TTTE -MORNING OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1912. 17 REAL ESTATE. I r Sale PORTLAND II KIOHT8 VIEW PROPERTY. 7-room mmlern twn-ptory Dutch Colo nial reeidencs situated on two large lots, beautiful lawn, front and rear entrance from, street, large cement porches, den. tiled path room, mirror doors In bed room, two beautiful fmpUcca, sleeping port-h, panl d d in lng room, hardwood floor, beautiful Interior decoration. Ivory enamel with mohngnay turn at air, 'matt tile fireplace In u-droom. large light closets; all ronmi light and airy. Prop erty baa broad view which ran never ne nbst ructed. double ennatructmn uim throughout entire building ; built by owner. I'rlra t.V9, $1500 caah; balanre eaay irmi to reapmaitle party. Address owner. J 1 s I Orrjconfan. SEE THIH SURE. t have for sale one of the moat bea.u t If ul homea in overlook Addition. It 1 a iwo-ifiry, aeren-room hnum, sleeping poren. built-in boottcaaea, grant;. In tact. n am everyining mnarrn tnat miKti high-claea home. The price la now $..7.v and I have an e-iuHy of about IllIOO, which I will sell cheip. Tha houae la now rented for ft4 ner month on a year' lease and as an Investment there la noth Ins batter. The place la located on pat- Ion avenue, between Falling and Shaver. a hlgh-Hass neighborhood, beautiful lawn and roses and If you want a snap me aura, ano let ma snow you ma pi ace. w ja. oregonlan. FORT LAN L HKlliHTK HOMR. Almoat new horn, perfect from cellar io at lie; every modern convenience; w large ronma, two pantries, bathroom and a:oi eroom ; beautiful woodwork, leaded wlnoows. cut-glass fix t urea, hardwood floor a, even In kitchen and pantries; fire place, If tln a porch. 2 4 level lota, loO f'et from car: irind view In every direc tion ; il.ut'U; ground will be worth the money In two yeare, na theae accessible view gpo.s are being rapidly picked up oy rnr-sigh ted people. Marahali 427. HHOOKR. A 83. AN IDEAL HOME. A modem 5-room cottage, can ba made P room, on lot lftnx2iM) feet In v ood gtock. near rarllna atahte. rhlcken-housea all fenced, cement walka on all aides of houae; newly painted and tinted. l."0 roe buehea, 2ft cherry treea. applea. etrawberry paten, garnen. Hull Kun water, teiepnone. electric llahts. m. ale Thla la an Ideal home, tha prlr la only ftHOOO and tha terma attractive, iet me anow u to ynu and the place will apeak lor Itaeir. K uu, Oregonlan. ARK vou looking for a horn Ilka thlaf A fine Lsurelhuret houae of even ronma on lot fttixioo. Thin houM haa aeven fins targe rnomi with large front porch, large wtndowa. hardwood r loo re, cement oasa ment and larae furnace: a nice lawn Just atarted cement walks and hard-surf acs streets. One minute to Rose City car. The nrire la ftft2M: ftnoO cash, ha I. eaey terma. Pea tt and be convinced that It la a real bargain. W 11. Oregonlan. ROSE CITr PARK HOt'fiC a. room, up-to-data houee, on C. 4." th street ; fine location; 4k. 2ai SLAUSON-CHAKJ C'OMPANT, Succeaanrs to the REAL KUTATB DEPARTMENT Or II A HTM A N A THOMPSON. Bin. LOT OWNKHl KERB l TOUR CHANCE TO III awrtvK TOfTB PHOPERTT WITH HOME. FLAT OR A PARTMIMTj WILL riNAXrg IT AT A LOW RATI OF IV TIRrHT: TT.A N FURNISHED FP. IT WILL PAT TOU TO COM a) -i TALK XHI OVER, J A. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND PCILDHR. HEHRT PLOO ROSE CITY PARK Hi NO ALOW OX FAKY TERMS. ft room a. furnace, f Ireular. buffet. ee merit floor In basement, east front, half block to car; price ftX2oO. CJrM) HLALHON-rRAlU COM PANT, Hucceaeora to the REAL KHTATB DEPARTMENT Or HAKTMAN A THOMPSON, 4 Chamber of Commerce Ming. KINK HOIHK. A I. BIN A. Nlca 7 -room houae, with 4 bedrooms. fireplace, tin, etc.. lot ftoxlSft. street tm provementt all paid, soma nlcs fruit trees and email rrutts. ana nice location, com mercial at., near Stanton, walking dls tance. Price oWy 4rt.'0, llOOti cash, snd 26 per month. Aak for Mr. Zadow, with URl SSI A HOLDS. SI Board "f Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak urii.n ON A VACANT LOT. TCRN THE RT'RPKN INTO INCOME. WE KVRNISH PLANS, FINANCE AND P;:ILD APARTMENT- OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE HON D, ft HOW OCR WORK AND REFER TO OCR CLIENTS. FEB LS BEFORE TOU MAKE PLANS; IT WILL PAT. L. R. BAILET CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 8i.'4 AHINGTON HLDG. MI NT sacrifice suburban horns, modern city convenlrncre. located In one of the coveted Industrial aectlona adjacent to Portland; the houee Is complete In every detail; about one acre of ground, beautifully parked : must be aeen to be appreciated ; price f.IMM); saay terma Owner, K lei, Oregonlan. A IIIGH-CLAK8 residence on Alameda boulevard, 7 rooms and bath, lot n7itltl5, hardwooi floors, full basement, furnace, everything modern, frtuoo. $l(Mo caah or will take good lot. Provident Tmat Co., 2d floor H-lling bldg. Main lsoo. A A'inl. LEAVING town ; bt autlful fl-room raodvrn hungalow ; furnace and everything up to date ; ft-room house at AIL Tabor; public garage, with or without a-room house; no reaeonable offer refused; easy terms. Own er. Tel. B 31 IH. a ROOM.H and bath, modern, lot tooxlo, beautiful view of valley and mountains, Weat Bids. SO minutes from Poe toff lee; eaay terma Provident Truat Com pany, second floor Sailing bldg. Atam l&uu, (-AJWL LADD'8 ADDITION BACRIFICK. Should I hand you $IU(0, awuid yoo take It A colonial 10-room bouss. with every convenience, must be sold. If you want a good thing, phono owoer Maia 75. or see him at 1124 Yeon bldg. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; ft-room modern cottage, acceeeabla to beat car service) In city; 15 minutes out; full bssement and attic; Improvements In and paid; all for only S2?ro; terms to sulL Call Main T7&0. Mr. I'mbdenetock. HAWTHORN B DISTRICT. Don hie constructed bungalow, built fof ono that Is looking for an honeat-bullt home, located on ,'ioth. 3 blocks south of Hawthorn. Tabor 2H42. UNION AVENUE. Modern d-room houae on T'nlon, near Morris St.; east faring; pries 94, terms. ARCHIBALD, 4::. Falling Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Double constructed bungalow, built for one that la looking for an hnneet-bullt borne, located on ftoth 8 blocks south of Hawthorn. Tabor l'42. FOR to $2.'0 caah and araall monthly payments w will furnish lot In desirable neighborhood and build according to your plana; satisfaction guaranteed. For par tlculars. A R l -'tt. oregonlan. FOR SALE New. modern houae In Irving ton; 4 bedrooms, hnrdwond floors, fire place; seat facing: price S70O0; cash, $M per month. Call early If you want a bargain. Phone E. 4 Ml. A BEAUTIFUL new modern houee on tbe East Bide. North, prlr idiXW); $2M caaa. baianc 13ft per month, including Interest. Will consider equity la lot on payment. Inquire Calumet Hotel. Main 7 sou. ONE of th best blocks on EastlTthTsC. paying good Incoms; thla Is clue. in prop erty, and Is a good inveatment. in fact, tha beM buy on the East Hide; can glv annie terms. Ml East UtliaL phone Kaat ft"-3, kTnE "PIEDMONT BARGAIN. Beautiful 7-room house, with aoxlOo lot. for $4fo, houae alone cost $47u; also a fins corner lot, lOU&lia. cheap. Owner. Woodlawn S1&7. bi'LEN Dl I 7 -room reatdtmce and moat de sirable lota In Waverly. S. W. corner, tlii too beautiful view, all Improvements. Owner, 84 KHaworth st. IRVINOTON BARGAINS HOUSES A LOTS Cheap acreage, ft and JO-acre tracts; Improved snd unimproved farm a. NEUHAL'SEN A CO, 7KI Lewie Bldg ill 1 l.i anywhere, ft -room bunaalow. with hath and toilet. 