepherd and John T. Blaine, an axecu tlva officer, quarreled In the Armory. A Court of Inquiry was railed, and (Shepherd waa ousted from hla position as captain. Blaln and John McNulty, . commander, also ware ousted. An election to fill the place of cap tain waa then held, and Hlmpaon waa ' declared elected. But only the votea of the offlcere ware counted. Tha an- Hated man had voted for Shepherd, and If their votea had been counted Shep herd aaya ha would have ben elected. Between the time Shepherd waa ouatd by tha Court of Inquiry and tha time pf tha election J. J. Keynolda waa 't appointed to nil tha place of captain. Shepherd brought ault against him. and . won It. but not until Reynolds waa out of tba service. Then Bhepherd brought tha ault against Simpson. Simpsons election waa contingent . upon hla passing the examination for captain. Thla ha failed to do, and thus became commanding officer. ,, OuaUva J. Blomberg was then ap pointed executive officer of the Boaton. He waa recently removed becauaa of the - notortoua conduct of a paroled prisoner from tha Salem Penitentiary aboard the Boaton. aald to have been with Blom . berg's knowledge. This Mr. Blomberg denies, i It now remains for Bhepherd to pass the examination for the captaincy. MIST ISSVES HIS UITIMATCM Xaval Mllltla Hunt Tell Soon VnJ It la tSate Benefit. SALEM. Or., June 10. (Special.) ' "Several days ago I announced that the Oregon Naval Mllltla would bava to give reasons why It should continue to exist or It would be disbanded, de clared Governor Weat tonight "It the court held that Mr. Shepard la the right ful captain of the Naval mllltla, that la only ona mora reason. In my mind, to - make me demand that the organisation ' glva reasons to Justify Its existence." On top of this declaration, the Qor- em or pointed out wherein he considers that Shepard has won only barren , victory at the most. The executive says Captain Simpson, who Is supposedly ' captain, la in reality commander, that ha Is commlKSloned as commander and that' the office of captain has been abolished. When Captain Reynolds resigned aa captain, says Governor Weat. and It fell ' upon the shoulders of the executive to appoint a successor to him. Simpson was appointed, not as captain, but as commander. ' Oeorge Shepard brought proceedings 1 to determine whether Simpson ahould be at the bead of the mllltla or 1 whether the offlcere of the line ahould " name tha head of the organisation or r whether that duty ahould fall to the men as a whole. It la certain from ' what statement. Governor Weat would make public tonight that he will con 1 tlnue to demand that the Oregon Na val Mllltla show within ' the S0-day limit, which expires this month, why the organisation Is a benefit to the state. The victory of Shepard la auch a victory, he aaya. aa to cause the Oovernor to make a still more atrenu oua demand on tha organisation to ' give Ita full reaaona for continuing longer as a state organisation. It Is also certain that If Shepard calls upon the Governor to be commis sioned ae captain of the mllltla that ' Shepard will be practically refused such commission. This much wss In timated by the executive when tie stated that In event an Incident of thla .latere occurred ha would take tha 'matter under advleemeot Indefinitely. The Governor treata tha office of captain of the Naval Mllltla aa being an entirely dead letter and Inetata that no auch office now exists. By Infer ence Ae declarea that no auch office will axlat aa long aa ha la Governor. RAYMOND SHOWS GROWTH Washington Town't Gain Proved by Directory and School Census. RAYMOND. Wash-. June 10 (Special.) Polka directory for 1911 for the City of Raymond contains till names of ac ' tual residents of this city. Using the multiple 14, commonly used In the weat. the population of thla city is &&. ' The correctness of theae flgurea la borne out by the recent school eanaua whl'.