Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 10, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Subjects . of Rex Oregonus
Ready to Cast Dull Care
to Winds.
Buildings Festooned In Gay Bunt
ing and Bright Lights Visitor
From Other States Will
Break Former Record.
Subjects of Rex Oregonus are ready
for the coming of the King. His city
Is decked mors splendidly than ever
before In honor of the monarch and of
the season of festival that he will de
clare upon entering his domain.
Kven Dame Nature has lent as
sistance more lavishly than in any
previous year, preparing for him bil
lions of roues, which are the emblem of
Ills Floral Majesty, and In reverence to
which he declares his festival. Nature
went yet further and sent word last
night through her Interpreter, the
weatfier man who lives up In the customs-house,
that blue sky and sun
shine shall prevail In honor of the reign
of the Rose King.
Decorators put the last touches on
their work yesterday and throughout
the city buildings are draped and
streets festooned In a mass of flutter
ing color. - '
Visitors Pour Into City.
Visitors have been pouring into the
city for many days and the registers in
all of the hotels have expanded steadily
until yesterday they reached their max
imum with page after page of names of
visitors who have beard In distant parts
of the world of the glory of the Port
land rose, and have come to do honor
to It. Running over the registers one
finds In predominance names of states
In the East and Middle West or In Can
ada, and frequently one sees "London"
or "Paris" or the name of some other
European city recorded after the sig
nature of the visitor.
Attendance from other states will to
tal 30,000 more than In any previous
year, according to the estimate made
by the transportation companies.
The cruiser Maryland, acting as f'ai
shlp to the King, reached the lower
harbor yesterday afternoon and this
morning Rex Oregonus will come up the
river, transfer from his flagship to the
flea Otter, his royal barge, and, pass
ing through the harbor with an escort
of more than IjO ships and motor rraft,
land at the Stark-street dock and form
ally enter the city.
Clubs t tireet Klaa.
The steamer Bnar will drop down
from the Ainsworth dock at 10:3 this
morning to Join the escort of the King,
magnificently decorated for the occa
sion and bearing 1000 persons who are
eager to welcome Rex Oregonus and
accompany him on his triumphal prog
ress through the harbor. The Bally
Uatxert will bear the delegates to the
Pacific Coast Admen's convention. sn.I
many other boats have been chartered
by different clubs and other organiza
tions that plan to take an active place
In the escort of honor. On the Bear,
with other rltliens. will be the recep
tion committee from the Commercial
Club and Its guests of the Minnesota
business men's excursion party to the
Northwest Development League con
vention. The escort to the King's barge will
be under the command of Grand Mar
shal C. V. Cooper, who has ordered all
the boats to assemble In their places
at 10:30 this morning. Class A. or
work boats, decorated for the occasion,
will form at the dock of the Portland
Flouring Mill Company, on the Kaat
Hide, under the command of Captain
Beyers, of the Dlx. Classes B and C.
cruisers, cabin boats and open pleasure
boats, will assemble at the Pacific Ele
vator Company's dock on the East
Side, and will be under command of
Captain Brown, of the Betsy B.
Umm 'Will tilve KlsraaU
Every draw Is to be opened and to
remain open while the royal parade
passes through the harbor, turns above
Hawthorn bridge and, passing down
ward one more, disperses in yie lower
After the parade rounds the stake
boat above the Hawthorne bridge, the
King's barge will fall out of Una and
Ilex Oregonus will review the pageant
prepared In his honor.
.Then, at high noon, amid the boom
ing of cannon upon the cruiser Mary
land, the crulMer Boston and the
learner Bear, which has been equipped
with two guns for the purpose of fir
ing salutes, the royal barge will glide
lo a landing at Stark street. For five
minutes every whistle In the city and
every hell will be loosed In a pande
monium of Joyful greeting.
Mayer ts Feller Keys,
Met at the landing-place by the state
and municipal officers. Rex Oregonus
will be escorted to the City Hall, where
he will receive from the hands of the
Vavor the keys of the city.
The scrolls of the heralds will he
, unfurled and the King will go forth,
declaring a week of festivities In the
city, and commanding his loyal sub
jects to cast care to the winds and
enter Into the merrymaking with all
their hearts.
Krom that moment the festival spirit
that has been swelling stronger and
stronger as each day brought nearer
the arrival of the King, will burst Into
full sway, and everything workaday
will be banished from the city for a
t full week, until the passing of the
King on Saturday night takes away
from Portland the, spirit of carnival
that has been granted a week of un
' leashed liberty.