11mi; lota for as Is and building financed; plans free. Carter, 7l Chamber of Commerce. Main ftljii. A BEAUTIFUL home Tlllsmook. S. E. cor. In Irvlng'un, 440 of 7th. built foi home; com and It and you'll Ilk it etrictiy mooern. at a bargain. WILL sell my attractive tl-room residence In Irvlngton at a ear rt flee; etrlrtly mod ern; beautiful lawn and pore he a; located at 4 Broadway. Phone Eaat terms. NEW two-room cottage. loo-foot lot. all for .7ro: 73 caeh. Sl.t per month. Includ ing Intereat; cloae to Roe city Park car line. R 114. oregonlan. BKAl'UFlL ntw house, restricted dlatrlct; all built-in it nvenlencea; difficult to (lid house equal .his: terms. Owner. Phone fore noon Main 4144. BY OWNER Holladay Park Addition. strictly modern a-room. 1 block from car downatalr hardwood floors, all convQ. lencesblg lot, fruit trees. Call C l.lnx OOOD -room b ou a, w 1 th lots of f rTTt trees, lot 100100. Pnra $J2(K: terma Phona forenoons. Main 7fiP4. 7-ROOM house. Sstem. lot SOxlSS; fruit; close in. By owner. i si. lath mui North Portland. Money to loan on new buildings, d walling- houses pref-rrsd. If I do the work. AK 10R, Oregonisn. FOR SALE or trade, ft -room house and lot at Sellwood. right by the park. AD Ltd. Oregonisn. " SEVERAL FINE homes In Irvlngton cheap; numbar ef lots ceap. E. .72. W. 1L Herd man. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Uoa LADD'S ADDITION RESIDENCE. 2."n 7-room modern houae. atone fotin dattou, facing eaat, near Hawthorne ave- erma. lo.OOA e mmd. .tone first atorv. hard wo. h1 floor, every convenience, on Ladd are. $17, lion- Large residence, mlaelon atria. on fnrnr. more than Quarter oiock. thoroughly modern, with beautiful out look. si a VW) 1 1 -room stone houae. new and hnnlaimelv flnfah! on corner. All street Improve ment a In and paid. 1 4-foot alleys in rear. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox bldg. phones Main . A 25. FOR HALE Fine B-room bungalow In Rosa city Park, two blinks from canine, on Ulat st. ; strictly modern ; panH dining' room, beam celling, fireplace, full pay ment, bullt-ln buffet and hoikrases. elab orate coin nan arches aeparatlna living' room, dining-room and hall; screened-ln bark porch, fine attic, etc., etc. To be appreciated must be seen. All for $3. ner month. Will tske unincumbered lot fn good location as part payment. Phon miven. Main tt.h. GENI'INR SNAP. $.".00 caah. balance 2n ner month: beau tlful new 7-room house, on block from car. gas, electric light. sewr ana pavea street: house double constructed, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, laundry trave. electric flxturea and ehadee; beau tifully decorated wall and celling; will take you out to gee It at your own con venlence. Tebor 1147 1 1 Too. K-room house. O.'ixiort lot. comer Esst 47th and Clinton; Interior unfinished: re stricted dlatrlct. close to car; lot alone wort h fH0; clear ef- incumbrance except sMewnlk bonded; this Is way below cost; liberal terms to party who will finish h'us. Adilresa box I"-. Ienta, Or., routs 1. WILLAMETTE HEIOHTS SNAP. Nice 7-room house, furnace, fireplace, d"bfy conatructed, four bedrooms, lot fie 100 on Vaughn at., near Had. Prlr L'mOO; half cash. Not many naps llks this on th West Fide. ORI'HSt A HOLDS, nt" Board of Trad bldg.. 4th and Oak. $2.VM FIVE-ROOM B UNO A LOW. Just completed, doubl construction, aQ complete, shades, linoleum In kitchen and bsth, 30 minuter rid on ML ocott car line; very easy terma MORGAN. FLIEDNER A BOTCK. 5o3-B A blng ton Bldg. TAYLOR BUILDING CO, WILL FURNISH PLANS AND MONET TO BUILD TOUR HOME OR APART MENT IN A flOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL MANNER. WE ALLOW NO MISREPRE SENTATION IN OUR BUSINESS. M LUMBERMEN'S PL DO. -ROM. new. thoroughly modern bousa at Aith and Klickitat sts; furnsc. rtrepiac and all conveniences. Price. ftJUOQ; terma $ km) caah. hsience to tilt. HhJOTNS A BOYER. :rfl NORTHWEST BLlAi. MATN 4400. SHREWD Investors are snspplng up our n lots at $irn up. II beautiful subdivision down. It weekly, no Interest, no tsjca. Wrlle today. LANOOT'TH. 504 E. Ankeny St. SUBURBAN home. Oregon City line. For particulars phona owner. Oak Orovs, Red ZAi. 240s MODERN (-room bungalow I1HS4; nome Droit en ; terma owner. 1SJS K. sstb ACREAGE. Smalt tracts from one-half acre up and only 40 mtnutea' car rid from Fourth and Waahlnrton sts.. tn th Valley just west of Coun cil Crest; the tunnel will greetly benefit t his entire section ; so close In snd soil of th very richest; no rock, gravel or hills; sold on month ly installment plan; proper diat-ount for cash; get In at fif.Mi to & per ace; any elsed tract you want. Of fice open evenlnga until V o'clock, THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, slain 3. 103 Fourth L A 3300. SUBURBAN HOMESITE. Comprising nsArty two acres on carllne and good auto road: cement aide walks, graded streets and water are Included In price and electric lights and telephones are available; an Ideal sit for the man who likes th country life with, tha city cunrvuiuva. v us, urtfonian. TWO S-acrs trscts on Wear Slda snd down tha river, miles In land, opposit St. Johns, on or both at ftl7.V per acr and upon monthly payments. THE 8HAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 102 Fourth St. A 3500. 9 ACRES. On tha new railroad from Hlllsboro to tne coast; c hoi era t red shot soil to Wash ington County; one-half esslly cleared, bal ance heavily timbered with yellow and red fir; good roada; good schools; new rail road town within 2 miles. lf.O caah. baianc your owa terras. We are the ownera FIKLANDH TRUST COMPANY. Y1-7J0 Spalding Bldg bUNNYSIDE ACREAGE. 10 acrea, located In Hunnvsld district, " acres In orchard, t acres meadow, S :u-ree timber, good (room house, nice barn, orchard In full bearing, soli Is of tne very best, trout stream pasaea through place. You will have to e this placa lo appreciate It. Price $7000, part caan. goon terms on naiance. ORUSSI A HOLDS. HI Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. RKEDVI LLE. valuable corner, lfiO rods from station, church, school and stores; 15 acres best soil, no wasts; beautiful garden and orchard, commercial at raw berries, young orr hsrd, pots toes, modem He-room reaicience. city Improvement fin outbulldlngi. Ideal for poultry, ducks, bees; $1 jno furniture and personal property; in.", 00. $:;w)0 mortgage, ft per cent, 4 years. No agenta K.. Helnrich, Rsedvllle, t regonJ ONE ACRE AT LENTS. Only 3 blocks from Kk tared a and 6 blocks from Mt. Scott car. ftc fare, all In cultivation and a nice little 2 -room house, city water, good well, barn and chicken house, all set to fruit and garden. A bar gain at $'JioO. and you win toav to ace It to appreciate It. ORUSHI A BOLDS. 