-lil shows an Increased enrollment of nearly 100 scholara. the total num ber being 638. Many new residences have been built during the year, yet there are few va cant houses In the city. The outlook for the Summer and Fall Is encourag ing. ; ' ' ' rioneer Pastor to Speak. Rev. J. R. N. Bell, one of the pioneer preachrra of Oregon, will deliver the memorial addreaa at the meeting of the Chapter of Sorrow of the Eastern Star at Masonic Temple tonight. Mr. Bell la grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Masons. Regular business of the grand chapter will be conducted at a A. M. tomorrow and at o'clock to morrow night ritual work will be put on by tha grand officers and the floral work by the Eastern Chapter, of Baker, The grand chapter officers will ba In stalled Thursday afternoon. Wldener to Build Library. ' PHILADELPHIA. June 10. Philadel phia bibliophiles are Intereatad In the announcement that It la the Intention of P. A. B. Wldener to build a wing to Harvard University library. In which to .house the almost priceless book treas ures of his grandson, Harry E. Wlde 'ner. who lost his life when the Titanic "want down. SCENES IN NEW YORK WAITERS' STRIKE ATT TTS LEADER fym ml -t-m j- ii i Mirny w JZJ2-Zks.- WJaTl Photoa ABOVK, UTRIKKHJ II FHONT OP RID EL9EH, THUU LEADER BELOW, TRIHEH9. FEAST BRINGS HOWL Walters Try to Stop Banquet for Germans. NOISY CROWD CORRALLED Police Arrest 100 Disturbers and Relay Mob to Stations In Many Patrol . Wagons) Strikers Fall In Their Purpose. (Concluded From First P.) so-called "heavy artillery" of the force, while Patrolman Lo wry Mead on bla war borae Dart repreaentad tha cav alry. The first clash came this evening whan atrlkera bad not moved enough to ault the police and eight of them war arrested and taken to the sta tion where later they were balled out. This Incensed the mob. which, as its numbers Increased, became noisy and more menacing In Its actions. In their hats or auapended from their buttonholea tha man ware placards TALRVTED ACTRESS TO SELL, IA.DWICHK9 TO AID IF RAGB CACSE. Alice) Fleaslac. Leading Woman f the Balker Stock Conaaay. For the purpose of raising funda to assist tha Woman'a Suffrage League several prominent society women have volunteered to go out upon tha streets today In a large wagon and sell sandwiches. Ice cream cones, and other lunch delicacies on the streets. Among these are. Mrs. A. King Wilson, president of the Woman'a Club; Dr. Eather C. Pohl. Mrs. John M. Scott, wife of the general passen ger agent of tha Southern Pa cific Railroad, and Alice Flem ing, leading woman of the Baker Stock Company, who recently re turned to the city from the East and Canada. Mlsa Fleming has always taken a lively Interest In mattara con cerning the welfare of women -and looka forward to the novelty of handing out doughnuts and coffee or ham sandwiches to the hnsarry public today with all tha enthualaam of a school girl at her firat party. "Pike" Davla bas volunteered to accompany tha sandwich wagon, ring the dinner bell and between - the Intervale of carving meat and buttering bread and waffles, tall the Inter ested throngs all about tha Wo man's Suffrage movement In Ore movement in Ore- k states. . I gon -and other states. :'':.:'.'.:'. Xa ZP -aa mm. " r li Copyright by Bain Newa Service. HKKTtlRAIDT AXD 8K4POHAP OF ELKH AODHESSIXO MEETIJIO Of N with the Inecrlptlon "I am a hotel worker. We are on a strike." Trouble Boaarth ss4 Fessi. Inspector Daly sized up the threat ening parsders for a moment and re marked, "These fellows are evidently looking for trouble, and. by George, they are going to get It." Then he gave a signal and his men pounced on the strikers all down the line. There waa wild confusion for a while. Some of the mob fled, but others held their ground and began to argus and expostulate. All such were nabbed without parley or ceremony. Inspector Daly ' had cloaed each of the ex lata of the Aator Court back of tha hotel by a wall of bluecoats with clubs drawn and mto tha coral the end lees chain of strikers was precipitated pell mell for safe-keeping. They were warned that at the slightest dam onstratlon of resistance severe mea sures would be taken. Most of theme were quiet, but some struggled and hooted producing a com motion which brought