The very structure of the municipal
government will tumble topsy-turvy.
for Mayor Rushlight and his Council.
deposed for a season, will give place
to the newly-elected Boy Mayor, Max
twerdllk, and his Juvenile Council, who
will legislate wisely and well and will
build, for one week, myriads of munic
ipal castles In Ppaln for the Rose City.
Mblrlwlaa ef Jay Pleased.
The programme for the afternoon
grants not a moment of pause At 1
o'clock the Wild West parade of
"Ranch lot" will pass through the
streets and an hour later, aquatle
aports will attract the crowd ta the
harbor The receptions to the visiting
delegates to the Admen's convention
and the members of the Northwestern
Development League convention will be
a part of the complex whirlwind of
amusement In the afternoon and early
Twinkling lights bursting forth In
Increasing numbers. until Portland
Heights biases with electric festoons
and with Japanese lanterns, will sum
mon all to the Feast of Lanterns at
o'clock, and half an hour later, some
11.000 people will be gathered In Mult
nomah Field to wltneaa the apectacle
of "The Brlda-e of the Oods."
Mo-e than 110.000 going up In the
flame and smoke of the pyrotechnics at
the Oaks and upon Council Crest will
be the lust feature of the crowded day
and give promise of a tide of festivity
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rising to a still higher flood tomorrow,
when Rex Oregonus enters upon the
second day of his reign.
Vancouver See Scores of Festival
Attendants Pass Through.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. June . (Spe
cial.) Scores of machines, bound for
the Rose Festival in rortiana, irora
Seattle, Taeoma, Victoria and Van
couver, B. C, nave been passing
through today. The road from beattie
to Kelso Is said to be good, but on this
side it Is rough and hard to travel.
Several from Beattie, who know why
the Pacific highway Is In Its present
condition, heaped abuse on the heads
of those responsible for the defeat of
the appropriation In the Legislature
which would have built a good road
through Clark snd Cowlitx counties.
Several machines, startina- from Be
attie at 7:00 o'clock this morning, made
the trip In 12 hours and continued to
Portland. Three parties from Van
couver. B. C, started Friday, and. ar
rived here tonight, making a leisurely
Proprietors Now Wish Thejr Had
Just Tttlco as Much Room."
This Is one time that the proprietors
of Portland hoatelrlea are wishing they
had "Just twice as much room." The
fortunate visitors are those who made
reservations; others will be obliged to
make the best of a situation to which
the capacity of the hotels cannot re
spond adequately.
At all of the prominent hotels.
numerous reservations were listed sev
eral weeks ago. Registration at all of
the hostelrtes yesterday was unusually
heavy, indicating an unequauea mrong
of visitor for the week. Coupled with
the reservations that have been made
and the Increased number of visitors
that arrived Saturday and yesterday,
several of the hotels already are hav
ing extreme difficulty to take care of
their guests.
Astoria to Close for Elks' Parade.
ASTORIA, Or- June I. f Special. ) In
response to a petition with numerous
signatures Mayor Henderson Issued a
proclamation today requesting all the
business houses of the city to close
Thursday. July lL the date of the prin
cipal parade st the Elks' National con
vention in Portland. About 400 of
the Astoria members of the order will
go to Portland to participate in the pa
rade and by having a holiday locallv
It Is expected that several hundred
other Aatortans will attend.
ftazel Woodslde. 13 years old. has won
the olize for hvlne tha heat developed child
of Iter as in uroosiine, ataaa. ena says
that physical development ought to basin
when one la very youns. and that aha waa
tauaht to take exercise before aha could
Mail to your friends in the
F.At The Oregonian daring the
Rose Festival week, beginning
Monday, June 10, and ending
with tha great Sunday edition,
June 16. Complete and ex
haustive reports, with numerous
high-class halftone illustrations,
will be featured daily.
The Portland Annual Rose
Festival has been widely adver
tised throughout the 4Jnited
States, and no more attractive
testimonial to your frienfts eould
be given than a subscription to
Oregon's great daily during the
Orders given now at the Busi
ness Office or sent by mail to
The OreRonian will receive
prompt and careful attention.
Subscription price for the en
tire week, including postage, 20
cents. '
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Magnates and Business Men
Frolic at Seaside.
Notables, on Way to Portland Fes
tival, Poso for Moving Film Op
erator Have Sport With Cub
Bears at Resort.
SEASIDE, Or, June . (Special.)