31 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. IRRIGATED SO acres, within two and three- quarters miles from Baker City, or. Flna stand of alfalfa on 40 acres. IO acres in rotatoea and 30 acres planted to barlev. ermanent water right. Prlc IIJ.IHmV Take up to $mx of cash value In Portland property, balance liberal terms. Pbons East 24" or W 140. Oregonlan. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH, near Portland; a NBW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices, best soli, fins view, wood, water and roads; acres. $400 per tract; 10-A.. I.VH); 2 A.. -HM: 40 A.. 1JOO; ftU V. $00: 100 A, f-iOOO; liberal terms. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO, S09 Yon Bldg.. Portland, Or. SPLENDID INVESTMENT. An unusually fin subdivision proposlttoa on line Mt. Hood Hallway; can double money In four montha sure; only $.ooa needed to handle, also several smaller good acreage buya on earns 11ns. This Is where there Is aomethlng doing. Vanduyn A Wnlton. MS Chamber Commerce. YOU WANT a picturesque Summer home with running water, a emsil farm, an acre or two for chickens, f-KX) and up. easy terma, choice acreage, cloae to Port land, on electric carllne, phone, school, store, etc. 1 J. W. Ht fferlln. ftu7 Railway Firhnntf. Main 2 -'4. 40 ACRES, all In cultivation, fins S-room houae, big new barn, all stock and ma chinery. 1ft miles of Portland, close to electric line; best of soil; cheap; consider home In Portland free of Incumbrauc. CAMERON A STOUFER, 21" Lumbermers Bldg. FINE ACREAGE TRACTS. I have soms very nlc tracts of ft to 10 acres, all In cultivation, very fine .soli, only on mile to electric station, ten-cent car fare: pries $;toO per ars on very easy terma W. W. Green, 713 Cham, of Com. bl!g. 10 ACRES, GOODNOS HI LI -8. Only ftlftoo. eaav terma; 4 acres trees, 3-ro m houae, fenced, etc. ; would accept good auto n exchange. CAMERON at STOUFER, "J IS Lumbermen! Bldg. SOUTH MOUNT TABOR. Three acres, all or part, adjoining City Park; beautiful view; all conveniences, near hard-surfac and car: frulL berries, flowers, new bungalow; take soma ex change. Owner. K 4ft. Oregonlan. $10 CASH. .' monthly. 10x200 fn cultiva tion; 3o mlnutea out. Price s,0. includ ing sidewalk. Ask for Maxslen or Stearns, Sn5 Wilcox bldg. CLOSE TO CARLINE. Cultivated acreage. '0x201. Price 1410; for aal HO down and ftft per month. Beach or Htearne. V'2 Wllmg hldg. 20 TO 40-acre tracts, finest of river bottom garden lands, close to station, cheap, easy terms, ready for cropa See Cameron A St ou f-r. 219 Lttm hormens bldg ACRES close to Multnomah station; 6c fare; 22 minutes ride; emsU houae south slope; $HM. Purse A Co.. 18 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN ranch. rux:HT. right in town; live-room house. barn. fruit trees, etc.; tlft per month handles thla. AF 100. Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. Foe Bats. Act ; 1 TO ft ACRES JUST AT THE GATEWAY TO THE CITT Or PORTLAND. THE THINKING PERSON WILL KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS AS AN INVEST- MENT. I OWN THE PROPERTIES THAT I OF FER FOR SALE AND AM IN POSITION TO OFFER VERT LOWEST PRICES AND ON MOST CONVENIENT TERMS OF PAYMENT. BEFORE BUYING ACREAGE SEE ME AND SAVE MONET. J. O. ELROD, OWNER, 519 CORBETT BLDG. riVE ACRES FOR $2V; TERMS. 10 CASH 5 MONTHLY. Buy land In tha fertile valley of the Columbia, away from assessments and high taxes. We offer you your cholc of 20 acres, situated 12 miles this side of Astoria. 1 mil from th town of Knappa. at a flat price of $:.0 per acre. First corns first served. Home of this land Is low Isnd. with runnlnr wster, suitable for market gardening, as well as for berries, fruits, chicken ranch, etc. All of It Is fertile. The land that wa are aelllng for S.V per acre la the choicest land that we own. It Is rich, black and red loam. cub-Irrigated by many stresms and springs. It Is an op portunity that cornea but seldom to the worker In Portland. Every ;oot that you buy is free from flood and can be culti vated and put to use. Much of It Is easy to clear. I have a few 20-scre tracts that I will sell at 3A down and flft per month. Come in and talk things over with us. Sea tarn pie of soli. See tha actual photo Jtraph of the land before you. W have sold to nearly every customer that has eeen th land. CLATSOP COUNTY LAND INVESTMENT COMPANY. Charlei Delfel. Sales Agent Second Floor. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg.. BL Third and Fourth on Stark. HOW DO TOTT I. IKK THIS t I have two of the moat beautiful acres In tha vicinity of Portland that I want to ell. They are located Just eaat of the city jimita. within a block of a good car line, magnificent view of th surrounding country. Improvements In and paid for. cleared and ready for tha plow and the soil cannot be beaten. 1 am not going to writs a bis; ad about theae acres but will take you out and show them to you ann let the acres apeak for themselves, snd to a responsible party I will aell them together or separately and on terma to suit th pocketbook of the purchaser. They are beautlea and will make somebody a splendid home. Th price is easily with in tha reach of th ealarled man and th terms on which I can sell them are less than th rent you ar paying. Act quickly and get In a late crop of potatoes, which will mean a big return on your Invest ment. L H7, Oregonlan. TUALATIN VALLEY. We have for sale a fine 10-acre tract In this fertile valley. all cleared and in cultivation, absolute ly fre from rock and gravel; very beat of soil, excellent drainage. This property la only 20 miles from Portland, on main macadamised county road, cloae to transporatlon. both electric and steam. Th prtcn of this tract Is 2v per acre, 00 cash, balanca csy terms. SEE Vn FOR ACREAGE IN THE TUALATIN VALLEY. FACIFIC N. W. DEL. CO.. I NC. 4'5 Couch Bldg. MR. VISITOR. While yon ara In th city let ma show you th finest acresgs for an Investment or homeslt that ran b found anywhere on th Pacific CoaaL The property Is Just outside the city limits, on a good carllne; Improvements In and paid for and the soil Is A-L The property is enhsne Ing In vslue every day and I can sell It to you on such attractive terms you will never mlas th money, and if you are a believer In the future of Portland, like I am. you will own a piece of property that within a few years will doubl in value. your eyea be the Judge and your pocketbook the guide. K 141. Oregonlan. It-ACRS CHICKEN RANCH. .1 acres of good toll, 4 acres cleared, bal ance - were eaetl cleared, gradual south west slope, affording an excellent view of tne vaney; spring water; soil is adapt eo for fruit or will maks an exceptional chicken ranch. price la WK), ftioo 00 and remainder In easy payments. Call 4oft Couch bldg. GOOD ACREAGE on Oregon Electric, from