Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 11, 1912, Page 22, Image 22

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    tite aronxiyp okegoxiax, ttjesdat, jtjxe 11, 1912.
Extra Service in the Restaurant This WeekBreakfast, 8 to 1 1 Music at Noonday Luncheon Dainty Afternoon Tea Service 2;30 to 5
Telephone Herald Programme, 24 Numbers, 1 to 4 P. M. in the Lobby Seventh Floor All Butterick Patterns Here, on the First Floor
TIIE METER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts.
Jkfc XV. w .1 l el tv.t t.:- v-tt w,rr Ti." .-'0 ' ...... s-Tr-
- ' - " j " iiiak iu iulu t r r .t- ' -,i 1 ne welcome evary nirrii and riitnr tA tk. . i .
VVO. varlou convention to be held In Portland thl a-""" afc f
1.V Ir N V week: Admen. Poitmiimri flnria nf KrIr I a
7 r.
We want you to feel ' that this is YOUR
Northwest ! Look to your heart's content-shop if yon wish. Visit
our beant if al 7th' floor Restaurant and Tea Room. Ladies'
aitinp; Koom, on second floor. Free parrel and luggage cheek
ing station, basement.
facturere. Livestock Exchange, t'hemlcal SKlrly, Athletic I'nlon
moo. Orfjon Title Men. Oatmpathlc Aeenriat Ion, Turn Vereln.
Fxecuttve Committee Festival Aaaorlatlon all are welcome to
The Bin P'ore. whether you purrha.e or nob alalia lele.r
ijt- r nore inert i everything ror your convenience,
Rose, Festival Sales Jume White Days
Last Week of Scholarship Contest !
f0N'T waste a single duplicate sales-check this week give your support to some of
f the ambitious young men or women who are working to secure one of these splen
did Scholarships.
Itllbe little trouble for you to redeem the' sales-checks for ballots and cast them for some contestant.
They deserve your help. Every vote will count this week the contest 'ends at 9:30 next Saturday
night and the winners won't be decided until the last ballot is in. .
Timely Rose Festival Sales are in progress it is also the last week of our great Annual June White Days. Every
article ui white except contract goods is reduced. Undennuslins, Linens, White Wash Goods, Embroideries, Laces
every need for the Summer should be supplied before it is too late. Why not come today come in the morning.
TRIE wnrr.nt rnwrrT a
Mtae a. O. I'roMlw. lo-i J vubn. K70
Kva u Gentry. KJ3 I Ui Ave. . . tinaafS
Kittle Smucltler. IIS K. lath. .. . 1..'M
Georgia Ploecatra. tit Ford 1147-! J
Evelyn Segal. Allrn Prep lftMM.1
"ora Haley, 8t Mary'e Aoad.... 7IM7I
Ethel O'Brien. St. Merve A-ad... IWUJ.VI
Helen Clark. Qranta Paae, Or CUMM
Edna Metralf, Need Colle Slot!
Kva Johnson, S71 E. Ah IK1SM
Nettle Irew, 117 E. lath 4373
Klortan If. Llnklater. Reed Collet 414-175
Maud Loaey, 49 E. Hummer..... 41I1M
The Great Jewelry Sale!
I-oula Rover. Waah. Hlah Alumni. tTMO
Mary C. Levlsa. Wahlntoa Ho b, t?:A4
Alice Johnaoa. Arleta teJ4A4)
Eva May Vore, Wilton Piano SchL I4.v8
Acnea Bryan. Oddfollew Hmnt,, XtneM
Ml l E Petereon. 74t E 16th... tll.v
Kat&er Ohlemlln, Woodlawn . . . . la 7024
Lowell hradford, Weh. llijh. . . . lMe)
Joe Hallork. It X. loth tM7.e
Harold Brn. (71 E. Salmon . lttftatM
Clifford Thncnaa. Col. ITnlv I44AX7
Ered Erltach. 10 Id St 1 2Hfl7
Fred J. Barber. Waah. nigh ... .114.12
TheTremendous Summer
Event Continues Today
First Floor
Lorgnette Chains
Loner Opera Omrd and
TorKnette Chain In ater-
Hnx llvr and sjunmetal.
Pretty ton ettln-a.
Ail l .(Ml raalaa 9.
All helee 1.8
All . halaa
All U.oo C halaa 4.08.
$7.50 Watches $4.89
PDlendld Guaranteed Swim
' and American Movemonta In
ton-year gold-filled c a e .
Opan-fac or huntlna; atylea.
For men or womon. IK. 60 to
$7.50 Watche are tfcl On
Off red for only OH.Oi?
IVIEVER have so much
high-grade Jewelry,
Watches and Clocks been offered in
a sale before in Portland, yon 11 say
when yon see these offerings !