Ninety delegates to the Northwest De
velopment League arrived here today
and passed the day In rest beside the
sea. before taking part in the gaieties
of ths Rose Carnival at Portland. The
party Is composed of representative
business and railroad men from Ore
gon. Washington. Idaho, Montana,
North Dakota, South Dakota and Min
nesota. Louis W. Hill, chairman of the
executive board of the Great North
ern Railroad, beads the party. Among
the Portland members of the party
were President Young of the Hill lines
In Oregon. Oeneral Passenger Agent
Coman, General Superintendent Rus
sell. Division Superintendent Alcuuire
and Archbishop Christie.
Archbishop Christie conducted ser
vices In the Catholic Church. Iter
the members assembled at the Hotel
Moore, where a luncheon of sea food
wss served.
Many members of the party from the
Interior states had their first taste of
fresh Chinook salmon, rasor clams snd
cracked deep-sea crab. After the
luncheon the party Indulged in a frolic
on the beach. A movlng-plcture man
obtained Alms of the sedate business
men running footraces and wre.'gllng
on the sand. These will be shown at
the next meeting of the league in
Portland. Antics of a pair of bear
cubs furnished much amusement for
the notables. A picture of Mr. Hill
lesdlng them by a chain was caught
by tbe camera man.
A change was made In the Itinerary
of the special train to allow the party
to make a short stop in Astoria. Leav
ing here in the afternoon, the train
continued to Fort Stevens and thence
to Astoria. After a few hours In As
toria the party continued the Journey
to Portland for the opening of the
Rose Carnival.
Mr. Hill was pleased with the trip
and the town of Seaside. .
Commercial Club to Entertain Visi
tors Elaborately.
Com in a from Seaside, where they
passed yesterday, the delegation of
Minnesota business men irom m
Northwest Development Isgue con
vention will arrive In Portland at 1:10
A. M. today on their special train, and
(or two days the members of the big
party will be the guests of the Port
land Commercial Club during the Rose
Roses are to be taken to the Com
mercial Club, which will be the head
quarters of the Eastern visitors while
thev are here, and gorgeous decora
tions will be mads in preparation for
their coming.
At 7:10 o'clock this morning a spe
cial car bearing the reception com
mittee, with a great supply of roses,
will leave Second and Stark streets.
The special committee will meet the
Minnesota visitors at Burllnaton and
accompany them Into Portiano.
Kate-rtalaaaeat ta Be Varied.
Not a moment of taelr visit In Port
land will be allowed to hang heavily
tiDon their hands, for the committee
has prepared for them a continuous
4. i a.
round of entertainment that will make
It Dosslble for them not only to en-
Joy the principal features of the first
two days of the festival, but to become
real actors in the great Rose Feast of
the West.
Leaflets have been prepared by the
Commercial Club and .will be given to
the visitors as guides and souvenirs of
tbe festival, and upon the front page
of these programmes Is printed tne ioi
lowlng welcome from the Portland
Welcome: Tha hearia of the Northern
transcontinental' rallwaya. tha offloere and
delesatea of tha Northwest Development
league, the bankers and Dualneaa men 01
Minnesota, the Dakotaa and Montana all
who are honoring Portland by travellns
thousands of milea In their special train to
view our nose Keatlval all Indeed are wel
come to tha Rose fit v. It la our earnest
tfoslre to make our sueste aa happy as poa-
slble during their brief visit: it la our en
deavor to provide them with every oppor
tunity end facility for aeelng our CUT. Its
paseanta and entertainmenta. and for meet
ing our people. Portland la entertaining
more than 3OO.0t0 visitors thla week and It
ta tha purpoae of thla special, printed pro
gramme to give to our gueata euh Infor
mation as will be of service to them, so they
may avail themaelvea of everything that haa
been prepared for them, commlttaea will ba
In attendance upon tha gueata upon every
occasion for their guidance and entertain
ment. The programme for their entertain
ment Is in detail as follows:
Monday: T :SO A. M Special car leaves
Second and Stark etreeta, bearing reoaptlon
committee with roses: a A. M. Committee
meets special train at Burlington; :0 A.
M. Bperlal train arrives. North Bank De
pot: S 4.-. A. M. Automobile tour of Waet
Side residence districts, displaying rose
hedgea and gardens; 43 A- M Automo
biles arrives Alniworth dork:- gueata and
committee embark en ateaaser Bear: 10:30
A. M. Departure of steamer Bear to wel
come Rex Oregonus. King of tha Roea Kea
tlval; 'water pageant on the Willamette
River: 1 P. M. Luncheon Multnomah Hotel,
compliments wf Progreaalvw Business Man's
League and Portland t'ommerrlal Club; 2 P.
M. Convention of Pacific oal A4ertlalng
Men's Association. Multnomah Hotel: :o V.