A acrea to 150 acres, beautiful location, right at station prices reasonable, terma Call owner even ings. Woodlawn 31S1 or call at 949 Gan- tenbein eve. $80 PER acre, fine 10-acr tract, very beet of soil, excellent cord wood timber that will more than pay for th clearing. Thli property only 20 willee from Portland, near ateara and electric Una. Call 40ft Couch bldg. IF you have fl 404 caah you can buy on acre all aet to fruit and planted to po tatoea, with ft-room, houae; 1 minute's walk from depot and 21 mlnutea out. P 117, ureconian. II ACRES near Beaverton. II clsareu. i blocks from car station and running water. only tSOA per acre; terma Owner. James wuson. wonng. or., rout 1. ACR E. within cltv limits, covered with fine fruit treee; ten minute to good car service; :w; terms, rroviaent Trust Co., Main A 62AL Factory Sites. Factory sites for sale or rent On river and rail, cloae to Portland; eaeap power. Phona Mala 1410. Horn sat ends. FREE GOVERNMENT LAND. Beat fruit or alfalfa land In Oregon. !, 40 r inO acrea. without money and with out price, to a favored few. who will ahar expena of putting water on sam. JEgSK hOHhO.V. ft24 Ry. Kxchanga bid f. 160-ACR E relinquishment. 3ft milea from Portland, wagon and railroad, running water, good ftahlng. houae and all the furniture and im piemen te; Snai if taken quick, lift Marquarn bldg. Phone Marahali nt4. TAFT haa signed a ft-year homestead bill, 21 months' residence all required to get 320 acres rich fsrmlng land; man and wifs can tske SuO acres. 1W 4th sl Main (774. FREE homeateada, level land. Umber and water, three year for patent; can see In one day; fees right. Covey, 207 Oak, room 21. WILL locate ynu on a good 320-acr home stead lu Lake Co. for $50. Call after 6 P. M. O A. Lauman. 64Q4 ftftth are. 8. K. Irrigated Laada. SACRIFICED. 00 acrea Klttltaa Valley, upper Yakima; miles Ellensburg: mils Thorp and and Northern Pacific and Milwaukee de pots, graded school, churches, stores. Irri gated gravity flow, perpetual water right, low maintenance; IWOO healthy pedigreed -year-old trees; Jonathan, Wlneaap, W. N. pear; baianc alfalfa; chlckena; guaran teed Ideal orchard conditions, altltuds lOOo; no killing frosts, no alkali; fin climate; $40o modern 7-room bungalow new 191 1 , hot water beat. bath, cement basement, 17ft ft. driven well, inexhausti ble flow excellent water; cheap fuel; ft2A0 per acre; terms; no exchange. Detailed Information to bona Ada Inquiries; writs owner, N. W. Van Clevs, Thorp. Wash. kmr Sale Pratt Lamas. FOR SALE FRUIT LANDS. 1AO acrea. 4 miles from Hood River, 19 a .'re in 4 and &-ysar Yellow Newtoa and Spltsenberg applea. adjoining raw land f 2u0 per acre, prlr $.o.ovo. very easy terms, grand vlsw of Columbia River and mountains, no trade, no triflera Ad dress Mornlngslds Orchard, Hood River, Or. fe0 ACRE orchard In Hood River dietrtcL One of the oldeat and best In that vicinity. This year's fruit will sell for tlA.OOo. price $1imo per acre, part cash. I.'.aoo worth of mo.lern buildings. A Ufa Incoms for the right partlea HIOOTNH BOYER. .".OA NORTH WKST BLDG. MATN 4400. EST AC ADA. Send ?r illustrated booklet of th Es tacada fruit eectloo, where tha Oregoa Agricultural College maintains Its experi mental arc hard a 10 miles from taa eity f Portland. EST AC ADA COMMERCIAL CLUB. Estacada. Oregon. HOOD "RIVER ORCHARD for sale 20 acres; 12 acres apple, part 20 years old; 10 acres cleared ; new 4-room 3-etory bungalow on wooded hilltop, magnificent view; electric lights; gravity water sys tem: bath: S port-he s. Writs Box 56. n. No. 1. Hood Rlvr. 4ft OR 60 ACRES FRUIT LAND I and J -year-old apple treea ft acrea In potato, cloee to state's oxperlmontal orchard at Eatacada; prlc 160 per acr. on good term. For further particulars write to E. T. Davis, owner, Eatacada, Or. ORCHARD BARGAIN. Cholceet 10 acrea. renter largo com mercial apple orchard. Umpqua River, Southern Oregon. Excellent condition; " nearly 4 year "id. Must aell. No agenta. X LIS. Oregonlan. REAL PTTE. For Sole Farms. BEST FARM BUT IN OREGON. 1AN) acres; X0 acres In cultivation. 6-0 acres In crop; good barn for 24 head of stock, small house, nlentv of good water, with two wind mills, tank. etc.. Including all tool a and Implements nereeaary to farm this ranch. The price. Including the crop, la only I17.M) per acre. Terms. l.eH eaah; balance 4 years. Thla place Is only n miles from town and raiiroan. int 1m provements n this rsnch. Including the crop, ts worth st least ll.'i.oon. I am no farmer myeejf. and on account of other buKlneas I am going to make this as cr I floe price for the text !.' days only. No trades considered. Address Owner 364 Emptrs mng., testtie. wn. REVENUE-TRODUCINa FARMS. IF YOU" WANT A GOOD ALFALFA, GRAIN AND STOCK RANCH OF ANY SIJCE. I CAN SELL YOTT BETTER LAND TOR LESS MONEY THAN YOU CAN BUY POOR LAND FOR ELSEWHERE. COME TN AND SEE ME. I CAN PROVE IT. L. JACOBS. 419 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING LOOK AT THESB SMALL FARMS. acres. 31 miles from I'ortlsnd. small house, greenhousea and chicken-houses, very dealrable and chean. It acrea, 20 In cultivation; good mom house, barn, outhouses and all the stock and Implements; terms reasonable and would exchange. 4w acres on United Ry., flna high ground, only ISO an acre. 40 acres, 20 miles from city. 1R plowed, all fenced, B-room houae. horee, cow a, chickens and all Implements; would trade. ROBERT H. TATE. 114 Railway Exchange Bids;. aw v a p w a wen CO. 1 50 acres under cultivation, very beet of son. rtne orensrd of no neenng imn trees, oO young trees, 9-room houae. good Urge barn. 2 wells, plenty of wster for Irrigating until July, all fenced and cross fenced, on msln county road. 7 miles from Khanlko. mile from Antelope, mile from store snd school. This firm 1 actually worth $m.0i0, but I am old and unable to work and mutt pell. My price for a quick Mir Is $H4im; $20ft to lo4 caah, balance at per cent. Sea my agenta ;russi A holds. 31 Board of Trade Mug.. 4th and Oak FOR SALE Grady wheat ranch. 40 acrea In A'.mota. Whitman Co.. Washington, being 1 m!1a from Colfax and ft miles from A Imota, where grain la hauled . aprlng water on land; fenced and about 4 HO arree under cultivation; no finer farm ing '.and tn the state; f 5o per acre to cloae ea;ate ; reasonable terma of ssle. E. L Weston, Syracuse, N. Y.. or R. H. Lacsy. Colfsx, Wash. 10 ACRES, S in rultlvstinn, nearly all In fruit. In first -class shape: comfortable Improvements, horse, cow, chickens, farm Implements, good furniture, etc., near Ore gon City. Address AV 14 Oregonlan. NINE acrea, all In cultivation. bearing fruit trees, new 7-room plastered houae, horee, cow, chicken, household furniture, tools; f.lHtNi caah. F. J. Hyder. H. A B. 11. Ort-gon CItv. JOI V American colony. Kino Bay, Mexico; rich, level vsllry land, $0 acre. A- M Highhouse, K14 Chamber of Commerce bldg 2 BEAUTIFUL acres, cleared, living water, on carllne, Weat Side; something ftne; ftlOtO terma F. Dubois. 