hundreds from the hotel and some of those at the banquet to die windows. Strikers made a rush for ths streets, but the bluecoats shoved them back. Hundreda banked up In the atreet Just far enough away to be out of reach of ihe busy policemen and were Inter ested apectatora of tba melee. The patrol wagon dashed up and men were chucked Into It until It would hold no more. Policemen with revol vers handy Jumped on the driver's seat and on the back atapj and away It aped to the atatlon-houae, dumping Its mot ley crew snd returning for others. IS SEEN COLLEGE MERGER MEASCRE DISCUSSED AT O. A. C. Bill Said to Dodge. Ismes In Pro posal to Combine Oregon Uni versity nd Aggy School. CORVALUS, O., June 10. (Special.) The proposed measure providing for one Board of Regents for the Oregon Agricultural College and the University of Oregon was discussed at the annual meeting of the O. A. C. Alumni Asso ciation held here today. The members from other section of the state than Corvallla favored pass ing a resolution opposing the measure, but It was finally decided to refer the matter to the executive committee. Those expreaaing opposition to the bill aald I dodgea the Issue, will keep the schools In politico and thi it la not the settlement of the achooi ques tion that he voers of tie state r"ave demanded. Owing to their special In terest the Corvallls members did not participate In the discussion. The following officers of the asso ciation for the year- were elected: A. O. B. Bouquett, president: B. I. Betty, vice-president; II. 1 Holgate. secre tary; members executive committee. J. Fred Yatea. Mrs. C. T. McDevltt. Miss Bertha Davla. Daughters of Norway Meet. The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Daughters of Norway waa held yeaterday In Danla Hall, on Rus sell and Borthwlck atreete, attended by delegates from 14 societies. Includ ing' Portland. Spokane, fui Francisco, Seattle. Tacoma, Belltngham, Asbland, Eureka, Coeur d'Ateoe, Ballard, Van couver, B. C. , Aberdeen. Loa Angelea and Hoqulam. Tha following offlcera were elected: President. Mrs. Martha Heyelstad, of-Tacrma. Wash.; vice president. Mrs. C. P. Bernsdon. of Se attle. Wash.; Judge, Mrs. O. Larsen, of Seattle: secretary, Mrs. M. N. Wilson, of Seattle: treasurer. Mrs. Minnie Holmes, Tacoma: mlstreeo of oere monies, Mrs. J. P. N'llaen. of Ballard, Wash.; escort. Mrs. Jennie Maldon. of Portland: Inner guard. Mrs. HeJga H. Retley, of Spokane, Wash.; outer guard, Mr. J. L. Jackeon. of Bellingham, ash.: trustees Mrs. Laura Walstar, Tacoma. and M. Llsxl Nllsen. Taroma. The organisation stands for loyalty to this country and to the contention that America was discovered by a Nor wegian, and not by Columbus. . . .aw m gaV 6 wholesomeness there I i V T M a- BAKING POWDER Tbc Best of the H!ah-Grad Baktea Powdtrs-Wo Alauaa 8 KILLED WITH AX Villisca, Iowa, Scene of Ter rible Crime. MURDERER IS WOT KNOWN Man and Wife, Pour Children and Two Women Onestn Ttscov ered in Beds With Their Heads Crushed. . VILLISCA. Is June 10 Joseph Moore, a leading VlUlaca buslneaa man. his wife and four children and two wo men visitors. Miss Edith and Miss Blanche Spllllnger, were found mur dered In their beds in the Moore borne. Their heads had been crushed to a pulp. An ax, covered with blood and hu man hair, found In the house. Is sup posed to have been the Instrument with which the crime waa committed. There la no definite clew to ths murderer. No rohherv waa committed, and It .aVw bTLs "V '.L m M BB aj sT BBw LiiilBMiiO V ka axti rrw rn inr-mo a rrniTo ! 