M. Reception Portland Commercial Club;
p. M. Banquet, main dining-room. Port
land Commercial Cluh; . P. II. Depart la
automobiles for Multnomah field to aee "The
Bridge of the Onus."
Tusdy ll'.SO A. M Automobile, leave
Portland Commercial Club for tour through
East Portland to North Portland, where
luncheon will be aerved. 12:0 P. M. Lanrh.
eon at packing plant of Union Meat fom
nanv. 1 :A0 P. if. continuation of automo
bile tour along Columbia Hlver. Kor the
eonrenlence of those who have other en
gagements, automobiles will be In r-sdlneaa
at tha Portland Commercial Club to make
tha aama tour covered by thoae departing
at o'clock. Tha Kaat fciue lour win
Ha under tha lolnt auspices of tha automo
bile committee and tha East Side Buaineea
Men's Association. 4:80 Y. M. Women of
the Willamette Valley, of tha Minnesota
Society and of tha Portland Commercial
Club, under tha auspices of the Minnesota
Society of Oregon, will Inspect and dcorete
the special train with roaea. S:0 P. M.
Train will depart.
Card Olves All rrtvtleenw. '
To each meat on tha train there will
be presented an envelope containing a vla
Itor'a card, entitling the poasrsaor to full
membership privileges In the Portlsnd Com
merclel Club for two weeks; guest badge,
with name-holder attached. Souvenir pro
grammes of Rosa Festival; coupon tlcketa;
couoona to be detached by gueata and pre
sented at lunrheona. banquet or wherever
admission tlcketa are collected.
an functions will be Informal. Informa
tloa headquarters are at tha office of the
Portland Commercial Club. Commercial Club
building. Fifth and Oak atreeta.
The entertainment committee to welcome
tha Northwest Development 1-eagne excur
sion to Portland Is ss follows: E. B. Plner.
chairman: George W. Klelaer. A. D. Charl
ton. Oeorge M. McDowell, A. C Clark. I. M.
Lepper. J. Fred I -arson. Ouy W. Talbot.
W. J. Hofmann. p. F.rkman. F. W. Hlld.
Ralph Hoyt. F. C. Knapp. R. C. Bishop.
John Annand. W. E. Coman. John . Beall.
C H. King. J. H. Burgard. T. N. Btoppen
bach. F I- West. C. S. Jackson. C H. King.
R. W. Raymond. W. C. Wilkes, a. H. Rmlt
ton. Frank C Rlggs. Eugene Brookings. A
C. Callan. E. McCardle. F. A. Freemajl, C.
C. Chapman. J. J. Bayer. A. L Taraell. C.
K- Hnry, O. F. Johnaon, Julius L. Meier.
Oeorge M- H viand. Tom Rlchardaon. F. H.
Fogarty. M- C. Hall. A. W. Clark. B. C.
IjkHnaAfl C T. Hill.
Automobile for tha tonr of Portland for
the Minnesota vlsltora will be furnished by:
Olds. Wortman King. W. Hull. Cornelius
Hotel. Dr. C. W. Cornelius. J. . tiraoiey,
Vre.l l-arrnn.. Harry E. Wood. Ouy W. Talbot,
H. W. Mitchell. H. J. Ottenhelmer. Charlea
nauld. H. H. Tinker. N. B. Htewart. B. W.
Matthews, Oregon Independent paving Com
pany, R. St. Gray. W. M. ltau. a. a. win
ters. J. W. Wlnthrop Hammond.
William H. Daushtrey. Dr. E. B. McDanlel.
F. W. Hlld. John It. Burgard. Oeorge W.
Simons. Julius L. Meier, o. O. Hall. T. J.
Beufert. Dr. J. F. Worcester. Frank R.
Kerr. F. C. Stettler. Seneca Smith, F. F.
Powers. W. F. Ros. C. H. Sholea, A. L.
Mll'.a, Frank W. Bwanton. Oskar Huher.
Hctirv L. Corbett. P. Ant sen. H. A. Sargent.
Walter Marker. H. U Cbapio, S. Brons. B.
B. Lutan and J. B. Teoa.
Carnival of Nations Tuesday
Might Will Reveal Ages of
Manager of Rose FrMlval Gives In
sight Into Tfetalls or One of
Most Brilliant Features
of Gay Week.
The Carnival of Nations, the sym
bolic electrical parade that haa become
a feature of world-wide note In the
Portland Rose Festival, will be larger
thla year then ever before. There are
at least four more of the big floats
building In the Den on the Fair
Grounds than were In the line of march
last year. The finishing touches are
being put upon them and on Tuesday
night they will glide out through the
streets of Portland, flaming spectacles
to surprise and delight the throngs of
Oeorge L, Mutchln. manager of the
Rose Festival, who has designed each
year the floats for the electrical pa
rade, while he does not disclose fully
the plana that are being put Into exe
cution behind the closed doors of the
Den, declares that In the designs for
this year be baa outdone all of his
previous efforts.'