12".: Yeon bldg. RANCH eo acrea with buildings. I ssi.e from Pert land, aear electric line; oergAiS for all i-aah by owner 12 Mortteoa eb CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED FARM LANDS. C. L. BAMBRGKR. 7ft Bldg. LOOK here ; 40-acre Washington Co., $K, terma. J 203 Yeon bldg. TO EXCHANGE. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN ONLY .00 CASH HKuUlRED. 20 acres of fin orchard land, beautifully situated on tha east aide dlatrlct of Hood River Valley; over S planted In com mercial orchard, part In bearing: fine butldiug alto; easily worth ftjn.uoo In ee than 2 yeare' time ; plenty of water for strawberries; will take modern unincum bered Portland residence in good district aa part payment; only $.00 cash required. M 14. oregonlan. CITT INCOME PROPERTY FOR FARM, worth of unlncum be red clt y property, located near the new Broadway bridge, to exchange for a good dairy or nop 1 arm. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 31 Hoard of Trade bldg., 4tti and Oak. IRVINGTON SNAP. New modern e-room hou.e. attlo. 4 bed rooms, lot ftuxlou, hsrd-aurfaced street, worth S7A0O; will trade for lot. acreage. auto or smalt house. Esst 2Mb at., near Tnompon. rhone owner. East 0IM8. MY home worth I420O. will trade for acre age, part of which must be cleared; mort gage for $13o0 on my homo; will adjust oinerence, u any. Answer at once. must get out Into country. Agenta don't anawer. MT, oregonisn. I WILL, exchange my beautiful, hixhly cu tlvated 10 acres In Hood River, ft .acrea p. anted to epitxt-nberg ana isewtown rip fins, for good house and lot la PortlaaX 2i Lumber Enchange. WANTED Chicago North Side real eatata vacant or Improved, aa part payment or payment in ium tor oeauttrui fori land home, full two-story, modern, close In. wen locaiea. u wregonian. LXCHANOE, by ow ner, 7-room modern houae, roses and fruit tress. 1 block from Alherta-st. carllne; alii accept lots and sonvi caah is first paymenu Call BUS E. 1 . t n st. 1 a ae a car. 7-PASSEN'GER Oldsmoblle. perfect eondl tion, fully equipped, run leaa than fiuoo miles: will sell cheap or trad for city property, a, 1 j.-, regonian. EXCHANGE eli0 equity In 1S acres. 14 miles from city, cloee to R. R., to trsds for automobti worth abov amounu Phona E. 47Cd. 40-ACRE farm for sal or trade- will con sider house aa part payment; 20 acres In frulL bal. In potatoes and hay; t mile rrom town. rnone Main hi7. i0 CORNER caeh grocery to axchang for unincumbereo mt earn value. All 1U6, Cregonlanj 7-PASS. Studebaker auto, best condition; tract ior lots, acreage, timber. H Peter son. Safe E. Mth su N. Tabor 4104. TO EXCHANGE Fin unincumbered ranch aear Santa Roaa, Cel., for Portland prop art yIDubo la l2u Yeon bldg. I2A.OO0 country mortgages to exchng for imprnvru vuj Foiterijr. A B lol. Or; gonlan. EQUITY In fine corner lot or trade for small grocery hualneaa p lft;l. Oregonlan. WANTEIe REAL ESTATE, WANTED To buy from owner 4 not agent) bom of 7 or ft rooms, 4 bedrooms. In good suburb, near but not on streetcar line; muii hav modern convenlancea; no old, modernised houee wsnted; will pay ftlOOO cash, balance monthly payments; price ftiotHi to tQO. AF l.'2. Oregonlan. HAVE spot cash buyer for corner lot, be tween Morrison snd Jefferson; owners only; hav two Esstern Oreaon ranches tift.AOO and East Side fist. llYOoo, to iraae ior improvra ciiy property. K. R Tufford A Co., 407 Spalding bldg. WANT from owner few acres near city; small payment down, balance eaav; would like to pay part In labor. AH 131, Ore gonlan. Private money In different amnunta to loan on city property or Willamette Valivy farms. Wm C. Borchera, 2117 Oregonlan bi. SUBURBAN home on carllne. 1 to ft acrea, with or without house. AK 141, Orego nlan. Price or no answer. IRVINOTON. Alameda or Roe City park lot. from owner. M 140. Oregonlan WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED. 7-room modern houae In Piedmont. Walnut Park. 'Alameda, Beaumont Roes City Park or other cholc raehlenre sec tion, have acrea with 2 acres cleared, 2-room houee snd well, in valley west of Council Crest for first payment, will aa sume difference AO 134. Oregonlan. WANTED 10 to 400 acrea atump land within 10 miles of railroad; prefer to hav good wagon road to property; owners only. Provident Trust Co., 2d floor Sell ing bldg. Mainisoo, A 2L FOR RESULTS, list your city property and acreage with at. Pxlmbrg Land Kel;y Co., 60 Yeon bldg. Marahali 177 WANT five acres, cleared and elos In; pne must b risrht; aaenta need not an swer. N 13, Oregonlan. WILL sell equity In lot with two-room house; essy terma 8 131. Oregonisn. FOR lA LP TIMBER LAND. TIMBER AND PAWMILLS FOR SALE Different Blse tracts; wsll located, good mar sets; terma 410 Railway Exchange Building-. T1MRER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRACK EN. 804 McKay Rldg. C. J. FARMS WANTED. SPECIALTY of large farm deals. Boyd Re alty to.. ie t. stn. atam 111 U AM 1.1'-1 14 REM LANDA OWNKRS or agenta, 1 have buy-ra for tim ber landa In tracia from M to 5jO million; aend me your description and prices. L. It. Nuck. room 7. 2.'Ss -Alder at., Portland. Or. FOR ft A LK. Harare. Vehicle. Ft. CARLOAD HORSES today. 1040 Mac adam, Fvlton car; llixi te i.VM); ft to 10 yeara; guaranteed as represented Farm w axons, harnesa Phil bustler. Marahali 1 1412. GOOD worfk horse, suitable fur term. K04 pounds. 10 years, also good double harneas for aale cheap. K-e Toneeth, Florist, 144 Kail 4th st. Tabor Itvm. CH E. 1 hi se for eele. Ha wt home ae. car to Division St.. walk one block west and three south. -15 .Hth st S. E. NEW hand-made deliverv wagon for sai cheap. Butlt like Meier 4k Frank Co- wagun. Agent. Mm Ablngton Mog. GOOD family or ranch horee. welgha lint. very gentle, barneaa and good stout buggy. all ISO. 7S1 Insly ave.; aake Sellwood car FOR SALE One fine team, horse snd msra, A and 7 yea ra old, weighing 2h). sound ana true. 21'0 Kuseell at. THE flneat driving horse and buggy In the city; very faat. sound and gent.c; cheap. I'M one heilwood 141. FOR SALE Mitchell - Hay wood dump waon. cneap; usea 2 munthe. car A .lOK, or gnman. PASTURE for rent aear Portland. Phone Main 1410. UE of family ho-ae wanted for Its during Summer. W. H. Day, C 201. SMALL auto truck for exnreae or delivery, -".. or exchsnge for horaea, 217 E. Nth pt bE VERAL real cheap horses at Tiavle Broa. Wood Yard, E. eth and Hasrthorn. Piano. Org-aog and M ualcal Inst rti meat s. BtKHT-WOon electric plsno in fine condl tion; price reaeonable. R IX, oregonlan. Autonsoblle REAL BAROAI.N& Why bay a new cheap ear when yea can pick op on of our htgh-grad used cars at th earn pne; wa guarantee them, different mskea and modeia all traded In on new Whit gas oars. Wtearas. Regal. Bulca. Premier, eta. Whit Car Agency, Ch at MaUtsoa. SPECIAL PROPOSITION. Owing to the arrival of our 111 Stod dsrd-Davtn cara we wU sell our lwl2 denionatrstor t road "tee I In th very beei of condition, ra never been off paved street a. like ion, with special dustproof and waterproof compartment, indipna able for tojrtng or city salesman. Price? Juat coma In and a- it. we will make a prw-w that ynu cannot refuse to take tt with you. SroDDAhD-DA TTOV AUTO CO., iwu Washington St. 8TUDEBAKER-OARFORD. lflt model. 