Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 11, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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(Concluded rrom Flrtt Pftpe.)
on bemrd. Ih veasela In th escort
Foliowlnir the cuitom established Uat
year fhe Hone Festival managers la.
bored to make the formal entranoa of
the King- Into the city the one brilliant
and spectacular event of the day prob.
ably the most spectacular of the en.
lira week.
A large fleet steamed down the
river as far as Swan Island to meet
the klnr. On board the Bayeceaa was
as, etfU'lal party that led the proces
sloa. The largest party was on the
Bear, which carried the Invited fuestt
of the festival association, vlsltlns; of
flcesa and members of the North went
pevelopment League, railroad officials
aa.4 many prominent Portland people.
Vessels ImM te LtaUs.
long- before the scheduled time of
the Bear's departure, 10:30 A. she
was filled to rapacity. Customs offi
cials prevented many from boarding
the steamer. The overflow was cared
far an the Monarch and other veasela
1 was a hacsi vowd. that on toar4 tha
band dispensed lively muslo and the
crowd fell Into step. '
Captain Nopander and other officers
of the boat dispensed characteristic
hospitality. Punch, cakes and sand
wiches were served In the dining-room.
P. Mart In. the steward, and U. J.
Dusgan, the assistant steward, dis
played eager Interest In tha comfort
and enjoyment of the guests on board.
Fred Hayward. tha purser, also mads
the trip mare delightful for hundreds
by his close attention to their con
veniencea. Vt Interest second to the progress of
the royal yacfet through the harbor
was the cruiser Maryland, anchored
off shore and down stream a short
distance from tha Alnsworth dork,
where the Bear has her moorings. Ths
white caps and blue uniforms of the
sailors lining the rail made a striking
picture as -the long line of vessels
passed In review. Nearly 1000 persona
vialted the cruiser yesterday.
Float Parade to Be Climax.
Hardly had tna crowds recovered from
the pleasuree and excitement attending
the reception and arrival of tha King
when preparatlona were started for the
(estlvtUe of the night. With (ha
"Bridge ( tha Oods. a Wild Wast
show, fireworks at both Council Crest
and Tha Oaks, receptions to visiting
Adman and delegates of the Northwest
Development League and many social
functions Portland bad a busy after
noon and Bight.
Today's programme promises quite
as much entertainment. The climax of
today'a activities will coma with the
electrical parade tonight. Thla will
consist of It floats, allegorlcally de
scriptive of aa many nations. It has
received the personal attention of Man
ager Hutcbln, who promises that it
will ecllpaa all prsvlous presentations
of the kind made on tha Coast.
Besides this, today's festivities pro
vide for band concerts this morning
and receptions on board the Boston,
Maryland and other vessels in the oar
bor. Tha weather for today will be
fair, according to predictions of tbs
Federal bureau.
Vetksei stay Chock. Babies. .
Rom Festival efflctala said last night
that one of tha most helpful Innova
tions In connection wKh thla year's
carnival Is the day nursery maintained
In the Royal building, at Seventh and
Morrison streets, enabling women to
teat nurses so that they may share In
tha festival pastimes.
An Important proceeding of the week
will be the meeting of the executive
commlttea of the Pacific Coast Festival
Association at noon Wednesday. Her
man Matheaon arrived yesterday to
represent tha Belllngham Marathon
meeting - to be held at Belllngham.
Wash.. July 17. Joseph Blethen will
represent the Seattle PoUatoh, while
Mrs. FL C. Bartow, who has prepared a
beautiful float for Wednesday's auto
mobile parade, will act for the Pasa
dena Midwinter Carnival.
In numerous public and private ga
rages owners of automobiles and ex
pert decorators are busy preparing ma
chines that will compete In the annual
automobile parade Wednesday afternoon.
Power Company Ears RasbvHoar
. Traffic No Heavier Than Usual.
In handling the travel within the city
act from suburban points the Portland
Railway. LJght A Power Company bad
virtually all of Its available extra, cars
leave thai? bibles) la, cjtarga at aompe- In service , throughout tha day, A ma-
X. The "Dlx. B. P. a Elks is.
I try. winner of first prttM la work
boat class; owned by W. L. Brora.
. The "Ballsy Oeusrt," bearing
the daUsatea te the Paclfla Coast
Admaa's convention.
I. Royal beree of bta floral majao
ty. Rax Oreeonaa, the "Soa Otter.'
4. The "Bla Throe" ste
"Bear," la tha eaoen of the Kins.
U W. BUI and his party of vlaltlaa
attBBOaota dalasatoe from the North
west Development Leea-ae,
board the "Bear." 1
8. The "Bayeree," which beaded
the marlae paaeeat. bearing the
Judges of the parade.
I The "Betsy B.. wtnaer ef sec
ond prise la pleasure boat class.
T. Municipal ftrebeat. Oeerte H.
a "Kl Roeroe, Dorr B. Kaaaere
launch, bearing Max Bwerdllk, tha
Boy Mayer, aad his CoeaelL
Jority of those who came Into the city
from the suburbs rema'red for tl-e
evrr.lng entertainment and the emges
tlcn of traffic during the rush hou-a of
fie evening was no heavier than usual.
"Travel remained at about the sains
vjlomo throughout ths it.'," was te
report from the train dispatcher yes
terday evening. "Our heaviest trsvel
was vithln the city rather than to and
from the suburbs.'
SOO-metev tat Dole Sl Caldwell, Maaes
ehuaetts Asri'aitural reliefs; Ira K. Lmva
port. VnlTrrwIty of Chtcseo, Clarvnro a. Ed
mundson. Jieattla A. c. ; Jnhn p. Joa. Car.
nail; Jamae B. Mereluh. al.rasburs
Acadaanr. Umr eorabars. fa.: Rarkort si. Put
Bam. C.roa.i . si.ivui W. s&apard. If tea -American
A. C Mew York.
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