"I believe we will produce this year
something that has never been equaled
In any other carnival Irr the world, in
spectacular perfection," be said.
Electrical Mrs latereete.
The Interest that renters In the
great parade Is manifested by the fact
that a party of delegates from the
Electrical Men's Convention In Prattle
have arranged to visit Portland for
the especial purpose of witnessing this
Preceding the line of floats will be
a mammoth basket of roses, guarded
by a pilot peacock and two dragon
fountains, symbolic of the wealth of
Portland's flowers.
Mr. Hutchin has prepared the fol
lowing outline of the nature of the
floats in the parade In the order la
which they will come:
C-r . I Res.
On a gorgeous throne borne upon the
back of a golden pheasant, sua his majesty,
the King. In order that all hie loval sub
jects may gaaa upon the countenance of
their sovereign. This beautiful bird of
Oregon Is regal In the splendor of Ita plu
mage, and the royal robes of hie majesty
via In their coloring with tha rich dyea of
the plumage. It la a motif woven with lotua
ana illy ana in royal plumage or niru
and sovereign. Th royal coal of arms
Is smlilssonrd upon a shield behind which
stsnd guards and courtirra. pas' ana ner
Car N. x Ctiaiaay.
Ttia Ufa or ereat aventa la tha history
of nations under tha title of "Carnival of
Nations.- la the subject Ihst Rex Oregonus
hss elected to portray In his royal pageant
thla year. The crowning glory of Germany
are the arhlevementa or rrraericK "
Oreat. In thla tableau. Frederick the Great
la seen mounted upon a dapple gray charg
er. He haa Just emerged from hie castle
on the Rhine ana greets nis euojerta met
bow allegiance. Hla tableau car blossoms
with the royal purpi riower. tne insignia
of majesty. Germany boaata of poets, sculp
tors, ertleta and atateemen and warriors
aa well, but no man of fighting mien will
ever bold a securer niche In the Teutonic
heart and In the tempi of fame than
Frederick the Great.
Car It. 1
Th Muscovlt does not feel natural In
Russia till th flakes of snow spread a pall,
aa It were, over the earth. In rar three
th Cxar and Cxarlna ar enjoying an out
ing aa they glide swiftly over the fnty
thoroughfares. Th camel la. a flower of
Russia that growa readily through the
snows of that realm, ornamenta the hlsh
waya and tbe bywats and make a beauti
ful picture of pink on a field of white
Hla majesty, wishing to Inspire tha lova of
hla people, haa Juat ventured out In public
without the customary army of defenders.
The moequa I In evidence and tha lights
gleam from tha glowing window a
Tar Na. 4 Tbe Isles ef Greece.
The Islee of Oreoce. where Delo ro
and Sapho eang. ta th pretty theme of
car four. This land of the mystic gods, rich
In literature, art and aong. has a legend
that the denliens of tha deep lured men
and goda to their watery wastes, and In aafe
retreat war hind to thoea they loved aod
marred or maimed th one they hated.
Beneath th foam-flecked ereat of the aea
reat calmly tha enchantreeoe surrounded
by th golden friend of tha finny trlbea.
Tha coral reef form a picturesque fram.
for the aquatic panorama. Th mammoth
melnaks, despoiled of their pesrls. afford
a pleasant resting place for the recumbent
naiads that dwell In the valleys of the
Car Ne. I Hollawd.
Th greet est rlimsx snd the crowning
glory of Holland la its home lire and tts
peaceful routine of dally duties. It la the
land of the morning glory, the welcome
tnrk nd tha gentle hum of Induatrv. The
sweep of the windmill turns leisurely Icier
Juat aa It turned centuries agone. The hon
eysuckle creeps ever th thrhoid and en
twines with the rose. The Industries of
peace typify the Heat that Is Hollandleh.
Tableau car five haa portrayed tha life of
Holland Idealised. Fair women wasdrr
over fair fleida ef flagrant clover and
rest beneath bower of fragrant blooms Bv
an artlatle arrangement ef colored lights
the flowers eeem to have tricked the moon
beams Inte tha grortes ef a prismatic blend.
Car N. Fair Japaa.