Beautiful Parisian novelties
preat purchases from the bisr New
York, Attleboro and Providence
manufacturers. Every piece guaranteed to
(rive satisfaction. Just a few of the spe
cial lots:
Parisian Earrings
Rhinestones, pearls and semi-precious e tonne,
set in gold-filled sterling silver and solid gold
60c to $1 Earrings, 39c I S3 to $4 Earrings, $1.98
U Paris Earrings, $1.49 $4 to $6 Earrings, $2.98
$17.50 Watch $11.98
Twenty-Tear O o I d-FIUexI
Watche In men' or women'
te. Kitted with 15 - jewed
Klirln or Waltham; also 17
lewel adjuete! Hampden
movement. $15 nn
to f 17.(0 watch 911 JO
Mesh Bas Reduced
Hia-h-irrade Pterllna; Silver
Importod Otinmetal and
Gold-Pilled leb Bar.
S.I..0-7-14l Bt(. 1.08.
.(IS Haaa e.9S.
aia-r-o Baa iio.8.
Soo-aao Has Sltj.98.
Imported Jewelry
Two hi center-alale ta
ble filled with a wonderful
rollectlon of Imported Val
lleres. Broocheei, Bar Pin
Hat Pin a. Belt Plna. Buckle.
Locket. Chain and other
plce, ao low that we'll not
quote Their
M 97.84J Maatel rioeka
Of marble d wood: hand
otne denlrn; S-day, with H -hour
atrlke. Ppe- 0A no
clal today at only wleeO
Alaraa Clark Fullv guar
anteed. Special at 49?.
$15, $18, $20
Coats at $9.85
Atf offering in Coats that can't be equaled
the city over smart, new, modish Gar-
nniiu. ulcere epien-
ments at only $9.85. They're a specially purchased
lot bought at a price that's why we can special
them at only $9.85. All cut on the narrow silhouette
lines. Coats of navy serge, gray and tan tweeds,
pongees, cloth of gold, tussah silks and smart wors
teds. Finished with attractive medium and large col
lars 01 wnite serge ana black satin. They re splen
cua, new styles, coats that you d
pay $lo, $18 and $20 for regular
ly. Still good choice today
Handsome Apparel of White
Reduced for White Days
White Suits, Dresses, Coats all are reduced for the
June White Days. Savings on fashionable garments that
women are sure- to appreciate. Every late fashion feature
A special offer in the fine man-tailored Suits of White
the beautiful $55 to $85 models at one-fourth off.
SilK Petticoats, Special $2.85
YouH wonder that we offer them at $2.85! Of aplendid
quality messaline and soft, firm taffeta. Lengthened with
pleated, shirred and tucked flounces. Plain and CJO QfJ
changeable colors. An extra good value, at V'OJ
Rose Festival Pen
nants. Banners, Etc.
tne iutn i?ioor you ii iind a
great assortment of Ilose Festi
val Pillows, Pennants, Banners, Flags, Decora
tions and Souvenirs of all kinds.
Rose Festival Pennants
at 15, 2r, 50S
75 and $1
Bosa Festival Pillows,
S4 to 37.50
Rose Festival Souve
nirs, hand-paint 'd. $1
Bose Festival Official
Souvenir Programme,
at 25
Rose Festival Banners,
Bose Festival Garlands,
Z5 and 35
Bose Festival Flags,
at Z5
Bose Festival Oanes,
at 10
Bose Festival Three
Way Pennants, mak
ing apron, hat and
Pennant, 50
Bose Festival Lanterns
at 25
June 14th Is Flag Day
Help make this our great National Flag Day.
Every loyal American shonld wear a little flag
on Friday, June 14. Every home and place of
business should display the Stars and Stripes. A
complete line of Flags in every size, here at
lowest prices.
Clothing Facts That Count
DOUBTLESS you've realized
how much harder it is to
find Summer Clothing that will "hold
up" as your heavier Suits do.
The lightnesa of tho woolens and ab
sence of undue linings and padding,
make skillful tailoring all the more im
perative. The, high-grade Summer Suits
we are showing for Rose Feg
tival week are distinctive for
fine tailoring the kind which
has given the custom tailor
a right to his usual high prices
Hundreds of beautiful patterns in Summer's-
favorite fabrics handsome light
grays, tans, browns, fancy blues, purple
tones, that can't help but please.
bizes for men or every build those who
think they're hard to fit. See our unri
valed line of Suits at
I I ...... I . 7 I mZSS-Jr-r
4 1
The King of All Rotaries!
See Famous Willamette Machines
Demonstrated $2Sends OneHome
WE especially want out-of-town
people to have an opportu
to see our wonderful Willamette Rotary
Sewing Machines this week.