388 Morrison Street (Opposite Olds, Wortraan & King.) EXIT THE FRYING PAN THE MODERN HOUSEKEEPER USES A THERMATIC Bakes and roaata without first partially cooking and without reheating before serving. Boils, steams and stews far better than by any other method and requires no attention after food has been placed into it. Don't spend all of your time in the hot kitchen get a Thermatic and have HOT MEALS IN A COOL KITCHEN It paya for itself. Fully guaranteed. , J. J. ICAJDDERLY ' 130 Established 1873 Delicious Doughnuts perfectly raivj. They will be wholesome and delicious and will not 7 soak fat" if you use Rumford. For Droducinz food of most delicate flavor and perfect lichtnets and is no baking powder to equaL WMQLCSQMC aeema clear that only a desire for re unless the work waa done by a mad man. Horses neighing In tha barn at the Moore borne caused a woman neighbor to notice that no member of the family appeared to be up and about the house. Moore and his wlfs ware tha first to be discovered. They were lying la their bed In a front room. Then came the finding of the bodlea of the two guests, and later those of the children In a third room. Moore was the manager of an Implement concern and a leader In buslneaa and octal clrclea. The dead are: Joseph Moore and wife; Herman Moore, 11 years old; Catherine Moore. yeare old; Boyd Moore. 7 years old: Paul Moore, years old; Mlsa Edith Spllllnger. IS yeara old; Mlsa Blanche Fpllllnger. 11 years old. Owing to the terrible mutilation the Identity of the two women could net at first ba established. They were be lieved to be Mrs. Van ODder and her daughter, ralatlvea of the Moorea. Later they were positively Identified aa the Spllllnger alsters. . daughtera of a wealthy farmer living a few mllea from VlUlaca, who had been at a church en tertainment here laat night. Juat a year and a day ago Portland. In the height of her annual festivities, was horrfTled by a crime paralleling In almoat every detail, the massacre In Iowa, when William Hill, bla wife and two children were alaughtered In their beds while asleep In their home at Ardenwald. south of the city. The ab sence of robbery or other apparent motive exists In each case, ami It la believed here that the Iowa crime was committed by a .maniac of the same aort as the man to whom the H1U mur ders are attributed First St., 131 Front St. Canadian Money Accepted at Full Value Tele- Shone Exchanges for Your Convenience Open a onthly Account Today Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Prompt Service. A Shopping Opportunity for Our Visitors Unlike our former Rose Festivals, we are this week holding our First Removal Sale, preparatory to moving into the New Wood-Lark Building. As a result, we are offering exceptional saving oppor tunities on goods that are useful and necessary. To say that the same Woodard-Clarke & Co. quality is in evidence with the reduced prices is like carrying water to the ocean. Quality at all times is our rule. Note the following prices: Champagnes Murem'a Eitra Dry; full f I 7C als tus, half else 1 .1 3 Veuve Clicquot lry; full 0 flft else SAAe, half slse 4iUU Cock s Imperial; full alaa OR 2.oe, half else l3 "i'aul Union' Special at... 79 -lrruy" Special at SI. 49 SPARKLISO WIXKS. Imported Bparkllna; Bur- 0 IQ fundy; res;, asjia, special.. e)i43 m ported Pverkllnc Mo- ) 07 llt: rea-. SS-ue, special... iwl Italian flwiss Sparkling Hur. rundy; full alas 91M, half ygg Italian 8Ms Fparkllne; Kuryunrly (white); full else J3, half 7jjj, Create Hlanoa Fnarkllns: Bur. sundy; full alaa SB, half y g q t'reeta Blanra Pparkllna; Biirriiny (white); full alia IIJS, halt 7fjg California ' PparklYn ' Wlneai II. special rHl rinldwi Star Sparkling Wines, a domestic champagne; OQn specie! 03U Rectal Dilators. I In set 7K hoft rubber Rectal Tubes, aa- A(t sorted slzea. ?0-lnrh HUli oft rubber Colon Tubes, as- Ofla sorted si sea. 0-lnrh DUb Hark reeta (adjustable), with an1 without arms. C fin .t.OO to 3iUU Zinc douche pans R44 White enametled Douche Cans. wrh ?nd..4: $i.5Q Be a Weather Prophet Thermometers, hard rubber and aluminum, ebaln cases, cor- 7Co titled. SOe and I Arch Supports, all slses, f I Cfi assorted, per pair liOU Arnold Vibrators. complete In rase !.T'.'.0.V. $19.50 tora Summer Belts, extra light- QCa wolght. assorted alaea s,Jl Homeopathic Section "Treatment of Dleeasea" with the twelve Tisane Remedies. Also tha celebrated Ounther'a Ooltre Rem edy In powder or tablets We are agents for Luytle's Celebrated Homeo preparations. C. A W. Concentrated Flavoring FTtracta. Vanilla. 25. 