Fair Japan Is famoua for Ita cherry btoa
snm paraaea and Ita wealth of wistaria. Ita
biasing aun In a field of white floats on
every sea. a flag of peace and potency. Csr
six revels la color and roveala a design of
Oriental eplendor that tha Occident cannot
match, nor aoally understand. The a of
Vlachna or Buddha, bearing Ita rich floral
offerings. Is an Inspiration fit foe the gods
of Bal-Marduk. Wonderful ssrdena axe
mirrored In tha pillars of wistaria, while
the Vlueea of Fair Japan s Fairyland alts
enthroned upon a dal before th golden sun.
rar No- T Itneaaw Galley.
In the daye of Julius Caeear the galley
wa the dreadnought ef th Roman navy.
Cmr aeven la tha reincarnation of th fighting
rraft that awept foaa from th aea and made
Imperloue Rome a world power worthy or
the noma. Rome, the eternal city, pinned
her faith to the galley, which In Ita day
was a powerful fighting machine, but today
It la a mere relic of primitive warfare
Once grest In a thouaand naval battle. It
would not now be thoueht wrthy of decent
burial In a navel boneyard. .
t ar N a areata.
The world owe Spain a debt of gratitude
for snaking It poelbls for thst Intrepid ex
plorer. Columbus, to discover America. Car
eight ta dual In character. It ahowa the
bow of the nanta Maria and th lliron of
Ferdinand and Isabella. Columbus la re
turning In victory from bin conquest of the
New World. He brings with him aborigines
and epcte of th bird aod animal life found
In the new continent, which the prophets
said was richer In gold than Orphua and Ind.
The golden poppy blend with the dassllng
lights and ahade of the royal surround
ings. Stately and grand, atanda Columbus,
eager and expectant th rulers of Hlapanla.
who Imagine that tha great discoverer has
found a country whr untold waltn
rar Na. t aace.
The coronation f Josephine by Napoleon
waa probable tha greatest climax la tha
history of France. Car nine presents the
royal conrt of the volatile emplr Just as
Bonaparte la placing the royal diadem opon
the too we1 head of hla beloved consort. The
fleur-de-lis. or flower of Louie, stands forth
In bold relief upon thla magnificent car.
Two golden forma eatend crowning wreaths
to the sweet Queen who later fell a victim
to th Emperor s ambition.
rar No- ia Alaaka.
No 10 prent a picture of th "Land of
th Midnight Bun," war th snow have
seldom known tha tread of tha white man
feet. The great white bear Is monarch of
h. lurvfu. whlla tha nenauln alts aloft
on tha Icy floes to watch the sturdy 15s-
qulmo and hla tloga. Tnie car la a mari
nf iieht effect. The mlflnisht aun la sinking
among tha glaclera. Here Is depicted the
pulplta of nature, aurrounded by those vast
ampltheaters that beggar description and
lure the gold-hunter to hla fata or fortune
or nameleea death.
Car No. 1 1 Moot Carlo.
Tha flight of rlrhee epitomised In Mont
Carlo '.a ahown tn car 11. Hronsert eary
tida of heroic else support a gorgeous can
opy over the gaming tame, ener iiiv
croupier garner the nimble coins. Like
butterflies, the wealth and fashion of all
nations pay tribute to ricme lonune. sue
fountalna plav and the dull aplashlng of
th waters chimes with the low murmur f
th erased and venturesome novlc who
...v. .n ..... wav to wealth. Tha players
who win are heralded to the world, but the
poor unfortunate atnka silently away.
Car N. It India.
Car 12 describes In a beautiful way th
ow famous pareant know to the world as
tha Durbar. t pon atate occasions, wnen
the crowned heada of Great Britain or Its
vteo-royalty. appeara In India, the native
Prince project a parable in nonor in -
occasion. It consists of elcpnanis. camei
train and wondrous horsea. Th gay trap
nines and rater nartlrluante form a gorge
ous picture. The picturesque houria ur-
mountlng two elepnenle la a oisse ... i...
that eparkle Ilk Jewela in a diadem. This
car deplete a wide eectlon of the classic
pageantry for which India Is now Justly
tar , 11 Turkey.
K. nstlon la mora Interesting and fruit
ful of history than the Ottoman Empire.
It occuple a unique posiuon among m,
world power. Ita home life I typified l.y
r vm. li which afford a peep at Glides
Kiosk, the royal home or nis majea.j. ,.
Ki.ion enif Her hlahocas. tne eune-ne..
About hr tn grouped ner court iu.c.
Ti,. ..,... moon the s.1mltar and the
veiled effect, all of Orlcntsl flat or. predom.
Inate. Thla car reachea the height of Its
effect in Its color chem.
Caw N. 14 China.