7-psasenger, excellent con dltion, equipped with eerv acceasory that masee a hiau-ciaes private ar: ex tra tirea and tubes . over ftHM worth t conventencea making coat of car toiay over $44uO, will eteolutely guarantee the r-llaoliily and condition; to tne party with he money and who meana bustn ae 1 will make a xery at tractive price, owner. r ttregnian. POPE-HARTFORD. Flrat-clasa condition, complete In overy reepect. will eel en terma. or trede for port Isnd realty. Room 21 4 Commercial Club bltlg. TeL Main 1111 MITCHELL e-paseenger, fully equipped and in fine condition, ta-u. 113 4-paaaencer electric, uaed only four months, govd aa new, win sell at a oar gain. .NOB HILL OAR AGE A AUTO CO. 40 Kearney Su Phone Main . or A 24IL PAHt'KL delivery wegon. Perry lie tit de Ilterv. good model, reedy to gia a year's service wit it out apeno'ng any money equipped wit h good tires; earrlfu a UEKLINOHR MOTORCAR CO., it Tenth St.. Near Htark. No Tradea ir Real Fatate. aSvaii-Pasaenger. fto H. P. Automobile. A Knap. Maka an Offer jnoney Talka. A Baraaln. You can't afford to overlook. Seeing Is neiievms. f an eariy. re me, mt. counter. H Tentn St. M UST be aold thla weak, two t paaaenser cara fully equipped and guaranteed to be In A-l condition; also one V hlte steamer runabout, two light trucks and on road Ster- Thee ere an a pa 1. Henry Funk Auto CO., Z9 fc.eretl at. WILL eel) cheap my 4-paaa Bil k ma. -nine In gooa condition; oven usu aa ramiy pl-aaur car; ecooomical to operate end Ideal for small family; bring your exort and examine- caah ftuO. Room Y4 McKay bldg., go ana tar. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS OF UaED AUTOMOBILE. 4' 414 Aloar St. Main 1 111. A 4VtT. l-P ASSENGEIt. 5 h. p. car. sd run ntng orO-r. Juat overhauled, extra tuea tire chains, new tou. t lrs good : will be sold highest offer bfur Friday, June 14. bellwocd sn- AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. CHAUFFEUR AMI MELHANHTS. send 2.V: for IMPLET way on esrth t time AUTOMOHII E ENGINES. El. la. Sb4 rara St., fort 'ana. tr. "WANTED WUICK. Wanted, motorcide: win rira good au- tnmibll and tske cash dl'ferenc on caay t-nma. See Holladay at a loth sL FKIVATK car for hire, careful driver, well acquainted with city and country. Will rarrv 4 paengere t 92 &u per hour. r'none r.aat .iDr, or jm nerry mi. E. M. F. Iu late model, owner having no further ue for two cars; Juat overhauled and painted. caah, ft montha guar' antee. 44 , E. Burnside. SPECIAL bargain In a-paeeenfier car; per fect condition, guaranteed like new. k lng Is believing. call oM-vo Washing ton rt Modosro -uayton Auto in. FOR HALE Auto delivery wason; have tw. will sell one ery reaaonabia Apply 17ft North 21st. FOR HIRE 5-paesngsr auto; AO per hour. Tal-er ftS'iL 7-PA.SSKNGER. fully epulpped auto, perfect condition, new tire, for small West aids farm. E 124. Oregonlan. HAVE credit of $l7io on 1A12 and 1B12 light auto or tru'-a; wnai win you give I Ad dress 84 Ellsworth 12."0 7-psea Plerct-Arrow; muit bavg caah. Fhont Main Xvi. K. W . tiell. lull RUI'K rnadater. cheap for quick aala H. w. .-e let., city. M 'AX WELL runabout to trade for lot. Wood lawn 1117 or call 1181 fc- eist XL N. TDDAKD-DAt70N, flve-paaeen jer. four door. new. beautiful car. 4m Clay sL CARS for hlra Phona E. SM !. Blrde. Fee tommu FOR SALE Thoroughbred Irian setter pupa. Champion Pat H . lftVdft: Fannl Swlvaler. 1AV720; record Pat H , 40 first aad spe cials; never beaten; Fannl 8wvlr, seven ftrata and apclale; shown only once; both fine field perform era J. sL Brown, laltf Yu at.. Sacramento. Cel FOR SALE A very fine J -year-old talking parrot; imported Japanese spsnlsls and Chow dog; soms fin birds and animals for tent or store show; complete platform how now on road ; fancy Dixeone. An dreaeburg rollers, can arle. Portland Bird Co.. sl Union ava mono a sltl. SO COLLIE puppies, pedigreed, beat dog for ;ity, rarm or range; prica to seii. mnd for catalogue, b had aland Farms, Rout 2, Amity, or. FOR SALE Coin pui-a $10 snd flft. J 1. Ct ray. Courtney Station. Oregon City Una. I' hone oak t trove. I iack BABY I'HK'KH. Visit the poultry Supply Hone and Hatchery, 21 Salmon st , near Front. FOR SALE Imported Japaneee spaniels and show dog. null terner. y ranch Kenneia. 301 Fron tL Boa rdlr, g HANDSOME JIM. th beat colli In Ore g'n. at etud. Main 33. Mlarallaae ftLIOHTLY used cash registers, credit rg latera computing scslea, etc. bought and sold Th Pactdc tors Kervica Ce 227 Star SL Main 7711. eOoe-QALLON oil tank (Ax24 for aale; pew. never used; too amaii I or our purpoe. Call 701 Spalding- bidg., or ahona Main lilt! or a tots. SAKKS Special bargains second-hand fir and burglar-proor; safes opened aad re paired Puree! Safe Co.. and Portland Safe Co.. eft 6th sL Phons Main 4.1vl ;JTuN. CO - lb. ralla, 25-ton. eo-io. raiia alee flah plate. J. Brouaateln Aa. 14th snd Msrshall SL FOR SALE Hsif-srd concrete mixer ehesp with contractors ouint. or wtii ex--hsnge fr city lots or acre lota Call at Perkins Hotel. Thoe. Rradv. W a. H1TEHS rebuilt. at maaes. le is 14,:. The Nnrthweet Typewriter Ca 9 ft Stark StrocL FOR SALELsdv's d smoad ring; karat Chone Maransil l2i. i-a- tf.a NEW motorboata with angina. 2ft aach. Ill Morrison St. FOR SAUL M lapetlaaewtia. FOR SALE Ths tools and equipment of th Universal Conatrurtton Company v I I be sold at pub lic a Oon at bs.em. Oregon, June 14, at 2 p. M. The srtic;s will be sold separstel to the highest bidders and include wheel, barrow a altovela. picWe. grsding snd remoter piuwa, blaikemtth outfif, numeruus small tKle. rock fork a. Sidewalk working tta bammera. wren, he, tc, ant ten-ton Port Huron at earn roller, four one and one-half ! Heal d um p w agon a seven I wo-yard Star dump wagons two sephalt melting tanea on wheeia. one aistlonsry tank with a team coil, steem rock dri.l and steel, slip srrsp era. stsm pump, frl-i ion hulat, lceevea' traction en sine. 1l-lnch Jew crusher, of fice furniture, typewriter, etc. Auction will bf hrld st paving plant, corner of Oak and Itith streets, riifin, at 2'P. M. rharp. Above artl lea may bs In spected at ths sbovs lo at'on and at quarry, st Jff --rson snd Liberty rosda. IXXiOINO ENOINKS. One lOxia lotzsing enain lth sled. ft'JOOO On lot 12 logging- engine, with rope, $oini On tfxiti logging ng ii with ropo. Ona 7xW logging eng na. on a4. .eH On sawmill, compie.e fttn) F. 11. MALLOHY A COMPANY. 225-7 l'lne at., comer 2d.. Portia id. Or. MENS HIGH-GRADE SUITS. ! seit ready-to-wear aulta for leaa. Why? Because my rent la on I y I W a month. -'7 .'