60. T6e and S1.2S. Lemon 2c. SO4 and Hl.OO. Have You Any Chickens A'enarla Carbollneum. Paint or spray your chicken, bouse with title famous "German OCp Parasiticide" Jw Best for Rose Beads Attar Rose. Genuine, from OCp, Bulgaria. Vtala a-" Eraslne Removes pitch. fruit stalna and oil from gloves, car pets and woolen goods, Bot- 2Q Japaneae Cleenalng Cream. In stantly resnoves grease and epote from clothing. Bottle c Woodard, Clarke & Co. Fourth and Wa.hington. America'. Large.t Drug.tore Do Not Fail to Visit the Special AUTOMOBILE SHOW Embodying the Different Models and Features of E. M. F. "30" and FLANDERS "20" CARS Q The Cut-away Chassis in operation jCC showing the inside parts in action. C The "First to Hazelton" Flanders OeC "20" Rebuilt and as good as new. C The Flanders "20" Delivery Car Jee The car that "Delivers the Goods." STUDEB AKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA Chapman and Alder Streets T.J,, 23rJ Street." Portland Heights and Council Crest" or "Baa, feair Care cn Washington Street to Chapman Street. Turn to Left- Take "W" Car oe Morrisoei Street to Chapman Street. Turn to Right. You Are Cordially Invited to visit our plant any week day and enjoy a trip through all the numerous departments. I nl formed guides In attendance. Iarn about Government In spection, a valuable feature of this modern, sanitary Plant. Thla Inaurea purchasers of meat and meat products, bearing the Government stamp of approvBl, absolutely pure and wholesome food. Isltors In Port land will find this trip a pleasant and Instructive one, occupying most of a morning or afternoon. Tske the Xlleslsslppl ave. (L) car or 6U Johna car and transfer to Kenton. UNION MEAT COMPANY tMOXEKR PAf KP.RI NORTH rOKTXAKD, ORKGO. TUALATIN VALLEY ACREAGE KnlendidlT located near Portlsnd, on United Railway. Fast train, weclt end rate COMMUTATION TICKETS. Near town of North Tlaina. Llec trio ligtt, pur witer, improved streets, modern building-. Ideal location for rEurr farms, dairy fajlms. berry fahms, poultry tarm3 E5 C OUBAG EMENT GIVEN SMALL INDUSTRIES For literature, writ or call at offiea of RUTH TRUST COMPANY liiin 6076, or A 3774. For Early Vacation Travel New ehlpnirnt of "Cross" Kngllsh leathers. Likely Trunks for men snd wom en; steamer ami ar,1roie . nr. anteed for strenatli and Uurablllt v. Prices from mtJOO to t (TT TR.00 74 Uir Wicker, bamboo and reed Knit Cases. To close our entire stmk for removal, prlcea from 1 nCC 2.oo to Sis.eo 4 Uil All leather Hult Cases, In every slse and style, with and without straps: prlcea from SJ.oo ftrr to S3A.no 4 Uil f-ln. cowhide Hult Case: leather straps all around, shirt fold Inside riveted frame, strop locks anl holts; regularly 100; spe- gg Our "Green Koap." mails In strict conformity to the 1". K, I'harma copela. and 40s a Jar. Belmont's Sunshine Mete! Polish. Works easy and putrkly, giving a beautiful lustre to nil metals. I an, 15. 2S and 4Qc. Oculists, Attention I Just received large shipment of Artificial Eyes. Largest assort ment In the Northwest. Choro-Bromlne "Wood-lark" A reliable, rapid and effective 1 le -Infectant solution. For ccllsrs, barns, closets. Vtflf Bottle HUb Btorklng Darners. Uc and SKc; Cn i for 3" Going to the Beach? Bathing fruit Bag 250 Keep the Dust Down Du s tless Pust Clothe 19 Celluloid Balls; reg. 10c, 15c, Op i6c, now Jl Red Fountain Hyrtnge lengths Q. reg. 3&o; now u 2-ql. Id Comb. Waterbot- I 17 tie and Bvrlnge I Red Fountain Syringe, 1-qt.; OQ rg. $1.60. apodal Crystal Corn Remedy For corps, bunlona, warta end moles. An efficient 0 C n remedy George'a corn and bunion plasters, A complete line herek Sterling Headache Tablets. 0C Act qulcky J. B. L- Catarrh Cure Hl.OO Kilmer's Bwamp-Root, reg. Q 0c. speclsl Absorblno Jumor, reg. $1.00, 7Qe special '3 1 I'ape's ..Plapepaln. reg. 0c, OOe special Hi. ecus Alterans, reg. $!.?. l pedal wl.l l.lsterlne, reg. $1.00, special 5f Ktuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets, OQe reg. S0c, special ."J," , -r!f Cascareta, reg. Ha, ane'll. Tc Pimm Remedy for Whooping Cough. Hoothee and moderates the rough and tenda to prevent CQg the convulsions owl' A OF THB PACIFIC 235 Stark 8trcet, Portland. Orejon,