Far cathev. no longer far away, Is now
th new empire Its feast of Innterne. in
crowning glory of Its annual enta. Is d-
pl-ted In car 14. Tne manner. n m ..."
Mancnu dynasty haa been dlplaed by the
nw order of things. Her oman has
been given her pert to plav. The high
flying kit, the Innocent pastime of devo
tee of Buddha, haa gone with the dea.l
regime, and modem met boos away. Hen
Oregonus ba emneiuenea tn.e i r ......
the floral wealth of the t eleallal. It la a
verltsbls kaleidoscope.
far Se. IS Rgypt.
Cleopatra, the daughter of the Nile, rules
car 14. The beauteous Queen was the chief
high priestess of the lotus-eaters. Idly she
drifts, whlla Imperial Rome awaiia an.!
Mare Antonv bartera eoul and bonor lor a
elgb from her lips and a smile from her
ees. The swan disports himself In the
mirror lake beyond, while the Kphlns of
porphyry elands suard In the lotus and the
Illy la the heart of Flora, th quaen of flow
ra. Oregonus has conceived a beautiful
picture here. The vast fountain la a mass
of colored lights sunken beneaih the splasti-
Ing watera. A they (lash tnelr van-cm-ored
shadea tha fountain gleams and glows
like a gem.
tar M. ! Great Britain.
England had her climax In th union of
her tte and colonlca. Res Oregonu
uea freely the emblematic ehtekl of Great
Britain the Hon and the unicorn. The
provinces are symbolised by beautiful young
ladles, while p.rltannla rest upon a mam
moth lion, slgnsllxlng that ah sways her
dependencies. The thistle of ticotland alio
the shamrock of Ireland are made to orna
ment thla tableau car most lavishly. Th
brilliancy of It Illumination I s msttor
for pccil wonderment. Hundreds of beau
tiful electric globe shaded to harmonise
wlih their surroundings, make this tableau
float Ui color
(Continued From First rage. )
lonar the river the Maryland was
areeted. either by cheers, noisy whistle
salutes, or by waving of flags, snd as
often as she was hailed her plrrrlng
whistle sounded three blasts In return.
At one or two points eas-er river
folk atood close to the edge of the bank
and were drenched with spray as the
swells of the cruiser dashed against
the shore. The high stage of the river
tended to accentuate the power of the
I.S Kaft early Hit.
Twice on the run upstream the Mary
land slackened pace. The first time
was Just after the cruiser psssed the
Tongue Tolnt Crossing, when the oil
tank ateamer J. A. Chanslor was ahead
for a short time. Tlio Chanslor was
passed quickly when a wider channel
was reached. The second time the
Maryland alowed was off the foot of
Walkrr'a Island, where a runaway
boom of logs, lost by the steamer We
on, drifted almost across the cruis
er's bow. but Pilot Pease swung the
great craft no that the collision which
seemed Imminent was avoided and the
raft drifted by three feet from the
ship's side.
on reaching the harbor Captain
F.lllcott complimented Harbormaster
bpoler, who made the trip from the
ocean aa the representative of Msyor
Rushlight, on his selection of moor
ings, and said thst with an ahundsnce
of water beneath the keel and sur
roundlnc the ship and the location af
fording a view of river events, as well
as easy access to the city, he was per
fectly satisfied.
Skip Ke-rarrly Mow red.
Lieutenant Commander C.J. Lang, ex
ecutive officer of the Maryland, had his
share of troubles in getting; the ship
moored, but waa aeaisted by the tug John
MrCracken, the harbor patrol force and
the Marie, of the Port of Portland, so
she was firmly secured for her work's
stay. IJeutenant Commander 1-ang will
leave the vessel for a few days to tske
examination for promotion. Another
to aever his connection with the ward
room is IJeutenant C. A. HonblUlan.
who departs for New Orleans on leave
and haa not been Informed of his future
When the Maryland crossed Into the
Columbia Frldsy there waa much evi
dence of fresh nalnt about her decks.
and all yesterday morning a swarm of
bluejackets scrubbed thn ticcss wnn
sand, which, on being washed down
with hose, left them white.
Kefore the anchors acre down yester
day 60 men swarmed over the sides
and rigged staging on which they stood
to paint, orders having been issued that
every part between the waterltne and
top side" must be freshly covered
with a new coat of gray by this morn
ing. bray Official Color.
The Navy Department has adopted
e-r.v and officers In command are
urged to cover all bright work, brass
and wood, wherever practicable, so
htie tha shin nreaents a decidedly
serviceable aspect, there Is a noticeable
absence of the polished Drass raua anu
deck equipment that has glistened In
'jJjai-yiand'a complement totals S49
persons made up of 2 officers, 61
marines and 7r,7 bluejackets.