You '11 find a few minutes spent in our Sew
ing Machine Department, in front of the ele
vators, second floor, New Bldg., will prove
mighty interesting.
Our woman Sewing Machine expert will
point out to VOU all the exclnsivA feature nf
.the Willamette Rotary. The rotary bobbin, the automatic tension, and
many other points which make this the best Sewing Machine we know of.
The Willamette Rotary, in Colonial style cabinet, as illustrated"
$32.50. Mission design, 35. Rotary Desk Cabinet, S40.
ftn Pink Plan nw tJ - a4 - 1. i . .
Kodak Rose Festival
TTAKE your own pictures of the Roe Festival events in
time to come they'll bring back a pleasant recollection
and record or your pleasures.
Complete line of Eastman Kodaks. Cameras and nrmlio.
always here. Developing and printing by experts at 24
hour's notice. Festival Week specials:
76c M. A F. Developer, If)
$1.75 Loose-Leaf Albums, llx
14. S1.23
SOc Print'BoUers, 6-in, 23
--$20, $25, $30 and $35!
7HM0 et 1,1
Maloolm Mclean. St. Lawrence. .
Harry -ow. H. W. Una. Col
Harry Pareona, P. R.. U P. Co,
Oha. Blee. Archer v Wllna...
Archie MrCaulov, Waah. lllh...
Mw. ehw.llaer, . W. Bn. Col. HV1
Harry Poitarty. :4th and Irvln.. Al.MOO
Joha Hll.y. 4t Rndney 11144:10
Raymond Krjer. Waah. Hlh 47 111
Harold AKkln, Pnrlland 4N47't.
O.O. Mane. 11. Jeff.raon Hlah.... ailiHlA
Herald Melenn. Hlh 3 1
Paul Adama, Waahlnrlnn Hlh... SlMi:on
Ear lleara. C. U. Uualneaa CoL IH41114
Lovely Neckwear Below V2
' aw L.
f T'LL be a lonp: time before you'll have another such op-
portunity to buy this beautiful, real lacc-trimmerl
A high-grade maker's entir sample line real Irish Crochet and Net Ton i ill
.... , . vuinn, v ircuinr wo lars. unamoi-
settes, Uuimpes, etn. Still splendid selection today.
60a 75c, $1 Sample Neckwear, 33
$1.25, $1.60, $1.75 Neckwear at 57
$2 to $2.75 Sample Neckwear at 87
$3 and $3.60 Sample Neckw'r. Sl.lfr
$4. $4.60 Sample Neckwear, $1.47
Sale of Parasols
Lovely Parasols are reduced for
Rose Festival week. Now'g the time
to complete your costume with a
prettv sunhade.
All $1.25 Parasols, special, only OS
$1.75 to $2 Parasols, special. $1.3
$3.60 Parasols, special at only S2.0S
$4 to $5 Parasols, special for 3.7
$12 to $35 Parasols ONE-THIRD OFF
$5, $5.60 Sample Neckwear, SRI. OS
$8, $6.60 Sample Neckwear, jf2. J7
$7, $8.60 Sample Neckwear, JR3.0S
$12 to $18 Sample Neckwear, JK5.0S
$20 to $40 Samp. Neckwear JJ12.0S
Lovely Hand-Made Roses
Made of silk and satin Ribbons
for corsage wear and millinerv.
25c and 35c Bosei, special, only 12t
60c and 75c Rosea, special, only 2."
$1 to $1.60 Boses, special, only 50
25c All-Silk Bibbons Tafl'etaK,
Moires, Satins, in plaids, stripes, Drex
dens, etc., 3 and 4 iiiche. On 1 C
sale for today, the yard, only IOC
r i
Hand-Loomed Emb'd'y Flouncinffs
w xo ana uausie riouncinps, 43 inches wide, woven on hand
y looms strong patterns and cdpes that will not fray. Lovrlv
Baby Iru.h and blindwork designs. $21,0 to $3 grades, $1.G0; $3.50-$I.M val. $ I. OS
40c to 75c Embroiderie
5000 yarcLi of Swiss, nain
sook and cambric Edpes and
Insertions, l1, to C-inch;
Flouncing, 9 to 18- OC
inch, special at onlyJC
12c to 18c Laces daintv
Round Meh Val. F.dges and
Insertions. 3-4 to 1 3-4-inrh,
for trimming waists and
dresses. Special 1 f
price, the yard, onlv VIC
18 inch Corset Cover Em
broideriespretty floral
and eyelet designs, on sheer
Swiss. Regular $1 to ( U0
grades, 8!e; 8. to ?Q
! grades, sperial at
Trimmed Hats Half Price
YESTERDAY the prcat Mil
linery Salons were thronet
with enthusiastic shoDDers. this first
day of this phenomenal half price offer
ing. Every lovely Mid-Summer Trim
med Hat in our immense show
ing included in the sale.