. to :to auits t ftl7ft; fCS.0 to $-'5 aulta at 4U.7.V ftiA to sulia at 112.75. My tailor slter to ftt you. Jimmy Dunn room aifi. Oregonlan bldg. Tske elevator. SEWING machines; sale of used mscblnea 10 fins machines. Singer. Wheeler A Wilson, White. Domestic. New llomi snd others. Box top. ft;t snd up. drop hesda I0 snd up. 2W2 ad at., near Columbia. ft.l Royal Standard via! Me typewriter, with , a fine action, ueed about 2 rnoni ha. on account of no ue for aainr will sacrifice for ft40 caah or exchange for building material. AH 137. on g. mien METAL etamplng. metal die making, special casenaraening. sjeriai screws made. A postal will bring our representative. Rex lilliun IVnrki t.l'U 'Jill, a. U V A N T E I S M I M E L LA N K O V A . WANT Kl Second - hsnd ending mschlne. sta er. slit ter, crner-c utter, for be per box factory; must b guaranteed In good working order : give full tartl-ulara and price, tj. t. m., vernon urie, van cruer. H. t ., Canada. WE B U 1 CLOTH INO, FU RN ITU tt a.. TOOLS. Highest prtr paid for men s snd ladles; rsst-orr clothing, shoes, furollure, too a. . mechanic, logging. Call Mala ut. ist st. 1 ne uiuia WE pay the hightst cash price for second hsud furniture, heater A Martin. Phone L.iat 4114. 34a Hawthorns ava CAM1 paid for entire or portions of storka of meters no lae, any line, confidential. Addreag AH 111, tfregonian. WA.NTKD About 1$ ao, wares of second-hsnd corrugsted iron, lu or 12-foot lengths. an up Main M... L. ROhKN BLUM. hlgheat price I aid for sec end-hard clothing, an cm a 2 Iiavls st, Marshall 174. WAN TEL A 4x7 view camera with lene deecrit fully and civ Loweat cask pnoa a ri w, uregoaiaa. Bakgfr's auction House. 470 E. Morrison. PSone E. 1022. Pays bjttheat cash price for furniture, WANTED Second-hand Slnser sewing ms cnint-a, onp head, cash lor a bargain. 111. oreg.iniaa WANTF.O Moving pirture outfit. folding fn airs eto. al ae a. oreg on is a. IOKP a actio Ce kiael af feral ture Peye meat raea fee aaj Mala Ksftt. a WILL tint rrvoma. ft2 .v up. do painting a rMinihi prtt-ea Laat n I 24. W,LL tint room for fl.u, paint bwuaes at 'ur prire I t XV A. HI f P V lTM MAI.aL lAtr.MI A e.B epiional openma fr eu ceaeful ealeams3 or buemeea man with selling shjnt; opportunity offers perms ben' , ad an ment and llbeial reiuuner aiton. Addreas AG K'. regonisn. V A N T L 1 Young man with experience ee a eno eaieamaa in general etoie. A iierma nnt tHll tiictit iaft. tiive full refeteni-ei lUnn'i'i a Co and whte laat cmploed. 'reg.n it . r. WAM Kl A aa team an with large acquaint nr in and around I'oriland. A perm a pent and remunerative roPition to right man Mate rtterien-a and photie nuni ber AJ i.l't, Oregonlan. WANTED Oood etaadv. eier men with fa ml lire work tn mllla and mlllvanla iiwn A - XMnuia t ton ana feet-aiowinc ateadv work , gie phone and atreet No, and nationality Add. AN I regoniatt WANTED In a large tank factory, lo cated near Ssn Frsntso, a first -rises machine hand, one who is -stshle of lav In c ou t and set ting up tin ka. A dl ress bus A. cirgoman. WANTED Jsp or rored bov to cook and t i.e care of email bungs low, 12 me is, ftft and board. Answer. 17 Multnomah m , bet. re IO A. M. WANT El Ma a to work fn fruit ranch must be at'le to hand' horses; stesdy Po sttion; g-od wag'S o r xht party. Hoih pnoneg. labor 2e., H 1477. L.''K aa.errteri lo aell eutherun Orrhsn T racta. an excellent proportion, and we r-ey commiaaiona out ot grsi payment i ." Miri st. MOVIN(i-PI'Tl RE SHOW. (ood Iwt st l"n, ih up ra c halt a. Kdleon mat hlna htsh-grade piano; $1Hmi will nanaiv. ao l.ta. tregontan. WANTED ilr for Senersl liouaewoik family of j. referen ee required. Phmie F.aat :T7. all 7Z9 llaleey 11., nesr 2d; lnin IT car. WANTED Reliable men to solicit fa mill litiuors. saisry win be offered to the ex perl need men. Eastern Ltguor Co., 40 -n . ot n , HtKlil reoeey la sailing eur faaima raa hard. auarantead aiock: wuidi ftee; caah weekly, ateadr work. Yattime valley Nursery Co., loppeniaa. Waan. WANT tl) Can vaaeera leama and so Uclt'ira at 61 Sd sl Teers work, call la A. M , or after P. M.. ask for sales manager. W A NT iCI ' bo a and girl to seii pro- g ram me, nose t srnisi win rurntah M renee. Call all da. 420 t Morneun L WANTED Hy. about 14 yare of age. Mt Hooi Shirt Fsi tory, 2d snd Ctiuch s's. ADV ERTIS1N solicitors, eon tracts cashed. weekly newapaper or magaaina Hene dictme Preea. 2HH Madison. MEN wanted to carrv ad ertieemenie In at reel parade. h. F.aat 7th si. North. Foster K leteer bids YOUNO men to carry out tra ye and diahea Apply today, XI v Mai k at., I P. M I. i afeterla. LAHOREKS for etone quairy on Slualsw River, near f .ore nee, Ort-gsn; wages 42.60 per amy. App'v 11 quarr. VIOLIN teachera tor out-of-town, salatyt atso on c'wni.mition vioim ana piano teacher. 115 tjrand axe,, room ft. WANTED A regtatered dentist with P""b for fuhurban 01 flew; good opening. Phone 1 abor EX I'E RI ENCED real estate aalea manager with Laetern acquaintance. AT UH, tfregnnian. VoU.NG man familiar with th grocery bual- neas to taae noid or our nuainoss; gud o ort unity. Ar Oregon tan. M ANL'FACTURf NO concern a snta sales- nisn. Ak for 5!in, 125 Chamber of Cou,mer bldg. Wr WANT rvpres nttiv to tiswl snJ ar point saleanv n. I, 1.1H. Oreg on i 1. DISHWASHER for boarding houaa. Cnm ready lu go to worn. 7:t. lloyt au PHuTO coupon; beet ever nn:ed, anap for agents. 'titterth Htudio. Iekum biiig WANTED Flret-cisaa ladles tailors Ulan he. S45 1. st. ROYS wsnted ill with hlcyrlea. ran make j; If 44 per month 2'4 1 ainhtll. AAMl-U-l good men call fto4 board 4 Tra da. WASTED High claee saieamaa. r I uHon 4 ?. eon M0g. WANTED J carpentera, 14th and Collrg. for flrilsning AS-ISTANY Janitor anted. Phons Main VI 1 rVV at once with wheels to una up for 17o 10th St. Carnival end ms ke a no. WANTED A good bench csrpentsr ff p I a n t n g - m ill 1112 H s w t h orne. THitKE youns men to ranvaas. new of- ter. goi wagea sm 1 w um t-i'lg WA NTKD Kiperlenced buahelman. the Tsilor. ia Third si. WANTED Aohrlfor. UnDersity ij- Work a. a ijomoara. bi. onna rmr. WANTED Experlenr-ed asleamen to travel. -ofT tsifor, rpssne eain, Tt uK 1H bath rubber. King s fisths, lm perlal Hotrl. W A NTiCD Fruit snd vegetables a teaman 4"i rim nn inn Ansen. GOOD boy wanted. Apply at one.' Ioaen- gart si o wOD stenographer wanted. Ai-piy United States i ire t o.. 14 7th. near tak BA R HEK hop. 4 clialra. good Ih-.iioii. re- t iri"S from puaineap V Oregon I in P A I N TE hv rtav to do Interior work; must be Al man. x"4 l.umh'r Kirhinro bldg. EX PFRI FNCEI paint nmin Addresa, stating etpertenre. A H Lis, uregunlan. YtT'NO men on mMorryr lee snd 4lcyclea to iw rnontn. - ismniii. HH P H ANTEItw M AI K. W ANTE 1 TO n A Y . Ft 'R MILLS AMI WOOpS. Two gang eds'Tmen, J and ftl.ftO. Itkpaaw i-r. fj.fto. Ralrhei -seller. 11.50 Two esr tallvnien. 12.73. Three lunihcr grsdcia from plsnerg $2 'o snd $2 7ft Three rerr lese rldera. 12 2ft snd ft2.ftOL Two pine lumber graders, M.ftO. Plsnsrman. one machine, 4.L Three phtner feeders. 12.25. Box nailer, city, 42.75. Tfpnawyer. box factory. $250. Shi1ile es yrr. uprighi, 1 5c pr thou sand. Tiiree boom men. cltv, $.1 ftd. Lumber pllora. ft 2 2" and -'.5i. Ten mllUianda. ft.25 to 42 75. Tweniv-fiv Yardmen, f2 to $'J 5. Loggers, J "n t $4. FAR MS. Mnn and wife on dairy. f.o Mn and wife m am all place, $40. Karmhand. t'.'