Twenty of the Maryland's crew re
entered civil life yesterday, as their
four-year enlistments expired and they
were paid off. ..... , ..
A complete roster of the Maryland s
officers follow: Csptsln J. M. Elllcott,
Lleutensnt-Commander q. J. Lang.
Lleutenant-C'ommandnr L. S. filiapley,
Lieutenant-Commander R. R. Pope.
Lieutenant W. U Calhoun. Lieutenant
K. A. Llchtensteln, Lieutenant C. W.
Crosse, Lieutenant H. T. Kays, Knslicn
W K. Kllpatrlck. Ensign II. B. Me
rle'arv. Knslgn A. G. Olson. Knslgn H.
TV. Underwood. K.DSlgn F. C. Sherman,
Ensign D. B. Beary, Knslgn T. A. Par
ker Ensign W. K. Haughman, Knslgn
H. Vv. HI1L Knslgn N. L. Kirk, Knslgn
ML Hodson. Knslg;n C. U. McCord, Hur
geon K. A. Vickery. Burgeon A. B. Hay
ward. Paymaster E. C. Tobey, Captain
C. Campbell. United mates Marine
Corps, Boatswain W. DeFrles, Gunner
H. McEvoy, Gunner J. K. Thompson,
Chief Carpenter J. J. Murphy, Chief
Machinist F. V. Ingram, Chief Ma
chinist F. F. Kralnek. Chief Machinist
K a. Rsndsll. Pay Clerk O. F. Cato.
Ensign H. W. Hill, of the Maryland.
Is a cousin of Bert and Tom Farrcll, of
Everdlns; A Farrell, this city.
Fred L. Ingram, chief machinist, waa
In Portland on the Charleston In 1907.
He was formerly In the bpreckels'
Seats at
Bridge of
The Gods"
ance Com
mences at
8:45 P.M.
"Tlio linos of tlio actors car
ried clcniiy to every part of the
jnnnflslftntl." Orrgnnian He
view. Seat Sale nt
Drug Store
Sixth nnd WaHhinRton
TODAY 10 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M.
Box seats, $2.00.
Grandstand, first 6 rows, $1.50.
Balance of grandstand, $1.00.
General Admission
Children Under 12
Take cars going west on Washing
ton or Morrison streets.
service and was chief engineer on the
transport clsndla.
Paymaster li. C. Tobcy. who Is her
alded hy the wardroom contingent as
the most versHtlle member of the mesa,
was with Admiral Walker when the
latter was in charm of the Panama
Canal and Is responsible for the sy
system thst exists toriay on the canal.
"Jim" Is the name of a Panama mon
key, having a body less than a f' f
long, who wns signed on during tuu
Maryland's last cruise.
"Pld" and "Ml Kg," two dugs, are the
property of CnpUIn Klllcott. They are
favorite pels aboard the cruiser.
Nellie, a fox terrier, like "Pld." be
longs forward, whllo there Is a pup
of the same breed attached to the med
ical department and a shanty canine
"turns to" with the forecastle crowd.
"Billy" is the name of a goat that
was shipped at Honolulu following a
game of baseball between the Mary
land's nine and that of the Second In
fantry. The Army lost the goat when
they lost the game.
KnslRn Hill, msnscer of the cruiser's
nine, says they are open to challenges
from the Klks, Knights of Columbus
or any other organisation that desires
to try hlttlnir the Maryland's twlrlers.
Attention, visitor to the
Rose Show! You ill
want to sot the new piano
sloro at 'J'-'U Thin! htreet.
irlh visit iticr for ita
Ix'Riity p.n1 fine line of
inno ami. player pianos
shown. Vou will want to
player pinno. Kotoing
equals it. If yon are in
the market for a piano, wtt
ran a u r e I y save you
money. Mate ours a utop
pinff place ami enjoy tha
music. Kreo phone, eta
tionery, anil n place to
leave your liiirKape. Y
welcome you.
Piano Co.
O. W. Kcncndy, Mgr.
Phone. Main 1288.
has produced the most successful rem
edy for woman's Ills the world has over
Nearly forty years ago I.ydln K.
rinkham, of I.ynn. Mass., discovered n
combination of rtots and herbs wlileli
w lien properly compounded hss prove.1
to he a most rellnblo remedy for all
forms of female, Ills.
To restore a normal healthy condi
tion to tlio female system, l.ydla K.
I'lnk ham's Veiretal le Compound Is the
standard remedy of the world.
1 : " "SM