Pretty creations from our
own work rooms lovely
models of New York and
Paris makers, imported direct.
Hats for every occasion for street,
for afternoon, evening, theater and
dinner wear. Simple and otunning
styles beautiful combination of mate
rials and colorings. Priced regularly
from $7.50 to $150. Again today
-All Hats 12 Price!
Secaa KI
-Blew Ralldlaa. Mail Orders Filled.
Red .Ribbon Canned Goods Reduced
HERE arc unusual Grocery Savings for the housewife today,
that'll help in planning Festival week menus.
Read the big reductions on Red Ribbon Canned Goods. Delicious ready
cooked foods of all kinds in the big Delicatessen. And don't forget our un
equaled Bakery Goods and French Pastry.
Bed Bibbon Maine Corn, two cans, 24 I Bed Bib'n Shrimps, 2 large cans, 3o
Red Ribn. solid pk. Tomatoes. 2 ens. 22 Red Ribbon Pineapple, large can, 22
30c Red Bibbon As par a- 1 I Victor rionr v si ?
Quaker Corn Flakes, four
Pkgs. 25
Eagle Milk, can, at 13c
Pioneer Milk, 4 cans, 2S
Fresh Creamery Butter, 2
lbs, 57
Walnuts, pound, at 15
Raisin, 3 packairs. 22
Summer Fiction at
I9c, 39c, '50c
HERE'S Summer reading for all
in the liig Hook Store!
Books to please young and old. Hundreds
of titles in good wholesome Fiction, well
worth tho reading, among these priced at
19c, 3!c and 50c.
At 19c Works of-
Holme. Carey. Cooper. Alirer
bouiii worth. Carvlce. Wlleon. llemiy.
Some of Titles at 39c
Kingdom of Blender
BlaJc Krldy.
rUaitntrlea of the
The Cireat Moariil.
The Green I'lamond.
New Books at SOc
Th Depot Master.
Tha Key of Yeeterday.
Tha Proapertor.
Gotns Horn.
The nanirar Trail.
Klddrn Water.
The Mneter' Violin.
Marl I'larle.
Store, Heaemeat Aaae.
Book Stars. Baaemeat
Cua, can, 22
Bed Bibbon Pumpkin, two
cans, 23
Mixed Tea, lb., 23
Bed Bibbon Mince Meat,
3 packages 25
Special Coffee, pound at
only 24
Full sized 25c cans of this
famous Cocoa.
Pound cakes of Walter Ba
ker's unsweetened Chocolate.
Watch for the Silk-Maid
Of Interest to Every Woman!
Grafonola Outfit at $58.90
Superb 'Favorite' Machine, 23 Selections.
10 or 12 in.. Record Album, 1000 Needles
YOU who are interested in music in
the homo shouldn't fail to investi
gate this wonderful Phonograph Offer the out
fit as advertised recently by the Columbi
pany in the Saturday Evening Post.
The superb, beautiful-toned Grafonola
"Favorite" machine, as illustrated, to
gether with 12 double-dine records 23
selections, including one from the
"Spring Maid" 10 or 12-inch Record
Album and 1000 needles.
Use onr Club Plan of Easy Payment if
you like $7 pur
chase and $." a
1. r 1-.- -a
i oi r-ay raymenta U
r'lfla Hoar. New Rulllln.
Mall Ordera Fllle.
20c Developing Trays, 4x5, at
only 16
75c Dark Room Lamps, 49
Joha a Bnwra Liaana.
Cooala'a Hhee.
MoBala; ladertrear.
Will amrtte Hew la
A r a
Stem aaal
Pvltea A Whltaey
Oaleraar Mat-
ToKala D r a a
L,T -trail p w
Perrta' Glaee.
AJa r.oa r a a I 4
Gehena Mthrta a a
lata war.
Jtaeleaaa I r a Cee-
Kpaa Pettlraata.
taamperk Cleake fee
O a a t a a Utarhler
Urtaiaal Craftaaaaa
t arallar.
Demonstration Today
of the Yankee Cleaner
lire you
PHONES Pacific, Marshall 4600; Home, A-6101. Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue.
you 11 aay Yankee Cleaner is a marvel o
ee it demonstrated. Cleans rinks, porcelain b
ana rooming UienKlls.
Will remove stains and soil on woodwork painled, var
nished or enameled surfaces, without damage. We've never
een anything to eqnal Yankee Cleaner.
Pint cans. 30 I Vi-tallon cans, 00
l-uart cans. 5 Of 1-gallon cans, $1.50
1 II
in r m