.ft to 440. Mllkera, $:(5 to $4o. MISCELLANEOUS. Shirt order conk, city, $10 Cook, email reataurent. ftl2 and room. Second cook on river host $40. Cook a helper, pr1 ate hoardlng-nnue, t.'fii and room. Woodworker, blackamltlt shop, city, $3. VI. NOTE. We hsvs a Isrge Hat of work not adver tised in the above Hat. Call at of rice and see our bulletin boarda - - HELP FURNISHED FREE. Telephone or telegraph rush orders at our rxpenae. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "22 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and Sd. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Offtcs Secretaiy Kmploment Department. Y. M. C A. Young man, stranger, out of work. 9W hla total caah asset) If I pay you 3 " special emplo mtnt memberahtp. I will hsvs only ft 15 Istt bvtwaan ms and star vation. Secretary If you pay ftft for special rmplnyment membership, you tIU bavs the Y. M. C. A., with Its resourcss, ba twren you and starvation. Reeult; Young man joined association., tn leas than a week he tied sailsfaotsry employment. Record for four months ending April ,f Calls for msn ! Pppltlnna filled Employmsnt membership guarantees member will securs amploymsnt or refund of membership fee; givee two months full memberahlp privileges. 10 months soo'al priviiagea and undertakes to keen party employed d-jrlng the full term of berehip without further charga, W hsvs constant demand for Mt grade, enperlenced men, Ara you fitted for a better position f dee secretary employment departmeat. Y. M. C. A. WANTED Ll agents f"r Mil'M eller of ths cntury; every house, tore snd office muat hav It. Agents In Portland rnsktng ftlO to IM) a day now. Why not youT call room 51 1, Ftovsl I'ldft.. "th and Mm rlaon, 10 A. M. except bunday. AHI-K-HODI ED men wanted for the U. ft Varlne Corj.a, between th ages of 19 B-1 .. muat be nstle-horn or bavs flrat papera, monthly v flft to .; additional roNittnaatlon prhe; food, clothing. Quart era and medli-al at I en n a nee f re . after ;ttl ears' service can retire 1th t.l per eeni of pv and sllo-vanves, service on besrd ship snd shore In sll psrts of ths world. Apply st U. S. Marine Corpe If rutting off i e. Third - nd Wsshlngloa eta . and lav, Thtrd at., Portland. r WANTED. High -class salesman. Tou ran maks from $;ioo to $500 montk. bee Ilernard, 4f 7 YEON I1LDO. EVERY man on our aalea force Is making from $1.' to fHfio pr month, snd ws want nu f u are the kind that Is hot sfraid of work We can show tou a piopoaitlos Inst sells, furniah you r1ih lesda. snd r latge enough to tnke care of ihnae wh make good. If Iniereated. call between f snd 12 at 70 3 Hfialillng hlog. Aak f"t Halea Mana g er. 1 tmy fi y Land Co. V ANTED Ht or teo real ft per len.'. rt churn drlllera to drill 20-foot deep holea; muat ba shle In slisrpen drills and t"m r Shiii (n ataud lit a 4iiv blue bassit. If pArry pr-f-r to uae 1 n.-t aoM-bit rg m drill I have SNtiif; $ p. r il n v fir the men w h.. know and do make good at nnca, atea.iv work. Jnuire at Mnia Conalruttion t nt O'larry at li Oran1e. or. .1. L. Mara Mgr. SALUSML'N FOR SAN FRAN 'ISCO We a snt ex per lent ei real eatata sslea men; have fine proportion for good men; largest adverliaers In the city: our men are making big money; ws v, lh to hear only from hlsh grsde men. CO-OPERATIVE LAND A TRUST CO.. M5 Market Street. Yt U NO XI A N. here, la vmir op port on My t go Into huaincaa for otttelf. f voi ate tie rig III k I nd and have etierg v and not enough nwne, will totiaidrr ftirnla'tlng you with the balance to get mi alerted -either sa a loan or tske en Interest with ou but I ran not tit We an s-t tve part in the biialtu-aa. A I' 15U. Oregonlan. WANTED A first -class routing man f"i delivery rtcnariment; muat know his buai neaa; goiM pay and stesdy poalllon.-Appiy to Buprrinlriiiirnt lloli , Inc. W A N I ED me ftrat -claee aollant mathii engine and bnl.r druftantan at ft! r dini. A conpet tve exam in at Ion am le held July 15, 1U12. for lite pui pose of h1. Ing the above position. For furth r in fotmation addreas Commandant, Navy. Yard. Puget Sound, Waahlngton. WANTED Marrbd men 10 work In and about the sawmills of Raymond. Wssh . steady employment to tay workers with opportuiilt lea to get a hotnn In the fasteat growing city m Southwrat Waahlngton. W. W. Maya. KTretry Raymond Employ era A asm. a tion, Raymond, Wsah. A LADY with hualness sblllty and cspahlr 01 u.ic'i 'nr neip in inai s.imni, and sar In letai; ain' whoe-a(n hnsineaa. I will loan rig hi party .Vn of the amount, or wl. take a helf Interest In thtt bua.i.eaa' but I rannnt take an acilte part. L 1S Iregnr (an. SALES MANAOUH. Irgeat real estate office in San Fran elac'i. handling colony landa. dealrea 11 v Port land represent at I ve, references ra- qulr d. Addresa CO-OPERATIVE LAND a TRUST CO.. 5'i5 Market Street. WANTED Man with family, familiar witt Term worn, to rase up rraloence on email place; permanent poaltton. with i.2ft wages tn start; ft rf0 acquires poaaesslon on horns place; balance can be paid fur frem part of wages AN 41. Oregonisn. WANTED Young man with -aom experi ence In printing to set ada and do .lob work ; state waga ex peoted and expert-etii-e. Address Avnlarpi i, Independence, tr. WANTED Hoy for general office w'ot k. ttood opportunity for advancement for th own handmriting, giving reference and ags, A 12o 4)reg.,nian. CAPABLE msn. lake state agencv for latest novtjtv. Bella readily, 75 per cent coniniia. sum. only men of ability ; a Ian have st tractive proposition for msn going ints Alwaka Apply t'Hiav. Til Couch h!lg. WANTED. Flrat -claea real eai ate aaleaman, st once; ran maks 2K to f4K monthly. 4ii yeon nnig. MANUFACTl IClNt concern has a propoei- iumi 1"'')' in niiaireaa eniiliv ann small cspltH), tu engsge In hualness. whole, sale or retail. Ask (or Nelson. n Chain her of cnunerce b'dg. W A NTICD Experienced meet csrvsr. lui mn. I'eerteas areteria HELP YYANTFte FFMAI.K. WANTED A waiirtae. Oregon Real a ur ant, n:t Orand ave W A NTKD tlrm t al aM vent , good eoh, WoodiMirn, ir. atate wnsea. Hotel Doila, WANTKD Olrt lo d general houaewurk ha hrr.rh ("all c HA2 I'ANI HY WOM N. experienced, for tiHSeniettt Wortman A King. Junchriom. nnm. HAMKV WOMAN, etperlencad, for baaeinrni lunch room, niiiw, ortman a K lng VAlllb.cH wanted Pullman Ueetauiant, 14U 2d t GIRL for general houee work. tnuirsiJ K. ftOth snd l in ton. Tabor 35o. WANTED Experiem-ed girl In fruit end orifrt tlonerv atore. )7i jv. Uth. WANTED fllrl for general housewoik. wages Phns E fc4 W A NTED A competent rook, good wag-s. Aptlyat 1 15 North2oth.cornVr tliiaan. 0hd tKKik wanted In desirabls private home. V 1 A.t, regnntan. URL for g-neral housework; family four ad ult a Phone Faat 5ml Refefi nces. O m D etenogrspher w anted. Apply United States Tire Co.. M 7th, beer Oak. WAITRESS wanted. Msjfetie reaiaurant. 21 S Alder st. Al.TEItATION bsnds wsnted o sktrlt and gonna. 1. i'.. itouiney co., do5 Aider aL